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Section 5: Essay30 Minutes

Directions: Write a legible, coherent, and correctessay on the following topic.

Topic: If you could spend an afternoon with any author, living ordead, with whom would you spend it? What would you talk about?

Answer Explanations

Section 1: Verbal Reasoning1. The correct answer is (A). To FEINT is to deceive or make a

pretense of. One of the skills our soccer coach taught us washow to elude opponents by feinting in the opposite direction ofwhere we planned to pass the ball.

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2. The correct answer is (C). A PEER is someone or somethingthat is of equal standing to another. In a democratic society,each citizen is the peer of all the other citizens.

3. The correct answer is (B). TRITE means boring from toomuch use. Her essay was riddled with trite expressions, such as“a penny saved is a penny earned” and “all good things come tothose who wait.”

4. The correct answer is (B). AMIABLE means good-natured andloveable. The amiable dog wagged its tail at the letter carrier.

5. The correct answer is (A). A GRIMACE is a facial expressionof disgust or displeasure. The first time the baby ate spinach,she screwed up her mouth in a grimace and spit out the food.

6. The correct answer is (D). To COMPEL is to force. Ourgovernment compels us to pay income taxes each year on April15.

7. The correct answer is (C). An ALLY is another with acommon purpose, an associate, or a helper. The word meaning“passage” is “alley.” Great Britain was our ally during WorldWar II.

8. The correct answer is (C). To SOLICIT means to approachwith a request or plea. Our teacher wants us to solicit helpfrom her whenever we don’t understand the math concepts shepresents to the class.

9. The correct answer is (C). To REFUTE is to show somethingto be false. The lawyer refuted the witness’s testimony by

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presenting contradictory evidence.

10. The correct answer is (B). EXPLICIT means distinct,observable, or clearly stated. The explicit instructions on thepackage left no opportunity for misunderstanding or error.

11. The correct answer is (C). To RETAIN is to hold on to or tokeep. Retain the receipt as proof of payment.

12. The correct answer is (A). CORRESPONDENCE is anexchange of letters or the letters themselves. I save all mycorrespondence with the schools to which I have applied in anenvelope marked “High Schools.” Note: “Correspondence” canalso mean “agreement” or “conformity.” Your exam will neveroffer you a choice of two correct meanings for the same word.

13. The correct answer is (B). LEGITIMATE means conforming tothe law or abiding by the rules. Since his name is on the deed,he has a legitimate claim to ownership of the property.

14. The correct answer is (C). To DEDUCT is to subtract. Theword with a meaning close to “understand” is “deduce.” Eachweek, my employer deducts social security taxes from mypaycheck.

15. The correct answer is (C). The EGRESS is the way out. Theegress is marked with a red “EXIT” sign.

16. The correct answer is (C). HORIZONTAL, parallel to thehorizon, means left-to-right as opposed to “vertical.” Place thelarge books horizontally on the shelf so that they do not toppleover.

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17. The correct answer is (B). CONTROVERSY is exchange ofopposing opinions or argument. The choice of new wallpaperis a subject of controversy.

18. The correct answer is (D). To PREEMPT is to seize beforeanyone else can or to appropriate. No dishonesty is implied,just speed or privilege. The president’s speech will preempt thetime slot usually taken by my favorite game show.

19. The correct answer is (C). PER CAPITA literally means foreach head, therefore for each person, one-by-one, with ageirrelevant. The per capita consumption of red meat has droppedto 2 pounds per week.

20. The correct answer is (A). That which is OPTIONAL is left toone’s choice and is therefore not required. You must studyEnglish and history, but study of a musical instrument isoptional.

21. The correct answer is (C). The sense of the sentence calls for aword with a negative connotation in the first blank; therefore,we need consider only choices (C) and (D). Of these choices,ENSLAVED . . . SAY, choice (C), is clearly the bettercompletion.

22. The correct answer is (D). Since it is stated that most criticsdisregarded or ridiculed the play, the few critics remainingmust have done the opposite, or APPRECIATED the work.

23. The correct answer is (C). The word that is needed must be asynonym for blunder (a stupid or gross mistake). That word isERROR.

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24. The correct answer is (C). One who acts purely on impulse ismost likely to have a PASSIONATE (emotional or intense)nature.

25. The correct answer is (D). If “quality is preferred to quantity”in an educational system, then the measure by which that systemshould be JUDGED is the CALIBER (degree of ability ormerit) of the students it produces.

26. The correct answer is (B). Freedom of speech is something wetake for granted, so we do not feel BLESSED when allowed toexercise this freedom; however, we do become angry when anyRESTRICTION (limit) is imposed on our right to speak freely.

27. The correct answer is (C). The qualities attributed to theplayers on the worst team must be opposites for comparisonand adjectives for parallelism within the sentence. INEPT,which means awkward, and PROFICIENT, which meansskilled, make up the only choice that meets both requirements.

28. The correct answer is (D). It is the function of the legislature towrite laws (their WORDS become law). It is the function of thejudiciary to interpret the words of the law (to determine theirMEANING).

29. The correct answer is (B). Movies and television are bothmedia of entertainment. The sentence compares the two mediain terms of their cost, stating that many people believetelevision (which is free after the initial investment in the set) isNECESSARY because movies have become so EXPENSIVE(and therefore out of reach for many people).

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30. The correct answer is (A). The sense of the sentence calls fortwo words that are opposites and that can both be applied tolife forms. Spores are the tiny particles in certain plants that actas seeds in the production of new plants. These spores remaindormant or INACTIVE until the proper conditions exist torender them vigorous or VIBRANT, thus creating a newgeneration of plants.

31. The correct answer is (B). The completion needed is a wordthat is opposite in meaning to “the spinning of fancifultheories.” Of the choices given, the study of ORDER bestfulfills this requirement.

32. The correct answer is (B). This sentence describes a rebelliousattitude. Impertinence means “insolence.”

33. The correct answer is (B). The second sentence provides theclue to the meaning of the first. If success does not meaninfallibility (certainty), then the fame of an author does notASSURE the quality of his or her work.

34. The correct answer is (D). The completion here demandswords that are opposites. In addition, the first blank requires aword that would promote hatred. Only STRIFE, meaningconflict, and TRANQUILITY, meaning peace, fulfill theserequirements and complete the meaning of the sentence.

35. The correct answer is (A). Since mining takes away withoutreplacing what it takes, it may be called a ROBBER industry.With these characteristics, mining might also be considered tobe evil, but ROBBER is the most specific completion. It is the

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adjective that best describes an industry that does not replenishwhat it takes.

36. The correct answer is (C). This sentence presents two problemsthat are being compared in terms of the ease of their solution.The only choices that fulfill the requirements of such acomparison are MAGNITUDE and CHILD’S PLAY.

37. The correct answer is (B). A theatrical setting serves to createa mood or a feeling of being in another time or place. If thesetting is to be EFFECTIVE (to make the desired impression onthe audience), it must have some semblance of REALITY.

38. The correct answer is (D). The word “mob” has a negativeconnotation and requires an adjective that is also negative.HYSTERICAL (emotional and unmanageable) best meets thisrequirement. The emotion that a shouting mob is most likely toshow is HATRED of law and order.

39. The correct answer is (C). When errors are discovered inexisting theories, those theories must either be ALTERED(changed) in the light of the new information or they must beDISCARDED altogether, if the new information renders the oldtheories false.

40. The correct answer is (B). The sentence compares two differentsocieties and therefore requires completions that are bothparallel and opposite. ELEMENTARY (simple) andCOMPLICATED (intricate) best meet these requirements.

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Section 2: QuantitativeReasoning

1. The correct answer is (C). If x = 0, then 2x < 8 because 2(0) <8. None of the other pairs result in a true statement.

2. The correct answer is (C). Substitute n for the blank space.

7(3 × n) + 4 = 2104

7(3n) + 4 = 2104

21n + 4 = 2104

21n = 2100

n = 100, or 102

3. The correct answer is (A). Since 1% = 0.01, one half of onepercent is written 0.005. Refer to the percentage review sectionfor help if necessary.

4. The correct answer is (C). A scalene triangle has no equalsides.

5. The correct answer is (C). There are 1,000 millimeters in ameter.

6. The correct answer is (D). Choice (A) is also a commondenominator, but it is not the least common denominator.

7. The correct answer is (A). The area of a triangle is found by

using .

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8. The correct answer is (B). (4 × 103) + 6 = 4006

(2 × 103) + (3 × 10) + 8 = 2038

The difference is 1968.

9. The correct answer is (A). The set of factors for 24 is:

{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24}

The set of factors for 30 is:

{1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30}

The set of common factors is:

{1, 2, 3, 6}

10. The correct answer is (A). The intersection of the two linesegments is the place they overlap. Note that they overlap in theinterval marked .

11. The correct answer is (A). One third of the board will bedriven into the ground, leaving 4 feet exposed. The exposedpart of the board has 5 faces: two faces 4 feet long by 4 incheswide; two faces 4 feet long by 2 inches wide; and one face (theend) 2 inches by 4 inches. Because the answer choices are inunits of square feet, we will calculate in square feet:

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The sum is sq. ft. of board remaining above ground.

12. The correct answer is (D). The rate of the first runner is

miles per hour. The rate of the second is miles per hour.

The second runner is faster, so the difference in their rates is

written .

13. The correct answer is (C). Mary’s age now = x. Her sister’sage now = x – 3. In five years her sister’s age will be x – 3 + 5= x + 2.

14. The correct answer is (C). The area of a square = s2.

The area of this square = 22 = 4

The area of a circle = π • r2

The area of this circle =

π • 12 = π 1 = π

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The difference between the area of this square and the area ofthis circle is approximately 4 – 3.14 = 0.86.

15. The correct answer is (C). Area of a square = s2.

49 = 72

one side = 7 inches

P = 4s

P = 4 × 7" = 28 inches

16. The correct answer is (C). One half hour = 30 minutes.

Amount = Rate (G) × Time (30 minutes)

17. The correct answer is (C). One car went

20 mph for hour = 10 miles. The other car went 36 mph for

hour = 18 miles.

Since they went in opposite directions, add the two distances tofind the total number of miles apart. 10 + 18 = 28.

18. The correct answer is (B).

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A positive product is greater than a negative one.

19. The correct answer is (D). Since x could be any non-zero valuefrom 4 to –3, the values of the fractions are impossible todetermine.

20. The correct answer is (A). a < b b > a (given).

KR > KT (in a triangle the greater side lies opposite thegreater angle)

21. The correct answer is (A).

22. The correct answer is (C).

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y = a + b (an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum ofthe two interior remote angles)

23. The correct answer is (D). There is not enough information, asy could equal 1, which would make both quantities equal; or ycould be greater than 1, which would make y3 greater than y2. Ify were a negative integer, then y2 would be greater than y3.

24. The correct answer is (B).

25. The correct answer is (C).

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26. The correct answer is (B).

NC = NY (given)

C = Y (angles opposite equal sides are equal)

N > C (given)

N > Y (substitution)

CY > NC (the greater side lies opposite the greater angle)

27. The correct answer is (C).

28. The correct answer is (C).

29. The correct answer is (C). A triangle inscribed in aparallelogram is equal in area to one half the parallelogram.Therefore, the area of DEC equals the combined areas of ADE and EBC.

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30. The correct answer is (A).

31. The correct answer is (C).

32. The correct answer is (A).

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33. The correct answer is (D). We cannot determine the areas ofthe circles unless the value of x is known.

34. The correct answer is (A).

35. The correct answer is (D). A number smaller than 0 is anegative number, so a is a negative number. A negative numbersquared becomes a positive number. Without knowing absolutevalues of a and b there is insufficient information to determinethe relationship.

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Section 3: ReadingComprehension

1. The correct answer is (C). The selection graphically details themovement of a snake. While much of the description is in termsof legs and feet, the point of the selection is to fully describe themeans of locomotion.

2. The correct answer is (B). The second sentence of the secondparagraph makes this statement. The remainder of the paragraphexpands on the theme.

3. The correct answer is (D). Read carefully and you can figureout the meaning from the context. Terrain means earth, withreference to its topographical features.

4. The correct answer is (C). The detail in this selection indicatesthat the author knows a good deal about snakes.

5. The correct answer is (B). The last sentence of the firstparagraph tells us that rope is absolutely vital for docking.

6. The correct answer is (D). The second sentence serves by wayof definition.

7. The correct answer is (D). We learn that the ship is secured bynine-inch or ten-inch mooring lines. Since rope is measured bycircumference rather than by diameter, choice (D) is the correctanswer.

8. The correct answer is (A). Check back and eliminate. Sisal

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does not come from the Philippines.

9. The correct answer is (C). Since State Department clerks tookcharge of getting the Constitution and Declaration ofIndependence out of Washington before the British burned thecity, these important documents must have been housed in theState Department offices.

10. The correct answer is (A). See the first sentence of the lastparagraph.

11. The correct answer is (A). The last sentence enumerates thedisasters protected against.

12. The correct answer is (C). The documents were removed in1814 to protect them from the War of 1812; in 1941, they wereremoved for protection from possible damage in World War II.

13. The correct answer is (D). Great blank spaces on a populationmap indicate very small population.

14. The correct answer is (A). You may eat the vegetables at awinter dinner, but the farm produces only the vegetables; it doesnot cook the dinner.

15. The correct answer is (B). We learn that broadcloth is madefrom silky cotton grown in Egypt.

16. The correct answer is (B). The third paragraph makes thestatement that desert civilizations have made important culturalcontributions. The last paragraph tells what these contributionsare.

17. The correct answer is (C).

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18. The correct answer is (A). The name of the town is Ekalaka,but they call it “Skeleton Flats.”

19. The correct answer is (C). The answer to this main-ideaquestion should be clear. The article is about the various fossilfinds.

20. The correct answer is (D). We are given the definition: “. . .paleontologists, scientists who use fossils to study prehistoriclife forms.” Walter Peck’s hobby was geology, and in thecourse of pursuing his hobby he made the first find, but he wasnot a paleontologist.

21. The correct answer is (D). The third paragraph discusses thepeople of Ekalaka in terms of their enthusiasm for digging andfossil discovery.

22. The correct answer is (B). See the last sentence.

23. The correct answer is (D). The selection describes theproperties of zirconium in its various forms.

24. The correct answer is (A). Consider the use of the word docileas applied to solid zirconium, in contrast to the use of the wordviolent as applied to powdered zirconium.

25. The correct answer is (B). An emphasis of the selection is thatincreasing uses are being found for zirconium.

26. The correct answer is (B). The first paragraph makes this point.

27. The correct answer is (A). In both the second and thirdparagraphs, zirconium is described as a metal.

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28. The correct answer is (D). If zirconium is too dangerous to beused in ammunition, it is most certainly too dangerous to beused in fireworks.

29. The correct answer is (D). The selection is about the beginningof Hudson ferryboat service.

30. The correct answer is (A).

31. The correct answer is (D). The next-to-last sentence discussesFulton’s invention of floating docks for the ferryboats.

32. The correct answer is (C). 1812 was in the nineteenth century.

33. The correct answer is (B). In the context of the paragraph,shock must refer to the impact of the boat running into the dock.

34. The correct answer is (A). The first paragraph describes theoriginal trail as a path. The road is also described as an east-west route. It presented travelers with surprisingly fewobstacles.

35. The correct answer is (C). The frontier outpost, Ithaca, was atthe western end of the highway.

36. The correct answer is (A).

37. The correct answer is (A). Guides are not mentioned in theselection.

38. The correct answer is (C). We are told that five positions forbotanists have been created. The implication is that these arenew positions.

39. The correct answer is (C). The Department says that listing and

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delisting are equally important.

40. The correct answer is (D). This is a difficult question. You caninstantly eliminate choices (A) and (B), but choice (C) appearspossible. If you reread the selection carefully a few more times,you will realize that past concepts of success are not reallyspelled out. Therefore, choice (D) would seem the most likelycorrect answer. The writer is anticipating a criticism andanswering it in advance.

Section 4: MathematicsAchievement

1. The correct answer is (D).

Area = length × width

Area of square = 8 × 8 = 64 sq. in.

Area of rectangle = (8 + 4)(8 – 2)

= 12 × 6 = 72 sq. in.

72 – 64 = 8 sq. in.

2. The correct answer is (A).

r = 35 – (9)(–n)

r = 35 – (9)(–2)

r = 35 – (–18)

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r = 35 + 18 = 53

To subtract signed numbers, change the sign of the subtrahendand proceed as in algebraic addition.

3. The correct answer is (C). First perform the operation withinthe parentheses. To cube a number, multiply it by itself, twotimes.

(3 + 4)3 = (7)3 = 7 × 7 × 7 = 343

4. The correct answer is (A). Copper and aluminum in the ratio of10:1 means 10 parts copper to 1 part aluminum.

Let x = weight of aluminum

Then 10x = weight of copper

10x + x = 77

11x = 77

x = 7

5. The correct answer is (D).

Volume = L × W × H

Volume of carton = 2' × 3' × 4' = 24 cubic feet

Volume of one box = 2" × 3" × 4" = 24 cubic inches

1 cubic foot = 12" × 12" × 12" = 1728 cubic inches

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6. The correct answer is (B). of 200 = 120 columns by

machine @ 40 columns per hour = 3 hours

200 – 120 = 80 columns without machine @ 20 columns perhour = 4 hours

3 hours + 4 hours = 7 hours to complete the job

7. The correct answer is (C). His total income is equal to 7% ofhis sales plus $150; 7% of his sales is $945 × 0.07 = $66.15.

$66.15 + $150 = $216.15

8. The correct answer is (A).

If x2 + 5 = 41

x2 = 41 – 5

x2 = 36

x = ± 6

9. The correct answer is (B). Perimeter = 2l + 2w

If the two long sides are together, the perimeter will be:

5 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 3 = 22

If the two short sides are together, the perimeter will be:

3 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 5 = 26.

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26 – 22 = 4 feet shorter

10. The correct answer is (A). 5 hours

30 minutes = 5 hours

1,000 miles ÷ 5 hours =

1000 ÷ = 1000 × = 181 mph

11. The correct answer is (A). 500 dozen @ $0.40 per dozen =purchase of two years ago

75% of 500 dozen = 375 dozen pencils purchased this year

20% of $0.40 = $0.08 increase in cost per dozen

375 × $0.48 = $180 spent on pencils this year

12. The correct answer is (D). A child’s ticket costs x dollars.Each adult ticket costs twice as much, or 2x dollars. 2(2x) = 2adult tickets; 3x =3 children’s tickets. Write a simple equation,and solve for x.

2(2x) + 3x = $49

4x + 3x = $49

7x = $49

x = $7

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$7 is the cost of a child’s ticket; $14 is the cost of an adult’sticket.

13. The correct answer is (A).

14. The correct answer is (A). One person raised 35% of $690.

$690 × 0.35 = $241.50

The remainder raised by the others was $690 – 241.50 =$448.50

15. The correct answer is (C). For the length, 29 feet would be

represented by 29 units of , resulting in , or inches.

For the width, 23 feet would be represented by 23 units of

resulting in , or inches.

16. The correct answer is (A).

Area = length × width

= 176 ft. × 79 ft.

= 13,904 sq. ft.

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17. The correct answer is (D).

This is a good answer to estimate. By dividing a number by ,

you are, in effect, multiplying it by 9. Only one of the suggestedanswers is close.

18. The correct answer is (C). The problem asks, “What number is$13.23 18% of ?”

$13.23 ÷ 0.18 = $73.50.

19. The correct answer is (A). Each fast worker is equivalent totwo slow workers; therefore, the three men are the equivalent offive slow workers. The whole job, then, requires 5 × 56 = 280minutes for one slow worker. It also requires half that time, or140 minutes, for one fast worker, and half as much again, or 70minutes, for two fast workers.

20. The correct answer is (C). Subtract from the total population of18,000 the 756 children and the 2,244 married people. 18,000 –756 – 2,244 = 15,000 single men and women. Because there are

times as many men as women, we know that 60% of the

15,000 single people are men, and 40% are women. 60% of15,000 = 9,000.

21. The correct answer is (C). No calculations are needed here.Note that a 20-mile trip at 60 mph (which is 1 mile per minute),would take 20 minutes. Since the vehicle is traveling half as

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fast (30 mph), the 20-mile trip should take twice as long, or 40minutes.

22. The correct answer is (A).

2x2 + 3 = 21

2x2 = 21 – 3

2x2 = 18

x2 = 9

x = ±3

You should have been able to predict that x would be a smallnumber, since, according to the equation, twice its square issmaller than 21.

23. The correct answer is (B). The area of a circle is A = πr2; the

radius equals the diameter. r = 3, and , or 3.14.

A = πr2

A = π(3)2

A = 9π

A = 9(3.14) = 28.26 sq. in.

24. The correct answer is (D). The scale is miles. In

there are thirty-one " units. The distance is 31 • 25 =

775 miles.

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25. The correct answer is (C). The amount the house was insuredfor is 80% of $83,000, or $66,400. The insurance is calculatedat 45¢ per hundred, or $4.50 per thousand of value. Since thereare 66.4 thousands of value, 66.4 × $4.50 per thousand equalsthe yearly premium of $298.80.

26. The correct answer is (C). The size of the job can be thought ofthis way: 18 clerks working for 26 days do 18 × 26 or 468clerk-days of work. To do 468 clerk-days of work in only 12days would require 468 ÷ 12 = 39 clerks.

27. The correct answer is (D). The digits in the answers are allalike, so you do not need to calculate. Move the decimal pointof the divisor two places to the right; do the same for thedividend. Then approximate.

28. The correct answer is (C). Solve this problem as you wouldany mixture-value problem. The numbers of cars sold are allrelated to the number of those sold for $4200. Call the numberof $4200 cars sold x. Then, the number of $5400 cars sold is3x, and the number of $4800 cars is 2x.

The value of $4200 cars sold is $4200 • x.

The value of $4800 cars sold is $4800 • 2x.

The value of $5400 cars sold is $5400 • 3x.

The sum of these values equals the total sales.

($4200 • x) + ($4800 • 2x) + (5400 • 3x) = $360,000

$4200x + $9600x + $16,200x = $360,000

$30,000x = $360,000

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x = $360,000 ÷ $30,000

x =12

Since x = 12 of the $4200 cars, 3x,or 36, of the $5400 modelwere sold.

29. The correct answer is (D). There is not enough information toanswer this problem. We must know how many attended thegame to determine how many paid full price.

30. The correct answer is (A). You must borrow one day’s worthof hours and one hour’s worth of minutes and rewrite theproblem as:

31. The correct answer is (B). The formula for the area of a triangle

is . Plug in the numbers:

32. The correct answer is (C). This is a tricky question. It doesn’task for 150% of 72, but rather to increase 72 by 150%. Since150% of 72 = 108, we add 72 and 108 for the correct answer,180.

33. The correct answer is (A). Choice (B) is read, “Four times the

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square of a certain number, minus 6, equals 2.” Choice (C) isread, “Four times the square of a number, divided by 3, minus6, equals 2.” Choice (D) is read, “One fourth a given number,divided by 3, minus 6, equals 2.”

34. The correct answer is (D). Write down both equations and addthem together.

35. The correct answer is (B). An ordinary die has six sides, eachhaving a different number of dots. The chance of any face

coming up is the same: .

36. The correct answer is (A). First, pick the two longest times,then compare them. 1,440 minutes and 25 hours are obviouslythe longest periods. 25 hours contains 1,500 minutes.

37. The correct answer is (D). The cars are traveling toward eachother, so the distance between them is being reduced at 60 + 50or 110 miles per hour. At a rate of 110 mph, 550 miles will becovered in 5 hours. If both cars left at 1 p.m., they should meetat 6 p.m.

38. The correct answer is (B). Choice (A) is 4930; choice (C) is483; choice (D) is 133.

39. The correct answer is (C). If 10 men earn $5400 in 12 days,

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each man earns $540 in 12 days, or $45 per day. Therefore, 6men working for 15 days at $45 per day will earn $4050.

40. The correct answer is (D). The map distance is , or

or . Each miles, and we know there are twelve

units in . Therefore, the twelve units correspond

to 60 miles in actuality.

41. The correct answer is (D). The area of a circle is found by A =pr2. The radius is half the diameter. To find the diameter whenthe area is known, divide the area by p to find the square of theradius.

78.5 ÷ 3.14 = 25

Since the square of the radius is 25, we know the radius is 5,and the diameter is twice the radius, or 10 inches.

42. The correct answer is (B). If a = 6, ab + 4 = 52 becomes 6b + 4= 52.

If 6b + 4 = 52

6b = 52 – 4

6b = 48

b = 8

43. The correct answer is (C). If of the jar is filled in 1 minute,

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then of the jar is filled in minute. Since the jar is full,

remains to be filled. The jar will be full in another


44. The correct answer is (D). First convert to a 24-hour clock.

3:30 p.m. = 15:30 o’clock

Then borrow one hour to make subtraction easier.

15:30 = 14:90

– 8:50 = – 8:50

= 6:40 = 6 hours 40 minutes

45. The correct answer is (D). Assign arbitrary values to solve thisproblem:

A square 10 ft. × 10 ft. = 100 sq. ft.

A rectangle 9 ft. × 11 ft. = 99 sq. ft.

Section 5: EssayExample of a well-written essay.

If I could spend an afternoon with any author, I wouldhave a wonderful conversation with Jules Verne. I think

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