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Page 1: WLS interview with Drew Peterson and Christina Raines

WLS Exclusive: Drew Peterson & fiancée Christina Raines join Mancow & Cassidy

In a WLS exclusive, Drew Peterson and Christina Raines joined Mancow and Cassidy for the only interview they've given. What do Christina's family and friends say about their relationship? What did Christina think the first time she met PETERSON? And - when's the big day?

CASSIDY: In studio. Drew Peterson and joining us live, who has been here a couple of times and for the first time ever on the radio, Christina Raines is also with us. Morning. Morning, Drew.

PETERSON: Good morning. Morning. How are you guys today?

CASSIDY: Chrissy, how are you doing? [Laugh] I think she’s a little shy. A little shy about talking into the microphone, there.

MULLER: Move the mic in front of her. Hi, Chrissy.

RAINES: Good morning.

CASSIDY: There are a lot fewer people listening now than on network TV so this is nothing!

MULLER: I don’t know if that’s true! What are you talking about, Cassidy? Shortchange yourself, not me, brother. Don’t’ low-ball me, boy!

CASSIDY: What I’m saying is that you’re a broadcast pro! Network, coast-to-coast TV. A little radio show, here. Nothing to it.

MULLER: She looks scared to death.

CASSIDY: She doesn’t look like she..

RAINES: I’m tired.

CASSIDY: You’re tired?


MULLER: Can you, will you make sure the mic’s in front of her, cause she’s hard to hear? Hi, Chrissy. I’m Mancow. How are you?

RAINES: I’m good.

MULLER: So, you were engaged to Drew and then you were not engaged to Drew and now you’re engaged to him. Are you engaged to him now?


MULLER: And are you in love?


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MULLER: And how old of a girl are you? [Pause] How old are you?

RAINES: Twenty-four.

MULLER: You’re twenty-four years old. And how long have you known Drew?

RAINES: Since I was fifteen.

CASSIDY: Since you were fifteen.

MULLER: Do you know his kids?


MULLER: I’ve met them. They’re very nice children.

CASSIDY: I met one his kids out in the hallway, there. Nice. Nice young man.

MULLER: Do you want to be their step-mother?


CASSIDY: So have you guys set a date for the wedding? Drew, have you set a date yet?

PETERSON: I think we’re going to do it as soon as possible so probably…she’s looking at June or July.

CASSIDY: June wedding! That’s nice. I was married in July. July weddings are nice too.

PETERSON: How long you’ve been married?

CASSIDY: I’ve been married for three years.

PETERSON: Congratulations.

MULLER: [Laughing] What is going on with Cassidy?

BUGI: Marriage chat.

CASSIDY: Chrissy clearly doesn’t want to talk. I’m trying to lighten it up.

BUGI: She does. She just needs to warm up. The radio can be intimidating.

MULLER: She’s a beautiful thing. She’s a pretty girl.

PETERSON: Oh yeah, without a doubt.

MULLER: I would be hitting on her if I was single, Drew. I would make a run for that.

PETERSON: I can’t take her anywhere.

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MULLER: You’ve known her since she was fifteen.


MULLER: but you didn’t think of her in that way, I mean, you thought of her as a little kid. A daughter of your friend.

PETERSON: Right, without a doubt.

MULLER: This father of hers, you were friends with him?


MULLER: Do you think you can be friends with him again?

PETERSON: Without a doubt. In fact, him and I have talked and I think if…

MULLER: Last thing we heard in the media, he was going to take his car and run over you.

RAINES: [Laughs]

PETERSON: Well, him and I have had conversations since then and I think we’re working it out and I think we’ll come to terms and we’ll be friends again. I have no doubt. If guys like Geraldo would quit pumping him up and trying to get him to sensationalize...

MULLER: How did you feel about being on here with Geraldo?

PETERSON: He’s kind of a creepy guy so I probably didn’t like it at all.

BUG: Do you mind if I just jump in here a little bit?

MULLER: No, go ahead. This is my cameraman from Fox, Bug. Yeah.

BUG: A couple things. First, one, there are e-harmony, all these match companies, online dating and whatnot and Drew, take this with all due respect, but I would imagine having a woman like this, meeting a woman like this, and then being engaged to her, would be a challenge for a guy like you. I don’t know how this guy does it. I mean, you have the worst media, you have a reputation that’s not the best because of what’s going on in your life, and yet he’s able to score this.

MULLER: Drew, Drew, Drew …

BUG: And I’m going to say this. What is the fascination here?

CASSIDY: Ask Chrissy!

MULLER: You went to church with me.

PETERSON: Yes, I did.

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MULLER: We walked into church together. We walked out of church together. There were some people yelling. I hate to say this in front of Chrissy, there were some people yelling, “Murderer!” and being hateful to you.


MULLER: Not in the church, but outside. Some people wanted autographs. Some people wanted a picture with you. It’s a very odd thing. This has to be an awful lot of pressure for a girl of this age but what do you think is the attraction? Why? I mean the pictures we’ve seen of Stacy, of your wife, beautiful girl, some beautiful women. What do you have that say, Pat Cassidy doesn’t have?

PETERSON: Nothing.

MULLER: A full head of hair.

BUG: How old are you Pat?

CASSIDY: I’m a couple of years older than you. Mid-fifties.

PETERSON: It’s all personality. I’m not a pretty man but my personality wins me over. [Laughs]

CASSIDY: Why don’t we ask Chrissy? Chrissy, what is the attraction of Drew? Be sure to speak in the microphone. You’re kind of off-mic.

PETERSON: [chuckles]

MULLER: What is it about him that attracted you?

RAINES: He’s very nice.

CASSIDY: He’s very nice, you said?


CASSIDY: How are you and your dad getting along? Drew said that he’s getting along OK with your dad. Your dad was not happy with all this. You and your dad getting along a bit better now?

RAINES: No. Me and my dad get along just fine.

MULLER: How do you feel about your father saying he wanted to kill the guy that you’re in love with? That’s a bit of a problem isn’t it?


MULLER: And is your father feeling better about Drew, now?

RAINES: I think so.

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MULLER: Drew ‘s kids are very respectful children. I’ve met them. We went to church together as I said, but how are they reacting to you?

RAINES: Very well.

MULLER: Are they being nice to you?


CASSIDY: I think the church thing is very touching. You went to church together a couple of times—Mancow’s church in the West Loop and what was that like for you, Drew?

PETERSON: I’m heartfelt that Mancow’s the only person on the planet that’s taken any interest in my soul and I appreciate him as a person, for that.

CASSIDY: And I know, folks let me tell you something, a little insight. I know standing here. He’s been on the phone with you and I know he was on the phone with you talking about your soul.


CASSIDY: And it’s like he really cares. It’s not a bunch of hooey.

PETERSON: It’s true. If you sit in church with him it’s very real and heartfelt.

MULLER: Well, listen. I don’t know if the man is guilty or innocent. That’s not for me to decide. His children have been treated cruelly and they asked me, are you going to be cruel to us, are you going to be mean to us and I think that is just horrific. Whatever Drew did or didn’t do, I don’t know. I really don’t know.

CASSIDY: It’s about the kids, though.

MULLER: But the fact that people are being hateful to these little children of his, that—I have kids—that rips my heart out.

CASSIDY: I agree with you on that.

MULLER: Drew, your kids have been teased. It has to have been very tough on them.

PETERSON: They’ve been teased at school but they all have, both have, the older ones have a circle of friends who are very supportive of them. I’ve met their families.

BUG: When I was going back with the whole matching and but not…and I don’t know if you did or didn’t do it…

MULLER: Please, make it quick.

BUG: My whole point is you see that men kill women in a lot of these relationships they get upset because of that or whatever. Maybe men are supposed to be with men.

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CASSIDY: What are you talking about?

MULLER: What are you saying?

BUG: I’m saying that maybe when you see all these men trying to match themselves and live with women and cohabitate with women, that maybe they’re not supposed to be with women. Men are better off with men. How many times do you hear about a gay man killing another gay man?

MULLER: A lot.

PETERSON: Actually, when I was a policeman we dealt with a couple situations like that.

BUG: I don’t believe that.

CASSIDY: I mean, Drew, as a cop…

MULLER: Are you saying the natural way is for two men to be together? Pat Cassidy has been divorced. Maybe if Pat and I were together…is that what you’re saying?

BUG: Yes, that’s what I’m saying.

MULLER: Pat, let’s you and I kiss and see if we feel anything.


MULLER: Drew, did you yell at her before you came in?


MULLER: Why is she so scared of me?

PETERSON: I don’t know.

MULLER: I’m a nice guy.

CASSIDY: I don’t think she’s afraid of you just…

PETERSON: I think she’s just taken by all the microphones and…


BUG: My point was maybe if Drew was dating a guy…

PETERSON: No, Drew don’t swing that way. I’m sorry.

MULLER: In fact, Drew, you have a problem with one man in particular and that man is Geraldo?

PETERSON: Geraldo, right. He’s constantly harassing Chrissy’s family and trying to fire them up to be against me.

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MULLER: Do you think a lot of the problems you’ve had with Chrissy leaving, and all this that’s happened; do you think it was caused by Geraldo?

PETERSON: I think Geraldo had something to do with it and most of the media trying to pressure her and fire up into going against me. They actually had like an intervention at her work, pestering her, trying to get her to stay away from me.

CASSIDY: But you say actually you’ve mended fences with her dad a little bit?

PETERSON: Oh yeah, very much.

MULLER: Was the makeup loving good?

PETERSON: Oh yeah, without a doubt. [Laughs]

MULLER: [Laughs] It’s just so uncomfortable in here! I’m sorry. That was a laugh of nervousness.

CASSIDY: Chrissy, is not that enthused about being here today.

MULLER: Let’s go to Beverly. Beverly, hello.

CASSIDY: You’re on WLS Beverly.

CALLER: Hi Mancow, Pat, Drew and Chrissy. How are you all doing?

PETERSON: We’re doing good.

CALLER: Good. I have a question for Chrissy. I’m sure a lot of people…

CASSIDY: You’ve got to put your headphones on, Chrissy. You’re not going to…Hang on for a second, Bev, because she can’t hear your question. A little radio insider thing. That’s the only way you can hear, Chrissy, is with the headphones.

MULLER: That’s cutting edge stuff, Pat. I don’t think a lot of people could understand that you need headphones in a radio studio. [Laughs]

CASSIDY: Chrissy didn’t have them on.


MULLER: Go ahead, Beverly. What’s your question for Chrissy?

CALLER: Well, I’d like to know when Drew gets tired of you and he’s ready to move on to his sixth wife, are you hoping that he drowns you in the bathtub like the…

CASSIDY: Oh, come on.

MULLER: Come on. This is a young girl standing here. Let’s go to…

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CASSIDY: Do you hear that kind of stuff, Chrissy…

MULLER: She’s…now she’s angry. OK, let’s go to John. John, hello.

CALLER: Hey, Mancow.

CASSIDY: You’re on the air, John.

CALLER: He’s got that magic touch. He kills them with kindness.

MULLER: Well, he is very nice. Drew, you told me that at first, when Stacy left you were very sad and then you got very angry at everything that’s happened. What if she were to come home? If you are right and nothing has happened to her from some other source. If she is alive and elsewhere, what if she came home right now? Would you take her back?


CASSIDY: You’re still technically married.

PETERSON: Technically right. It would be easier to go through a divorce if she’d come back now.

CASSIDY: Because she’s abandoned you and caused all this strife?

PETERSON: Oh, without a doubt. Without a doubt.

MULLER: If she came back would you introduce her to Chrissy and say, that’s it. I’m with Chrissy?

PETERSON: Without a doubt. I’m with Chrissy for the duration.

CASSIDY: And you and Chrissy are going to get married – June, July of this year.

PETERSON: That’s what we’re hoping for. Yes.

CASSIDY: The engagement’s back on and by the way I want to throw in this mention here about something you support. May third, 115 Bourbon street, Marrionette Park, isn’t that where it is?

PETERSON: Correct.

CASSIDY: You’re going to be there.

MULLER: A cop hangout.

CASSIDY: A big, big bar. A benefit for thirty-eight year old David ? that you met and that you wanted to give a plug and help him out and you’ll be there May 3rd too so if people want to say hello to you or whatever.

MULLER: Thirty-eight year old guy. He has colon cancer. He has a little daughter and he needs some financial help so.

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PETERSON: Plus, he lost his job so my heart kind of goes out to him.

MULLER: I enjoy when I hear that because my father had that happen. He got cancer and of course, then they fired him because they don’t want to mess with the healthcare costs.

PETERSON: Same thing happened to this gentleman.

CASSIDY: May 3rd. 115 Bourbon Street. Benefit.

MULLER: Chrissy, what song would you like us to play here? We can get any of the songs that hip-hop yo, yo station plays.

RAINES: [Laughs]

MULLER: Do you want me to play a little bit of. I don’t know. What do the kids like now? Snoop Doggy Dog? The 49-cent? What are you into? What do you want me to drop for you, yo?

PETERSON: Who’s that guy that she’s fascinated with? I’m trying to think of his name. Watch all his reality shows all the time?

RAINES: Bret Michaels.

PETERSON: Bret Michaels?

MULLER: Poison. They don’t play that…

PETERSON: Play some poison for her.

MULLER: Do you see what that show is? A bunch of young girls trying to go out with an older guy who’s famous.

RAINES: [Laughs] No!

MULLER: That’s what it is. It’s Chicago Rock of Love, I guess.

CASSIDY: So, anything you want to talk about, Chrissy? Open Mic. Up to you.

RAINES: No, I don’t want to talk about nothing.

MULLER: Do Drew kids call you mom?


MULLER: Do you live with Drew?


MULLER: Are you in love with Drew?

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MULLER: How long have you been in love with Drew?

PETERSON: Nine, ten years. [Laughs]

RAINES: No, six months.

MULLER: When he first asked you out, what did you think? Were you nervous at first?

RAINES: I thought he was weird. I thought he was trying to molest me.. Just joking! [Laughs]

MULLER: Now what do you think? [Pause] He’s weird and he’s trying to molest you. Now what do you think of Drew?

RAINES: I think he’s a great guy and I’m very much in love with him.

MULLER: How do you think you were treated by TV? They cut you up and Drew says they did some editing. How do you feel you were portrayed on TV?


CASSIDY: You going to do anymore TV interviews?


MULLER: OK. You know, having her is like having you as a co-host. Just pulling teeth here, man. Like trying to pull a donkey up a hill.

RAINES: [Laughs]

MULLER: No, him. Not you. You’re a lot cuter and you I could put up with.


MULLER: So Chrissy do you think you and Drew Peterson is like a girl on Rock of Love Bus with Bret Michaels?



CASSIDY: Chrissy, tell our radio audience the question you jokingly asked Drew during the break.

MULLER: A little uncomfortable.

CASSIDY: What was that again? That was pretty funny.

RAINES: No, I can’t!

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CASSIDY: You can do it, c’mon!

RAINES: No. I was asked not to do it.

CASSIDY: You asked him, so are you going to drown me in the bathtub too, or something?

RAINES: Oh! [Laughs] What?

CASSIDY: Isn’t that what you just said?

RAINES: I was playing!

MULLER: I don’t think that’s funny, Pat.

CASSIDY: You were kidding, right?

RAINES: Well, that’s what that lady said he was going to do to me. I was just playing.

MULLER: When you guys go out together, Chrissy, how do people react?

RAINES: They stare and they say stuff.

MULLER: Did they stare and say stuff before you went out with Drew?


MULLER: I mean you’ve an attractive girl. When you were just out and about guys would stare at you, right?


MULLER: Now it’s a different kind of stare.


CASSIDY: So what do your friends, friends you’ve been hanging around with, known a long time, what do they think of your decision to be engaged to Drew Peterson? What do your friends think?

PETERSON: [Laughs] You’re pulling a mule up the hill again.

BUG: She’s really thinking.

CASSIDY: Well? Are they sticking with you, your friends?

RAINES: Yes, they are. I don’t think they’re happy about it at all.

MULLER: Drew‘s fifty-four. You’re twenty-four. It’s a thirty year age difference. Do you like older men? Have you always liked older men?


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MULLER: What about Pat Cassidy over there, if you were single?

RAINES: Sure. Why not?

MULLER: You have horrible taste.

PETERSON: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

CASSIDY: Chrissy, do you think that Mancow’s sexy?

RAINES: Yeah, I’d do him.

CASSIDY: Sorry, Drew.

PETERSON: It is what it is.

CASSIDY: Chrissy, let me ask you this. Drew has not been charged with any crime but of course, charges happen. What if he’s charged? Are you going to stand by him – charged with murdering a wife? How would that affect things?

RAINES: Yeah, I would stand by him.

CASSIDY: You would?


MULLER: So if he went to off to jail, you would stand by him?

CASSIDY: If he’s convicted.

RAINES: I didn’t say that now! I’m going to run. No, I’m just joking! No, I would stand by him.

CASSIDY: What about children. You don’t want any more kids but Chrissy you would like another kid or two?

RAINES: I want one more.

MULLER: Do you have any kids right now?

RAINES: I have two.

CASSIDY: You’d like one more but Drew, how do you feel about that?

MULLER: Those children in the hallway…

PETERSON: They’re my kids.

CASSIDY: Where are your kids right now, Chrissy?

RAINES: With their grandmother.

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CASSIDY: Drew, you don’t want any more kids though?

PETERSON: I have eight, collectively. We have six kids at home and we’re busy. Last night we were making dinner and I got them lined up like an assembly line, feeding them. It’s quite an effort.

RAINES: Plus, we have a puppy!

PETERSON: I bought her a puppy.

MULLER: What kind of puppy did you get?

PETERSON: What was it? A silky-tzu or something like that?

MULLER: You’re marrying a girl that’s young and wants to have a baby with you. Would you do that?

PETERSON: We’ll talk about it in great detail. We’ll see if that’s the right thing for us.

MULLER: But right now your message is, no.

PETERSON: Right now, I think we’ve got enough kids.

MULLER: Chrissy, if he doesn’t want to have a child with you, would that be a deal breaker?

RAINES: No, not at all.

MULLER: Drew, you wanted me to free up some radio time because you wanted to say something to Geraldo and I have no idea what this is but here you go.

PETERSON: Geraldo, quit messing with her dad. Quit messing with her family. I think if you’ve got something to say you should come say it to my face and I think if you really have it in for me like you say, I think me and you should go out back and take the gloves off and go at it a little bit. Geraldo Rivera, I’m challenging you to a fight.

MULLER: You’re challenging Geraldo Rivera to a fight.


MULLER: Where would this take place?

PETERSON: Let’s put it on TV. Let’s do it for some charity event.

MULLER: Would you do it in Chicago or do it in New York?

PETERSON: Let’s do it in Vegas.

CASSIDY: Fisticuffs or weapons or…

MULLER: Weapons!

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PETERSON: Bean bags at twenty feet to the death. I think we should go full contact bare-knuckles.

MULLER: [MAKING A PHONE CALL] This is one of the numbers I have for Geraldo. [LEAVING MESSAGE] Hey, Greg, it’s Mancow and Cassidy WLS in Chicago and Drew Peterson is here and he’s just made an unbelievable statement. Drew, Geraldo will hear this. What do you want to say?

PETERSON: I want to say that he should quit talking to Chrissy’s family and be man enough to come face to face with me and if he wants to have it out with me, I’m all for that. Let’s go.

CASSIDY: You want to fight.

PETERSON: Oh, yeah.

MULLER: You’re challenging Geraldo Rivera to a fight.

PETERSON: A big mouth sensationalist like that needs a punch in the nose.

CASSIDY: You would do it on TV?

PETERSON: Oh, sure.

MULLER: You want to do it in Vegas.

PETERSON: Let’s do that. Sure. Set it up.

MULLER: Pay per view or what are you thinking?

PETERSON: Pay per view. Any way you want to do it. Or if you want to go out to the playground or backyard, just me and him, let’s go.

MULLER: You want to fight Geraldo Rivera.

PETERSON: Punch him right in the nose.

MULLER: One final question. Chrissy, what did you guys do for Valentine’s Day?

RAINES: Went out to dinner and then went to go have some drinks. That’s it.

MULLER: Where did you go to dinner at?

RAINES: Longhorn.


CASSIDY: I’m not sure if the radio people can hear, but the kids are out there?

MANCOW: Are they OK? Hold on a minute.

CASSIDY: Sounds like one of the kids fell down.

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MULLER: Well, Drew you better go out there.

CASSIDY: Fall down go boom. Drew, thanks for being here. Drew Peterson and Chrissy Raines, good luck to you.

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