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M o n i t o r a n d C l a s s i f y

I d e n t i f y I n t e r f e r e n c e

About Digital Global Systems

Digital Global Systems focuses on automated and intelligent spectrum management solutions. Digital Global Systems has over 30 patents focused on analyzing wireless environments and delivering knowledge in near real-time. Additional information can be found at www.digitalglobalsystems.com

c o n s u l t i n gs a l e s

s t a f f i n gs u p p o r t

7950 Jones Branch DriveStudio 1ATysons Corner, Virginia 22102240.477.7149 office phone www.digitalglobalsystems.com

Wireless Optimization and SecuritySpectrum Monitoring for Transportation

Copyright 2018 Digital Global Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Digital Global Systems, the Digital Global Systems logo, and CLEARSKY™ are registered trademarks of Digital Global Systems, Inc. in the United States and other

countries. All other trademarks, service marks, registered marks, or registered service marks are the property of their respective owners.

Digital Global Systems assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Digital Global Systems, Inc. Reserves the right to change, modify, transfer,

or otherwise revise this publication without notice.

Page 2: Wireless Optimization and Security consulting sales ...

Intelligent Wireless MonitoringE N H A N C I N G E F F I C I E N C Y A N D S E C U R I T Y

Whether it is passengers or freight, the transportation industry must deliver cargo at the right place and time, in a secure manor. Maintaining wireless connectivity for the mobile workforce, critical systems and devices is critical. With consistent end-to-end connectivity, logistics and security efforts are simplified.

S p e c t r u m U t i l i z a t i o n& I n c i d e n t Re s p o n s e

• Load a channel plan and Identify open channels which are available for use• Detect network outages for expedient remediation• Highlight illicit activity, suchas drones and wireless jammers• Locate drones and theirassociated controllers, to eliminate surveillance and reduce threat

I n t e r f e r e n c e D e t e c t i o n& C l a s s i f i c a t i o n

• Engage learning engines to identify typical vs. anomalous activity automatically• Compare channel plans (center frequency/bandwidth) to real-time activity, with automated alarms identifying issues• Demodulate Analog FM, P25, NXDN, DMR, DSTAR and TETRA, to identify quality issues and the presence of unauthorized radios

L o n g - t e r m D i s t r i b u t e dM o n i t o r i n g

• Fixed, distributed sensors provide an unparalleled view into a network environment• Access information at a network operations center from multiple nodes, on a single pane of glass

• Remote spectrum anal-ysis capability, reduces time required at site

M O B I L E , S E M I - P E R M A N E N T N O D E S- S E T U P A N D C O N F I G U R E I N M I N U T E S .- R U G G E D S O L U T I O N S F O R V E H I C L E A N D T R A I N M O U N T I N G .

- I N T E R A C T I V E A N D R E M O T E O P T I O N S .

F I X E D N E T W O R K M O N I T O R I N G ( 4 0 M H Z T O 6 G H Z ) - D I S T R I B U T E D N E T W O R K I D E N T I F I E S I N T E R M I T T E N T A N DC H R O N I C S O U R C E S O F I N T E R F E R E N C E .

I D E N T I F Y I L L I C I T A C T I V I T Y - I D E N T I F Y T H E P R E S E N C E O F W I R E L E S S J A M M E R S A N D D R O N E S .

- L O C AT E A N D D I S A B L E D R O N E - C O N T R O L L E R C O M M U N I C AT I O N .

The transportation industry keeps nations moving DGS assist by delivering knowledge regarding:

• Usage and Occupancy• Gaps in Coverage

• Interference Detection• Illicit Activity Identification

use case - network coverage analysisINTERMITTENT COMMUNICATION DISRUPTIONSDGS transportable SigBase™ placed on a freight train, to measure RSS and signal quality across a geography.


• Highlight locations with low or no signal strength.• Identify locations where measurements are different than the expectation.

ResultsData, complete with time stamps and location information are displayed on a map, to assist the operator with identifying areas in need of service, or with interference.

use case - spectrum mappingFIND OPPORTUNITIES FOR REFARMING, REALLOCATION AND COLLABORATIONSemi-permanent SigBase™ systems were placed at multiple towers to gather information over a 30 day period.


• Occupancy, RSS and Modulation information for multiple operators

ResolutionMetrics utilized to determine which channels (and at what times) were available for utilization. Modulation type, along with radio ID’s (when available), were provided to confirm the observed activity was consistent with communications.

Page 3: Wireless Optimization and Security consulting sales ...

Intelligent Wireless MonitoringE N H A N C I N G E F F I C I E N C Y A N D S E C U R I T Y

Whether it is passengers or freight, the transportation industry must deliver cargo at the right place and time, in a secure manor. Maintaining wireless connectivity for the mobile workforce, critical systems and devices is critical. With consistent end-to-end connectivity, logistics and security efforts are simplified.

S p e c t r u m U t i l i z a t i o n & I n c i d e n t Re s p o n s e

• Load a channel plan and Identify channels with limited activity, available for enhanced utilization.• Detect network outages for expedient remediation.• Highlight illicit activity, such as drones and wireless jammers.

I n t e r f e r e n c e D e t e c t i o n & C l a s s i f i c a t i o n

• Engage learning engines to identify typical vs. anomalous activity automatically• Compare channel plans (center frequency/bandwidth) to real-time activity, with automated alarms identifying issues.• Demodulate Analog and Digital LMR protocols to identify quality issues and the presence of unauthorized radios.

L o n g - t e r m D i s t r i b u t e d M o n i t o r i n g

• Fixed, distributed sensors provide an unparalleled view into a network environment.• Access information at a network operations center from multiple nodes, on a single pane of glass.

• Remote spectrum analysis capability, reduces time required at site.

M O B I L E , S E M I - P E R M A N E N T N O D E S - S E T U P A N D C O N F I G U R E I N M I N U T E S . - R U G G E D S O L U T I O N S F O R V E H I C L E A N D T R A I N M O U N T I N G .

- I N T E R A C T I V E A N D R E M O T E O P T I O N S .

F I X E D N E T W O R K M O N I T O R I N G ( 4 0 M H Z T O 6 G H Z ) - D I S T R I B U T E D N E T W O R K I D E N T I F I E S I N T E R M I T T E N T A N DC H R O N I C S O U R C E S O F I N T E R F E R E N C E .

I D E N T I F Y I L L I C I T A C T I V I T Y - I D E N T I F Y T H E P R E S E N C E O F W I R E L E S S J A M M E R S A N D D R O N E S .

- L O C AT E A N D D I S A B L E D R O N E - C O N T R O L L E R C O M M U N I C AT I O N .

the transportation industry keeps nations moving DGS assist by delivering knowledge regarding:

• usage and Occupancy• gaps in coverage

• interference• potential illicit activity

Use case - network coverage analysisPREVENT INTERMITTENT COMMUNICATION DISRUPTIONSDGS transportable SigBASE™ systen was placed on a freight train, to automatically measure RSS and signal quality across a geography.


• Multiple locations were observed with:o low/no signal strength o measurements different than the expectation

ResultsData, complete with time stamps and location information was displayed on a map, to assist the operator with easily identifying areas in need of service, or with potential interference.

Use case - spectrum mappingFIND OPPORTUNITIES FOR REFARMING, REALLOCATION AND COLLABORATIONSemi-permanent SigBASE™ systems were placed at multiple towers to gather information over a 30 day period.


• Occupancy, RSS and Modulation information for multiple operators

ResultsNew channels were identified for licensing and utilization, with opportunities highlighted for increased utilization of existing assets.

Page 4: Wireless Optimization and Security consulting sales ...

M o n i t o r a n d C l a s s i f y

I d e n t i f y I n t e r f e r e n c e

About Digital Global Systems

Digital Global Systems focuses on automated and intelligent spectrum management solutions. Digital Global Systems has over 30 patents focused on analyzing wireless environments and delivering knowledge in near real-time. Additional information can be found at www.digitalglobalsystems.com

c o n s u l t i n gs a l e s

s t a f f i n gs u p p o r t

7950 Jones Branch DriveStudio 1ATysons Corner, Virginia 22102240.477.7149 office phone www.digitalglobalsystems.com

Wireless Optimization and SecuritySpectrum Monitoring for Transportation

Copyright 2018 Digital Global Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Digital Global Systems, the Digital Global Systems logo, and CLEARSKY™ are registered trademarks of Digital Global Systems, Inc. in the United States and other

countries. All other trademarks, service marks, registered marks, or registered service marks are the property of their respective owners.

Digital Global Systems assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Digital Global Systems, Inc. Reserves the right to change, modify, transfer,

or otherwise revise this publication without notice.

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