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Page 1: World War II and the Cold War

World War II and the Cold War

Dictators and WarMobilizing for War

Roots of the Cold WarThe Cold War Expands

Page 2: World War II and the Cold War

20th Century Dictators

Page 3: World War II and the Cold War

Dictators and WarDictators and Wars Treaty of Versailles from WWI caused anger/resentment

among nations Three dictators use totalitarian gov’ts to rise to power

Joseph Stalin: Russia Communist State 5 year plan-collectives Est. complete control of citizens lives- totalitarian gov’t

Benito Mussolini: Italy Created Fascist Party- Extreme Nationalism

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Dictators and WarAdolf Hitler: Germany

Joined NAZI party when young

Mein Kampf- Nazism Purity Race- Aryans

anti-semitic Unite German speaking

people Third Reich- political

regime Japanese militarists

control gov’t

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Dictators and WarWar in Europe Hitler acquires Austria and Czech into the Reich

Anschluss GB uses appeasement with Hitler- let him get his way to

avoid war Stalin signs non-agression pact with Hitler as Germany

launches blitzkrieg in Poland ridding Poland of Jews France falls to Axis Powers when the Maginot Line is broken Allies finally join Battle of Britain: G. bombs GB day/night

for 2 mo.

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Dictators and WarAmerica and War At first US adopts and isolationist policy FDR

signs the Neutrality Act- allowing trade between US and Europe

Quarantine Speech: Peaceful states urge aggressive states to isolate themselves

FDR uses “cash and carry”- allowed warring nations to buy US materials if they used cash and carried them on their own ships

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Dictators and WarAmerica in the War Continued… Congress passes “peacetime draft”, boosts

defense spending “Great Arsenal of Democracy”- FDR convinces

nations that we must help Allied powers against the Axis powers

Lend Lease Act- GB, SU give any kind of aid to Allies

Churchill (GB) and FDR secretly meet to plan war- Atlantic Charter

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Dictators and WarJapan Attacks Japan invades China

and wants to acquire as much land as possible

December 7, 1941- Pearl Harbor

FDR knew Japan was planning an attack- two front war

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Mobilizing for WarMobilizing Women serve in non-

combat roles WAC (Women Army Corps)

Lend-Lease Act begins, War Production Board manages peacetime to wartime industry start rationing

Office of Price Administrations: freeze prices on goods to fight inflation

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Mobilizing for WarWar in the Pacific Japanese on defense after Pearl Harbor Gen. Douglas

McArthur in command of Pacific theater At first, J. forces advance against US in Philippines and

Southeast Asia 1941- US turns the tide Doolittle’s Raid, Battle of Coral Sea Battle of Midway- turning point in Pacific War- Island

Hopping Japanese launch first kamikaze strikes to break Allied lines Iwo Jima: Crucial Island for US base- heavy losses

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Mobilizing for WarThe War for Europe and North Africa FDR, Churchill, Stalin agree Pacific war is second to

European fight against Hitler Germany uses U-Boats to sink all ships in Atlantic

Convoy system 1943- Germany slowly presses in on Stalingrad (SU) SU army wins- major turning point in fighting on land Allies invade Italy and N. Africa in an attempt to spread

Hitler’s army thin

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Mobilizing for WarD-Day D-Day: Allies land in

France, a month later, they control Paris

Battle of the Bulge: German make last attempt to cross Allied lines liberate death camps

Hitler commits suicide and G surrenders VE Day: May 8, 1945

FDR died of a stroke a month before- Harry S. Truman (VP) takes over

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Mobilizing for WarThe Atomic Bomb- Manhattan Project US considered invading Japan, like on D-Day- too risky US warns Japan prior to dropping bomb Hiroshima/Nagasaki: August 6 & 9, 1945- Japan


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Mobilizing for WarEffects of the War The Holocaust Yalta Conference: Feb.

1945: FDR, Churchill, Stalin meet

Discuss post war plans- Stalin favors harshness towards G; FDR, C. disagree Poland, Bulgaria, Romania

would have free elections (Stalin reneged)

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Mobilizing for War Potsdam Conference:

July 1945: Truman, Atlee, Stalin Divide G. into 4 zones Free elections in Poland Stalin joins war against

Japan United Nations is formed,

Nuremberg Trials try war criminals

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Roots of the Cold WarRoots of the Cold War Soviet Union vs. US (Communism vs. Democracy) Stalin had made promises at Yalta and Potsdam to allow

democratic, free elections in Poland, Bulgaria, etc Stalin backed out of promises-created satellite states of

these nations Stalin disagrees w/ dem., while Truman does not believe in

commie Democratic Western Europe vs. Communist East Europe Churchill calls the division the “iron curtain” Stand-off lasts 46 years, but never became a “hot” war


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Page 26: World War II and the Cold War

Roots of the Cold WarThe Cold War Begins US starts aiding Greece

and Turkey (SU influence there)

Truman Doctrine: stop aid nations struggling against communist movement

US policy is to “contain” Soviet communist expansion

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Roots of the Cold WarThe Cold War Continues… US provides support to any Western European nation that

needed it- Marshall Plan GB, Fr. US unify their zones in G.; but Berlin is surrounded by

SU zone SU cuts off rail/road travel to West Berlin (Berlin Blockade)-

US starts Berlin Airlift W. Europe and US join together against Communism- NATO

(North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO members pledge military support to each other

Warsaw Pact is SU rival organization

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Page 29: World War II and the Cold War

Roots of the Cold WarThe Cold War heats Up Civil war in China

Chiang Kai-Shek (nationalist leader) vs. Mao Zedong (communist)

Chiang gov’t corrupt and ineffective, Mao takes over China commie

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Roots of the Cold WarThe Korean War Korea divided NK- Commie vs. SK- Dem (38th parallel) 1950- NK attacks SK- Soviet Union backs NK NK troops seem unstoppable, Gen. MacArthur launches

counterattack China feels threatened by US- China attacks US/UN forces MacArthur suggests attacking China- Truman says no Truman fires MacArthur for insubordination Stalemate1951-1953 1953- ceasefire at 38th parallel; demilitarized zones b/t sides

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Page 32: World War II and the Cold War

The Cold War ExpandsThe Cold War Expands 1949: SU detonates atomic

bomb, China falls to commie shocks US

1952: US tests first H-Bomb US/SU race to out build arms

Dwight D. Eisenhower elected in 1952- favors strengthening nuke arms

John Foster Dulles- Sec. of State believes in brinkmanship: go to edge of war

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The Cold War Expands

Stalin dies 1953- Nikita Khrushchev takes over- believes Commie can work and happen peacefully

Anti- commie rebellions in Czech. and Hungary rock surrounding nations

US starts covert actions (CIA) to stop spread of Communism

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The Cold War Expands Suez Canal trouble-

Egyptian leaders playing US and SU against each other for more money to build a dam along Nile River

Canal used by many nations for travel GB/France use force to gain canal- US outraged

Eisenhower Doctrine: US would defend the ME from communist attacks

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Space Race: SU launches Sputnik in 1957; Congress creates NASA

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The Cold War ExpandsThe Cold War At Home Cold War creates “us vs. them” attitude Red

Scare re-emerges Red Scare deeper than in 20s gov’t creates

Loyalty Review Bd: kick out gov’t workers who were “soft” on commies

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC): investigated communist activities in and out of white house

Attack movie industry- Hollywood Ten: ten witnesses called to trial who plead the fifth

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The Cold War ExpandsSpys in the US Alger Hiss: spying for

SU- never prosecuted, later found to be true

The Rosenbergs: helped leak A-Bomb secrets to SU sentenced to death

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The Cold War ExpandsMcCarthyism Sen. Joe McCarthy

(Wisconsin) accused US state dept. of being infested with commies

Made constant threats to suspected communists- never produced a single name

Made slanderous comments about US army downfall

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