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Page 1: Worldwide Wakeup Call ~ Explanations with Eva and Duane






THE NUPRESENTATION FOUNDATION IS REALIn 2012, Duane The Great Writer, created The NUPresentation Foundation, a California Nonprofit Community Organization. Duane is a California General

Contractor. We are ALLHumanitarian Developers & Educators with The Natural Environment that Supports ALL of US. The RealFocus & RealPurpose of The NUFoundation is 'YOUR OCEANS NOW' as a Wakeup Call for Everyone, and especially for The Children of The World, they are The Future Now. The land, the air and Your Oceans are all heavily poisoned and polluted, which is part of the Marketing Ploys of GMO TechFood, Lethal Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals,

ChemTrails, Fluoridation and so much more. When there are people and businesses supporting these pollutants and so many other unnatural creations that harm The Natural Environment, people are then supporting the DarkBrats

that rule this world and who are destroying it. This is why We have created The ALLSolar Research Vessel Project, so that Everyone get involved with The

ALLNatural Environment and take the attention off of destroying it. With the Business Plan we have created, everyone Becomes Successful and More

Aware. This level of Life is a Business World, and there are so many ways to work 'with' The Natural Environment. We are The NUPresentation Foundation.

What We do with The NUPresentation FoundationWe are 'Free Beings of RealLight' and we Become MoreAware by Sharing Something Beneficial & Wonderful as we live and work with The Natural

Environment that Supports ALL of US. More than just Nature, The Natural Environment is with The Whole of Life, that which is moreso unseen than is seen on the earth alone. By Sharing Something Beneficial & Wonderful with

each other, You Become MoreAware in The TruSense with Your RealAwareniss. Rebazar Tarzs & Paul Twitchell have Shared with Duane The Great Writer, and now DuaneIS Sharing with all those who want RealTruth & RealFreedom Now. There is no RealTruth & RealFreedom in Creation, there is only what can be created and possibly refer to The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS. This then

becomes 'An Adventure Like No Other' for You to get past all the roadblocks and

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restrictions that You have agreed to that look so real, but are nothing more than creations in Creation. It is here that YU, The RealU is tested to see if YU will

WakeUp and Recognize yourself as a Being of Light, and then eventually learn to PerSeeve THE ALLIS. Very few can get past the Gods of Man and all their

Emotional Attachments from lifetimes of relationships that keep YU here.

We have all gone though lifetimes of processing our experiences with the PersonalSelf until we have The RealCourage to BE a Real RiskTaker and 'Go for The Sky and into The Sun' so to speak. The Authoritarians, their Invented Gods & Saviors, along with what has become Political, Religious, Spiritual and

Korporate Businesses, have held the masses to Creation. The RealLUV people are looking for cannot be found with any of the Karmic Kreations in time and

space, even with all the Marketing Ploy that has been intimidatingly driven into the subconscious minds of the unaware. The RealSecret & RealLUV that YU

are looking for is with THE ALLIS. Once YU 'Recognize' What IS Real Now and THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN, Duane The Great Writer, who was appointed by

Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides, then YU are onto Your Journey to RealFreedom past all the restrictions from all YU have known. Almost everyone on the earth look to Kontrolling Earthly Korporations (KEK) that restrict people to

the Lower Astral Realm with their 'Pretty Words' of persuasion.

The RealFocus to succeed with RealLUV & RealFreedom is to BE Bold & Brave & Share Your RealExperiences from RealGuidance and Your DreamVisions. As we each Share What IS Real Now, we Become MoreAware and so do others.

This is how LifeIS, moreso than just following something created that only looks to be authentic! Tradition and what has been created in the past had its time and place, but it does not mean that Tradition has any value Now accept as a Reference and a Comparison. RealValue will be demonstrated to those who Test The NU-U Sessions and contact Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides in Your DreamVisions. There is so much more to ourselves and The

Whole of Life than just staying here unaware and being comfortable.

THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN, DUANE THE GREAT WRITERHuman History has changed since 1965 when Paul Twitchell was given what he termed 'The Rod of Power' from Rebazar Tarzs. There were two masters

who followed Paul and took Paul's 'title' and 'did not' accomplish the awareness Paul did, and YU can ask Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides and YU will be shown What IS Real Now in Your DreamVisions. They were both given

the 'opportunity' to Do Something Wonderful, but they both decided to be Kontrolled by the Alien Influence that Kontrols earth as they Worship the Gods

of Man. The Religions of the Gods are on the Astral, Causal and Mental Realms, of which there are thousands of different offshoots all over this world,

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as the Reptilian Kontrollers have created so many Deceptive Korporations for people to 'believe' in. There are no 'gods, masters or saviors' in The Real

UNUVerses of ALLight & ALLSound from The Seventh Level up to The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS, only Wonderful Beings of RealLight who are RealGuides. Most people only see the 'front' the Reptilian Religions have

created on the earth and never look to The RealSide of Life for a confirmation. A RealConfirmation will be shown to those who do The NU-U Sessions and

contact Rebazar Tarzs & Paul Twitchell. Paul taught everyone to look to their 'inner experiences' for verification to See who stands in The RealPosition with

The TruReality LifeIS, which is Now termed 'The RealSide with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides' THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN, Duane The Great Writer.

Duane is not a master, nor are The RealGuides, We Are Real with The TruReality, THE ALLIS. Not everyone is ready to go beyond their 'mental ideas' they have been conditioned to while with the Earthly Korporations of Creation.

Creation is not the 'Ultimate' it is merely something 'Created' as a 'Front' Some 'Fronts' have a benefit, but many are deceptive. YU can learn to 'See

Behind The Scenes' and all the Created Fronts in Your DreamVisions!

Most of this world does not as yet realize The Bigger Picture of what is taking place on the earth Right Now and with The Whole of Life. As of 2001, when

Duane was given The Rod of Power from Rebazar & Paul, then in 2007, when all this was changed to become, THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN NOW, everything that was before 2001 and 2007 are mainly 'ideas' floating in time and space and in people's minds. Even with all the 'appearances' of masters, gurus and their temples and memberships, these things are merely 'Fronts' to the public and nothing more. All the so-called 'ancients scriptures' and writings are nothing more than words on paper, along with the 'pretty speeches' that are made by

Political and Religious Karmic Kontrollers. All of this and so much more can be easily confirmed from The RealSide with Rebazar & Paul in Your DreamVisions.

If YU do not 'Take The Risk' to find out 'What IS Real Now' then YU will stay asleep until YU do decide to WakeUp. Here is some more information for YU...

Duane personally knew Paul Twitchell when he was here and was trained by Rebazar for lifetimes and was secretly being taught with Paul, as described in 'The AdventurIS Series' Duane knew the other master in Menlo Park and was on the Building Committees for the Sedona Project with Patti Simpson & Helen Frye. Duane saw the transition between Paul and the other master. The first

master (DG) started off fine, but after some years began to go with his personal ego and being Kontrolled by the Alien Krone Influence that is written about in Duane's NUBooks. When The RealGuides prepared the second master (HK)

after Paul, they asked the other master to step aside. He put up a fight and so came the confrontations between them. The other master was shown that if he

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did not step aside his karma would be a lot worse, so he finally let go. When the second master stepped in he was doing fine, until SHE showed up. SHE is a

Reptilian Alien who has taken over the temple the second master built and was sent by the Kalaum God to takeover the little master and the MemberShrimps,

which SHE has done so eloquently. I must admit, SHE is Good! SHE is a Reptilian Alien and is very good at disguising herself to the public. She TapLines

the MemberShrimps in their Astral, Causal, Mental and Etheric Bodies in their dreams while they are asleep and unaware, then drains their energy and money.

This is why so many of the MemberShrimps have pain and disease. If YU do not pay her SHE will delete your 'Fake' initiations. It is all arrogance and

intimidation just like the World Kontrolling Reptilian Ratican in Rome, who has done even worse through the ages. The Political Systems of this planet are

mainly Kontrolled by Reptilians, the One World Order (OWO) even the President of the US. With the Krone Korporation it is all about the money and the Kontrol,

as SHE works with the One World Order and the Cabal that rules this world. SHE is the same Reptilian Alien as the President and his wife, including many

past Presidents and World Religious Figures, and all those who work with these people and they are all over this planet. When YU have The RealCourage to

'WakeUp' and BE Real, Rebazar & Paul will show YU what is really taking place Now, or YU can just keep pretending that everything is fine here with the

Beloved Invented Space Gods and their Reptilian Religions, as YU have done for lifetimes and YU will still be here as their slave, servant and co-worker in the future! Worshiping Religions are Black Magic VoooDooo! The TruReality LifeIS

has nothing to do with the Kontrolling Earthly Korporations, KEK Systems, as they have infected everything and are feeding people Lethal Vaccines to keep

people Dumbed Down with Autism. Is your master telling YU about what is happening on this Poisoned Planet? Of course HE & SHE is not, because HE is

part of it. Watch Your DreamVisions and YU will See... Have Fun Deciding!!

To get a better VU of what really is taking place on Earth Now, I suggest to start with 'The Truth about The Federal Reserve Act of 1913' This is one example of so many to discover what is really taking place on the Earth Now! As YU go on

the Internet and YouTube, YU will find a lot of connections to this and more!YU already have ALL Your Answers in Your DreamVisions with RealGuidance.


TRANSITION OF THE OLD MASTERSDuane was with Paul, Patti Simpson and Helen Baird in 1970, and actually

before this time on The RealSide with Rebazar Tarzs, as written about in The NUBooks of Duane. When Paul translated, Duane was at the Fifth World Wide Seminar in Las Vegas, Nevada, where the other master was announced, and

what has now become the Krone Korporation. Paul was not around to

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announce the other master, and only certain people had the 'inner' experience of him being chosen by The RealGuides who were known as masters at that time. When (DG) became too corrupt and out of control, Rebazar & The RealGuides

asked him to leave, and so reluctantly the other master announced the little master at the Anaheim, California Seminar, as the New Master, and Duane was

there. Shortly after the second master (HK) took his position and took Paul's title as the other master did, SHE arrived and took over, the Reptilian Alien, sent

by Kalaum to totally hypnotize what would soon become the Dumbed Down MemberShrimps of the Kontrolling Krone Korporation. The RealGuides gave

the little TapLining master a lot of time to get things straightened up with himself, but he was not interested, because he only listens to his Reptilian Mate and

what SHE tells him. The Reptilian Alien (RA) has convinced the Old TapLining master to look to the Gods of Man, the Kalaum God of Religion and Political Kontrol and have the MemberShrimps do the same. It all looks 'good' from a

human view as a 'Spiritual Business' but as YU investigate into the Astral Worlds, YU will begin to See the TapLines the Old master and SHE have put on

the Paying MemberShrimps. Rebazar & The RealGuides left the Old master decades ago, yet they do work with those who are ready to WakeUp from the

Karmic Kontrol of Reptilian SHE and her Deceptive TapLining master.

As RealHistory will reveal, Duane needed time to prepare for what was to come, and on August 3, 2001, Duane was asked by The RealGuides to step into The

RealPosition for THE IS, The TruUnknown Wonderfulniss LifeIS. Duane did not claim any mastership, even though The RealGuides wanted him to. Duane was only interested in Sharing What IS Real Now. On The RealSide, the little master

and Duane shook hands to make the transition and to announce Duane's appointment with The RealGuides & THE IS, but the little master' s Intent was

not to let go of what he had been given as an 'Honorable Position' with what has now been taken over by Reptilian SHE. The Personal Side of the Old master on the earth was not interested in announcing Duane and stepping aside to let

The RealPosition of Duane to be known, so only those who are Real RiskTakers will go to The RealSide to See THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN, Duane The Great

Writer, as he Stands with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides with THE ALLIS. The Challenge with Duane has been huge and is only getting bigger, as he

takes on Sharing Something Wonderful with this entire planet and thru all the PsycRealms of time and space. This is a WorldWide WakeUp for Everyone and The Natural Environment. This RealAdventure is only for The Real RiskTakers!

Rebazar Tarzs & The Real Guides Presents... THE NUMANWhen Paul Twitchell came onto the scene in 1965, Paul was The New Man for that time, because he had The Rod of Power. All the other masters and gurus, such as Jesus, Krishna, Gandhi, Mother Teresa and whoever else there was in

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Human History are all in the past and what they said and did is fine, but they had nothing to do with what Paul was presenting. This IS Now with Duane The

Great Writer... THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN NOW. There is no more 'Rod of Power' only in people's minds! The TruReality LifeIS only Recognizes...

DUANEIS THE NUMAN appointed by Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides. All other masters, gurus, saviors, gods and so on are Old News and

respectively have their place in Human History and that is it! THE NUWAVIS, IS Moreso than The Rod of Power ever was. All the Old Words, such as OM, AUM,

HU and so many others do not have The RealConnection to The SoundLight Reality of THE IS. This has all been decided by THE ALLIS. Whatever a

person 'Thinks' in their mind is fine, but it has nothing to do with Rebazar Tarzs & THE ALLIS NOW. Take The Risk and See for yourself by Testing The NU-U!

Here is an old saying that applies to what Duane is doing Now..."All Truth passes thru three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as Self-Evident. RealTruth goes through the

same process to be Recognized & PerSeeved" Anyone can 'Think' whatever they want to with their Traditional Paths of Gods and how they get their followers

to chase their Ghost of Freedom, but only RealFreedom can be Recognized, and must be earned by Being The Real RiskTaker, there is no other way! Like

the Sun Shining, The TruReality LifeIS can only BE Real for those who have The RealCourage to step beyond all their Agreed Restrictions. Rebazar, Paul & The RealGuides have never advocated any Worshiping and Praying to anything, yet

this world bows and kneels to their masters as they are being poisoned and Dumbed Down. Life Does Make Sense, but only YU can Make Sense of Your Life! YU are your own Fate and Destiny, or YU Decide to Become MoreAware!

Also... “All Deception shows up no matter how well it is concealed and how long it is has been hidden, it too will become Self-Evident to Everyone” (DuaneIS)

ALLife IS Invisible and We are Not Bodies, We are Beings of RealLight!In the Physical Sense with words and phrases, people are trying to understand the idea of 'The Meaning of Life' when Sensibly and Realistically they should be

learning to Explore and Discover their own Decided Meaning. THE ISNIS LifeIS, IS Already Complete, so we do not have to add anything to IT, but simply

Decide where we stand, this IS UNUversal Positioning (UP). Duane can only 'Hint' at the possibilities of THE ALLIS that must be 'Recognized' and not

Literalized. The Invented Deceptive Systems of Belief & Literalized Doctrines are nothing more than 'Words on Paper' and have no sacred significance.

Those who use the terms, god, soul, consciousness, old titles of authority and sacred doctrines are with the Kalaum God who rules over the Five Psychic Realms of Cause & Effect, Karma & Reincarnation. Rebazar Tarzs & The

RealGuides have nothing to do with any 'Traditional or Historical' creations, not

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even those of Paul Twitchell's. Those people who are still 'Set in their Minds' that what Paul created is still valid are not looking to Rebazar Tarzs & Paul

Twitchell Now, but are still 'Living in the Past' with Reptilian Alien SHE and HER TapLining Old master. Only THE ALLIS IS REAL!! The TruReality LifeIS IS

Invisible, not visible like the Invented Space Gods. We all have these Funny Bodies here as a process to go thru to prepare ourselves to 'Meet Ourselves' in

The TruSense, which has nothing to do with the 'Business World' of creating nonsense for people to act as Dumbed Down Followers and Worshipers and

Paying (Praying) to Kontrolling Kult Gods and their Earthly TapLining masters.

LifeIS The RealAdventure and only for The Real RiskTakers!The earth and all the RoundWorlds are places we all have to go until we are ready to WakeUp to THE ALLIS. This IS THE REAL ISNISS, Paul Twitchell

wrote about, but he knew that most people were not ready to 'Recognize' The TruReality LifeIS, so it was that Paul would do his creation along the lines of so

many other 'Spiritual' teachings. The other master and the Old master were supposed to expand upon what Paul did, as this only makes sense, but they did not have the awareness to do so, and so today what Paul created has become just another one-dimensional Korporation that has been taken over by Reptilian SHE, just like so much of this world is owned and run by the Original Reptilians

that came here and created the Gods of Man, along with the Political and Religious Systems. Whether people 'Believe' this or not does not matter to

Rebazar & The RealGuides, who are no longer 'masters' as so many still 'Think' with their minds. Paul wrote and spoke about many things that people still relate to, but Rebazar & Paul no longer See these things in the same way, as they do

not look to the past for anything of RealValue, because LifeIS AlwaysNU & Now!

Life already knows that most people will stay with Creation and with things that 'Appear' to be something, such as the bodies we have gone through for untold lifetimes. LifeIS ALL about Your RealAwareniss, not about what is 'thought' to

be 'this or that' as with the Personal Life of a person while they still have a body somewhere. It is a good experience people have when they are happy, but there is a lot more to Life than just Personal Happiness. This is one of the

reasons the Krone Korporation has been taken over by TapLining Reptilians. The MemberShrimps are so emotionally attached to their Old master, which has

been the plan of Alien SHE all along, so that the Reptilians who live off Astral Emotions can easily enter people's auras. From Paul's time to Now, all this TapLining has been going on, and the Old master and SHE are buried with

Karmic Debt for lifetimes and will have fun with the Lords of Karma from now on!

The Real RiskTaker is never satisfied with what goes on with this world of Created Things. The Real RiskTaker always Looks for another way to See their

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life than just the 'Standard View' of personal happiness and comfort with their suburbia lifestyle. The Real RiskTaker sets their life up to where they are always

focused on THE ALLIS and Doing Something Wonderful, like Rebazar, Paul & Duane&Eva, and that nothing else matters, because it is a RealLife and not just a Daily Drama of Agreeing with how others are surviving here on a temporary basis. Even when a person joins a so-called spiritual path and 'Feels Good'

about themselves, they are still basically at an emotional level with their contentment, because they do not know about THE ALLIS. With all that is taking place today on the earth that 'Looks' so professionally created and

marketed, how many will actually See & Recognize THE NUWAVIS? This is a Huge Step for everyone here, and all that can be presented is simply aReal

Opportunity and this IS Real Now!. All those so-called Higher Inmates with SHE and the Old master, where are they really with their RealAwareniss? They cannot See THE ALLIS with Rebazar & THE NUMAN, so where are they?

The Real RiskTaker is not interested in the Old Traditional Terms and Ideas such as, consciousness, spiritual, god, soul, blessings and so on. All this and so

much more becomes directed to the Space Gods in time and space and then You are TapLined by SHE and HER Reptilian Witches. DuaneIS Simply

Reporting The RealNews Now' and does not use the idea of 'belief' for anything, as do those who use Marketing Ploy with people and the political and religious

idea of Hope. Those who are still interested in these Cute Old Sayings like to be Emotionally Attached to their earth life for the most part. We can and do respect

what others decide, but what they are deciding is in no way a part of What IS Real Now, as most people can only see Creation and never beyond it. This is where most of this world is Right Now, no matter how smart they are and what

they know. THE ALLIS will Always Be Moreso Unique than anything that we can be consider or ever imagined. This IS the best part of Your Journey to

RealFreedom, that The RealAdventure with Life Never Ends, as a little lifetime of confusion and drama does here. Kontrolling Komfort many times becomes like an enemy to The RealFreedom, The Real RiskTaker stands in. Would it

make sense that Indian Jones & James Bond stay home with their families and watch TV and never Take The Risk with their lives? Almost everyone wants the 'Good Life' as I see it all around me in Southern California, and while all these people are 'Feeling Good' about themselves and their lifestyle, do they really

have anything else accept their one-dimensional life of 'Playing it Safe?'

This world of Educated Technicians has created a 'Matrix of False Security' that most people are afraid to step outside of and Become Different & Real. Here

people are always looking for their 'Next Thrill' and having parties and barbeques and celebrating holidays and always getting together and talking about all the thrills they have had and will be having, until they are too old to

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remember what they have gone through. Their Focus is on Creation and their 'gods blessing' everything they do, and all the basically dead things they can

create and make a Big Deal out of that usually destroys The ALLNatural Environment. We have all been through being baby sat with the spiritual paths and their masters that keep giving their audiences the same Old Wisdom of The

Ages, as do the politicians and religious preachers. A person can 'Think' whatever they want, but until they 'Recognize' THE ALLIS, they are still in the

Five PsycRealms of Creation... Ask Rebazar & Paul in Your DreamVisions Now!

THE NU~YU SESSIONS FOR REALFREEDOM NOWALL of US have come through lifetimes of so many disciplines to finally arrive

Here & Now. It has all been like an endless stream of words, phrases and ideas, and from all of this we have become accustomed to what those in Kontrol want people to 'Think.' The Kontrolling Earthly Korporations (KEK) have used every means they have invented to keep everyone Dumbed Down with Rules, Regulations, Worshiping, Praying, Ceremonies, Rituals, intimidation, disease

and even to the point of destruction. You will always be the Decider of Your Fate and Destiny with Your Kontrolling Karmic Kaptivity with the KEK Systems, or YU,

The RealU can Decide to Test The NU~YU Sessions and BE Free Now!

WHO ARE YOUR GODS AND MASTERS THAT KONTROL YOU?What has been termed as 'Truth' through the ages is merely 'Reference Material' and nothing more. This IS Real Now! People keep 'referring' to the ideas that have been created from their mind. Each person has their own 'Truth' for how they want to live and have their life, and this is their right and it is their 'Personal

Truth.' Then there are those who have written their ideas and have Real Experiences such as Duane The Great Writer, which then becomes part of all the other Historical Reference Material on the earth. Truth and RealTruth are

two different positions with Life and very few can Recognize this. There is no RealTruth on the earth, only Personal Truths and References. To the Literalized

World of educated people from Invented Institutions, these 'Writings and Sayings' then become some sort of 'Ultimate Truth' to so many. This is because the vast majority do not understand the 'Creation' they are in and that Creation is not the 'Ultimate' as it has been 'Thought' to be, such as the invented ideas

and Literalization of Gods Kontrolling the earth and all the people on it. Creation is a 'Process' we go through and not The TruReality LifeIS. Almost everyone has forgotten their TruSource, The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS.

Anyone can have any 'Truth' they want, but RealTruth IS THE ALLIS!

People become 'Lost' in Creation and are always 'Thinking' there is a better way to resolve what is always taking place in their life and on the planet, and when they cannot, they ask the Invented Gods for help, but the only way to resolve

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anything totally is to 'Recognize THE ALLIS' It is so that the Gods of Man will answer, but the situations one has will once again return in this life or the next. There is no other way than to Recognize THE ALLIS. Even with the idea of 'In

God We Trust' on the Fake Money that is created, this world is still self-destructing. It is not a matter of 'Figuring Out' what LifeIS, as much as it is to

figure out what LifeIS not. RealGuidance and a RealEducation is moreso than what is found in any Invented Institution of 'Literalized Thought' THE ALLIS IS

REAL and the Gods of Man are are merely 'Substitutes' for those who do not know about Their RealAwareniss. What each person decides to 'Refer To' has a bearing on their life overall. As long as people keep referring to Their Created Gods, they will stay as they are with all their questions and misunderstandings

for lifetimes to come. It is more than obvious what Human History is based upon, and that is 'Deception' from the Authoritarians who promote the

'God Stuff' and the Gods Themselves from the Astral and Mental Realms.

Rebazar Tarzs, Paul Twitchell, Gopal Das, Yauble Sacabi, Lai Tsi and ALL The Real UNUversal Guides are no longer masters or saints and they do not look to any master, nor do they work with those who claim to be a master and who are Now deceiving people with the Master TapLining Titles. The RealGuides Stand with THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN, Duane The Great Writer. YU have basically two choices... YU can stay with what has been established and created and is known as 'Sacred and Traditional' or YU Test The NU-U Sessions and YU 'Let

Life Show YU What IS Real Now!' YU can keep deciding YU already know what YU do, which is mainly based upon the past, or YU can let Rebazar & The

RealGuides show YU 'What IS Real Now' Only The Real RiskTakers will know, everyone else is Sitting Ducks for the Authoritarians and the Gods of Man.

Those who stay with the Authoritarians and The Gods of Man are Kontrolled by their Fears and the TapLining Masters of Reptilian Kontrolled Korporations. YU can learn to 'See for Yourself' in Your DreamVisions all the TapLines YU have in Your Astral Body. Most people are so afraid to face themselves, but until YU do,

YU are held to this place. The word God itself means Kontrol, as this was the idea when the Reptilians created the Humanoids and then created Politics and Religion to Kontrol them as human slaves. Their TapLining Words are mainly OM, AUM & HU, as this can be easily verified by Rebazar & The RealGuides.

It has been the Authoritarians and the Gods of Man that have created all the confusion and destruction that has taken place in Human History. The

Authorities rule with their laws and so do the Gods of Man, and most people keep bowing and kneeling, worshiping and praying to them and their lives are still the same emotional drama as has always been for untold eons. And while all of this Boring Human History Drama has been taking place, THE ALLIS IS PURE & REAL, just like the Sun Shining in the sky, as it looks down upon the

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poor miserable and misunderstood inhabitants of all the RoundWorlds in time and space. Yet almost everyone keeps doing the same Boring Routines lifetime after lifetime and dragging all their misery and memories with them, and at the same time forgetting why they are doing so and not remembering when they created all their hardships. So instead of each person looking to themselves and paying attention to What Life IS Showing Them Now, they instead keep doing as they have always done and look to the Rule Loving Authorities who

have invented the Gods of Deception to Kontrol people and keep them Dumbed Down. Everything has had its place in Human History and we can all learn from all of it, but very few can See THE ALLIS, and provide The Real Reference that

is needed to 'Recognize & PerSeeve' The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS.

The TruReality LifeIS will always BE What IT IS, and if there is a 'Truth' on the earth, then it has nothing to do with anything that has been written or said,

because just like Rebazar & Paul referred to... “IT IS AN ISNISS!” This IS what Life Already IS. This ISNISS IS Always Now and has nothing to do with gods,

souls, saviors and saints, masters, memberships, initiations, rituals, laws, commandments, Korporations or any other silliness humans can create. Where

is it that any of these invented 'Things' is found with The Natural Environment that supports ALL of US? IT IS Definitely Not? Are YU ready to Really WakeUp

yet or do YU want to stay here a lot longer and keep searching for something that only exists in Your Mind and is a 'Sound-Good' Marketing Scenario from someone who definitely knows nothing about The Whole of Life?

Duane The Great Writer has made all the nonsense and confusion a thing of the past and has simplified what YU can do for Yourself... Test The NU-U Sessions and contact Rebazar & Paul and they will Show YU What IS Real Now!! YU are a 'Being of Light' and YU no longer need a TapLining Master and Fake Initiations

from Reptilian Witches and HER Bored Korporation Dictators.

The Gods of Man, or The Lord God, that so many refer to has a dualistic nature. He is a Lord in the Mental Realm known as Kalaum. He has a Benevolent Side, which is used by many and is demonstrated as does the Pope when he is giving his blessing to the onlooking crowd. Then there is the DarkSide of this nature,

which the audience does not see, like that of a Black Magician. While the Pope is giving his blessing to the unaware, he is also ordering the HAARP Machine

that is Kontrolled by one of his Political Puppets, in this case Presidendah Abomb, to go and destroy those who appose his will. There is always the 'Smiling Face' and the 'Unseen Hand' that smites those who do not obey.

There are other Political and Religious Puppets that have been well known, and one of them is Billy Graham. He was hired by the Black Pope as was Adolph Hitler. Billy was the 'Smiling;' face to the audience bringing people to 'Worship

and Pray' for the DarkBrats who rule the earth and Kontrol human minds.

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The other master (DG) and the Old taplining master (HK) along with Reptilian SHE, are also with the Black Pope who rule the earth. They were given an

opportunity to Do Something Wonderful, like Duane The Great Writer IS Doing Now, but they have decided their personal lives are more important, so they have aligned themselves with the 'Money and Power' Regime of the Cabal to secretly TapLine their Paying MemberShrimps in their Astral Bodies while they dream at night. All of this and so much more Is Very Real, but most people are

too busy with their personal life and looking at their Cell Phones to notice what is taking place right in front of them and also in back of them. They have been

taught to 'Just Love Everyone and Everything' and and their TapLining Reptilian Master, along with their Deceiving God will take care of them and all will be well.

All of this is fine and everyone has the right to do whatever they want. LifeIS not concerned with what anyone does! It is always up to YU what Your life IS!

When YU do not Take The Risk to SeeMore, then YU will never know!


What about my master or guru and his title?For the most part, masters, gurus and their titles that have been taken from

others or handed down no longer have the same validity as they once did, and anyone can confirm this in The RealSide with Your DreamVisions Now. With

The Whole of Life there is no such thing as 'titles or initiations' as ALL are Beings of Light with a RealAwareniss, moreso than just a 'consciousness.'

You can 'Believe' whatever you want, as the idea of Belief is an invention of the mind that has Kontrolled people since the Reptilians Aliens (RA) came to earth.

ALL LifeIS Here & Now and not in the past and is not Old & Outdated!What about my initiations?

It was so that the initiations 'were a confirmation' of a person's experiences as they progressed in Life, which a person can never lose their Life Experiences no matter what one is intimidated with according to the Kontrolling TapLine Masters and their 'Invented Guidelines' that have been created by the Kontrolling Karmic

Korporations (KKK) and their Reptilian Mates. These Aliens pray to and worship the Kalaum God of the Astral and Mental Realms with their Rituals and

Ceremonies that play to the masses as something real, but are just a 'Magic Show ' to fool people into a subliminal agreement of submission to be TapLined. When YU are ready for The RealAdventure LifeIS in The Real UNUverses, then

YU will no longer need any Korporation Approved License (KAL) such as an initiation. Ask Rebazar Tarzs and he will show YU, 'What IS Real Now!'

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What are TapLines?When a person is deceived and is emotionally willing to take part in something

such as a membership, business, personal drama or gatherings that 'sound good' where 'Kontrol' is involved, they are TapLined with suction devices in their

Astral, Causal, Mental and Etheric Bodies without them knowing it. These TapLines are placed at the back of the person to where they cannot See them and the person is Emotionally Kontrolled from the Lower Astral Realm by their so-called presidents, masters, gurus, kings, queens, diplomats with their big

titles, and also by their loving mates. With TapLines a person starts to feel tired, has back pain, then feels older, usually becomes ill, and even develops cancers,

and sometimes death of the body can occur to where one has to reincarnate unconsciously again and stay under the same Kontrolling TapLining Kontrollers. This is all over the Social Structures of today with all the 'Good-Looking Fronts' of religious, political and spiritual 'this and that's' The buildings and temples on this world are merely 'Appearances' that pull people into the idea of a 'spiritual, religious or political business' to be deceived. All of this and so much more is now Human History and nothing of RealValue. For a better visual idea, go to

YouTube and see 'Neo's Rebirth' as a part from the movie, 'The Matrix'

What is the difference between The NUPresentation and Religious and Spiritual Paths?

The Old Terms such as, god, soul, spiritual, masters, gurus, consciousness, ancient titles and so much more are all outdated like old newspapers. These have all become 'psychic terms' and pertain to the realms of time and space,

karma and reincarnation, also what people referee to as Creation, which is not the 'ultimate' as so many people like to 'Think' with their minds. These

'Traditional Things' are of the past and no longer have any relevance with The NUNowniss of The TruReality, THE ALLIS. LifeIS AlwaysNU & Always Now, and never 'Old and Outdated.' The people of the earth have always decided

what LifeIS from their 'Thinking Mind' and invented their Personal Gods and nit Paying Attention to what LifeIS showing them in their DreamVisions. Today,

these ideas are nothing more than Kontrolling Earthly Korporations (KEK) doing business as usual. The NUPresentation IS a WorldWide WakeUp for Everyone

to Become MoreAware & Wonderful with ThemSelves and The ALLNatural Environment that Supports ALL of US. The Natural Environment, moreso than just 'Nature' IS ALL The Levels LifeIS. The Karmicly Kontrolled Korporations

(KKK) are TapLined with the One World Order DarkBrats who created the 'Fake' money almost everyone likes to chase and 'Thinks' is real. There is nothing

'wrong' with anything here, but when the Karmic Korporations support destroying The Natural Environment, which is also tied to Your RealAwareniss, which keeps YU unaware as can be seen all over this purposely polluted world,

then what is taking place here has no RealValue and no RealPurpose, accept as

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a business and another Dead Life. YU can always Decide to WakeUp Now!

Who is Duane The Great Writer?Duane was given The Rod of Power by Rebazar Tarzs & Paul Twitchell on August 3, 2001. In 2007, Duane, along with Rebazar Tarzs and The Real

UNUversal Guides transformed The Rod of Power into THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN, and the old term was eliminated, because of all the misuse with it.

THE NUWAVIS from The Real UNUverses of THE ALLIS. The old term, 'The Rod of Power' just like all the old charged words of OM, AUM, AMEN, HU and many others can only exist with the Kontrolling Authoritarians of the earth and

their Invented Gods and TapLining Diplomats and masters. Duane is providing what one one else is, a WorldWide WakeUp with The TruReality LifeIS, ALLIS The Natural Environment. Duane has created The ALLSolar Research Vessel

Project for Everyone to Become MoreAware and SelfSufficient. Duane can See that The Children are The Future and what they are being taught will continue with what the Dumbed Down Adults are doing unless they decide to WakeUp and BE Real with ALL Life on ALL The LifeLevels. “You Are The Answer' for

everything in Your Life, nut you must decide to Take the Risk & BE Real Now!

The NU, NU~U, NU~YUThe NUSound 'NU' was shown to Duane by THE ALLIS & The RealGuides.

The NU~U replaces all other sounds and words that have been used no matter what Human History relates to or tries to explain. The people of this planet are

so far from any Real Understanding of themselves, because of the KEK Systems and how they have Distorted and Deceived people into a 'Thinking

Process' that has nothing to do with ALLIS The Natural Environment. It is the Religious Regimes that Kontrol the minds of the masses with their gods and

saviors and the Amen word, which is originally from AUM and the Mental Worlds. AUM stand for 'All Universal Mind' Kontrol from the Reptilians. The

Kalaum God was the Snake in the Garden of Eden, a story created by the first invaders of earth. Human History as we have been taught here is Slanted

Deception. Before the HU word there has always been The NU. The NU is for THE NUMAN, and has been hidden until this earth was ready for IT. Until Now,

people have been led to 'Believe' that the AUM and the HU are with The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS, but this is not so, and for those who Test The

NU~U they will experience the vast difference. The AUM and HU are with the TapLining Reptilians and the One World Order (OWO). It is The NU-U Sessions that make The RealConnection to The SoundLight Reality of THE ALLIS, which is far beyond the Gods of Man and their counterparts the Authoritarians of the earth who Kontrol the Dumbed Down HUmans. The old words like OM, AUM, HU and many others are with the Gods of Man and keep a person TapLined by Aliens and rebirthing in Creation. The NU~U IS The NUWay to RealFreedom.

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From The Gods of Man to THE ALLISThe first Reptilian Aliens came to this planet and created the HUmanoids as their working slaves and the Aliens created gods for people to worship, so the

Dumbed Down HUmanoids could be easily Kontrolled with subconscious emotional ideas, such as 'Belief & Worship' which do not exist with THE ALLIS.

From the beginning of life on this planet, farther back than Known Human History, the Gods of Man have played their roles with the Authoritarians of the

earth and into the Astral, Causal and Mental God Realms. The God of Gods is the Kalaum God on the Mental Realm, which is the heaven of many Earthly

Religions. Most people on the earth have been taught to 'Believe' in something, as the idea of 'Belief' was also an invention to Kontrol the masses. There has been the knowledge of THE IS woven throughout Human History, but for the

most part it has always been very suppressed, because those in Kontrol do not want people to WakeUp to What Is Real Now. All Deception shows up and

when people WakeUp they can learn to See what is really taking place on earth and in Your DreamVisions. Just like a rebirth, it is time for Something NU.

What is Your religion?The NUPresentation is not religious, political, psychic or transcendental. Duane is simply Sharing His RealExperiences and Presenting Something Wonderful & Real and Stands with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides for each person to Test What IS Real Now. The old term 'master' no longer applies to Rebazar Tarzs

and The RealGuides. They are Free Beings of RealLight with THE ALLIS and Share their RealExperiences with those who have Become MoreAware & Real. The idea of religion is from those who are still unaware in the PsycRealms with

their Worshiping Invented Gods and has nothing to do with THE ALLIS.

What about Worship and Prayer?These are 'ideas' for those who want to be a passive 'follower' of a religion or

spiritual path and to be 'Politically Kontrolled' by the Authoritarians. These ideas do help some people, but not past their own karma and reincarnation. The idea

of 'belief, worshiping and praying' to some Invented God was created by the Original Reptilians who first came to this planet and created the humans as slaves. God spelled backwards is 'dog' and this is what the humans are to those who Kontrol this world, nothing more than Dumbed Down Animals.

Where is your temple?The NUPresentation Foundation, We are WorldWide ALLHumanitarian

Developers & Educators. We are here for the world and we will not be building temples to the Invented Gods and their Kontrolling Karmic Korporations. We are

here to 'work with' The Natural Environment that Supports ALL of US on ALL The Levels LifeIS, moreso than just the heavily polluted and poisoned earth.

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Is this a new path?The NUPresentation IS The NUWay to RealTruth & RealFreedom and is an

upgrade from what has taken place since Paul Twitchell received The Rod of Power from Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides. The NUWay replaces the 'old

and outdated' paths of the mind, which are now Kontrolled by the Karmic Korporations, their TapLining Masters and the Religious Kalaum God. ALLife IS AlwaysNU, and what is taking place on the earth is merely Creation and actually

nothing 'new' even though it would 'Appear' so. LifeIS bigger than Creation!

Who do you follow?With The NUPresentation, there are no 'followers or membership' We are ALL Free Beings of Light with the Whole of Life and We Stand Equal with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides and working with The ALLNatural Environment that Supports ALL of US. THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN, Duane the Great Writer.

Who is the 'master' of The NUWay?The days of masters and gurus is gone! This IS Real Now! THE NUWAVIS

THE NUMAN replaces all the 'old terms' and ideas invented by mankind, which have mainly been 'Marketing Ploy' by the DarkBrats who rule the earth. Politics & Religion are inventions to Kontrol the masses and keep them Dumbed Down.

ALL those who Stand With The Real UNUversal Guides are Equal Beings of Light. The KEK Systems and their TapLining Masters and Reptilian Mates have Deceived people into Worshiping and Praying, which is being a slave for untold

lifetimes to the 'God' idea and to Pay the Authoritarians to destroy the earth.

DUANEIS THE NUMANAs of 2001, Duane The Great Writer IS THE NUMAN. What this means is,

Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides gave Duane The RealPosition in 2001, which has become THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN as of 2007. DuaneIS

The Real RiskTaker providing The NUPresentation for RealFreedom Now. Those who Sincerely Listen and Test what DuaneIS Sharing will find The NU~U Very Real and Beneficial. Do The NU-U Sessions & Watch Your DreamVisions.

Who do I look to with The NU-U?Duane always suggests to look to Rebazar Tarzs & Paul Twitchell, or any of The

RealGuides that have been known. THE NUWAVIS Duane&Eva and We are also on The RealSide in Your DreamVisions as Real UNUversal Guides. Many people already have had RealExperiences with US. Duane&Eva suggests to Test The NU-U Sessions for at least 7 Days, which IS The RealConnection to The SoundLight Reality of THE ALLIS. The old words such as OM, AUM, HU

and many others TapLine a person in their Astral Body to their Kontrolling TapLining Masters and Alien Mates and the Gods of Man in the Psychic Realms

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only. Creation is part of a 'process' we each go thru and is not the ultimate experience as so many have been taught to 'believe' in. THE ALLIS IS!

What about the idea of Karma?The Reality of Karma, which is simply Cause & Effect in Creation, also know as the PsycRealms, has always been here. THE NUMAN & The RealGuides work

with each person and provide RealGuidance and a RealEducation to resolve Karmic Situations in time and space to where people do not have to return to the

earth or the PsycRealms again. This always depends upon each person and how they Become MoreAware with The TruReality, THE ALLIS. With the

TapLining Masters who have their Karmic Korporations and look to the Gods of Man, they are stuck with TapLines in the Lower Astral Worlds and more lifetimes

of Karma. This and so much more can all be verified in Your DreamVisions.

What about the titles of the Old Masters?Titles and Promotions, such as initiations do not make a person who they are, it is RealDeeds of Courage and Honor that do with a True & Real Intent. There

are always many who start off with good intentions and then get caught up with what this world is always marketing and what 'looks good' but is nothing more than Deception. This is why Paul Twitchell always pointed people to what he termed the 'inner' which is The RealSide today. Life has Now Become a lot

Bigger, and so each of us must keep up or stay 'passive' with what was once workable, but no longer is. The masters, gurus and their followers supporting

them has had their day, but is no longer 'Recognized' by The RealGuides.

What about the Old Sacred and Ancient Doctrines?Very Simple... LifeIS AlwaysNU Now! This IS Real! What has taken place

before THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN, Duane The Great Writer, and all that has been created before can be a good 'reference' if properly understood according to The NUNowniss of THE ALLIS, otherwise it is all Old News and nothing more. Those who 'Think' in their minds there is such a thing as 'sacred writings' from the past, which have become 'nice sayings' today, are still lost to Old Ideas like

ghosts in the night. Again... LifeIS AlwaysNU Now! This IS Real Now!

What is the difference between Truth and RealTruth?Everyone has their own truth and truths, such as what there life is here and also

the ideas they have been raised with and come to know from the Invented Systems of Religion and Politics. People always profess their own truths to

others and the written and spoken truths of the past and Ancient Doctrines. All of this is fine and each person has the right to decide whatever they will, but

none of what we experience here has anything to do with RealTruth and especially RealFreedom. RealTruth & RealFreedom IS The Recognition of The

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ALLAliveniss of THE ALLIS. This IS a Very RealPosition that few have ever accomplished. This RealPosition IS ALLHere & ALLNow and can be Seen by

those who have The RealAwareniss and Recognition to See IT. IT IS The RealRecognition of THE ALLIS. This RealPosition is not like that of the idea of

'belief' as so many of he masses have been led to 'believe' is something of value or even Real. The idea of 'belief' is an invention in Creation and applies to the

Ghostly Gods who are supposedly somewhere in the sky or in outer space, which most people 'Emotionally Love' with an emotional attachment of Fear.

Paul Twitchell did give initiationsWhen Paul Twitchell first created his 'presentation' and gave it a name, he was

building the 'foundation' for What IS Now THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN and what is called The NUPresentation. The 'idea' of initiations is no longer needed, as they only apply to Psychic TapLining Masters and Gurus. There are still so

many who have not paid attention to Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides as to what LifeIS Now. Many people have stopped exploring and become

comfortable with the membership and god ideas, along with other 'ideas' that no longer have The RealConnection to the SoundLight Reality LifeIS. Those who have progressed past the 'TapLine Master' idea, they do not need initiations, as they are Beings of Light and can Now Stand with The RealGuides & THE ALLIS.

What about the so-called Sacred Writing?We have all come through so much with all the lifetimes we have been here and

on other worlds and dimensions. What has been written and said are merely 'references' to those times when people were having those experiences then.

When people take something written or said and then deem it to be 'sacred' then a distortion can start to where the DarkBrats who Kontrol the earth use it as

Marketing Ploy against people, even though the public may 'Think' it is for their own good. Again, check with The RealGuides & Watch Your DreamVisions.

What about The NUSound?In the past, words such as OM, AUM, HU and many others were used to contact

what people referred to as 'spirit' These words and others did work for their times, but with The NUNowniss of THE ALLIS, IT IS THE NU-U Sessions, which IS The NUSound for The RealConnection to The Sound Light Reality, which IS

The ALLAliveniss of THE IS. THE ALLIS & THE IS are the same.

Can I give THE NUMAN my problems?Paul referred to people having problems and I do not. Each of us have

'Situations & Challenges' we have to deal with as we are Becoming MoreAware and this is where Being Creative comes in. When a person agrees they have a

problem, then they do have a problem, as most people like their drama,

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because they are too bored to do anything about their life like 'Taking The Risk' and Doing Something Wonderful for The Natural Environment that supports ALL of US. I always suggest to look to THE ALLIS and BE The Being of Light YU IS.There is so much more to this, so BE Patient and listen to The RealGuidance.

Why are we Here?We are here to gain experiences to Recognize The TruReality LifeIS. As we

learn to survive here we become involved and continually create experiences for ourselves until the moment comes when we want to get beyond all Creation.

When we have the desire to SeeMore, then The RealGuides starts to show up in our life. Until this happens each unaware soul has to deal with the Invented

Systems and those who Kontrol the planet. When YU meet The RealGuides, they show YU the Short Cut to The TruReality, THE ALLIS. Until YU meet The

RealGuides, YU are usually involved with others who are in very restricted situations, such as the Invented Religions and Politics Systems of this world.

What about the Political Atmosphere of The World Today?This world will always be as it is, this is more than proven by Human History. If YU want to try and fix this 'Place in Life' that is your choice, but there is no fixing anything here, because this place is a Testing Ground. YU can continue to be concerned about what is taking place here, or YU can focus on The RealU with RealGuidance & A RealEducation, then at some point in Your Experiences here YU will Recognize the difference between being passively going along with all

the Planned Demise here, or Live Your Own Journey to RealFreedom with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides. Of course there is so much more to this, as each person has their own situations and mostly drama, but What IS Real Now

IS, that each of us IS a Being of Light and we are on our own journey to Recognize THE ALLIS. While we have a body here we still do the things

humans do, and YU always have the choice as to what this is for YU.

Some People will always like their Karmicly Kontrolling Korporation What all of us have been through in the past has been a preparation for The

NUNowniss of THE ALLIS. Not everyone will 'Recognize' this, as most will stay with their TapLining Masters who are Kontrolled by their Reptilian Alien Mates.The 'idea' of freedom on the earth can never be anything more than an 'implied freedom' and never a RealFreedom, and the same goes for the 'ideas' of truth, as each person has their own truths, and RealTruth IS The ALLAliveniss LifeIS.

So, with this being so, there has been created the Karmicly Kontrolling Korporations with the Earthly Systems, who are Kontrolled by the 'Officialness'

of the Authoritarians and Brutalitarians, along with TapLining Masters and Gurus and their Dumbed Down Followers and MemberShrimps. These Reptilians and humans stand above others on stages and podiums and say their 'pretty words'

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as Political Maneuvers to entice their audiences into a Passive Submission, which is called 'Doing Business as Usual' in today's world. They also setup their

Official Programs with things such as 'Qualifications' where there is usually a Manuel of Guidelines that involves more 'Restrictions' on top of all the Legally Designed Rules and Regulations the DarkBrat World Kontrollers have already created. These 'Created Ideas' harass and intimidate people everyday of their

life here and create Subliminal Fears in the subconscious mind. With the Karmic Korporations, if YU do not 'Keep Paying' your 'Voluntary Donation Dues'

YU will be dropped from their computer and all Your Fake Initiations will be 'Deleted' So, does it make sense that there is any freedom at all with a

TapLining Master and his Reptilian Kontrolling Mate of any Karmic Korporation? Until a person no longer needs a Babysitting Reptilian Kontroller, then how is it they will ever have RealFreedom for themselves from this 'Place in Space?'

In a world that does not make sense with all that it is doing to destroy The Natural Environment, how can it be so that worshiping the Old Restricting Gods makes sense? The populations of this world have been prisoners for eons with

'Old Ideas' and Now There IS RealFreedom with THE ALLIS.

What IS THE IS or ALLIS? Paul referred to THE ISNESS in his writings, but most did not 'Get' what he was referring to. Simply put, there is the Gods of Man in Creation who have become

a Huge Distortion, along with their Authoritarians and TapLining Masters with their Reptilian Mates, which is all directed to the Kalaum God and The Influence. Then there IS The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS, which is Beyond Creation and the 'ideas' of Life that float around in the Psychic Realms. To fully understand

the difference between the Gods of Man and THE ALLIS, YU must learn to 'Recognize & PerSeeve' THE ALLIS, moreso than just from what YU have been

Literally Educated to consider Life to be on earth and your gods to be. Have Fun with this, because very few ever Get IT! Ask Rebazar Tarzs & Paul

Twitchell to give YU some help if YU have the courage to do so. The Gods of Man are 'passive' and provide karma & reincarnation as a way of Life, and THE ALLIS IS like the Sun Shining... IT IS ALWAYS REAL & WONDERFUL and there

are no restrictions, masters, initiations and Godly Intimidation's. I suggest to Test The NU-U Sessions & Watch Your DreamVisions and WakeUp to What IS

Real Now! Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides are Here for YU Now!

Most People do not have a RealPurpose with their lifeAll the lifetimes we have spent on this RoundWorld and others like it, for the

most part, we have struggled to survive just to have some sort of a life and that is mainly it, because this is all we knew. As we have gained experience with

each lifetime, we slowly Became MoreAware until the moment comes when we are ready to learn a lot more and Become a Lot MoreAware with our Real

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Awareniss, not with our mind, which is merely a vehicle. We also have Free Will, and this becomes the Deciding Factor for ourselves, moreso than all the experiences we have collected in the various five bodies we each carry. It is

with our Free Will that we decide to have a RealPurpose with THE ALLIS, or just another unaware life struggling with the rest of this created world of fabrications from the dirt. This is the main reason the planet is so poisoned and polluted and self-destructing, because most people do not know what a RealPurpose IS. The Old Idea of a 'Co-Worker' with God is slavery to worshiping the Gods of Man.

There is So Much More to Life than FearThe Purposely Planned Invented Systems of this world with their Presidents, Kings, Queens, Emperors, Masters and other Official and Authoritative Titles,

have been mainly contrived to Deceive and Kontrol the unaware masses to be slaves. Most people want to 'pretend' that these people are special, when in

fact the old term 'Blue Bloods' means 'Reptilian' because the Alien Invaders are cold blooded and do not have the heart and compassion as Real People do.

This is why this world is always in such Khaos, because the Kontrolling Reptilians have poisoned the planet to keep people Dumbed Down. Fear is

purposely used in all the Religious, Educational, Political and Social Systems. This IS Real! When YU have The RealCourage to 'Look Behind the Scenes' at what is really taking place with all the appearances of 'Sound-Good Marketing Ploy' then YU will See What IS Real Now with THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN. I suggest to do a lot of research as to what actually has happened on this planet and what has been told to YU by the Authoritarians who have slanted most of

Human History. When YU come across what has been labeled as 'Conspiracy Theories' YU will begin to See what does make sense with what is happening on

the earth. When YU look up in the sky and see all the ChemTrails, which are toxix poisons dropping on everyone and creating Morgellons and all kinds of

cancers, does it make sense as to what the 'Authorities' are telling YU that all of this is okay and it is helping the planet? It is time to WakeUp and Pay Attention

to everything with your life, because it is Your Life YU are Living!

THIS IS WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING HERE...As You look up in the sky and seeing what You 'Think' are vapor trails from jets, they are actually ChemTrails that are purposely designed to eliminate You and

almost everyone. The Vaccines that are marketed are to give You, Autism, then put into a Fema Camp to work for the Kontrolling Earthly Korporations.

GMO TechFood is to make You ill so You will take Lethal Pharmaceuticals and become dependent on them and even into future lifetimes. Microwaves are Mind Kontrol. HAARP is changing the weather and destroying peoples lives everyday. Kings, Queens, Presidents, Masters, Gurus and other Korporation Kontrollers are TapLining You everyday while you sleep in You Astral Body as

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You keep Agreeing to all the Marketing Ploy Deception they have created that 'looks and sounds' good, but is really dangerous to all of us. This and so much

more is taking place right in front of You, and as we look at The ALLNatural Environment and the birds that fly, we do not see any of what the Deceptive

DarkBrats are doing. You always have the opportunity to decide differently or stay with what everyone else is Agreeing to and eventually live the Effects.

We are Sharing what most people are Too Afraid to, and that is... Being Wonderful and Real Now!



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[email protected]

"All Truth passes thru three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident. RealTruth goes through the same process to be Recognized"



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