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Page 1: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


GS LUXURY GROUP Official Licensee










c o l l e c t i o n S 2 0 1 9

Page 2: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented
Page 3: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented

D U C A T I , U n A g r A n D e s T o r I A

M a d eI n I T A L Y

La storia del brand nasce a Bologna nel 1926, quando la famiglia Ducati decide di lanciarsi nell’industria delle trasmissioni radio. I suoi primi apparecchi ottengono subito un successo internazionale e appena dieci anni dopo l’azienda fonda il suo storico stabilimento di Borgo Panigale, dove vengono prodotti anche rasoi e macchine fotografiche. La seconda guerra mondiale rade al suolo l’edificio, ma nel 1946 i fratelli Ducati conquistano il mercato con un prodotto progettato durante il conflitto. si chiama Cucciolo: un piccolo motore ausiliario per biciclette che diventerà il più famoso in tutto il mondo. Da lì alle moto il passo è breve. La svolta avviene negli anni ’50 quando in squadra arriva l’ingegner Fabio Taglioni, detto “Dottor T”. Con lui Ducati entra nel mondo delle corse con modelli unici dalle forme ardite, performance sbalorditive e tecniche originali. Il resto sono moto e vittorie: bellissime, tante, incredibili. Dalla scrambler alla 750 Desmo che nel 1972 vince la 200 miglia di Imola, dal lancio della mitica Monster ai recenti successi nel MotogP e nel superbike. Un brand nato per vincere: su strada, in gara e oggi anche sulle superfici di casa tua.

The history brand begins in Bologna in 1926, when Ducati family decided to launch in the radio broa-dcasts industry. His first productions get immedia-te international success and only 10 years later the company built his historical manufacturing plant in Borgo Panigale, where also razors and cameras were produced. The building was satin on the ground in the second World war, but in 1946 Ducati brothers conquered the market with a product designed during the conflict. The name is “Cucciolo”: a small auxiliary motor for bicycles that will become the most famous all over the world.From there to the motorcycle pro-duction the step is short. The turning point become in 50’s when engineer Fabio Taglioni, named “Doctor T”, arrives in the team.With him Ducati enters in the world of racing with unique models of daring forms, stunning performan-ces and original techniques. The rest are bikes and wins: beautiful, so many, incredibles. From “scram-bler” to “750 Desmo” that won in 1972 the 200 miles of Imola, since the launch of the mythical Monster to recent achievements in MotogP and superbike. A brand born to win: on the road, on the race and today on the surfaces of your house.

Page 4: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented
Page 5: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented

La historia del “brand” comienza en Bolonia en 1926, cuando la familia Ducati decidió de lanzarse en la indu-stria de las emisiones de radio.sus primeras producciones logran un éxito internacional inmediato y sólo 10 años más tarde la compañía construyó su histórica planta de fabricación en Borgo Panigale, don-de también se produjeron máquinas de afeitar y cámaras.el edificio fue satinado en el suelo en la segunda guerra mundial, pero en 1946 los hermanos Ducati conquistaron el mercado con un producto diseñado durante el conflicto. el nombre es “Cucciolo”: un pequeño motor auxiliar para bicicletas que se convertirá en el más famoso en todo el mundo.De allí a la producción de la motocicleta el paso es corto. el punto de inflexión se convierte en los años 50 cuando el ingeniero Fabio Taglioni, llamado “Doctor T”, llega al equipo.Con él Ducati entra en el mundo de las carreras con mo-delos únicos de formas atrevidas, impresionantes actua-ciones y técnicas originales. el resto son motos y triunfos: hermosos, tantos, increíbles.De “scrambler” a “750 Desmo” que ganó en 1972 las 200 millas de Imola, desde el lanzamiento del mítico Monster a los últimos logros en MotogP y superbike.Una marca nacida para ganar: en la carretera, en la carre-ra y hoy en las superficies de tu casa.

L’histoire de la Marque commence à Bologne en 1926, lorsque la famille Ducati a décidé de se lancer dans l’industrie des émissions de radio. ses premières pro-ductions obtiennent un succès international immédiat et seulement 10 ans plus tard, la société a construit son usine deproduction historique à Borgo Panigale, où ont également été fabriqués des rasoirs et dscaméras. Le bâtiment était rasé pendant la seconde guerre mondia-le, mais en 1946, les frères.Ducati ont conquis le mar-ché avec un produit conçupendant le conflit. Le nom est “Cucciolo “: un petit moteur auxiliaire pour les bicyclet-tes qui deviendra le plus célèbre du monde entier.De là à la production de moto, l’étape est courte. Le tournant devient 50 lorsque l’ingénieur Fabio Taglioni, appelé “Docteur T”, arrive dans l’équipe.Avec lui, Ducati entre dans le monde de la course avec des modèles uniques de formes audacieses, des perfor-mances étonnantes et des techniques originales. Le re-ste sont des motocyclettes et des victoires: beau, tant, incroyable. Du “scrambler” à “750 Desmo” qui a rempor-té en 1972 les 200 milles d’Imola, depuis le lancement de la mythique Monster aux réalisations récentes en Moto-gP et superbike. Le Marque est née pour gagner: sur la route, sur la course et aujourd’hui aussi sur les surfaces de votre maison.

Page 6: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented
Page 7: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented

D U C A T I L I V I n g C o n C e P T

U n n U o V o B r A n D P e r U n A n U o V A I D e A D e L L I V I n g

D o V e L A P A s s I o n e C o r r e s U s U P e r F I C I I n e D I T e e L A T e C n o L o g I A s C o P r e n U o V e A P P L I C A z I o n I

I L D e s I g n I T A L I A n o s I s P I n g e I n F o r M e e s T I L I D I n U o V A g e n e r A z I o n e

Ducati Winning Tiles è l’unione di due strade.

L’esperienza nel mondo della ceramica di gs Luxury group e le competenze dell’ Ufficio stile Ducati, uno dei brand di motociclismo più famosi al mondo; 50 anni di ricerca ce-ramica e 90 anni di genio industriale in perfetta sinergia. Le collezioni prendono il nome da strade prestigiose dove i motociclisti amano sfruttare la potenza delle proprie Duca-ti, per assaporare i paesaggi circostanti, prima di giungere a destinazione nelle proprie abitazioni create seguendo il living concept Ducati.

Due importanti realtà portavoce del Made in Italy di ec-cellenza, oggi insieme per dare vita a un concept unico: interpretare la potenza e l’eleganza del brand Ducati in un progetto di living esclusivo, adatto sia al residenziale sia al settore del contract di lusso, con un approccio in-ternazionale e una attenta cura del dettaglio di altissimo profilo.

Il risultato di questo incontro sono 6 collezioni realizzate con materiali di altissima qualità e un design capace di evocare la trama battistrada dei pneumatici, le lamiere delle officine, l’architettura dei loft industriali. Una mo-dernità vissuta adatta a tutti gli spazi della contempora-neità con un’ unica destinazione, l’eccellenza.

gs Luxury group s.p.A. è una societa’ costituita da storici imprenditori del Distretto Ceramico, trai i quali la famiglia Pozzi-gambarelli, insieme ad un importante partner finan-ziario di minoranza, sistema Investimenti, con l’intento di creare nuove serie di piastrelle ceramiche di lusso legate a marchi prestigiosi.

nel 2014 nasce il progetto “Tonino Lamborghini Tiles and style”, incoraggiato da ottimi risultati che un utilizzo simi-lare dello stesso marchio ha già avuto in altri settori “lu-xury”, quali produzione e commercializzazione di comple-menti di arredo, telefonia, orologi, energy drink da parte di società con le quali gs sta sviluppando importanti sinergie di mercato.

Al cersaie 2017 è stato presentato l’accordo con la societa’ Ducati per la produzione di piastrelle ispirate all’eccellenza del brand moticiclisitico. Le collezioni Tonino Lamborghini e Ducati saranno complementari e non concorrenziali: le prime rivolte al cliente che cerca il lusso con un pizzico di “ostentazione”, le seconde, adat-te a chi cerca prestazioni tecniche del prodotto unite a stile e design.

Page 8: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented
Page 9: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented

D U C A T I L I V I n g C o n C e P T

A n e W B r A n D F o r A n e W L I V e s T Y L e I D e AW H e r e P A s s I o n r U n o n U n P U B L I s H e D s U r F A C e s

T e C H n o L o g Y D I s C o V e r n e W U s e A n D I T A L I A n D e s I g n s P e n D s I n n e W g e n e r A T I o n F o r M s A n D s T Y L e

Ducati winning Tile is the union of two streets.

The experience in the ceramic industry world of gs Lu-xury group and the competence of the Ducati style offi-ce, one of the most famous motorcycle brand. 50 years of ceramic industry research and 90 years of industrial genius in perfect synergy. The collections are named after prestigiuos roads where motorcyclists love to take advancege of the power of their Ducati, to enjoy the sur-rounding landscapes before reaching their destination in their homes created following the Ducati living concept.

Two realities spokesmen of the Made in Italy excellen-ce, today together to create a unique concept; to inter-pret the power and elegance of the Ducati brand in an exclusive living project, suitable for the residential world as well as the luxury contract service, with an internatio-nal approach and a high profile detail care.

4 collections made of high quality materials and a desi-gn that evokes the tread of tires, the plates of the wor-kshops, and the architecture of the industrial lofts. A modern experience suited to all the spaces of contem-poraneity. one destination: excellence

gs Luxury group s.p.a is a company founded by historical ceramic tile district entrepreneurs, among which Pozzi/gambarelli family, together with an important finan-cial partner of minority (sistema Investimenti), with the idea of creating a new line of luxury Ceramic Tiles linked to a prestigious brand.

In this context was born in 2014 the project “ ToninoLamborghini Tiles and style” encouraged by the excellent results that a similar use of the same brand has already had in other “luxury” areas such as the production and mar-keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies.

At Cersaie 2017 has been presented the agreement with the company Ducati for the production of ceramic tiles inspired by excellence of the motorcycle brand. The collections Tonino Lamborghini and Ducati will be complementary: the first are addressed to the custo-mer looking for luxury with a pinch of ostentation the second addressed to who pursue the technical perfor-mance of the product combined with a style and reco-gnisability.

Page 10: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented
Page 11: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented

PAg. 12


PAg. 42


PAg. 52


PAg. 28



Page 12: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 13: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented

60X120 (24”X48”)




Page 14: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 15: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 16: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 17: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 18: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 19: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 20: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 21: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 22: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 23: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented

01 / VIA eMILIA PAVIMenTI rIVesTIMenTI - WALL & FLoornaturale rettificato / Lappato rettificato - natural rectified / Polished rectified



Cod. D12Ve03F60x120 (24”x48”) ret.

Cod. D12Ve03D60x120 (24”x48”) ret.

Cod. D12Ve0360x120 (24”x48”) ret.

Cod. D12Ve03L60x120 (24”x48”) ret. Lap.




48Cod. D12Ve03DL60x120 (24”x48”) ret. Lap.


Cod. D12Ve03DD60x120 (24”x48”) ret.


60x120 (24”x48”)


Page 24: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 25: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented

01 / VIA eMILIA PAVIMenTI rIVesTIMenTI - WALL & FLoornaturale rettificato / Lappato rettificato - natural rectified / Polished rectified



Cod. D12Ve07F60x120 (24”x48”) ret.

Cod. D12Ve07D60x120 (24”x48”) ret.

Cod. D12Ve0760x120 (24”x48”) ret.

Cod. D12Ve07L60x120 (24”x48”) ret. Lap.




48Cod. D12Ve07DL60x120 (24”x48”) ret. Lap.


Cod. D12Ve07DD60x120 (24”x48”) ret.


60x120 (24”x48”)


Page 26: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 27: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


01 / VIA eMILIA PAVIMenTI rIVesTIMenTI - WALL & FLoornaturale rettificato / Lappato rettificato - natural rectified / Polished rectified


Cod. D12Ve08F60x120 (24”x48”) ret.

Cod. D12Ve08D60x120 (24”x48”) ret.

Cod. D12Ve0860x120 (24”x48”) ret.

Cod. D12Ve08L60x120 (24”x48”) ret. Lap.




48Cod. D12Ve08DL60x120 (24”x48”) ret. Lap.


Cod. D12Ve08DD60x120 (24”x48”) ret.


DeCoro Logo

60x120 (24”x48”)


Page 28: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 29: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented



60x120 (24”x48”)

160x320 (63”x126”)


Page 30: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 31: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented

160x320 (63”x126”) 31

Page 32: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 33: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented

160x320 (63”x126”) - 60x120 (24”x48”) 33

Page 34: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 35: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented

60x120 (24”x48”)35

Page 36: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 37: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented

02 / sKYLIne DrIVe PAVIMenTI rIVesTIMenTI - WALL & FLoornaturale rettificato / natural rectified




x 32

0 (6




38 85


Cod. D30sD05160x320 (63”x126”) ret.

Cod. D12sD0560x120 (24”x48”) ret.

Cod. D30sD15160x320 (63”x126”) ret.

Cod. D12sD1560x120 (24”x48”) ret.

160x320 (63”x126”) Spessore 6mm - Thickness 6mm

60x120 (24”x48”)


Page 38: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 39: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented




x 32

0 (6




38 85


Cod. D30sD08160x320 (63”x126”) ret.

Cod. D12sD0860x120 (24”x48”) ret.

Cod. D30sD18160x320 (63”x126”) ret.

Cod. D12sD1860x120 (24”x48”) ret.

02 / sKYLIne DrIVe PAVIMenTI rIVesTIMenTI - WALL & FLoornaturale rettificato / natural rectified

160x320 (63”x126”) Spessore 6mm - Thickness 6mm

60x120 (24”x48”)


Page 40: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 41: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Cod. D30sD07160x320 (63”x126”) ret.

Cod. D12sD0760x120 (24”x48”) ret.


Cod. D30sD17160x320 (63”x126”) ret.

Cod. D12sD1760x120 (24”x48”) ret.


x 32

0 (6




38 85


02 / sKYLIne DrIVe PAVIMenTI rIVesTIMenTI - WALL & FLoornaturale rettificato / natural rectified

160x320 (63”x126”) Spessore 6mm - Thickness 6mm

60x120 (24”x48”)


Page 42: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 43: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented



20x20 (8”x8”)


Page 44: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 45: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 46: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 47: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 48: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 49: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 50: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 51: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented

03 / ATLAnTIC roADPAVIMenTI rIVesTIMenTI - WALL & FLoornaturale rettificato / natural rectified







Cod. 20x20 (8”x8”)

Cod. D20Ar0620x20 (8”x8”)

25 25

D20Ar0220x20 (8”x8”)

Cod. D20Ar04 20x20 (8”x8”)


Cod. D20Ar14 - 15 - 12 - 1620x20 (8”x8”)


Cod. D20Ar04D - 05D - 02D - 06D20x20 (8”x8”)



20x20 (8”x8”)


Page 52: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 53: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented



60X120 (24”X48”)


Page 54: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 55: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 56: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 57: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 58: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 59: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 60: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


Page 61: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


04 / FUTAPAVIMenTI rIVesTIMenTI - WALL & FLoornaturale rettificato

DeCoro Logo

Cod. D12FU08DD60x120 (24”x48”)

Cod. D12FU0860x120 (24”x48”)

38 70

Cod. D12FU0460x120 (24”x48”)


TAUPE DeCoro Logo

Cod. D12FU04DD60x120 (24”x48”)


60x120 (24”x48”)


Page 62: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented

VIA eMILIA 60x120 (24”x48”)

sKYLIne DrIVe 60x120 (24”x48”)

160x320 (63”x123”)

ATLAnTIC roAD 20x20 (8”x8”)

FUTA 60x120 (24”x48”)

pacKaging PC / BoX sQ.MT / BoX Kg / BoX BoX / PLT sQ.MT / PLT Kg / PLT

2 1,44 36 51,84






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16 0,67 14,20 96 64,32 1363,2

2 1,44 36 51,84

2 1,44 36 51,84

1 5,12

Page 63: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented
Page 64: WINNING TILES - Ducati · keting of furnishing, telephony , watches , energy drink by a company with which gs is developing important market synergies. At Cersaie 2017 has been presented


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