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Writing your way into interviews

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Self Marketing Tool Personal Ad Job Skills Showcase “Value Added” to Future Employer

Résumés are a

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

The average recruiter will give your resume approximately 10-20 seconds

upon initial review!

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Ten steps to creating an effective résumé

1. Choose Target

2. Find out skills, knowledge, experience and training are required for job.

3. Make a list of your 3-5 strongest skills or abilities that make you a strong candidate for your target.

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Ten steps to creating an effective résumé

4. For each of these think of several accomplishments that will illustrate or demonstrate your use of it. (background, action steps, and results)

5. Demonstrate each accomplishment in a simple yet powerful action statement.

6. List jobs held in reverse chronological order.

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Ten steps to creating an effective résumé

7. List education and training relevant to your job target.

8. Select résumé format Chronological or Functional.

9. Arrange your action statement according to format selected.

10. Summarize your key points at top of the résumé.

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Common Résumé Myths

Résumés should tell the exact truth good or bad

Résumés should be only one page longRésumés need to be written in

complete sentencesRésumés can fit all jobs

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Common Résumé Myths

Résumés should only document your job responsibilities and work history

Chronological is the Best FormatRésumés should detail every job

equallyContent is more important than


26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Objective Statements vs. Summary of Qualifications

Objective statements are using too vague or too specific

Objective statements are sometimes too much to read

Summary of Qualifications that are bulleted are usually easier to read

Summary of Qualifications speak straight to the point

Most HR and Hiring Managers prefer a Summary above Objectives

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Summary Statements

Summary statements give you the opportunity to highlight a few of your most important or relevant characteristics.

Summary statements focus on your skills. You will want to change your statements to address each job description.

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Types of Resumes

Chronological-The most widely used style of resume. It presents information on educational and professional experience in reverse chronological order.

Functional/Skill-Stresses skills and abilities rather than dates and times of past experience and education..

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Resume Layout

Try to have one-inch margins on all sides. You want to create the visual impression that there is not too much reading to be done.

Font size should be 10-14 pt.! Anything less will give the reader eyestrain.

Printing needs to be laser quality.

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Electronic Resume Scanning

Avoid italics, underlining,

shadows, and reverse


Avoid vertical and

horizontal lines, graphics,

and boxes.

Avoid 2 column formats.

Font size should be 10-

14 points.

CENTER your name and address.

Use standard fonts such as Helvetica, Future, Optima, Times, Univers.

Use white or ivory paper.

Multiple pages are okay.

Use key words, jargon and acronyms specific to your industry.

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

The Anatomy of a Résumé

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam


Should include:NameAddress – If you have a permanent and

local, put both.Phone number – it’s okay to use your cell

phone number.Email Address – be careful of trendy

email address names such as “[email protected].”

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam


List institutions attended in reverse chronological order.


List marks if better, can be in major or overall.

Additional information such as relevant coursework may be included if it is reflective of a specialization or is particularly relevant to the position you are pursuing.

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

ExperienceList work history in reverse chronological order.Descriptive statements displaying skills, abilities, and

professional accomplishments should be listed for each employment listing.

Begin descriptive statements with an action verb.DO NOT INCLUDE reasons for leaving, past salaries,

complete address or phone number for employer, or past supervisor’s name.

Internships and non-paid employment can be listed in this section. It is not necessary to note if they were unpaid.

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Additional Sections

Information that is not appropriate for other sections of the resume, but is of relevance to your pursuits should be included under an additional heading. Potential headings include:Honors and ActivitiesComputer SkillsAccomplishmentsProfessional MembershipsProjectsSkills or Summary of Skills

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Resume Do’s

Use a direct, active writing style. Make your statements short. Avoid the use of “I”; begin sentences or phrases with action words. 

Expect to do several revisions.  A top-notch resume is rarely written the first time.

Keep the resume to one or two pages.

Employers do not have the time, nor the patience, to read a lengthy document. Make it easy for them

to keep reading yours. 

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Resume Do’s continued

Make it visually appealing. Use lots of white space and wide margins, which make it easy to scan. 

Use the present tense to describe your current job. All previous positions should be described in past tense. 

Support all activities and accomplishments with results and benefits. 

Summarize employment by briefly describing your functions. 

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Resume Do’s continued

Pick a resume format and be consistent. Use positive language in describing your

accomplishments.  Use short phrases rather than complete

sentences. If you can say something in three words, don't use 10. 

Keep the reader of your resume in mind. Ask yourself, “If I were the employer, would I interview this person?" Unless the answer is an unqualified “YES,” you still have some work to do.

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam


Use words and phrases appropriate to your employer/industry. 

Lay out your resume so that a job description or a sentence on the first page doesn't run over to the second. 

Use capital letters, dashes, bolding or bullets for emphasis. Use these symbols sparingly, or they lose their effect. 

Proofread your resume for correct spelling, punctuation, and grammatical and typographical errors. Have your resume critiqued by several professionals.

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Resume Don'ts

Avoid using abbreviations. Use professional or technical jargon only if it is relevant to the position you seek. 

Don’t use odd-sized paper, overly fancy stock, color, style, or anything considered eccentric. Use a good white, cream, or light gray A4 paper

Leave the photo of yourself off the resume.  You don't need to list references. Reserve them for

the interview.  Leave off personal data: caste, father’s name,

number of children etc

26 July 007 Pradeep Yuvaraj | Karpagam

Your Resume should be:



Easy to read and find information.



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