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Genito-Urinary Tumors

Episode 5

Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)

• The most common childhood abdominal malignancy.

• 3–4 years of age.

• ♂ = ♀• Bilateral in 4%–13% of children.

Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)

1- Sporadic form:

Common, unilateral, 3 Yrs.

2- Familial form:

Uncommon, bilateral, infants, autosomal dominant.

Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)

• May be associated with congenital anomalies

such as: - Cryptorchidism (2.8% of cases). - Hemihypertrophy (2.5%). - Hypospadias (1.8%). - Sporadic aniridia.

Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)

• WAGR syndrome (Wilms tumor, aniridia,

genitourinary abnormalities, mental retardation).

• Drash syndrome (male pseudohermaphroditism,

progressive glomerulonephritis)

• Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome


Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)

• Arises from mesodermal precursors of the

renal parenchyma (metanephric Blastema).

Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)

Gross Pathology:

• Large solid spherical mass with areas of

hemorrhage and necrosis surrounded with


Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)

Gross Pathology:Spread:

1. Extend into the renal vein and, subsequently, into the

inferior vena cava.

2. Direct local invasion of adjacent structures.

3. Local regional lymph node metastases.

4. Hematogenous metastases.

Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)

• Palpable mass.

• Hypertension may be present in up to 25% of

cases due to renin production by the tumor

• Hematuria and pain are infrequent clinical


Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)

Radiological Picture

Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)

Plain X-Ray:

Large soft tissue mass

displacing bowel gas

Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)


Large soft tissue mass displacing

bowel gas and distorting and

displacing the collecting system.

Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)


Large soft tissue mass displacing

bowel gas and distorting and

displacing the collecting system.

Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)


• Large soft tissue mass

heterogeneous echogenicity, which

represents hemorrhage, necrosis,

or calcification.

• Vascular Invasion.

Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)


CT demonstrates a well-defined

heterogeneous mass with areas of

calcification, necrosis and


Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)


CT demonstrates a well-defined

heterogeneous mass with areas of

calcification, necrosis and


Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)


CT demonstrates a well-defined

heterogeneous mass with areas of

calcification, necrosis and


Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)


Nodal or hepatic metastases, tumor

extension into the renal vein or

inferior vena cava, contralateral

synchronous tumor, and associated

nephrogenic rests.

Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)


Nodal or hepatic metastases, tumor

extension into the renal vein or

inferior vena cava, contralateral

synchronous tumor, and associated

nephrogenic rests.

Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)


Nodal or hepatic metastases, tumor

extension into the renal vein or

inferior vena cava, contralateral

synchronous tumor, and associated

nephrogenic rests.

Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)


Well-defined heterogeneous mass with low signal intensity

on T1-weighted images and high signal intensity on T2-

weighted images.

Wilms Tumor(Nephroblastoma)


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