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The WiSEE Project Celebrating women in

social and green enterprise



Social enterprise is emerging as a key area of growth in the UK; there are approximately 70,000 social

enterprises in the UK contributing £18.5 billion to the UK economy, employing almost a million

people. Change Agents UK’s work in supporting social and green enterprise – and those who start

them - evolved from our continued vision to support young people and graduates to make a positive

environment for people and planet through their careers. By engaging our network of 10,000 young

people with more sustainable business models and encouraging positive solutions to social and

environmental issues, Change Agents UK aims to foster skills that make young people employable and

provide them with the opportunity and support to enact meaningful change in their communities

through enterprise.

Winning funding through RBS Inspiring Women in Enterprise in September 2013, our Women in Social

and Environmental Enterprise project specifically targeted female social and green entrepreneurs.

The WiSEE project was born as a positive response to the barriers faced particularly by female social

and green entrepreneurs, alongside the philosophy that business should tackle social issues, improve

communities and create positive environmental outcomes. The WiSEE Network now has just under

400 members nationwide and has supported more than 10 businesses being launched by women it’s

engaged with. The RBS-funded phase of the project officially came to a close in August 2014.

This report was compiled to share the outcomes of the WiSEE project, alongside showcasing the

fantastic women involved in the project.

Jasmine Kubski Michaela Skodova

WiSEE Project Manager WiSEE Project Officer

September 2014



The RBS Inspiring Women in Enterprise

programme was designed to encourage more

women to explore enterprise and build their

skills to start up and succeed in business. RBS

made £3 million available between 2012 and

2015 to provide grant funding to not-for-

profit organisation that run programmes to

support more young people and women into

enterprise. As part of this, RBS committed to

inspire and enable 20,000 women to explore

and unlock their enterprise potential by the

end of 2015,

Change Agents UK (CAUK) aims to foster the

learning, skills development and employability

of young people and graduates passionate

about sustainability, supporting them in

making a positive impact through their

careers. CAUK have over 10,000 young people

– ‘change agents’ - registered to our network.

We believe anyone has the potential to be a

change agent for sustainability in their

community. This is accomplished in a variety

of ways, primarily through the provision of

quality paid work experience in the

sustainability sector, alongside programming

that supports change agents who aspire to

launch a social or green enterprise.

WiSEE: The Vision

In September 2013, CAUK partnered up with

Inntropy and NETpositive Futures to launch

the Women in Social and Environmental

Enterprise project (WiSEE). WiSEE was born as

a positive response to the barriers faced

particularly by female entrepreneurs wanting

to ‘make a job’ (or many!), alongside the

philosophy that business should tackle social

problems, improve communities and create

positive environmental outcomes

What difference is WiSEE trying to


The WISEE project aspired to inspire and

support women to take their green or social

venture ideas from concept to reality, with

the goal of creating more job opportunities

that make a positive impact for sustainability

in our communities.

WiSEE was geared to address common

barriers faced by women launching social and

green enterprises, such as low self-

confidence, lack of business expertise and

relatable role models and few effective

support networks.

When we launched, our goal was to directly

support over 200 women and foster the

launch of 10 businesses. Now the WiSEE

project now has 360 members and over 10

businesses launched to its name.


"I think this is a fantastic project and thanks for the support already given to me

via email. It is encouraging/surprising to know people are ready and passionate

to go out their way to help you!" (Sophie, WiSEE Member, January 2014)

How WiSEE works

WiSEE is a UK-wide programme that inspires

and facilitates new green and social

enterprises run by women. The format of the

project involved launching a free national

network, hosted primarily through online

resources, including: webinars, signposting,

discussions and inspirational stories and role


The WiSEE network is open to all women -

from those who have never even considered

starting their own green business; to those

who already have a plan for their enterprise

carved out and just need some extra guidance

and support to launch it successfully.

Who are our WiSEE women?

The majority of women in the network were

‘seriously considering’ starting their own

green venture in the foreseeable future (69%

of network members), while 12% of women in

network were already running their business

or experienced entrepreneurs.

WiSEE Finalists Programme

The WiSEE project launched a national

contest, inviting members of the network to

pitch their entrepreneurial idea for the chance

to become a Finalist on the intensive

Bootcamp Programme. WiSEE recruited an

expert panel of Judges to select the top 15

pitches, including leaders in the sustainability

and social enterprise sector such as Tim Smit

from the Eden Project and Sue Riddleston

from Bioregional. 30 women applied and 14

Finalists were selected to undertake:

A 3 day residential Bootcamp

6 months of mentoring

A boost grant of up to £600

On-going support and advice from

the WiSEE Team, experienced

professionals & entrepreneurs.

Diversity of WiSEE Network


Black Caribbeanand Black AfricanSouth Asian

East Asian


Prefer not to say

Age Breakdown of WiSEE Network

17 - 30 years

30 - 50 years

50 years +



"Looks pretty awesome, inspiring stuff! I've just graduated and am

applying for numerous uninspiring jobs. This might be the way out of the

jobcentre and the chance to create something genuinely useful!"

(Louise, WiSEE Member, January 2014)

Key activities & statistics

Key Outcomes

WiSEE has directly engaged with over

360 women signed up to the WiSEE


WiSEE has supported the launch of 10

businesses since October 2013. The

founding women stated WiSEE played

an important role in preparing them

to launch their business.


78% of the WiSEE participants now feel more confident about starting their own business

76% women signed up to our network now view working for themselves as realistic option

100% of women who attended our free webinars said: “Yes, I feel more confident about the

idea of starting my own enterprise.”


Organised 3 webinars, directly engaging with 100 registered participants in total

The WiSEE project was featured in The

Guardian 4 times

WiSEE provided over 100 free resources

and participatory opportunities on social

media and via 15 issues of the WiSEE


WiSEE ran 5 contests and challenges

launched in partnership with women

from the network and sponsors, offering

prizes and expertise such as professional



WiSEE Network Resources

The purpose of the WiSEE Project was to provide accessible online content and support for women across the country – fostering an active network with discussion and participation: creating a hub of information and resources for women entrepreneurs to share. Women were invited to register with the Network to gain access to Newsletter, dedicated Facebook and LinkedIn page with online discussion, information, online tools/webinars and Dropbox folder. The Newsletter was one of our primary mechanisms of communicating with the Network. By signposting relevant information, tools and resources the WiSEE Network were provided with a ‘hub’ of relevant and easily accessible information on a monthly basis. The Newsletter was a popular and highly rated resource amongst the Network.

The Monthly ‘WiSEE Startrepreneur’ feature was introduced to provide women with inspiring and relatable role models who have started social enterprises themselves. We provided a particular focus on their personal stories, struggles and successes.

Live and recorded webinars, accessible 24/7, provide an interactive platform to ask questions directly to experts on key topics such as Financing, Digital Marketing and the ‘Mindset’ of a successful entrepreneur. Experts were female social entrepreneurs who offered their time voluntarily. 100% of attendees said “Yes, I feel more confident about the idea of starting my own enterprise.”

The WiSEE Dropbox folder was made public to the Network and comprises a large collection of resources on wide range of topics such as Business & Planning, Finance & Money, Guides for Social Enterprises, Marketing, etc. Resources included were created by leading social enterprise support orgnaisations

The WISEE Project Officer provided direct support to participants over the lifetime of the project. The Project Officer provided over 64 direct one-to-one support over the phone to the wider WiSEE Network and Finalists. Sessions lasted approximately 30 minutes and were conducted over the phone, providing advice and tailored support. 100% of requests for support were delivered.


"We are excited to have talented women from across the country coming to

Nottingham to kick-start their social and green entrepreneurial careers."

(Nick Gostick, Managing Director of Managing Director of Inntropy and Nottingham CleanTech Centre)

The WiSEE Finalist Programme

The Bootcamp

The 3-day residential Bootcamp for 14 Finalists

was successfully delivered in early December

2013 at the Nottingham CleanTech Centre. The

WiSEE Finalists joined us from across the

country to sharpen their skills and hone their

business idea, with the goal to launch and grow

their business successfully over a 10 month


The Bootcamp content and format was

adapted to address the specific barriers and

needs outlined by Finalists in their

applications. Key areas of focus included:



Business planning


‘where to start’

Mentoring & Boost Grants

Following the Bootcamp, WiSEE Finalists

submitted a personal profile and ‘needs

analysis’ to facilitate matching with mentors.

Dedicated Mentors were recruited by our

partners at NETpositive Futures. Mentors were

experienced social and environmental

entrepreneurs assigned to Finalists, to provide

guidance and support as our Finalists brought

their enterprise to market during the 6 month

period following the Bootcamp.

Our WiSEE Finalists also received a cash

injection through our £600 Boost grant.

Finalists were required to submit a Boost

Grant Proposal, outlining their personal plan,

where the money would be invested and how

it fit into their business plan. Finalist invested

their grants into equipment, websites, market

research, qualifications, branding and logo


Finalist Ventures









"This project is very exciting and inspiring! Thank-you for the wonderful

opportunity and gift you are sharing with the world."

(Anita, WiSEE Member, September 2013)

WiSEE Finalists Programme Results















WiSEE inspiration: Finalists Case Studies

Here are few bits and pieces from WiSEE Finalists case studies writing up their journey:

Anna Sowa: Chouette Films’ green journey

“…When Chouette Films ‘hatched from an egg’ we started with the aim of producing high-quality,

powerful but affordable films for social change. We immediately found a market for our films but

more importantly were making a genuine difference. Yet, something felt missing, incomplete, not

fully satisfying in our work. The lack of environmentally sound practices in the industry really

concerned us. We wanted to challenge this, take Chouette Films one step further and become a

green film production company. We also had no doubt film is a perfect medium to set a new trend in

this regard which other industries should follow. It was pure quirk of fate that we’ve heard about

WiSEE at that time. Being selected as a WiSEE finalist has been the very beginning of our green


Kate Griffiths: Project Grow

“…Seems somewhat grandioise/arrogent now I have worked with several schools, and have a better

understanding of their chaos and complexity. Yes, I have a clearer idea about the schools market, it

is a challenging one. I think the pilot pilot phase was about developing our “product”, finding the

form within which I wanted to work (I’m not sure I have this bit right) and from this the Family Wild

Club has been born (DOB April 2014). The bootcamp and Mentor gave me the tools to move forward

as a business women – and most importantly - the confidence to see myself as someone with skills

and services that people might actually – SHOCK HORROR – pay money for. So…to be continued. All I

know is that being part of WISSE was a great start for me, and my Mentor has helped me so much

along this bumpy, wonderful, scary, exhausting journey.”


Our inspiration: WiSEE Finalists Case Studies

Anna de la Vega: The Urban worm – Urban Composting Solutions

“The Urban Worm was founded last year as a solution for managing organic waste onsite whilst

providing a superior alternative to artificial agrochemicals by utilising the composting worm.

Managing organic waste onsite reduces the need for dependence on fossil fuel driven machinery for

diverting the valuable waste resource to landfill and promotes a circular use of resources. Although I

am still in the early stages of my enterprise it would not have been possible without WISEE. WISEE

has equipped me with the firm belief that if it was business that got us into our current situation it is

(good) business that can get us out. Female entrepreneurs who value societal values over profits will

play a significant role in shaping the future of the economy and it is organisations such as Change

Agents who are helping make this happen, thank you.”

Sally Darbyshire: Barter Me This

“I became increasingly interested in food waste and food sustainability during autumn 2013 when

my Dad had a huge surplus of fruit in his garden. Much of this surplus fruit went to waste because he

didn’t have adequate storage and couldn’t give away enough to family and friends. I thought at the

time that it would be great to swap these surpluses for more useful food products that he wasn’t

growing, effectively getting something for free and reducing all this food waste, a kind of food swap.

….I used the boost grant from WiSEE to set up an initial meeting with local people to work out how

they could imagine a food swap event working. The event was great! Eight local people, most of

whom didn’t know each other, coming together to swap food, recipes and even skills with no money

exchanging hands! Since then I’ve hosted another event which attracted more food swappers and

have already planned next month’s swap. My next steps are to continue building momentum for the

food swap events, plan for a harvest festival in September and developing ways to make the food

swaps sustainable.”


Vicky Shearn: Cycled Crafts

“I am excited to be selling at my first festival and am hoping that it is a great success and that it will

be the first of many. I am aspiring to be a carbon neutral craft business, upcycling products to extend

their life cycle, all sourcing and transporting of

goods is done by bicycle to keep the footprint

low and where possible had tools are used.

One woman and her bike on a mission to

change the world of crafts, making earth

friendly good quality home wares (mostly). My

main focus after the festival is to gain an online

presence so that customers can be engaged

after the festival and also so that if people

would like to be in touch or buy from me they

can. I hope that by the end of the summer I will be up and running online and continuing to develop

my range. The support of WiSEE has allowed me to continue to grow and enabled me to remain

focused on the idea when I felt disheartened.”

Sinead Fortune: Urban Catch

I’d be lying if I said that things have been a breeze since then – this is a long journey I’ve embarked

upon. It involves constant trial and error,

sticking my neck out a lot, long nights

and work-filled weekends. But I’m

getting there one, often intimidating,

step at a time. I’m now one of the young

social entrepreneurs forming part of the

Commonwealth Legacy here in Glasgow,

I’m working with several partner

organisations, and have developed a

classroom-based aquaponics

programme. I have big ideas for the next year, though there

are a lot of unknowns. In times of uncertainty, it’s always comforting to look back and see how far

I’ve come, and my experience with WISEE and the other Finalists has been a fortifying and vital part

of this journey.

Laura Marano: Merkato

WiSEE was the perfect opportunity to test my business idea on creating fairly traded home ware and

fashion accessories by having to present it to a

totally new audience and receive feedback. I’ve

gained so much more confidence in my ideas,

business plan and skills. It’s still very challenging

to manage working full-time whilst setting up my

business – but I’ve learned to be less of a

perfectionist in order to just get going. All in all

WiSEE was a great springboard to galvanise me

into action and really invest time and effort in

establishing an effective social enterprise.


Thank you!

Thank you to all who supported us in the RBS Women Inspiring Enterprise public vote.

A special thanks goes to our WiSEE partners:

Inntropy, especially Nick Gostick,

Managing Director of Inntropy and


NETpositive Futures (formerly

known as ESD Solutions),

especially Sheri-Leigh Miles,

Managing Director of NETpositive


And big thanks also goes to everyone who helped delivery training and activities at the Bootcamp.

And of course, even bigger thank you goes to our Finalists who worked so hard over the course of

the programme.

We thank our Panel of Expert Judges, formed by experts from social enterprise sector. In no

particular order: Tim Smit - Founder of the Eden Project, Servane Mouazan - Founder of Ogunte, Sue

Riddlestone - Founder and CEO of BioRegional, Sophie Antonelli - Founder of the Green Backyard

and The Land Girl, Meghan Sapp - Founder of PANGEA and Planet Energy, Anna Simpson - Editor of

Green Futures Magazine

Phase 3 would not be possible without our WiSEE Mentors: Alanna Ford, Heather Luna, Martina De

Luca, Penney Poyzer, Rod Boyes, Emma Hill, Shona Munroe, Yasmin Haq, Jill Evenden, Meghan Sapp,

Caron Johnson, Ayesha Bell, Ali Ward, Matt Adams & Hanna Plant

We would also like to thank our various supporters: Rhian Sherrington from Choose2Flourish and

WinS (Women in Sustainability Network), Natalie Fee - Bristol Happiness Champion, presenter,

producer and author, Marie Milligan from Wild Women Do Network, Kathryn Tyler & Nikki Cochran

from Hackney Social, Sandra Green from Green Revolutions, Green Futures Magazine, Mum Plus

Business, DigVentures, WISE, Champions TV, Chocolate Memories, Ecover UK, Naked Wines & Who

made your pants? & many more.


- - -

Positive words about WiSEE…

"An engaging, productive experience with like-minded women

who are trying to make a difference" (Lisa, WiSEE Member, June 2014)

"WiSEE was a great starting point when thinking about setting up my own

business, in terms of resources and support, but ultimately I think that I need

to develop my skills and experience as an employee before I can seriously

consider starting an enterprise."

(Kirsty, WiSEE Member, June 2014)

"WiSEE - a wonderful opportunity that came along at the right time" (Kate, WiSEE Member, June 2014)

"This was such an incredibly valuable experience for me - exactly

what I needed to support and help me with launching my

business." (Tali, WiSEE Finalist and Bootcamp participant, December 2013)

"It surpassed all my expectations, it stayed true to its values throughout &

totally inspired me to reflect on my own personal values, "inner drive" & use

that to develop, drive my personal & (hopefully) business development. "

(Elaine, WiSEE Finalist and a Bootcamp participant, December 2013)

www.changeagents.org.uk E: [email protected] T: 01572 723 419 Twitter: @changeagentsuk

"It seems that the well-known saying 'When you educate a woman

you educate a nation' has proved true to WiSEE.”

(Anna S, WiSEE Finalist, June 2014)

"Amazing to be with such inspiring, motivated women who want to

make a positive change in the world."

(Anna V, WiSEE Finalist and a Bootcamp participant, December 2013)

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