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Lavanya Ravikanth K. S. Kavi Kumar


Chennai 600 025 India

June 2015




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Caught in the ‘Net’: Fish Consumption Patterns of Coastal Regions in India

Lavanya Ravikanth

Madras School of Economics [email protected]


K. S. Kavi Kumar

Professor, Madras School of Economics

[email protected]; [email protected]

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Caught in the ‘Net’: Fish Consumption Patterns of Coastal Regions in India

Lavanya Ravikanth and K. S. Kavi Kumar


Fish is an important source of food and livelihood for people. Owing to

their proximity to the sea, coastal communities have long depended on this

resource to meet their nutritional needs. Does this, however, still hold true

today? This paper analyses the fish consumption patterns of rural and

urban populations in coastal States and Union Territories (UTs) in India,

and how these have changed over time. The analysis is based on unit

record data on fish consumption obtained from National Sample Surveys

conducted in 1983 and 2009-10. Distributional aspects of fish consumption

both within and across coastal States/UTs, and over time are assessed.

The results suggest that despite an increase in fish production over time,

people living close to the coast in almost all States and UTs report a

decline in consumption. Among other things, the paper explores the role of

trade in explaining the wedge between production and consumption.

Keywords: Fish consumption; Nutritional intake; Distributional issues

JEL Codes: D10; D60; R10

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This work has been undertaken as part of the on-going project, „Linking

Coastal Zone Management to Ecosystem Services in India‟, funded by

NCSCM, Chennai. The authors would like to thank Dr. Pranab

Mukhopadhyay, Goa University; Dr. Ramachandra Bhatta, College of

Fisheries, Mangalore; Dr. Brinda Viswanathan, MSE, for useful comments

on the earlier versions of this paper. The authors would also like to thank

Prof. R. Ramesh, Dr. Purvaja Ramachandran, and Prof. B. R. Subramanian

and other participants of the project workshop held on 30th December

2014 at NCSCM, Chennai for their constructive inputs.

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Summarising a 1966 survey of possibilities of increasing food production

to meet India‟s nutritional requirements, Kent (1987) notes that, “fish is

one item in our requirements of food that has the largest potential for

increased production causing, at the same time, no strain on India‟s

limited land resources. ... For a country with such low levels, qualitatively

of food consumption, as India, fish ought to command high priority in the

solution of India‟s long term food problem” (pp. 161). With excessive

dependence on cereals, the Indian diet is often characterised by both

energy as well as protein deficiency, which can be met through fish

consumption. Fish is less costly compared to other animal protein

sources. In comparison to vegetables and grains, fish is relatively

expensive on the basis of weight but it is quite inexpensive in terms of

nutritional value.

Coastal States and Union Territories directly have access to a

wealth of resources (and indeed services) that the seas provide owing to

their location. Access to fish as a food source is an important resource

provided by the sea. Marine fish production in India has gradually been

increasing over the years from about 15 Lakh tonnes in 1979-80 to about

33 Lakh tonnes in 2012-13 (DADF, 2014). The coastal State/UT-wise

production of marine fish over time shows that this increase in fish

production is uniform across coastal States/UTs, except for Maharashtra

and Pondicherry, which record a decline in marine fish production over

time (Table 1). The table shows that more recently, Kerala and Gujarat

have emerged as the top two marine fish producing states, whereas

Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh are the bottom two States in this

respect among the major states. It is interesting to note however that

Maharashtra was in the top two marine fish producing states in 1982-83.

West Bengal has recorded the highest percentage change in marine fish

production over the two time periods, moving it up from a rank of 9 in

1982-83 to a rank of 5 in 2009-10 of the top marine fish producers.

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However the contribution of marine fisheries to the overall fish

production in India has been steadily declining with the percentage share

reducing from 71 percent in 1950-51 to 36 percent in 2013-14.

Table 1: Production of Marine Fish – Coastal States and Union




Prodn. in

1982-83 (t)

Prodn. in

2010 (t)


Rank in 1982-83


Rank in



Change in Prodn.

(1982-83 –


Kerala 3,48,443 6,08,281 1 1 75

Gujarat 1,96,437 6,01,079 4 2 206

Tamil Nadu 2,35,953 5,09,036 3 3 116

Karnataka 1,27,968 3,85,761 5 4 201

West Bengal 22,444 3,59,354 9 5 1501

Odisha 33,490 2,90,986 8 6 769

Andhra Pradesh 1,26,004 2,41,441 6 7 92

Maharashtra 2,67,527 2,41,054 2 8 -10

Goa 35,874 89,442 7 9 149

Pondicherry 12,985 10,861 10 10 -16 Source: CMFRI Annual Reports (1982-83 and 2010-11).

A reasonable hypothesis to make is that, due to their ease of

access to marine fisheries, coastal States/UTs are likely to be higher

consumers of fish compared to non-coastal States/UTs. However some

caveats are in order- a) higher access alone may not lead to higher fish

consumption and cultural and religious factors play an important role in

State-wise patterns of fish consumption. For e.g., although a top

producer of marine fish, Gujarat has historically been a relatively low fish

consuming state owing to the aforementioned factors (as will become

clear in the analysis that follows), and b) inland fish production in 2009-

10 was close to 49 Lakh tonnes (DADF, 2014), far exceeding that of

marine fish production in the same year, which implies that access to

inland fisheries also determines fish consumption patterns across States.

Having said that, it is the coastal States that are also the highest

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producers of inland fish (West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh being the top

two inland fish producers today), which would only lend support to the

hypothesis stated earlier. Taking as given that coastal States/UTs are

higher consumers of fish compared to other States, it would be

interesting to analyse the within-coastal State/UT patterns in fish

consumption, how this has changed over time and the factors leading to

the same.

The aim of this paper is to analyse the distributional aspects of

fish consumption across coastal states and Union Territories and across

two time periods namely 1983 and 2009-10, which correspond to the two

NSSO consumer expenditure quinquennial survey rounds, namely 38 and

66 respectively, from which the data on fish consumption come. It may

be noted that the NSSO data does not make a distinction between

marine and inland fish consumption and so the results presented here

pertain to total fish consumption. The analysis was undertaken at the

level of the coastal State/UT. Goa (denoted by GA^ or Goa^ in the

figures and tables appearing in the next section) includes Daman and Diu

as the NSSO 38th Round pooled data from these two UTs, thus, we

estimated fish consumption similarly from the NSSO 66th Round data as

well. Lakshadweep is missing from the analysis since data on fish

consumption for this UT from the NSSO 38th Round is missing. In addition

to per capita quantity of fish consumption (measured in kg per person

per month) and average monthly per capita value of fish consumption

(measured in Rupees per person per month) across regions and sectors

(rural and urban), the analysis also focussed on distributional issues by

comparing the fish consumption levels across Monthly Per Capita

Expenditure (MPCE) quartile classes.

The results indicate that barring a couple of coastal states

(Kerala and West Bengal), all other states recorded a decline in per

capita fish consumption over the past two decades. Given that the period

also witnessed significant increase in fish – both marine and inland –

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production, the decline in consumption levels is puzzling and worrisome.

The paper argues that fish exports provide part of the explanation for the

disturbing trend in the consumption of this nutritionally rich source of

diet. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: The next section

provides a brief review of literature on fish demand patterns in India. The

third section presents the patterns and trends of fish consumption across

income classes and regions of India based on NSS data. The section also

presents the broad classification of coastal states/regions based on the

fish consumption and distributional trends. The fourth section explores

the possible factors, including the trade in fish, for explaining the

observed trends in fish consumption and concludes.


An early study by NCAER (1980) on fish consumption in India observed

that fish consumers constituted more than 50 percent of the total

population. The per capita monthly consumption, however, varied

significantly across the country. FAO (2014) in a recent study based on

household surveys estimated the per capita national average annual

consumption of fish and fish products as 2.85 kg in 2010. The annual

consumption levels varied from 22.7 kg per person in the coastal state of

Kerala to mere 0.03 kg per person in the Northern state of Himachal

Pradesh. In quantity terms, people in the lowest income quintile consume

about four times lesser amount of fish and fish products than those in

highest quintile. Similarly, people in urban areas consume a higher

quantity of fish and fish products than those in rural areas.

Bhatta (2000) estimated the annual per capita fish consumption

at 8.2 kg for the lowest income groups which increased to 14.16 kg.,

11.43 kg., and 14.89 kg. for the middle, rich and very rich income groups

respectively. Similarly, Kumar (2004), based on National Sample Survey

Organisation (NSSO) data, reported that in Karnataka the per capita fish

consumption increased from 7.6 kg in 1983 to 12.6 kg 1989. During the

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same period the fish consumption was 18.4 kg and 23.9 kg respectively

in Kerala. In most of the coastal states pelagic fish constituted the major

part of the fish consumption basket and in general the per capita

consumption showed an upward trend over the years.

In a cross-country analysis, Dey and Garcia (2008) studied

demand for fish in Asia. The study found the income elasticities to be

positive implying that fish is considered as a normal good by the rich as

well as the poor in the region. The study also highlighted the preference

of most Asian households for freshwater species as these fish species

exhibited less variability in demand (compared to the marine fishes) with

the increase in income. The estimated income elasticities suggest that

fish consumption among the poorer households responds more to income

changes than the richer households. Thus, as the Asian countries become

rich, the demand for fish can be expected to come from the low-income

households that comprise the bulk of the Asian population. Overall, the

price and income elasticities for all fish types were found to be higher

among the poorer sections of the economy compared to the richer

sections. Thus, while the poorer households consider seafood and fishery

products as luxury commodities, the rich simply consider them as basic

food items.

Salim (2013) in a study of the fish consumption pattern across

urban middle-income consumers in India notes that domestic prices were

20-25 percent more than the export price. The study highlighted the role

of reduced availability of fish for domestic consumption coupled with high

prices in leading to a demand-supply mismatch, even in the urban

regions, that requires policy intervention to ensure food security.


A recent study by NCAER (2014) analysed the changing food

consumption pattern in India and argued that fish consumption has

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registered a steady increase in both rural and urban areas of India over

the period 1987-88 and 2009-10. Figure 1 shows per capita annual

consumption of fish in rural and urban areas of India over the past two

decades. Though the figure shows an increasing trend in the

consumption of fish, it must be noted that the data sourced from several

rounds of National Sample Survey is not strictly comparable due to

changes in the reference period followed, especially in the recent rounds.

While most rounds of NSS used the uniform recall period (URP) –

wherein the consumption expenditure data are collected using a 30-day

recall period for all items including fish, some recent rounds of NSS used

the modified mixed recall period (MMRP) – wherein the consumption

expenditure data for some commodities including fish are collected using

a 7-day recall period. The most two recent rounds of NSS (2009-10 and

2011-12) that use comparable recall period for assessing fish

consumption among households show a declining trend in per-capita fish

consumption, especially in the rural areas.

Figure 2 shows the per-capita yearly fish consumption in recent

years in the rural and urban areas of coastal and non-coastal regions of

India. As highlighted in earlier studies, the coastal regions consume, on

an average, a higher quantity of fish compared to the non-coastal

regions. The drop in fish consumption in the most recent years (2009-10

and 2011-12) has been much sharper in the rural areas of coastal regions

than the other parts of India. This trend is worrying from the food

security perspective and it would be informative to analyse the fish

consumption patterns among the coastal states in greater detail.

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Source: Various NSS Reports.

Figure 1: Per-capita Annual Fish Consumption in India

Source: Various NSS Reports.

Figure 2: Per-capita Annual Fish Consumption in Coastal and

Non-Coastal Regions of India









1987-88 1993-94 1999-00 2004-05 2009-10 2011-12

Per Capita Yearly Fish Consumption -All India (kg/year)











Coastal Non-Coastal All India

Per-capita Yearly Fish Consumption: Coastal and Non-Coastal Regions of





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As mentioned above, this paper analyses the distributional

aspects of fish consumption across coastal states and Union Territories of

India across two time periods namely 1983 and 2009-10, which

correspond to the two NSSO consumer expenditure quinquennial survey

rounds, namely 38 and 66 respectively. Note that the NSSO data does

not make a distinction between marine and inland fish consumption and

so the results presented below pertain to total fish consumption. The

analysis was undertaken at the level of the coastal State/UT. Goa

(denoted by GA^ or Goa^ in the figures and tables appearing in the next

section) includes Daman and Diu as the NSSO 38th Round pooled data

from these two UTs, thus, we estimated fish consumption similarly from

the NSSO 66th Round data as well. For comparability, fish consumption

based on 30-day recall period has been considered for both the years,

even though in 2009-10, NSSO reported fish consumption primarily based

on 7-day recall period considering that it better captures the household

expenditure on this perishable commodity. For analysing the

distributional aspects of fish consumption patterns, the study uses sector-

specific monthly per capita expenditure (MPCE) quartile classes.

Trend in Quantity of Fish Consumption

In terms of the quantity of fish consumption across coastal States and

UTs considered in this analysis, Kerala and Goa are the top two fish

consuming states and Gujarat has the lowest per capita fish

consumption, across both NSS rounds and both sectors (i.e. rural and

urban populations – see Figures 3 and 4 below). Average monthly per

capita quantity of fish consumption for the rural population has fallen

among all States and UTs between the two time-periods (or NSS Rounds)

except in Kerala and West Bengal, where it has risen. In addition to

Kerala and West Bengal, average monthly per capita quantity of fish

consumption among the urban population has also increased marginally

in Tamil Nadu and remained the same in Odisha over-time.

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Source: Own calculations based on NSS data.

Figure 3: Comparison of Average Fish Consumption across Coastal States/UTs and NSS rounds (in Kg/Person/Month) – Rural

Source: Own calculations based on NSS data.

Figure 4: Comparison of Average Fish Consumption across Coastal States/UTs and NSS rounds (in Kg/Person/Month) - Urban













. K






Coastal States and UTs

NSS 38

NSS 66













. K






Coastal States and UTs

NSS 38

NSS 66

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The relative ranking of States/UTs in terms of their average

monthly per capita quantity of fish consumption within each NSS Round

is presented in Table 2, where a rank of „1‟ represents the highest

consuming State/UT on a per capita basis and „11‟, the lowest. In the

rural sector, Goa and Kerala were the two highest consumers, whereas

Karnataka and Gujarat were the two lowest consumers in 1983. Moving

to 2009-10, Kerala remained at the top, with Andaman and Nicobar

Islands taking the second spot, and Maharashtra slipped into the bottom

two along with Gujarat that remained consistently at the bottom both

over time and across sectors. The percentage fall in the quantity of fish

consumed among the rural population across the two rounds has been

drastic for Maharashtra (45 percent). West Bengal, on the other hand,

recorded a 64 percent increase in the quantity of fish consuming among

rural population over time.

The picture changes only slightly for the urban sector. Gujarat

remained at the bottom across both rounds as before, with Andhra

Pradesh taking the second last spot in both rounds. The top two

consumers are the same as in the rural sector in both rounds. The

percentage decline in the quantity of fish consumed among the urban

population is significant for Gujarat across the two rounds by about 70

percent. In addition, Maharashtra, Goa and Andaman and Nicobar Islands

all record a percentage fall in per capita quantity of fish consumed in

excess of 40 percent.

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Table 2: Relative Ranking of States/UTs in terms of (quantity of)

Fish Consumption across NSS Rounds State/UT Rural Urban Cons.

Rank – NSS


Cons. Rank

– NSS 66

Rank ∆ (NSS 38 – NSS


percent ∆ in Qty.


Cons. Rank – NSS


Cons. Rank – NSS 66

Rank ∆ (NSS 38 – NSS 66)

percent ∆ in Qty.

Cons. Kerala 2 1 +1 37 1 1 = 10

Andaman and Nicobar Islands

3 2 +1 -2 3 2 +1 -40

Goa^ 1 3 -2 -33 2 3 -1 -43

West Bengal 5 4 +1 64 5 4 +1 47

Pondicherry 4 5 -1 -36 4 5 -1 -19

Odisha 6 6 = -17 6 6 = 0

Tamil Nadu 7 7 = -24 7 7 = 9

Andhra Pradesh

8 8 = -28 10 10 = -18

Karnataka 10 9 +1 -11 9 8 +1 -8

Maharashtra 9 10 -1 -45 8 9 -1 -40

Gujarat 11 11 = -38 11 11 = -70

Source: Own calculations.

Analysis of the fish consumption patterns across expenditure

quartiles and NSS rounds indicates that there are certain States that

consistently exhibit similar patterns in both the rural and the urban

sectors. Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra have increasing fish

consumption across quartiles within each round, but decreasing fish

consumption across time and all quartiles, across both rural and urban

sectors; Karnataka exhibited an increasing trend in fish consumption

across quartiles and over time for two expenditure quartiles; and Kerala

and West Bengal show an increasing trend in fish consumption both

across quartiles and over time among both the rural and the urban

populations. Gujarat exhibits a declining trend in fish consumption over

time and across both sectors, however its within-round fish consumption

pattern across quartiles is declining throughout for the urban sector,

whereas it is declining only among the highest income group for the rural

sector. Tamil Nadu‟s fish consumption pattern differs across the two

sectors, in that it is declining over time across all expenditure classes

among the rural population but it is increasing over time across the

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middle income group among the urban population. Goa‟s fish

consumption pattern is one of a declining trend among all income groups

in the urban sector, whereas among the rural population fish

consumption increases over time in the second quartile only. Odisha

exhibits an increase in fish consumption over time among the lower half

of the rural population whereas it exhibits an increase in fish

consumption over time among the lower three-quarters of the urban


Trend in Expenditure on Fish

Turning now to the share of average monthly per capita value of fish

consumption (in Rupees per person per month) as a percentage of

average monthly per capita value of total food consumption (again in

Rupees per person per month), Figure 5 shows that among the rural

population this percentage share has declined in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat

and Maharashtra over time, whereas it has increased in all other coastal

States and UTs over time. This implies that on average the rural

populations in these three states were spending a lower share of their

total food expenditure on fish in 2009-10 compared to what they were

spending in 1983. This is in line with the trend observed in the quantity

of fish consumed in these states. Similarly, for West Bengal and Kerala,

the average quantity of fish consumption as well as the share of

expenditure on fish to total food expenditure has increased over time.

However, the fact that Karnataka, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Andaman

and Nicobar Islands and Pondicherry have on average reduced their

quantity of fish consumption over time but their expenditure share on

fish to total food expenditure has in fact increased over time implies that

despite spending a larger proportion of their total food budget on fish in

2009-10, they are still unable to consume the same quantity of fish in

2009-10 as they did in 1983. In other words, these States are unable to

catch up with the rise in fish prices over time as the quantity consumed

does not appear to be commensurate with the increase in the

expenditure on fish consumption over time.

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Source: Own calculations based on NSS data.

Figure 5: Percentage Share of the Expenditure on Fish to Total Food Expenditure - Rural

For the urban population (Figure 6), this trend is similar, except

that Andaman and Nicobar Islands in addition to Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat

and Maharashtra, all record a decline in their shares of expenditure on

fish to total food expenditure. Here again, Karnataka, Odisha, Goa,

Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Pondicherry all record an increase in

their share of expenditure on fish consumption and a corresponding

decline in the quantity of fish consumed over time.










% S



Coastal States and UTs

NSS 38

NSS 66

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Source: Own calculations based on NSS data.

Figure 6: Percentage Share of the Expenditure on Fish to Total

Food Expenditure - Urban

An examination of the percentage expenditure shares of fish

consumption to total food consumption across both MPCE quartile classes

and NSS rounds for the rural population indicates that the share of

expenditure on fish consumption has declined across all income classes

over time for Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra, it has declined

over the first two quartiles for Karnataka and the first and third quartiles

for Goa over time, and it has increased over all income groups for Kerala,

Odisha, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal over time. A similar trend is

observed for the urban population, except that the share of expenditure

on fish consumption has increased over time among the first three

quartiles only for Odisha. The patterns in fish consumption among coastal

States and UTs observed both across time and expenditure classes,

within the rural and urban sectors, broadly indicate that per capita fish

consumption has declined over time for all States excluding Kerala and

West Bengal. However, the expenditure shares of fish consumption to

total food consumption have increased over time for more or less all

States except Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat.










% S



Coastal States and UTs

NSS 38

NSS 66

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Trend in Consumption Inequality

To assess the extent of inequality in fish consumption across the

population we present here state-wise estimates of the Gini coefficient

that measures the inequality in per capita quantity of fish consumption.

Gini coefficients have been estimated in STATA using grouped data of the

mean per capita fish consumption in each MPCE quartile class and the

population weights corresponding to the quartile classes. They have been

calculated separately for the rural and urban populations in each coastal

State/UT for each of the two time-periods under consideration. Figure 7

depicts state-wise Gini coefficients for the rural population in the two NSS

rounds and Table 3 presents the relative ranking of states on the basis of

their Gini coefficients, with 1 representing the state with the highest

inequality in fish consumption among its rural population.

Source: Own calculations based on NSS data.

Figure 7: Trend in Measure of Consumption Inequality – Rural










i In



Coastal States and UTs

NSS 38

NSS 66

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Table 3: Gini Coefficients of Fish Consumption and Relative

Ranking of States/UTs across NSS rounds – Rural

State/UT Gini Coefficient

Gini Coeff. Rank

Rank Change

percent Change in

NSS 38

NSS 66

NSS 38

NSS 66

(NSS 38 – NSS 66)

Gini Coeff.

Karnataka 0.200 0.543 8 1 +7 172

Andhra Pradesh 0.279 0.302 4 2 +2 8

Odisha 0.303 0.190 2 3 -1 -38

Gujarat 0.146 0.178 9 4 +5 22

West Bengal 0.284 0.175 3 5 -2 -38

Maharashtra 0.326 0.170 1 6 -5 -48

Tamil Nadu 0.232 0.164 5 7 -2 -29

Goa^ 0.122 0.106 11 8 +3 -13

Kerala 0.134 0.093 10 9 +1 -30

Pondicherry 0.204 0.092 6 10 -4 -55

Andaman and Nicobar Islands

0.202 0.025 7 11 -4 -88

Source: Own calculations based on NSS data.

Inequality in the per capita quantity of fish consumption among

the rural population was the highest in Maharashtra followed by Odisha

and West Bengal, and it was the lowest in Goa in 1983. In 2009-10,

inequality of fish consumption was the highest in Karnataka followed by

Andhra Pradesh and Odisha, and it was the lowest in Andaman and

Nicobar Islands among the rural population. Consumption inequality has

increased in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat, whereas it has

reduced in all other States/UTs over time. The rank change in Table 3

indicates the change in the relative position of States on the basis of their

Gini coefficients from 1983 to 2009-10. A positive rank change indicates

that consumption inequality has increased over time relative to other

States; a negative rank change indicates the converse. Five States are in

a relatively worse-off position than they were before including Karnataka,

Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Goa and Kerala, although in the latter two

States consumption inequality has decreased among their respective rural

populations over time.

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Karnataka has recorded a sharp increase in inequality between

1983 and 2009-10 (an increase of 172 percent) placing it in first position

in the relative inequality ranking across States. As has been mentioned

above the mean per capita quantity of fish consumption of Karnataka

was relatively low compared to other States and also that the same had

declined over time. Further, consumption pattern across income quartiles

revealed that Karnataka‟s mean per capita fish consumption declined in

2009-10 (to almost zero) for the first two quartiles from 1983 levels,

whereas it increased considerably for the higher income groups during

the same period. These two points taken together could explain the

sharp rise in the Gini index for Karnataka from 0.2 in 1983 to 0.54 in

2009-10. In percentage terms, Andaman and Nicobar Islands has

recorded the biggest decline in consumption inequality among its rural

population over time (i.e. Gini index has declined by 88 percent). Kerala

and West Bengal are the only two States whose per capita fish

consumption has increased over time across all income classes. This is

reflected in their Gini index that shows a decline over time implying a

relatively more equal distribution of fish consumption across all classes of

the rural population in 2009-10 compared to 1983. Despite this, West

Bengal still ranks as the fifth most unequal State in terms of fish

consumption in 2009-10. Kerala on the other hand has the lowest level of

consumption inequality among all Coastal States, which may at least

partly be attributable to its relatively high level of per capita fish

consumption in comparison to other States. In addition to Karnataka,

Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat also record an increase in consumption

inequality over time and a corresponding decline in mean per capita fish

consumption over time. In the case of Andhra Pradesh, the within-round

mean fish consumption increased sharply between the third and the

fourth quartile. The, more or less, even fall in mean fish consumption

across all income classes over time seems to further exacerbate this

inequality in consumption among the rural population in 2009-10

compared to 1983 (although only by about 8 percent). In the case of

Gujarat, the within-round mean fish consumption decreased between the

third and the fourth quartile, while it increased otherwise. Over time, the

fall in mean fish consumption across income classes is uneven with the

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higher income groups recording a bigger decline in mean consumption

compared to the lower income groups. The already low per capita

consumption amongst the highest income group and the relatively bigger

fall in their consumption in 2009-10 compared to 1983 together explain

the overall rise in consumption inequality among the rural population of

Gujarat. Among the remaining coastal States, Odisha, Maharashtra, Tamil

Nadu and Goa have all recorded declines in mean per capita quantity of

fish consumption over time and a corresponding reduction in

consumption inequality over time. A closer inspection of the per capita

fish consumption across income classes for all these States reveals that

the biggest decline in mean fish consumption over time has occurred in

the fourth (and in some cases the third) quartile which seems to be

driving overall consumption inequality downwards. In other words higher

equality in consumption is attained in 2009-10 at the expense of lower

levels of consumption especially for the higher income groups. This is in

line with the finding that the price and income elasticities for all fish types

tend to be higher among the poorer sector of the economy compared to

the more affluent members of society (Dey et. al., 2008). This implies

that the poorer households often consider seafood and fishery products

as luxury commodities, especially the high-value species, while the rich

simply consider them as basic food items.

Comparing consumption inequality across the rural and urban

populations (see Figure 8 and Table 4 for inequality measure in the urban

sector), we find that in general the extent of inequality is lower among

the urban population in both NSS rounds. There are some exceptions,

however; inequality was higher for the urban rather than the rural

populations of Karnataka, West Bengal, Goa and Gujarat in 1983, and

Maharashtra, West Bengal, Goa and Andaman and Nicobar Islands in

2009-10. The relative rankings of States on the basis of their Gini

coefficients have not changed dramatically for the urban population over

time. Karnataka, Maharashtra and West Bengal have the highest

inequality (in that order) in 2009-10, and these three States occupied the

top three positions in terms of their inequality ranking in 1983 as well

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(with a slight change in order). While Kerala had the lowest consumption

inequality in 1983, Pondicherry took its place in 2009-10. Karnataka, Goa,

Tamil Nadu and Kerala, have all gone up in their relative inequality

rankings (i.e. consumption becoming more unequal among the urban

population) in 2009-10 compared to 1983. Odisha and Pondicherry have

both slipped down the inequality rankings by quite a margin in 2009-10

compared to 1983, which is also evident by the percentage change in

their Gini coefficients over the two time periods (a decline of 41 and 82

percent respectively). Inequality in consumption improved among the

urban populations of all States over time, barring some negligible

increases in inequality for Goa and Kerala. Goa, however, has seen the

biggest increase in its relative inequality ranking among States; moving

up from a rank of 8 in 1983 to 4 in 2009-10.

Source: Own calculations based on NSS data.

Figure 8: Trend in Measure of Consumption Inequality – Urban










i In



Coastal States and UTs

NSS 38

NSS 66

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Table 4: Gini Coefficients of Fish Consumption and Relative

Ranking of States/UTs across NSS rounds – Urban

State/UT Gini Coefficient

Gini Coeff. Rank

Rank Change

percent Change in

NSS 38

NSS 66

NSS 38

NSS 66

(NSS 38 – NSS 66)

Gini Coeff.

Karnataka 0.269 0.246 3 1 +2 -9

Maharashtra 0.311 0.237 1 2 -1 -24

West Bengal 0.297 0.221 2 3 -1 -25

Goa^ 0.159 0.162 8 4 +4 1

Gujarat 0.215 0.158 4 5 -1 -27

Andhra Pradesh 0.182 0.154 6 6 = -16

Tamil Nadu 0.150 0.122 9 7 +2 -19

Odisha 0.202 0.119 5 8 -3 -41

Kerala 0.077 0.078 11 9 +2 2

Andaman and

Nicobar Islands

0.109 0.075 10 10 = -31

Pondicherry 0.167 0.031 7 11 -4 -82 Source: Own calculations based on NSS data.

It was noted earlier that for the urban sector, the mean per

capita quantity of fish consumption declined over time for all states

except Kerala, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu, the latter recording only a

minor increase in mean consumption over time. In Kerala, mean

consumption increased only for the third and fourth income quartile

classes over time and not at all for the first two quartiles, which may

explain the marginal increase in the inequality index over time for this

state. In Tamil Nadu, the within-38th round and across quartile mean fish

consumption increased sharply for the third and fourth quartiles, falling

slightly between the first and second quartiles. In the 66th round, mean

fish consumption increased significantly more than the mean

consumption in the previous round for the second and third quartiles and

declined for the fourth quartile in comparison to 1983 levels. As a result

the inequality index for Tamil Nadu declined in 2009-10 compared to

1983 by about 20 percent. In West Bengal, mean consumption increased

across all quartile classes (relatively more for the second and third

quartiles than for the first and fourth) in 2009-10 compared to 1983

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levels leading to a reduction in the inequality index for this State by

about 25 percent. In the case of Karnataka, the relatively bigger decline

in mean consumption for the highest income group and the marginal

increase in mean consumption for the second and third income classes in

2009-10compared to 1983 have led to a small decrease in its inequality

index over time. In Odisha, the slight increase in mean consumption

across the first three income groups and the corresponding larger decline

in mean consumption for the fourth quartile class in 2009-10 compared

to 1983 have led to a significant decline in its inequality index over time

by about 40 percent. In all other cases (Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra,

Goa and Gujarat), the relatively bigger fall in mean per capita fish

consumption across the higher income groups relative to the fall in mean

consumption in the lower income groups between the two NSS rounds

has reduced inequality in consumption for these States over time. This

implies that consumption inequality has declined at the cost of lower

levels of consumption for all income groups but particularly for the higher

income groups. In other words, the decline in consumption among the

rich is driving inequality downwards. The fact however remains that all

individuals were consuming less, on average, in 2009-10 than they were

in 1983.

Grouping of States

Putting together the trends discussed above on mean consumption,

mean expenditure share and inequality index, the states can be

categorised into three broad groups in the rural and urban sectors.

Figures 9 and 10 show the groupings for the rural and urban sectors,

respectively. Table 5 provides a summary of the approach followed for

grouping the states.

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Table 5: Index of State Groupings Based on Changes over Time – Rural and Urban


Rural Urban

Mean Consumption

Inequality Mean

Expenditure Share

Mean Consumption

Inequality Mean

Expenditure Share

1 Fall Rise Fall, except KA

Fall Fall Fall

2 Fall Fall Rise, except MH

Fall/Same Fall Rise

3 Rise Fall Rise Rise Fall/Same Rise Note: Groups 1, 2 and 3 are depicted in the left, middle and right panels respectively, in

Figures 9 and 10; KA – Karnataka; MH – Maharashtra; Goa belonged to Group 2 in both the rural and urban sectors.

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Figure 9: Grouping of Coastal States Based on Fish Consumption – Rural

Figure 10: Grouping of Coastal States Based on Fish Consumption – Urban








1 2 3 4










MPCE Quartile Class













1 2 3 4










MPCE Quartile Class












1 2 3 4










MPCE Quartile Class














1 2 3 4










MPCE Quartile Class














1 2 3 4










MPCE Quartile Class













1 2 3 4










MPCE Quartile Class





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This section focuses on the factors responsible for the fall in fish

consumption in coastal regions over time. In particular we examine how

trade may affect the affordability and availability of marine fish for

consumption by the coastal population.

We start with a discussion of fish production. Table 1 at the

beginning of this paper showed that, by and large, marine fish production

across all coastal regions has increased over time. At the aggregate level,

Figure 11 shows that marine fish production has been increasing from

1982-83 to 2009-10 albeit at a decreasing rate. In 2009-10 marine fish

production was approximately twice that of marine fish production in

1982-83. Marine fish production increased drastically between 1982-83

and 1991-92 by about 70 percent; it increased by 15 percent over the

next nine-year period; and, it increased by a further 10 percent in 2009-

10 compared to 2000-01 levels.

Figure 11: Marine and Inland Fish Production Over Time (in Million Tonnes)











1982-83 1991-92 2000-01 2009-10








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It was noted at the start of the paper that the NSS data on fish

consumption does not distinguish between marine and inland fish

consumption. The analysis that preceded this section, therefore, looked

at the changes in total fish consumption (i.e. both marine and inland)

over time, which we observed was declining in almost all coastal regions

over time. Thus, it is imperative that we also look at the changes in

inland fish production to build a true picture of the divergence between

fish consumption and production over time. Figure 11 shows that inland

fish production has increased rapidly over time, equalling marine fish

production in 2000-01 and overtaking the same in 2009-10. In 2009-10,

inland fish production was more than five times that of inland fish

production in 1982-83.Data on inland fish production across all Indian

States (DADF, 2014) indicate that the coastal States produced a relatively

higher quantity of inland fish compared to non-coastal States in 2009-10,

with West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh topping the list of the biggest

inland fish producers (1338 and 1013 thousand tonnes respectively).

Coastal States and UTs accounted for 64 percent of the overall inland fish

production in 2009-10. Having said that, it is worth mentioning here that

although coastal regions produce, and therefore have access to, inland

fish (to varying degrees), it is their preference for marine versus inland

fish that determines which they consume. People from Southern India

prefer marine fish and thus depend on capture fisheries, whereas people

from East and North-East India prefer freshwater fish (FAO, 2005).

Returning to Figure 11, we see that total fish production (both marine

and inland) increased by almost three and a half times between 1982-83

and 2009-10. Thus, while per capita fish consumption within coastal

regions declined over time, total fish production increased over time.

One factor that may be responsible for the discrepancy between

fish production and consumption is marine fish exports. Figure 12 shows

that volume of marine fish exports have increased between the period

1982-83 and 2009-10 by a factor of 9. Marine fish exports grew at a

faster rate in the 1990s, the decade of trade liberalisation, than in any

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other decade. Marine fish exports grew by 159 percent between 1991-92

and 2000-01. Marine fish exports as a percentage of total marine fish

production also more than doubled during this time period (from 7

percent in 1991-92 to 16 percent in 2000-01). The share of marine fish

exports as a percentage of marine fish production was 5 percent in 1982-

83 and it grew to 22 percent in 2009-10. It is important to note that the

comparison here between marine fish production and marine exports as

opposed to total fish production (including both inland and marine fish

production) and marine exports is due to the fact that as the name

suggests, marine fish exports comprise mainly of different types of

marine fish including finfish, cuttlefish, lobsters and shrimp. Among all

species of marine fish that are exported, shrimp accounts for the largest

share of total fish exports in terms of both quantity and value (19 percent

and 42 percent respectively in 2009-10; MPEDA statistics). In other

words, inland fish production mainly caters to domestic consumption,

whereas a proportion of marine fish production is exported.

Figure 12: Marine Fish Production, Marine Fish Exports, and Percentage Share of Marine Exports to Production

















1982-83 1991-92 2000-01 2009-10

% S


e o

f Ex







Prodn. Exp.

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Sathiadhas et. al. (1995) note that 50 percent of marine fish

available for domestic consumption is consumed fresh in and around the

landing centres, 43 percent is consumed in demand centres located up to

a distance of 200 kilometres from the coast and only 5 percent goes to

centres located beyond 200 kilometres (the remainder may be put down

to spoilage at landing centres and at various points of the distribution

channel). This is largely due to the fact that fish is a highly perishable

food commodity and inadequate storage and transport facilities prevent

marine fish from being consumed in the mainland (Hassan et. al., 2012).

But the fact that an export market for fish exists, and has been growing

over time, implies that the infrastructure to process, store and transport

fish out of the country does exist. The question then arises as to why

such infrastructure has developed for the export market, whereas it has

not for the domestic market. Hassan et. al. note that fish processing,

storage and the implementation of safety and quality control measures

are highly capital intensive. Domestic retail suppliers comprise of mainly

small traders; truck, cycle/rickshaw or head-load vendors who use ice for

storage and cannot afford capital intensive storage facilities. As a result

domestic consumers are often confronted with poor quality or degraded

fish since the ice used to preserve fish is often not made from good

quality water. Moreover, what restricts domestic traders in adopting

technologies that would ensure better quality fish is that they are unable

to transfer such costs to domestic consumers given that it is the low and

middle income consumers who form the majority of fish eaters (Hassan

et. al., 2012). On the other hand, urban upper income class fish

consumers are able to afford the price rise that the availability of better

quality and variety of fish necessitates. Thus, modern domestic supply

chain outlets and supermarkets that provide the necessary infrastructure

(cold storage etc.) to preserve fish and fish products have developed to

some extent, especially in big cities. However, this is still a niche market

serving a relatively small section of the population. The really big traders

in the market, therefore, tend to be the exporters who can not only

afford the investment in infrastructure needed to process and preserve

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fish but they are also able to sell fish at a premium in the export market

thereby making a profit on their investment. In 2009-10, the biggest

importers of marine fish from India were the European Union, South-East

Asia, China, Japan, Middle East and USA and the total value of marine

fish exported was Rs. 10,049 Crores (MPEDA Statistics) signifying that

the fish export market is large and very lucrative. Therefore, this,

together with the fact that the share of marine fish exports has increased

over time (see Figure 12), indicates that marine fish production seems to

be increasingly catering to the export market rather than the domestic

market, which would explain the fall in domestic fish consumption in

coastal regions over time. This is especially true for the Southern Coastal

States that primarily depend on marine fish for their consumption.

Furthermore it is the lower and middle income groups who suffer the

most in terms of decreased consumption due to the non-availability of

good quality fish at affordable prices. This has serious implications for the

food and nutritional security of the poor in coastal regions.

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