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Page 1: World War I Background

World War I Background

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• Before World War I, the last time the Europeans nations all sat down together to discuss issues was at the Congress of Vienna (1814).

State of the World

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• There had been many changes to Europe since that time – rise of new nations, industrialization, and imperialism.

State of the World

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Changes to Europe 1815 - 1914

1815 1914

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• As nations unified and developed a national identity, many of them also built up their militaries.

Rise of Militarism

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•Having a strong military showed national pride and helped nations to become imperial powers.

Rise of Militarism

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•Militarism is the belief that it is important to always have a large standing army, even in times of peace.

Rise of Militarism

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• Europeans made alliances during the Congress of Vienna to prevent war, but many changes had happened to Europe since that time.

Creation of New Alliances Part I

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• Otto von Bismarck created a new alliance for the unified Germany called the Triple Alliance which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

Creation of New Alliances Part I

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•When Britain learns about the Triple Alliance, they are concerned that Germany is becoming too powerful.

Creation of New Alliances Part 2

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• Britain creates their own alliance called the Triple Entente which includes Britain, Russia, and France.

Creation of New Alliances Part 2

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Alliances Leading into World War I

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• Imperialism led to intense competition between nations for power and resources, and created many enemies between nations.

Problems with Imperialism

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• Imperialism also fueled nations’ militarism, leading to them building up large armies and navies to compete.

Problems with Imperialism

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• Newly unified nation - states, such as Germany wanted to demonstrate how strong and powerful they were by building up their militaries.

Increase in Nationalism

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• This threatened other nation – states, and also led to nations that did not yet have their own countries to want independence.

Increase in Nationalism

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• Tensions are high in Europe amongst the nation – states.•Otto von Bismarck creates the Triple Alliance to protect Germany.• Kaiser Wilhelm II (new emperor of Germany) fires Bismarck and decides to build up his army and navy.

Important Events Leading to War

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• Kaiser Wilhelm II’s decisions concern Britain. They form the Triple Entente.• These new alliances increase tensions even more in Europe.• Causes of war: MAIN – militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism.

Important Events Leading to War

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Key Players – Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany

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Key Players – Otto von Bismarck of Germany


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Key Players – Tsar Nicholas II of Russia

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