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Page 1: World War One Ends The Great Depression Begins ( Nazi) National Socialist German Worker’s Party begins. Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.

World War One Ends The Great Depression Begins

(Nazi) National Socialist German Worker’s Party begins.Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany

Page 2: World War One Ends The Great Depression Begins ( Nazi) National Socialist German Worker’s Party begins. Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.

Hitler writes Mein Kampf. In this book he expressed….

Rome-Berlin Axis is signed

League of Nations is formed.

Italy invades Ethiopia

Page 3: World War One Ends The Great Depression Begins ( Nazi) National Socialist German Worker’s Party begins. Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.

Kellogg-Briand Pact is formed.

Japanese Invade Manchuria

Germany invades the Rhineland

Japan, Germany & Italy sign the Anti-Comintern Treaty

Page 4: World War One Ends The Great Depression Begins ( Nazi) National Socialist German Worker’s Party begins. Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.

Munich ConferenceNazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact

British leader Neville Chamberlain announced “Peace in our time”.

Page 5: World War One Ends The Great Depression Begins ( Nazi) National Socialist German Worker’s Party begins. Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.

British and French troops prepare for war after Czechoslovakia is seized by Germany.

Germany invades Poland. WWII begins.

Britain and France declare war on Germany.

Churchill becomes leader of England (Britain)

Page 7: World War One Ends The Great Depression Begins ( Nazi) National Socialist German Worker’s Party begins. Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.

The Battle of Britain

FDR signs the Lend-Lease Act

Hitler seizes the Balkans: Romania, Bulgaria Hungary and Yugoslavia

Nazis begin the “Final Solution” of mass murder

Page 8: World War One Ends The Great Depression Begins ( Nazi) National Socialist German Worker’s Party begins. Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.

Germany Invades the Soviet Union

Nazis begin to sterilize and kill the “unfit” (handicapped, etc.)

Destruction of the synagogues

Page 10: World War One Ends The Great Depression Begins ( Nazi) National Socialist German Worker’s Party begins. Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.

Auschwitz opens

Japanese expansion in Asia

Japanese attack U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Page 13: World War One Ends The Great Depression Begins ( Nazi) National Socialist German Worker’s Party begins. Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.

Hitler commits suicide.German High Command Surrender. Victory for the Allies in Europe.

Battle for Okinawa, Japan.

Battle for Iwo Jima.

Page 14: World War One Ends The Great Depression Begins ( Nazi) National Socialist German Worker’s Party begins. Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.

Japanese Kamikazi Attacks Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin meet at Yalta.

Potsdam Conference

Atomic Bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan

Page 15: World War One Ends The Great Depression Begins ( Nazi) National Socialist German Worker’s Party begins. Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.

V-J Day, Japan Surrendered.

Nuremberg Trials, Germany.

United Nations is formed.

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