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  • Sandip Budhathoki

    Writing PTE

    Do you know your Score of Writing Skill of PTE does not depend on Writing Section only?

    Please note that your writing score depends on the following item types- Writing Section: Summarizing written text

    Writing Section: Write Essay

    Reading Section: Reading & writing: Fill in the blanks

    Listening Section: Summarize spoken text

    Listening Section: Fill in the blanks

    Listening Section: Write from dictation

    There are four main criteria which needs to be taken in account while writing an essay.

    (1) Task Response, (2) Coherence and Cohesion

    (3) Lexical Resource and (4) Grammatical Range and Accuracy.

    So make sure your essay looks organized and is easy to understand.

    Here is how you can do this:

    Use Paragraphs: By using paragraphs your chances for a getting a high score are increased. Dont just write one long paragraph. Linking Words: Basically, if you dont use complex sentences, you cannot score above a Band You should have a list of linking words at your disposal, so that you can easily form complex


    How to write Introduction in PTE essays:-

    Write 3/4 sentences in the Intro.

    1. Background sentence : Generalize the essay topic like:

    One of the most challenging problems of todays society is........... drug addiction of younger generation.

    2. Give an extended view: Write another sentence supporting first sentence. Like-

    Govt. as well as private organisations are fighting for a long time to mitigate the issue.

    3. State the Problem:

    But, there is a considerable uncertainty whether these Govt. or private interventions are effective

    or other measures are necessary to minimize this social phenomenon.

    4. State what you are writing: This is called thesis sentence like---

    In this essay I would like to discuss some effective measures to prevent drug abuse.

  • Sandip Budhathoki

    Writing PTE

    Content :3 Adequately deals with the prompt

    Form: 2 Length is between 200 and 300 words (230 words)

    Development, structure and coherence :2 Shows good development and logical structure

    Grammar: 2 Shows consistent grammatical control of complex

    . Language. Errors are rare and difficult to spot

    General linguistic range 2 Exhibits smooth mastery of a wide range of language .

    . to formulate thoughts precisely, give emphasis, .

    . differentiate and eliminate ambiguity. No sign that the .

    . test taker is restricted in what they want to communicat

    Vocabulary range 2 Good command of a broad lexical repertoire, idiomatic

    . expressions and colloquialisms

    Spelling 2 Correct spelling

  • Sandip Budhathoki

    Writing PTE

    Very Useful in PTE Essays:-

    An objective or writing in a neutral tone is good news in PTE writing.The impersonal it can be used instead of "I (recommended!). For example, a phrase such as I would argue that could be replaced by It can be argued that Learn a few of the following phrases to use at sentence and paragraph beginnings:-

    >> It can be argued that >> It is important to recognize that >> It is only to be expected that >> It is also worth noting that >> It is likely that >> It is possible that >> It is anticipated that >> It is not clear whether >> It is significant that >> It is not surprising to find that >> It is unlikely that >> It is difficult to see >> It is not unreasonable to suggest that >> It is worth pointing out that

  • Sandip Budhathoki

    Writing PTE


    1.Skim the entire passage to get an idea of its general content. You should be able to answer the

    question What is the passage mainly about?

    2.Scan the entire passage for key words and phrases. Words and phrases that are repeated

    throughout the passage are usually important. Make a note of these.

    3.If there are multiple paragraphs, the first paragraph will typically be an introduction to the

    topic, and will often include a brief description of what will be discussed.

    4.The last paragraph will typically close with a conclusion

    5.Each paragraph will have its own topic sentence expressing the main idea. Typically, the topic

    sentence is the first sentence of the paragraph (Rest of things are supporting arguments)

    6.The task of summarizing a multi-paragraph passage is sometimes made easier by briefly

    summarizing each paragraph first, and then combining these summaries into a single

    summary.Make a brief summary of each paragraph as you finish reading it. You do not need full

    sentences at this point.

    7.Keep your summary to a maximum of 30 words. The response box has an indicator that will

    tell you how many words you have written. If you are getting close to your word limit, but still

    need to write more, edit your sentence to remove unnecessary words, especially adjectives.

    These can often be omitted.

    8. use punctuations like comman,colon,apastrophe, ETC. You have to use the full stop in the end

    of the sentence

  • Sandip Budhathoki

    Writing PTE

    1 Summarize it ...

    The best example that I've seen of Democratic Socialism operating in this country was during the

    Second World War. Then we ran Britain highly efficiently, got every-body into a job. It wasn't

    so difficult then to employ people who were disabled and in difficulties and all the rest of it. We

    wanted to use all their efforts, and we found the money to do it. We also produced, I would have

    thought, probably more than any other country including Germany. We mobilized better. The

    conscription of labor was only a very small element of it. We also did what I think we ought to

    do on a far greater scale now, looking after the people who are worst hit. In the war, instead of

    saying because (the country) is in extreme circumstances you've got to cut the pay of the people

    who are worst off, they did the opposite. They increased the pensions, the social security. It was

    a democratic society with a common aim in which many of the class barriers were being broken

    down. Many of us thought we would never return to a society in which class barriers were

    rebuilt. Many of them have been. And many of those class barriers are the very things which

    have injured the community since.

    Democratic socialism in Britain has set an exemplary paradigm during the Second World War

    by providing jobs, mobilizing in a better way and overcoming class barriers.

    2. It has been claimed that everything of importance, that originated in Italy from the thirteenth

    to the seventeenth century, bore the distinctive mark of Fine Arts. Early on, Cimabue and Duccio

    da Siena were the two masters whose Madonnas had given the new impulse to painting and

    brought them immortal fame. They were the heralds of the time when poetry of sentiment,

    beauty of color, animation and individuality of form replaced Medieval formality and ugliness; a

    time when the spirit of art revived with an impulse prophetic of its coming glory.

    It is important to remember that the art of the Renaissance had, in the beginning, a distinct office

    to fill in the service of the Church. Later, in historical and decorative painting it served the State,

    and at length in portrait and landscape painting, in pictures of genre subjects and still-life,

    abundant opportunity was afforded for all orders of talent, and the generous patronage of art by

    church, state, and men of rank and wealth made Italy a veritable paradise for artists. Gradually,

    with the revival of learning, artists were free to give greater importance to secular subjects and

    an element of worldliness, and even of immorality, invaded the realm of art as it invaded the

    realms of life and literature. This was an era of change in all departments of life. Chivalry, the

    great "poetic lie," died with feudalism.

    Feudalism invades the territory of arts and literature by replacing old style of poetry and

    decorative paintings which make the Italyparadise of artists.

  • Sandip Budhathoki

    Writing PTE

    3 The true reality of life can be known only when we maintain a balance between the

    mathematical elements of nature, on the one hand, and consciousness and will, on the other.

    There are two things in nature we have no doubt about; our existence and the outside world. But

    there is something which makes us aware of these two elements and that is our thought.

    Whatever we feel, our conclusions, our fears, and aspirations, all revolve around our thinking.

    Our flesh and bones cannot perceive things in nature. It is the capability of our thoughts alone.

    Even a physically disabled man with a sane mind gets rational thoughts. So, there is some great

    power that picks impressions from surroundings, concludes ideas, and gives reasoning and

    judgment. And that power is the power of thinking. This is the real, I myself. This, I myself,

    has an existence apart from its physical reality. It is the real self or person who deals with others

    in society. Its physical body is a medium through which he can verbalize his thoughts. The real

    person is embodied in the thoughts of the personality. So, judge not a persons physicality, but

    his thoughts.

    Reasoning and Judgement are the true abilities of our thinking alternatively, the physical

    body is an excellent way to verbalize thoughts

    4. It has been claimed that everything of importance, that originated in Italy from the thirteenth to the

    seventeenth century, bore the distinctive mark of Fine Arts. Early on, Cimabue and Duccio da Siena were

    the two masters whose Madonnas had given the new impulse to painting and brought them immortal

    fame. They were the heralds of the time when poetry of sentiment, beauty of color, animation and

    individuality of form replaced Medieval formality and ugliness; a time when the spirit of art revived with

    an impulse prophetic of its coming glory.

    It is important to remember that the art of the Renaissance had, in the beginning, a distinct office to fill

    in the service of the Church. Later, in historical and decorative painting it served the State, and at length

    in portrait and landscape painting, in pictures of genre subjects and still-life, abundant opportunity was

    afforded for all orders of talent, and the generous patronage of art by church, state, and men of rank

    and wealth made Italy a veritable paradise for artists. Gradually, with the revival of learning, artists were

    free to give greater importance to secular subjects and an element of worldliness, and even of

    immorality, invaded the realm of art as it invaded the realms of life and literature. This was an era of

    change in all departments of life. Chivalry, the great "poetic lie," died with feudalism.

    Fine art of Italy during thirteenth to seventeenth century gained new impulse and immortal

    fame,despite the medieval formality and ugliness the spirit of art revived and replaced it,however art

    of the Renaissance, a distinct office to fill in the service of the Church at beginning followed by service

    at the State which garnered its fame in Italy which made it a paradise for artists.

  • Sandip Budhathoki

    Writing PTE

    5. 'Just in time' is a method of manufacturing products which aims to minimise production time, production costs, and the amount of stock held in the factory. Raw materials and supplies arrive at the factory as they are required, and consequently there is very little stock sitting idle at any one time. Each stage of the production process finishes just before the next stage is due to commence and therefore the lead-time is significantly reduced. With a 'just-in-time' production system, the level of production is related to the demand for the output( I.e. The number of orders) rather than simply producing finished goods and waiting for orders. This means that raw materials and stock only need to be ordered from suppliers as required.

    'Just in time' is a process which benefits multifarious levels in a production cycle where raw materials arrive only when the next stage is about to commence and the finished product does not have a waiting time for delivery

    6. Electric trolley cars or trams were once the chief modes of public transportation in the United

    States. Though they required tracks and electric cables to run, these trolley cars were clean and

    comfortable. In 1922, auto manufacturer General Motors created a special unit to replace electric

    trolleys with cars, trucks, and buses. Over the next decade, this group successfully lobbied for

    laws and regulations that made operating trams more difficult and less profitable. In 1936,

    General Motors created several front companies for the purpose of purchasing and dismantling

    the trolley car system. They received substantial investments from Firestone Tire, Standard Oil

    of California, Phillips Petroleum, and other parties invested in the automotive industry. Some

    people suspect that these parties wanted to replace trolley cars with buses to make public

    transportation less desirable, which would then increase automobile sales. The decline of the

    tram system in North America could be attributed to many thingslabour strikes, the Great Depression, regulations that were unfavourable to operatorsbut perhaps the primary cause was having a group of powerful men from rival sectors of the auto industry working together to

    ensure its destruction. Fill it up, please.

    My summary:

    Although trams were the comfortable mode of public transport, due to large companies

    conspiracy to promote automotive industry, trams were replaced with less desirable buses.

  • Sandip Budhathoki

    Writing PTE

    Talk about the pros/cons of this era as is full of daily invention?

    In this modern era, many technological advancements have been taken place in various areas for

    daily use that have given numerous benefits to the people around the globe. There are, however,

    plenty of significant drawbacks that have hampered the people lives.

    There is no doubt, the invented products have provided considerable benefits to the people. First

    of all, due to escalating inflation rates and the changes in demographic structure between the men

    and women, they both are working in corporates to live the lavish lifestyle. They do not have

    sufficient time to perform their daily task. As a result, they are using washing machines to wash

    the clothes; refrigerators to store the foods, and grinders to prepare the spices.

    Secondly, the communication devices have transformed the level of communication amongst

    people. These devices, to illustrate, the smartphones to send the mail; laptop to deliver the

    marketing presentation, and to transact the financial transactions have made their life much

    easier and convenient than earlier.

    In stark contrast to this, there are also negative effects of this technology. One of the major

    effects is, people have become over dependent on communication devices such as smartphones,

    tablets, and palmtops. They are using these devices in large amounts which have made them less

    sociable and less active. Finally, another effect is, it is believed the widespread use of e-mail and

    internet chatting have destroyed traditional forms of communication, for example, letter-writing,

    telephone, and face-to-face conversation.

    In conclusion, the different prolific technological inventions have given a bunch of benefits to

    the people in their daily life, however, there are also drastic effects that have hampered the

    people life.

  • Sandip Budhathoki

    Writing PTE

    Tourism advantages and disadvantages :-

    In recent decades, there has been a colossal upsurge in the industry of tourism, which stems from

    the teeming demand of the tourists travelling across the globe. It has positive as well as the

    negative impingements. This essay will discuss the compelling thoughts of both the aspects to

    accord the rubric.

    To begin with, nowadays, the tourism industry has become one of the rapidly flourishing

    industries. It has emerged as a booming industry which has created ample of job opportunities

    for the local population and also contribute majorly to the economy of the country. For an

    instance, countries like Thailand, Indonesia and many more predominantly depends on the

    tourism. It generates an influx in the revenue of the country.

    Furthermore, tourism has not only benefited the host country, but also to the tourists, who look

    for an option to overcome from the daily hectic and monotonous activities. From this

    perspective, exposure of numerous cultures develops childrens minds to show less inhibition for learning different culture. It develops cultural awareness among the children, which helps them

    to stand at an edge over others.

    However, it is irrefutable that tourism has some disadvantages also. Many people across the

    globe with different cultural values come to the host country and have a huge impact on the local

    culture. It is inevitable to avoid the impacts in order to seek growth in the business. The local

    people are forced to dilute their basics in order to absorb a new culture.

    To put in a nutshell, after pondering the great deal of thoughts of which both are paramount

    values, it can easily be deduced that, tourism is a deep sea of adventure which helps to upsurge a

    country by its ever flowing economic benefits.

  • Sandip Budhathoki

    Writing PTE

    Validity of written examination is not the only factor when evaluating a candidates performance in job selection process. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Managers always search for the right candidates to work at different positions in companies by

    using several assessment tools. While some people believe that written tests are the solely way to

    evaluate employees performance, I entirely disagree with this view because of the fo llowing reasons and will suggest some other factors.

    It is undeniable that work experience is one of the many key factors which managers need to

    consider while selecting the right employees. Understandably, a large number of people, who

    have a wide range of technical or theoretical knowledge, get the top grades in entrance written

    tests. However, these people might not have enough real experience in order to complete their

    working tasks effectively by strict deadline. Hence, working experience should be taken into

    account in selection process.

    Furthermore, personal abilities such as language skills and working under pressure in

    competitive environment are also important to look at before selecting appropriate candidates.

    For example, to work as a great sales person, the prospective employee should have great

    communication skills in order to communicate effectively and efficiently with customers. In

    addition, employees should also need to understand organizational behavior to cooperate well

    with other workers.

    In conclusion, there are several factors such as work experience, communication skills and

    understanding organizational culture which need to be considered rather than only testing

    applicants written skills in a job selection process.

  • Sandip Budhathoki

    Writing PTE

    'In future illiterate will not be those who cannot read, but those who do not learn' - By

    some writer. Discuss what do you understand by this statement and state your reason..

    The advancement in the contemporary era has literally changed the meaning of literacy. With

    rapid technological development, it has become imperative to adapt new skills and dump the

    obsolete. This essay will discuss the compelling reasons to accord the rubric.

    To begin with, currently, one should not only know how to read and write, but it is needed to

    know how to learn, unlearn and relearn. By this proximity, an individual can stay afloat in the

    ever flowing Sea of knowledge. For an instance, Computer was launched with the DOS

    operating system, which recently has released an upgraded version - Windows 10. So, it has

    become a basic necessity for one, to unlearn the earlier and relearn the latter, in order to get an

    edge over others.

    Moreover, new innovations and inventions have drastically modified our lifestyles. They have

    completely changed the way we do our work. For an example, invention of smartphones, in the

    telecom sector has changed the way of communication all around the globe. By including ample

    of new embedded features, it has become more flexible. So, to get best out of it, one must learn

    the changed behavior. This exemplifies that, it is vital to learn and embrace the changed gadget,

    with its newly developed features.

    To put in a nutshell, after pondering a great deal of thoughts, it can easily be deduced that, with

    the shrewd learning acumen and zeal to stay updated, an individual can reach to the apex of

    success and shower the light over the avenue of the knowledge.

  • Sandip Budhathoki

    Writing PTE

    Several languages die every year and English is becoming used more and more as a world

    language. Many people feel this is a positive trend and that a world with fewer languages

    promotes harmony and understanding between people. Analyse both sides of this argument

    and provide your opinion.

    English, the language Royale, has earned an enviable position as the only international language,

    whilst dominating other tribal languages; thereby vanishing them. Some handful of masses

    opines that it is a positive development as it makes them to understand each other well. Both

    sides of this hotly debated issue will be analyzed before coming to a reasoned conclusion.

    To begin with, the prime reason for becoming some languages obsolete is globalization. Since

    with the advancements in technology world is becoming a global village, people with the

    dispersed geographical locations interacting with each other and every entity may have a

    separate language ; making it difficult for them to communicate. Therefore, English, the

    language of most of the international traders, is gaining momentum due to socio-economic

    pressure, facilitating all entities to relay information. To exemplify, citizens of developing

    countries are pressurized to trade in dominating languages to meet the requirements of the life

    and cut off their poverty.

    However, some people profess that this phenomenon is fostering better relationships among

    members of the different nations by reducing conflicts. Fewer the languages to communicate,

    better the mutual understanding among elements of the society , as everyone will be able to

    understand each other and less conflicts. This will also make the modern highly networked world

    as the peaceful world which is th

    e need of the day.

    After analyzing the matter in detail, it can be seen that , though using fewer languages will

    promote the harmony in the world, forgetting other important languages is not a good idea.

    Every language is inextricably linked with its culture, so dying out other languages than English

    will also vanish other cultures. The loss of diversity will deprive us of ways of looking at the

    world for it will reflect ones thoughts and perception too.

  • Sandip Budhathoki

    Writing PTE

    Should consumer goods companies concentrate on quality or special discounts and offers to

    promote their products?

    Marketing strategy plays a pivotal role in the growth of an organization. It not only creates an

    influx in the revenue, but helps to upsurge the reputation of the company also. I will advocate

    investing in offers and promotions is a positive move.

    To begin with, investment in offers and promotions for any product, in order to lure the

    customers not only gives the product an edge over others, but also aid to incline the company's

    growth. For an instance, Nestle has launched an advertising campaign recently to promote its

    product, which has boomed its demand compared to the product of the same segment.

    Furthermore, a new start-up company when launches its debut product with the eye-catching

    deals, then as an outcome, it provides a better reputation and adds to the revenue growth, which

    later helps in the development of the company. To exemplify, Lenovo has added a range of new

    mobiles in its list. To promote those, it has invested a hefty sum in the marketing, promotions

    and has launched it by using a giant platform of Flipkart. This, in turn, made it as the most

    selling mobile of the year.

    To put in a nutshell, after pondering the great deals of thoughts, it is immediately apparent that,

    expenditure in promotions and discounts not only create an influx in the revenue of the company,

    but helps to bolster its roots also among the big giants. Overall, investment in the business to

    develop and nurture is worth and should be accepted as the part of basic requirement.

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