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How to Cook Bacon in a Conventional Oven

How to Cook Bacon in a Conventional OvenIX536 Willia Jordan, Instructor

Breakfast FactsBenefits of eating a healthy breakfast include: A diet higher in nutrients, vitamins and mineralsImproved concentration and performanceStrength and endurance for physical activityLower cholesterol levels Men and women who eat eggs are likely to eat bacon.

(Zelman, n.d.)(Tanne, 1999)

ObjectivesCorrectly identify equipment needed for cooking bacon in a conventional oven (100%).

Correctly cook bacon to a crispy doneness level in a conventional oven (100%).

Demonstrate the procedure of cooking bacon in a conventional oven by creating a video your process (90%).

Objectives (Continued)Journal your experience of carrying out the procedure of cooking bacon in a conventional oven (90%).

List the steps for cooking bacon in a conventional oven (100%).

Score at least 90% on a web-based test covering information learned in the course.

Equipment NeededConventional Oven

Oven Mitt or Pan Holder

Baking Pan (Cookie Sheet)

Equipment (Continued)

Paper Towels



Equipment (Continued)

IngredientsSliced Bacon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Step 1.

Place bacon on cookie sheetStep 2.

Step 2. (Continued)

Place bacon in the ovenStep 3.

Check bacon after 5 minutes for doneness and turn with forkStep 4.

Return bacon to oven and remove from oven when crispyStep 5.

Place bacon on a plate covered with paper towelsStep 6.

Step 6. (Continued)

Absorb excess fat from bacon by patting with paper towelsStep 7.

Step 7. (Continued)

Finished ProductCrispy bacon!

To Do ListReview the PowerPoint Presentation

Cook your bacon and videotape the process

Journal your experience and list the steps for cooking bacon in a conventional oven

Take the web-based test covering materials learned in the course

ReferencesTanne, J. (1999, April 24). An egg a day is not harmful. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1115499/ Zelman, K. (n.d.). The many benefits of breakfast. Retrieved from http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/many-benefits-breakfastZelman, K. (n.d.). The many benefits of breakfast. Retrieved from http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/many-benefits-breakfast

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