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World War One

Background Guide

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Table of Contents

World War One

The British Empire ----------------------------------------------------------------3-4

Canada (British Empire) ---------------------------------------------------------5-6

Australia (British Empire) ----------------------------------------------------------7

France -----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-10

Germany --------------------------------------------------------------------------11-12

The Russian Empire -------------------------------------------------------------13-15

Belgium ---------------------------------------------------------------------------16-17

Ottoman Empire-----------------------------------------------------------------18-19

Italy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------20-21


Austria-Hungary ----------------------------------------------------------------24-25

United States Of America ------------------------------------------------------26-28

Bulgaria ---------------------------------------------------------------------------29-30

Romania --------------------------------------------------------------------------31-32

Serbia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------33



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The British Empire


Monarch: Queen Victoria, Edward VII, George V

Prime Minister: Herbert Henry Asquith, David Lloyd


Brief History:

“The empire on which the sun never sets” is certainly fitting to describe the British Empire

prior to the start of the First World War. Its colonies spanned more than a quarter of the

Earth's total land area. Britain was the indisputable world superpower that dominated in its

military, technology, and colonial empire. Its role in the world then is comparable to that of

the U.S. now, its every move influencing the entire world. Its military size was surprisingly

small for such a vast empire, though Britain had the largest and most advanced navy in the


Politics and Society:

In 1901 Britain had a constitutional government, but it was not completely democratic.

Freedom of speech was not permitted and the formation of a coalition government silenced

any possible opposition. The conservative ideology dominated in politics, with Britain having

the most restrictive franchises in the world. A full-fledged democracy did not come until after

the war, though some reform was made, such as, the House of Lords not having veto power.


Being the first nation to industrialize, Britain was definitely an economic superpower during

the nineteenth century. However, Britain’s economic power was overtaken by the United

States of America. Its economy was largely dependent on its colonies. The colonies

supported Britain with raw materials, where Britain would manufacture, and ship off to the

rest of the world. However, uprisings and wars in its colonies disrupted this and also the

establishment of large monopolies dragged back the British economy. Despite these

drawbacks, Britain maintained its status as an economic superpower and continued to affect

the global economy.

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The British military was surprisingly small for such a vast Empire. It comprised of the Royal

Navy and the Army. At this time, the Royal Air Force did not exist. Its navy was what made it

dominate the world. In fact, there was a law in Britain that ensured its domination in the

seas: it stated that Britain must have a navy larger or equal to the next two largest navies

combined. The British government was determined to maintaining its status as a world

superpower by dominating the seas.


Foreign Relations:

The year is 1911 and you control on of the largest most powerful nations in the world. The

state of the world is tense. You now look to your former bitter enemy, France as a temporary

ally. Back in 1904, both of your nations decided to put hostilities aside and signed an entente.

Russia, who was also seen as a rival by you and your empire also entered into the entente

together in 1907. You do not trust your new allies completely because of years of hostilities,

though, you do not think that treachery is a possibility quite yet. This triple entente will offer

some protection from the power hungry Germany. You are involved in a trade agreement

with the Ottoman Empire as well as Austria-Hungary. It is up to you as a ruler do decide, if

war breaks out, to send troops into the main land or not Your main objective as a delegate of

the British Empire is to put a stop to Germany’s rapid and threatening expansion. You also

want to ensure that you remain in control of your colonies.

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Canada (British Empire)

Brief history:

Since confederation, Canada had been

expanding greatly, taking the entire

north of the North American continent.

The construction of the Canadian

Pacific Railway also connected Canada

from sea to sea, making trade and

industrialization easier than ever before. The Canadian population relied heavily on

immigration, and so racism was a big problem for Canada at this time. Overall, Canada was a

very prosperous member of the British Empire, providing Britain with lumber and many other

natural resources


The Canadian government, a constitutional monarchy, followed the structure of the British in

the lower house with a House of Commons, and an American upper house: the Senate.


Canada, being one of Britain’s colonies, maintained its supply of natural resources to Britain.

Entering into the 20th century, Canada’s dependence on Britain for economic gains greatly

decreased as the United States came to replace them. Now depending more than ever on the

U.S., Canada decided to seek out a free trade deal with them. Canadian business owners saw

this as a threat and anti-American sentiment grew, which meant that the deal was never made

and the government under Laurier was defeated in the next election.


Canada had no military of its own. British troops were stationed along borders and the British

navy patrolled Canadian waters. However, prior to the First World War, Britain requested

that Canada aid in the arms race by forming a navy. This was done by purchasing two old

chips from Britain. The Canadian navy was formed thus formed.

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Foreign Relations:

The year is 1911 and you control a large colony of Britain. Your voice is wholly represented by

Britain. Though Britain is supposed to protect your rights, they have often betrayed you. In

the Alaskan Boundary dispute with the U.S., the British representative cast a vote in favour of

the U.S. You realize that internally, the French are against the British representing Canada

and that your society is moving closer to the U.S. than to Britain. Your main objective as a

delegate of Canada is to find new allegiances, while maintaining strong connections with

Britain. You must also try to please French Canada.

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Australia (British Empire)

Brief history:

The Commonwealth of Australia was formed

in 1901 by the Governor-General Lord

Hopetoun. The first prime minister of

Australia, Edmund Barton, was elected in that

same year: The Australian population was very

small at the time, numbering only three million or so, the vast majority of which are of British

decent, who stood firmly behind the decisions of the empire.


Like Canada, Australia relied heavily on immigration. However, racism was also prevalent in

Australia, with many laws being passed to discourage the immigration of Asians, especially

the Chinese. The ruling political party was the Protectionist party under Edmund Barton.


The Australian economy was very resource based. It’s manufacturing only accounted for

approximately 12 percent of its GDP while 30 came from mining and agriculture. Australia

had a very small labour force, which resulted in the relative lack of its productivity.


After Australia gained its autonomy, they began to establish an army. Since it had a very

small population, people of age had to go through compulsory military training. A military

college was also established in Australia. The military was quite large for such a small

population, with a peacetime standing of 200,000.

Foreign Relations:

The year is 1911 and you control a huge British colony. All your people support Great Britain.

Any move for independence would cause revolts and rebellion. You support Britain

completely and will devote your entire army to its cause. You main objective as a delegate of

Australia is to ensure that Britain achieves victory. You will treat any threat toward Britain as

a threat toward yourself.

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President: Raymond Poincaré

Brief history:

France’s first half of the 19th century was disrupted by war,

revolution, and political instability. In 1870, the Franco-

Prussian war began and ended in Paris being besieged and a

total French defeat. This greatly angered the French, which

caused them to reassess their alliances, causing them to draw

closer to Great Britain and Russia. Following the French

defeat, the Germans claimed the French provinces of Alsace and Lorraine. Anti-German

sentiment was very popular, uniting the French under a common enemy and a common goal:

to regain their lost territory and pride.


The politics in France prior to the outbreak of the First World War was very complicated.

The French government continuously changed between a Monarchy and a Republic. In 1852,

a monarchy was established to replace the French Second Republic with a Second French

Empire with Napoleon III ruling from the beginning to the end. Napoleon proved to be a very

incompetent ruler as he made some very disastrous decisions in his reign. Deciding to carry

on the legacy of Napoleon Bonaparte, Napoleon III decided to expand the French Empire and

its control and influence over the world. This proved to be a very poor decision as France

engaged in both the Crimean War and a conflict with Austria, followed by an economic

recession. In an effort to improve the situation and to increase his popularity, which had

grown to an all time low, he decided to go to war with Prussia. This proved to be his worst

decision yet. Within just a few months, Prussian forces had taken Paris and Napoleon was

captured. Once again, the French overthrew the monarchy and replaced it with a Republic –

the Third French Republic.

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Having replaced the Monarchy, the situation in France took a turn for the better. The time

between the establishment of the Third French Republic to the beginning of the First World

War was known as the “Belle Époque.” This was a period of relative peace, stability, and

economic prosperity for the French. Commerce boomed and scientific discoveries were being

made more than ever before. This was the beginning of the era of the automobile. The

French were quick to establish their car company – Peugeot. This was also the time period in

which the motion pictures were invented, and the French were the inventors. Art and culture

in French flourished as they had never flourished before during the Belle Époque, with the

emergence of great artists and performers. It was a time of general optimism and economic

growth for the French, until the beginning of WWI.


The French had a policy of universal conscription for all males reaching the age of twenty-

one. The French had 173 infantry regiments, 89 cavalry regiments, and 87 artillery regiments.

Though the French military was quite large, it was highly under-equipped and under-trained.

This was disastrous as the French proved incapable of defending themselves in war, by

continuously losing to the Prussians.


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Foreign Relations:

The year is 1911 and you control a nation who is on the road to success. Your economy is

flourishing and your culture is highly defined. You do not want war to spoil this era of growth

in you great nation. The only exception to this idea is for the regions of Alsace-Lorraine.

Years ago you fought a war with Prussia that ended in your defeat. In that war you lost the

region of Alsace-Lorraine. Your people thirst for vengeance at that bitter defeat. Since then,

relations with Germany have been strained at best. You feel threatened by Germany ’s rapid

growth and expansion. Because of that you formed an entente with Russia in 1892. Britain

joined this entente soon after even though relations were tense from the colonial race. Your

main objective as a delegate of France is to prevent war and prolong the period of economic

growth. You also want to regain Alsace-Lorraine under your control. It is up to you on how

to do that.

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Kaiser (Emperor) – Wilhelm II

Chancellors (1871-1918) – Otto von Bismarck, Leo von

Caprivi, Prince Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst,

Bernhard von Bülow, Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg, Georg Michaelis, Georg von Hertling,

Prince Maximilian of Baden, Friedrich Ebert

Brief History:

The German Empire was officially established on January 18, 1871 with the unification of the

Kingdom of Prussia, North German Confederation, Kingdom of Bavaria, Kingdom of

Württemberg, Grand Duchy of Baden and the Grand Duchy of Hesse. Its territories spanned

an area of over 540,854 square kilometres with a population of over 41 million people, which

eventually grew to 67 million by 1914. The unified German Empire was the result of three

wars; a war against Denmark, a war against Austria and a war against the French. Wilhelm I

was appointed Kaiser and Otto von Bismarck the chancellor.


The German Empire was ruled as a federal monarchy by Wilhelm II in 1911. In Germany, the

emperor was referred to as the Kaiser. Wilhelm II was put into power when he was very

young. Wilhelm the II was described as rash, lazy, and incapable of focusing on anything for

very long.

The people of the German Empire were mainly Christian with a small percentage of the

population being Jewish.


The German Empire had one of the strongest economies of Europe in 1911. During that time,

thirteen percent of world trade came through Germany. That number would continue to rise

for many years to come. Germany’s primary export was machinery and the German Empire

was the largest exporter of machinery in the world. Germany was an economic superpower in


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The German Empire had one of the strongest militaries in the world in 1911. Its army was one

of the largest and best-trained armies in Europe and much of the world. Germany also had a

large navy build up after the recent arms race with Britain. The German navy was inferior to

Britain navy. This weakness was due to the fact that the German navy fleet did not possess

the massive battle ships called dreadnaughts.


Foreign Relations:

The year is 1911. You control one of the richest and most powerful empires in the known

world and yet you want more. As you look at the other superpowers, you realize that they all

have multiple colonies all over the world meanwhile the decaying empires, like the Ottoman

Empire do not. You realize that more colonies are the key to the future of the German

Empire. The only problem is, most of the world has already been colonized. Conquest may

be the only way for Germany to gain colonies. The only question is, whose colonies will you


Though your military strength is unrivalled in all of Europe, you are beginning to feel

threatened. The two countries on your border, France and Russia, have formed an alliance

with your enemy Britain. Your empire is surrounded by enemies, and your only ally, Austro-

Hungary, is in a weakened state. Some of your advisors recommend that you should break off

the alliance with Austro-Hungary because in the event of war they would drag you down. If

you were to do that you would need to find another ally to support you. Your main objective

as a delegate of the Germany Empire is to secure more colonies for the empire. You will also

want to either break up the triple entente or gain some more allies so you are not surrounded

by enemies.

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The Russian Empire


Monarch: Tsar Nicholas II

Brief History:

Pre World War I Russia was a mystery to most

Europeans. Russia displayed many attributes of an

imperial superpower. Its landmass was enormous,

spanning one-sixth of the Earth and with a population of

around 128 million at the turn of the century. Russia’s

army was 1.5 million strong, the largest in Europe.

Internally, however, Russia lagged behind the other European powers both socially and

economically. Russia had not industrialized and its economy was still primarily agricultural,

while socially, Russia still maintained its autocratic rule over the people instead of converting

into a constitutional monarchy. In 1904, Russia was engaged in a yearlong war with the

Empire of Japan. It resulted in the bitter defeat of Russia, which greatly shook Russian

confidence in its military. At home, a revolution began in 1905, which resulted in the victory

of the Crown, but saw some major changes, including a limited constitutional government.

The 1905 Revolution paved way for the 1917 Revolution, which freed Russia from autocratic

rule and put under a Communist government.


Prior to the 1905 revolution, Russia was an absolute monarch, with the Tsar making all of the

decisions. However, after the revolution, a state Duma was established, though the major

decisions still lay in the hands of the Tsar. The aristocrats and the wealthy were determined

to remain wealthy and powerful, and so industrial projects were not embraced as it

threatened the wealth of these conservative politicians. However, a disastrous war in Crimea

sounded an alarm bell to the government, forcing them to rapidly industrialize. This,

however, created unforeseen problems for the government. Many of the peasants who lived

in the country now started moving to large cities in search of jobs in large factories. However,

the rapid growth in urban population was not matched by growth in housing and

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employment. As a result, many of the workers were forced to live in slums and had very little

food. This gave rise to a new class of people: the industrial proletariat. These workers were

poor and exploited, causing them to embrace in new revolutionary ideas, like communism.


The Russian economy remained surprisingly underdeveloped for such a large European

nation. In 1897, nearly eighty six percent of all Russians lived in the countryside. In the early

part of the nineteenth century, the Russian economy was primarily agricultural, with its main

export being wheat and grains. However, going into the twentieth century, Russia had rapidly

industrialized, made great changes to its infrastructure and attracted foreign investment,

mostly from Britain and France. The Russian Empire ranked fourth in the production of steel

and second in petroleum at the turn of the century.


The Russian military at the outset of the war was the largest in Europe. 1.5 million strong,

Russia certainly had the largest army, but it lagged behind in technology and training, hence

the poor performance in the Crimean War and the bitter defeat in the Russo-Japanese War.

Recognizing the lack of a well-funded military, Russia increased its military spending, with its

navy expenditures placing fifth in the world.


Unlike the other Western European powers, Russia did not seek colonies on other continents;

instead, they looked to their neighbouring countries. The Russian Empire expanded into

nations like Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, the Baltics, and Finland. Though it did have colonies in

Alaska and investments in Hawaii, Russia did not keep any of its overseas territories, instead,

developed a large territory on the mainland.

Foreign Relations:

The year is 1911 and you control one of the largest nations in the civilized world. Though the

great size and population of your nation it is under developed and the economy is weak. Your

nation is not currently ready for war. In an act to prevent just that, you have entered an

entente with France and Britain. This alliance will hopefully slow Germany’s rapid and

aggressive expansion. The state of your whole country also mirrors the state of your military.

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Though it is the largest in the world, it is also under equipped and untrained. This is evident

when you look at the recent military history of your great nation. You suffered several bitter

defeats to Japan as well as the Ottoman Empire. Relations today, are still tense between you

and those nations. The United States of America has recently helped you recover from those

defeats. Your main objective as a delegate of Russia is to rebuild your country’s economy and

retrain the military. You may need to ally with another nation to secure the necessary funds.

If that is accomplished, to continue to avoid conflicts with Europe, you can look to the east for


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Brief History:

Belgium’s geographical location made it quite

unique: it was bordered Germany to the East and

France to the West. Belgium remained neutral in

all affairs, and so did not have a very large military.

Its economy was fairly well developed, though it

suffered a long depression in the late nineteenth

century. Overall, Belgium was a nation of prosperity with no external conflicts.


In 1830, Belgium became an independent, constitutional monarchy. Its democracy was highly

questionable as votes were limited to the French public. After the depression in the late

1800s, there came a surge of support for trade unions and the Socialist Party. The party was

responsible for many general strikes, which eventually gained Belgium universal suffrage.


Belgium industrialized in the mid-1830s. The Belgian population was very traditional and

much of its people were scattered in the countryside. However, once industrialization began

in Belgium, it spread very quickly, due to the abundance of natural resources, such as coal.

Many foreign investors were very interested, especially French, and Prussian ones. They

bought huge amounts of coalmines off of Belgium. The government also built railways to

connect itself to its major trading partners, as well as link the entire nation.


The Belgian military was one of the smallest in the world. Though a developed nation,

Belgium did not have a military like its European counterparts. Despite its military reform

that legalized conscription, its army still remained small as it was deemed unnecessary.

Belgium proclaimed neutrality in all international issues, which made an army a waste.

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Foreign Relations:

The year is 1911 and you control a relatively new nation. You believe that only absolute

neutrality is the path to success for your nation. You feel as if you were the peacekeeper in

the hostile continent of Europe. You export coal to both France and Germany so taking sides

in the potential conflict would be disastrous for your economy. Your main objective as a

delegate of Belgium is to prevent war no matter what. If the worst occurs you also have to

ensure you are not swept up in the conflict.

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Ottoman Empire


Sultans - Abdülhamid II & Mehmed V

Brief History:

The Ottoman Empire created by Turkish tribes in

Anatolia, and is one of the oldest empires among the

Central Powers. It was one of the most powerful

states in the world during the 15th and 16th

centuries, but that came to an end in 1922, when the

Turkish Republic and various successor states in

southeastern Europe and the Middle East replaced it. However, prior to the First World War,

nationalism was high in the Ottoman Empire. They engaged in several wars including the

Russo-Turkish war, a war with Italy and the Balkan Wars. In early 1914, the Ottoman Empire

focused on improving relations with Bulgaria and increasing support for the Germans.

Though initially neutral at the outbreak of the war, the Ottoman Empire eventually joined the

war on the side of the Central Powers.


The leader of the Ottoman Empire was referred to as the sultan. The sultan delegated parts of

his duties to his advisors and ministers. This system was in place, until the Young Turks

Revolution converted the Ottoman Empire into a constitutional monarchy.

The majority of the population of the Ottoman Empire was Muslim. By 1914, only around 19%

of the empire's population was non-Muslim. That percentage was made up of Christians,

Assyrians, Armenians, and Jews.


The sultan believed that the key to a strong economy was a strong finical advisor as well as

good trade agreements. One of these agreements was between England France and the

Ottoman Empire. It ensured that future agreements would also be made

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The infantry of the Ottoman Empire in 1911 were out of date and the training was poor. Many

of the soldiers had obsolete weapons and equipment. It also suffered a recent defeat in the

Russo-Turkish War so the number of volunteers is lower than previous years.

The Ottoman ship foundation was established to increase the navy through public donations.

This program had already succeeded in purchasing several ships for the empire. The

Ottoman Empire was beginning to devote money to developing a flight school.

Foreign Relations:

The year is 1911. You control the remains of a once great empire that has lasted for hundreds

of years. Your vast empire has a population of 14.63 million inhabitants and covers land

including present day Turkey, North Africa and almost the whole Middle East.

Currently the empire is in a disastrous state. Following the your crushing defeat in the Russo-

Turkish War you have lost territories and your economy is declining. Your military is out of

date and training has been lax in the past ten years. Not only that, the rebellion group called

the Young Turks has been causing general unrest among the citizens of the Ottoman Empire.

For this empire to survive you will need a financially strong ally in Europe to help support you

during modernization.

You do not want to involve yourself with the impending war in Europe unless your bitter

enemy Russia is involved. The recent defeat in the Russo-Turkish war is still fresh in the

minds of your people and they want revenge. Other than that pressing need, your people will

be happy to ally with any of the other European nations if it is beneficial to the empire.

Relations with Bulgaria are still tense as it just broke away from your empire in 1908. Your

main objective as a delegate of the Ottoman Empire is to secure funds to continue the

modernization of the empire.

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Brief History:

Since the unification of Italy, the nation had

been trying to emerge as a leading world power.

In the 1890’s, Italy had already built a fairly

complete railway system that connected them to

many of its European neighbours. Italian politics

were relatively turbulent, switching from a

rather socialist government to a very autocratic

one under Crispi. Though there was the

common goal of making Italy a great nation, the road to achieving this was not always



The most noted politician at this time in Italy was Giovanni Giolitti. He was the second

longest serving prime minister in Italian history, and led Italy to relative prosperity and

stability after unification. The time period between the beginning of the twentieth century

and the First World War was known as the Giolittian Era. He was a great politician,

improving the lives of regular Italians while keeping political opponents at bay. Under his

influence, the Liberals were never able to form a formal political party. His policies included

the nationalization of many industries, including telephones and the railway.


By the late nineteenth century, Italy had a lot of catching up to do with regards to its

economy. They had industrialized, but not to a very full extent. In the time period between

1860 and 1913, Italy’s chemicals and electricity sector of the economy grew rapidly. This is

believed to have forced the Italian economy to become more science/technology based.

Following this “Second Industrial Revolution,” all sectors of the economy grew enormously,

such as textiles, agriculture, leather etc.

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The Italian military was involved in many armed conflicts during the nineteenth century. Its

major involvement included the unification of Italy. It also participated in its colonial wars in

Eritrea and Somalia. In China, Italian troops helped to suppress many rebellions. A war was

also fought with the Ottoman Empire. Italy came out victorious, gaining important lands in

Libya, including the major city of Tripoli.


Foreign Relations:

The year is 1911 and you control a nation on the road to greatness. In the year 1882, you,

Germany and Austria-Hungary form the Triple Alliance, which states that should any

signatory be attacked, the other two nations were obliged to go to war and defend one

another. You are happy that this is signed, which protects you against threats from France

and could give you an opportunity to negotiate for land that you claim is yours, but is

currently under control of the Austro-Hungarians. You also want more land from Greece and

the Balkans, and you believe that this alliance will help you achieve that. However, you do

not trust Austria-Hungary as they have thwarted you many times before and have taken over

your land. So secretly, you have also signed a pact with France. Nominally and on the

outside, you are a member of the Triple Alliance. Your main objective as a delegate of Italy is

to prove to the world you are a super power. This could be achieved by military conquest,

research or by expanding your colonies. You also wish to regain control of the land under

Austria-Hungary’s control.

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Monarch: Emperor Meiji, Emperor Taishō

Prime Minister: Yamamoto Gonnohyoe, Okuma Shigenobu

Brief History:

The Japanese, prior to the First World War, had begun to

establish itself as a leading Asian power. In 1905, Japan

had successfully defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese

War, which shocked many European powers. Japan

showed itself ready to take on a more active role in the

world affairs, especially those in Asia.


At this time, Japan was still an absolute Monarchy. However, they were seeking the

establishment of a constitutional monarchy. The Japanese sent ambassadors to foreign

nations to learn from their political systems. It turned out that the final establishment of the

government borrowed heavily from the Prussians. The democracy had many flaws. Even

though, nominally a democracy, suffrage was only for males that pay a certain amount of tax,

and the government was controlled by an elite group of elder statesmen. This did not change

very much until modern Japan, though the populace did not mind and no reform was made.


The economy of Japan boomed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The reign

of Emperor Meiji was known as the Meiji Restoration, which saw Japan successfully transform

into an industrialized nation – the first nation in Asia to industrialize. Japan abolished their

old ways of thinking and adopted the Western idea of capitalism. The government built

factories and shipyards and sold them at a much cheaper price to business people, which later

grew into large corporations. The government also built many railroads (from a mere 20 so

kilometres to almost 11,000 kilometres in just 20 years) and made road improvements, which

made transportation of goods much cheaper and more efficient.

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The Japanese military was very modern and rivalled its European counterpart. The

government started to modernize its army in the mid-nineteenth century by replacing its old

navy fleets with more modern ones. The government also abolished the out-dated samurai

warriors with a Western-style military. These advancements helped Japan to win wars with

both China and Russia.


Foreign Relations:

The year is 1911 and you control an ancient nation. Your foreign relations are relatively

strained with all of your neighbours, having entered into several wars with neighbouring

China and Korea. Your ties with the West are also not very close, but you do send many

students to the West to study. This helps the Western nations to understand more about

your culture and government. You are indifferent about the potential crisis in Europe. You

will however, ally with any nation that offers support to your goal of conquering your

neighbours. You will send aid to your ally if they request it but only then. Your main

objective as a delegate of Japan is to gain support for your war against China and Korea. You

also want to avoid getting dragged into a prolonged war in Europe.

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Emperors – Francis Joseph I (1867-1916) & Charles I & IV (1916-1918)

Brief History:

Austro-Hungary was established in 1867 by the union

of the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary.

It covered 676,615 km² and had a population

52,800,000. It was the second largest nation in the

world and had the third largest population after Russia

and Germany. The unification of Austria and Hungary

was a result of the Compromise of 1867.


Austro-Hungary was ruled by a duel monarchy. Foreign affairs and the military fell under

joint control, but all other government duties were divided between the respective states.

The emperor ruled both states. In 1911, the emperor was Francis Joseph I. The majority of the

population was Roman Catholic. The official languages were German and Hungarian.


Austro-Hungary’s main export was foodstuffs. Austro-Hungary exported food to almost all of

Europe. It was also a large exporter of machinery. Austro-Hungary’s economy had the

highest rate of growth of all the European nations during the 1900s. Its primary trade

partners were Germany, France, and Britain.


The Austro-Hungarian army was divided into two fractions, the Royal army, and the Imperial

army. Though the population of Austro-Hungary was large, its army remained small. The

army was well trained and well funded. The navy of Austro-Hungary was used primarily for

defence. It’s aviation schools were well behind other nations.

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Foreign Relations:

The year is 1911. You control one of the largest empires in the world. Your economy is very

strong and many other European nations rely on you to import food. That being true your

empire also has its problems. There have been numerous rebellions throughout the empire

about regions wanting their independence. Those have to be controlled before any other


You are very loyal to your ally Germany. Without Germany your empire would have fallen

apart years ago. Whatever decision Germany comes to, you will likely agree with it. You do

not want to ally with any enemies of Germany for that would tear the alliance apart. That

would be the last thing you want right now in your weakened state.

Your main objective as a delegate of Austro-Hungary is to preserve the state the world is in

until your issues in the empire have been dealt with. You are not ready for a full out war. You

also want to preserve the alliance with Germany at all costs even if it means going to war.

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United States Of America


President: Theodore Roosevelt

Brief History:

At the turn of the century, the

United States of America, just

having recovered from its civil

war, had become a world

superpower, in terms of both

its military and economy,

rivalling and then surpassing

the European nations in industrialization and many other aspects. Immigrants from all over

Europe flooded into the U.S. in search of jobs and freedom. The population of the United

States in 1870 was approximately 38,500,000 while in 1900 it rose to 76,200,000. Though the

U.S. did engage in several armed conflicts with some of its neighbours (Mexico) and had a

slight economic recession just before the turn of the century, it was, overall a prosperous and

industrious time for the Americans.


During the later half of the 19th century, there was great disparity between the poor and the

rich, which probably initiated the push for a labor union. Many unions formed and failed

until the American Federation of Labor, established under Samuel Gompers. The union made

clear that they did not want socialism. It served the sole purpose of negotiating with owners

for higher wages and better working conditions. At this time, President Theodore Roosevelt

began what was known as the Progressive Era. This was a period of social activism and

political reform in which the government sought to eliminate corruption left over from the

Gilded Age. Much was achieved during this time, including women’s suffrage, prohibition,

and the direct election of Senators. They also sought to modernize, investing in scientific

innovation. This period righted the wrongs from the Gilded age and led the United States

into a time of economic prosperity after the recession.

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The last three decades of the nineteenth century were known as the “Gilded Age.” This was a

time of rapid industrial expansion for the U.S. Even though many made their fortunes during

this time, others were not so lucky. The end of the nineteenth century was marked by an

economic recession. This paved way for the Progressive Era, which led to many government

cuts and investments in new technologies, which helped boost the economy once more. By

the early twentieth century, the U.S had overtaken the United Kingdom on exports and

industrialization. Living standards of American improved dramatically: the gap between the

poor and the rich began to fill with an even larger, middle-class. The government also put in

large investments into building railways and highways that connected the nation like never



The American military was modernized under the direction of the Secretary of War – Elihu

Root at the turn of the century. The military underwent a significant upgrade in its

equipment. Utilizing the technologies available, the military replaced horses with

automobiles, significantly cutting transportation costs and increasing the efficiency of the

military. U.S military size also grew in the years leading up to World War One. At the turn of

the century, the American army had approximately 100,000 soldiers, with a military budget of

134 million. Several years later, the size of the military doubled and it’s spending reaching a

whopping 1.6 billion dollars. Through these actions, the U.S. was very war-ready ensuring

preparedness in World War I.


The United States had no formal colonies, though they did gain Hawaii, Alaska, and spheres

of influence in the Philippines and many other Spanish colonies.

Foreign Relations:

The year is 1911 and you control a truly free nation. You are generally on friendly terms with

all European nations. You recently helped Russia recover from their defeat in the Russo-

Japanese war. You have also recently defeated Spain gaining their colonies and adding them

to your own. One of the most influential decisions you have made in the past few years is the

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Roosevelt Corollary. It basically states that you had the right to intervene in conflicts between

European countries and Latin American countries to enforce claims of the European powers.

This made you unpopular to many European nations, though they remained on friendly terms

with you. Your main objective as a delegate of the U.S is to fight for any country that is being

oppressed. You will also want to make a strong ally in Europe.

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Tsar - Knyaz Ferdinand I

Chairmen of the Council of Ministers - Aleksandar

Malinov, Ivan Evstratiev Geshov, Stoyan Danev,

Vasil Radoslavov

Brief History:

Bulgaria was not an independent state until 1908, when it declared its independence from the

Ottoman Empire. Tensions ran high between the two countries that would soon become

allies. Prior to the commencement of the First World War, Bulgaria was engaged in the

Balkan Wars. Bulgaria and its allies declared war on the Ottoman Empire in 1912. The

combined armies of the Balkan states defeated the disadvantaged Ottoman armies and

achieved rapid victory. The allies captured almost all remaining European territories of the

Ottoman Empire. This also led to the creation of the independent state of Albania. However,

unsatisfied with the gains of the First Balkan War, Bulgaria declared war on its former allies,

marking the star of the Second Balkan War. This was disastrous as the Bulgarians did not

gain any land, but lost much, including some territory to the Ottoman Empire.


Bulgaria was led by a tsar much like Russia was. The tsar is much like an emperor. The tsar

has complete control over the country. Bulgarians celebrate a verity of religions such as

Christianity, Islamic and Judaism.


Bulgaria was a chief exporter of coal and minerals that were found within the borders.

Bulgaria imported food from Austro-Hungary. Its economy was based around mining.


The Bulgaria military suffered a recent defeat in the second Balkan war so the numbers of

recruits are down and the ranks of infantry are not full and demoralized. The military needs

more training and more recruits to restore it to the former glory.

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Foreign Relations:

The year is 1911 and you control a relatively new nation. Until recently Bulgaria was owned by

the Ottoman Empire. It is of utmost importance to preserve the impendence of the nation.

You will not allow Bulgaria to fall under the control of a larger more powerful nation. You

value your freedom and will sympathize with any nation struggling for independence. This

could cause potential problems with the great empires of the world, as you would be assisting


You do have not any allies. You feel slightly indebted to Russia because they helped you gain

your independence. You also do not want to anger Austro-Hungary because you import food

for your people. Other then those two ties, you could support anyone in the impending crisis.

You are wary of any empire that may want to assimilate you into their lands. You do not want

anything to do with the Ottoman Empire, your former oppressors.

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Monarchs: Carol I & Ferdinand I

Brief History:

Romania declared its independence from the

Ottoman Empire after the war between Russia and

the Ottoman Empire. In the 1878 Treaty of Berlin,

Romania was officially recognized by the other

European powers. It entered into the Second Balkan

War against Bulgaria. The time between its

independence towards the First World War was a stable and progressive period for Romania,

with Carol I as the King. He led Romania into many reforms and significantly improved their

economy and social structure.


All sides wanted Romania to enter the war as natural resources such as petroleum was

abundant. Both sides were running low on supplies, and so looked to Romania for its natural


“It is certain that so relatively small a state as Rumania had never before been given a role so

important, and, indeed, so decisive for the history of the world at so favorable a moment.

Never before had two great Powers like Germany and Austria found themselves so much at

the mercy of the military resources of a country which had scarcely one twentieth of the

population of the two great states. Judging by the military situation, it was to be expected that

Rumania had only to advance where she wished to decide the world war in favor of those

Powers which had been hurling themselves at us in vain for years. Thus everything seemed to

depend on whether Rumania was ready to make any sort of use of her momentary advantage.”


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The Romanian military was quite large for such a small nation. It totaled around 600,000

people, though poorly trained and relied heavily on other nations on supplies.

Foreign Relations:

Your monarch is of German descent, and wishes to remain loyal to the German Empire. He

has signed numerous treaties and pacts with Germany, and has also promised to go to war on

the side of the German Empire should one occur. However, the people of your nation are

against this decision and wish to maintain close relations with Britain, France and Russia. As a

representative of your nation, you must choose between your monarch’s wishes or the wishes

of your people.

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Brief history:

Serbia gained its independence from the

Ottoman Empire in two uprisings, and was

internationally recognized after the Russo-

Turkish War. In 1882, Serbia became a

Kingdom, though; internal politics were

turbulent as there was a large rivalry between

two royal families. In 1903, Petar I was crowned

King of Serbia. This foreign educated, progressive King made many changes in Serbia, giving

it a parliamentary democracy and a democratic constitution.

Foreign Relations:

Your nation is not yet a mature one. You have many anti-government and extremist groups in

your nation which your government can barely control. Ties between you and neighbouring

Austria Hungary are tense. Your military and people are not ready to take on such a large

opponent, unless you have secured powerful allies. Your main priority is to establish yourself

as a nation, rather than tangling yourself in armed conflicts. You wish to maintain peace in

order to advance your economy and military.

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