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Page 1: Work  is a force acting through a distance. Work   =   force   x   distance
Page 2: Work  is a force acting through a distance. Work   =   force   x   distance
Page 3: Work  is a force acting through a distance. Work   =   force   x   distance

Work is a force acting through a distance.

Work = force x distance

W = Fd

Page 4: Work  is a force acting through a distance. Work   =   force   x   distance
Page 5: Work  is a force acting through a distance. Work   =   force   x   distance
Page 6: Work  is a force acting through a distance. Work   =   force   x   distance
Page 7: Work  is a force acting through a distance. Work   =   force   x   distance
Page 8: Work  is a force acting through a distance. Work   =   force   x   distance
Page 9: Work  is a force acting through a distance. Work   =   force   x   distance
Page 10: Work  is a force acting through a distance. Work   =   force   x   distance

A spring scale is used to measure units of force

Page 11: Work  is a force acting through a distance. Work   =   force   x   distance

joule (J)

When force is measured in newtons and distance is measured in meters,the SI unit of work is the newton X meter (N x m). This unit is also calleda joule (jool)

Work = Force x DistanceWork = 400N x 1.5 mWork = 600 J

Page 12: Work  is a force acting through a distance. Work   =   force   x   distance
Page 13: Work  is a force acting through a distance. Work   =   force   x   distance

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