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Wireless Mobile Network Planning and Optimization – A Tool Based Approach KNR Surya Vara Prasad, Hemant Kumar Rath, Anantha Simha

Solution Need of Optimization and Planning

Problem Statement

Can we provide a solution to Mobile operators for Network Planning and Optimization, which

can reduce the CAPEX and OPEX without compromising the QoE?

What is Needed?

1.Topography, User density/type details, Application types & QoS, Technology [GSM, 3G, LTE]

2.Regional or Globally Optimal ?

3.Improve spectral efficiency or network usage

1. Matlab based solution – a Joint Clustering and Game

Theoretic Approach

2. Dynamic solution based on user or operator requirement

Copyright 2013 | Tata Consultancy Services Limited | Strictly Confidential

1. CCC – Cost, Coverage and Capacity are the key


2 Copyright 2013 | Tata Consultancy Services Limited | Strictly Confidential

Existing Coverage Map

Optimization based on Capacity and Coverage

Optimization based on Coverage only

Coverage verification through Drive-Tests

Wireless Mobile Network Planning and Optimization – A Tool Based Approach KNR Surya Vara Prasad, Hemant Kumar Rath, Anantha Simha

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