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Page 1: World Civilizations to 1600s               Chapter 6

World Civilizations to 1600s Chapter 6

Africa, Early History to 1000 C.E.

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In the narrow sense: has writing, urban centers, uses metals, hierarchy, central authority

In a broader sense: can be associated with the sophistication of a people’s intellectual, cultural, and artistic traditions

There are many societies that could be considered “civilized” in this broader sense

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1/5 of earth’s land mass 31/2 the size of continental U.S. 12 million square miles Less than 10% is covered by rainforests, and those

are in West Africa In the north and south, 2 deserts: the Sahara and

the Kalahari Just north and south of equator are savannas or

grasslands Tropical forests along equator

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Large rivers: Nile, Niger, Congo, & Zambezi High mountains: Kilimanjaro in the east and

Mt. Cameroun in the west

It is thought man originated in Africa because of fossil remains

False image, “the Dark Continent” They have technology, crops, ideas, & material

goods received from many areas

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Mt. Kilimanjaro

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Mt. Cameroun

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Climate changes caused migration The Sahara used to receive up to 50% more

rain than it gets today; temperatures rose and rainfall decreased about 9,000 years ago

By 3000 B.C.E droughts had created a desert and migrations began

Initially, people were hunter/gatherers Agriculture reached them by 3000 B.C.E. and

populations increased

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It is thought agriculture came in from the Near East because crops grown were not native: millet and sorghum

New crops from S.E. Asia introduced: rice and bananas

New crops from the Americas introduced: maize and manioc

Livestock arrived from new areas: cattle and the camel from Asia, and horses from W. Asia

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Camel played an important role in opening up Africa Its feet were good for walking in the sand of the

desert It could consume large amounts of water and then

do without for long periods Camels increased the efficiency of the trans-

Saharan trade and contributed to the growth of major trading centers

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Nomadic people also raised other livestock like goats and wandered to find forage

Livestock was limited by the tse-tse fly which brought sleeping sickness to many animals

Iron came in from W. Asia by the last 1000 years B.C.E.; iron tools replaced stone ones

Bronze reached Africa by 1000 C.E.

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Migrations of people and the diffusion of agriculture and iron are probably linked to the desiccation or desertification of the Sahara

Bantu people of eastern Nigeria began to move south throughout sub-Saharan Africa and are traced through the spread of their language, Proto-Bantu

Bantus were successful in overcoming others they encountered as they migrated; had iron weapons

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Bantus reached today’s South Africa by the 13th century C.E.

Bantus: Depended on farming & fishing Villages developed around kinship groups Council of elders ruled Practiced animism Asked ancestors for help Spread culture and it then blended with other


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Kingdom of the Kush 1000 B.C.E. – 300 C.E. Smaller yet important society appearing at the

southern end of the Nile River Influenced by the Egyptians Skilled in the use of iron Both their writing and their political systems were

similar to the Egyptian Had extensive trade routes to the west Produced fine pottery and jewelry Began to decline in 100 C.E. Taken over by Axum to the south in 300 C.E. Their influences still felt in Ethiopia

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Kingdom of the Kush

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In Ethiopian highlands Trading state Christian Population was a mix of Arab settlers from

Yemen, people of Eritrea and the Ethiopian highlands

Existed since the 1st century C.E. Was an elephant and ivory market in its port

of Andulis

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Cosmopolitan urban center Located close to Indian trade routes that gave

access to goods and ideas from India, East Indies, Iran, Arabia, East African coast, & the Roman Mediterranean

Traded in obsidian, slaves, & gold dust 200 C.E. Axum was involved in wars on Arabian

peninsula Became dominant power and controlled areas in

southern Arabia - Yemen

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King of Axum converted to Christianity in 350 C.E. and the religion, churches, and monasteries spread

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Peoples of the savanna Great trade area Trades salt for gold with those in Niger and Senegal

and then sent the gold north to markets in North Africa

Along these trade routes in the 8th century, the states of Takur, Ghana, Gao, and Kanem were established

Ghana received manufactured goods in return for gold

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Ghana grew and controlled other states Kumbi Saleh, capital, divided into 2 areas 6

miles apart One was for the king, his court, the houses of his

people, shrines, and worship centers The other was for long distance Muslim traders,

religious leaders, scholars, mosques, and houses; this area was for Muslims

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It was a powerful, well-organized kingdom dominated by a royal family

Its influence spread into the Sahara until the coming of the Almorvids (Muslims) who began to take control of the gold trade of the Sahara

Almorvids conquered Ghana in 1076 Ghana still existed but was greatly weakened

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The coming of Islam broke down established kingdoms

Eventually, the Kingdom of Mali took hold

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