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Page 1: Wolf's Pride

“You there, stop!” came the loud cry of a man wearing a black suit and trench coat with

dark sun glasses that looked as if no light were ever reflected. The young man being yelled at

looked back with a moment of fear in his eyes deciding at a last moment to make a run for it. He

did not know why these men were chasing him. All he had done was skip school for a day. That

wasn’t such a bad crime, right?

The boy ran, his young and powerful legs carrying him down the road before he took a

turn into the woods that he played in as a child. The sunglassed man ran just as quickly, it did

not seem possible that he was able to run so quickly. The boy looked back searching for the man

to try and escape him further, but he did not see him. He stopped, panting hard with the cold air

stinging the back of his lungs and his face flushed from running in the cold. He wondered how

the man could run so fast in the cold like he could.

“It’s very simple really if you think about it,” said a voice behind the boy, “I am not

affected by the weather like you are.” The boy turned around and saw the man looming over him

in his black suit and dark sunglasses. He walked backwards before tripping over a tree root and

falling to the ground. He scrambled over the cold earth as the man approached him with every

step. “Now, you will come with me.” The man reached out about to grab the boy by his coat. A

blur passed by and tackled the man. The man fell to the ground and the blur stopped to show

himself, a grey wolf walking around the man as if it was prey.

“You will leave the boy alone,” said an inhumanly deep voice from the wolf. The boy

looked at the entire episode between the man and the wolf as if he was going insane. What was

happening? How was this wolf talking and where did it come from?

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“This does not concern you, wolf. It was my task to come and get him and take him back

to the Master.” The man stood back up brushing what little dirt he had on him before going back

to his perfect image.

“If the boy is who I think he is then it concerns us all. Now you will leave and you will

not take the boy with you. You are alone but you forget you are in wolf territory now, human.”

The wolf bared his teeth while also glaring at the man. “Leave now or I will rip you to shreds.”

“Wait! What’s going on here?!” The boy cried out truly believing he was going insane.

What were they talking about? The man and the wolf both glared at him giving him a stare that

told him to shut up and stay out of it for now.

“Fine,” the man said turning his gaze back to the wolf with a stone cold face. “I will

leave for now, but the Master will not be pleased and he will want the boy.” The man turned to

look at the boy for a final time before turning around and walking off with his coat flowing

behind him. The wolf turned his eyes back to the boy. The boy stared at him with a mixture of

shock and horror on his face while staring at the yellow eyes of the wolf but in an instance they

turned back to a soft color of brown, like tree bark in a spring day. The wolf with his grey body

turned around and started walking off, leaving the boy lying there before he stopped and stared

back at the boy.

“Well are you coming or what? Don’t just sit there like prey waiting to die.” The boy

scrambled up and got to his feet hurrying after the wolf. So many thoughts were racing through

his head, what was happening? Who was the Master? What did the man want? How could this

wolf talk? “To answer your question, all wolves can talk Jacob. We just refuse to talk around

humans unless we believe it is absolute necessary. We love to play with human scientists by

howling and making them think we are communicating that way, but no, we all talk. As for what

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Malaci, the man you just saw, and apparently his master wants, well that will take some time to

explain. But for now just follow me.”

“You can read my mind?!” Jacob exclaimed. Here he was, a young man talking to a wolf

that apparently could read minds. He figured that was how the wolf came to know his name was


“Yes, I can read minds. All wolves can. Now, as for knowing your name, that I did not

have to read your mind to figure that one out. Myself and others like me have been watching

you and waiting for this moment for centuries.” They walked deeper into the woods, further than

Jacob had ever been with his friends. The trees were getting denser and the path was not as clear

as it used to be. Jacob remained quiet the entire time wondering what this was all about and

what the wolf meant by watching him and waiting for this moment for apparently a very long

time. They came to two small trees making an archway and looking as if it was a gate that nature

just coincidentally place there. The wolf stopped, turned around, and sat in front of Jacob. “Tell

me, what do you see past these trees?”

“Are you blind or something? There is just nothing but only more trees and dead leaves.”

And Jacob was right, to him he only saw more leaves and more trees. The wolf let out a little bit

of a laughter.

“No, I assure you I am anything but blind. However, since you are seeing only trees and

leaves then the cover is working.” The wolf got up and walked over to Jacob before sitting in

front of him again. “Sit young one.”

“Hey! I am not young; I am 15 thank you very much.” Jacob said angrily. He hated

being referred to as anything relating to being a child.

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The wolf looked up at him like a dog would look up at his master with caring eyes and a

smile going across his muzzle just a little bit. “Compared to my 300 years, you are still very

young. Now sit. I have much explaining to do before we see the Council.” Jacob sat cross

legged to where he was eye to eye with the wolf. “I guess first thing is first. My name is Ulric.

And I am the leader of the Keepers. But first I must explain some history to you. What I am

about to explain, you will not find in any of your history books. You see, hundreds of years ago

my kind roamed the lands. One with nature and guardians of the forest. Then one day a dark

storm came upon this land. Naturally, we are used to storms but this was a storm like we had

never seen before. The day turned into night and the river of the sky opened up and fell to the

earth. It was a dark and powerful storm. None of us wolves liked it. Once the storm was gone

and the light from the sky started showing upon the land again we ventured out to see if there

was any damage done to the forest. We did not see any damage done but we did feel something

had changed in the forest.

“That is when the men like you saw appeared. They call themselves the Wanderers. The

Wanderers follow one person, who they call the Master. From what we have gathered from them

by spying they believe that their Master is the one that controls every aspect of life and knows

everything that everyone does. For a while they did not bother us. It was when they started

killing the forest that we started to worry. We chose our wisest wolves to go talk to them.

Instead they spouted to us that the Master knows all and is in control of everything. They took

what they called rifles and started firing upon our fellow wolves. Thankfully they were able to

escape safely but it has caused much uneasiness to the point where we are always ready to fight.

However, the leaders and thinkers of our kind came together to debate on what is to be done. We

asked the ancient and guiding spirit at the time what will help us. It said that in a time when the

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world was at war with other nations and mankind was against others who were not like them a

boy would be born. He will be born under the seventh full moon on the seventh day. And from

his birth he will grow to be able to control the seven powers of the Universe, we, the wolves,

believe that boy to be you. But it seems that the Wanderers also have their own dark versions of

foretelling the future. They call them prophecies and apparently they know the same as us about

this fortune.” Ulric sat there in the fading light of the day for a moment letting it all sink into

Jacob before continuing on.

“Now, I am sure you are wondering what the seven powers of the Universe are but we

must be going. Many of us are waiting for you and I have kept you far longer than I would have

hoped.” Ulric held up his paw in front of Jacob before lightly touching his forehead and

mumbling a few words. Once he was done mumbling he laid his paw down and got up

stretching much the same way as dogs. “Get up and look through that archway again. Tell me

what you see.” Jacob stood up trying to stretch his legs from sitting a long time. He looked over

to the archway expecting to see the same trees and leaves as before but what he saw completely

surprised him. The entire image had change to one where there were stone steps and glowing

rocks on the walls providing a soft glow of light. He was shocked and amazed at how much had


“I see steps and glowing rocks, b-but how did you do that? This has to be some sort of

trick. Where are the mirrors and lights?” Jacob asked accusingly.

“I assure you that this is no trick. It was a simple cover that we hide over our world to

protect us from more humans. Come now, the steps won’t bite. They haven’t for a few hundred

years at least.” Ulric turned towards the steps and proceeded to go forward walking past the

archway and up the steps. Jacob stood there still amazed before his mind forced his legs to go

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forward. He walked past the archways and with his hand gently touched them as he felt the

rough bark underneath his fingers. His shoe-covered feet hit the cold stone underneath them as

he walked up each step and the soft orange glow of the rocks lighting his face. As he kept

walking up the stairs he noticed that his breath could no longer be seen when he breathed and

that he was getting a little bit warm in the tunnels. Finally Ulric and Jacob reached a plateau and

saw a wooden door blocking their way. The door was tall and had metal bars across it holding,

the heavy oak boards in place. “Do me a favor and pull that metal ring you see hanging there,”

said Ulric sitting down. Jacob reached out and wrapped his hand around the ring. At first the

ring felt cold before something sharp and painful went through his body.

“Ow!” He cried as he jerked his hand back. Jacob looked at his hand and saw that tiny

red spots were created on his palm. “What was that?” He asked, while holding his hand with the

other one as if that would soothe the pain he just felt.

“That was our defense for anyone that we did not want here. It hasn’t been tested in a

century or two and I just wanted to see if it still worked.” Ulric looked at him with a slight smile

before reaching out with his paw and pulling the ring down making the heavy door swing open.

The wolf walked in leaving Jacob standing there still clasping his hand like a wounded animal.

“Gee, glad I could be a guinea pig.” Jacob stuffed his hand in his pocket and walked past

the doorway. As he approached Ulric he saw that they were on a tall cliff that overlooked what

appeared to be small circular huts. The walls were made out of rock with the roofs made out of

what looked like straw. When he looked around him he saw mountainous stone walls safe

guarding the tiny huts.

Ulric stood there as he took in the beautiful sight before he commented, “If you were a

guinea pig I assure you that you would have already made a fantastic snack.” Jacob gave him a

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look that spoke of shock and horror. Ulric turned his head to him, “What? Do you honestly

expect me to eat that stuff you humans call vegetables? Really, what kind of wolf do you take

me for?” He turned his head back to the sight and began to reminiscence. “Beautiful isn’t it?

This is my home, Alvaro. We came to live here after the Wanderers decided to turn down our

diplomacy. The Great Earth itself helped us come here. We saw those same steps while walking

through the forest a long time ago. We came up and here this was. We moved everyone here and

only came out to make sure the forest is okay for the most part. But enough sad talk, here comes

my favorite part of the day.” The wolf sat and watched as the last part of the sun passed below

the horizons of the mountain. As the last rays said their goodbye for the night, down below a

bright orange glow started to fill the coming darkness. Soon all the village was lit with the same

orange glow that the tunnel steps had. Nothing was dark.

“Such a wonderful sight that is. Ya know, we don’t know how these lights work. They

were here when we first came here, the same goes for the huts. Every time one of us is old

enough to have a family if we choose, another hut just appears the next day. We don’t try to

understand what the Great Earth does. It would be foolish of us to even try. But enough

bantering, we have many steps to go down so let us begin.” Ulric raised himself and headed for

another set of stairs that led down below to the village. Jacob followed, still amazed at it all.

Surely this must be a dream, he thought. Nothing such as this could ever happen. “No, you are

not dreaming. This is all very real.” Ulric called back.

“Hey! Stop reading my mind! I don’t read yours!” Jacob cried out angrily.

“You can’t read mine…at least not yet.” Ulric continued to walk down the steps with

Jacob following behind him.

“What do you mean ‘not yet’?” Jacob asked as he tried to catch up with the wolf.

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“In time Jacob, in time you will know.” The wolf grew silent and continued to walk

down the stairs leaving Jacob to his own thoughts. They walked for what seemed like thousands

of stairs. The village’s lights were becoming brighter and larger as the two got closer. As they

approached Jacob saw many more wolves walking around and being joyful. Once they reached

the bottom the sky had grown completely dark showing the many stars. Jacob sat down and

rested on the last couple of steps as his legs felt like jelly and were about to collapse.

“Ulric,” he said, “how do you know that I am this chosen one you are talking about? I

mean, I’m sure there were a ton of other guys born during that seventh moon, seventh month

thing you were talking about.”

“Good question, the only reason we believe it is you is because when you were born we

felt a strong force appear in the world. A force that was so powerful that the forest seemed to

become much more vibrant and alive afterwards. When we tracked down the source of it, it

came from your home.”

“How did you track that down?”

“Grass, grass reflects the energy of the people that live on it. The grass at your home was

the greenest.” Ulric was silent for a moment, “Yes…I know odd.” Ulric sat and closed his eyes

deep in thought. After a few minutes a wolf walked to them. His fur was that of grey and brown

mixed together. When the light hit it just right it almost looked as if he was a gold wolf.

“You called out to me Ulric?” said the mysterious wolf.

“Yes I did Botolf. This here is Jacob and he will be staying the night in my hut. Now, I

would like you to make a mat for him out of some of the furs I have stored for an event such as

this. I also would like you to inform the Council that I have brought the boy.” Botolf nodded

before he turned around and padded off. Jacob watched the exchange and was still mystified by

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Botolf’s fur as he walked off to do Ulric’s orders. Ulric turned back to Jacob. “Jacob, listen to

me very carefully because what I am about to explain will keep you sane when you meet the

council. Like I said, all wolves can read minds. We were somehow born with that gift.

However, the Council is comprised of seven wolves that we consider to me the strongest both

mentally and physically. They can read anyone and everyone’s minds without hesitation and can

alter memories if they want. There is a wolf by the name of Fenrir and he does not believe in the

signs as we see them. Instead he believes we should have a bloody fight to the death with the

Wanderers and whoever is the last standing will win. He may try to alter your memories to make

it where you are not the boy from the prophecy. But there is a way to prevent this. When you

feel them touch your mind you will feel as if someone or something is staring at you during your

most private time, staring right at your soul. When you feel this I want you to instantly think of a

wall, a solid rock wall like these mountains that surround us. Do you understand me?” The boy


“Good, now I am going to try it on you. When you feel me touch your mind remember

the brick wall.” Jacob nodded once again as Ulric closed his eyes and focused his thoughts on

Jacob’s thoughts. He focused harder till he saw images going through his eyes. One image

caught his interest and it was of Jacob as well as another boy, the two were talking in the image

but there was no sound. Jacob felt the presence instantly and shivered at it. He thought of a wall

but it failed as he was also focusing on what Ulric was going to see. Ulric sifted through the

memories more and found that the other boy’s name was David. Once he saw that Jacob had

tried the wall he broke it before backing out. He went back to his own mind before opening his

eyes and seeing a pale face Jacob with his eyes tightly closed. “It’s okay Jacob, I am out. That

was a good first try but you must try harder. Your mind was elsewhere at the same time. You

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must focus everything on the wall, which is how it can be stopped. Wolves rely on the fact that

other beings do not focus on one single thought all the time which makes it very easy to sift

through the mind like I just did. But now you have some questions to answer before I go again.”

Just then Botolf padded back up and looked at Ulric while he looked intensely at Jacob.

“The Council has been informed and they wish to see both you and Jacob tomorrow when the

light first touches the mountaintops. The mat has also been made as you requested.”

“Thank you Botolf. You may leave us now.” Botolf nodded and padded off down the

dirt pathway the village had crisscrossing in every direction. “Botolf is what you may call,

hmmm, I guess the human word for it would be servant, but he is much more than that. He tends

to my wounds and does what I ask with very little questions. But do not let his apparent

obedience mislead you. He is one of the most vicious wolves that I know; but back to my

questions. Who is David?”

Jacob stuttered a little bit while also trying to grasp at a reasonable explanation that the

wolf might buy into. “He-he’s just a friend from school.” Jacob looked down as he tried to

avoid Ulric’s gaze and not reveal anything else.

“Really now? I don’t believe you because the image I saw was filled with such energy

and passion that I think very few here have felt, but it was not my place to ask.” Jacob looked up

at him now.

“What do you mean it was not your place to ask?” inquired Jacob.

“It wasn’t really, I just did because I was curious and to show you something. The point

of my asking was to see how much you trusted me or just to show how stupid you currently are.”

Ulric paused for a moment seeing Jacob’s face turn red from a mixture of embarrassment as well

as anger.

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“I am not stupid,” said Jacob as he gritted his teeth.

“Oh really? Then why did you follow me? Why did you answer my question? Why did

you just immediately trust me? For all you could have known, I could have wanted Malaci gone

so I could eat you,” Ulric snapped back. Jacob was taken back and looked down at the ground

realizing how foolish he really was. “You have to learn not to be so trustworthy, it will get you

killed.” Ulric sighed before he turned his attention back to Jacob.

“Let us try again. Remember to only think of the stone wall.” Ulric closed his eyes and

proceeded to repeat the same task he just performed minutes before. He focused on Jacob’s

thoughts till he saw images, memories, emotions all going through his closed eyes. Jacob

instantly felt the presence invading his privacy once more.

Focus, he thought. Focus on the stone wall. The stone wall is big and grey. It is solid.

It is the stone wall. Wait? What if he finds out what David really is? Stop thinking about it,

focus! Jacob started mumbling the words stone wall until his mind saw the stone wall clearly.

Once Ulric saw the stone wall he rammed his mind against it like a battering ram only to be

stopped. Ulric removed his presence and opened his eyes. He saw Jacob still sitting there with

his eyes clenched tight and mumbling.

“You can quit now. I am gone. You did very well but you must be faster tomorrow if

they decide to touch your mind, understand?” Jacob heard this and nodded while panting a little

heavily. “You can tell me who David really is later on. Anyways, come, I must take you to my

hut and let you rest. Tomorrow we see the Council.”

Malaci entered the dimly lit room. The room was small with stone walls covering every

side and a hard steel door closing behind him. There were no windows to be seen and what little

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light there was cascading down from three lit candles hanging from a cold metallic chandelier. A

figure sat at the head of a table in a chair slightly higher than the others as if to show that it was

better than the rest. Malaci seemed almost like nothing but a head and arms as he walked up to

the figure. When he was standing beside him he kneeled down and kissed the figure’s hand.

“You called Master?” he asked as he looked up at the face covered by shadows.

“Yes,” said a voice that sounded sinister and raspy at the same time. “Where is the boy?”

“He escaped me Master. He ran into the wolves’ territory and before I could catch him

Ulric came to his aid. I had to back off Master otherwise I would have been killed.” Malaci

lowered his head in shame as he recounted the memory of Ulric fending him off. “By now he is

probably in Alvaro, and as you know Master we-”

“I know where he is, fool, and I know we do not know where Alvaro is!” the figure cried

out as he cut Malaci off. “Do not forget who you are speaking to. I know every thought and step

you will take even before you do. I just do not know where Alvaro is because those wolves use

dark magic to hide themselves. But they will learn who the true ruler of this world is.”

“Yes Master, forgive me Master,” replied Malaci. “I give you my word that I will bring

the boy to you soon Master.”

“You’d better. If you fail then you will wish death to come and it will not. You will wish

that you let the wolves chew the meat from your bones. Now go. I have work to attend to.”

Malaci again kissed the figure’s hand and got up walking back out the same door he had once

entered. “If this boy is who the prophecy says he is then I must kill him in order to control


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Jacob was nudged awake by Ulric. He felt very sleepy still and mumbled something

about five more minutes. “No Jacob, you must get up now. The Sun has already risen and it will

only be a few hours till it touches the mountaintops. Get up.” Jacob sat up throwing off the furs

that he had covered himself with the night before. “There are some fruits and a cooked squirrel

waiting for you.” Jacob wiped his eyes before giving Ulric a look of complete confusion and a

little bit of distaste. How could he eat squirrel? “You eat it the same way you eat anything else.

You bite, chew, and swallow.”

“I really wish you would stop doing that,” grumbled Jacob. “It feels so wrong when you

just talk like that with no questions.”

“Sorry. I will try and remember you are not used to anyone knowing what you are

thinking. But eat up and once you are done eating, there is a wash basin outside so that you can

wash your face and possibly tame that bed hair you humans get. While you are doing that I am

going to go do some errands. I will be back soon.” Ulric turned around and left through the


Jacob proceeded to reach out and grab the squirrel. The meat felt well done and oily to

the touch. He sunk his teeth into it and tasted the stringy meat before he tore off a piece and

chewed it slowly. He chewed it, until he forced himself swallowed the stringy meat. He

continued to take small bites of the squirrel until it his throat had become dry from swallowing.

Jacob grabbed the fruit and started biting into it, feeling the juice from it slither down his throat

parching its dryness. The door that Ulric’s hut opened as Jacob stepped outside. He felt the cool

refreshing air that the mountain morning had brought. The village was still dark due to the

shadow of the mountain but the sky was lighter as the Sun was rising with every passing minute.

Jacob walked to the side of the hut looking for the basin that Ulric has talked about. He found a

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stone basin sitting about foot off the ground with crystal clear water in it. Jacob approached the

basin, he dipped his hands below the cool surface of the water cupping them before bringing

them to his mouth and letting the water cool and quench his throat.

When his face was washed, Jacob walked back to the front of the hut about to open the

door before Ulric ran up. “Jacob, come with me now,” he said while slightly panting before he

turned around and ran off again. Jacob stared there a little bit dumbfounded before gaining

himself again and setting off after Ulric. Naturally, the wolf was faster than the human but Jacob

was still able to carry himself far and fast. They ran towards the center of the village and as they

got closer a building that seemed larger than the surrounding ones. A giant oak door stood in the

center of a wall that was windowless. The building was barren on the outside. Like the other

buildings it was made out of stone but the building was cube-like. The only thing that made it

different than a strange mound protruding from the earth was the oak door. The two slowed

down to a jog before a walk both trying to gather their breath. “Remember what I told you about

your mind Jacob.” Before Jacob could respond the doors swung inward leading to a dark abyss.

The neighborhood was quiet and peaceful. The lawns were nice and short with flowers

beside the houses. Each house seemed perfect with no defects, the perfect looking suburb. The

only disturbance this night was the knock on one house from a man dressed in a black suit with a

flowing trench coat waiting outside the door. The door was answered by a middle aged woman.

“Yes, may I help you?” she asked the well-dressed man standing in her doorframe.

“Yes ma’am,” the man reached inside his coat and pulled out a wallet before flashing a

police badge. “I am Detective Malaci Darksir and I am wondering if Jacob is home.” Malaci’s

face seemed as if he was telling the truth and flashing a smile with the perfect teeth.

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“May I ask what this is about? I am his mother after all,” his mother responded as a brow

started to form on her forehead.

“It seems Jacob got into a fight at school and I just wanted to ask some questions is all.

He’s in no trouble if that is what you are wondering ma’am.”

“Oh, okay. No Detective, I am afraid my son is not here, though he should be home

shortly if you would like to wait for him.”

Malaci’s smile faded slightly as it showed his frustration before it returned just as quickly.

“Why thank you then ma’am. Would it be possible for me to look at his room?”

“Why would you want to do that? Are you sure he is not into any trouble?”

“Yes ma’am, I am sure he is not into any trouble at all. I just would like to look at his

room to get to know him better in case he does not talk with me at first is all. Get some common

ground with the boy.”

“Ah, yes that does make sense. His room is up the steps and last door on the right,” said

Jacob’s mom as she moved out of the doorway to allow Malaci access to the house. Malaci

proceeded into the house and up the stairs before arriving at Jacob’s room. The room looked

exactly like a teenage boy’s room would look, messy, bed unmade, papers all over the desk,

posters on the wall, chaotic at best. He went to the desk and searched through the papers to see if

he could find anything out about the boy. He opened the desk drawers only to find more

messiness. He searched the room never finding any clue at all. He sighed, left the room, and

descended down the stairs. Jacob’s mother was there standing at the foot of the stairs looking up.

“Did you find it?” she asked still concerned that her boy was in some sort of trouble.

“Yes ma’am. I think I will talk with him tomorrow at school if that is okay,” said Malaci

as he opened the door and started to walk down the pathway.

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“Oh, okay. Have a nice night detective.” Jacob’s mother shut the door leaving Malaci in

complete darkness. Out of the darkness another man wearing the same dark suit as Malaci

approached him.

“What shall we do? That was our only lead,” the man asked him.

“Torch the place. Kill his parents, that will draw him out for the Master.” His voice said

with no feeling. “They are nothing more than simple pawns in this game. If they have done well

in this world then the Master will reward them in the afterlife. If not, well, that is their fate.”

“But should we not just wait to see if the boy does come back to his home?”

“No you idiot. If the wolves have him then he is not coming back here. They will turn

him against us and we must prepare for that.”

“Yes sir.” The man disappeared before reappearing with three more men carrying gas

containers in each hand. They drenched the back and front doors in gas quietly before spreading

the rest around the base of the house. The men separated with two at the front door and two at

the back before simultaneously light both doors on fire. The flame spread around the house

engulfing it entirely. Within a matter of minutes the house was reduced to rubble and the fire

department arriving after receiving a call from a neighbor. The men were gone and Malaci was

blocks away standing in the shadows letting the dying flames’ light flicker off his sunglasses.

The firefighters extinguished the remaining flames before leaving. As the sun was just

starting to light up the sky and soft gray smoke was lifting in the air, Malaci returned to the

rubble. As he stood there, looking upon his destruction, a falling piece of ash that had been lifted

into the air when it’s guarding box burned, landed at his feet softly reflecting light. He looked

down to see it was a picture. Malaci picked up the picture, even though it was heavily blackened

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he could make out two figures, one being Jacob and the other being another boy. A smirk ran

across his face as he figured that he just found another lead to Jacob.

Ulric and Jacob stood there looking into what appeared to be nothingness before Ulric

took a step inside with Jacob following him. When they stepped inside and their eyes adjusted

Jacob could see the dim orange glow of the lights along the walls with seven wolf-like figures

sitting in the center of the room on pedestals above everyone and everything else. Ulric

approached them before kneeling down with Jacob silently mimicking him by getting down on

his knee. “You may rise,” said a figure to the left of Jacob. Once the two stood the rocks in the

walls started to grow brighter before illuminating the room showing seven wolves, all with a

different pendulum around their necks.

The wolf on the far left, a snow white wolf with piercing blue eyes said, “Jacob, we are

the Council and I am Sasha.” The pendulum around his neck was small but you could still make

out every detail. The entire piece of metal was a lotus flower with a thousand of petals showing

from it.

“I am Anji,” said a brown wolf with a female voice that felt as if it had power. Around

her neck was again a lotus flower but with only two petals, one on each side. Two more wolves

introduced themselves before it came to Fenrir.

“And I, Jacob, am Fenrir.” His voice was menacing, almost like a voice from a Disney

Movie that Jacob saw as a good, the voice that made you instantly think he was no-good. His

body was covered in dark grey and black hair giving him the appearance that he could disappear

in the shadows easily. His eyes were crimson red furthering the impression that he was not the

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greatest of wolves. The pendulum around his neck had the same base as the others, a lotus

flower, but his contained ten petals evenly spread around the rim of the necklace.

Two more wolves, Sven and Mischa, introduced themselves last before Sasha started


“Jacob, you have been brought here to see if you are the chosen one from our prophecies.

If you are then you have the option to learn the seven powers of the Universe if you would like.

However, if you are not, we will wipe your memory and you will never remember us or this

place. Do you understand?” Jacob nodded. “Good, now I am sure Ulric has explained to you

what will happen so let us begin. Each of us will go one by one and when we have come to a

conclusion you will say your conclusion out for everyone to hear. I will begin.” Jacob instantly

felt as if someone was looking at his entire being as Sasha closed his eyes. Jacob tried to

remember what Ulric had told him about the wall but as soon as he was starting to focus on it

Sasha opened his eyes and said he believed it was the chosen one. This happened with each wolf

that looked into Jacob’s mind. When it came Fenrir though Jacob’s wall was repeatedly knocked

down, and even though he felt as if Fenrir was getting deeper and deeper in his mind Fenrir

eventually exited and agreed with the rest.

“Good, we all agree that Jacob is the chosen one. Now, Jacob, what we are about to

explain to you is what the seven powers are. As you can see, there are seven wolves on the

Council, there are seven powers. Each wolf has been entrusted to guard one power. These

powers are spread out through the earth. The pendulums around our necks are a representative of

our powers. The seven powers are thought, light, sound, air, fire, water, and earth. Each power

is equally important however each power also governs physical activities as well. Now, starting

tomorrow you will be taught by one of us each day about the Seven Powers. Each wolf that

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teaches you will be a master of their power, do you understand?” Jacob nodded. “Very well, in

that case-” Just then another wolf came into the room and walked up to Sasha before kneeling

and then whispering something in his ear. Sasha nodded and the wolf left. The look on the

wolf’s muzzle turned slightly downward before looking down at the Council with the same looks

appearing on their muzzles as well.

“Jacob, please go outside and wait there until you are told to come back.” Jacob was

about to say something before Ulric started nudging him out the door and into the sunlight, when

Ulric was about to be out the door as well Sasha told him to stay. Ulric paused before stepping

back in and letting the door shut behind him.

“Ulric, there seems to be a slight problem.”

“What is it” Ulric asked now curious himself.

“One of your men just informed us that the boy’s parents are dead; burned to death in

their house by Malaci and his men.” Ulric looked downward when he heard that and clenched

his teeth getting angry at how cruel these people are. “One of your patrols still saw some smoke

coming from the ashes this morning and went to investigate. When they got there still hiding in

the brush, they saw that Malaci had picked something up and had a smirk across his face. You

know as well as we all do, this cannot be good. Tell the boy but after you tell him immediately

ask him if there is anyone else that is deeply tied to him. If there is, bring them here

immediately.” The tension and firmness of Sasha’s voice echoed off the walls, Ulric nodded

before turning around and leaving the door. As Ulric was coming out Jacob looked down at him

and asked him what was wrong.

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Without looking up Ulric answered him, “Come with me, I think it is time I find out who

this David is.” Ulric walked off leaving Jacob taken back for a second before he caught up to


“What? Why?” he asked still not ready to tell Ulric the truth.

“Because your parents were killed last night and I believe Malaci and his goons are going

after David next.” Jacob stopped dead in his tracks unable to comprehend the words that he just


“W-what did you just say?”

Ulric sighed before he turned around and faced the newly orphaned boy. “Listen, Jacob, I

know it is hard to hear that but it is the truth. They are dead but they are with the Earth now. We

have to keep moving otherwise the same fate can befall David. Malaci is looking for you, he’s

trying to draw you out. Now tell me who David is, what is he to you?” Jacob’s face paled and

his entire world shattered. The boy sat down slowly, shocked, with a million emotions rolling

through him right now. “Who is he Jacob? Tell me now!” Ulric was yelling at him.

“He-he’s my boyfriend,” said Jacob not comprehending what he just told Ulric either. To

him, the entire world had slowed down and nothing seemed relevant anymore. He just sat there

as Ulric called out to Botolf and asked him to watch over Jacob as he went to go find David.

Botolf said he would and Ulric ran off to the steps and out the doorway as fast as his legs would

carry him.

When Ulric entered the forest he called out to the two wolves on patrol, Naomi and Luke,

telling them to come to him as quick as they can. When they arrived Ulric proceeded to tell them

what Jacob had said about David. “We must get him, the boy is the same age as Jacob which

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means he could be at the school. Let us try there since it is the most obvious choice.” The other

two agreed and they set off on a race against Malaci.

Malaci entered the school in the same dark coat and uniform that he always wore. He

approached the secretary at the office before flashing a badge in front of her.

“I am Detective Malaci Darksir, I am looking for a student that goes here.” He flashes

the same perfect smile as before.

“Oh, okay detective, what student are you looking for?” questioned the secretary

wondering why a detective was looking for a student. It was usually a policeman that was in a

uniform but never a detective. Malaci pulls out his tiny notepad and opens it up looking for the

student’s name.

“His name is David Summerson. I just need to take him out of the school for the rest of

the day and ask him a few questions back at the station is all.”

“But would it not be better to question him here? I mean, we can give you a room and

just about everything you need.”

“I’m sorry but I can’t. The station has everything I need plus my superiors need to be

there as well to make sure no lines are crossed.”

“Oh, okay. I will call him up then.” The secretary proceeded to call to one of the

classrooms asking for David to come up to the office. A minute passed before a well dressed and

handsome young man stood there with his back pack over one of his shoulders. The boy

approached the counter telling the secretary that he was David. The secretary motioned towards

Malaci. Malaci looked at the boy.

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“Hi David, I am Detective Malaci. I just need to ask you a few questions about Jacob.”

David’s face paled and his eyes grew wide at the mention that he was a detective and asking

about Jacob

“Why? What has happened? Is he okay?” A thousand thoughts were racing through his


“Oh, he is okay. Just some questions I would like to ask you is all, but I am afraid you

are going to miss the rest of the day as I have to take you down to the station okay?” Malaci was

still flashing that perfect smile of his drawing the boy in with his confident and warm tone.

“Okay.” David looked down and followed Malaci out the door. As soon as the two left

the secretary pulled up David’s record on the computer and proceeded to call his house. She let

the phone right for over a minute only to get the pre-recorded message that said the phone was

unavailable at this time. Little did she know that at the same time a 911 call was being made

about a fire in David’s neighborhood.

Malaci opened the backdoor of his unidentifiable car allowing David to get in. He shut

the door and got in the driver’s seat before pulling away from the school. Ulric and the other two

had just arrived only to see Malaci put the boy in the car and drive off.

“Follow that car,” he said, “but stick to the brush and woods. Do not let him see you at

any cost.” Ulric started to run away from them after the car before the other two followed.

“Has Jacob done anything wrong?” David asked Malaci still worried that something was

incredibly wrong.

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“You could say that.” Malaci’s voice had changed from the warm and confident tone to

an icy tone. “For now just shut up and be quite.” David was taken aback by the sudden change

in Malaci’s voice and did what he was told. The two remained in silence for a few minutes while

David watched the passing trees of the rural road before Malaci slowed and stopped on the side

of the road. Malaci got out of the car before going around to the other side and opening David’s


“W-what are you doing?” David asked now scared that he was alone with this possibly

deranged man. Malaci pulled David out by the collar of his shirt and lifted him into the air

where Malaci was eye to eye with the boy.

“Where is Jacob?” questioned Malaci in a fierce and forceful way.

“Let me down!” David squirmed trying to get away from Malaci’s grasp.

“Where is he?!” Malaci yelled at the boy. “Tell me where he is!” Malaci shook Jacob by

his collar.

“Put me down!” Yelled David before Malaci became frustrated with him and through

him against the ground with incredible force. David let out a yelp of pain as the ground made

contact with his back. Malaci reached into his coat and pulled out a black handgun aiming it

down at David. David’s face paled as he saw the gun was aiming directly at him. He was trying

to scramble away from Malaci.

“Tell me where he is and I will not have to pull the trigger.” Malaci’s voice had gone

from yelling to the cold icy voice from before in the car.

“I-I don’t know. I swear I don’t know,” whimpered David as he was thinking that his

death was quickly approaching him.

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“May the Master have pity on your soul.” Malaci’s eye went cold and lifeless before his

finger started pressing down on the trigger. Out of the woods, Ulric jumped from the foliage of

the woods and tackled Malaci causing the gun to fly out of his hand and landed on the hard

pavement of the road. Ulric’s body forced Malaci to fall down while Ulric landed on his feet

facing Malaci with the gun halfway between the two. Naomi and Luke jumped out also but

landed near David while still facing Malaci. Malaci got back on his feet rubbing the back of his

head a little before turning towards Ulric. “So it seems you brought some friends Ulric. Is the

boy really that important to you?”

Ulric’s eyes had changed to the yellow they had been when Jacob first met him. “No, he

is of no importance to anyone.”

“Then why are you three here, trying to stop me?”

“Because we will not stand for you destroying another life for a stupid cause.” Ulric kept

his back arched ready to jump again at Malaci while Naomi and Luke stood in front of David

ready to attack also.

“W-who… what are you?” David asked scared out of his wits thinking he was going


“Just shut up boy,” Luke answered quickly never taking his eyes off of Malaci.

Malaci started running for the gun with Ulric reacting just as quickly. Malaci reached the

gun first. He grabbed the gun and turned towards David about to pull the trigger before he felt

Ulric on his back and his claws sinking into the skin. Malaci screamed with pain before reaching

back pulling Ulric by his neck up and over him. “You stupid animal! How dare you hurt a

servant of the Master!”

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Ulric looked at him with a sly smirk on his face. “Well here, let me help you again

Malaci!” Ulric proceeded to smack Malaci across the face with his claws sticking out causing

three deep and bloody marks on the man’s face. Malaci screamed with rage and frustration

before he tossed Ulric to the side. Ulric landed on his side hard and painfully. When he looked

up he saw that Malaci was aiming at David again. “David! Run!” he yelled. David had

scrambled up to where he was standing before quickly turning away and heading for the woods.

The gunshot rang out across the woods and the deserted road as the bullet hit David. The white

hot searing pain in his body made his voice give out to a bone chilling scream as his warm blood

was coming out of the wound. David fell to the ground and blacked out from the world’s


“You lose Ulric,” Malaci said coldly as he lowered his weapon and walked back to the

vehicle. “You will always lose. And because you will always lose, I want to see the pain on

your mut face every time I win.” Malaci got in the dark and unidentifiable car before speeding

off in the opposite direction leaving the wolves there with a collapsed and bloody David, who

would not respond.

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