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With the Simple 3-Step System for Setting Goals

With Dave Dee


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I want to thank you so much for taking the time to join me in this training.

I'm really excited about it and, quite frankly, a little bit nervous about it. I

usually don't get nervous about this type of training, but this is something that's

really important to me and I really hope that it helps you achieve everything

that you want to achieve.

I've done a lot of work on this for you, and so let's just get right to it.

You're in the right place reading this if you’re someone who's very serious about

goal setting, about planning; if you are a deep thinker about these things. We're

going to go really deep on some topics. Some of them are going to be


This is also for you if you're doing well and you have the desire to do more –

and, more importantly, to be more of who you are. This is going to go way

beyond just making money.

This is also for you if you're struggling. I know some of you right now didn't

have a great year. You're struggling. I've been there. We've all been there. If

you're struggling and you need a breakthrough, even possibly a miracle, then

this is the place for you.

We're going to be talking about why traditional goal setting might actually be

detrimental to your success, and more importantly, to your happiness.

Again, there are going to be some of you who vehemently disagree with this.

That's fine. All I ask is that you keep an open mind, because I was one of those

people that would have vehemently disagreed with this until I did a ton of

research, hours upon hours of research, into this.

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A NEW PHILOSOPHY FOR TRANSFORMATION You're also going to discover in this training a new methodology, a new

philosophy for creating a transformational year and, as an extension of that,

creating a transformational life for yourself.

Again, it may not necessarily be a change in your life. A lot of people say, “This is

going to change your life.” Maybe you need a change, but maybe you don't.

Maybe you're already doing well and you just want more. You want to be more

fully who you are. Then this training is for you, as well.

You're going to discover a system, a philosophy, for living this transformed life

on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis.

By the end of this training, you're going to have a new paradigm for creating and

achieving the life that you truly desire.

You'll be left with questions to ponder. You're going to be left with ideas to

struggle with and to think deeply about.

You may choose to embrace everything you learn. You may choose to embrace

this new philosophy and this new system. You may choose to reject it all as

nonsense. Or, you may choose to incorporate parts of it into your own system

and your own personal philosophy about this.

I'm not trying to change your philosophy and your beliefs during this training.

I'm simply sharing with you my philosophies, my beliefs, and exposing you to a

new paradigm; a new paradigm, like I said, that I've done a ton of research into.

My hope is that it expands and it sets fire to your thinking. That's really the goal

of this. Whether you agree with it or not, I want it to have you think on a deeper

level about these crazy important topics.

Let me tell you about how this new philosophy came about. One of the things

that I like to do periodically is challenge my long-held beliefs. If there's

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something I believe and I believe it to be absolutely the truth, then I want to

challenge it.

I want to see if someone can change my philosophy or someone can change my

belief, or at least let me understand someone else's belief about it.

WHY TRADITIONAL GOAL SETTING MIGHT NOT WORK One evening, when I couldn't sleep, I did a Google search. I had been thinking

about goal setting, because it was that time of year. I was thinking about

planning for the new year and I was going to follow the traditional route I've

done over the past decade, or more.

I typed into Google, and I encourage you to do this search… I did a Google

search, and the Google search was, “Why you should not set goals.” Those were

the exact terms. If you put those into Google, you'll come up with the same


My belief has been forever that you need to set goals – you need to set SMART

goals, specific, measurable, attainable, so on and so forth. Then, one of the

articles I first read after doing that search was an article that was in a 2013 issue

of Forbes. The title of the article was “Why Setting Goals Can Do More Harm

Than Good.”

I'm not going to read the entire article to you, but this article was done on a

bunch of psychologists and professors who did actual research into this. This is

what they say. "We argue that the beneficial effects of goal setting have been

overstated and that systematic harm caused by goal setting has been largely

ignored." That's what those researchers concluded.

“Bad side effects produced by goal setting programs include, a rise in unethical

behavior, over-focus on one area while neglecting other parts of the business…”

they were talking in terms of business, but you can also put in life… “…distorted

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risk preferences, corrosion of the organizational culture, and reduced intrinsic


Then they gave an example of the Ford Pinto, the explosive Ford Pinto. They

said, that the company was presented with a goal to build a car under $2,000 by

1970. That was the goal.

What happened was employees overlooked safety testing and designed a car

where the gas tank was vulnerable to explosion from rear end collisions. As a

result of that, 53 people died.

Because the goal was specific, it was measurable, and this is what everyone was

focused on, they missed something greater.

Again, on the same page, on the first page of the Google results, there was

another article from BreakingMuscle.com, “Why Successful People Don't Set

Goals and You Shouldn't Either.”

In this article, they said, "Setting goals is considered basic common sense in the

business world and it's reinforced by research. Like that one study done at the

Yale Business School, Class of 1953." You may have heard of this... in which only

three percent of the graduating students wrote down clear goals. Twenty years

later, those three percent had a greater combined net worth than the other 97%.

The article goes on to say, “That's compelling, isn't it?” There are literally over

1,000 articles that cite this study. People like Tony Robbins and Zig Ziglar… and

I totally respect Tony, I totally respect Zig, they've helped me so much… but they

quote it as a basis for their books and their seminars.

The article then goes on to say, “It would be compelling if it were true, but it's

not true.” The study does not exist. It's an urban myth. In fact, even Yale's own

library site advises that it's a myth.

Why does it matter if this study is actually true? Everyone knows that successful

people all set goals. Right? Or do they? The article goes on to say, in the mid-

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1990s, an article was published in an Australian magazine about what makes

successful people successful.

It looked at high flying business executives, champion sports people and media

personalities to try and find what common traits they possess. One of the

common traits regarded the setting of goals. Guess what. They didn't. They did

not set goals in the traditional manner that we have all been taught.

The article then goes on to say, “This trend continues with modern

organizations, such as Google, who do not set annual goals beyond those

required by the SEC.”

In Google's case, they don't set corporate goals as it decreases their agility, the

ability to respond to what the market is doing, which is… here's the key… often

outside their control, anyway.

There are many famous quotations from individuals, or more often, now defunct

companies who “knew exactly what the industry was going to do.”

That's how this all started. I really encourage you to do that search, do your own

research into this. Really read and think about it.

After I did this search, it really got me thinking about my own life experience. I

looked at my own life. Like I said, I had set these SMART goals for years. I've

recommended it. I've taught it. I've done all of that stuff. I achieved a lot. But in

many cases, it felt like there was something important missing.

Then I asked the question, “Was it really the goal setting procedure that made

me reach my goals, or was there something else?”

What I concluded after thinking about this and journaling about this, was that

there was something else.

That something else was rituals and systems. We're going to get into this in

much deeper depth in just a while.

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Then I thought about when I don't reach a goal, I felt like I let myself down. I felt

bad about myself, which would actually decrease my motivation.

Remember the study that said it can decrease your intrinsic motivation? It did.

It decreased my motivation.

You know, you've probably had this experience when you set a goal. Let's say

you set an income goal and you know you've got to make this much per month

and by the three months you're already behind, you're not going to be able to

make it.

It decreases your motivation, or it adds a level of stress which adds to the

unhappiness of your life, and a discontent with your life.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that you shouldn't strive for things, or that

you should be happy with a lack of results. That's not what I'm saying. But, I felt

down. I felt like I let myself down.

I had decreased motivation, even though, in many cases, I might have done

absolutely everything within my power to reach that goal. Why should you feel

bad about it and feel down about it if you've done everything possible? You've

set this goal which you don't know if you can reach.

As Google says, there are things beyond your control. If you do everything you

possibly can to reach that goal, then why should you feel down about it?

Because it is built in to the nature of SMART goals. It's what's been drilled into


Then I asked myself, should I not set any goals? Should I not have any goals

whatsoever for this coming year, and just let life happen in zen-like fashion?

There are some people that, if you dig deeper and deeper, say that's what you

should do. You should just go through life. That certainly did not feel right to me.

That did not resonate with me. That felt wrong inside my body.

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Then, one early morning, I was writing in my journal, as I do every single

morning, and with inspiration in a flash, it all came together. It was like

everything I've learned from the past, all the research that I've done.

Most of you only know me as a guy that's really good at selling stuff and is good

at marketing and information marketing. You probably don't know this about

me, but I'm really into the whole mindset area, just as Dan Kennedy is. It’s just

not something that we talk a lot about.

Everything came together, and my new philosophy about "goal setting" was


It felt right, it felt true. I continued to evolve it. I spoke to people I hold in really

high esteem and people who really embody the true meaning of success to me –

more than just financial success, but life success.

Most notably, I consulted with the absolute master of helping people discover

their vision for their life and their business. He's a good friend of mine, my

mentor… a guy by the name of Rob Berkley. I bounced this stuff off of him and

he said, “Dave, you're absolutely on the right track with this thing.”

The new philosophy is what I call…. and I don't have 100% of this down; I

welcome your insights into this. I don't have fancy cool names for everything

yet. For right now, the working title, for lack of a better term, of my new

philosophy is Intention-Based Value Living.

One of the problems that I have with traditional goal setting, and I struggled

with it for years, and I never got a good answer from anyone, is that some of the

things that are most important to us cannot be specific or measured, but are still


THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS IN OUR LIVES: KNOWING YOUR VALUES In fact, some of these things that can't be specific, that can't be measured, are

some of the most important things in our lives.

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For example, if we talk about “I want to live a spiritual life,” “I want to have a

connection with my creator,” that's a tough one to make specific. That's a tough

one to make measurable. However, it is an important one. It is vitally important.

It led me to thinking, what if my "goal" was simply to do the absolute best I

could in the areas of my life that I value?

“Best I could,” by the way, is not vague. It is defined by taking predetermined

actions that help me actually live these values. We're going to get into all of this.

I'm going to give you this entire philosophy, this entire system.

Step number one in the process is defining your values.

Please listen to me very carefully. I'm not talking about values like honesty,

adventure, etc. I'm not talking about those type of values. I'm talking about what

you value, what is truly important in your life.

Obviously, everyone thinks of honesty, integrity, as a value. That's not what I'm

talking about. I'm talking about what you value, what's truly important in your

life. The question you want to ask yourself is, “What's important to me in my

life? What are my real values?”

This is not as easy as you think it is. This took me quite a while. I had to keep

fighting with, “Well what is really important to me?” Not what other people

think should be important to me. Not what other people told me should be

important to me. I want to strip all of that away, get down to the essence of who

I am, and what's important to me.

Once you do this, you want to make a list. I'm going to give you my list. I'm going

to open up to you here. I'm going to be very, very personal in this. I'm going to

share with you actual writings inside my journal.

I really, truly want you to understand this so you can incorporate it into

whatever system that you have.

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You want to make a list of what is important to you, what you value.

For me, the list was to be an excellent father. I consider that to be my number

one job. Next was have physical health and vibrancy. Next was to be financially

free. Next for me was to be an excellent husband, followed by to be an excellent

brother and son. Followed by to live a spiritual life. Finally, to be happy.

Those are the things that I value. Notice that none of those are specific, but

they're important. They're crazy important.

Much more important than “I'm going to make $1 million this year.” Where does

that fall? That falls under “to be financially free,” possibly. But, financial freedom

is more important than the individual item.

To be an excellent father. How do I make that specific? I'm going to share with

you a way that I can live these values.

These are not going to be just vague generalities. We're going to talk about how

you live these values on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, lifetime basis. How you

live these values; that is what we're going to discuss. I'm going to give you the

philosophy and the system for doing it. We've already begun.

Step number one is to define your values. The next thing is write down your

definition for each of your values – meaning, how do I know I'm living this

value? What is my definition for it?

Let me go to my journal that I've got sitting right here, and share with you just a


For one, I have “excellent husband.” What do I need to do to be an excellent

husband? I have “time” – spend time with Karen, spend time with my wife.

Number two, listen empathically. Listen, really listen; listen not only with my

ears, but my heart. Third, is to become a world class lover.

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My definition for spiritual life was to follow a code of moral conduct. To be

grateful, to feel gratitude. To have a connection with God.

I just want to go back to “excellent husband,” because I was actually in the

wrong place in my journal.

My definition for an excellent husband, I actually skipped ahead, but we'll get to

that… my definition for an excellent husband was to do what I can so my wife

feels loved, protected, fulfilled and secure.

What I told you earlier was the three things I'm going to do. We're not there yet.

This is just the definition.

So the next step in this process is to write down the definition for each one of

your values. What is it to you? What does it mean to be an excellent husband?

What does it mean for you to be financially free? What does it mean for you to

have physical health, energy, vibrancy? What does it mean to you?

It's up to you. Maybe those aren't your values. Whatever they are for you, you

need to write them down.

The next step in this process is, after you've defined your values, you need to

define what you need to do to live those values. You know what the definition is,

but now what do I need to do to actually live it? What actions do I need to take

so it's not just lip service, so it doesn't just make me feel good?

It's not just a document I do once a year and never return to. What do I need to

do on a daily, weekly, monthly basis to live this?

How awesome would it be to live this, to be this, to be all of these things that are

important to me?

You want to ask yourself the following question.

What are three fundamental things / actions I need to take – things I need to do –

in each of these areas to live my most important values?

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The key word is fundamental. What are the three fundamental things? Focus on

fundamentals. Master fundamentals.

The truth is if you just did the fundamentals of what it took to live those values,

you would be successful. You would be fulfilled.

You don't have to go esoteric. You don't have to do crazy things. The thing is, if

they’re too crazy, you're not going to continue to do them. If they're too

complicated, you're not going to continue to do them because there's life.

There's things that happen.

As entrepreneurs, as business owners, we have so many things going on. We

wear so many hats, that’s why we just stick with the fundamentals in this area.

The next key word there is the word “three.” Pick three things that you're going

to do on a consistent basis. Just three. Not ten. You're not going to do ten in each

area. But you can do three.

Let me give you an example, again, from my journal.

As I told you, one of my things I value the most is to be an excellent father, to be

the best father I can be.

I have three areas that I'm going to do that in. Number one is spend time with

my children. Number two is ask questions and listen. Number three is be a

loving guide and teacher.

Spend time with my kids, real time with my kids; quality time with my kids. Ask

questions and listen; listen empathically and be a loving guide and teacher.

You may be thinking, wait a minute, those seem vague too. We're going to take

those and we're going to put those into... don't worry, this is all going to come

together for you.

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Another example is spiritual life. For spiritual life I have a daily meditation.

Number two is show love and compassion to strangers and those less fortunate

than me. Three is daily prayer of gratitude and thanksgiving.

Those are the three action items, the three things I need to do in order for me to

feel that I'm living a spiritual life, living that value.

Step number one, again, is write down what you value. The next step is define

those values. What does it mean? Write a definition.

Then the next step is define what you need to do to live these values, the actions

you need to take.

CREATING SUCCESS RITUALS Step number three is create rituals. Some people will call them habits. That's

fine. It's more than a habit. A ritual is something that you do at the same time,

you do it consistently in the same way. There may be more than one element to


A habit is typically one thing. A ritual is a bunch of habits tied together so you

can live your value.

If you want to get more in-depth on the importance of this, you want to read the

book called “The Power of Full Engagement” by Tony Schwartz. I highly,

highly recommend you also get Eben Pagan's program called “Wake Up

Productive” (getaltitude.com/products).

That's the basis of this. I have been creating rituals forever, but those two

sources really helped me define and refine my process. What you're trying to

achieve here is you want to create monthly, weekly, and daily rituals so you

automatically live your values.

The key word there is “automatically” live your values. We only have so much

willpower. With the stresses of everyday life, and of running a business and

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running a life, and being a father and all of that stuff that's involved, we only

have so much willpower. We can't count on our willpower.

We want to make success inevitable. To make success inevitable, you need to

create rituals around the values.

You've already defined what the values are, what's important to you. You've

done a definition of them. You know what you need to do in order to feel like

you're living those values. Now, you need to create rituals so it happens.

Again, you want to create weekly, monthly, and daily rituals. You want to make

your rituals simple. You want to focus on, again, fundamentals.

You only want to institute one or two new rituals per month. Maybe just one.

Think about this. If you instituted one new ritual a month, and you did it

consistently for that month, so you did it for 21 days, 30 days straight, and you

just did it consistently, at the end of the year, you will have 12 success rituals in

place, that will transform your life. They have to transform your life.

I used to be really gung-ho about all of this stuff and I said, “Oh, I'm going to do

everything. I'm going to create all of these rituals.” It was too complicated.

Again, life gets in the way.

Simplify it. Do one, at the most two. My suggestions for the first two rituals that

you create, are this.

Number one, a morning ritual. I'm going to share with you what my morning

ritual is. Two, a weekly and daily planning ritual.

Again, this is just my suggestion. You can choose whatever ritual. You can

choose an evening ritual, whatever you want. But my suggestion is a morning

ritual, because if you've got something in the morning, and you do this ritual, it

can get you off to a great start and literally send your day off in the right

direction from the minute you wake up.

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Then, implementing a weekly and daily planning ritual will help you achieve and

live all of these values that we've talked about.

Let me go over what my morning ritual is. I've actually created an Excel

spreadsheet. At the top, it says Weekly Success Rituals. I have a column that says

Morning Success Ritual, the time that I'm going to do the morning success ritual

and then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, all the way through the week with the

date next to it. I just handwrite in the date.

I print out a new one of these at the beginning of every week – actually, on

Sunday evening. I handwrite in the date. Now, I can go down, I can check on

Monday that I've done each one of these rituals. It helps keep me on track and it

acts as a record of what I'm trying to achieve here.

You can create any kind of checklist you want so you just stay on track.

My morning success ritual is this. Wake up at 5:45 am. Drink a bottle of water. I

put a bottle of water on my bedside table in the morning, so when I wake up, I

can drink a bottle of water. At 5:50, personal hygiene. Brush teeth, use the

bathroom, all that kind of stuff.

At 6:00, yoga. I am a huge yoga practitioner. It's one of the things that's changed

my life. Yoga daily, with cardio three times per week. That's a new thing that I've

added in. I do yoga every morning, but I'm adding in the cardio three times a


After that, meditation. The program that I use for that is called Zen 12. Just go to

Zen12.com. It's 12 minutes of meditation. It's very, very good.

Shower, shave, get dressed. Preparing for the day is at 7:15. Typically for

breakfast, I have a protein shake. Again, if you want the one I use, I've done a lot

of research into it. It's BioTrust. Just look up BioTrust if that's something you're

interested in.

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I take my vitamins, and my pills and my medicine with my protein shake.

Next, I have reading. Again, it's very simple. Reading two pages from “The Law

of Success,” which was Napoleon Hill's precursor to “Think and Grow Rich.” It's

much more in depth.

Then one page from the book called “The Art of Living, The Classic Manual on

Virtue, Happiness and Effectiveness.” Again, you can get that at Amazon.

Craig Ballantyne, from Early to Rise, mentioned the book when I interviewed

him earlier this year, and while we were still on the interview, I actually went on

Amazon and I bought the book. It's phenomenal. I just read one page of that,

because each is a little essay.

After that, I write in my journal. I have a hardbound journal here, which I've

been reading from. We'll get in the actual processes in a minute, but I start with


When we get into the daily planning process, I'll share with you exactly how I

use the journal.

I then calendar my day, meaning I put down things when I'm going to do them

on an electronic calendar. So I plan in a journal and I then take what I've

planned in the journal and put it in the calendar at a specific time.

The final thing that I do is I work on my most important task for that day, first

thing in the morning. That starts at 9:00. I do that with an espresso. I make an

espresso for myself, so that's part of the ritual. Right next to it, I've got “with

espresso.” “Work on most important task with espresso.”

Think about what a great morning that is for me. I've worked out my body, I've

worked out my mind and I've worked out my spirit. If you look at what I've

already told you about spirituality, I'm doing all of that in the morning. I'm

meditating, I'm writing gratitude in my journal, which is one of the things I

needed to do.

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Again, I'm not saying this is the ritual you should follow. You need to come up

with your own ritual. It's fine if you change your ritual but you want to stick

with it for about 30 days. Give it 30 days before you start making changes to it.

If you can make it 30 days, then it becomes a habit. Then it becomes a ritual that

you're going to do and you're going to look forward to on a regular basis.

Again, I create a checklist in Excel so I can check off each day that I've done each

one of these things. The thing here is to remember that you are not perfect. You

are human. There's going to be days where you don't accomplish everything.

There's going to be days when something happens; you sleep too late.

You have a choice here. Your choice is to beat yourself up, make yourself feel

like crap. Or, your choice is to get back on the horse and get back on the ritual.

Am I 100% on this ritual? Absolutely not. I'm about 90%. When I miss, I get back

on. What you don't want to do is miss too many days, because then that

becomes a ritual. That becomes a habit. Just get back on. Create a morning ritual

for yourself.

PHILOSOPHY OF PLANNING Now, I want to tie all this together by going over my planning philosophy. The

philosophy of planning. The philosophy of getting things done.

I'm going to recommend a couple of resources to you here. Again, these are not

affiliate links. I'm not getting paid anything on these. These are just things that

have helped me. I would highly recommend you buy the book “Zen To Done,”

by Leo Babauta. You can just go to his website, ZenHabits.net.

My other inspiration for this planning came from a planning process which can

be found at BulletJournal.com. Check it out. It goes through it literally step-by-

step. I've adapted some of the stuff from Leo Babauta, some of the stuff from the

late, great Stephen Covey, and some of the stuff from Bullet Journal to come up

with the system I'm going to share with you.

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Keep in mind that if you've done all of the previous steps, if you’ve really done

them, you've already planned on having your best year ever, better than any

traditional goal setting that you could possibly do.

You've already planned on having your best year ever, and your most fulfilling

year ever. You know specific fundamental things you need to do to live each of

these values to have your best year ever.

Now, we need to make it really practical and plan it so it happens, so it's not just

airy fairy. We're not just meditating upon it and hoping it happens, we're going

to make it inevitable that it happens – without stress, without anxiety around it;

with actual joy and passion and excitement.

The first step in the process is your monthly planning. You want to count on

blocking off about 60 minutes to do your monthly planning. The way you do this

is in these steps.

First, you review the previous month. By the way, I love using a written,

hardbound journal. I use a hardbound journal, because I can really look at my

entire month. Then, I have a record of my entire year in written form, in book


Your life is worth having a book about. Each year of your life is special. It's

worth having a book about. You create the book as you go through your year.

What you want to do is, number one, you review the previous month. Number

two, is you eliminate tasks that are no longer relevant.

Maybe you wrote down some tasks from the previous month and they are no

longer relevant. You eliminate those tasks. Just cross them out.

Then, you carry over important and uncompleted tasks to the next month. You'll

see exactly what I'm talking about in just a second.

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You look through your journal, “Oh, man, I didn't complete that task. This is still

important for me to live my values, to get what I want to get, to be the person

who I want to be, to live the life I want to live.” So you carry it over.

You then go to a blank page in your journal and at the top of it, you write the

date, so November whatever, and then you write down all of your most

important tasks, your MITs as I call them, that you are choosing to do that

month and you put it on a blank page in your journal.

What I like to do is I like to draw a little check box next to each of these tasks so I

can check them off. I draw a little check box and I write the most important


Also notice that I said that you are “choosing” to do, and I use that word very,

very carefully. I was just reminded of this, literally, last night, reading back

through some of my other journals, saying that you don't “need” to do this.

Change “I need to do this” to “I choose to do this.” “I'm choosing to do this.”

You write down all your most important tasks that you must do during that

month, that you're choosing to do during that month. Then, you check your

electronic calendar for appointments for that month, and you add any additional


You want to get that down. Any appointments that you've made, any additional

appointments. You want to just take a quick overview of your month. That's all

you do to plan your month.

You write down your most important tasks in your journal. You go look at your

calendar. You see what appointments you already have. You write down any

additional appointments that you have, just get an overview.

If you do this properly, it should take you, like I said, anywhere from 45 to 60

minutes, once a month.

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We now have to go down to our weekly planning; it's on my weekly success

ritual spreadsheet. I call it a Sunday success ritual because I plan my week on


Here are the steps for planning your week. You review your journal pages for

that week. In just a minute, I'll explain to you what goes on your daily journal

pages. You go back and look at all of your journal pages for that week. You relive

your week. What did I do? What did I accomplish? What did I not accomplish?

You then review your values. You go back and you look at here's what I value

and here's my definition for each of these values and here are the actions that I

need to take. Remember, you already have this written down, so it's just a


Then, you turn to your monthly page, and you look at all of your most important

tasks for that month.

On a blank page, you write down week of…. then put the date – week of

November 17-23, week of whatever it is.

What you then do is you write down your values and one “big rock” action that

you're going to take. One, one. You write down one big rock.

I'm looking at mine. I've got a big rock, husband, excellent husband. Financial

freedom. I just write down all of my values and then I look and I say, what one

big rock, as the late Stephen Covey would say, can I do? What one thing can I do

in each of these areas to actually live this? What's the most important thing I can

do in each one of these areas to live this value?

You put down any additional roles you have. If you have an additional role that's

not one of your values, like it's a role at work or something like that, that may

not be one of your most important values, then you put down that role and then

one thing you're going to do.

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You then schedule these big rocks in your electronic calendar. You've written it

down. I put a little box next to it so I can check it off when it's accomplished. I

then go and schedule these items on my calendar.

What you're doing is you're making an appointment with yourself to live your

most important values, to live the life you have set and you have defined as

important to you. The life that will make you fulfilled, the life that will make you

happy. The life that will make you successful.

You make an appointment with yourself on the calendar. You need to hold this

appointment with great reverence.

You need to exert integrity in the moment to say this appointment is as

important as any appointment I make with anybody else.

You know, if you're living in integrity, if you make an appointment with

somebody, you show up and you show up on time. You're fully present with

them. You've got to do the same thing with yourself.

This weekly planning, Sunday success ritual, takes about 60 minutes, so it's only

one hour, maybe a little bit less, maybe a little bit more, if you're just getting

started. It's not complicated. It's not complicated at all. It's very, very simple.

The final thing that I do is I print out my weekly success ritual page, which is

that spreadsheet. I print it out so that I have it in paper form, so I can check off

each day that I'm doing my morning ritual, that I'm doing my evening success

ritual, or any other rituals that I have defined.

Now, we've planned the month. We've also planned the week. Now, we've got to

break it down to what we're going to do on a daily basis.

Personally, I do this in the morning. I know a lot of people who like to do it the

night before. They let their subconscious mind work on it while they're sleeping.

That's awesome. It didn't work for me. You've got to do what works for you.

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For me, planning in the morning is part of my morning success ritual, which I

already told you. After I read, I have the journal. The journal is where I do my

planning. Here's what I do here. I turn to a blank page in my journal, and I write

down today's date, whatever the date is. Then, after I do that, I write down one

thing that I'm grateful for.

At the top of the page, under the date, I write “Gratitude.” I'll read you one from

just the other day to give you an example of what I wrote.

“I'm so grateful my kids are coming over tonight and the whole family will be

together.” Because I'm a Christian, I write, “Thank you Lord for all my blessings.”

I underline all. Every morning, when I start my daily planning process, I start

with gratitude. I feel that gratitude. I write down one thing.

I've read that you should write down ten things. To me, that’s too much. Too

much. One. The power of one. One thing that you're truly grateful for and feel it.

The next thing is I write a heading, and it's simply MITs. These are my most

important tasks. Under my most important tasks, I write down three, my three

most important tasks for the day.

At least one of these should relate to what I value. At least one needs to relate to

what I said was important to me. Again, I use the check boxes. I draw a little

check box next to it. Just three. These are the three most important things.

Now, you're going to do more than three things, maybe, in the day. Maybe not.

But these are the three things that if I did these three things, man, what a day it

would be.

Then, I make another heading, and I write Misc., the abbreviation for

Miscellaneous. I put a line under it. Then I write down up to six miscellaneous

things I need to do. I'll look at today's.

I have make doctor's appointment, send out my Wealth Attraction group email,

call about insurance, write a promo email for the training I'm doing, check on

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Platinum, pick up chocolates. That's a really important one, that pick up the

chocolates one.

These are miscellaneous things that I need to do. I write down up to six of them.

I can add more later on, but I start with six. If you do this in the journal, you'll

have plenty of space left to add in more miscellaneous tasks. Just start with no

more than six.

Then, you schedule your day. Go to your electronic calendar and you schedule

your most important tasks first. You put down the time that you're going to

work on your most important tasks.

I'm going to work on my most important task, task number one, from 9:00 am

until 11:00, whatever it is. You've got a begin time. You've got an end time. You

schedule it as an appointment with yourself.

You schedule in your most important tasks, then you batch process your

miscellaneous tasks.

On my calendar, I'll have a bunch of, in blank amounts of time ... for example, I

know today I need to go out to the bank and go to the cleaners and pick up the

chocolates. I batch task those. I batch task any phone calls I need to make. I

batch task emails I'm going to return. It just makes things go a lot, lot quicker.

You look at what things go together and then you bang them out. That's how you

schedule your day.

Just as a little additional, and again this comes directly from Eben Pagan's Wake

Up Productive program, this next piece, I try to follow his 60-60-30 way of

scheduling the day.

The theory behind this, and studies have shown, that we can only really

concentrate fully and completely on a task, something that's important, with

singular focus, for no more than 45 to 60 minutes.

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After that, it's difficult, if we're really focusing, if we're really present with what

we're doing. We're not checking email. We’re not surfing. We're really present

with this one thing. We're really focused.

Behind that, Eben teaches 60-60-30. You work, you set a timer. I just use my

iPad. I set a timer for 50 minutes. Then, I get to work. For that 50 minutes, I get

to work. I don't check anything. Phones are off. People know not to bother me.

I'm in work mode. I'm working on my most important task. Whatever it is.

At the end of 50 minutes, the timer goes off and I take a ten minute break. I

disengage completely.

Right before this, during my ten minute break, because I timed it so I had a

break before this, I did a series of yoga sun salutations, to warm up my body, to

loosen up my body. I like doing it. It feels good.

You totally disengage. A lot of times, I like to do something physical, stretch, do a

little bit of yoga, something like that.

Then, after your ten minute break, you come back, you reengage, and then you

do another 50 minutes, or 60 minutes. You set your timer for 50 minutes and

then you work intently for 50 minutes. Then, at the end of that 50 minutes, you

take a break. Eben recommends a 30 minute break.

You might be thinking, if I take a 30 minute break, if I do 60-60-30, I'm not going

to get anything done. I don't have time to do that.

I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, that I get more accomplished when I

follow this system, the 60-60-30 system. I get more accomplished at a higher

level, more important things accomplished by following this system than if I just

try to bull my way through, and not take any breaks. Then, you repeat the cycle.

Again, that's from Eben's Wake Up Productive program, that 60-60-30 piece.


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You've now learned a new philosophy, based around living your values on a

daily basis. It's a philosophy and a system that's not restrictive, like traditional

goal setting.

Another thing that studies have found is that goal setting can actually be holding

you back. Let's say you set a goal of making a certain amount of money and you

hit that certain amount of money earlier in the year than you had planned to.

For a lot of people, their production goes down because they hit their goal.

You've restricted what you can accomplish.

On the other hand, if you look at it the other way, most people set goals that they

can't attain. Which again, as we talked about at the very beginning, makes them

feel bad about themselves. They've set this arbitrary goal that they can't reach.

This philosophy, this system, is not restrictive. It allows you to be the best you

can be without limitation. It allows you to flow with life while remaining on the

path of your choosing. Things happen that you don't plan for, that you can't

control. This system allows you to flow with it, while remaining on the path of

your choosing, or if necessary, take another path.

Remember we talked about Google at the very beginning of this? It allows you to

be flexible. It allows you to be nimble. It allows you to do this without setting up

artificial parameters, which restrict you and cause you unneeded stress.

It's a philosophy and a system I believe will help you achieve more of what's

important to you. It will help you become more fully you and ultimately live a

happier, more fulfilling life.

I'm not trying to change your belief about this. I just ask you to do one thing. I

ask you to contemplate this philosophy. I ask you to think about it deeply. Then,

take the parts of it that resonate with you and incorporate it into your own

philosophy. Incorporate it into your own system.

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The parts that don't resonate with you, they don't ring true to you, they don't

feel right to you, inside your body, inside your mind, leave it behind. Leave the

rest behind. But contemplate it. Think about it. Then, act upon it.

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