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Meeting for the Advancement of Research in the Indian Ocean Region - Saint-Denis de la Réunion – 3-5 June 2003

Workshop 2“Research on Genetic Resources

and the Genome: A Need for regional Partnership. The Example of Sugar Cane”

Louis-Marie RABOINUMR PVBMT CIRAD – University of La Réunion

Meeting for the Advancement of Research in the Indian Ocean RegionSaint-Denis de la Réunion – 3-5 June 2003

Meeting for the Advancement of Research in the Indian Ocean Region - Saint-Denis de la Réunion – 3-5 June 2003

Research on Plant genome

Biodiversity evaluation of genetic resources

⇒Management and conservation of geneticresources

⇒Valorisation of genetic resources

Plant breeding

⇒New methods (MAS, GMOs…)

⇒Plant variety protection (UPOV)Seeds of Traditionnal Reunionese vegetables «légumes lontans» (M.Roux-cuvelier)

Sugarcane chromosomes (A. D’Hont)

0 mSSCIR4m5

25,5 R137Ss td25,6 aagctt1927,2 atctt2228,2 aaccac628,8 attcag30,7 Rus t res is tance 32,9 actc tg9r32,9 CDSR2932,9 aaccgt32,9 aagcta23

33 acgctt1O36 acgctt17

59,2 acgcag6

0 accctt16

16,5 RGA024Ss ta19,4 RGA183Ss ta20,3 mSSCIR52m6

24 aggcat526,3 aagcat2333,5 ac tca t4

44 mSSCIR13m2

52,3 RGA313Ecoe52,3 RGA313Ecob

75,2 acgcag7

Genetic map of sugarcane cultivar R 570 Maize Hybridization (J. Dintinger)


Meeting for the Advancement of Research in the Indian Ocean Region - Saint-Denis de la Réunion – 3-5 June 2003

On the way back : A good knowledge of genes will facilitate the exploration, management and use of available genetic resources

Towards the localisation, identification and isolation of interesting genes

1 BAC100 kb

1 chromosome100 000 kb


Genetic map BAC contigs

Genome10 000 000 kb

1 Gene1-5 kb

Meeting for the Advancement of Research in the Indian Ocean Region - Saint-Denis de la Réunion – 3-5 June 2003



S. spontaneum

S. officinarum


5 500 Mbp

Syntenic Relationships


10 000 Mbp

Arabidopsis2n =10

660 Mbp

Rice2n =24

860 Mbp


(Collaborative projects)


Meeting for the Advancement of Research in the Indian Ocean Region - Saint-Denis de la Réunion – 3-5 June 2003

High throughput technologies« more markers, more samples, less time »


Knowledge of genetic resources

Identification of genes

Meeting for the Advancement of Research in the Indian Ocean Region - Saint-Denis de la Réunion – 3-5 June 2003


-Maize germplasm from Reunion: a unique source of resistance to viral diseases

-Study of genes involved in those resistance and introgression in adapted lines

Examples of Research Programmes conducted in Plant Protection Pole (3P)

Vanilla (project)

- Study of genetic diversity of a collection of Vanilla Planifolia (cultivated in Reunion)


- Study of resistance to viruses and bacteria

Tomato yellow leaf curl virus


Meeting for the Advancement of Research in the Indian Ocean Region - Saint-Denis de la Réunion – 3-5 June 2003


-Sugarcane : number one crop in Reunion

-Resistance to sugarcane diseases has been a concern for CERF since its creation in 1929

-Exploration of the very complex genome of sugarcane with the objective to identify genes involved in sugarcane resistance to its different pathogens and pests

Gumming rust


Examples of Research Programmes conducted in Plant Protection Pole (3P)

Meeting for the Advancement of Research in the Indian Ocean Region - Saint-Denis de la Réunion – 3-5 June 2003


mappingCIRADet Univ.Reunion(UMR PVBMT)

Genetic mappingDisease résistancesugar content

CERFBrasilESTR genesBAC sequencing

Barbados Sugar content taggingIntrogression


Europe, projet riz plante modelFrance, génopole, génoplante, génoscope, inra, Ird

CIRAD- BiotropFingerprintingGenetic mapping, Gene tagging, cloning, cytogenetic

United statesBAC library

ISSCTInt. Soc. Sugarcane Technol.

ICSBInt. Cons. Sugarcane. Biotech.

SASEX South AfricaSmut resistanceLinkage disequilibrium


Genetic mapping

Example of the collaborative network of CIRAD sugarcane genome analysis project



Meeting for the Advancement of Research in the Indian Ocean Region - Saint-Denis de la Réunion – 3-5 June 2003

Concluding remarks

Work in collaboration is more efficient to face high cost and heavy task of this research (regional collaborations should be strengthened)

Research programmes should be focused

-on regional problematics (Sugarcane, vanilla…)

-on the study of original regional genetic resources (either natural or domesticated)

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