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google search from entry to the proficient v3.0



1 Introduction ............................................... .................................................. .................................... 3

2, Summary ............................................... .................................................. .................................... 3

3, how to use the ............................................. .................................................. ...................... 4

4, google Introduction .............................................. .................................................. ......................... 4

5, the search entry .............................................. .................................................. ............................. 4

6, Elementary search ............................................. .................................................. .............................. 5

6.1, the search results required to include two or more keywords .................................... ...................... 5

6.2, the search results do not contain certain required information ....................................... ............................... 5

6.3, the search results including at least any one of a plurality of keywords .................................... .................. 6

6.4, "+", "-" mix and "OR" query .................................. ......................................... 6

6.5, use the "+" and "-" to reduce redundant information .................................... .......................................... 7

7, aided search .............................................. .................................................. ............................. 7

7.1, wildcard problem .............................................. .................................................. .............. 7

7.2, keyword letter case .......................................... .................................................. 7 ..

7.3, search the entire sentence ............................................. .................................................. ........... 7

7.4, search engines ignore the character and vocabulary ......................................... ......................................... 8

7.5, force search .............................................. .................................................. .................. 8

8, Advanced Search ............................................. .................................................. .............................. 8

8.1, to limit the search site .......................................... ................................................ 8

8.2, query a class file (often with the same extension) ................................... ....................... 9

8.3, search for keywords in the URL link ....................................... ............................... 10

8.4, search for keywords in the page title ....................................... ................................. 11

9, the other rarely used grammar ............................................ .................................................. ..................... 11

9.1, search for all links to a web URL address ...................................... ........................ 11

9.2, find the structure of a page with similar content pages ...................................... .......................... 12

9.3, query information from the google server cache page ....................................... .................... 12

9.4, info ............................................... .................................................. ........................ 12

10 Image Search .............................................. .................................................. ......................... 13

11 Search catalog ............................................. .................................................. ...................... 13

12, newsgroups (USENET) Search .......................................... .................................................. .14

13, the other outstanding features of ........................................... google .................................................. 14 ....

13.1, integrated toolbar ........................................... .................................................. ..... 14

13.2, the word in English to explain ............................................. .................................................. ....... 15

13.3, pages translated .............................................. .................................................. .............. 15

13.4, the search results filter ............................................. .................................................. ....... 16

14, the search for the keyword selection tips Preliminary ......................................... ................................................ 1615 , common search cases .............................................. .................................................. ................. 17

15.1, find someone .............................................. .................................................. ...................... 17

15.2, looking for software .............................................. .................................................. .................. 17

15.3, looking for pictures .............................................. .................................................. .................. 18

15.4, find MP3 .............................................. .................................................. ................. 19

15.5, find books .............................................. .................................................. ...................... 19

16, google search FAQ ............................................. .................................................. ............. 19

17, Postscript ............................................... .................................................. ................................ 20


 1 Introduction

I know google in the first half of 2000. Before this, I searched for information in English is usually

AltaVista, and the information is used to search Chinese Sina. But since then the use of google, it will be my

Favorite Searchengine it. This is also thanks to Sina users caoxi, because it was precisely because of his big

Force promotion, so I know it got google.


I remember the summer of 1996, and when I first contacted Internet, it was blowing magic levy

Served. Kind of horizon right close feeling, really fantastic. After a crazy WWW surfing and such

BBS as crazy drunk after indulging, I realized that my profound impact of the Internet is still the way of learning



How to describe this change it? Previous study, generally require pre-stored in the belly of a sufficient

Knowledge, if necessary, on the part extracted from the mass of the required information. This created a lot of learning "was

High Hatta, educated car, "the great wit, but to the field of information far beyond the" classics "of the new

Period, pre aimless way of learning to swallow vast amounts of information on some outdated. Let's say we

Book City to a large-scale, often have a loss of feeling. The old way of learning needs to be changed to fit

Should this era of information explosion. Purposeful learning, which is to know what to learn, and with a purpose

To find the answer, this approach appears to be more efficient. I might as well call this the "learning style that is" appropriate,

Old known as "pre-school style."


However, "that school" type of implementation is a prerequisite. First of all, requires the learner to have an all-encompassing

Repository of information for various purposes at any time to extract information; Secondly, we need a robust information retrieval tools,

For efficient extraction of information from the repository. Obviously, Internet mass of information that can act as

Library, and search engines, then it is looking for an excellent tool for the fire of light.


"For the public good work must first sharpen his tools." Internet is only one, and there are N number of search engines.

Search experts have said that the so-called search, is "using the right tools and the right way to find the right place

Find the right content. "But for ordinary people, the possibility to master many search engines do not seem to.

Relatively strong with twelve representative search tool to achieve the purpose of the vast majority of people are more urgent hope

Hope. Different times, the emergence of a different strong. For now, we are very fortunate to have: google


2, Summary

This article briefly describes the history and characteristics of google, google basic search and advanced search syntax

Grammar, google features, including image search, news search and integrated set of tools and so on, but also simple

Introduction to some common search techniques and practical cases. Although this article called "google search from entry to the fine

Pass ", but in fact, the author of the use of google search also still in the" Getting Started "stage.

 3, how to use the

Read this article preferably with some basic Boolean algebra-based, such as "and", "or", "not" and so on.

However, even if you have no knowledge in this area, do not care. Practice for those instances, your doubts

Will be solved. Just contact Web search readers, maybe you should read from start to finish

In this paper; But for those who have some search-based readers, only to find themselves jumping needed

Information on it. Of course, if you have some basic English, you can also put this article with google Daquan

(Http://www.google.com/about.html) In comparison, that would be better.


4, google Introduction

google (www.google.com) is a search engine from? .. University doctoral students Larry Page and

Sergey Brin in September 1998 invention, google Inc. Was founded in 1999. July 2000,

google replace Inktomi as Yahoo's search engine, the same year in September, google become China

NetEase's search engine. 98 years so far, google has received more than 30 industry awards.


google's success thanks to its powerful and unique features:


z google supports up to 132 languages, including Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese;

z google site search engine functions only, no bells and whistles of the burden;

z google fast, is said to have more than 10,000 servers, more than 200 T3 class broadband;

z google's patented PageRank PageRank technology to provide a high hit rate of the search results;

z google search results page content excerpt containing the keyword query, not just the site Jane


z google intelligent "I'm Feeling Lucky" feature that provides the most likely to meet the requirements of the site;

z google "cached" feature, taken directly from the google server in cached pages.


5, the search entry

Do use google search, of course, first to get into google website www.google.com. However,

163.com and actually yahoo.com.cn use google search engine, but the search results into

Line layout, but can not provide some features, such as image search and so on.


The first time into google, it will be based on your operating system, determine the language interface. Need to be reminded that,

google is done by setting the cookie to store the page, so if your system disables the cookie, then no

Law on google interface personal set.


google homepage is very refreshing, LOGO below, arranged in four major functional modules: web, images, new

Newsgroups and directory services. The default is the site search. Now for the first time search practice, to find all about

"Yi Jin Jing" in Chinese websites and web pages. Enter a keyword in the search box "Yi Jin Jing" and then click on "google search" button below (or press Enter), the results came out.


Search: "Yi Jin Jing"

Results: The search for Yi Jin Jing Chinese (Simplified) page. A total of about 5,930 results found, this is the first

1-10. Search took 0.12 seconds.

6, Elementary search

In the example, you already know the basic search queries that contain a single keyword information.

Now, to further explore the relationship between different logical query multiple keywords and keyword.


6.1, the search results required to include two or more keywords

General search engines need among multiple keywords with "+", and google without using plaintext "+"

To represent the logical "and" operation, as long as the space on it.


Example: search all contain the keyword "Yi Jin Jing" and "Xixingtaifa" The Chinese website

Search: "Yi Jin Jing Xixingtaifa"

Results: The search for Yijinjing Xixingtaifa of Chinese (Simplified) page. A total of about 774 query results,

This is the paragraph 1-10. Search took 0.24 seconds.


Note: The article quotes to search outside the grammar references only from the role, can not be brought into the search box.


6.2, the search results do not contain certain information requirements

google minus sign "-" indicates a logical "not" operation.


Example: search all contain "Yi Jin Jing" and contain "Xixingtaifa" The Chinese website

Search: "Yi Jin Jing - Xixingtaifa"

Results: The search for Yijinjing - Xixingtaifa of Chinese (Simplified) page. A total of about 5,150 items query results

If this is the first 1-10. Search took 0.40 seconds.


Note: Here the "+" and "-" sign is in English characters instead of Chinese characters "+" and "-."

In addition, between the operator and the role of keywords, with no spaces. For example, "Yi Jin Jing - Xixingtaifa"

Keyword search engine will be deemed to Yijinjing and Xixingtaifa logic "and" operation, in the middle of the "-" is


 6.3, the search results contain at least any one of multiple keywords

google represents a logical "or" operation with an uppercase "OR". Suppose you are the first batch of Britney and disabilities

Fans, and now you want to find all about Britney and the first batch of Chinese web pages with disabilities.


Example: The search included Britney Spears "Britney" or the Beatles "Beatles", or both and some Chinese


Search: "Britney OR Beatles OR OR Britney first batch disabilities"

Results: The search for Britney Britney OR Beatles OR OR first batch disabilities Chinese (Simplified) page.

A total of about 31,300 items query results, which is 1-10.


Note: The lowercase "or", when the query is ignored; such operations actually become above

Time "and" queries.


6.4, "+", "-" and "OR" of the hybrid query

Mixed order issues related to the query logical operators. In general, the search engine from left to right

Sequential read operations symbols. If only relate to "and" operation and "non" operation, the order will not be asked to produce

Questions, the number of irrelevant search results and keyword sequence, however, the results depending on the order of specific search keywords

Sequence may be. Simple "or" operation is also the same reason. However, if "or" search and check the other two

Inquiry mixed together, the problem is complicated. Now we do this query: "All About Britney or

Beatles, Madonna, but no information about Chinese website. "


Search: "Britney OR Beatles-Madonna"

Results: The search for Britney OR Beatles-Madonna's Chinese (Simplified) page.

A total of about 16,200 items query results, which is No. 1-10. Search took 0.23 seconds.


Search: "-Madonna Britney OR Beatles"

Results: The search for-Madonna Britney OR Beatles in Chinese (Simplified) page.

A total of about 16,200 items query results, which is No. 1-10. Search took 0.13 seconds.


Search: "Britney-Madonna OR Beatles"

Results: Can not find your query-Britney-Madonna OR Beatles-match pages


Search: "Britney OR-Madonna Beatles"

Results: Can not find your query-Britney OR-Madonna Beatles - matching pages


Therefore, "or" both before and after the operation must be the default keyword "and" queries, otherwise the search engines

Will be unable to complete the search.

 6.5, with the "+" and "-" to reduce the redundant information

Typically, using a keyword query, and the query will get a lot of redundant information purposes irrelevant.

We always hope that the first entry in the search results will contain the required information. "+" And "-" very

When he played more than narrow the search results to improve query results hit rate.


Example: Check Dragon which eight specific.


Analysis: If the light with the "Dragon" to do keyword, the search results have 20,300 items, and ranked in the forefront

The main and Jin Yong's novel "Dragon" related, it is difficult to find the information you need. You can use the two parties

France to reduce irrelevant results.


1, if you know eight in a department, such as Asura, increase the "Ashura" keyword. "Dragon eight

Department of Ashura, "the search results only 1,050 entries, you can quickly find all eight.

2, if you do not know any one in eight, but knew it associated with Buddhism, you can exclude small Jin Yong

Said related records. "Dragon Buddhism - Jin Yong," the query results to 1,120 items, you can quickly find

The information needed.


7, assisted search

7.1, wildcard question

Many search engine supports wildcards such as "*" represents a series of characters, "?" Represents a single character

And so on. google does not support wildcards, can only do precise query keywords in the "*" or "?" will be ignored

Slightly off.


7.2, keyword letter case

google for English characters are not case sensitive, "GOD" and "god" search results are the same.

7.3, search the entire sentence

google keyword phrases can be (no spaces), it can be a sentence (with a space),

However, with the sentences to do keyword must add quotes.


Example: The search included "long long ago" string page.

Search: "" long long ago ""

Results: The search for long long ago in Chinese (Simplified) page. A total of about 16,500 items query results,

This is the paragraph 1-10. Search took 0.06 seconds. 7.4, search engines ignore the character and vocabulary

google for some high frequency English words appearing on the network, such as the "i", "com", "www", etc.

And some symbols such as "*", "." And so on, for ignoring treatment.


Example: search for information about the First World War

Search: "" worldwar i ""

The results: "i" use too often, are not included in the search. Internet search has "worldwar i". Were

About 7,370 items query results, which is 1-10. Search took 0.17 seconds.

7.5 Forced search

If you want to ignore the mandatory keyword search, you need to add the keyword plaintext before the "+"



Example: Search contains "? Who am I" page. If "" who am i? "", "Who", "I",

"?" Will be omitted, the search will only use "am" as a keyword, so it should be used to force the search.

Search: "" + who + am + i ""

Results: Internet search has "+ who + am + i" a total of about 332,000 items query results, which is 1-10.

Items. Search took 3.68 seconds.


Note: Most common English symbols (such as question marks, periods, commas, etc.) can not become a search keyword

Strengthen the system does not work.


8, Advanced Search

As already discussed some of the most basic google search syntax. Typically, these simple search

The syntax has been able to substantially solve the problem. However, if you want faster and more apt to find the information you need,

You also need to know something more.


8.1, to limit the search site

"Site" means that the search results limited to a specific site or sites channels, such as "sina.com.cn",

"Edu.sina.com.cn", or a domain name, such as "com.cn", "com" and so on. If you want to row

Page within a site or domain name in addition to the range, just use "- website / domain."


Example: All contain "Yong" page search Chinese Education and Research website (edu.cn) on.

Search: "Jin Yong site: edu.cn"

Results: The search for Jin Yong site: edu.cn in Chinese (Simplified) page. A total of about 1,730 items query results, which is No. 1-10. Search took 0.23 seconds.


Example: Search contains "Yong" and "Gu" in Chinese Sina Web page,

Search: "Jin Yong Gu site: sina.com.cn"

Results: The search for Jin Yong Gu's Chinese (Simplified) pages sina.com.cn. A total of about 734

Results, which is 1-10. Search took 0.12 seconds.


Example: Search Sina Educational channel information about Lu Xun.

Search: "Lu Xun site: edu.sina.com.cn"

Results: The search has been edu.sina.com.cn about Lu Xun Chinese (Simplified) page. A total of about 672 check

Consultation results, which is 1-10. Search took 0.24 seconds.


Note: After the colon site for English characters, and no spaces after the colon, otherwise, "site:"

Will be used as a search keyword. In addition, the website domain name can not have "http" and "www" prefix

Can not have any "/" directory suffix; website channels only limited to "channel name domain.", Rather

Can not be "domain / channel name" approach. Such as "Jin Yong site: edu.sina.com.cn / 1 /" syntax is wrong



8.2, query a class file (often with the same extension)

"Filetype:", which is still in the testing phase characteristics of google queries, but the functionality has been very strong

Large, can do a lot of unexpected things, oh.


The most important is the PDF document search search. ADOBE PDF is developed electronic document formats,

Electronic publishing has now become the standard of the Internet. Currently google searchable PDF documents about

25 million or so. PDF documents are usually integrated documentation of some illustrated, the information provided is generally higher than

More focused and comprehensive.


Example: Search on e-commerce (ECOMMERCE) PDF documents.

Search: "ecommerce filetype: pdf"

Results: Internet search has a total of about 25,500 items ecommerce filetypedf query results, this is the first.

91-100 items. Search took 0.44 seconds.


Here is a search result:


[PDF] www.ecommerce.gov / apec

Document Type: PDF / Adobe Acrobat - general text file

Page 1. A Partnership of the Business Community With APEC Economies


Page 2 ....


- Similar pages

 You can see, google plus PDF files before the [PDF] tag, but also, google the PDF text

Pieces converted into a text file, click on the "plain text file", you can roughly see the PDF document within roughly

Yung. Of course, PDF format is the original picture and no.


PDF documents can also be used to search "inurl:" syntax. For example, the above example, you can use the "inurldf

ecommerce ". roughly the same number of search results, but the order of the query results slightly vary considerably.


Note that the above queries are retrieved within the text of the PDF, "ecommerce" keyword is included

In the PDF document.


"Filetype" Another powerful use the search in the picture. Will google image search function below

Can be described in detail here just a little mention. Enter "http://images.google.com/", Find

JPG picture of Osama bin Laden.


Search: "Bin Laden filetype: jpg"

Results: The search for information about Bin Laden filetype: jpg images (). (Trial version) a total of about 1,630 items

Query results, which is 1-20. Search took 0.14 seconds.


In addition, I have not found another filetype usage. If anyone knows, please send me an email.

Thanks in advance.


8.3, search for keywords in the URL link

"Inurl" link syntax returns contains the first keyword, followed by the keyword appears in

Link or web page document. There are many sites to a certain type of resource names with the same attributes displayed in the Head

Recorded name or page name, such as "MP3", "GALLARY" and so on, so you can use INURL

Syntax find links to these resources, and then use the second key to determine whether there is a specific item.

The biggest difference INURL grammar and basic search syntax is that the former can often provide very precise topics



Example: Find MIDI song "沧海一声笑."

Search: "inurl: midi 沧海一声笑"

Results: The search for inurl: midi 沧海一声笑 in Chinese (Simplified) page. A total of about 16 queries

As a result, it is 1-10. Search took 0.16 seconds.


Example: Find the Microsoft Web site information on windows2000 of security issues.

Search: "inurl: security windows2000 site: microsoft.com"

Results: The search for inurl within microsoft.com: security windows2000 page. About

There are 188 results, which is No. 1-10. Search took 0.27 seconds.


Note: "inurl:" No spaces behind, google nor URL symbols such as "/" to search.

For example, google will "cgi-bin/phf" in the "/" as a space treatment.


"Allinurl" syntax returns linked pages contained all active keywords. The key to this query

Word to focus only on the page link string.


Example: Find PHF may have security vulnerabilities company website. CGI-BIN directory usually these sites

Contains PHF script (the script is unsafe), and in the link is the "domain

/ Cgi-bin/phf ".

Syntax: "allinurl:" cgi-bin "phf + com"

Search: Search the Internet has allinurl:. "Cgi-bin" phf + com total of about 37 results, which is

1-10. Search took 0.36 seconds.


8.4, search for keywords in the page title

"Intitle" and "allintitle" usage similar to the above inurl and allinurl, but the latter

URL query, while the former title bar for web search. Page title is the HTML tag

Section title in language between. A key element of web design principles is to bring home with simple

Language represents the title of the page. So, just check the title bar, you can usually find topics related to high rates



Example: Find Japanese star Norika Fujiwara photo collection.

Search: "intitle: Norika Fujiwara photo"

Results: The search for intitle: Norika Fujiwara portrait of Chinese (Simplified) page. A total of about 465 queries

As a result, it is 1-10. Search took 0.16 seconds.


9, the other rarely used grammar

9.1, search for all links to a web URL address

If you have a personal website, estimated curious to know how many people made the link to your website. And

"Link" syntax will allow you to quickly achieve this goal.


Example: search all point to the Free Software Park with "www.newhua.com" linked pages.

Search: "link: www.newhua.com"

Results: The search page has links to www.newhua.com. A total of about 856 query results, which is

1-10. Search took 0.17 seconds.


Note: "link" operation can not be mixed with other syntax, so the "link:" Even if there is a space behind,

Google will also be ignored.

 9.2, find the structure of a page with similar content pages

"Related" to search for structures similar content pages. Example: search all Chinese Sina

Similar home page (such as Netease Home, Sohu Home, CDC Home, etc.)

"Related: wwwsina.com.cn / index.shtml".



9.3, query information from the google server cache page

"Cache" to search for a page on google cache server, usually used to find some already

Deleted dead links page, equivalent to using the normal search results page in the "Cached" feature.


Example: Find yahoo google cache Chinese Home

Search: "cache: www.yahoo.com.cn"

Results: This is the page of Google http://cn.yahoo.com/ database snapshots.

Google has been the first preview of each site, photographed pages snapshot archive.

This page may have a newer version, please click here for the new version.


9.4, info

info to display a series of links to related searches, providing cache, link, related and completely

Function contains pages that link.


Example: to find some relevant information and Sina Home.

Search: "info: www.sina.com.cn"

Results: www.sina.com.cn of pages of information about.


Sina Home

Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai Station Station Station .... Home, |, News, |, sports, |, Finance, |,

Technology, |, entertainment, |, games, |, military, |, healthy, |, education, |, cars, |,

Women, |, personal home ....

Description: Press Center in Beijing, including news and comment.

Category: World> Chinese Simplified> News


This Web site provides information google:


Check google page snapshot in www.sina.com.cn archive

Find and www.sina.com.cn similar pages

Find web pages that link to www.sina.com.cn

Find pages containing "www.sina.com.cn"

10 Image Search

I have to admit, google image search feature is really a great invention! ! google claiming to be

320,000,000 to retrieve pictures, saying that he is "the best image search tools on the Internet use." Exhausted

This function is currently still in the tube B testing phase, but it does have a very easy to use!


google home page click on "images" link to enter a google image search interface

"Images.google.com". You can enter a description of the image content within a keyword in the keyword field, such as

"Britney spears", will search a large number of pictures of Britney Spears. I am not yet very clear

Pictures arranged standards, but to observe, it seems that the image file name exactly matches arranged keyword

Compare exam, then arranged in a standard ordinary page searches.


google search results have given an intuitive thumbnail (Thumbnail), and the abbreviated

Simple description map, such as image file name, and size. Click on a thumbnail, the page is divided into two frames, the

Jen is a thumbnail image of, and page links, and the next Jen, which is the image of the page. Top right of the screen

Corner there is a "Remove Frame" button, you can quickly switch to the single frame page Zhen results page

Face, very convenient.


google image search syntax currently supported include the "+", "-", "OR", "site" and "filetype".


Example: Find American education online Big Bang jpg picture

Search: "BIG BANG filetype: jpg site: edu"

Results: The search for information about BIG BANG filetype: jpg site: edu picture (). (Trial version)

A total of about 337 query results, which is 1-20. Search took 1.99 seconds.


11 Search catalog

If you do not want to search for a wide range of pages, but want to find some special website, you can access google sub

Class List "http://directory.google.com/".


Categories currently using google to use the content of the ODP. "Open Directory Project"

Netscape is chaired by a large public web directory. Edited by volunteer personnel around the world to trial

Nuclear selection page, and depending on the nature and content of the web page to categorize. Thus, in the category of a directory into

Line search can often have a higher hit rate. Also, google according to their professional "PageRank"

(PageRank) technology registered in the directory website sorted, you can make the search more efficient in general



Example: Find what Chinese information about cancer treatment and care of

Search: first into Chinese Simplified classified directory, and then enter the "healthy" subdirectory, select OK "only in health

In the search. "Radio program in the search box enter" cancer "search results: search for cancer classification healthy items in a total of about 370 results, which is 1-10 found.

Sok took 0.05 seconds.


You can see, the above query results more efficiently than ordinary search, because search conducted in the classification of health items

Sok excludes many irrelevant invalid information such as news and the like. However, for Chinese users, now

The biggest problem is the Chinese volunteer directory editor too little, too little leads to a collection site, so search results Fan

Wai seems too narrow. Hopefully this problem can google as well as projects in the country ODP loud fame

And can be changed.


12, newsgroups (USENET) Search

A detailed classification of newsgroup topic, there are certain themes expert management and editing, with a large number of valuable

Value information. Since the information contained in it is a newsgroup massive, so do not use tools to retrieve is unlikely

Energy. DEJA been a newsgroup search engine leader. February 2001, google will DEJA

DEJA acquisition and provides all the functions. Now, in addition to search outside, google also support newsgroups

WEB browsing and posting functions.


Into google news group "http://groups.google.com/".

Search: "cavemen"

Results: The search cavemen in each group of about 18 results, which is 1-10. Search

Sok took 0.29 seconds.


Search results Default accordance with the "Content" arrangement, but you can also click on the "by date" button,

Let posts arranged in release date.


Since newsgroup posts it is more, and it also involves some common search syntax that are not, the

To recommend the use of "Advanced Groups Search" to enter the advanced search interface. Advanced Search provides newsgroup message content,

Category theme, title, commenter, message code, language, and as a condition of release date search. Among

Term refers to the author of the posting unique identification number used by e-mail.


13, the other outstanding features google

13.1, integrated toolbar

In order to facilitate the searcher, google toolbar provides integrated in the browser, users do not need to open

google home page you can enter a keyword in the search toolbar.






























And so on.






























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Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide


Version 1.1, released on December 24, 2008



        Welcome to the Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide. This document is initially only used internally at Google, but

We take into account that it might just contact search engine optimization, and would like to improve the site with users and search

Engine interactive website administrators will help, too, so we organize it further perfect hair

Watch out for your reference. Although this guide does not tell you what to do to make their sites ranked in Google search

The first results, but follow some recommended practices described below will make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your

Content of the site.


        Search engine optimization usually refers to certain parts of your site to do some minor improvements. If an individual point of view, this

The effect of these improvements may not be so obvious. But when combined with other optimization perspective, they will have your network

User Experience station in the search results and the performance has a significant impact. You may this guide quite a

Points already familiar with the topic, because they constitute the basic elements of the page are, but you may not very

Full use of these basic elements.


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Rapid Characterization of Earthquakes Using Social Networks

Paul Earle and Michelle Guy, U.S. Geological Survey, Golden, Colorado, USA


Seismologists have long relied on personal accounts to characterize earthquake effects and to understand their im-

pact. Isoseismal maps generated from personal diaries and newspaper reports are sometimes the only constraints on

magnitude and epicenter for pre-instrumental earthquakes.

The advent of modern regional, national, and global seismic networks has not replaced the utility of personal ac-

counts. There will always be more people than seismometers and the abundance of personal observations can someti-

mes be more meaningful than a few precise measurements. Personal accounts fi ll geographic voids in instrumentation

and describe macroseismic effects such as building damage and urgent needs of the impacted population that cannot

be conveyed by instrumental measurements.

With the advent of Internet-based information sharing, the speed at which personal accounts are obtained is as-

tounding. National and international seismic networks produce robust maps of seismic Intensity in 10’s of minutes

following widely felt earthquakes using calibrated questionnaires voluntarily submitted by the public. Moreover,

personal accounts of shaking are available to the world within seconds via social networking sites such as Twitter and


Macroseismic observations are collected from many sources. Some sources are specifi cally targeted for the purpose

such as intensity questionnaires, whereas others, such as newspaper accounts, are intended for informing the public.

The latter can be considered as secondary sources that are not scientifi cally motivated but provide useful content

when interpreted with caution. In this presentation, we focus on extracting information from a newly available se-

condary source: the micro-blogging service Twitter.


Twitter is a service that allows anyone to send and receive 140-character text messages (tweets) via the Internet or

cell phone. Tweets can be sent publicly or privately to a specifi ed user. All users who opt to “follow” a Twitter user

will receive that user’s tweets and messages. It is these public messages that separate Twitter from instant message

services that typically involve person-to-person chatting rather than person-to-world.

The potential to use tweets for earthquake characterization is based on the fact that public tweets are stored in an

openly searchable database. Using utilities provided by Twitter, anyone can continuously stream tweets containing

desired keywords to their computer. The geographic origin of the tweets can often be derived from locations specifi ed

in a user’s profi le or the tweet can optionally be tagged with accurate latitude and longitude coordinates, if sent from

a GPS enabled device.

Twitter-based earthquake assessment and alerts

People tweet following earthquakes. Figure 1 shows the tweets per minute containing the word “earthquake” or its

equivalent in Spanish and Indonesian generated from September to November 2009. Clear peaks exist in the data,

most of which are associated with earthquakes. In regions with high densities of Twitter users, initial earthquake

tweets are generally submitted within 20 seconds of the event (Figure 2). This can be compared with the 2 to 20

minutes required for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to publicly distribute instrumentally derived estimates of

location and magnitude.

A prototype internal application at the USGS automatically gathers, summarizes, and maps earthquake tweets (Figure

3) to provide a rapid overview of what people experienced. The application is currently triggered by instrumentally

derived locations and we are investigating detecting possible earthquake events directly from an increase of Twitter

“earthquake” messages. Using this application we receive fi rsthand accounts of shaking at the same time as previous

alerts that only contained hypocenter and magnitude estimates.

In ideal situations, a rough qualitative map of the felt area can be generated from tweets (Figure 4) (Earle et al.,

2010). These maps are in basic agreement with results that are produced by the USGS “Did You Feel It” system (Wald

et al., 1999a). However, the usefulness of the Twitter-based maps is time limited. They are superseded by quanti-

tative maps of ground shaking produced from “Did You Feel It” and instrumentally derived ShakeMaps (Wald et al.,

1999b) that provide a superior overview of the shaking distribution.

Other social-networking tools and Internet data mining techniques beyond Twitter have similar potential. Automati-

cally scanning other services such as Facebook and Flickr could yield fi rsthand accounts and damage photos. Inter-

net-based systems that do not rely on social networking are also feasible. The European-Mediterranean Seismological

Centre has implemented a system to map out the felt region of an earthquake by geocoding the IP addresses of people

visiting their Web site (Bossu et al., 2008). The rapid increase in web visits is sometimes EMSC’s fi rst indication that

an earthquake has occurred.

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I recently had a dozen or so conversations with executives and entrepreneurs about what Google is doing. Some imagined buying yachts after a Google acquisition. Others feared downgrading to a canoe if Google entered their space. So I put this fun little video together for LinkedIn [to accompany my article on Forbes and full (free) report) explaining why Google does what it does - and what it might do next.

The 4E's of Google Strategy

Unlike companies with swarms of MBA's making slides few will cherish, Google has an experimental culture that empowers employees, but ultimately defends its core. The approach can be broken down into four parts.

The first part is 'Earn'. Google makes 95% of its money from advertising. Even though other parts of its business are growing faster, it's not going to morph into a chain of waffle houses anytime soon.

The second part of the strategy involves enticing people to use services that can either deliver ads or collect data to improve targeting. Others fall into the Expand category where Google seeks to increase internet usage. If you're online more, Google knows it will ultimately benefit. That explains projects like self-driving cars or wifi balloons in Africa.

Finally, Google lets employees experiment. Some become full-fledged products. Other experiments are "big-bets" on things like solar or investments by Google Ventures in promising startups it might someday ingest.

Google Asset Size & Growth

Here’s a snapshot of Google’s products. For all three sections, growth is the vertical axis. We used a combination of available data, educated guesses and Kangaroo hair. Don’t ask... The idea was to show relative performance.

As you can see in the first column, the big earners like DoubleClick and AdWords are growing in the 16-18% range. Offers and wallet, will be important, but hardly register on the revenue meter so far. As I’ll explain later, I think they’ll play an important part in Google’s future.

Shopping has undergone a lot of changes since its Foogle screen scraping days. Now, it requires merchants to upload inventory, not unlike eBay and Amazon. The site is not at critical mass and some categories look like shelves in Soviet-era supermarkets. It might have limited time to adjust its business model or risk turning off prospective users who came expecting an orgy of options.

The entice category has most of Google’s high growth properties at the top. Search has over a 1 billion users. Chrome isn’t far behind with 39% global browser share or roughly $750M. And Gmail is right around 500. Google+ is said to be between 150-200 million, but it’s hard to say for sure. Some have an account just so they can use other Google products. Android and Play are

at about 400 million phones. Blogger and Orkut might as well call a priest. Father Google Plus is about to drown . In Expand,

Motorola is in huge market but not growing. Only Samsung and Apple make any profit in this market. So expect Google to sell it sometime soon. Nexus plays in a 400M tablet market, but really it’s a need to compete device a lot like Microsoft Surface.


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