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  • 8/2/2019 WISSB Publikationen Broschueren Welcome-To-realFutureStore


  • 8/2/2019 WISSB Publikationen Broschueren Welcome-To-realFutureStore


    All the sights ............................... ................ Page 04

    Travel routes . .................................... .......... Page 36

    Success story .................................... .......... Page 40

    Useful information from A to Z ................. Page 46

    Ready for more ............... ............................ Page 54

  • 8/2/2019 WISSB Publikationen Broschueren Welcome-To-realFutureStore


    The store Super Magazin first opened its doors in 1962. Some

    33 years later, real,- acquired the retail store in Tnisvorst, Ger-

    many. It was extensively refurbished in 2005 and, three years

    later, was converted into the real,- Future Store. This innovativehypermarket offers customers a wide variety of food products

    on 4,400 square meters of selling space. Another 4,200 squaremeters are dedicated to the stores nonfood range, which in-

    cludes fitness equipment, clothing, health and beauty products,

    and much more. 190 employees are committed to delivering

    flawless service. And when the time comes to leave the store,customers can choose between 14 conventional checkouts, four

    Self-Checkouts, and four Express Self-Checkouts.

    On the 8,600-square-meter selling space at the real,- Future

    Store, customers can choose between as many as 80,000 dif-

    ferent products.

    In the cult science fiction series Star Trek,

    Captain Kirk uses a wireless communi cator,

    a predecessor of todays mobile phone. Weve

    taken this technology a step further: customers

    at the real,- Future Store can use their mobile

    phones as Mobile Shopping Assistants (MSA).

    To make sure that fish at the real,- Future Store is always fresh, it is con-

    stantly kept at temperatures between zero and two degrees Celsius.

    real,- Future Store customers are served by 190 employees.

    The real,- Future Store parking lot provides

    space for 500 cars.

  • 8/2/2019 WISSB Publikationen Broschueren Welcome-To-realFutureStore


    Theyve landed at last! Its been a long trip for the Taylor family.Father Paul, mother Catherine, daughter Mia, son Ben, grandpaWalter, aunt Eva and her son Lucas have traveled more than

    500,000 light-years in their spacecraft. Destination: Earth. Or

    more precisely: the real,- Future Store in Tnisvorst, North Rhine-

    Westphalia, Germany.

    All seven have been looking forward to this trip for a long time.After all, they are in for a great experience at the real,- Future

    Store: the future of retail. Their sightseeing program features anumber of exciting and innovative technologies like the Mobile

    Shopping Assistant (MSA). Using her personal MSA, Mrs. Taylor

    will be able to scan the articles as she takes them from the shelf:

    that really helps to shorten the wait at the checkout. Whats more,

    there are whole new shopping worlds for everyone to discover.The fish market, for instance. Surrounded by an ambience of

    gentle ocean sounds and appetizing Mediterranean scents, theTaylors will have a rich selection of delicious foods to choose

    from. And theyve also heard that there are two robots travelingthe aisles of the real,- Future Store. Son Ben, in particular, is really

    keen to find out more about these technological marvels.

    Has the Taylors spirit of adventure aroused your curiosity, too?Then why not join our cosmic voyagers as they visit the hyper-market of the future! On the following pages, let the Taylor family

    be your hosts and guide you to the technology solutions and

    innovative sales concepts of the new real,- Future Store.

    The METRO Group Future Store Initiative wishes you lots of funreading this brochure and hopes you have a pleasant trip!

    A journey into the future of retail

  • 8/2/2019 WISSB Publikationen Broschueren Welcome-To-realFutureStore


    From the Sports Department and The Master Butcher to the CheckoutArea: on the following pages, youll find a wealth of fascinating detailson the new technologies and concepts i n Tnisvorst. Set off now on atrip through the real,- Future Store!

  • 8/2/2019 WISSB Publikationen Broschueren Welcome-To-realFutureStore


    The Mobile Shopping Assistant (MSA) is a combination of mobile phone and

    software that makes shopping a more convenient and rich experience. Youcan scan the barcodes of your items; the MSA adds up the prices of the

    goods and lets you know about special offers. Select End shopping anda barcode appears on the display. Simply scan this at one of the paystations,

    and pay for your shopping using the payment method of your choice.

    The MSA also shows you where product groups can be found, and informs

    you about real,- own-brand products. You can use the MSA to draw up a

    Mobile Shopping List by scanning product barcodes or entering the product

    names manually via the keypad. By the way, you can now also do this withyour own mobile phone, as long as it has an autofocus camera. All you need

    to do is create your list on the real,- website and then call it up on your mobile.

    Anyone who wishes to use the MSA can borrow one from the Telekom Shop

    located in the entrance area of the real,- Future Store. Alternatively, you can

    download the software onto your own mobile phone. Youll find all the infor-

    mation you need on our website: https://handy.future-store.org.

    Near Field Communication (NFC) makes it possible: you can use the Payby Wireless options at the paystations its easy and convenient. All youneed is an NFC-capable mobile phone. A range of suitable devices are

    available right here in the real,- Future Store.

    Writing shopping lists, finding products, and paying at the checkout: theMobile Shopping Assistant (MSA) is a true all-rounder. Its the perfect

    helper for every shopper both in the real,- Future Store and at home.

    The MSA accompanies you every step of the way to your ideal weight. The

    integrated real,- body coach calculates how many calories you consume and

    burn each day. You simply need to scan the corresponding products and the

    virtual coach suggests suitable recipes and t ypes of exercise.

    The real,- body coachLocation: on the store map at number

    Partners: ETH Zrich, Pironet NDH, T-Systems


  • 8/2/2019 WISSB Publikationen Broschueren Welcome-To-realFutureStore


    Partners: Epson, Impressx

    If you find yourself standing in front of the Telekom Shop, dontforget to look down! Because the mobile phone shops showcases

    are not the only place to see the latest high-tech solutions thereal,- Future Store presents innovative technologies in front of the

    shop too. An Interactive Floor challenges customers to a test ofskill and reflexes. Its just like a computer game: try to catch apples

    and bananas and other fruits with a virtual shopping cart. Its lotsof fun and quite a workout! Youll find another Interactive Floorin front of the fish market, where colorful swimming fish provide

    just the right atmosphere.

    Are you a registered user of the Payback bonus system? Then

    why not take advantage of the new electronic couponing service

    in the real,- Future Store and collect the special points? You notonly receive individual offers, you can also use and manage your

    coupons more conveniently than ever. Heres how it works:

    before you start shopping in the real,- Future Store, choose from

    three electronic special point coupons at an Information Terminal.

    The coupon is automatically forwarded to the checkout system,where it is stored. Have your Payback card scanned when you

    pay for your purchases. About two weeks later, the extra pointswill be added to your account. The special coupon is valid for asingle visit and for one shopping trip to the store.

    The first highlight at the real,- Future Store can be seen right here

    in the parking lot. The digital billboard features 55,000 LEDs that

    provide customers with up-to-the-minute product information.

    The information can be updated at the click of a button. Inside

    the store, the illuminated glass casing of the City-Light-Poster

    shows information in the best possible light. But what makes itspecial is the Bluetooth interface, which allows you to download

    free software. Simply activate the function on your mobile phone,

    stand next to the poster and follow the download instructions.

    Partner: Strer Media

    Partners: Loyalty Partner, Pironet NDH

  • 8/2/2019 WISSB Publikationen Broschueren Welcome-To-realFutureStore



    One machine for everything: whether you wish to return cans,beverage crates or bottles for deposit, youve come to the rightplace because the reverse vending machines in the real,-

    Future Store accept various different recycling systems. An easily

    readable price list lets you know the amount of the deposit onvarious container types. If youre returning crates, you can make

    use of additional services. The machine will print out coupons,

    for instance, that you can cash in at the checkout or use to payfor purchases. There are even sinks next to the machines, so you

    can wash your hands or pour out leftover liquids.

    Jostling to see the screen? Not here. The viewing area of the 360

    Display measures 98 inches diagonally, yet it requires very littlespace and can be viewed by many customers at the same time.The cylindrical digital signage system presents images as well as

    multimedia content an ideal platform for showing information

    about the innovations and concepts in the real,- Future Store.

    A digital version of the store map helps you find your way around.

    In addition, the 360 Display shows current special offers.

    Partner: Kinoton

    Future Store Information

    Staff members at the Future Store Information

    counter (right next to the entrance) are glad to

    give you extensive background literature on the

    concepts and technologies at work in the hyper-

    market of the future. They will also help you reg-

    ister for the Pay by Fingerprint and Pay by Wire-

    less options or supply you with tasting cards that

    you can use at the Wine Tasting Counter.

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    Partners: Alpha Tontrger, Echion, Xplace

    The Multimedia Terminals in the electrical appliances department

    give you an overview of the CDs, DVDs, audio books and com-puter games on offer. You can even watch movie previews, listen

    to music, or call up further information. And the departments

    ambient sound solution ensures an excellent listening experience

    without wires or headphones. Simply stand under the ceiling-

    mounted speaker system and select your program. Whether

    youre looking to gain a first impression of a movie or check outyour favorite artists latest album, the speakers direct the soundto you alone. Other customers are not disturbed.

    Partner: Metralabs

    Charming, clever and fully automated: the innovation guides Ally

    and Roger really know their way around the real,- Future Store.From the Sports Department to The Master Butcher, the speaking

    robots know the hypermarket like the backs of their touchscreens.

    Ally and Roger are always out and about in the store, untiringlyexplaining new technologies and concepts to interested customers.

    Simply touch the interactive display on either robots chest and

    it will begin speaking with you and offering written informationon its monitor.

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    Partners: IBM, Pironet NDH

    The Information Terminal rounds off the professional, all-round

    customer care. Place a finger on the touchscreen and you can

    access details on products of your choice, for example, which

    running shoes are suitable for your feet and which bike is bestfor your needs.

    Another special feature of the Sports Department is ambient

    sound: ceiling-mounted speakers deliver sound to clearly defined

    sections, such as the area in front of the large flatscreen monitor

    used for showing sports events. In the fitness area, you can listen

    to an in-house radio channel, while the bicycle section is filled

    with birdsong.

    Location: on the store map at number

    Partners: Cisco Systems, Echion, Multiq

    Treadmill, fitness station or cross-trainer: in the Sports Depart-

    ment you can try out all the fitness equipment before making apurchase.

    Easy handling? Versatility? You usually dont know for sure whether

    a piece of sports or fitness equipment really meets your individual

    needs until you actually use it for the first time. Thats why real,-Future Store customers have the opportunity to test the products

    on the spot. There is an extra area where they can test their pedal

    power, lift weights, and so on. And expert staff members are

    always on hand to help them select the right equipment.


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    Time for a break? The self-service Coffee Bar right next door to the

    Fresh Food & Convenience department perks up customers withcoffee specialties from cappuccino to latte macchiato. This rest

    area is fully networked: you can go online via the Internet hotspot

    using one of the store PCs or your own laptop. Younger customers

    particularly love the interactive table. Thanks to its preinstalled

    Living Surface software, kids can immerse themselves in fascinat-

    ing worlds of fun simply by touching the screen.

    Next to the Self-service Coffee Bar, you will find the new assort-

    ment area International Specialties. Enjoy the huge selectionof culinary delights from all the corners of the globe. Discover

    the cuisine of exotic, faraway lands: from curr y paste from Indiato black lava salt from Hawaii. Here you will find around 1,000

    products from It aly, France, Greece, Turkey, Russia, USA, China,Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Poland, Australia

    and Spain.

    If youre looking to fix a great meal without making a great effort,

    youll find exactly what you need in the Fresh Food & Convenience

    department, which offers a wide range of delicious premade meals

    from real,- Quality. In the coolers, you will also find a selection of

    peeled and sliced fruit, antipasti and fresh juices.

    No time to cook? Then the high-quality convenience foods in the Fresh

    Food & Convenience department are just the right thing for you. Prepara-tion: in a snap. Flavor: just like homemade.

    Partners: Cisco Systems, Vertigo Systems

    Location: on the store map at number 3

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    What do lychees taste like? Are the strawberries sweet at thistime of year? And what is the consistency of the Spanish toma-

    toes? Employees in the Fruit & Vegetables department are gladto answer your questions before you make your selection. You

    benefit by getting a firsthand impression of t he high quality, ex-ceptional freshness and wide variety of goods offered.

    Right next to the service counter, youll find an enticing displayof seasonal fruit and vegetables. From sweet and juicy fruits todistinctively savory vegetable varieties: if you love to cook, youll

    love the selection in the marketplace. The range even includes

    organic produce. If you are looking for something special or want

    to find out more about particular types of exotic fruit or vegetables,

    the expert staff members are happy to help you.

    By the way, the perishable products are kept fresh and crisp

    in special energy-saving coolers.

    Red peppers, green leek, purple eggplants and yellow bananas: the sea-sonal marketplace in the Fruit & Vegetables department offers a vibrantlycolorful array of fresh and succulent produce.

    Location: on the store map at number 3

    F risch

    Serviceorient iert

    Innova t iv

  • 8/2/2019 WISSB Publikationen Broschueren Welcome-To-realFutureStore


    The real,- Future Store Fish Market is a must-see for everyonewho loves fish, seafood, deli salads and antipasti. The wide range

    also includes smoked fish, shellfish, shrimp and lobster. Bone-freefillets and fish from sustainable fisheries round off the offering.

    From catch to seafood counter the products are always stored

    and refrigerated according to professional standards. Your benefit:

    freshness you can count on. The open displays show an appealing

    array of selected specialties on ice, while other items are available

    at the service counter. Trained staff members are there to advise

    you on which fish to choose and how to prepare it. By the way,the fish market in the real,- Future Store was selected as FishCounter of the Year in October 2008 by the trade journal

    Lebensmittel Praxis.

    Even if you are not necessarily shopping for fish, the department

    is well worth a visit. Because thanks to modern technologies, its

    atmosphere is truly unique. A speaker system termed ambientsound fills the area immediately surrounding the Fish Market

    with gentle ocean noises. In addition, ambient scenting uses

    essential oils and nature-identical ingredients to create a scentof herbes de Provence with a hint of lemon. And the interactivefloor will really catch your eye: its a specially projected image ofbright blue water that reacts to your movements. Walk over it

    and watch the surface ripple and the fish swim away.

    From tiny shrimps to mighty tuna the real,- Fish Market offers you an

    extensive selection of freshly caught fish and seafood. Innovative tech-

    nologies are used to complete the appetizing presentation.

    Location: on the store map at number

    Partners: Echion, Epson, Impressx, Sensarama


  • 8/2/2019 WISSB Publikationen Broschueren Welcome-To-realFutureStore


    If you want to see experts of the butchers trade at work, youshould make sure you visit The Master Butcher in the real,-

    Future Store. A large window behind the service counter lets you

    watch as staff members prepare in-house cuts of meat and sliced

    meats. As with all fresh foods at real,- hypermarkets, the highest

    quality standards apply.

    While you are looking behind the scenes at The Master Butcher,

    dont forget to check out the inviting range at the counter.

    Regional products and specialties from all over the world are

    presented alongside organic meat and lactose- or gluten-free

    products for customers with al lergies. Around 20 different kinds

    of sliced meat and sausage products are prepared in the s toresown curing oven and then cooled gently to preserve their flavors.

    Ask the expert employees if you need any help making your

    choice. You can also find cold cuts in the cooler a new systemis used to pack products in handy portions to keep them freshlonger in your fridge.

    Passed the test with flying colors! The Master Butcher has

    proved such a hit with customers at the real,- Future Store

    that the concept has now been introduced at four furtherreal,- hypermarkets.

    Only the best is good enough. Thats The Master Butchers quality promise.

    Trained employees prepare fine cuts of meat, sausages and other special-

    ties right before your eyes.

    Location: on the store map at number 5

  • 8/2/2019 WISSB Publikationen Broschueren Welcome-To-realFutureStore


    You can always find a large selection of fresh meat products inthe Smart Freezer. But how do the Master Butcher specialists

    know how many portions to prepare each day? And how do they

    manage to remove precisely those items from sale whose best-

    before date is about to expire? The answer to both questions:

    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).

    And this is how it works: each meat package in the Smart Freezer

    is equipped with a tiny computer chip and antenna. This specialtag, known as a Smart Chip, stores an Electronic Product Code(EPC). Like a barcode, it refers to information producer, country

    of origin, etc. stored in a special database. In addition, each

    EPC contains a unique serial number, which makes each package

    unmistakable. An RFID reader in the Smart Freezer registers

    every time an item is removed. The stock list in the database isthen automatically updated. When stocks of a given product runlow, Master Butcher employees are notified and produce freshgoods. Should the best-before date of a certain product draw

    near, they remove the item in good time.

    The Master Butcher employees ensure that the fresh meat products they

    prepare in-house are available at all times with a little help from Radio

    Frequency Identification.

    Location: on the store map at number

    Partners: Avery Dennison, Bizerba, Checkpoint Systems, Deister Electronic,Hft & Wessel, IBM, Impinj, Intel, Microstrategy, Multiq


  • 8/2/2019 WISSB Publikationen Broschueren Welcome-To-realFutureStore


    As a member of the International Standardization Organization EPCglobal,

    METRO Group has made a voluntary commitment to responsible use of RFID.

    Comprehensive information on the deployment ofRFID technology within METRO Group:On the Internet at www.metrogroup.de and www.future-store.orgDirect queries by e-mail to [email protected] or

    via the hotline: +49 (211) 6886-2004In the METRO Group RFID NewsletterIn brochures, e.g. METRO Group and RFID andMETRO Group RFID Innovation CenterIn open dialog with special interest groups and experts, e.g. membership in theassociation RFID Information Forum (Informationsforum RFID e.V.)

    Information for customers on where and how RFID is being used, including writtennotices (e.g. posters on the sales floor)Labeling of all logistic units, cartons and products equipped with Smart Chips usingthe EPC logo and additional written informationClear labeling of all RFID readers

    After purchasing, customers can have the Smart Chips permanently disabled andremoved from their goodsMETRO Group is involved in the development of new deactivation technologies(e.g. the De-Activator)

    The German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) will be adhered to at all times inthe implementation of the EPC within METRO GroupThe EPC refers to product- and process-related information only. No personal dataare stored.METRO Group only uses RFID transponders that comply with EPC standardsThere is no relationship between the EPC and personal data. As a rule, this can onlytake place with the customers permission. However, anonymity is always guaranteedwhen paying by cash.

    METRO Group and its sales brands Metro Cash & Carry, real,- and

    Galeria Kaufhof are already putting Radio Frequency Identification

    to good use: at around 400 locations throughout Europe, the

    technology is being employed to accelerate incoming and outgoing

    goods processes. Around 3,000,000 RFID-tagged pallets are

    processed and delivered every year. The deliveries are now

    automatically registered by the IT system and compared with the

    orders placed. By means of RFID, METRO Group can preciselytrace the path of products from manufacturer to store, and

    optimize warehouse management and logistics.

    At the real,- Future Store, METRO Group is also testing Radio

    Frequency Identification on logistic units. Distribution center

    employees pick the goods and sales cartons that have been

    ordered and equip them with Smart Chips before placing them

    on pallets. As soon as the pallets pass through the outgoing

    goods portal, their contents are checked against the order. TheIT system sends a notification of the shipment. On arrival at thereal,- Future Store warehouse, the incoming pallets and cartonsare again registered by RFID readers. The products are bookedinto the stores electronic merchandise management system.

    This enables the store manager to maintain a comprehensive

    overview of current inventory levels at all times.

    Partners: Checkpoint Systems, IBM, Intermec, Sirit, Reva Systems

    Partners: Avery Dennison, Checkpoint Systems, IBM, Logopak Systeme,Nofilis, Sirit, UPM Raflatac

  • 8/2/2019 WISSB Publikationen Broschueren Welcome-To-realFutureStore


    Even at first glance, beauty & more sets itself apart from otherdepartments of the real,- Future Store. In a unique atmosphere,it pampers customers with an extensive range of body care

    items, cosmetics, dental hygiene products and over-the-counter


    To help you find your way through this vast selection, the beauty

    & more department is equipped with a very special consultingservice. If you are looking for the ideal skin care product line,

    simply make your way to the Skin Care Information Terminal.

    Once there, remove one of the special swabs, hold it against

    your forehead for a moment, and then insert it into the machine.

    After entering your age and sex via the touchscreen, you will

    receive information on your skin type and the right care products

    for you. If you like, you can print out a list and go straight to theaisle where the items are located.

    Fancy a new look? At the Beauty Terminal, you can use the inte-grated camera to take a picture of yourself and virtually changeyour eye shadow or lipstick using the touchscreen. The hair color

    assistant helps you find the right hair dye or toner. Simply enteryour current hair color and the color or tone youd like to have and

    a list of suitable products appears on the screen.

    The beauty & more department is the place to go for all your beauty, body

    care and wellness needs. An array of Information Terminals help you findjust the right products.

    Location: on the store map at number

    Partners: LOral, Procter & Gamble


  • 8/2/2019 WISSB Publikationen Broschueren Welcome-To-realFutureStore


    Wine, wine everywhere. You can find more than 650 different vin-tages from regions all over the world right here in the real,- Future

    Store. The range also includes a wide array of champagnes. Andof course it wouldnt be complete without a selection of fine

    liquors, including vintage single-malt whiskies. The products in the

    Wines & Spirits World are presented in a rustic atmosphere, andeach is stored in the appropriate fashion. In addition, the Wine

    Cooling Cabinet offers red and white wines as well as sparkling

    wine and champagne kept at their correct drinking temperatures.

    If you want to test the quality of a wine before buying it, you arewelcome to try 16 different varieties at the Wine Tasting Counter.At the press of a button, the system pours the vintage of your

    choice into your tasting cup. All you need is a wine-tasting card,

    which is available from the Future Store Information counter at the

    entrance to the hypermarket upon presentation of a valid ID card.

    Connoisseurs feel right at home in the Wines & Spirits World. Whether youare looking for a fine Pinot Noir from Germanys Rheingau region or a French

    Beaujolais, the top priority here is always the same: catering to your taste.

    Location: on the store map at number 7

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    Did you have a pleasant shopping trip? Then its off to the check-

    out. Youve got the choice of three different types:

    If you prefer to pay the traditional way, then make your way toone of the service checkouts where an employee will scan yourpurchases for you. When your shopping cart i s filled to overflow-

    ing, this is just the right option.

    The Self-Checkout is just the thing for small purchases: its simple

    and quick. You can do the scanning yourself. Simply hold the

    barcodes of the items up to the systems integrated scanner and

    then place your products in a shopping bag. When youve finished

    scanning, you can pay for your purchases at the integrated pay-ment terminal.

    Express Self-Checkout is even quicker! Here too, you scan yourpurchases yourself, and afterward the Express Self-Checkout

    prints out a receipt with a barcode which you take to a paystation.

    This has a major benefit: there are more paystations than check-

    outs, so you wont have to wait. If you have already scanned your

    purchases while shopping with the Mobile Shopping Assistant

    (MSA), you can simply head directly to the paystation.

    Youve decided which type of checkout you prefer? Then read on.

    The following pages describe the different payment methods

    on offer.

    The choice is yours at the real,- Future Store: you can scan your purchases

    yourself or go to one of the friendly cashiers.

    Location: on the store map at number

    Partners: Deister Electronic, Easycash, IBM, Impinj, IT-Werke, Multiq


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    Paul Taylor is a real technology fan. He can use the Pay by Wireless

    options with his new mobile phone on public transport and at the

    real,- Future Store, too. To use the system here in the store, allhe had to do was register at the Future Store Information counter.

    When he gets to the checkout, he just holds up his mobile phone

    to one of the readers. All the payment details are encrypted and

    transmitted via Near Field Communication (NFC). To confirm thepayment, Paul just has to enter his PIN into his mobile phone and

    the amount is booked from his bank account.

    But when it comes to speed, one method beats all the others:Pay by Fingerprint. Thats aunt Evas favorite. She too had to

    register at the Future Store Information counter. At the checkout,

    payment is simplicity itself: all she has to do is place her thumbor index finger on the special reader and the amount due is auto-

    matically transferred from her bank account.

    Catherine Taylor often has no cash in her purse, but she alwayshas a debit or credit card. She knows she can use these here atthe real,- Future Store.

    Regardless of which checkout option you choose, you have thechoice of four different payment methods. Each member of theTaylor family has his or her own favorite:

    Grandpa Walter prefers to pay with cash because then he knows

    exactly where he stands.

  • 8/2/2019 WISSB Publikationen Broschueren Welcome-To-realFutureStore


    Ready to see something new? Two tours to selected points of inter-

    est in the real,- Future Store.

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    Start and end: Future Store InformationNo. of innovations: 6Duration: about 60 minutes

    Does your mobile phone have Bluetooth? If theanswer to that question is yes, you can download afree ringtone from the City-Light-Poster right at the

    store entrance.

    Our first stop is the Telekom Shop, to pick up yourMobile Shopping Assistant (MSA). Use it to scan inyour purchases as you select them.

    Across the way is the Future Store Information counter.If you want, you can sign up for the Pay by Fingerprint

    or Pay by Wireless options. It just takes a couple of


    When you enter the store area, sooner or later youllrun into one of our two innovation guides, Ally and

    Roger. A light tap on the touchscreen, and these talk-

    ing robots will guide you to selected highlights in the

    real,- Future Store.

    Now head on over to The Master Butcher. On your leftyou can see the Smart Freezer. Smart Chips on the

    meat packages ensure that your favorites are always

    fresh and available.

    After youve finished shopping, youre ready for check-out. If you scanned your products with the MSA, you

    can now choose a paystation and directly pay for your

    purchases. Select End shopping on your MSA and

    scan the barcode on the mobiles screen into the

    paystation. Now youre ready to pay. If you signedup for Pay by Fingerprint, all you need to do is

    place your finger on the scanner.

    The tour for technophiles


    Start and end: Future Store InformationNo. of innovations: 4Duration: about 30 minutes

    The tour for gourmets

    We start at the Future Store Information, where youllreceive a wine-tasting card (after showing your ID).

    Youll need it when we get to the Wine Tasting


    The first stop is the Fruit & Vegetables section. Takein the special atmosphere. Check out the qualit y, the

    extraordinary freshness and the wide variety of fruits

    and vegetables on offer.

    Next door to Fruit & Vegetables is the Self-serviceCoffee Bar. Why not take the load off your feet for afew minutes, and enjoy a coffee or a cappuccino? You

    can even surf the Web while youre there, or simplypeople-watch as shoppers browse the seasonal


    Our third stop is The Master Butcher. You can watchthe butchers at work, or enjoy one of the about 20

    different cold-cut varieties, fresh from the stores own

    curing oven. If youre still hungry after the tour, you can

    always pick up something from the hot food counteron your way out.

    Finally we reach the Wines & Spirits World. Rememberyour wine-tasting card? Insert it into the slot on the

    tasting counter. Press a button to receive your selection

    from the 16 delicious wines on offer.

    But now the tour is at an end. Dont forget to drop offthe wine-tasting card at the Future Store Information

    as you leave!

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    Selected milestones of the METRO Group

    Future Store Initiative

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    On April 28, 2003, the initiative opened its first Future Store inRheinberg near Dsseldorf as a workshop for field-testing retail

    innovations. One of the first visitors: supermodel Claudia Schiffer.

    On the grand opening day, the international star was very im-

    pressed with this new shopping highlight in her native city of

    Rheinberg. Just one year later, the Future Store welcomed its

    1,000th visitor group. The track record after four years: 31,000

    visitors from 63 countries.

    In spring 2006, the nationwide Germany Land of Ideas initiative

    recognized this all-out success by honoring the Future Store as one

    of 365 Landmarks in the Land of Ideas. The award ceremony was

    attended by an international audience composed of prominent

    representatives from retail and industry, including the Chinese

    Vice-Minister of Commerce and a trade delegation from Australia.

    Once upon a time The history of the real,- Future Store goes back to 2002, the

    year in which METRO Group and a panel of 20 partners from

    the consumer goods, IT, and service industries launched the

    METRO Group Future Store Initiative. The initiative is commit-

    ted to promoting modernization throughout the retail industry.

    In pursuit of this goal, the partners are developing innovative

    technologies and concepts to make shopping easier, faster andmore convenient.

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    For four years, the Future Store had its home base in Rheinberg.

    Since then, many of the applications field-tested there have been

    adopted by the METRO Group sales brands. Customers a t real,-hypermarkets, for instance, can use Self-Checkouts for fast andconvenient payment of their purchases, while Smart Scales reg-ister instantly what variety of fruit or vegetable is being weighed

    on them. Success stories like these led the METRO Group

    Future Store to further enhance its real-life testing ground for

    retail innovations. The preparations for the new Future Store took

    about a year. Then the big day came: on May 28, 2008, the new

    real,- Future Store opened its doors in Tnisvorst near Krefeld.The special feature of this hypermarket of the future is that itcombines cutting-edge technology, such as Radio Frequency

    Identification, with innovative retail concepts for instance a

    state-of-the-art butcher shop, The Master Butcher. About 300

    guests attended the opening event, among them prominent

    businesspeople, politicians, celebrities and a large number of

    media representatives. The highlight was a tour of the new store

    conducted by Roger, a friendly innovation guide who showed

    visitors the many attractions.

    Since it opened in 2008, the real,- Future Store in Tnisvorst hasattracted countless customers and visitors from all over the globe.

    The hypermarket has impressed its clientele in particular with

    the freshness and quality of its products, and also its value formoney. The technological innovations are also well r eceived. Onthe stores first birthday in May 2009, the METRO Group FutureStore Initiative presented yet another highlight: the Mobile Shop-

    ping List. And the story of the Future Store certainly doesnt end

    here. In the months and years to come, more and more new

    technologies and concepts will emerge that will enhance your

    shopping experience. And ensure that the real,- Future Store will

    always be worth a visit!

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    What does RFID stand for? What are the real,- Future Store opening

    hours? How can I find out more about it? These questions and more are

    answered on the following pages.

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    Biometrics:Automated process for identifying individuals by finger-

    print, handwriting, face or voice. The Pay by Fingerprint system atthe real,- Future Store is based on biometrics.

    Electronic Product Code (EPC): Numerical code for identifying items

    or logistic units in the supply chain. The code consists of an item

    reference and a serial number. Each EPC is linked to a single entry

    in a stores merchandise management system. The data set contains

    product and process information such as the brand name or manu-facturer name. The EPC is typicall y stored on a Smart Chip.

    EPCglobal: International organization set up to create commercialand technical standards for the use of RFID, with the objective offurther developing the Electronic Product Code (EPC) and establishing

    it in the consumer goods industry. National organizations such as

    GS1 Germany support EPCglobal.

    Merchandise management system: Computer-based information

    system that can identify and control the quantity, value and identity

    of goods at each step of the retail process, from merchandise plan-

    ning, ordering, goods receipt, invoice checking and shipping to check-

    out controlling and billing.

    METRO Group: A leading international retailing company.

    METRO Group operates around 2,100 stores and outlets in 32 coun-

    tries, and employs approximately 300,000 people. Its performanceis based on the strength of its sales brands Metro/Makro Cash &

    Carry, real,-, Media Markt and Saturn and Galeria Kaufhof.

    Tnisvorst has several hotels, guest houses and bed & breakfastrooms. For more than 3-star accommodation, go to nearby

    Mnchengladbach or Krefeld.

    METRO Group handles personal data in accordance with Europeandata protection directives and the strict German Federal Data Pro-

    tection Act. The same applies to the real,- Future Store, especially

    as regards the Pay by Fingerprint and Pay by Wireless options and

    the use of the Mobile Shopping Assistant (MSA). RFID is not used

    to gather or process any personal data.

    The real,- Future Store offers customers and visitors a wide array ofoptions for eating and drinking. You can drink coffee in the Self-

    service Coffee Bar or take away hot meals from the hot food counter.

    And the town of Tnisvorst has restaurants offering everything from

    traditional German to international cuisine.

    The real,- Future Store is in the town of Tnisvorst, North Rhine-Westphalia, about 30 kilometers from Dsseldorf. The best wayto get here is by car there is ample parking right in front of thestore. See the map and directions at the end of this brochure.

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    RFID: Abbreviation of Radio Frequency Identification, an innovativetechnology for automatic product identification based on alternating

    electromagnetic fields. At the heart of RFID is the Smart Chip on

    which the Electronic Product Code (EPC) is stored. To read this code,

    an RFID reader device must emit an alternating electromagnetic

    field that is picked up by the Smart Chips antenna. The data are

    transmitted to the reader and passed on for further processing for

    example to a merchandise management system. RFID supports

    retailers in optimizing their logistics and warehousing processes,

    and will one day help them manage the front store as well.

    Smart Chip: A tiny computer chip with an antenna, normally embed-

    ded in a very thin label. It can be affixed to pallets, cartons and

    products, for instance on packaged meat. The Smart Chip includesthe Electronic Product Code (EPC) which can be read via RFID,

    enabling clear identification of logistic units and individual items.

    Supply chain: The path taken by a product, from producer to inter-mediaries or distribution centers to the final reseller. The planning,executing and monitoring of supply chains (which are also known

    as process chains) is called logistics. Retailers are always looking

    for ways to make their supply chain more efficient, and make deliver-

    ies ever more punctual and reliable.

    Free guided tours are offered Monday through Thursday between10 a.m. and 6 p.m. The tours last around 90 minutes, and you can

    register online at www.future-store.org.

    METRO Group Future Store Initiative: Joint project

    founded in 2002. Comprising of 90 partners in the retail,

    IT, consumer goods and service industries as well as

    academic part ners, includi ng IBM, Intel, SAP,

    T-Systems, Cisco Systems and a consortium of Fujitsu

    Services, Siemens and Fujitsu Technology Solutions. They have set

    themselves the common goal of promoting modernization through-

    out the retail industry. The real,- Future Store in Tnisvorst serves

    the initiative as a future lab for developing new technologies.

    Near Field Communication (NFC): NFC is a transmission standard

    for wireless data transmission over short distances. The application

    was jointly developed in 2002 by NXP Semiconductors (formerly adivision of Philips) and Sony.

    Order picking: Seeking out and putting together products from stock

    in a defined quantity and preparing them for shipment. Picking is always

    done to fill an order that specifies the amount and designation of the

    product, along with its item number and storage identification


    real,-: A sales brand of METRO Group which operates around 440large-scale hypermarket stores in Germany, Poland, Romania, Turkey

    and Russia. real,- offers a wide variety of brand products, exceptional

    freshness and good value for money.

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    Back in 1970, the towns of St. Tnis and Vorst were merged to

    create a larger community: Tnisvorst. Today, the town has some30,000 residents. Tnisvorst prides itself on being the apple-

    growing center of the Lower Rhine region. One noteworthy sightis the Tower Windmill, which dates from 1770.

    The real,- Future Store is open all year round, Monday through Sat-

    urday, from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. A visit is worthwhile any time of year.

    Right next to the real,- Future Store is a visitor center, which is the

    starting and ending point for guided tours. The center also has

    conference rooms and offices that are available for use by the

    partners of the METRO Group Future Store Initiative.

    More information on the real,- Future Store is available from theMETRO Group Future Store Initiative hotline +49 (211) 6886-2004or by e-mail at [email protected].

    German is the official language at the real,- Future Store, but English,

    French and Spanish are also widely spoken. The Self-Checkouts

    and Express Self-Checkouts are ready to guide you through the

    automated payment procedure in five languages German, English,

    French, Russian and Turkish.

    If youre interested in the innovations of the METRO Group andits sales brands, we recommend the following reading material.

    Pay by Fingerprint: This information sheet explains in detail howthis innovative payment method works and which advantages itoffers.RFID: This brochure gives a quick overview of those areas in thereal,- Future Store where the new technology is deployed.METRO Group and RFID: The brochure describes how Radio

    Frequency Identification works, and how retailers and other in-

    dustries are using it.

    All information material is available for download on the Internet atwww.future-store.org.

    The official currency at the real,- Future Store is the euro. The storeaccepts cash, debit cards, American Express, MasterCard and

    Visa. If you have registered, you can also take advantage of ourPay by Fingerprint or Pay by Wireless options (NFC). These services

    are offered to customers residing in Germany who have a German

    bank account. Those wishing to register for this service should

    bring a valid ID card or passport.

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    For local residents and visitors alike, a visit to the real,- Future Store isalways exciting. The surrounding Lower Rhine region and the North

    Rhine-Westphalian capital of Dsseldorf also have a lot to

    offer. See for yourself!

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    With more than 40 exhibits on over 2,000 square meters, the METRO Group

    RFID Innovation Center in Neuss serves as an information and training

    platform for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Companies from the

    consumer products, IT and service industries collaborate to further develop

    this key technology for use in a number of fields: order picking, warehouse

    management, department stores, innovative retail and households. Sincelate 2005 the RFID Innovation Center has also housed the European EPCCompetence Center (EECC), a testing ground for Smart Chip technology.The facility is about 30 minutes from Tnisvorst by car. Call in advance toregister for a guided tour!

    Unique in Europe at the METRO Group RFID Innovation Center in Neuss, companies,

    suppliers and IT partners are pushing ahead the development of Radio Frequency

    Identification (RFID).

    18,000 square meters offering over 50,000 different items the Metro Cash & Carry

    wholesale store in the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia sets new standards in


    The Dsseldorf Metro Cash & Carry store is about 30 kilometers away

    from Tnisvorst. Its comprehensive select ion of food, office supplies andkitchen products, as well as many new service offerings, make it one ofthe most modern wholesale stores in the world. It offers hoteliers, restau-

    rateurs and other business customers whole new levels of convenienceand quality such as the wine humidor that stores premium vintagesat controlled temperature. Gourmets profit from a wide range of raritiesfrom truffles to buffalo meat.

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    Contact: +49 (2151) 6500-450

    E-mail: [email protected]: Hhenhfe 21, 47918 Tnisvorst,

    GermanyInternet: www.future-store.org

    Your tour of the retail world of tomorrow begins and ends at the real,-Future Store Visitor Center. Please note that you need to register in

    advance for guided tours.

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    Looking for innovations? We have them. The foldout store mapwill help you find your way around the real,- Future Store.

    The applications in the real,- Future Store address three centralinnovation areas:

    ConvenienceExperienceInformationThe foldout store map will tell you which technologies and ideas

    are deployed at what points in the real,- Future Store, and suggests

    a route through the store. A clearly marked color-code system

    will help you get where youre going quickly and easily.

    Take the A44 toward Aachen/Krefeld-Sd. Atthe Mnchheide exit (23), follow the signs

    toward Mnchheide/Anrath/Tnisvorst. Con-

    tinue in the same direction for about 6.2 ki lo-meters. Take the second exit off the round-

    about. Take your second right, which will take

    you to the real,- parking lot. The Visitor Center

    is at the left real,- Future Store entrance.

    If youre using a navigation system, please

    enter: Vorster Strae 224, 47918 Tnisvorst.

    Visitor Center real,- Future StoreHhenhfe 2147918 TnisvorstGermanyPhone: +49 (2151) 6500-450

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    Visitor Centereal,- Future Store

    Hhenhfe 2147918 TnisvorstGermany

    Phone: +49 (211) 6886-2004

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