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Page 1: WRT 105 Visual Rhetoric Worksheet

Project #2 Worksheet For next class, Thursday, October 22, I’d like you to watch your movie several times and read the accompanying article (referenced alongside the movie). Then begin drafting responses to the items below using the suggested word count as a guide. This assignment is designed to help you prepare for your essay.

• Who is the filmmaker? When was the film made? Where was it filmed? • Summarize what this movie is about? What is the central issue or issues? (approximately

150 words) • What are some of the strategies the filmmaker uses to tell his or her story? (approximately

150 words) • Take three screen shots from your movie. Through observation, describe what you see

happening in the film (as related to the image) and attempt to analyze its significance (approximately 150 words for each screen shot).

• Describe how this story connects with your own understanding of this issue. What did you know about it before watching the movie? (approximately 150 words).

Post your response to the Discussion Board on Blackboard.

WRT 105: Practices of Academic Writing

Fall 2015, Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00-6:20 p.m., MSM 208A Patrick W. Berry, [email protected], office: HBC 235

office phone: 315-443-1912 office hours: Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. and by appointment

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