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World History STAAR Review Spring 2013

Ancient Civilizations Tab

Ancient Civilizations Tab (Continued on back)

Ancient Civilizations

• Map goes on the Ancient Civilization tab•Color the ancient river valley civilizations different colors so that your notes can be color coded.

Ancient Civilizations

• Add timeline

8,000 B.C.

Neolithic Revolution-Transition from food gathering to food producing

3,000 B.C.

•Sumerian writing, bronze, wheel, plow• Egyptian civilization begins

2500 B.C.

Indus Valley Civilizations

1800 B.C.

Babylonian Empire

700 B.C.

Rise of Greek city-states

Egyptian Civilization (3100 B.C.-330 B.C.)

• Nile river supported the Egyptians who built their civilization along its banks

• Wrote in hieroglyphics on papyrus (first paper)• Great pyramids housed mummified remains of pharaoh• Superior math, science, medicine, and technology

Mesopotamia (3100 B.C.- 540 B.C.)

•“The land between two rivers”•Sumer/Sumerians considered the first civilization that lived in this region•Cuneiform- first writing system developed by Sumerians•Invented the first wheel and irrigation•Code of Hammurabi- Babylonian king wrote first laws in history•Persians finally ended Babylonian rule

Indus River Valley (3300 B.C. – 500 A.D.)

•Third ancient river valley civilization; developed near Indus River•Two advanced cities: Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. Laid out on a grid with advanced drainage and sewage system• Aryan invaders brought the writing of Sanskrit and philosophy of Hinduism• 600 B.C.- Siddhartha Gautama founded Buddhism• 321 B.C. – Mauryan Empire established by Chandragupta; Golden Age of India

Ancient Chinese Civilizations (1600 B.C.- 220 A.D.)

•Developed near the Huang He/ Yellow River in China• 1600-1046 B.C.- Shang dynasty produced silk, bronze, and first language of China• 1045-256 B.C.- Zhou dynasty replaced Shang dynasty stating that they had lost the Mandate of Heaven, or that God has given them the right to rule.

World Religions Tab

World Religions TabReligion Founder Symbol Text Location/



Christianity Jesus Bible Middle East, Israel, Jerusalem


Judaism Abraham Torah & Talmud

Middle East, Israel, Jerusalem

Mono Abraham patriarch of all three mono religions

Islam Muhammad Koran Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem

Mono 5 Pillars:BeliefWorshipCharityFastingPilgramige

World Religions TabReligion Founder Symbol Text Location/



Hinduism Universal ruler

Vedas &Upanishads

India Polytheist Both Hindus & Buddhists believe in reincarnation

Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama/ Buddha

4 Noble Truths/ 8 Fold Path

India Way of living/philosophy

3 religions originate in India


Confucius Analects China Way of living/ philosophy

Sikhism Guru Nanak Gurmukhi India Way of living/philosophy

Classical Era TabPre-Columbian Civilizations

Pre-Columbian Civilizations

• Color the areas of the map different colors to represent where the Incas, Mayans, and Aztecs lived

•Map should go in the Classical Era tab

Pre-Columbian CivilizationsInca Maya Aztec

Time Period 1200-1572AD 400BC-1517AD 1200-1521AD

Economy Farming (corn, cotton, potatoes), terraces

Farming (corn, beans, squash), trade

Farming (corn, beans, squash, tomatoes)

Religion Many gods, some human sacrifice

Many gods, sacrificed animals, some humans

Many gods (sun god), lots of human sacrifice

Government King at center, war is for conquest

Well organized city-states with kings, war is for tribute

Powerful king, highly centralized, war for captives and tributes

Technology Terraces, irrigation, medicine, roads

Writing, math, architecture, calendar

Architecture, calendar, chinampas

End of civilization Civil war & Spanish invasion

Abandoned cities, disappeared

Spanish invasion

Classical Era Tab Rome & Greece

Greece & RomeGreece (c. 750BC)

Location: Balkan peninsulaReligion: Greek mythology, many godsArts: Theatre (Drama), sculpture, philosophyDemocracy- rule by the peoplePersian Wars- series of wars between Greece & Persia (5th century B.C.Peloponnesian War- war between Greece & Sparta (Sparta won)

Philosophers: Aristotle, Socrates, PlatoAlexander the Great- conquered the largest empire of the ancient worldHellenistic- blend of cultures with Greek after Alexander’s conquests

Greece & Rome

Rome c. 500 B.C.Location: West side of ItalyGovernment: Senate w/ 2 consulsPunic Wars- 3 wars between Rome & Carthage;

Hannibal is Carthage’s greatest generalFirst Triumvirate- Caesar + Crassus + Pompey, try

to reform Rome, broke apartFall of Rome: civil war/unrest, division of

empire, corruption, invaders Eastern half of empire (Byzantine) flourished

Middle Ages/Renaissance Tab

Middle Ages

Religion• Church is a unifying

force• Religion affects daily

lives• Crusades-wars to

regain holy land (resulted in expanded trade, decline of pope’s power, king stronger)

Empire Building• When the Roman

Empire fell, Europe dissolved into small kingdoms

• Charlemagne & Otto

Power/Authority• Feudalism- lords

with estates hold power/ exchange land for services

• Power struggle between political leaders & pope

• Magna Carta- limited King’s authority

Middle Ages

Bubonic Plague- deadly disease that swept through Europe & killed 1/3 of population

Hundred Years War- conflict between England & France on French soil (1337-1453)

RenaissanceVocab• Humanism- focus on human potential &

achievements• Secular- worldly/concerned with here & now

Notable WorksMachiavelli’s The Prince ShakespeareGutenberg’s printing pressLeonardo da VinciRaphaelMore’s Utopia

Northern Art: Christianity, church, God, nature

Southern (Italy) Art: Greek & Roman mythology, gods


Reformation- movement for religious reform

King Henry VIII broke with Catholic church & became head of Church of England 1529

He wanted a divorce since his first wife didn’t give him a son

• Renaissance challenged church authority•Martin Luther, with 95 Theses, challenged church

• Luther’s ideas spread, created their own group (Lutherans)• Protestants- non-catholic Christians

Age of Exploration

Age of Exploration

Columbian Exchange- exchange of goods & ideas between the old and new world

Diseases from Europe killed millions of Native Americans

Atlantic Slave Trade- buying and selling of Africans for work in the Americas. By 1870 ~9.5 million Africans imported as slaves

Renaissance prompted exploration for “God, Gold, & Glory”

VOCABFavorable Balance of Trade- sell more goods than you buyJoint-stock- investors pool their wealth for a common purpose & share profitsMercantilism- country’s power depends on its wealth

Age of ExplorationNotable Explorers• Chris Columbus- tried to find a new

trade route to Asia; landed in the Caribbean instead

• Amerigo Vesupucci- travelled around South America

• Hernando Cortes- defeated the Aztecs & their emperor, Montezuma II

• Francisco Pizarro- conquered Incas

European nations created a trading empire in Africa, India & SE Asia

Pilgrims & Puritans came to the New World seeking religious freedom

French & Indian War- conflict between French & British over land claims in N. America

Asia During Exploration Advances under Ming & Qing dynasties left China self-contained & uninterested in

European contact Zheng He led 7 exploration voyages in 1405 Tokugawa regime unified Japan & began a 200 year period of isolation, autocracy, &

economic growth Japanese practiced a type of feudalism where the daimyo is the figureheads

Chinese Dynasties


• 1600-1046BC• Writing, bronze, pottery, silk


• 1045-256BC• Loose central government• Feudal power held by strong nobles• Confucius


• 221-206 BC• Military dictatorship• Desroyed nobles’ feudal power• Taxation• Great Wall and Terra Cotta Warriors


• 206-220AD• Expanded empire & trade• Buddhism• Civil service system


• 618-906AD• Reunited China• Education & government reforms


• 960-1279AD• Paper money, compass, printing, porcelain, gunpowder



• 1259-1368AD• Mongols (central Asian nomads) conquer Asia;

Genghis & Kublai Khan


• 1368-1644AD• Overthrew Mongols• Encouraged trade with Europe


• 1644-1912AD• British imperialism, opium wars, western pressure• Ended with Chinese republic (Mao Zedong)

Chinese Dynasties Tab

India, Africa & M

uslim W


Chinese Dynasties TabIndia, Africa & Muslim World

Muslim World ExpandsThe Ottomans established a Muslim empire that

combined many cultures & lasted more than 600 years

Art, literature, astronomy, architecture, history, mathematics


• Mughal Empire brought Turks, Persians & Indians together in a vast empire

• Arabs invaded India; then Mongols invaded• Central power in India weakened while

Western Europeans began to exploit them • Caste System


• North & Central Africa developed hunting-gathering societies, stateless societies, & Muslim states

• West Africa contained several powerful empires & states (Ghana, Mali)

• Gold & Salt• Arabic world significantly influenced West Africa• East & South African states gained wealth & power

through trade• Mansa Musa went on a hajj & left behind significant

wealth on his journey

Age of Revolutions

Age of Revolutions (Top half of Flap)French Revolution

Enlightenment Ideas

Discontent of 3rd estate

Social/economic injustice

French Revolution1789-1799

Execution of monarchs

Rise of Napoleon

Decline of French Power

• Radical social & political turmoil• Absolute monarchy collapsed for ideas on liberty, equality & fraternity• ~40,000 people killed during Reign of Terror• Napoleon rises to power, considered a great military general for

conquering a large part of Europe• Ended with an establishment of a constitutional monarchy

Age of Revolutions (Top half of flap)American Revolution

Taxation w/o representation

No longer identify with British

Enlightenment ideas

American Revolution1776-1781

A democratic republic established

Bill of Rights/ Constitution

American Nationalism

• 13 colonies join to break from British empire• Articles of Confederation led to weak national government• Constitution & Bill of Rights focus on Enlightenment

Age of Revolutions (Top half of flap)Latin American Revolutions

• 1789-1900• Spurred by discontent & Enlightenment ideas,

peoples in Latin America fought colonial rule• Haiti- first successful slave revolt• Simon Bolivar- Venezuelan general liberated

most of South American countries from Spanish rule

Age of Revolutions Bottom Half of Flap

Age of Revolutions-Bottom half of flapScientific Revolution

Scientists question accepted beliefs

Renaissance inspired curiosity

Reformation ideas

Scientific RevolutionMid-1500s

New model of universe (Galileo)

Newton explains law of gravity


Age of RevolutionsEnlightenment

Philosopher Idea

Locke Natural Rights (life, liberty, property)

Montesquieu Separation of power

Voltaire Freedom of thought, expression & religion

A revolution in intellectual activity changed European’s view of government & Society

Age of RevolutionsIndustrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution- output of machine-made goods; began in England during 18th century. Revolutionized agriculture, textile industry, & transportation

• Growth of cities, overcrowded• Poor working conditions• Emerging social classes

Economics/Political Theory

Economics/Political Theory

Economics/Political Theory

Types of GovernmentMonarchy- power rests with a single individual

(king/queen) Constitutional Monarchy- monarch has a role, but

limited political powerOligarchy- rule by fewFascism- dictator led government based on

nationalismRepublic- power rests with the people (democratic);

exercised by chosen representatives



II/20th Century

WWI/Great War (1914-1918)

Vocab• Nationalism- loyalty to

one’s country• Militarism- glorifying

military power• Triple Alliance- Germany,

Italy, & Austria-Hungary• Triple Entente- Russia,

France, & Britain

• Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand set off a chain reaction within the alliance system that resulted in the largest war in Europe.

• In Europe, military buildup, nationalistic feelings, & rival alliances set the stage for continental war

• Nations take sides: Central Powers (Austria-Hungary, Germany) & Allies (G.B., France, Russia)

• War was fought on two fronts in trenches

• New weapons (poison gas, machine guns, tanks airplanes, submarines)

Continued on next slide…

WWI• Total war- countries used

all their resources• America joined after

Germans sank Lusitania• Russia withdrew from the

war after their revolution in 1917

End of War• Treaty of Versailles (1919)

League of Nations Germany loses territory Germany’s military restricted Sole responsibility on

Germany• New nations created, Ottoman

empire abolished• Lost generation of men

Russian Revolution (1917)Long term social unrest in Russia erupted in revolution, ushering in the first communist government

WWII (1939-1945)

Vocab• Great Depression- severe economic collapse

of U.S. stock market 1929• Winston Churchill- British prime minister• Holocaust- mass extermination of non-Aryans,

mostly Jews• Genocide systematic killing of an entire people

Sept. 1939Germany invades Poland; WWII begins

Jun. 1940France surrenders; Battle of Britain

Jun. 1941Germany invades Soviet Union

Dec. 1941Attack of Pearl Harbor Jun. 1944

Allies invade Europe on D-Day

May 1945Germany surrenders

Continued on next slide..

Aug 1945Atomic bombs dropped on Japan

Sep 1945Japan surrenders

Cold War (1947-1991)

Vocab• Cold War- diplomatic hostility between the 2

superpowers after WWII• NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization;

defensive military alliance between N. America + W. Europe

• Warsaw Pact- a defensive military alliance between Soviet states

Cold War

• The conflicting aims between the U.S. & S.U. led to a global competition

• “Iron Curtain” came to represent Europe’s division b/w communist & democratic Europe

• The Cold War flared into actual wars (Korea & Vietnam)• After WWII, Chinese communists defeated Nationalist forces

and communist China emerged• Cold war superpowers supported opposing sides in Latin

American & Middle Eastern conflicts• Cold War finally began to thaw as the superpowers entered

an era of uneasy diplomacy

DONE!Good luck on all of your exams! I know you will all do very well!

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