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zen yoga Ashtanga Workshop finding depth in your practice

with Olivier David  

Dubai Media City 04 3670435 Emirates Hills 04 4224643 Jumeirah Town Centre 04 3492933



Olivier David was born in Melbourne and was raised on the tropical island of Vanuatu in the South Pacific. This was a base of a life surrounded by health and nature. After a carrer in finance, Olivier discovered the Ashtanga Yoga practice in 2004 and started teaching in 2006. In 2008 Olivier started touring and teaching in the USA, Australia, Peru, Argentina, India, South Africa, Mozambique and Thailand. Olivier is a dedicated practitioner and teacher of Ashtanga Yoga after the examples and teachings of Sri K Pattabhi Jois, Sharath Jois, BNS Iyengar, Dr MA Jayashree, MA Narasimhan and Sri V Sheshadri. Olivier makes yearly trips to Mysore, India to practice with his teachers. With his daily yoga pratice and having studied extensively in India, Olivier is a formidable and inspiring teacher.

DATES & TIMES: Friday 10th January and Saturday 11th January 2014 VENUE: Zen Yoga, Dubai Media City COST: AED150 per class OR AED500 for all 4 classes LEVEL: participants must have yoga experience General description: Start the new year with integrity and positivity as you get back into your practice after the holidays with this dedicated guide. Students will experience a traditional Ashatanga Vinyasa class as well as three workshop styles classes covering the three main areas of the body; Shoulders, Spine and Hips. Olivier gives students the space to explore and discover their full potential. Insightful in his teaching style and with a wealth of experience both as a teacher and a student himself, his pure dedication to Yoga as a way of life both inside and out of the classroom is evident. Friday 10th * Led Ashtanga 10-12pm Working through the primary series of the Ashtanga Vinyasa system Olivier will guide students through this traditional sequence of asana poses giving advice and adjustments when needed. Inversions and Arm Balances 2-4pm Learning the basics of bandha, breath and drishti as well as overcoming our fears to gain strength and enjoy the grace of inversions and Arm balances in this workshop style class. Saturday 11th Backbending 10-12pm Understanding the way the spine moves in relation to the body as a whole and how we can safely support this in our daily practice. Students will be shown and have a chance to work through a variety of backbending asanas. Hip Opening 2-4pm Enjoy a class that focuses on what for many of us is the tightest area of the body. Learning more about the different ways in which the hips are required to open depending on the particular asana will allow students to move with greater ease in their practice.

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