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Page 1: William diaz how machines have made live easier

ISAE Universidad

TeacherLeslie Santiago

studentWilliam Diaz

Identity card8-907-745

Mattertechnical English

GroupLEI # 26


Page 2: William diaz how machines have made live easier

How machines have made live easierThe same human evolution has been supported by tools and since time immemorial has been his faithful companion, human development, and the brain itself was created to survive. Technology has always existed, for example in times of primitive man this was reflected in the work tools they manufactured, or in the first inventions that the first men discovered such as

fire, clothing, painting, the press among other great inventions that have been vital to humans, and thanks to all inventions discovered have been able to create new ideas and all this is technology. The birth of

technology creation is based on our needs, as this emerges as a clear way to improve, improve, analyzed, for the development and evolution of human beings.

Today there are countless technological advances that have allowed better development. The technology today is beneficial and necessary for the daily life of people, thanks to all this technology man has a life of comfort. We have had so much technological development that long ago would have been unimaginable, yet it is a reality, the human being is able to develop highly advanced technology that has been vital and helpful to human life; It has great benefits but it also has its disadvantages as man often does not give the correct use of technology as it should, and occupies important things that have no importance, but instead do without important. Technological advances are becoming more frequent and in less time, this evolution can note in the cell, for example, the first cell phone story appeared in 1983 and was even heavier than a modern cordless phone, was very poor quality from the mobile phone have created a variety of cell phones to reach that exist today, they have excellent technology, its weight is much smaller, have a battery that allows us to spend more time on them, they are more aesthetic and not only serve to make calls or send messages, now we can chat, storing pictures, music, videos, connect to the Internet, send and receive emails, listen to radio and even watch TV, among other functions.

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The life of a human being today is more comfortable but we have become so dependent on technology that now most people cannot live without a cell phone, a tablet, a computer without a TV; if we do not have all or any of these devices we feel that we are not worth or do not belong to all other society if they are able to have this technology, society in general has become dependent on technology and have fallen into conformism, thinking that technology will solve all our problems when this is only a means which we can support. The internet is one of the greatest inventions since thanks to this discovery can have communication and can answer questions, but the disadvantages of the Internet is that human beings are accustomed to find everything in this way and have forgotten something very important as it They are the books today are rarely, if not any time we set foot in a library and lost the habit of reading or just grab a book to research a topic.

Technology has also contributed to medicine, and thanks to the discovery of the microscope to discover different types of organisms that are harmful to humans and because of this could be taken to prevent and cure some diseases rotted have also been able to develop vaccines and medicines to cure or to carry any disease. They have been able to develop and improve medical equipment, this is very important because thanks to these teams have been able to diagnose diseases and keep better control of these conditions. Today you can make different types of transplants and this has helped many people do not die and have a better quality of life; human prostheses are part of a very important development because now if a person has no particular member of your body can already count on using an implant, and this will allow you to lead a normal life like any other human being.

Science, technology has also made a huge impact and has favored humans; in agriculture and livestock has helped to develop fertilizers to enrich the soil, pesticides that help fight animals and plants that are harmful to the field, they have developed drugs to have healthy cattle and invented new machinery for the production of plants or plant products, this has made life easier in the field.

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As for nutrition technology it has been helpful as before to get food had to resort to hunting, fishing and gathering fruit now we just have to go to a supermarket to get any food we need.

The invention of machines like the steam that is one of the most important had a great impact on society as favored communication, I urge industry and trade. Later other machines, trains, cars, boats and planes that have allowed the transfer of goods from one country to another were refined.

The human mind as we know is very powerful but technology has made great progress that has overtaken the human mind, now there are machines that can interact with the men such as machine Deep Blue could beat chess champion in 1996; We have made great advances that technology has replaced men, a clear example can be seen in companies increasingly have more machinery than men, because it is more practical and less expensive because it is not like a worker who is having her to be paying a salary and have longer life. This situation is a serious problem because it is causing more and more unemployment exists and therefore the economy of all families affected by this situation; encouraging entrepreneurs and only improving the economy of people better off.

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Everything around us is a product of technology? Upon hearing this question, many answers that make it more unknowns, such as Could we live without electricity, without clothes, air conditioning, transport, radio, telephone and all objects around us arise arise? All these goods and services that we all see every day, that we have not thought about our life without all these benefits would be very different, would as in past years when technology had not. The technology we see everywhere except the resources offered by nature as water, air, soil, flora and fauna; It is important to note that thanks to technology we get many benefits that facilitate and enable a better quality of life, without all these goods and services that we can get through technology life of all people would be very different and go back to the years where the first men lived, now as we mentioned before, we can obtain food, clothing, footwear easier and faster. The man has not had a good control of technology and has had very rapid advances that we can not live without all the technology, a clear example of this is that now children from an early age begin to use mobile phones, tablets, computers, etc., know how they work but are not aware of the dangers they may be exposed when they enter cyberspace. While it is true that technology has many benefits for human life, there are also many disadvantages to discuss this issue, some of these disadvantages are very worrying because they involve very young children to adults.

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DisadvantagesThe first drawback we found are the media, because some of them do not see or hear only things that nourish our mind. A clear example of this is that on television much violence is and unfortunately are the smallest of our society, children see a lot of violence in cartoons, this can lead to serious problems as children manifest violent actions with their peers and in the future may become criminals. But television affects not only children, but also young people and adults, because through advertising trying to manipulate people to acquire products that really are not necessary, but on television we repeat many times we have to consume these products because they are better, everyone be manipulated and acquire all these products. All media treat us make stereotypes, which mainly affect young people because they want to be like the women who appear on television, and have the perfect woman as having a perfect body, this has caused many young people falling into the hands of bulimia and anorexia leading them to death.

The second disadvantage is that when we surf the internet can be exposed to many dangers. By posting on social networks all our personal data and have less privacy and everyone knows your phone, your address, what you do, what you like and what not, even the wrong people, such as hackers, white slavers, kidnappers, or people who steal identity, often we do not start to think about the serious consequences that would bring us to surf the Internet without knowing all the problems that we are exposed, of course we can navigate but we have to do it responsibly and important not publish very personal things.

Another problem with the Internet is that we can now have bank accounts via the Internet but this is a very big risk, because if hackers were to hack all your accounts can empty your bills and make purchases with those accounts to let you in debt. It is important to know all the risks that we may have to navigate in cyberspace to avoid falling into the networks of some malicious person.

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Social isolation is another of the consequences that brings the so called technology because now we can be in communication with people who do not see, and people have about us forget them many by paying more attention to all networks social or television, we isolate ourselves from society and lose many moments of our life that no longer return and when we realize it will be too late.

Another drawback we found is that technology has become the weakest man, now no longer tries to think, with calculators no longer make efforts to solve a math problem as simply by pressing a few keys get the result we want to reach. When we need to solve a question, or want to conduct an investigation we no longer turn to libraries to consult the book, just enter the search engine and write what we find, we have our information but often the information they find is not reliable, not us we realize that, and take into account. We have become dependent on technology, and we make an effort to get what we need.

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Technology in educationIt is important to integrate technology classrooms but unfortunately not all schools have the resources necessary for this to be done, but it’s can support some programs that implements the government so that this is not

impossible. For integration of this technology is effective research to deepen and improve the learning process is needed.

The implementation of ICT in education has the ability to make the necessary changes in teaching and to achieve that it is up according to the demands of the knowledge society. As various studies in education, ICT not only function as an input, but as an element of innovation that encourages change in school systems.

The importance of ICT skills in the current context is crucial to the country's economic performance. Increasing access technologies is expected to increase productivity, hours worked become more efficient

Increasingly frequent use of technologies in the education sector does, although adoption is still an early stage. For example, it is used to facilitate the teacher or teachers in administrative procedures; or with increasing frequency plans or the school calendar to the platform you use up the school, which helps parents become more informed about the education their children are receiving. Undoubtedly there is a high potential for leveraging technology for teaching and learning. Incorporate technology in education is much more than having a class where basic computer skills and some programs are taught independently. Optimal integration of ICT in education suggests that this can be exploited as a research method to achieve deeper learning. In addition, the incorporation of ICT in the education sector should be able to encourage participation in groups, again the most active students and promote an education that gradually achieve reduce passivity in teaching and increase student-teacher interaction -temary.

Technology trade

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Technology is also a key part of trade and thanks to this trade has been growing over the years. The constant interaction that maintain technology and trade stimulates and forces companies to learn and acquire new knowledge. And because of that, the longer it takes the company in the market and the more time has passed since has been internationalized, the more likely it is a more experienced and knowledgeable company of the mechanisms that help improve their position competitive.

These experiences of the company in the domestic and international markets give you many ideas, such as:

How to improve their products?How to reduce costs.How to create new products.This will help companies to grow nationally and internationally important level, thus boosting the country's economy and the world. Technology has brought many benefits to trade and is now easier to transport goods by all means such as maritime, land and air, now traders already have the assurance that their products arrive in good condition and in a longer short. This somehow has helped many companies were small have grown since the trade process is now easier to carry out.

Technology has strengthened the economy around the world they have since been many innovations in telecommunications and transport this has helped countries are in constant contact, and has favored the export and import of products.

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But this technology favors more countries are developed because they have the necessary technology to help your economy of his country, without however countries are underdeveloped, often they do not have the same technology and that does not allow them to the same opportunities to grow as countries that are constantly developing.

Another way in which technology has contributed to the economy is that it facilitates the interaction between producers of goods and services to consumers of these. For producers it is easier to make available to the public its goods and services because through advertising, everyone can know, the goods and services they offer us. On the contrary consumers through advertising entered by producers, we know the products that are on the market and which ones are necessary to meet the needs of human beings.

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Technology in the future

It's amazing how technology has advanced but more amazing is what has been rumored how will technology in later years, is said to now have robots that function as human beings, and that will function like a man.

The now be flexible screens can take any form we want or the way in which we manipulate. Communication with all people will be much easier, and you can make video calls, but in the future will be more advanced and longer occupy the call by phone, nor messages only will video calls. The current life of all people and has been facilitated by technology, in a few years life will be even more practical and comfortable.

The technology will reach countless advances in the coming years, this technology that we have managed to overcome the man in many aspects of life, can reach over man in all its aspects?

The minds of all men could be greatly exceeded in an impressive manner, to such a degree that in companies the human labor is no longer necessary, and all men will be replaced by machines that carry out all the work should make humans.

The human mind will go back more conformist and weaker because having more technology, we will by becoming conformists because with all devices that are future out market operations we want to perform, or the investigations that we conduct It will be much easier to carry out.

Technology is a tool that is helpful for humans, if we use it correctly can get many benefits of this and we will make our life more comfortable and easy to carry the day. In the future when we have a job will be easier to carry out our functions within a company, and will be easier to keep track of our company or enterprise in which we are laboring.

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If human beings we become dependent on technology, we have serious problems because there may come a time when we cannot have this technology and we will close the world when we have to work out something where before we used technology. It is difficult to know exactly that pace go forward in technology, but we all have to adapt to these changes.

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