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Presentation on Mobile and Tablet Design

Project #4

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Collin’s Catering & Events currently only has a website that is formatted for a laptop or desktop computer.

Collin's Catering & Events

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Technology is on the rise…

Technology has been on the rise since the beginning of time. We are learning to do new things all of the time.

Our phones and computers can do things that we’ve never dreamed possible in early 1990’s.

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One in every five people own a smartphone and one in every seventeen people own a tablet now. This was never dreamed possible years ago.

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It’s Time to UPGRADE!

Currently Collin’s Catering only has a website that is viewable on a computer.

Search Insider states that 25% of searches are performed from mobile devices!

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Opportunities are being missed! Since 25% of the population are now preforming

searches from mobile devices that is 1/4th of the world who can’t see your webpage!

This plays a huge role in web design. Design has been changed forever by this. I can only imagine that those numbers will grow in the future.

If I can’t see your webpage, how am I supposed to know about your awesome catering service Collin?

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How can we fix this?

There is one super simple way for you to fix this problem.

Get a content management system! These make it easy for users to go in and edit content. These systems are often already formatted for you so all you have to do is change the content.

A couple examples are WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. These are my favorite.

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Examples of bad mobile design…

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Examples of good mobile design…

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What can YOU do?

Content is king so you never want to have a great design without much content.

Make sure important content is placed at the top of the page.

Place a navigation area right on the front home page.

Show more pictures of your work.

Place a call us button on the homepage.

Get a quote page up and running.

Make sure that your site works on all types of devices.

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1/4th of the world’s search is done through mobile devices. Get your site mobilized.

Get a content management system. Make sure the web page is formatted to fit

the screen so users don’t have to scroll left and right, and zoom in and out.

Make the navigation area a big part of the home page.

Put a get a quote button on top of the page that links to your number.

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Heggestuen, Jeff. (15 Dec. 2013). One in Every 5 People own a Smartphone, One in Every Seventeen own a Tablet. Retrieved from http://www.businessinsider.com/smartphone-and-tablet-penetration-2013-10

Sterling, Greg. (22 Jan 2013). Report: 25 Percent of Search Clicks Now From Mobile Devices. Retrieved from http://searchengineland.com/report-25-percent-of-search-clicks-now-from-mobile-devices-146083

Collins Catering. (n.d). Collin’s Catering & Events. Retrieved from http://www.collinscateringfla.com/

Mays, Ken. (2 May, 2011). Going Mobile: Why it’s Important for Your Business. Retrieved from http://www.bizmonthly.com/going-mobile-why-it%E2%80%99s-important-for-your-business/

Estep, Meredith. (29 Apr, 2014). Customer Service Going Mobile- How Important Is It Today?. Retrieved from http://www.unitiv.com/intelligent-help-desk-blog/bid/102436/Customer-Service-Going-Mobile-How-Important-Is-It-Today

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