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WK5 Agenda

• Continue Roman Lecture

• Homework

• Review What?

• Review Where?

• Review Who?

• Discussion

Review What?

• Development?• Purpose?• Material?• Technique?

Review What?• Development?

• Purpose?

• Material?

• Technique?

Review What?

• Development?

• Purpose?

• Material?

• Technique?

Review What?

Review Where?

Review Where?

Review Who?

Other Review:Kings, Pharaohs, Emperors, Generals, Prophets, etc.Know the important personsWhy he’s important?His statements or philosophyChronological order, development, idea expansion Similarities and differencesWhat are their works: literature, epic, books, etc.

Ancient World Discussion• How did these civilizations develop?• Did you see the pattern?

– From the beginning to the end– What influenced what?– What caused what?

• What are the similarities or differences that you’ve seen?• What’s the heritage they left for us?

– Mesopotamia– Egypt– India– China– Greek– Roman– What are the phrases related to the Roman?

• What are their societies and economic system?• How news and technology traveled in the old days?


• Prepare for the Ancient World exam

• Byzantine table

• Movie club, start watching the movie and group discussion!

• Start thinking about your art work and project.

• Postpone Ancient World Exam to Monday 14, 2009

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