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Page 1: Wootton Community Primary School Newsletter€¦ · Toast (2 slices) Portion of fruit Slice of Fruit Loaf School Dinners Cost £2.05. Please pay for these at the beginning or end

‘All our children can achieve success’

Wootton Community Primary School Newsletter

31st January 2020

Wootton Community Primary School | Church Road | Wootton Bridge | Ryde | Isle of Wight | PO33 4PT


[email protected]

01983 882505

Headteacher’s update

Dear Parents,

Over the last two weeks I have attended several

governors’ meetings, which have been most inter-

esting, partly due to the content of the meetings,

but more so due to the fact we now have several

new governors on the board. Our two new parent

governors have been joined by the new to prima-

ry, but very experienced governor, Lesley

Holmes, who will bring yet another voice to the

body. They are continuing to hold me to account

to ensure that we are on the right track in

providing your children with the best education

that we can. I look forward to sharing more news

with you as the year unfolds.


The children are going from strength to strength

with their sporting achievements. This week our

basketball team have made it through to the fi-

nals - well done to Ruby, Lizzie, Lily and Dan in

Year 6, and Alfie, Ben, Chloe, Daniel, Ethan R,

Ethan M, Holly and Mikey all in Year 5.

Our Year 5/6 girls football team are through to

the next round beating Broadlea 3-1. Well done

to Daisy, Ruby, Rachel, Maddie, Lizzie and Abi-

gail in Year 6 and Bridget, Georgina and Chloe in

Year 5.

Finally, our Year 5/6 boys football team played

against Nettlestone and won 2 goals to 1, so they

also through to the next round. Well done to

Alex, Billy, George, Dan, Fergus from Year 6 and

Alfie, Bobby, Daniel and Iwan from Year 5.

With so many different fixtures we are so grate-

ful to parents taking and collecting children.

However, wouldn’t this be much easier if we had

our own minibus like so many schools? We are

looking into possible fund-raising activities which

could help us get the funds together to get one ,

so watch this space!


It has been brought to my attention by several

parents that older children are often getting in

the way and causing a little chaos in the Recep-

tion class playground and cloakroom area at the

start of the day. The Reception team work hard

before school begins to set out activities for the

class to partake in, so can I remind you that older

children should not be entering school through

this way, even if they have a sibling in Reception.

For safeguarding reasons and to meet health and

safety requirements, all classes have their

own ways to access and leave school and

this should not be via the Reception class.

Cycle Store

Both Mr Wilford and Mr Edmunds, Amelie and

Billy’s dad, have given up their own time this

week to dismantle a cycle store from another

school to install here. This will provide a covered

area for the children to leave their bikes and

scooters during the day. I am sure you will join

me in thanking them both so much for doing this

for the children.

Carisbrooke Castle Visit

I was very proud of the children from Carnival

Club whom I took to Carisbrooke Castle today .

This was the first stage of our Mardi Gras cos-

tume design program. They have developed their

skills in reminiscing and gained confidence to ask

questions to build research for the project. We

will now be planning an event to invite the older

Wootton generation to a tea party to see what

memories they have of carnival on the Island.

Page 2: Wootton Community Primary School Newsletter€¦ · Toast (2 slices) Portion of fruit Slice of Fruit Loaf School Dinners Cost £2.05. Please pay for these at the beginning or end

Jane Wilford


Children’s Mental Health Week

Next week we will be particularly encouraging

the children to ‘Find their Brave’ when exploring

issues involving feelings and self-confidence. In

school we recognise that children’s mental health

is just as important as their education and we

need to ensure that children have a really good

awareness of how to be physically and emotional-

ly well. In assembly this afternoon we began to

think about this, listening to a story about being

‘different’ and celebrating the differences we

have. I will share more with you next Friday of

what the children have been exploring.

Celebration assembly

In assembly this morning we heard from Rocco in

Year 1, who has been awarded a swimming certif-

icate, Caleb in Year 1, who has been awarded two

swimming certificates and Jacob, also in Year 1,

who has been invested into Beavers - well done to

both of you!

Our top 5 Times tables Rockstars this week are -

Rocco in Year 2, Katie in Year 4, Liam C in Year

5, Cian in Year 5 and Ethan R also in Year 5, but

Mrs Gilbert is still hanging on to the top spot -

keep up the hard work everyone!

We look forward to seeing Year 6 bright and early

for breakfast on Monday at 8.10, in the mean-

time, have a lovely weekend.

Page 3: Wootton Community Primary School Newsletter€¦ · Toast (2 slices) Portion of fruit Slice of Fruit Loaf School Dinners Cost £2.05. Please pay for these at the beginning or end

Dates for your diary Monday 3th—Thurs 6th Feb Year 6 MOCK SATS with breakfast (letter to follow)

Monday 10th Feb Year R to Amazon World (see letter)

Wednesday 12th Feb Year 2 Parent Sharing event @2pm (see letter)

East Dene parent information session 2.30pm

or 5pm

Mon 17th - Fri 21st Feb Half-term

Weds 26th Feb - Mon 2nd March Book fair in hall

Fri 28th Feb PJs and popcorn: 3-4.30pm Reception, Y1 & Y2

5-6.30 pm Y3 to Y6 (more details to follow)

Thurs 5th March World Book Day

Year 5 visit to Winchester Science Museum (see let-


Friday 6th March Year 5 Taster Day to Ryde Academy (see letter)

Tues 17th March NHS Reception and Year 6 height and weight

check (see letter)

Weds 18th - Fri 20th March Year 4 residential (see letters)

Tues 31st March 3-6.30pm Parents evening

Weds 1st April 3-6.30pm Parents evening

Thurs 2nd April Easter tea party @ 3pm (more detail to follow)

Fri 3rd April Staff Development day (School closed to children)

Mon 6th - Fri 17th April Easter Break

Thurs 23rd April Year 5 Space Camp sleepover (letter to follow)

Fri 8th May Bank Holiday (NOT Monday 4th May)

Mon 11th - Thurs 14th May Year 6 SATs

Tues 19th—Fri 22nd May Year 6 Residential

Mon 25th - Fri 29th May Half-term

Sat 27th June Mardi Gras parade

Mon 29th June Year 5 Medina taster day to Medina (letter to follow)

Weds 15th & Thurs 16th July Transition days

Mon 13th July End of year reports home

Weds 22nd July Year 6 Leavers treat

Thurs 23rd July Year 6 Leavers assembly at 10:30, family picnic at

12pm, school finishes at 1:30pm

Fri 24th July Development Day (School Closed to Children)

Page 4: Wootton Community Primary School Newsletter€¦ · Toast (2 slices) Portion of fruit Slice of Fruit Loaf School Dinners Cost £2.05. Please pay for these at the beginning or end


Attendance Last

Week (%)


Attendance since

Sept (%)

Yaverland 96.7 94.1

Carisbrooke 99 96.4

Bembridge 97.2 96.6

Calbourne 97 95.9

Newtown 98.3 96.5

Osborne 96 95.3

Appley 99.3 94.8


School 97.7 95.6

Lates Last Week Lates since Sept

Yaverland 4 33

Carisbrooke 0 12

Bembridge 2 14

Calbourne 1 8

Newtown 0 6

Osborne 0 13

Appley 0 25

Whole School 7 111


Minutes 107 1557

Gates open 8.35am

Gates close 8.55am

The class with the best attendance for the week commencing 27th January



Please keep the office

updated regarding absences

on a DAILY BASIS and

remember to provide us with

a written absence note on

the day your child returns to

school from an absence. If we

do not receive this within 2

weeks of the absence, it will

be classed as ‘unauthorised’.

Our school target is 96.5%

We are ABOVE target for this

week, and aim for all our

children to be at school 100% of

the time!


Page 5: Wootton Community Primary School Newsletter€¦ · Toast (2 slices) Portion of fruit Slice of Fruit Loaf School Dinners Cost £2.05. Please pay for these at the beginning or end

Menu Week 2


Chicken Curry with 50/50 Rice

Cheese Whirl with New Potatoes



Apple Flapjack


Macaroni Cheese with Garlic


Vegetable Hotpot



Chocolate Cake with Chocolate



Roast Turkey, Roast Potatoes

and Gravy

Quorn Roast fillet with Roast

Potatoes and Gravy


Green Beans

Apple, Cheese and Biscuits


Sausage, Mashed Potato

and Gravy

Linda McCartney Sausages,

Mashed Potato and Gravy



Yoghurt Station


Fish Fingers with Chips

Cheese and Tomato Quiche

with Chips

Baked Beans


Orange and Lemon




Toast (2 slices)

Portion of fruit

Slice of Fruit Loaf

School Dinners Cost £2.05. Please pay for these at the beginning or end of the week they are taken.

Jacket Potatoes and baguettes

are available to order from the

kitchen daily.

Page 6: Wootton Community Primary School Newsletter€¦ · Toast (2 slices) Portion of fruit Slice of Fruit Loaf School Dinners Cost £2.05. Please pay for these at the beginning or end


Star Pupils

Carisbrooke Ollie

Bembridge Ayra

Calbourne Elise

Newtown Violet P

Osborne Mikey

Appley Jack

Star Pupil Assembly is

every Friday morning at

9am. You are welcome to

come and watch your child

if they’re star pupil of the


Page 7: Wootton Community Primary School Newsletter€¦ · Toast (2 slices) Portion of fruit Slice of Fruit Loaf School Dinners Cost £2.05. Please pay for these at the beginning or end
Page 8: Wootton Community Primary School Newsletter€¦ · Toast (2 slices) Portion of fruit Slice of Fruit Loaf School Dinners Cost £2.05. Please pay for these at the beginning or end
Page 9: Wootton Community Primary School Newsletter€¦ · Toast (2 slices) Portion of fruit Slice of Fruit Loaf School Dinners Cost £2.05. Please pay for these at the beginning or end

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