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Writing Process

The first step is Prewriting

Prewriting is the planning step! During this step, the writer should:

• Choose a subject•gather details about the subject.•Decide what you want to tell the audience

The Second step is writing a first


This is the time to get your ideas down. During this step, the writer


• Write all of your ideas down on paper.•Don’t Stop to check spellings JUST YET. But do spell the best that you can. Circle words that you are unsure of.

The Third step is Revising

This is the time to improve your writing. During this step, the writer


•Read and review your first draft.•Share your draft with another person, get ideas on how to improve your writing.•Make changes to improve your writing piece.

The Fourth step is Editing and Proof


During this step, the writer should:

•Make sure that your writing makes sense.•Edit (check) your spelling, capital letters, and punctuations.•Reread and recheck for errors one last time.

The fiFTH step is TO Publish


During this step, the writer should:

•Illustrate your writing.•Share your writing.•Display your writing in the classroom.

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