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Page 1: WISC IV Interpretative Worksheet

8/18/2019 WISC IV Interpretative Worksheet

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Child Name: Date of Testing: Age:


SI! SI! S"o#e E##o# Range Pe#"entile Ve#$al Des"#i%tion

Is the SI! Valid&

Inde' S"aled S"o#e ( Des"#i%tion ) *Highest + ,o-est * . /0 Points


If SI! is INVA,ID2 is 3AI Valid&

Sum VCI+PRI to get the GAI Sum of Scales Scoes a!dco!"et it to a Sta!dad Scoe #ith the ta$le $elo#

) *VCI + PRI* . /0 Points

Is the GAI Valid? Yes No

3AI SSS 3AI S"o#e E##o# Range Pe#"entile Ve#$al Des"#i%to#

SI!43AI4Inde' Range Des"#i%tion

% &'& ())e *teme,Nomati"e Ste!gth

&&- . &'/ A$o"e A"eage,Nomati"e Ste!gth

01 . &&1 A"eage Ra!ge,Withi! Nomal 2imits

3/ . 04 5elo# A"eage,Nomati"e Wea6!ess

7 -8 2o#e *teme,Nomati"e Wea6!ess

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A#e the inde'es 6nita#7&

Inde' HighestS6$s"ale


Diffe#en"e 8nita#7&). 9 %oints

All s6$s"ales . o# NW&All s6$s"ales ; 1/ o# NS&



Yes NoYes NoYes No

Yes No

+++o# 8nita#7 Inde'es Onl7+++

Inde' Inde' S"o#e A<e#age Inde' S"o#e Client Diffe#en"e


Sum of All Fou I!dees 9 : 4 9

Inde' ClientDiffe#en"e

Diffe#en"eRe=6i#ed fo#


Diffe#en"eRe=6i#ed to $e


Pe#sonal St#engtho# Wea>ness&





S W NA (S W NA (S W NA (S W NA (

2* 5A WN2 AA (*2* 5A WN2 AA (*2* 5A WN2 AA (*2* 5A WN2 AA (*

& 5ased o! age fom the ta$le $elo#< (!commo! =iffee!ces all occu at the &/> o less feue!c@ le"el' See FSIQ,GAI,I!de Ra!ge a$le o! Page &

Diffe#en"es Re=6i#ed fo# ?@9 ,e<el Signifi"an"e $7 Age


B 3;8 3;8 3;- 8;0 1/ -;& -;0 -;0 0;/

3;3 3;3 0;< &/;' 10 -;- -;8 3;1 0;& 3;' 3;& 3;- 0;4 1 -;< 3;< -;8 0;/

3;& &/;8 3;3 0;1 19 -;< 3;< 3;< 3;3

1@ 3;& &/;8 3;3 0;< 1B -;< 3;1 -;8 0;/

11 -;8 -;8 3;< 3;0

5ased o! a$le 4;' i! Fla!aga! a!d Baufma!

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STEP 0 + S8FTEST DISCREPANCIESSattle still suggests com)ai!g su$tests to either the FSIQ mea! or the VCI a!d PRI mea! todetemi!e a childDs )eso!al ste!gths a!d #ea6!esses

S6$s"ale S"o#e eanS"o#e


Diffe#en"e Re=6i#edfo# Signifi"an"e1 /


Similaities E' S W (

Voca$ula@ E' S W (

Com)ehe!sio! E' S W (

EI!fomatio! S W (

EWod Reaso!i!g S W (

5loc6 =esig! E4 S W (

Pictue Co!ce)ts E4 S W (

Mati Reaso!i!g E' S W (

EPictue Com)letio! S W (

=igit S)a! E4 S W (

2ette Num$e E4 S W (

EAithmetic S W (

Codi!g E4 S W (

S@m$ol Seach E4 S W (

ECa!cellatio! S W (

ean 8sed: VCI a!d PRI Mea! FSIQ Mea!

& a$le $elo# i!cludes =iffee!ce Reuied fo Sig!ifica!ce fom #hole sam)le< Num$es i! )ae!thesis ae see! i! &/> o less of the sam)le

Diffe#en"e Re=6i#ed fo# Signifi"an"e at ?@9 ,e<el

S6$test ean of 0Inde' S6$tests

ean of Inde' S6$tests

ean of 9Inde' S6$tests

ean of 19S6$tests

Similaities <;<' <;4- <;-1 ';<<

Voca$ula@ <;&& <;<0 <;4' ';<<

Com)ehe!sio! <;4& <;3' <;8- ';/-

EI!fomatio! <;1& <;3/ ';-4

EWod Reaso!i!g <;0& ';/& ';4/

5loc6 =esig! <;<< <;43 <;00

Pictue Co!ce)ts <;'0 <;3/ <;0/

Mati Reaso!i!g <;/8 <;<3 <;01

EPictue Com)letio! <;13 ';3/

=igit S)a! <;/1 ';0'2ette Num$e &;81 ';4/

EAithmetic <;/' ';00

Codi!g <;4- ';'/

S@m$ol Seach <;-& ';/&

ECa!cellatio! <;-' ';30

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lanagan and Ka6fmanGs Planned Com%a#isons

Cl6ste# 1 Cl6ste# / A"t6alDiffe#en"e

Diffe#en"e Re=6i#ed to$e 8n"ommon


3f MR PC! A

3<5= PCm


S6m S"aledS"o#es

A#e These 8nita#7 a"to#s& E7 1 )oi!tsGf highest scoe . lo#est scoe

  Yes NoG" highest scoe . lo#est scoe

  Yes No


+ 9 Needed . <& Sig No!

Whe! Gf EFluid Reaso!i!g is highe it ma@i!dicate the child has good "e$al easo!i!g a$ilit@a!d ca! sol"e )o$lems most easil@ #he! the@ aea$le to ta!slate "isual i!to "e$al mateial

Whe! G" EVisual Reaso!i!g is highe it ma@ i!dicate thechild has good $asic "isual s6ills $ut difficult@ usi!g "isuali!fomatio! as #he! ma6i!g )edictio!s $ased o! chats a!dga)hs a!d i!tegati!g "isual i!fomatio! to sol"e a )o$lem

3f non<e#$alMR PC!

3<5= PCm


S6m S"aled


A#e These 8nita#7 a"to#s& E7 1 )oi!tsGf !o!"e$al highest scoe . lo#est scoe

  Yes NoG" highest scoe . lo#est scoe

  Yes No


+ 9 Needed . <4 Sig No!

Whe! Gf !o!"e$al ENo!"e$al Fluid Reaso!i!g ishighe it ma@ i!dicate that the child ma@ lea!$est #he! !e# i!fomatio! is oga!ied #ithga)hics chats da#i!gs etc;;;

Whe! G" EVisual Reaso!i!g is highe it ma@ i!dicate thatthe child has a good $asic "isual s6ills $ut has difficult@usi!g "isual i!fomatio! as #he! ma6i!g )edictio!s $asedo! chats a!d ga)hs a!d i!tegati!g "isual i!fomatio! tosol"e a )o$lem

3f non<e#$alMR PC!

3f <e#$alSI WR


S6m S"aledS"o#es

A#e These 8nita#7 a"to#s& E7 1 )oi!tsGf !o!"e$al highest scoe . lo#est scoe

  Yes NoG" "e$al highest scoe . lo#est scoe

  Yes No


+ 9 Needed . <4 Sig No!

Whe! Gf !o!"e$al ENo!"e$al Fluid Reaso!i!g ishighe it ma@ i!dicate that the child ma@ lea!$est #he! !e# i!fomatio! is oga!ied #ithga)hics chats da#i!gs etc;;;

Whe! Gf "e$al EVe$al Fluid Reaso!i!g is highe it ma@i!dicate the child ca! easo! most easil@ #ith "e$all@.$asedmateialH the@ ma@ do #ell #ith lectue fomat classes solo!g as the@ do !ot i!clude too ma!@ )ictues chats a!dga)hs

3" le'i"alWR VJ

3" gene#alCJ IN


S6m S"aledS"o#es

A#e These 8nita#7 a"to#s& E7 1 )oi!tsGc leical highest scoe . lo#est scoe

  Yes NoGc ge!eal highest scoe . lo#est scoe

  Yes No


+ 9 Needed . &3 Sig No!

Whe! Gc leical EC@stalied 2eical B!o#ledge ishighe it ma@ i!dicate that the child ca! easo!#ith #ods $ut has limited factual i!fomatio!H#iti!g ma@ $e had $ecause the@ 6!o# the #odsto use $ut ha"e little to sa@ a!d ca! ead $ut !otu!desta!d im)ota!t )oi!ts

Whe! Gc ge!eal EGe!eal C@stalied B!o#ledge is higheit ma@ i!dicate that the child has good factual 6!o#ledge$ut difficult@ #ith #odsH this ma@ mea! that o! #iti!gassig!me!ts the child 6!o#s #hat to sa@ that does !ot 6!o#ho# to sa@ it a!d ma@ $e a$le to ead a!d u!desta!dfamilia to)ics $ut ha"e difficult@ #ith !o"el mateial

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3" ,TIN VJ

3sm W2N =S)


S6m S"aledS"o#es

A#e These 8nita#7 a"to#s& E7 1 )oi!tsGc 2M highest scoe . lo#est scoe

  Yes NoGs WM highest scoe . lo#est scoe

  Yes No



+ 9 Needed . <4 Sig No!

When Glc 2M E2o!g.em Memo@ is highe itma@ i!dicate that the child has adeuate factual6!o#ledge though e)eated )actice #ith familiato)ics $ut #he! lea!i!g !e# mateial hasdifficult@ holdi!g i!fomatio! i! shot.temmemo@ lo!g e!ough to u!desta!d the $ig)ictue

Whe! Gsm WM EShot.em Memo@ o Wo6i!g Memo@ ishighe it ma@ i!dicate that the child ca! lea! !e#i!fomatio! $ut has difficult@ ecalli!g it #ith a dela@H othesma@ sa@ the@ 6!o# i!fomatio! immediatel@ afte stud@i!g$ut foget it the !et da@; he@ li6el@ ae !ot fogetti!g $utathe ae !ot lea!i!g it i! a #a@ that the@ ca! late ecall

3" ,TIN VJ

3f <e#$alSI WR


S6m S"aledS"o#es

A#e These 8nita#7 a"to#s& E7 1 )oi!tsGc 2M highest scoe . lo#est scoe

  Yes NoGf "e$al highest scoe . lo#est scoe

  Yes No


+ 9 Needed . &3 Sig No!

Whe! Glc 2M E2o!g.em Memo@ is highe itma@ i!dicate that the child has adeuate factual6!o#ledge though e)eated )actice #ith familiato)ics $ut has difficult@ usi!g !e# i!fomatio!

Whe! Gf "e$al EVe$al Fluid Reaso!i!g is highe it ma@i!dicate the child ca! easo! most easil@ #ith "e$all@.$asedmateial $ut ma@ ha"e little i!fomatio! to easo! #ith

K See a$les & though 0 to co!"et Sum Scaled Scoes i!to Sta!dad Scoes

Sattle#Gs S6ggested S"ale S"o#e Des"#i%to#s


Des"#i%tion Pe#"entileRange


Des"#i%tion Pe#"entileRange

1 to *ce)tio!al #ea6!essVe@ )ool@ de"elo)ed

Fa $elo# a"eage&st to <!d 10 to 19

Ste!gthWell de"elo)edA$o"e a"eage

04th to 81th

9 to

Wea6!essPool@ de"elo)ed5elo# a"eage

1th to &-th 1B to 1

*ce)tio!al ste!gthVe@ #ell de"elo)ed

Su)eio80th to 88th

to 1/ A"eage <1th to 31th

A<e#age Digits Re"alled $7 Age

Age DS%ano#-a#ds

Re"alled F7 DS%anFa">-a#ds


B+ 1

+1 -

19+1B 3






R Niolon

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S6ms of S"aled S"o#es to Cl6ste# Standa#d S"o#es

Ta$le 1 3f )l6id ReasoningSSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand


0 1/ 7& 1 31 1 01 &/< 11 9 &'& 80 1< 7& 1 33 - 0/ &/4 -< B &'< 809 14 7& 1 30 3 00 &/- -1 &'4 88B 11 7& /@ 0/ 8 0 &/8 3' &'- 88 13 7& /1 0< &< 09 &&& 33 &'3 88

18 7& // 04 &4 0B &&' 0& 9@ &'8 %88 -& 7& /0 0- &3 0 &&1 04 91 &4& %88

1@ -< & / 00 <& 0 &&3 03 9/ &4< %8811 -4 & /9 8/ <1 0 &&8 08 90 &44 %881/ -- & /B 8< <8 @ &<& 8< 9 &4- %8810 -3 & / 84 '1 1 &<' 8' 99 &43 %881 -8 < / 8- 4/ / &<1 81 9B &48 %8819 3& ' / 80 41 0 &<3 83 9 &1/ %881B 3' ' 0@ &// 1/ &<8 83

9 Conf J

Ta$le / 3< )Vis6al ReasoningSSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand


/ 1/ 7& 1/ 30 3 // &/- -1 0/ &'1 880 1' 7& 10 0/ 8 /0 &/0 3& 00 &'0 88 1- 7& 1 0' &' / &&& 33 0 &4/ %889 18 7& 19 0- &3 /9 &&4 0' 09 &4' %88B -< & 1B 00 <& /B &&3 03 0B &41 %88 -1 & 1 8& <3 / &</ 8& 0 &40 %88 -3 & 1 84 '1 / &<' 8' 0 &1/ %88 3/ < 1 83 4' / &<- 8-

1@ 3< ' /@ &// 1/ 0@ &'/ 8011 31 1 /1 &/' 13 01 &'' 88

9 Conf J

Ta$le 0 3f non<e#$al )Non<e#$al l6id ReasoningSSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand


/ 1/ 7& 1/ 33 - // &/- -1 0/ &'1 880 1' 7& 10 38 0 /0 &/8 3' 00 &'0 88 11 7& 1 0< &< / &&< 38 0 &4/ %889 10 7& 19 01 &- /9 &&1 04 09 &4' %88B -& 7& 1B 00 <& /B &&0 00 0B &41 %88 -4 & 1 8& <3 / &<& 8< 0 &40 %88 -3 & 1 84 '1 / &<4 81 0 &1/ %88 -8 < 1 83 4' / &<3 83

1@ 3& ' /@ &// 1/ 0@ &'/ 8011 34 4 /1 &/' 13 01 &'' 88

9 Conf J

Ta$le 3f <e#$al )Ve#$al l6id ReasoningSSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand


/ 1/ 7& 1/ 30 3 // &/1 -1 0/ &'1 88

0 1< 7& 10 0& && /0 &/0 3& 00 &'3 88 11 7& 1 04 &4 / &&& 33 0 &4/ %889 10 7& 19 0- &3 /9 &&' 0& 09 &4< %88B -& 7& 1B 08 <& /B &&- 0- 0B &41 %88 -' & 1 8< <8 / &</ 8& 0 &43 %88 -- & 1 84 '1 / &<' 8' 0 &1/ %88 -8 < 1 83 4' / &<- 8-

1@ 3< ' /@ &// 1/ 0@ &<8 8311 31 1 /1 &/< 11 01 &'< 80

9 Conf J

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Ta$le 9 3" le'i"al )C#7staliLed ,e'i"al Kno-ledgeSSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand


/ 1/ 7& 1/ 38 0 // &/1 -1 0/ &'1 880 1' 7& 10 0& && /0 &/0 3& 00 &'3 88 1- 7& 1 04 &4 / &&/ 31 0 &4/ %889 18 7& 19 0- &3 /9 &&' 0& 09 &4< %88B -< & 1B 08 <& /B &&- 0- 0B &41 %88 -1 & 1 8& <3 / &</ 8& 0 &43 %88 -0 < 1 84 '1 / &<' 8' 0 &1/ %88 3& ' 1 8- 4/ / &<- 8-

1@ 34 4 /@ 88 40 0@ &<8 8311 3- 1 /1 &/< 11 01 &'< 80

9 Conf J

Ta$le B 3" gene#al )3ene#al C#7staliLed Kno-ledgeSSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand


/ 1/ 7& 1/ 30 3 // &/1 -1 0/ &'' 880 1' 7& 10 0& && /0 &/0 3& 00 &'- 88 1- 7& 1 0' &' / &&& 33 0 &'8 %889 18 7& 19 01 &- /9 &&4 0' 09 &4< %88B -< & 1B 00 <& /B &&3 03 0B &41 %88 -1 & 1 8& <3 / &</ 8& 0 &40 %88 -0 < 1 84 '1 / &<' 8' 0 &1/ %88 3& ' 1 83 4' / &<- 8-

1@ 3' ' /@ 88 40 0@ &<8 83

11 3- 1 /1 &/< 11 01 &'& 80

9 Conf J

Ta$le 3" ,T ),ong+Te#m emo#74Ret#ie<alSSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand


/ 1/ 7& 1/ 38 0 // &/1 -1 0/ &'' 880 14 7& 10 0& && /0 &/0 3& 00 &'- 88 13 7& 1 04 &4 / &&& 33 0 &'0 889 -/ 7& 19 03 &8 /9 &&' 0& 09 &4& %88B -' & 1B 08 <& /B &&- 0- 0B &44 %88 -- & 1 8& <3 / &&8 08 0 &40 %88 -8 < 1 84 '1 / &<< 8< 0 &1/ %88 3< ' 1 83 4' / &<1 81

1@ 34 ' /@ 88 40 0@ &<3 8311 33 - /1 &/< 11 01 &'/ 80

9 Conf J

Ta$le Standa#d S"o#es fo# 3sm WSSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand

S"o#etile SSS Stand


/ 1/ 7& 1/ 33 - // &/4 -< 0/ &'1 880 1< 7& 10 0/ 8 /0 &/3 -3 00 &'0 88 14 7& 1 0' &' / &&/ 31 0 &4& %889 1- 7& 19 0- &3 /9 &&' 0& 09 &44 %88B 18 7& 1B 00 <& /B &&- 0- 0B &4- %88 -< & 1 8& <3 / &</ 8& 0 &40 %88 -1 & 1 84 '1 / &<' 84 0 &1/ %88 -0 < 1 83 4' / &<- 8-

1@ 3& ' /@ 88 40 0@ &<8 8311 34 4 /1 &/< 11 01 &'< 80

9 Conf J

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