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World Communion SundayWorld Communion SundayWorld Communion SundayWorld Communion Sunday

Christ Presbyterian ChurchChrist Presbyterian ChurchChrist Presbyterian ChurchChrist Presbyterian Church 530 West Tuscarawas St. Canton, OH

October 1, 2017October 1, 2017October 1, 2017October 1, 2017

Welcome to Christ Presbyterian ChurchWelcome to Christ Presbyterian ChurchWelcome to Christ Presbyterian ChurchWelcome to Christ Presbyterian Church

Thank you for worshiping at Christ Presbyterian Church. It is our hope that you will be inspired and blessed by the music and sermon. We look forward to seeing you again.

For those of you with very small children (up to age 3) our Nursery is open and available to you in our lower level. Our caring volunteers are ready and willing to watch over your child while you are in service this morning. You can worship with peace of mind as all parents are given a pager so you can be contacted at a moment’s

notice should your child need you. An usher is able to help direct you if you need assistance.

Family Worship Supplements are available at the front of the sanctuary.

All children are welcome to come forward for our Children’s Message. As today is a Communion Sunday, following the message, children ages 3-5

are invited to follow our teachers out for Preschool Kids’ Church and can be picked up in the lower level following service.

Children kindergarten and older will remain in service today to participate in Communion.

REFLECTIONS & INSTRUCTIONS ON COMMUNION � Communion is a time for quiet celebration. Please refrain from talking with neighbors as others are in thankful prayer. � Holy communion is a gift from God to all of God’s people. It does not belong to one particular church or denomination. At Christ Presbyterian Church everyone who confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is encouraged to come to the table. � Appropriate responses to receiving both bread and cup include: “Thanks be to God” “Amen” “Glory be to God” � You are encouraged to remember God’s call to be part of the covenant people and a citizen in the Kingdom of Heaven (your baptism) by dipping your hand in the baptismal font as you come forward. � You are welcome to receive Communion as a couple, family, and/or as friends gathered. If you have a family member who is in the choir, they can join you as you come forward. � You are encouraged to sing during Communion. The choir will lead in singing meditative hymns. � As you return to your seat you are encouraged to continue singing, devote yourself to prayer, or meditate on the cross.

*At these moments, we invite you to stand in body or spirit. Please silence all electronic devices prior to the worship service. Large print copies of the hymns and orders of worship are available in the Narthex or from an usher.

The Order For Morning Worship 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time World Communion Sunday

October 1, 2017

Ten-Thirty O’Clock



#456 Swahili hymn

from Kenya


The Apostle Paul reminds us

to do everything “decently and

in order.” Each worship

gathering is special and

unique. Here we note that

which is distinct.


The call to worship comes

from Scripture. The words

used remind us that God is

the center of our worship, not

ourselves. Adoration of God is

our focus as we begin our




#637 Brazilian folk song

On this day we join with Christians around the world to celebrate the unity that we find at the Table of the Lord.

Your gift to the Peace & Global Witness Offering supports programs that work to restore communities and help make our world more just and peaceful through Christ. 25% of your gift stays with your local congregation, carrying the hope of peace to places around the corner, and around the globe.


The Congregation Gathers All are invited to join in singing Kenyan hymn No. 456:


Leader: Listen, All . . . listen, God is calling,

through the Word inviting,

offering forgiveness, comfort, and joy.

1 Leader: Jesus gave his mandate: All . . . share the good news

Leader: that he came to save us All . . . and set us free.

2 Leader: Let none be forgotten All . . . throughout the world.

Leader: In the triune name of God All . . . go and baptize.

3 Leader: Help us to be faithful, All . . . standing steadfast,

Leader: walking in your precepts, All . . . led by your Word.

Welcome and Worship Notes


Call to Worship

Leader: At the name of Jesus every knee Philippians 2:10-11

should bend and every tongue confess

that Jesus Christ is Lord.

People: Glory to God. Amen.


*Hymn in Procession No. 637 “O Sing to the Lord”

*Prayer of the Day (unison)

Holy God,

all lives are yours, Ezekiel 18:4

and you do not seek the death of any sinner.

Renew our hearts,

refresh our spirits, Ezekiel 18:31

and help us walk in your holy way,

that we may welcome the impartiality

of your judgment Ezekiel 18:30

and accept your all-embracing goodness;

through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Call to Confession

The Lord spoke through Ezekiel, saying, Ezekiel 18:31

cast away from you all the transgressions

that you have committed against me,

and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit.

Therefore, let us confess our sins before God and one another.

Prayer of Confession (unison)

Righteous God,

we confess that we have not lived

as your obedient children.

We have honored you with our words,

but we have denied you with our actions.

We have not pursued the mind of Christ,

who took the form of a servant,

for we have acted with selfish ambition.

We have put our interests before the interest of others

and have not regarded them in humility. Philippians 2:3-4

Forgive us our arrogance,

awaken our hearts to sincere repentance,

and enable us to will and to work

for your good pleasure, Philippians 2:13

through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

(Silence is observed for personal reflection.)

Kyrie – Hymn No. 426 (sung by all) “Search Me, O God”

Assurance of Pardon

Brothers and sisters,

God offers forgiveness of our sin

and abundant life to those who repent.

Turn, then, and live in Christ, our Lord. Ezekiel 18:32

PRAYER OF ADORATION We are called to “praise God from whom all blessings flow.” The Prayer of Adoration, like The Call to Worship, draws our focus toward God and God alone, and is based on the themes from today’s scriptural readings.


Here we are invited to confession, which in Reformed tradition provides us a note of grace, for forgiveness. God’s grace is prior to our confession. True repentance is not a cause of grace, for grace is already and always at work. In announcing God’s mercy, the call to confession invites us to confess the brokenness in our lives. from the Book of Common Worship


#426 by I-to-Loh from Taiwan

KYRIE We continue the tradition used by both Luther and Calvin to sing the Kyrie as an act of contrition.


PARDON T h e D e c l a r a t i o n o f Forgiveness proclaims both God’s faithfulness and reminds us that our lives are redeemed by the saving grace of God.


ASSURANCE OF PARDON With the good news of our reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ announced, we celebrate in song.


MESSAGE FOR CHILDREN Our children are an important part of our worship gathering. Our task is to ensure they worship in an age-appropriate way. We invite our children forward to reflect on the lessons of the day.


We begin by invoking the Holy Spirit to open us to God’s Word.

We normally have three s c r ipture readings , as appointed by a lectionary cycle. In the ancient Jewish synagogue, a series of Biblical lessons were read. Early Christians imitated this in their own worship: the Hebrew scriptures which Jesus knew, the letters (Epistles) written by the Apostles to the first believers, and the words and actions of Christ as recorded in the four Gospels.

As a congregation we acknowledge receiving the Scriptures as our own and announce, “Thanks be to God.”

Often we sing a Psalm, a hymn or an anthem in response to the appointed readings.


SERMON Even if it were beneficial to use the sermon time for teaching, therapy, Bible study, or the advocacy of good causes, this is not the purpose of preaching. The sermon may teach. It may prove to be therapeutic. It may offer a more profound knowledge of the Biblical text. It may even stir commitment to a good cause. Yet these are all side effects. The Reformed tradition believes that even though reading and preaching of the word is not a sacrament, it IS sacramental. By the reading and the preaching of the Word, Jesus Christ becomes present in our congregation—not simply in a historical context of recalling His words. AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Our congregation offers a faith response to the Word read, and preached. The Presbyterian tradition has always made use of the Apostolic Creeds of the early church. It is the faith of the whole ecumenical church—Catholic, Orthodox, and Reformed.

Response to the Assurance of Pardon *Response—Hymn No. 585 (sung by all) “Glory to God”

1. Glory to God, glory to God, glory in the highest! To God be glory forever! Alleluia, Amen!

2. Glory to God, glory to God, glory to Christ Jesus! To God be glory forever! Alleluia, Amen!

3. Glory to God, glory to God, glory to the Spirit! To God be glory forever! Alleluia, Amen!

Children are now invited to walk to the chancel steps for the Message.


Message for Children

Following the message, children ages 3-5 are invited to follow our teachers out for Preschool Kids’ Church and can be picked up in the lower level following service. Children kindergarten and older

will remain in service today to participate in Communion.

Prayer for Illumination

Hebrew Scripture Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32

Get yourselves a new heart and spirit Leader: The Word of the Lord. Pew Bible page 685 People: Thanks be to God. Large Print Pew Bible pages 959-961

*Hymn No. 832 “Here on Jesus Christ I Will Stand”

Gospel Reading Matthew 21:23-32

The Authority of Jesus Leader: The Gospel of the Lord. Pew Bible pages 802-803 People: Thanks be to God. Large Print Pew Bible pages 28-29

Sermon “Dr. Phil Meets Jesus Christ” Rev. David L. de Vries

When he entered the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him as he was teaching, and said, “By what authority are you doing these things,

and who gave you this authority?”


*Affirmation of Faith (unison) The Nicene Creed page 34

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became truly human. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated on the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father (and the Son), who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen. Offertory Anthem “Wana Baraka” Traditional Kenyan (arr., Shawn Kirchner)

Wana baraka wale waombao; They have blessings, those who pray;

Yesu mwenyewe alisema. Alleluya! Jesus himself said so. Alleluia!

Wana amani They have peace

Wana furaha They have joy

Wana uzima They have well-being.

*Doxology—Hymn No. 659 MUNGU NI MWEMA

1. Know that God is good; God is good. 2. Halle, hallelujah, hallelujah.

*Prayer of Dedication (unison) Almighty God, we give you thanks and praise for your love shown to us in Jesus Christ our Lord. Accept the offering of our lives in union with Christ’s offering for us, and make us humble and obedient servants who will work for your good pleasure. *Invitation to the Lord’s Table *Hymn No. 528 “Come, Let Us Eat” *The Great Thanksgiving

Leader: God is here.

People: God’s Spirit is with us.

Leader: Lift up your hearts.

People: We lift them up to God.

Leader: Let us give thanks to God.

People: It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Leader: We give thanks to you, creating God, breath of all being; the earth is yours and all that is in it, and all who dwell therein. You founded it upon the seas and made it firm upon the deep. You planted seeds in fertile ground, to rise and sing your praise.

OFFERTORY Our response to the Word read and proclaimed inspires us to respond to God by offering our time, talent, and treasure to the work of ministry.

The Reformed Churches of the 1 500 s s c he du l e d the “Collection” at the end of the service, as people were departing. They considered it to be a part of the response to the Word read and preached. A large chest was put by the church door to receive contributions as a visual reminder of the importance of giving alms to the poor, as well as the maintaining of the ministries of the church.

We invite the congregation to share meditatively in the offering made by the choir and musicians on our behalf.


#659 Democratic Republic of Congo



The church often celebrates the Lord’s Supper following the Offertory. Many traditions know this as Eucharist, Greek meaning Thanksgiving. The Lord’s Supper begins with “The Invitation to the Lord’s Table.” We are reminded from Scriptures that, “People will come from East and West, and North and south, and will take their places at the feast of the kingdom of God.” All believers are welcome at the table. The “Invitation” is followed by “The Great Thanksgiving” which re counts , w i th gratitude, God’s creative powers and the entire history of redemption, from Creation to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is a prayer anchored in Scripture phrases and imagery. It is centered on the sacrificial nature of the cross as symbolized in the bread and wine. It acknowledges that, as God has worked in the past, and is working in the present, so too we anticipate God’s victorious plan for the end of all time as promised by Jesus; “I will come again.” The closing part of the prayer prays for God to pour out the Holy Spirit both on the congregation and on the gifts of bread and wine. The congregation shares the

feast and closes the Eucharist

with a prayer of thanksgiving.


People: You formed us from the earth and planted goodness in our souls, that we might love like you. You called us to live your law of harmony and to long for your commands. Yet, when our disordered cravings bowed down our spirit, you did not leave us low, but bent down to meet us and grow us up again. Therefore we lift our voices in thanksgiving, for you have wondrously made us. By water and your life-giving Spirit, you have more wondrously remade us to join the song of all creation and forever sing your praise:

*Sanctus (sung twice by all) Hymn No. 595 “Holy, Holy, Holy”

Leader: We give you thanks, O God, that you sowed your Word in Jesus, to grow your kingdom here on earth and draw us ever near.

People: Jesus planted mercy wherever he went, to reap a greater righteousness. He shared bread with outcasts and sinners and healed the brokenhearted.

Leader: We thank you that on the night before he died for us Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks to you, he broke it, gave it to his friends, and said, “Take, eat, this is my body, broken for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.” After supper Jesus took the cup of wine, said the blessing, gave it to his friends, and said, “Drink this, all of you: this cup is the new covenant in my blood, poured out for you and for all for the forgiveness of sin. Do this for the remembrance of me.” Remembering his dying and rising, we offer you this bread and cup, and ourselves in grateful service. Pour out your Spirit upon these gifts and all your people here today. Great is the mystery of faith:

People: Christ has died. Christ has risen. Christ will come again.

Leader: Breathe your Spirit over all creation that together we may cultivate peace in every corner of the world.

People: Then bring us to that blessed mountain where with the meek and pure in heart we will live forever in blessedness as we taste the fruits of heaven. Glory to you forever.

Leader: Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, by the inspiration of your Life-giving Spirit, we worship you, Creating God, in songs of endless praise.

People: Blessed are you, now and forever. Amen.

Sharing of the Bread and Cup


#595 Traditional Argentine

Appropriate responses to receiving both bread and cup include: “Thanks be to God” “Amen” “Glory be to God” You are encouraged to remember God’s call to be part of the covenant people and a citizen in the Kingdom of Heaven (your baptism) by dipping your hand in the baptismal font as you come forward. You are welcome to receive Communion as a couple, family, and/or as friends gathered. If you have a family member who is in the choir, they can join you as you come forward.

Communion Hymns (sung by all) Hymn No. 602 “Holy, Lamb of God”

Hymn No. 527 “Eat This Bread”

Hymn No. 525 “Let Us Break Bread Together”

The Closing Prayer, Prayers of the People,

and the Lord’s Prayer



Being Christ’s Church

(Please sign the Friendship Pad found in your pew and return it

toward the center aisle, noting names of those with whom you are worshiping.)

*Hymn No. 526 “Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ”

*Benediction Choral Response (Hymn No. 549) “May the Love of the Lord”

*Greeting One Another

*Drum Circle All are invited to join the impromptu percussion group.

For anyone wishing confidential individual prayer, immediately following the service

a member of the Stephen Ministry will be available in the Chapel.

The flowers in the Chancel vases are given in loving memory of our Parents and Grandparents from the families of Albert Smith Jr. and Mrs. Cynthia Minter. The Cathedral Hour today is made possible through the generous donations from members and friends of Christ Presbyterian Church. Liturgist: Dawn Plug Acolytes: Maggie DeLap (Crucifer), Taylor McCarty (Acolyte), Estella Williams (Acolyte), Annika Williams (Bible Bearer) Acolyte Master: Katie Norton

Preparing for Next Week

Scripture Readings for October 8, 2017 Isaiah 5:1-7; Psalm 80:7-15; Philippians 3:4b-14; Matthew 21: 33-46

Consider: Study the parable of the Landowner and the Vineyard. What are the “fruits of the kingdom” to

which Jesus alludes in Matthew 21:43? How does your life bear fruit for God’s realm? What do you

contribute to the harvest of God that Jesus describes?


#602 by Arab composer,

Yusuf Khill

#527 Taize Community

#525 African American



We offer prayers of thanksgiving, intercession, and petition. With those prayers we seek guidance for the church universal, the local church, and for each of us as the individual believer, including those in authority, the community, persons in distress, and those with special needs. Here, too we often take time for personal prayer, and we end with the words Christ taught us to pray.


#526 Jamaican folk melody



The charge gives marching

orders to the community

inspired by today’s liturgy.

The benediction is the same

blessing Moses and Aaron

gave to God’s people and

reminds us to go out and

continue the work of the


Daily Grace CPC Rhythms of Worship and Discipleship

The Week of October 1, 2017 Using Sunday’s Order of Worship, we enter into

worship and prayer every day of the week. We worship together . . . separately. The Call to Worship The Prayer of Adoration (Followed by silence) The Prayer of Confession (Followed by silence) The Assurance of Pardon Scripture Readings (Worship texts for Sunday, October 8:

Monday: Isaiah 5:1-7 Tuesday: Psalm 80:7-15 Wednesday: Philippians 3:4b-14 Thursday: Matthew 21:33-46 Friday: Isaiah 5:1-7 Saturday: Psalm 80:7-15

Silent Meditation and Prayer (Listening for God’s voice in Scripture and silence) Prayers of the People (Lifting others before God) Prayer of Dedication Becoming Familiar With Holy Scripture If you wish to become more familiar with the Bible and the best known stories of scripture, read The Misadventures of Samson (Judges 13-16).

Sunday Morning Adult Classes 9:15-10:15 a.m.

The Westminster Class: The Confessions and the

Reformation: 2017 marks the 500 year

anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. To

commemorate that pivotal event, during the months

of September and October, the Westminster Hall

Sunday School class is studying both the

Presbyterian Book of Confessions, as well as the

Reformation. We will consider how both this

collection of confessions and the break away from

the Roman Catholic Church have present-day

impact on our faith and theology. Classes continue

through November 5. We invite all to attend and

participate in this foundational class.

The Parlor Class is studying from the Present Word.

10/1—God’s Covenant with Abram, led by Don

Bowers; 10/8—God’s Covenant with Israel, led by

Paul & Barb Batchelder; 10/15—Obeying God’s

Law, led by Betsy Smith; 10/22—God’s Covenant

with David, led by Jim Smith; 10/29—God’s

Covenant with Returned Exiles, led by Steve


The Intergenerational Sunday School (ages 13-

130): A discussion oriented class that focuses on

the weekly readings in scripture (the Daily Grace,

printed in each week’s bulletin). Facilitated by

Michael Ophardt, this class meets in the Upper

Room, above the Parlor class.

Sunday, October 1:

Youth Planning Meeting

Bring your best ideas for youth group!

6:00-7:30pm in the youth room

Sunday, October 8

Stadium Park Games

Meet at the Canton Garden Center

at Stadium Park

1615 Stadium Park Drive NW, Canton 44718

Wear tennis shoes and dress for the weather.


Saturday, October 14

Wakonda Mission Day and DDI (Ice cream)

Meet in the church parking lot at 9:00am

Sunday, October 22

Halloween Costume Party

Meet at the Ohlinger’s home


Sunday, October 29

No Meeting

Sunday, November 5

Rake and Run

(More information to follow)

TAG – Tuesday Afternoon Group Tuesday, October 17

Life as a Judge/Stark Courthouse video presented by Judge John Haas Sign up at the Kiosk or online no later than Friday, October 13.

The TAG chefs will prepare one of their delicious homemade meals. Plan to gather at 11:30 for a time of fellowship and greeting friends, followed by a meditation at 11:45, and lunch at noon. The program will begin at approximately 12:45 pm. The cost is only $7.00.

Congregational Greeting

Cards: As an outreach to our

congregational family, we will

have 2 cards each week in

Cloister Hall on a podium for

the “family” to sign. Please

stop in Cloister Hall and sign

the cards this week for:

Doris Walters

(Happy Birthday)

Maxine Snyder

(Happy Birthday)

Wakonda Day of


Saturday, October 14th


Lots of volunteers are needed to help

prepare camp for the winter months and

we welcome workers of every age and

ability. Lunch and snacks are provided

and we work rain or shine. We are

grateful for the support of the many

friends of Wakonda who share their

time and talents to make Camp the

amazing place it is. Thank you.

Training Update: Here is an update on what our Stephen

Ministers are learning this week. Please lift them up in your

prayers as they nurture their gifts and expand their knowledge to bring care to

hurting people in Christ’s name.

Session Two—Feelings: Your, Mine, & Ours

Feelings are a gift from God. In this session our Stephen Minister trainees learn

to help people recognize, accept, and express their feelings, and invite them to

trust God to bring them healing and wholeness. They will explore the benefits of

expressing feelings and the harm that can come when feelings remain




8:00 am Worship Service – Chapel

9:00 am Fellowship – West. Hall

9:15 am Sunday School

10:15 am-11:30 am Infant Nursery (ages 0-2) – Room L4

10:30 am Worship Service—Sanctuary

10:45 am Kids’ Church

5:00-8:00 pm 2nd Mile Book Club—Westminster Hall

6:00-7:30 pm Youth Group Planning


9:00-11:45 am Staff Meeting

12:00-2:00 pm SM Training—Library


9:30 am Bible Study—Parlor


6:30 pm SM Supervision—Parlor

7:00 pm Deacons Meeting—Pine Room

8:00 pm Worship Ministry—Upper Room

6:30 pm Wakonda Search Committee—Library

Thursday 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study– Westminster Hall

10:00 am Nursery Group

7:15 pm Chancel Choir Reh.

Sunday, October 8

8:00 am Worship Service – Chapel

9:15 am Sunday School

10:30 am Worship Service – Sanctuary

5:00 pm Concert for Organ & Brass—Sanctuary

6:00-7:30 pm Youth Group @ Stadium Park

Christ Presbyterian Church Staff Ministers: The People of Christ Church

Senior Pastor: Rev. David de Vries

Associate Pastor: Rev. Michael Wallace

Parish Associate: Rev. Eldon Trubee

Director of Music & Organist: David Kienzle

Gibbs Music Intern: Mario Buchanan

Director of Children’s and Family Ministries: Jennifer George

Business Administrator/Assistant Treasurer: Donald Weltlich

Financial Assistant/Secretary: Diane Nave

Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor/Secretary: Caryn Smith

Custodians: Kurt A. Gottschick & Ron Pelger

Mission Co-Worker in Thailand: Esther Wakeman

Elders of

Christ Presbyterian Church

Kevin Anderson

Alice Bailey

Shawn Campbell

Nancy Irving

Jerry Norton

Edith Ophardt

Carol Orin

Bert Smith

Byrdie Stocker

“Can God spread a table in the wilderness?” —Psalm 78:19 When we come together in the peace of Christ, we find plenty of reconciliation and grace to share at

God’s table. By giving to the Peace & Global Witness Offering, you support peacemaking and

reconciliation work that brings people to this table of peace, even in the deepest conflict. The Peace &

Global Witness offering will be received TODAY.

Christ Presbyterian ChurchChrist Presbyterian ChurchChrist Presbyterian ChurchChrist Presbyterian Church 530 Tuscarawas Street West

Canton, Ohio 44702 330-456-8113 cantoncpc.org

[email protected]

A reminder . . .

Either at home or on the

road, you can listen to the

10:30 service on WHLO

640 AM, or log on your

computer to


To be added to the Tydings email list or to submit an article for Tydings, please email [email protected]

no later than Wednesday, Oct. 18.

The deadline for

submitting articles for

the weekly Order of

Worship is Tuesday.

Please submit your

articles to Caryn no later

than 5:00pm. Thank you!

The Christ Church Fall Music Series

Music for Organ, Brass, & Percussion Sunday, October 8, 5pm

Mario’s Top Ten Reasons to bring a friend to this concert:

It’ll be fun! It’s a chance to support the arts

All the performers are first rate artists You will hear some LOUD music

You will hear some soft music IT’S FREE!

Your other friends who come will be glad to see you We will sing some hymns together (“Earth and All Stars!”)

An opportunity for enthusiastic applause in church Jennie George will present a delicious reception in Westminster Hall

CHANTICLEER: “An Orchestra of Voices” Wednesday, October 25, 7pm Tickets available in Cloister Hall, church office, or online For Chanticleer’s third appearance at Christ Church, these 12 men will sing a program called, “Heart of a Soldier”:

The hearts of soldiers burst with every emotion. Expressed in music from the Renaissance to the present day, these sentiments ranging from extreme pain to extreme joy are universal. “Heart of a Soldier” will feature early music of war and peace from Byrd, Tomkins, Jannequin and Dufay. Stirring martial music from Russia includes works by Glinka and traditional songs sung by ordinary soldiers. New works for Chanticleer are contributed by Mason Bates and John Musto, joining celebrated choruses from Jennifer Higdon’s “Cold Mountain” and lighthearted music from the home front.

BEYOND BOUNDARIES: with singer, Amanda Powell and world-class musicians on keys,

reeds, percussion and bass

Sunday, November 19, 5pm At home on the opera stage, in the jazz club, and in the national church arena, Amanda brings an authenticity and vibrancy to her music that creates profound connections with her audiences. Released in 2015, Beyond Boundaries has enjoyed great success; submitted for a Grammy nomination and played regularly on radio stations around the country, this unique album has engaged many listeners. This concert includes sacred and secular offerings from around the globe, plenty of opportunities to sing along, and moments of meditation and prayer.

Is your will keeping up with you? With your

Christian commitments?

The Month of Reformation

On October 31, 1517, the great reformer, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses (or complaints)

against the Roman Catholic Church to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. In just a few

weeks, we will celebrate the 500 year anniversary of this pivotal event on Reformation Sunday

(October 29 this year). Leading up to that, we invite you to participate in several special events,

including the Westminster Hall Sunday School class and a movie night. See below for more


History of the Reformation with Zev Rosenberg

Following Pastor Michael’s four week course on the Book of Confessions, Zev Rosenberg will lead a

five week course (Oct. 8-Nov. 5) on the History of the Reformation. He will explore such questions

as: Who paved the way for the Reformation? Who were the main reformers? Why did the Church

need reformation? Does the church still need reform? We invite everyone to attend this timely


Luther: Movie Night at the Church

In anticipation of our Reformation Sunday celebrations, and particularly to better understand

Luther’s theological contribution to the Reformation, we will gather on Sunday, October 15 from

5:00 PM-8:00 PM for a potluck and movie night. We will show the 2003 movie Luther featuring

Joseph Fiennes. This biopic tells the story of how Luther heard the call to serve the Catholic

Church as a priest, but called for reform of some unjust practices of the Church, only to be deemed

a heretic. In spite of that, he is remembered for his emphasis on salvation by grace alone, his

translations of the Bible into the vernacular, and his call for Reformation of the Roman Catholic

Church. This movie will not only be historically informative, but will also warm your soul and give

you insight into our present-day faith. The movie has a PG-13 rating and would be appropriate for

those who are teenagers and older. Please sign up at the kiosk in cloister hall, indicating what

type of food you will be bringing. Childcare may be available upon request.

Reformation Sunday Celebration

On October 29, during the 10:30 AM combined worship service, we will celebrate Reformation

Sunday. The service will feature special music (including bagpipes, brass, and percussion), a

jubilant procession of all of our confessional banners, as well as a few more surprises! As this is

the 500 year anniversary of the Reformation, we are pulling out all the stops. Be sure to be there!

Then, following worship, you are invited to a catered Reformation Sunday luncheon in

Westminster Hall. Everyone is invited to bring some type of dessert for our “cookie

tables.” See you then!

Support the camp auction

with a delicious dessert! We are so lucky to have so many wonderful bakers

here at Christ Church and have been so lucky in the past to be able to offer delicious, homemade baked goods for dessert at the Camp Auction. If you would be willing to donate a dessert to the auction, please add your name to the sheet on the kiosk. Items need to be delivered to the church on Friday, November 3rd between the hours of 9:00am-3:00pm. Happy baking!

From the Food and Clothing Ministry: Thank you from the FCP Ministry for your generous

donations this past summer. We asked for snacks to distribute during the summer and you

responded by donating nearly 1000 individual snack items! We were able to package "treat bags"

filled with things like oatmeal, granola bars, crackers and pudding cups- all bagged and distributed

in the month of August. Thank you so much for your participation. Lorraine

A note from the Clothing Room: We are in the process of changing out our summer clothing to

make way for fall and early winter items. Keep us in mind as you begin to pull out sweaters and

light jackets, pants and long sleeve tops. We ask that you avoid giving us out-of-season items since

our storage space is so limited.

Our friends are always in need of pillows, sheets and towels. We are happy to accept used items

without stains and tears. Many of our folks have no other means to find these things, and they are

thrilled to see them in our clothing room.

Thank you for supporting the collection of socks, underwear, and sweat pants for Allen School.

Monetary donations will continue to be accepted. Please place cash or check in an envelope, pew or

regular, and write your name on it along with a notation that it is for Allen School. You may place

the envelope in the offering plate or send to the office.

We continue our collection of Box Tops for Education. Last school year our congregation helped Allen

School take its only field trip. Thank you! This year, let’s help them take two field trips. Please

examine your purchases, especially from the grocery store, for the little coupons and cut them out

and turn them into the collection plate. You are welcome to put them into a pew envelope marked

Box Tops. It doesn’t take much of your time to bring joy to an Allen School student.

To Donate to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance: Make check payable to Presbyterian Church (USA)

and designate where you want your check used, Disaster Relief—Hurricane Harvey or Hurricane

Irma on the memo line. The address is: Presbyterian Church (USA), PO Box 643700, Pittsburgh PA

15264-3700. To Donate online, go to pda.pcusa.org. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is a 501c3 non-

profit. Thank you for your concern and willingness to help.

SAVE THE DATE: Hartville Migrant Ministry is having a “Dine to Donate” at Quaker Steak and

Lube on Monday,October 16th, 5PM - 9PM. Please join us and pick up a flyer from the kiosk to give

your server. See you there.

We are a Safe Conduct Congregation

All parents, volunteers, and the congregation are invited to attend Safe Conduct

Training on Sunday November 12th from 12 noon—1:00 p.m. There will be a

light lunch right after service.


Saturday, November 4th, 2017

Doors open at 5:00 p.m. at Christ Presbyterian Church

You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence. Acts 2:28

Presale reserva-ons—$15 each ($20 at the door)

children 4-12—$5; under age 3—free

Available online at www.wakondacamp.org, in the church office,

and on Sunday mornings.

Proceeds benefit the Campership Fund and Camp Programming.

Five hundred years ago a courageous man of God posted his concerns about the

state of the Church on the door. His actions started the Reformation and

changed the world. On October 29, after the 10:30 a.m. worship service,

come join us in Westminster Hall for a sumptuous luncheon to commemorate this

special event. All are welcome, but please sign up at the kiosk in Cloister Hall or online by

Sunday, October 22, so we can adequately plan.

ALL SAINTS DAY WORSHIP AND CELEBRATION In my neighborhood, Halloween will be observed on Saturday, October 28, 2017. On Wednesday,

November 1, 2017, the church celebrates All Saints’ Day. The spread of days is a bit of relief to me

because people always seem to confuse Halloween with All Saints’ Day.

On Halloween, children carve out pumpkins, put on costumes, go trick-or-treating, and visit

haunted houses. It’s fun to be a kid! All Saints’ Day is something altogether different. On All

Saints’ Day, Christians gather to praise God for the gift of life and to remember the saints who

have passed from our company. In our tradition, a saint is any believer who has trusted Christ

and in whom Christ dwells. They have passed from our sight, yet continue to live in the glorious

company of Jesus.

We celebrate those church members, neighbors, friends, and family who have died these past

several years, finding comfort in knowing that God has tended to them in grace and faith, and

finding joy in remembering their life and love.

Join us on Wednesday, November 1, 2017 at 7:00 pm as we gather to worship, pray, sing

praises, and celebrate the grace of God.

Salt Shakers—Round 2

Salt Shakers has a SOCIAL purpose of promoting fellowship at Christ Presbyterian Church!

It seems that it is a success! After the first round of dinners, one person commented, “It was

absolutely wonderful to get to know some people that I had previously just smiled at as they

walked past me.” Another member stated, “If we keep doing this, I may really get to know

more people!” We had 73 people sign up for the first event and they were randomly divided

into nine groups.

So now we will start a new round! You can sign up at the kiosk or online. Even if you attended the

September one, you have to sign up again! We found out that CPC folks have busy schedules. So,

let’s sign up until October 8. We will get the groups divided and you will have the rest of October and

November for your group to meet.

The only agenda for these dinners is to meet new people and strengthen our communal fellowship. We

will come together with open minds and hearts in Christ to share in each other’s company. This is an

opportunity to get to know each other.

Don’t miss it!


Saturday, November 4th, 2017

Doors open at 5:00 p.m. at Christ Presbyterian Church

You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence. Acts 2:28

Dona-ons are greatly appreciated!

Please fill out the form below if you would like to make a dona-on. Please return to the church office no later than October 23.

Please print: Monetary Dona/on: Item or Service Donated: Es/mated Retail Value: Check if anonymous Dona/on: Donor Name: Address: Phone Number: Dona/on Descrip/on:

Name of person to be contacted for addi/onal informa/on or to complete arrangements: Phone Number:

Ques/ons: Contact: Ka/e Miller, [email protected] (330-472-7716) or Chrissy Rice, [email protected] (330-705-0126)

Join us for this magical night filled with food, entertainment, and silent and live auc/on items that fit every budget and every age. Presale reserva-ons are $15 each (children 4-12—$5; under age 3—free) and available now online at www.wakondacamp.org, in the church office, and on Sunday mornings beginning October 1. Purchased at the door will be $20. Proceeds benefit the Campership Fund and Camp Programming and will allow more campers to experience the power of Wakonda. Join us for fun and fellowship at this very meaningful event in support of the mission and children of Camp Wakonda.

Want to donate, but need some ideas? Here are just a few ideas: Christmas Basket, Candy Basket, Movie Basket, Coffee Basket, Pasta Basket, Car Care Basket, Pampering Basket, Pet Basket, Camping Basket, Anything Sports Related, Restaurant GiB Cards, Jewelry, Pain/ngs, etc.

Top Related