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    Control Center



    Edition August 1997

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    WinCC, SIMATIC, SINEC, STEP are Siemens registered trademarks.

    All other product and system names in this manual are (registered) trademarks of their respective owners

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    (We have checked the contents of this manual for agreement

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    Siemens AG 1994-1997 All rights reserved Technical data subject to change


    Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

  • 8/2/2019 WinCC Control Center Www.otomasyonegitimi.com


    WinCC Manual iC79000-G8276-C106-01

    Table of Contents

    1 The Control Center of the WinCC System............................... 1-11.1 Entries in the Start Menu of the Operating System......................... 1-2

    1.2 System Properties.......................................................................... 1-3

    1.3 Functionality................................................................................... 1-3

    1.4 Structure ........................................................................................ 1-4

    1.5 Client-Server Functionality.............................................................. 1-6

    1.6 Summary ....................................................................................... 1-9

    1.7 Menus of the Control Center........................................................... 1-10

    1.8 Toolbar........................................................................................... 1-11

    1.9 Pop-Up Menus............................................................................... 1-12

    1.10 Feedback Documentation............................................................... 1-12

    2 The Menu Description of the Control Center .......................... 2-12.1 File Menu....................................................................................... 2-1

    2.1.1 ...New ............................................................................................ 2-1 Creating a New Project................................................................... 2-2

    2.1.2 ...Open........................................................................................... 2-3

    2.1.3 Close.......................................................................................... 2-4

    2.1.4 Activate ...................................................................................... 2-4

    2.1.5 Print Feedback Documentation................................................... 2-5

    2.1.6 ...View Feedback Documentation................................................... 2-5

    2.1.7 ...Exit ............................................................................................. 2-5

    2.1.8 ...Shut Down .................................................................................. 2-6

    2.2 Edit Menu....................................................................................... 2-6

    2.2.1 ...Undo........................................................................................... 2-62.2.2 ...Cut.............................................................................................. 2-7

    2.2.3 ...Copy ........................................................................................... 2-7

    2.2.4 ...Paste .......................................................................................... 2-8

    2.2.5 ...Delete ......................................................................................... 2-8

    2.2.6 ...Properties ................................................................................... 2-8

    2.3 View Menu ..................................................................................... 2-9

    2.3.1 ...Toolbar........................................................................................ 2-9

    2.3.2 ...Status Bar ................................................................................... 2-9

    2.3.3 ...Large Icons................................................................................. 2-10

    2.3.4 ...Small Icons ................................................................................. 2-11

    2.3.5 ...List.............................................................................................. 2-11

    2.3.6 ...Details......................................................................................... 2-12

    2.3.7 ...Update........................................................................................ 2-12

    2.4 Editors Menu.................................................................................. 2-13

    2.4.1 ...Editors ........................................................................................ 2-13

    2.5 Tools Menu .................................................................................... 2-14

    2.5.1 ...Language.................................................................................... 2-14

    2.5.2 ...Status of Driver Connections....................................................... 2-15

    2.5.3 ...Status of Multi-User Operation .................................................... 2-17

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    ii WinCC ManualC79000-G8276-C106-01

    2.6 Help Menu...................................................................................... 2-18

    2.6.1 ...Contents ..................................................................................... 2-18

    2.6.2 ...Find......................................................................................... 2-19

    2.6.3 ...Index........................................................................................... 2-19

    2.6.4 ...Glossary...................................................................................... 2-192.6.5 ...Using Help .................................................................................. 2-20

    2.6.6 ...Tutorial........................................................................................ 2-20

    2.6.7 ...About Control Center................................................................... 2-20

    3 Project Description ................................................................... 3-13.1 General Information About Projects................................................ 3-1

    3.2 Project Properties........................................................................... 3-2

    3.2.1 "General Information" Tab.............................................................. 3-3

    3.2.2 "Update Cycle" Tab........................................................................ 3-4

    3.2.3 "Hot Keys" Tab............................................................................... 3-6

    4 Project Window in the Control Center ..................................... 4-14.1 General Information about the Project Window............................... 4-1

    4.2 Project Navigation Window............................................................. 4-1

    4.3 Data Window.................................................................................. 4-4

    5 Project Components in the Control Center ............................ 5-15.1 General Information About Project Components............................. 5-1

    5.2 Structure of the "Computer" Project Component............................. 5-1

    5.2.1 Properties of the "Computer" Project Component........................... 5-2

    5.3 Structure of the "Tag Management" Project Component................. 5-2

    5.3.1 Properties of the "Tag Management" Project Component............... 5-3

    5.4 Structure of the "Data Types" Project Component.......................... 5-45.5 Structure of the "Editor" Project Component................................... 5-5

    5.5.1 Properties of the "Editor" Project Component ................................. 5-6

    6 Computer ................................................................................... 6-16.1 General Information About a Computer .......................................... 6-1

    6.2 "General Information" Tab.............................................................. 6-1

    6.2.1 Input Box "Computer Name"........................................................... 6-2

    6.2.2 Selection Box "Computer Type"...................................................... 6-2

    6.2.3 List Box "Client-Server List"............................................................ 6-3

    6.3 "Startup" Tab.................................................................................. 6-3

    6.3.1 Sequence When Starting the WinCC Runtime Module.................... 6-46.3.2 Additional Tasks/Applications......................................................... 6-5

    6.4 "Parameters" Tab........................................................................... 6-9

    6.5 "Graphics Run Time" Tab............................................................... 6-11

    7 Communication Drivers ............................................................ 7-17.1 General Information About the Communication Drivers................... 7-1

    7.2 Properties of a Communication Driver............................................ 7-2

    7.3 Accepting a New Communication Driver......................................... 7-3

    7.4 Deleting a Communication Driver................................................... 7-3

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    8 Channel Unit .............................................................................. 8-18.1 General Information about a Channel Unit...................................... 8-1

    8.2 "System Parameters" Dialog .......................................................... 8-2

    8.2.1 System Parameters for the " SIMATIC S5 Ethernet Layer 4"

    Communication Driver.................................................................... 8-38.3 "Channel Unit Properties" Dialog.................................................... 8-5

    8.3.1 "Connections" Tab.......................................................................... 8-5

    8.3.2 "General Information" Tab.............................................................. 8-6

    9 Connection................................................................................. 9-19.1 General Information About a Connection........................................ 9-1

    9.2 "Connection Properties" Dialog....................................................... 9-1

    9.2.1 "General Information" Tab.............................................................. 9-2

    9.2.2 "Groups" Tab ................................................................................. 9-3

    9.2.3 "Tag" Tab....................................................................................... 9-4

    9.2.4 Channel-Specific Tab..................................................................... 9-4

    10 Tags ............................................................................................ 10-110.1 General Information About Tags..................................................... 10-1

    10.2 Independent Tags in a Connection................................................. 10-3

    10.3 Tags in a Tag Group within a Connection....................................... 10-4

    10.4 Internal Tags for an Entire Project .................................................. 10-5

    10.5 Internal Tags in a Tag Group for an Entire Project.......................... 10-6

    10.6 "Tag Properties" Dialog.................................................................. 10-7

    10.6.1 "General Information" Tab for Process Tags................................... 10-7

    10.6.2 "General Information" Tab for Internal Tags.................................... 10-9

    10.6.3 "Limits/Reporting" Tab.................................................................... 10-10

    10.7 Cutting, Copying, or Deleting Tags................................................. 10-1210.8 Standard Data Types ..................................................................... 10-15

    10.8.1 "Binary Tag" Data Type.................................................................. 10-15

    10.8.2 "Signed 8-Bit Value" Data Type...................................................... 10-16

    10.8.3 "Unsigned 8-Bit Value" Data Type.................................................. 10-17

    10.8.4 "Signed 16-Bit Value" Data Type.................................................... 10-18

    10.8.5 "Unsigned 16-Bit Value" Data Type................................................ 10-19

    10.8.6 "Signed 32-Bit Value" Data Type.................................................... 10-20

    10.8.7 "Unsigned 32-Bit Value" Data Type................................................ 10-21

    10.8.8 "Floating-Point Number 32-Bit IEEE 754" Data Type...................... 10-22

    10.8.9 "Floating-Point Number 64-Bit IEEE 754" Data Type...................... 10-23

    10.8.10 "Text Tag 8-Bit Character Set" Data Type ...................................... 10-2410.8.11 "Text Tag 16-Bit Character Set" Data Type .................................... 10-24

    10.8.12 "Raw Data Type" Data Type........................................................... 10-24

    10.8.13 "Text Reference" Data Type........................................................... 10-25

    10.8.14 "Structure Types" Data Type.......................................................... 10-26

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    10.9 "Raw Data Tags" Are a Special Form of Tags................................ 10-31

    10.10 Addressing a Process Tag ............................................................. 10-32

    10.10.1 Addressing by Means of the Pop-Up Menu..................................... 10-32

    10.10.2 Addressing by Means of the Properties of a Tag............................ 10-33

    10.11 "Address Properties" Dialog ........................................................... 10-3510.11.1 "Address" Tab for "SIMATIC S5 Ethernet TF" ................................ 10-35

    10.11.2 "Select Tag" Dialog ........................................................................ 10-39

    11 Tag Group .................................................................................. 11-111.1 General Information About a Tag Group......................................... 11-1

    11.1.1 Creating a Tag Group in a New Connection.................................... 11-1

    11.1.2 Creating a Tag Group in an Existing Connection............................ 11-2

    11.1.3 Cutting, Copying, or Deleting Tag Groups ...................................... 11-3

    11.2 "Tag Group Properties" Dialog........................................................ 11-5

    11.2.1 "General Information" Tab.............................................................. 11-6

    11.2.2 "Tag" Tab....................................................................................... 11-7

    12 The Control Center Editors ...................................................... 12-112.1 Editor "Alarm Logging" ................................................................... 12-2

    12.2 Editor "User Administrator"............................................................. 12-2

    12.2.1 Editing the Properties of the User Administrator ............................. 12-3 "Properties" Dialog......................................................................... 12-3

    12.3 Editor "Text Library" ....................................................................... 12-4

    12.4 Editor "Report Designer" ................................................................ 12-5

    12.4.1 "Properties" Dialog......................................................................... 12-6

    12.4.2 Layouts in the Report Designer ...................................................... 12-7 Creating a New Layout in the Report Designer............................... 12-8 Opening an Existing Layout in the Report Designer........................ 12-912.4.2.3 Renaming an Existing Layout in the Report Designer..................... 12-10 Deleting an Existing Layout in the Report Designer........................ 12-10 Viewing the Properties of an Existing Layout in theReport Designer............................................................................. 12-11

    12.4.3 Print Jobs in the Report Designer................................................... 12-12 Creating a New Print Job in the Report Designer............................ 12-12 Deleting an Existing Print Job in the Report Designer..................... 12-13 Activating a Print Preview in the Report Designer........................... 12-14 Printing an Existing Print Job in the Report Designer...................... 12-15 Editing the Properties of an Existing Print Job in theReport Designer............................................................................. 12-16 Renaming an Existing Print Job in the Report Designer.................. 12-17

    12.4.4 "Properties" Dialog for Print Jobs.................................................... 12-17 "Print Job" Tab............................................................................... 12-18 "Selection" Tab............................................................................... 12-21 "Printer Specification" Tab.............................................................. 12-23

    12.5 Editor "Global Scripts".................................................................... 12-25

    12.6 Editor "Tag Logging" ...................................................................... 12-26

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    12.7 Editor "Graphics Designer"............................................................. 12-26 Loading a New Picture in the Graphics Designer............................ 12-27 Opening an Existing Picture in the Graphics Designer.................... 12-27 Editing the Properties of the Graphics RUNTIME ........................... 12-28

    12.7.2 Viewing the Properties of a Picture................................................. 12-2812.7.2.1 Linking New Objects in the Graphics Designer ............................... 12-29

    12.7.3 "Object OLL" DLL........................................................................... 12-30

    12.7.4 Converting Pictures or Libraries...................................................... 12-32

    13 DDE-Server................................................................................. 13-113.1 General Information about the DDE-Server.................................... 13-1

    13.2 Integrating Tags via DDE ............................................................... 13-2

    13.3 Local DDE-Connection................................................................... 13-2

    13.4 DDE-Connection via a Network...................................................... 13-4

    13.5 Special DDE-Connection to Excel................................................... 13-9

    14 Find Function In the Context Menu ......................................... 14-114.1 Preparing Search Conditions.......................................................... 14-1

    14.1.1 "Name" Tab.................................................................................... 14-2

    14.1.2 "Date of Change" Tab .................................................................... 14-3

    14.1.3 "Additional Options" Tab................................................................. 14-5

    14.2 Starting the Find Procedure............................................................ 14-6

    14.3 Stopping the Search Process......................................................... 14-7

    15 Appendix .................................................................................... 15-115.1 Adapting the Formats of Data Types.............................................. 15-1

    15.2 Terms/Abbreviations ...................................................................... 15-1

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    08.97 Control Center

    WinCC Manual viiC79000-G8276-C106-01


    This manual is a reference which introduces you to the functions of each of

    the software components and their operation. You can use the table ofcontents or the index to find the necessary information quickly. Naturally, this

    is also available to you in the on-line help in a con text-sensitive manner or by

    means of the on-line help contents.

    You can find a total overview of WinCC and a configuration example in

    which you can execute the significant functions of the individual components

    in a practical manner in the Getting Started Manual.

    If you have technical questions, please contact the Siemens representative in

    your area. You can find the addresses in the Siemens Worldwide appendix of

    the S7-300 Programmable Controller System, Hardware and Installation

    Manual, catalogs, and on CompuServe (go autforum). In addition, you can

    use our hotline at 011-49 (911) 895-7000 (Fax 7001).

    You can find additional information on the Internet at


    Up to date information about SIMATIC products can be obtained:

    * from the Internet under http://www.aut.siemens.de/

    * via fax# 08765-93 02 77 95 00

    In addition, the SIMATIC Customer Support provides current information

    and downloads that can be beneficial for the utilization of SIMATIC products:* from the Internet under


    * via the SIMATIC Customer Support Mailbox under phone#

    +49 (911) 895-7100

    * To address the mailbox, use a modem with up to V.34 (28.8

    kBaud), which parameters must be set as follows: 8, N, 1, ANSI, or dial up

    through ISDN (x.75, 64 kBit).

    The SIMATIC Customer Support can be reached by phone under the number

    +49 (911) 895-7000 and by fax under the number +49 (911) 895-7002.

    Inquiries can also be made via Internet mail or mail addressed to the above


    Purpose of the


    General Overview andConfigurationExample

    Additional Assistance

    Information aboutSIMATIC products

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    08.97 Control Center

    WinCC Manual 1-1C79000-G8276-C106-01

    1 The Control Center of the WinCC System

    Positioning the Control Center within the WinCC System:

    The Control Center represents the top layer within the WinCC system

    (Windows Control Center).All of the modules of the entire WinCC system

    are started from here.

    The Control Center Manual provides information about the following items:



    The standard editors

    The manual also provides a summary of its most important topics.

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    Control Center 08.97

    1-2 WinCC ManualC79000-G8276-C106-01

    WinCC - The Interface between Man and Machine in Automation


    WinCC is an industrially and technologically neutral system used to handle

    graphics display and control system tasks in production and processautomation. This system offers industrially suitable function modules for

    graphic display, messages, archives, and reports. Its powerful driver interface,

    rapid picture updating, and secure archiving functions guarantee a high


    In addition to the system functions, WinCC offers open interfaces for user

    solutions. These interfaces make it possible to integrate WinCC into complex,

    company-wide automation solutions. Access to archive data is integrated by

    means of the standard interfaces ODBC and SQL. Insertion of objects and

    documents is integrated by means of OLE2.0 and OLE Custom Controls

    (OCX). These mechanisms make WinCC a competent, communicative

    partner in the Windows environment.

    WinCC is based on the 32-bit operating system MS-Windows 95 or

    MS-Windows NT. Both are capable of preemptive multi-tasking, which

    guarantees quick reaction to process events and security against loss of data in

    to a high degree. Windows NT also offers functions created for security and

    serves as the basis for the operation of servers in a WinCC multi-user system.

    The WinCC software itself is a 32-bit application which was developed with

    the most modern, object-oriented software technology.

    1.1 Entries in the Start Menu of the Operating System

    The installation of WinCC creates several links to help programs in the

    \Simatic\WinCC folder of the start menu.

    WinCC - Database Upgrade

    Beginning with WinCC V4.0, the data of the configuration and runtime

    systems will be kept in different databases. The database of project created

    with an earlier version of WinCC can be divided accordingly via the

    "WinCC - Database Upgrade" program.

    WinCC - Project Duplicator

    If you want to work with a redundant project, the same, or at least

    functionally the same, project has to be created on both redundancy servers.

    The "WinCC - Project Duplicator" program allows you to automatically copy

    all project data to the redundant server partners after finishing the


    WinCC - Project Switcher

    In a redundant project, one server is always designated the master and the

    other the slave. The "WinCC - Project Switcher" program allows you to

    switch the master designation of the servers, meaning the current master will

    become the slave-server and the current slave will become the master-server.

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    WinCC Manual 1-3C79000-G8276-C106-01

    1.2 System Properties

    Printer Output:

    If unfavorable color combinations are used, e.g. for the configurationof the message system, some colors can not be displayed by a black

    and white printer.

    1.3 Functionality

    The functionality of the Control Center can be described as follows:

    The Control Center contains all the management functions for the entire

    WinCC system. Within the Control Center, you can configure and start the

    run-time module.

    Note: If you want to edit or create a project, the run-time module must

    be inactive. You can find out if the run-time module is active by

    looking under the "File" - "Activate" menu items.

    Task of the Data Manager:

    The data manager provides the process image with tag values. The data

    manager is a part of the Control Center. All of the activities of the data

    manager run in the background.

    Tasks of the Control Center:

    The major tasks of the Control Center are the following:

    Complete configuration

    Guided introduction to the configuration (Tutorial)

    Customized assigning, calling, and storing of projects

    Management of projects, including opening, saving, moving, and copying

    Network-capable editing functions for multiple users (Client-Server

    environment) on one project. This means there is consistent data

    management when multiple editors are working on one project.

    Version management (property of each file object)

    Graphic representation of the configuration data

    Control and configuration of the picture hierarchy/system structure, for

    example, by means of a tree display

    Global Setup settings, for example, language, system/user path setting

    Configuration of user location-specific functions (server properties)

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    1-4 WinCC ManualC79000-G8276-C106-01

    Creation and editing of cross references

    Feedback documentation

    Reporting system states

    Destination system setting (project property)

    Switching between run time and configuration

    Test mode/simulation/operation help for configured data, including

    picture shift, tag simulation, state display, and message creation

    1.4 Structure

    System Structure of the Control Center

    The Control Center has the following structure:

    Control Center

    WinCC Explorer within the Control Center

    Graphic interface for configuration under Windows 95 and

    Windows NT

    Data manager

    Provides the process image with tag values in the following



    cyclically with change

    event-driven one time

    Transmits data which the data manager gets from automation

    systems in the following ways:

    By receiving

    By requesting

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    WinCC Manual 1-5C79000-G8276-C106-01

    Function Modules

    Graphic system (Graphics Designer)

    Displays and connects the process graphically.

    Action editing (Global Scripts)

    Makes a project dynamic to your specific requirements.

    Message system (Alarm Logging)

    Outputs messages and acknowledgments

    Measurement value archiving and editing (Tag Logging)

    Edits measurement values and stores them long term

    Edits user-oriented data and stores them long term

    Report system (Report Designer)

    Reports system states

    The Control Center makes it possible for you to navigate through the WinCC

    applications and their data with only a few operations. The Control Center is

    similar in look and operation to the Explorer in Windows 95.

    Components of the Control Center

    The Control Center consists mainly of the following components:

    Menu Bar


    Project Window

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    1-6 WinCC ManualC79000-G8276-C106-01

    1.5 Client-Server Functionality

    General Description of a WinCC Client-Server Environment:

    By means of the integrated client-server functionality in WinCC, multiple

    users can access the same database of a project at the same time.

    Note: WinCC offers you the opportunity to link1 Server with up to 63

    Clients. WinCC must be installed on all of the clients as well as

    the server.

    WinCC can be implemented as a multi -user system (client-server structure).

    General Description of a WinCC Client-Server Installation:

    To use the full extent of the functions of a WinCC client-server environment,the following notes are very important:

    The WinCC multi-user license must be installed on each computer (all clients

    and the server). In addition, it is logical to create a project path on the server

    on which to load all of the WinCC projects. This path (for example,

    ":\Projects") should not be on the WinCC program path (separation of

    data and programs). Experience shows that it is better to store project data on

    a separate hard disk.

    Note: You must set the enable and required authorizations for the newly

    created project path for the users who need to work with the

    WinCC projects.

    On the WinCC server, the "aplip" path "within the WinCC installation path is

    generally enabled with the name "SCRIPTFCT". You cannot change the

    enable command or the enable name. All of the global scripts from action

    programming (Global Scripts)are loaded on the "aplib" path.

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    After you install WinCC on the server, start the Control Center (MCP.EXE ).

    During the start procedure, the "Control Center" dialog opens automatically(only the first time you start WinCC).

    Select "Multi-User System" in the dialog and use the "OK" button. In the

    "Create New Project" dialog that then appears, set the storage location for the

    project data. In the "Project Path" box, activate the ":\Projects" path

    you loaded. Enter the name of your new project in the "Project Name" box.

    The entry in the "Project Name" box is updated at the same time in the "New

    Subfolder" box. To finish, click the "Create" button to have WinCC create a

    new path with all of the required project data under the path that you selected.

    Note: If you want to change the project type of an existing project, use

    the Project Properties ("General Information" tab).

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    1-8 WinCC ManualC79000-G8276-C106-01

    After the project data have been created, the Control Center opens up with thenew project file. You can adapt this project file to your own special


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    WinCC Manual 1-9C79000-G8276-C106-01

    1.6 Summary

    The following terms have a special meaning within the Control Center:

    Multi-User System (Client-Server)

    Menu Bar


    Project Window

    Feedback Documentation

    Project Navigation Window

    Project Components


    Tag Management

    Communication Drivers

    Channel Unit


    Process Tags and Internal Tags

    Tag Groups

    Data Types


    Alarm Logging

    User Administrator

    Text Library

    Report Designer

    Global Scripts

    Tag Logging

    Graphics Designer

    Data Windows

    Pop-Up Menus


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    1-10 WinCC ManualC79000-G8276-C106-01

    1.7 Menus of the Control Center

    The Menu Bar contains all of the commands available in the Control Center.

    These commands are arranged logically in groups and assigned to different

    menus. To execute a command, open the appropriate menu, click on thecommand, and, if necessary, set the parameters in the dialog box which


    If you have not yet opened a project, only the following menu items and icons

    are available to you:

    If you have already opened a project, the following menu items and icons areavailable to you:

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    1.8 Toolbar

    The Toolbar has the following structure:

    These icons make it possible for you to carry out actions more quickly. You do

    not need to select your way through the menu until you reach the required

    function. As an example, look at the steps for creating a new project file:

    How to Create a New Project:

    In the Toolbar, click on the icon.


    Click on "New" in the "File" menu.You can find more information about this example under "File" "New".

    The following icons are available to you:

    "File" "New"

    "File" "Open ..."

    "File "Activate

    "File "Activate

    "Edit" "Cut"

    "Edit" "Copy"

    "Edit" "Paste"

    "View" "Large Icons"

    "View" "Small Icons"

    "View" "List"

    "View" "Details"

    "Edit" "Properties"

    "Help" "Find"

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    1-12 WinCC ManualC79000-G8276-C106-01

    1.9 Pop-Up Menus

    The pop-up menus are a very important and useful means of help within the

    Control Center. You receive these menus for each selected object within the

    project window. You need only hit the right mouse button to open the pop-upmenus.

    For example, you receive the following window when you select the

    "Computer" object and hit the right mouse button. The "Search" and"Properties" menu items are offered for every object. The other menu itemsdepend on which object is selected.

    In this example, the pop-up menu for the projectcomponent "Computer" was opened.

    1.10 Feedback Documentation

    For the Control Center, a predefined system print job exists within the ReportDesigner for the feedback documentation. All configured computers, tags, andconnections are printed out by means of this print job or displayed on thescreen.

    The following project data are output by means of the feedback



    Computer name

    Computer type

    Serveror Client

    Tag management

    Tag name

    Data type (user data type)

    Connection (name of the logical connection)

    Channel (communication driver)

    Channel unit (channel unit of the communication driver used)


    Connections (name of the logical connection)

    Unit(channel unit of the communication driver used)

    Parameters (current parameters of the channel unit)

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    WinCC Manual 1-13C79000-G8276-C106-01

    How To...

    ...Print the Feedback Documentation for the Control Center:

    Use the "File" "Print Feedback Doc..." menu command to print the current

    project settings.


    1. Double click in the project navigation window on the "Editor" project

    component to view a list of all of the installed editors.

    2. Click on the "Report Designer" editor.

    3. Click on "Print Job" to view all of the available system print jobs in the

    project data window.

    4. Click the right mouse button on the entry @Feedback Documentation

    Control Center.

    5. In the pop-up menu that appears, select the "Print Print Job" item to start

    the system print job for the feedback documentation of the Control Center.

    ...View the Feedback Documentation for the Control Center on the


    Use the "File" "Preview Feedback Doc" menu command to view the current

    project settings on the screen directly.


    1. Double click in the project navigation window on the "Editor" project

    component to view a list of all of the installed editors.

    2. Click on the "Report Designer" editor.

    3. Click on "Print Job" to view all of the available system print jobs in the

    project data window.

    4. Click the right mouse button on the entry Feedback Documentation

    Control Center.

    5. In the pop-up menu that appears, select the "Print Preview" command to

    display the system print job for the feedback documentation of the Control

    Center on the screen.

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    2 The Menu Description of the Control Center

    2.1 File Menu

    2.1.1 ...New

    Use the "New" menu item to open a dialog window in which you can open a

    new project.

    How to Create a New Project:

    1. Click on the icon in the Toolbar


    Click on "New" in the "File" menu.


    Use the keystroke combination "Ctrl + N."

    2. You have the following four options when creating a new project.

    Single User System

    Multi-User System with server utilities

    Project Wizard

    3. You can also open an existing project.

    Opening an existing project

    This example shows you the dialog window for creating a new project.

    4. Click on "OK."

    5. This selection opens a window entitled "Create New Project" in which you

    can enter all of the declarations required for your new project.

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    2-2 WinCC ManualC79000-G8276-C106-01 Creating a New Project

    How to Create a New Project:

    Box Explanation

    Project Name Enter the name of your new project in

    this location.

    New Subfolder WinCC suggests that you use the same

    name for "New Subfolder."

    Folder Select the folder in which your "New

    Subfolder" is to be loaded.

    Project Path The path under which your project is

    stored is displayed here.

    Drive Select the drive on which your new

    project is to be stored.

    This example shows you the "Create New Project" dialog window.

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    WinCC Manual 2-3C79000-G8276-C106-01

    How to Map a Network Drive:

    Box Value/Meaning

    Drive Use this value to connect a drive letter tothe network drive path.

    Path Here you can enter the path of the

    enabled folder to which you want to

    establish a connection. Normally, you

    have to enter the path in the following



    Reconnect at Logon This setting allows to you specify that the

    network drive connection is reestablished

    every time the system starts up. If the

    setting is active, it is represented by the


    2.1.2 ...Open

    You can open an existing project using the "Open ..." menu item.

    How to Open an Existing Project:

    1. Click on "Open" in the "File" menu.


    Click on the icon in the Toolbar.


    Use the keystroke combination "Ctrl + O."

    2. Select the drive as well as the folder and the desired file name.

    3. Click the "Open" button.

    Note: Generally, only the program-related files (file name extension*.MCP) are listed.

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    2-4 WinCC ManualC79000-G8276-C106-01

    2.1.3 Close

    Use the "Close" menu item to close the open project and remove it from the


    How to Close a Project:

    Click on "Close" in the "File" menu. This selection closes all of the

    project-related files. The Control Center remains open and you can open

    and edit another project.

    2.1.4 Activate

    Use the "Activate" menu item to trigger the Start/Stop of the process control

    (runtime) of the current project.

    This menu allows you to switch between the process control andconfiguration.

    If you activate the run-time module, this is noted within the "File" menu in

    the following manner:

    A check mark is in front of the "Activate" menu item

    The name of the current project is identified with the term "Active" within

    the Control Center title bar.

    Note: You can also activate/deactivate a project with the buttonsand from the toolbar.

    How Can You Start a Configured Picture (Graphics Designer)

    Automatically When WinCC (Control Center) Starts?

    If you make the following settings, the run-time module of the Control Center

    as well as an existing picture in the Graphics Designer are started

    automatically when the WinCC program starts.

    1. Within the "Computer" project component, activate the Properties of the

    Computer and switch to the Graphics Runtime tab. Enter the desired start

    picture in the "Start Picture" box.


    Use the "Find" button to find the desired start picture and link to it.

    2. Open the Startup tab and activate the "Graphics Runtime" box. This box is

    active as a default.

    3. Use the "File" "Activate" menu item to start the Control Center run -time


    Note: The run-time modules of a computer with an active check box in

    the Start-up List are started when you activate a project.

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    WinCC Manual 2-5C79000-G8276-C106-01

    Behavior of the WinCC System following the "Activation" of a Project:

    When you have activated a project, you cannot delete configured tags or

    connections. If you attempt to, the "Delete an Object" message window

    appears. This window informs you that you cannot delete an object within

    an active project.

    Behavior of WinCC while exiting Runtime:

    If you exit WinCC while a project is still activated, this project will be

    activated again if you start WinCC the next time. If you hit the key

    combination + while the Control Center is loading, you

    can halt the project activation. WinCC will then start with the

    configuration system.

    Note: The key combination for halting the activation of a project

    works for a single user system and for the server of a multi-user

    system, but not for the clients of a multi-user system.

    2.1.5 Print Feedback Documentation

    Use the "Print Feedback Documentation" menu item to print the current

    project settings.

    Note: The functions of the feedback documentation use the system

    print job "@Documentation Control Center." This print job is

    located in the Control Center in the Project Navigation Window

    under "Editor" "Report Designer" "Print Job."

    2.1.6 ...View Feedback Documentation

    Use the "View Feedback Documentation" menu item to print the current

    project settings.

    Note: The functions of the feedback documentation use the system

    print job "@Documentation Control Center." This print job is

    located in the Control Center in the Project Navigation Window

    under "Editor" "Report Designer" "Print Job."

    2.1.7 ...Exit

    Use the "Exit" menu item to exit the Control Center. This command closes all

    of the files of the open projects.

    How to Exit a Project:

    Select "File" "Exit" in the menu bar and the "OK" button in the "Exit

    Control Center" dialog window. This selection closes all of the

    project-related files. During this phase, the storage process is displayed in

    the "Exit Control Center" window.

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    2.1.8 ...Shut Down

    Use the "Shut Down" menu item to exit the Control Center and shut down

    Windows 95 or Windows NT or log on under another name. This menu item

    offers the following options:

    This is the shutdown window of the Control Center.

    How to Exit a Project and the Current Windows Session:

    Select "File" "Shutdown" in the menu bar. In the dialog window that

    opens, make the selection with which you want to exit Windows. When

    you then click on the "OK" button, all of the project-related files close andthe system shuts down or switches to another state from which a different

    user can log on.

    2.2 Edit Menu2.2.1 ...Undo

    Use "Undo" to take back the last command used.

    How to Undo the Last Command:

    Click on "Undo" in the "Edit" menu.


    Use the keystroke combination "Ctrl + Z."

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    WinCC Manual 2-7C79000-G8276-C106-01

    2.2.2 ...Cut

    Use the "Cut" menu item to remove objects from the project and place them

    on the Clipboard. The objects are stored on the Clipboard until a new "Cut" or

    "Copy" replaces them.

    Note: You can cut out objects that you highlight within the project data


    How to Cut Out Objects:

    1. Highlight the objects you want to cut out.

    2. Click on "Cut" in the "Edit" menu.


    Click on the icon in the Toolbar.


    Use the keystroke combination "Ctrl + X."

    2.2.3 ...Copy

    Use the "Copy" menu item to create copies of objects and store them on the

    Clipboard. The object is stored on the Clipboard until a new "Cut" or "Copy"

    replaces it.

    Note: You can copy objects that you highlight within the project data


    How to Copy Objects:

    1. Highlight the objects you want to copy.

    2. Click on "Copy" in the "Edit" menu.


    Click on the icon in the Toolbar.


    Use the keystroke combination "Ctrl + C."

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    2-8 WinCC ManualC79000-G8276-C106-01

    2.2.4 ...Paste

    Use the "Paste" menu item to copy the contents of the Clipboard into your

    project. The contents of the Clipboard do not change.

    Note: You can only paste an object if you have copied it to theClipboard. Therefore, you must cut or copy something within the

    Control Center in order to paste it in your project. If you used

    another tool (for example, Word or Excel) to export something to

    the Clipboard, you cannot paste that item.

    How to Paste Objects from the Clipboard:

    Click on "Paste" in the "Edit" menu.


    Click on the icon in the Toolbar.


    Use the keystroke combination "Ctrl + V."

    2.2.5 ...Delete

    Use "Delete" to delete the selected object.

    How to Delete Objects:

    Click on "Delete" in the "Edit" menu.


    Use the keystroke "Del"

    2.2.6 ...Properties

    Use the "Properties" menu item to edit the contents of the properties of the

    current object.

    How to Edit the Properties of the Current Object:

    Click on "Properties" in the "Edit" menu.


    Click on the icon in the Toolbar.


    Open the pop-up menu by clicking the right mouse button and select the

    "Properties" menu item.

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    2.3 View Menu2.3.1 ...Toolbar

    Use the "Toolbar" menu item to turn the Toolbar on and off depending on

    your need.

    How to Display/Hide the Toolbar:

    Click on "Toolbar" in the "View" menu.

    A check mark to the left of the "Toolbar" menu item shows that the Toolbar is


    2.3.2 ...Status Bar

    Use the "Status Bar" menu item to turn the Status Bar on and off depending

    on your need. The Status Bar is displayed on the lower border of the Control

    Center main window. The left side shows general program information. For

    example, if you select "File" "New" with the mouse button, "Creates a new

    document" appears in that area of the Status Bar.

    Look of the Status Bar Within the Control Center:

    If you select a menu item or an icon on the Toolbar, a brief help text is


    The number of objects contained in each selected node within the project

    navigation window is displayed.

    This area displays the keyboard status:

    "CAPS" Caps Lock is active.

    "NUM" The numeric keypad, located on the right side of the keyboard, is


    "SCRL" Scroll Lock is active.

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    2-10 WinCC ManualC79000-G8276-C106-01

    Note: If the keyboard status boxes are not visible, this is due to the

    current window size of the Control Center. You can make these

    boxes visible by enlarging the size of the window.

    You can change the window size by clicking on this box.

    How to Display/Hide the Status Bar:

    Click on "Status Bar" in the "View" menu.

    A check mark to the left of the "Status Bar" menu item shows that the Status

    Bar is active.

    2.3.3 ...Large Icons

    Use the "Large Icons" menu item to display the icons at full size in the right

    side of the window.

    When you select this view, all of the objects within the data window are

    displayed as follows:

    This example shows you the objects within a connection.

    How to Change the Display of the Icons:

    Click on "Large Icons" in the "View" menu.


    Click on the icon in the Toolbar.

    The icons are displayed in full size on the right side of the window.

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    2.3.4 ...Small Icons

    Use the "Small Icons" menu item to display the icons in miniature on the

    right side of the window.

    When you select this view, all of the objects within the data window aredisplayed as follows:

    This example shows you the objects within a connection.

    How to Change the Display of the Icons:

    Click on "Small Icons" in the "View" menu.


    Click on the icon in the Toolbar.

    The icons are displayed in miniature on the right side of the window.

    2.3.5 ...List

    Use the "List" menu item to display the icons in a list format on the right side

    of the window.

    When you select this view, all of the objects within the data window are

    displayed as follows:

    This example shows you the objects within a connection.

    How to Change the Display:

    Click on "List" in the "View" menu.


    Click on the icon in the Toolbar.

    The icons are displayed in a list on the right side of the window.

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    2-12 WinCC ManualC79000-G8276-C106-01

    2.3.6 ...Details

    Use the "Details" menu item to display the information on the right side of the

    window in a detailed format.

    The data window looks like the following picture when "Details" is selected:

    This example shows you the objects within a connection.

    How to Change the Display :

    Click on "Details" in the "View" menu.


    Click on the icon in the Toolbar.

    The icons are displayed in a detailed list on the right side of the window.

    2.3.7 ...Update

    Use the "Update" menu item to update the information within the project


    How to Update the Project Window Display:

    Click on "Update" in the "View" menu.


    Use the function key .

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    2.4 Editors Menu2.4.1 ...Editors

    Use this menu item to add additional menu items during runtime as long as

    this is supported by the DLL of the application.

    Example: This example shows you the currently connected editors. The

    application DLLs of the editors support this connection

    capability by means of the "Editors" menu item.

    Selecting and Activating Menu Items Under "Editors":

    1. Click on "Editors" in the Menu Bar.

    2. Select a menu item.

    3. From the sub menu that opens, select the menu item you want to activate.

    Note: Every menu item within the "Editors" contains the "Open" menu

    item. Multiple menu items can be present. The available menu

    items correspond to the structure of the pop-up menu for each

    individual editor which is located in the Project Navigation

    Window under the "Editor" project components.

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    2.5 Tools Menu2.5.1 ...Language

    Note: This menu item is available only if you installed more than one

    language when you installed WinCC. Generally, WinCC provides

    the following three languages:




    How to Activate a Specific Language:

    1. Click on "Options" in the menu bar.

    2. Select the "Language" menu item.

    3. In the "Language" dialog, you can select the language with which you

    want to work from the list of installed languages. To do this, simply select

    the desired language and then click the "OK" button. This action activates

    the selected language.

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    WinCC Manual 2-15C79000-G8276-C106-01

    2.5.2 ...Status of Driver Connections

    Use the "Status of Driver Connections" menu item to view current

    information about the run-time module.

    Note: In order to see the current run-time status, the run-time modulemust be activated. Use the "Activate" menu item in the "File"

    menu to determine whether the run-time module is active.

    How to Scan the Current Runtime Status:

    Click on "Status of Driver Connections" in the "Tools" menu. This action

    open the "Status - Logical Connections" window. The current logical

    connections and their current status are displayed in seven columns in this


    Column Explanation

    Name Name of the logical connectionStatus Status of the logical connection

    Error Number of errors which occurred in the

    logical connection

    Tags Read Total number of tags read in the logical

    connection since the start of the project

    Tags Written Total number of tags written in the logical

    connection since the start of the project

    Read Requests Number of read requests of the logical

    connection still open. If there are no read

    requests, there is a 0 at this location. Anyother number value shows you that there are

    read requests that have not been concluded.

    Each activated read request increases the

    counter by 1. If the read request is completed,

    the number is decreased by one.

    Write Requests Number of write requests of the logical

    connection still open. If there are no write

    requests, there is a 0 at this location. Any

    other number value shows you that there are

    write requests that have not been concluded.

    Each activated write request increases the

    counter by 1. If the write request is completed,the number is decreased by 1.

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    2-16 WinCC ManualC79000-G8276-C106-01

    This is the "Status - Logical Connections" window. Within this window, the

    seven columns provide an overview of the current status of the logical


    How to Influence Updating of the Runtime Status:

    Box Name Explanation


    Cyclic Update Activates cyclic updating. The cycle

    interval is executed in steps of 250 ms.The standard value for the update is 1 s

    (4 x 250 ms). Use the up-down controls

    to adjust the time interval. You can

    enter a value between 4 and 99 in the

    text box.

    Update Up you do not select a cyclic update,

    you can use the "Update" button to

    execute a current update of all of the


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    WinCC Manual 2-17C79000-G8276-C106-01

    2.5.3 ...Status of Multi-User Operation

    Use the "Status of Multi-User System" menu item to view the current status of

    the multi-user system. This shows you, for example, which computers are

    currently accessing the project. The dialog window is divided into the two

    following tabs:

    Process Data Server

    Process Data Clients

    Note: You CANNOT edit the boxes in the individual tabs. In case of an

    error, the information here is very helpful for the WinCC hotline.

    The status of a multi-user system can also be viewed from the clients, but only

    the information pertaining to the client making the request will be displayed.

    The "Process Data Server" tab provides the following information:

    Area Name Meaning

    Supported Network This list box contains all of the available

    Protocols network protocols.

    UUID This abbreviation stands for Universal

    User Identification. A unique identifier for

    the entire project is displayed in this box.

    Network Endpoint The network endpoint is assigned

    dynamically by the operating system.

    Properties This box contains two values that areseparated by a slash and have the

    following significance: The first value is

    the minimum number of threads that are

    running and the second value is the

    maximum number of threads that are

    running on the server.

    The "Process Data Clients" tab provides the following information about a

    special client. You can select the client by means of the drop-down list box.

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    Area Name Meaning

    UUID This abbreviation stands for Universal

    User Identification. A unique identifier for

    the entire project is displayed in this box.

    Network Protocol This box displays the protocol that the

    client is using to communicate with the


    Network Address This box displays the 12-digit Ethernet

    address of the server network card to

    which a connection was made.

    Network Endpoint The network endpoint is assigned

    dynamically by the operating system.

    Note: If you view the status of the multi-user system from a client, all

    the information pertaining to this client will be displayed.

    Information about the server and other clients can not be


    2.6 Help Menu2.6.1 ...Contents

    Use the "Contents" menu item to access the global on-line help of the Control

    Center. This help window gives you access to all of the help topics for the

    entire WinCC system (projects and tools).

    How to Call Up the Global On-Line Help:

    Click on "Contents" in the "Help" menu.

    You can find more information on this procedure in the Windows 95 or

    Windows NT description.

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    WinCC Manual 2-19C79000-G8276-C106-01

    2.6.2 ...Find

    Use the "Find" menu item to view the help text for a specific term.

    How to Find a Specific Term in On-Line Help:

    1. Click on "Find" in the "Help" menu. The mouse pointer is changed byhaving a question mark attached.


    Click the help button the Toolbar.


    Use + to activate the Help mode.

    2. Click on the menu command, editing box, or the button about which youwant further information.

    Note: Select the key to exit Help mode.

    2.6.3 ...Index

    Use the "Index" menu item to call up the index for the Control Center on-linehelp.

    A window with three tabs (contents, index, and find) opens.

    The last tab that was opened is the one that you see when you activate themenu item.

    How to Call Up the Index of On-Line Help:

    Click on "Index" in the "Help" menu.

    You can find more information on the procedure in the Windows 95 orWindows NT description.

    2.6.4 ...Glossary

    Use the "Glossary" menu item to call up the glossary.

    How to Call Up the Glossary:

    Click on "Glossary" in the "Help" menu.

    You can find more information on the procedure in the Windows 95 orWindows NT description.

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    2.6.5 ...Using Help

    Use the "Using Help" menu item to receive information about how to use the

    on-line help.

    How to Find Out How to Use On-Line Help:

    Click on "Using Help" in the "Help" menu.

    2.6.6 ...Tutorial

    Use the "Tutorial" menu item to start the interactive tutorial. This program

    teaches you to handle WinCC and provides a case example in which you can

    execute a project in its entirety. In this case example, you become familiar

    with all of the important points for creating a project.

    How to Start the Tutorial:

    Click on "Tutorial" in the "Help" menu.

    2.6.7 ...About Control Center...

    Use the "About Control Center" menu item to receive detailed informationabout the Control Center. The information window contains the currentversion number and the copyright information. In addition, you can see awindow segment with a list of all of the installed optional modules.

    How to Receive Further Information about the Control Center:

    Click on "About Control Center" in the "Help" menu.

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    WinCC Manual 3-1C79000-G8276-C106-01

    3 Project Description

    3.1 General Information About Projects

    Structure of a Project in the Control Center:

    A project consists of multiple components which are directly dependent on

    each other. You can find the individual components of a project in the project

    navigation window.

    Editing/Viewing the Project Properties:

    If you want to view or edit the project properties, you must select the current

    project in the project navigation window. Then you must open the

    corresponding pop-up menu and select the "Properties" menu item or use

    the button in the Toolbar.

    The pop-up menu of the current project is displayed in the data window.

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    3-2 WinCC ManualC79000-G8276-C106-01

    3.2 Project Properties

    How to Edit the Project Properties:

    1. In the project navigation window, click the right mouse button on the

    project name which you can recognize by the *.MCP file extension. In thepop-up menu that t hen appears, click on the "Properties..." menu item. A

    dialog box with the following tabs appears:


    Use the button in the Toolbar.

    2. You can select among the three tabs in the "Project Properties" dialog box.

    The individual tabs have the following meaning:

    Tab Explanation

    General Information General project data.

    Update Cycles Set the project-related time interval for

    updating the process image.

    Hot Keys Assign a hot key to certain actions in

    the WinCC system.

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    WinCC Manual 3-3C79000-G8276-C106-01

    3.2.1 "General Information" Tab

    How to Edit the "General Information" Tab:

    In the "General Information" tab, click on the box you want to edit. You canedit the boxes shown in the following table.

    The individual boxes have the following meaning:

    Box Name Explanation

    Type The current project type is displayed in

    this box. You can manage a project as a

    "Single-User System" or a "Multi-User

    System." Use this box to change the

    project type also.

    Creator The name of the project creator is

    entered in this box. This namecorresponds to the user name that the

    creator of a project under Windows 95 or

    Windows NT used to log on to the


    Creation Date The date the project was created is

    entered in this box. This date

    corresponds to the system date on the

    computer on which the project was


    Changed By The name of the editor of the project is

    entered in this box.Last Change The date of the last change to the project

    is entered in this box. This date

    corresponds to the system date on the

    computer on which the project was


    Version The number of the current project

    version is entered in this box. Alpha-

    numeric characters can be used here.

    GUID The project ID number is loaded in this

    box. A new number is created for each

    project. This identification is necessaryfor database handling.

    Comment You can enter comments concerning the

    current project in this box. Alpha-

    numeric characters can be used here.

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    This picture shows you the screen structure of the "General Information" tab.

    3.2.2 "Update Cycle" Tab

    Note: The "Update Cycles" tab contains preset cycles and cycles you candefine yourself. You can recognize the definable cycles by their

    standard identification "User Cycle n," where "n" corresponds to

    a range between 1 and 5. This means that you can assign a

    maximum of 5 definable user cycles.

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    How to Select a Preset Update Cycle:

    1. Click on the "Update Cycles" tab.

    2. Select the update cycle required for your project.

    3. Use the "OK" button to apply the selected update cycle.

    This example shows you some of the possible preset update cycles.

    How to Set an Update Cycle You Can Define Yourself:

    1. Click on the "Update Cycles" tab.

    2. Select one of the available (maximum 5) user cycles. (The user cycles you

    can define yourself are located at the end of the list).

    This example shows you the user cycles you can define yourself. The

    boxes that can be edited are located on the lower border.

    3. If you want to change the name, click on the left box (for example, "User

    Cycle 1" as seen in the example) and change the name.

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    4. If you want to change the update cycle, click on the right box (for

    example, "2000" as shown in the example) and change the value. You can

    enter a value from 100 ms to 3600000 ms (100 ms to 10 hr) in this box.

    The value entered is rounded up to the next value divisible by 100 (for

    example, if you enter 2111, the value is rounded up to 2200 when you hit

    a key).

    5. Use the "OK" button to apply the selected update cycle.

    Note: If a user cycle is changed while the project is running in run time,

    the change does not affect the run time. The change does not take

    effect until you DEACTIVATE/ACTIVATE the project.

    3.2.3 "Hot Keys" Tab

    How to Use the "Hot Keys" Tab to Assign a Hot Key to Specific Actions:

    1. Click on the "Hot Keys" tab.

    2. In the "Actions" box, select the action to be activated with a hot key.

    3. The current hot key is displayed in the "Previously Assigned" box. If no

    hot key has been assigned, this box contains "None." In order to assign a

    hot key to the selected action, proceed as follows:

    a. Click on the "Previously Assigned" box.

    b. Now use the keys that you want to correspond to the hot key (for

    example + or + ).

    4. Use the "Assign" button. You can activate the selected action with the hot

    key you set.

    Note: With the hot keys for the "Log-on" and "Log-off" actions, you can

    log on to or off of a running run-time module. For example, if

    you assign the keystroke combination + + to

    the "Logon" action, you must log on to a running run -time

    module using this keystroke combination. You can fine more

    detailed information in the manual for the " User Administrator."

    If you want to execute the "Hardcopy" action by means of a hot key, you must

    connect the "PrtScr.exe" program in the Computer Startup ListComputer

    "Startup" tab (Control Center). The "PrtScr.exe" program is located in the

    "\bin" path of WinCC (for example "C:\WinCC\Bin or


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    WinCC Manual 4-1C79000-G8276-C106-01

    4 Project Window in the Control Center

    4.1 General Information about the Project Window

    When you start the Control Center and open a project, a project windowopens. This window is divided into two halves. The left side contains the

    project navigation window, in which you can move easily through your entire


    Each position change in the project navigation window causes a direct change

    in the data window which is located on the right side of the screen.

    This window corresponds to the "Project Window." The "Project Navigation

    Window" is on the left side and the "Data Window" is on the right.

    4.2 Project Navigation Window

    The Project Navigation Window is Structured as Follows:

    There is a main node in the project navigation that is represented by the

    project name, for example, . Use the or buttons

    to display or hide the levels beneath the project name.

    A project consists of the following components:

    Note: You can edit the properties of each project component by

    selecting the "Properties" menu item in the appropriate pop-upmenu. Each project component can contains additional sub-items.

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    Project Component Explanation

    Computer All of the workstations and servers that

    are assigned to a project are managed in

    this area.

    Tag Management All channels, logical connections, process

    and internal tags, and tag groups are

    managed in this area.

    Data Types All data types and the tags assigned to

    them are mirrored in this area and are

    even available to other channels.

    Editor All of the available editors are listed in

    this area. This includes the graphic

    system (Graphics Designer), actionprocessing (Global Scripts), message

    system (Alarm Logging), measurement

    value archiving and editing ( Tag

    Logging), report system (Report

    Designer), user authorization ( User

    Administration), and the text library (Text

    Library). These modules are all a part of

    the WinCC system but they do not all

    have to be installed.

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    You Can Move As Follows in the Project Navigation Window:

    Note: You can use the mouse or the keyboard to move in the project

    navigation window. Keystroke commands correspond to those

    used in Windows 95 or Windows NT (for example, arrow keys,

    plus and minus on the numeric keypad). Each change in positiontriggers an immediate update of the data window on the right side

    of the screen.

    1. In the project navigation window, click on the or button to display

    or hide an additional level.

    2. Double click on a name in order to open or close an additional level (for

    example, double click on "Computer" to open the next level).

    This picture shows you the structure of the project navigation window.

    How to Set the Optimal Window Width for the Project Navigation


    1. Position the mouse pointer on the dividing line between the project

    navigation window and the data window. The mouse pointer changes to


    2. Click the left mouse button and hold it down while moving the mouse to

    the left or right. This action changes the width of the window.

    3. When you release the mouse button, the display is changed to the new

    window width.

    This example shows you the window dividing line that separates the

    project navigation window from the data window.

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    4.3 Data Window

    You Can Move as Follows in the Data Window:

    Note: You can use the mouse or the keyboard to move in the data

    window. Keystroke commands correspond to those used in

    Windows 95 or Windows NT (for example, arrow keys).

    1. Double click on a name to open a list or an object.

    2. When you select an object and click the right mouse button, the pop-up

    menu of the object opens.

    3. If you click the right mouse button in an empty area of the window, the

    pop-up menu for the corresponding list element in the project navigation

    window opens.

    This example shows the data window.

    The Data Window is Constructed as Follows in the "Large Icons," "Small

    Icons," and "List" Views:

    Each object is represented by the corresponding icon and its name. The

    following example shows the computer objects in the "Large Icons" view:

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    The Data Window Has the Following Structure in the Details View:

    Note: Use the "Name," "Type," "Parameter," and "Last Change" buttons

    to sort the contents of the data window in rising or falling order.

    The data window is divided into the following four columns:

    Project Component Explanation

    Name This column displays name of the object,

    a tag, or a file. (The file name is assigned

    to a specific editor).

    Type This column displays the type of the

    object. For example, in the case of a

    computer, this column could contain

    "Server." With tags, the data type of eachtag is displayed.

    Parameter This column displays the address

    descriptions for external tags: for

    example, the data block number (DB)

    and the data word address (DW). In thecase of internal tags, "Internal Tags" is

    entered in this location.

    Last Change This column displays the date and time

    of the last change.

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    How to Set the Optimal Column Width for the Details View:

    There are two ways to change the column width:

    Position the mouse pointer on the dividing line between the individual

    columns. The mouse pointer then changes to . Click the leftmouse button and hold it down. If you move the mouse to the left or

    right, the column width changes. When you release the mouse button,

    the display changes to the new column width.

    Position the mouse pointer on the dividing line between the individual

    columns. The mouse pointer then changes to . If you double click

    the left mouse button, the display changes to the optimal column

    width. The optimal column width is determined by the column with

    the longest value.

    This example shows the dividing lines in the Details view in the data


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    WinCC Manual 5-1C79000-G8276-C106-01

    5 Project Components in the Control Center

    5.1 General Information About Project Components

    What are Project Components, Where Are They Located, and How Can

    You Edit Them?

    A project is made up of the following components:


    Tag Management

    Data Types


    The project navigation window lists all of the components that belong to the


    How to Edit or View the Properties of Each Project Component:

    Select the project component whose properties you want to edit and click

    the right mouse button. In the pop-up menu that then appears, select the

    "Properties..." menu item.

    5.2 Structure of the "Computer" Project Component

    The "Computer" Project Component Has the Following Structure:

    There are no sub-items to this component. All of the computers assigned

    to the project are listed in the data window.

    This example shows you a configured computer of the server type under

    the "Server Computer" project component.

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    5.2.1 Properties of the "Computer" Project Component

    How to Edit the Properties of the "Computer" Project Component:

    1. In the project navigation window, click the right mouse button on

    "Computer." In the pop-up menu that then appears, select the"Properties..." menu item.

    2. In the "Computer List Properties" dialog box, you can start the following


    Use the "Delete" button to delete the selected computer from your

    current project management. In order to be able to edit a project, at

    least one computer must be available.

    Use the "Properties" button to edit the properties of the selected


    Use the "OK" button to apply all of the settings you make, or use "Cancel"

    to reject those settings. Use the "Help" button to access the help system.

    5.3 Structure of the "Tag Management" Project Component

    This Is the Way the "Tag Management" Project Component Is


    This component can have multiple sub-items. Communication drivers,

    which manage process tags, and "Internal Tags" are managed in the "Tag

    Management" project component.

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    This example shows you six installed communication drivers and their

    channel units under the "Tag Management" project component.

    Each communication driver can be made up of the following sub-items:

    1 to n channel units

    1 to n logical connections. All tag groups and tags in the logical

    connection are managed and displayed in this area.

    1 to n tag groups. All tags of the tag group in the logical

    connection are displayed and managed in this area.

    1 to n independent tags. All tags that do not belong to a tag

    group are managed and displayed in this area.

    This example shows you the "SIMATIC S5 Ethernet Layer 4" communication

    driver with the "S5-Transport (CP1413-1)" channel unit as well as its logical

    connections and tag groups.

    5.3.1 Properties of the "Tag Management" Project Component

    How to Edit the Properties of the "Tag Management" Project


    1. In the project navigation window, click the right mouse button on "Tag

    Management." In the pop-up menu that then appears, select the

    "Properties..." menu item.

    2. You can start the following actions in the "Properties List of the

    Communication Driver" dialog box:

    Use the "New" button to link new communication drivers to yourcurrent project management.

    Use the "Delete" button to delete the selected communication driver

    from your current project management. You can also delete multiple

    communication drivers at once.

    Use the "OK" button to apply all of the settings you make, or use "Cancel"

    to reject those settings. Use the "Help" button to access the help system.

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    5.4 Structure of the "Data Types" Project Component

    This Is the Way the "Data Types" Project Component Is Structured:

    All the standard data types are listed in this area. When you select a data

    type, the data window displays all of the tags related to the project.

    This example shows you all of the available data types under the "Data Types"

    project component.

    This example shows you all of the "Signed 16-Bit Value" data type tags

    related to the project under the "Data Types" project component.

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    Creating New Tags:

    You can also use the "Data Types" project component to create new tags. To

    create a new tag, proceed as follows:

    1. In the project components, select the data type for which you want to

    create a new tag.

    2. Open the pop-up menu and select the "New" menu item.

    3. The "Tag Assignment" dialog window opens.

    4. Select the connection or tag group in which you want to include thenew tag. You can also create a new internal tag.

    5. After you click on the "OK" button, the "Tag Properties" dialogwindow opens in which you can make the settings for the new tag.

    6. Once you have made all the settings, click on the "OK" button to createthe new tag.

    Note: In the "Tag Assignment" dialog window, you can recognize the

    configured tag groups by the icon in front of the connection.

    5.5 Structure of the "Editor" Project Component

    This Is the Way the "Editor" Project Component Is Structured:

    All installed editors are listed in this area. During the WinCC systeminstallation, you can determine which editors you will find in this area.

    The following picture shows you all of the available editors, the defaulteditors as well as the optional editors:

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    5-6 WinCC ManualC79000-G8276-C106-01

    This example lists all of the editors of the WinCC system listed under the

    "Editors" project component.

    The "Report Designer" area offers the following additional functions:

    The "Global Script" area offers the following additional functions:

    5.5.1 Properties of the "Editor" Project Component

    How to Edit the Properties of the "Editor" Project Component:

    1. In the project navigation window, click the right mouse button on

    "Editor." In the pop-up menu that then appears, select the "Properties..."

    menu item.

    2. You can start the following actions in the "Properties of Tools" dialog box:

    Use the "New" button to link new editors to your current project


    Use the "Delete" button to delete the selected editor from yourcurrent project management.

    Use the "Properties" button to view or edit the properties of the

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