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Page 1: Work programme 2009 – Info Day European Commission – DG Enterprise & Industry E-M. Engdahl Information Day 16th September 2009 Brussels Seventh Framework.

European Commission – DG Enterprise & Industry E-M. EngdahlWork programme 2009 – Info Day

Information Day16th September 2009


Seventh Framework

Programme 2007-2013

Security Research

Security of Citizens &Restoring: area1

Safety & security in case of crisis: area 4







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Page 2: Work programme 2009 – Info Day European Commission – DG Enterprise & Industry E-M. Engdahl Information Day 16th September 2009 Brussels Seventh Framework.

Security theme in FP 7

Four Security missions / activities:

1.Security of citizens2. Security of infrastructures and utilities3. Intelligent surveillance and border security4.Restoring security and safety in case of crisis

Three Cross cutting activities:

5. Security systems integration, interconnectivity and interoperability

6. Security and Society7. Security Research coordination and structuring

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Mission1 Security of Citizens

• Activities concentrate on threat aspects of potential incidents such as offenders, equipment and resources used by them or as mechanisms of attack.

• Civil protection• Emphasis on threat awareness, detection,

identification and authentification, prevention, preparedness, neutralisation, containment of effects

• Identify / Prevent / Prepare / Respond

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Mission 1 – topics in WP 2010

• Demo project: not open in this call• Integration project (IP)

SEC-2010.1.2-1 Information and knowledge management for the prevention of organised crime

• Capability projects (CP) SEC-2010.1.3-1 Innovative tools to combat organised crime and

terrorism financing and money laundering SEC-2010.1.3-2 Tackling counterfeit medicines and related criminal

networks SEC-2010.1.3-3 Detection of IED manufacturing facilities

• Coordination and support actions (CSA) SEC-2010.1.4-1 Advanced forensic toolbox SEC-2010.1.4-2 Controlling the change of properties of chemicals

to preclude misuse

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SEC-2010.1.2-1 Information and knowledge management for the prevention of organised crime:

Through this action it is intended to tackle the availability of the widest range of information types and sources, data extraction and transformation tools and processes for knowledge management against organised crime.

Funding schemes: IP

Expected impact: It is expected to raise the awareness of the EU political stakeholders in order to help them to shape a proper legal environment for such activities at EU level; to demonstrate to the law enforcement agencies the added value to cooperate at the EU level while in the same time reducing their cost; to show to the EU citizens that this could be done without endangering individual liberties and privacy.

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SEC-2010.1.3-1 Innovative tools to combat organised crime and terrorism financing and money laundering :

The objective is to develop innovative tools to help the detection and the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing activities and more specifically to facilitate and improve its reporting mechanisms as well as the identification of money that has been stolen or robbed. European Strategy on Terrorist Financing sets banks and other financial institutions obligations of reporting suspicious financial activities to Financial Intelligence Units (FIU)..

Funding schemes: CP

Impact: Taking duly into account the, mainly legal, context of Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist financing, while involving the potential

users, this action should provide an innovative and efficient tool to facilitate their activities. A significant improvement with respect to performance, reliability, speed and cost is expected.

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Topic SEC-2010.1.3-2 Tackling counterfeit medicines and related criminal networks.

The research activities will focus on identifying genuine medical products (including medicines, diagnostics and medical devices) by methods easily usable in the field.

Additionally research activities may focus on how criminal organizations work. This could also include research on business networks for internet sales of counterfeit medical products.

Funding schemes: CP

Expected impact: significant reduction in the amount of counterfeit medicines and/or medical devices in circulation.

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Topic SEC-2010.1.3-3 Detection of IED manufacturing facilities

To locate an improvised bomb factory from tiniest of airborne, waterborne or contact traces using multiple sensitive sensors.

The action should also investigate the deployment of a network of sensors and the fusion of the information. Minimize false positives.

Funding Scheme: CP

Expected impact: permanent monitoring of urban and sub-urban areas, providing an early detection of suspicious activities

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SEC-2010.1.4-1 Advanced forensic toolbox

The task is to develop best practises, methodologies and technological standards for the reconstruction of crime/terrorism scenes with the aim to improve interpretation and presentation in all stages of the legal process: from police briefings, case conferences through expert testimony in court without breaking the chain of custody. It should be applicable in all EU member states and associated states

Funding schemes: Coordination and Support Action (coordinating action)

Impact: Action in this area should raise sufficient awareness and understanding of all relevant issues for the take-up of their outcome (e.g. regarding harmonisation and standardisation, international and EU co-operation needs, etc.)

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Topic SEC-2010.1.4-2 - Controlling the change of properties of chemicals to preclude misuse

Some of Publicly available chemicals have the potential to be used directly as, or precursors for terrorist activities. This project will

(a) list the potentially hazardous chemicals and their normal usage;(b) study the possibilities of preventing their usage for terrorism without

harming their normal function or safety properties; (c) design economically feasible solutions

Funding Scheme: CP and CSA (coordinating action)

Expected impact: improve the traceability of property of chemicals that can be used in the preparation of terrorist actions, and therefore contribute to preclude such unwanted use

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Mission 4: restoring safety and security in case of crisis

• Activities will focus on technologies providing an overview of and support for diverse emergency management operations such as civil protection, humanitarian aid and rescue tasks.

• Emphasis will be on issues such as general organisational and operation preparedness to cope with security incident, crisis management, intervention in hostile environment, emergency humanitarian aid, the management of the consequences and cascading effects of security incident.

• Prepare / Respond / Recover

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Mission 4: Restoring safety and security in case of crisis

• Demonstration programme SEC-2010.4.1-1 Aftermath crisis management - phase I

• Integration projects SEC-2010.4.2-1 Interoperability of data, systems, tools and equipment SEC-2010.4.2-2 Preparedness and Resilience to a CBRN crisis SEC-2010.4.2-3 Information acquisition using dedicated platforms,

including UAV, aerostatic platforms (balloons) and satellites• Capability projects

SEC-2010.4.3-1 Alert and communication, including role of media, towards the population in crises management

SEC-2010.4.3-2 Adaptation of existing Decision Support Systems (DSS) to new radiological threats

• Coordination and support action SEC-2010.4.4-1 Basic service restoration (e.g. energy, water,

communication), business continuity, domestic/ environmental normality

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SEC-2010.4.1-1 Aftermath crisis management - phase I

The scope and technical content of the full demonstration programme (phase II, which will build upon phase I) will be the demonstration of an integrated and scalable crisis management system capable of providing comprehensive situational awareness to decision makers to ensure a timely, co-ordinated and effective response to large scale disasters, including natural disasters (floods, earthquakes etc) both inside and outside Europe..

Funding scheme: Coordination and Support Action (supporting action)

Expected impact: Through comprehensive preparation (not proposal preparation) of the demonstration programme, the action will provide a solid basis for the description of its phase II as well as for sequencing and describing research tasks to be called for in future security Work Programmes.

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SEC-2010.4.2-1 Interoperability of data, systems, tools and equipment

The task is to address the needs for improved systems, tools and equipment for "the command and control" function of emergency management organisations and their harmonisation at European level. The goal is to ensure an effective management of large civil crises and

complex emergencies (either man-made or natural) by strengthening command and control capabilities throughout the phases of the crisis management process (prevention, preparedness, response and recovery, including simulation and training).

Funding scheme: Collaborative ProjectExpected impact: Actions in this area will provide the adapted data,

tools, systems and equipments technology basis and relevant knowledge for security capabilities needed in this (and also other) missions, as required by integrating industry and (private and/or public) end users.

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Topic SEC-2010.4.2-2 Preparedness and Resilience to a CBRN crisis

Contain and limit the effects of a CBRN crisis due to terrorists or linked to industrial accidents, the task will

1) integrate existing capabilities and coordinate operational reaction to the event

2) develop crisis preparedness and response training kits All crisis dimensions should be considered: early warning systems,

isolation, shielding, decontamination, medical counter-measures etc. Societal reaction, communication and human factors for first responders, political deciders, public.

Funding scheme: CP

Expected impact: the action will lead to a complete toolbox to be used by public authorities in charge of crisis management (incl. health authorities). It should lead to an integrated European approach to CBRN crisis.

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SEC-2010.4.2-3 Information acquisition using dedicated platforms, including UAV,aerostatic platforms (balloons) and satellites

Activities should include the evaluation, over a range of crises management missions, of the possibilities being offered by the development of novel sensors specific for surveillance and security purposes, and by the novel integration of data that would be provided by versatile multi-functional equipment, also UAS borne (e.g. aerial and survey photography using IR, signal and spectral analysis and miniature synthetic aperture radar and related data exploitation).

Funding scheme: CP

Expected impact: Improved capabilities are expected for situation awareness as required for the effective management of emergencies and actions of law enforcement. They would be based on more effective real time monitoring and surveillance of wide areas.

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SEC-2010.4.3-1 Alert and communication, including the role of media, towards the population in crises management

The task is to develop innovative methodologies and technological solutions to manage alert and communication in crises management.

This includes: 1.Evaluation and re-assessment of alert procedures and processes 2. Screening of the information structure (content, explaining…)

between all kind of actors taking into account intercultural factors. 3. Analysis of the role of mass media (in particular new ones) during

crises and the best practices in their use in order to ensure effective and ethical crisis management while respecting the freedom of the press.

Funding scheme: CP

Expected impact: Efficient communication about possible or actual emergencies can be fundamental to prevent them. Contemporary alert, communication concepts, procedures and technological simulations for effective crisis management will improve the planning and the response during and after an incident.

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Topic SEC-2010.4.3-2 Adaptation of existing Decision Support Systems (DSS) to new radiological threats

Existing DSS models do not cover specific threats such as contamination of buildings or underground stations

The action should cover:• Develop modular, simple and flexible models for the assessment of the

dose • Develop a robust data base supporting these models • Develop a framework for these models to be used nationaly and locally

in the command and control centres of the fire brigade/police• Develop transport and dispersion models for large buildings such as

airports and other large public buildings, as well as underground systems

• Develop interfaces with local Command and Control systems to use the models in strategic (DSS) and local systems

Funding scheme: CP

Expected impact: significant improvement in the capacities of the European / national / regional authorities in charge of radiation protection to handle new radiological threats.

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Topic SEC-2010.4.4-1 Basic service restoration (e.g. energy, water, communication), business continuity, domestic/ environmental normality

The task is to study existing services (e.g. energy, water, communication), and then to provide different scenarios and approach that organisations and members states could adopt in case of large crisis.

The ultimate goal is the business continuity and domestic/environmentalnormality. The project should present a number of realistic scenarios

/solutions of basics "real" services restorations taking into account the border dimension

Funding Scheme: CSA (coordinating action)

Expected impact: substantial improvement with respect to business continuity, performance, reliability, speed and cost in a border dimension context.

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Preliminary timetable for the 3rd Call

30th July 2009 Publication of the Call FP7-SEC-2010-1

26th November 2009Deadline for the Call FP7-SEC-2010-1

February 2010 Evaluation of the Call FP7-SEC-2010-1

March-April 2010 Security Scrutiny // Ethical review

June – July 2010 Invitation letter for negotiation

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Further information

CORDIS site: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/security/home_en.html

Work Programme Call for proposals Guide for applicants etc.

All topics (but 7.0-4):


[email protected]

Demos phase 1 and 2; Security issues:[email protected]

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