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2. GROUP MEMBERS Bak Fong Ning Eunice Chua Lam Man Pan Anna Tan Yu Jie Tong Ji Feng Xia Dong 3. SCOPE (PART 1)WhatReason for Flowchart onDefinition:What Ergonomics usingergonomicsis Ergonomics? does? Ergonomics?studyBackground Introduction ofWhat regulatorSymptoms ofinformation of ergonomics says? poor ergonomicsergonomics hazardshazards Summary list ofRisk factors and ergonomic measurementhazards 4. SCOPE (PART 2)How to improveWhat you can doBudgets for theHow to pick your work to improve Indoor control itemsperfect chair?ergonomically?Air Quality? DesigningHow to adjust the What are the productive seatingclassroom and Does ergonomics practical in classroom andlaboratory to fitwork?solutions? laboratory you?What is the Referencesdesign furnitureConclusion for change? 5. WHAT IS ERGONOMICS? The branch of science that is concerned with the achievement ofoptimal relationships between workers and their workenvironmentErgonomicsWorkerWork environment 6. WHAT IS ERGONOMICS? Deals with the assessment of the humans capabilities andlimitations Work and environmental stress Static and dynamic forces on the human body structure Vigilance Fatigue Design simulation and design of workstation and tools 7. WHAT IS ERGONOMICS? A multidisciplinary science which draw heavily from other fields ofstudy like: Mathematics Biological science Psychological science Physics 8. WHAT DOES ERGONOMICS DO? Goal: To adapt work to individuals rather than individuals to work By developing knowledge that results in efficient adaptation ofwork methods to the individual physiological and psychologicalcharacteristics 9. WHAT ARE THE REASONS FORERGONOMICS? Achieve an optimal relationship between people and their workenvironment. Reducing occupational injury and illness reduction, Containing workers compensation costs, Improving productivity of the workers, Improving work quality, Reducing absenteeism Complying with the government regulations. 10. HOW WE CONDUCT A ERGONOMICSTUDY? 11. BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF ERGONOMICS HAZARDS Occur when type of work, body position and working conditions putstrain on ones body Hardest to spot because strains on a persons body or harm fromthese hazards not always immediately noticed Short-term exposure result in "sore muscles" the next day or in daysfollowing exposure Long term exposure result in serious long-term injuries 12. INTRODUCTION OF ERGONOMICHAZARD Workplace conditions that pose risk of injury to themusculoskeletal system of worker Includes repetitive and forceful movements, vibration, temperatureextremes, and awkward postures that arise from improper workmethods and improperly designed workstations, tools, andequipment 13. Examples of Ergonomic hazards : Poor lighting Improperly adjusted workstations and chairs Frequent lifting Poor posture Awkward movements, especially if they are repetitive Repeating the same movements over and over Having to use too much force, especially if you have to do itfrequently 14. SYMPTOMS OF POORERGONOMICS Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs) are a class ofmusculoskeletal disorders involving damage to the nerves of thehands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, and back. The more frequently occurring occupationally induced disorders inthis class include carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). CTDs are caused when workers are required to perform keyboard-intensive tasks without breaks or alternative work. 15. WHAT REGULATOR SAYS? Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the federalgovernment lists ergonomics as a key factor in preventingmusculoskeletal injuries in the workspace. OSHA expresses concern over poor design of furniture that does fitthe task, and ineffective safety devices: anything that mightprecipitate an injury. Stress through prolonged sitting can be resolved to a great extentwith an increased awareness of correct posture. Three basic sitting positions can promote a healthy posture: the torsomay be positioned slightly forward, upright, or slightly reclining andalways with both feet resting comfortably on the floor or on a footrest 16. ERGONOMIC ANALYTICAL TOOLS Provide job prioritization for intervention, quantification of activitiesassociated with increased risk of injury, or recommendation for aload weight limit for lifting Used by examiner to determine which analytical tool is best forevaluation of the identified risks based on the understanding ofthe tools application, strengths and weaknesses 17. 1.Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) Assesses the risk of cumulative trauma, disorder through posture, force, and muscle-use analysis2.Ovako Working Posture Analysis System (OWAS) Provides intervention, prioritization based on posture and loads3.Repetitive Motion Evaluation Analyses posture, repetition, and discomfort to reveal the performance of high risk motions 18. 4.Observation Analysis of the Hand and Wrist Quantifies hand exertions associated with risk factors of pinch grip, high force, wrist flexion/extension/ulnar deviation, power tool exertion, and use of hand to strike object5.Utah Back Compressive Force Model Evaluates the risk of low back injury for a one-time lifting task based on lumbar disc compression6.Utah Shoulder Moment Model Evaluates the risk of shoulder injury for a onetime lifting task comparing task moment to an individuals capacity 19. 7.NIOSH Work Practices Guide (1981)Evaluates the risk of a lifting task based on NIOSH parameters8.Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation (1994)Evaluates the risk of a lifting task based on expanded NIOSH parameters9.Liberty Mutual TablesBased on psychophysical experimentation, determines the maximum acceptable weight for a lifting/lowering task, push/pulling task, and carrying task given selected job characteristics. Tables are accessible from the Lifting/Manual Material Handling Job Review and Analysis Options 20. 10. Amsterdam Masters in Medical Anthropology (AAMA) MetabolicModel Evaluates the risk of physical exertion strain for a task11. Anthropometry Analysis Determines proper workplace dimensions for various body sizes12. Detailed Checklist For Computer Video Display Terminals (VDT)Workstation Risk Analysis Presents the recommended characteristics of a VDT workstation 21. POTENTIAL ERGONOMICS HAZARD(BLK 34-06-02) Improper design of computer workstation Excessive overhead lighting Improper design of facilities (tables and chairs) Lifting and moving of tables or chairs Long period of time standing Long period of time sitting Continuous writing with hand or typing on a laptop/computer Tripping of electric cord Unclean air conditioner and ventilators 22. POSSIBLE CONTROL MEASURES Engineering control Administrative control 23. ENGINEERING CONTROL Improper design of computer workstation Use of foot rest Position the chair and desk such that the knee and forearms are90 angles, with wrist straight and feet flat on the floor or foot rest Position the computer such that the top of the screen is at or justbelow the eye level, and the viewing distance is a safe distanceaway from the user eyes Excessive overhead lighting Use of adjustable tasks lights ambient lighting Use of anti-glare whiteboard 24. Improper design of facilities Use of flexi-chair (changing seat inclination) or rockingmechanisms (swivel chair with height adjustment) Use of height adjustable working table or inclined top Long period of time sitting Use of adjustable stool with a backrest Adjust the chair height such that the feet rest comfortably on thefloor or foot rest 25. Long period of time standing Use of anti-fatigue mat Continuous writing with hand Use of better grip pen Tripping of electric cords Use of cable protector or floor cord cover Unclean air conditioner and ventilators Install new unit ventilators and air handlers or regular cleaningand maintenance of ventilation system 26. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL Lifting and moving of tables and chairs Request for help when lifting or moving heavy objects Long period of sitting and standing, and continuous writing withhand Taking short breaks in between the work schedule 27. POTENTIAL ERGONOMICS HAZARD (BLK 35 LABORATORY) Long period of time sitting Long period of time standing Repetitive pipetting Improper design of facilities (fume hoods, biosafety cabinet, laboratoryworkbenches) Improper design of computer workstation Moving of heavy objects Stress Compact work surface Excessive overhead lightings Personal laboratory equipment 28. POSSIBLE CONTROL MEASURES Engineering control Administrative control Personal protection equipment (PPE) Work practice controls 29. ENGINEERING CONTROL Long period of time sitting Use of adjustable lab stool with backrest Adjust chair height such that the feet can rest comfortably on thefloor or footrest Tilt the chair seat forward to prevent leaning Keep frequently used items within arm reach Long period of time standing Use of anti-fatigue mat Place one foot on a small stool and alternate to reduce pressureto the back 30. Repetitively pipetting Elevate chair according to working height Use of light-weight pipette or electronic or latch-mode pipette Use of multi-finger control Use thin-walled pipette tips Work the pipette with arm close to body to reduce strain onshoulder 31. Improper design of facilities (fume hoods, biosafety cabinets and laboratoryworkbenches) Position materials in fume hood as close as possible to avoid extendedreachingApply padding for arm and wrist to rest Lights in fume hood must be working properly. Replace bulbs whennecessary Use ergonomically designed chairs with proper back support, seat angle andheight adjustability Use foot rest Removal of drawers under workbenches Use turntable to store equipment to avoid extend reaching and twisting Proper design of stool or benches such that it is not too high for most users touse 32. Improper design of computer workstation Provide fully adjustable seating Place monitor such that thetop of the screen is near or at eyelevel to allow the eye to naturallygravitate towards the center of thescreen Provide foot rest for user tochange leg position through theday Regular maintenance of workstation, chairs and equipment Use of padded wrist rest Ensure that the user shoulder muscles or tendon does not work to reachforward or out to side, otherwise, further alteration of workstation isneeded Ensure that the keyboard and input device (mouse) is at the same leveland in front of the computer, and the height of the keyboard and inputdevice should allow the user to position their forearms and hands parallelto the floor Adjust monitor contrast and brightness for maximum personal comfort ofuser 33. Moving of heavy objects Use handling equipment (lifts or hoist) to avoid manual handling Push instead of pull Use sliding motion or lateral transfers instead of lifting the load Decrease the weight of load and allow more frequent trips of movinglighter load Pivot the feet instead of twisting the back when lifting the load Compact work surface Ensure work surface is large enough to allow free leg movement Ensure the height of work surface allow the forearms to be parallel tothe floor when working, avoid having shoulder elevated Excessive overhead lightings Use a task tamp when needed 34. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL Long period of time sitting and standing, repetitively pipetting,improper design of facilities (fume hood, biosafety cabinet andlaboratory workbench), improper design of computer workstation,and moving of heavy objects Take short breaks in between the work schedule Moving of heavy objects Optimize work shift scheduling to minimize extended work load Ask for more people to assist moving load 35. PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT(PPE) Personal laboratory equipment Safety goggles Gloves 36. WORK PRACTICE CONTROL Repetitively pipetting Introduce worker education and awareness sessions Improper design of computer workstation Early reporting of signs and symptoms of ergonomic concerns Training for user on ergonomics hazard and control strategies 37. CONTROL ITEMS FORLABORATORY Deluxe goggles (S$15.12) Crag work boot (S$185.76) 38. Edge protector 0.762m(S$23.24) Adjustable work benches 0.762m x 1.524m (S$1249.58) 39. Vinyl Cover seat with adjustableheight (adjustable from 0.508mto 0.686m in height)(S$577.19) Safety fatigue mat 0.102m x 1.524m (S$738.08) 40. Wireless ergonomic multimedia keyboard and mouse (S$64.68) 41. CONTROL ITEMS FORCLASSROOM Floor cord cover 7.62m (S$49.75) Fully ergonomics design withsmooth nylon mesh backand genuine leather seatpan chair (S$150) 42. Anti-glare whiteboard (S$11.00) Wireless ergonomic multimedia keyboard and mouse (S$64.68) 43. = S$3114.15 44. HOW TO IMPROVE WORKERGONOMICALLY Know the current working condition of the workplace Get compared with the legislation or COP Identify the potential factors which may cause injury to theworkers and list them out Give suggestions to make changes regarding the unsuitablefactors When all details of every area in the workplace is considered,examined and actions have been done, work is improvedergonomically Having proper chair-height adjustment can help keep thewrists in a flat position, and the control of both backrest angleand seat-pan forward-tilt further aids in relaxation and thereduction of muscular tension while helping proper hand armorientation. 45. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO IMPROVEINDOOR AIR QUALITY1. Apply good ventilation system2. Choose suitable ventilation system. (LEV system for workplace with gaseous pollutants produced by fixed origins with high concentration)3. Monitor the air quality constantly.4. Clean the duct or other ventilation system components regularly. 46. HOW TO PICK YOUR PERFECT CHAIR? Chair is the most important piece of furniture. Without a comfortable, supportive chair, you would not be an efficient worker. Sitting for prolonged periods of time can cause poor posture and reducecirculation of the blood, which often results in severe back pain. An ergonomic chair should provide your back, especially your lumbar region(lower back) with support. A quality chair should have an adjustable lumbar support Users should be able to move the back rest forward, reducing the seat pandepth, to ensure that people with shorter legs receive proper back supportwhile still being able to rest their feet on the ground or foot rest. They should be able to adjust the back support forward or backward toaccommodate the curvatures of the spine and properly support their bodyweight. 47. HOW TO PICK YOUR PERFECT CHAIR? Important that the seat height be adjustable. A footrest also can help improve comfort for a shorter user who isworking at a fixed-height work surface. A good ergonomic chair also allows adjustment of both the back-tiltangle and seat pan depth while seated. Seat pan (the surface on which you actually sit) should have a softfront edge, ensuring that there are no pressure points to hurt theunderside of the thighs. Perfect chair should allow users to sit upright with arms hangingstraight down from the shoulders and with the elbows bent Allow users to sit flat on the chair with knees bent and feet flat on thefloor or foot rest and it should support the users back in an uprightposition. 48. HOW TO ADJUST THE CLASSROOMAND LABORATORY TO FIT YOU?a) Adjust your chair Arm position1. Raise your forearms to be parallel with the floor while maintaining a 90 degrees elbow bend.2. Adjust your chair to achieve this position. Keep the wrist straight as an extension of your forearms. Foot support1. Move your feet forward until your knees are at a 90 to 110 degrees angle. Your feet should rest firmly on the floor with 3-6 inches (7.62cm-15.24cm) of leg room between your lap and desk.2. If you do not have a footrest and cannot adjust your chair height or your feet don not touch the floor, use a phone book or a 3-ring binder as a quick and easy footrest. 49. HOW TO ADJUST THE CLASSROOMAND LABORATORY TO FIT YOU? Backrest1. Sit in your chair with the backrest snugly against your lower back.2. You should be able to place your hand easily between the back ofyour knees and the edge of the seat pan.3. If you cannot do this, you may be able to achieve improvedsupport by placing a pillow between your seat and lower back torestore natural curvature. 50. Flow charton adjustingthe chair tofit you 51. DESIGNING THE PRODUCTIVESEATING IN CLASSROOM ANDLABORATORY Seat Pan Height Ideally, adjustable 40cm- 53cm from the floor to the top of the seatpan. Seat Pan Depth Maximum seat pan depth 38cm-44cm Also provide a waterfall forward-sloping front edge on the seatpan Seat Pan Width Minimum seat pan width 46cm 52. Seat Pan Slope Adjustable 0 to -10 degrees Seat Back Tilt Minimum range 0 to 15 degrees Seat Back Height Minimum seat back height 36cm 53. DESIGNING THE PRODUCTIVESEATING IN CLASSROOM ANDLABORATORY Seat Back Width Minimum seat back width 30cm Armrest Height Between 15cm 17cm above the centre height of the seat pan Armrest Length Minimum armrest length 15cm Armrest Width Minimum armrest width 5cm Armrest separation Between 46cm and 56cm. 54. WHAT ARE THE PRACTICALSOLUTIONS? Maintaining ergonomic seating in workplace Check whether workstation is set up well. Keyboard, monitor, andpersons posture should be on straight line to avoid seatingdiscomforts To not look up at the screen. Adjust chair to look down at screeninstead Desktop to be at convenient height with enough space forcomputer and papers Chair to give good support to users back with height-adjustingoptions Keyboard and mouse mat to have good-wrist rest 55. Ergonomic seating- elbow angle Ensure that head and torsoare in-line with headslightly bent forward, facingtowards the front, andbalanced Ensure that elbows areclose to body and bentbetween 90 and 110degrees 56. ERGONOMIC SEATING- FOOTREST Feet supported by a footrest or relaxing on floor Ensure back supported fully while leaning back or sitting in vertical position Seat well padded to support hips and thighs Ensure that knees and hips in almost same height with feet slightly forward 57. WHAT IS THE DESIGN FURNITUREFOR CHANGE?Seat design Basic size and shape of any seat determined largely byanthropometric considerations: Seat height should not be greater than popliteal height of a smalluser (5th percentile) Seat depth (from front edge to the backrest) should not be greaterthan the buttock-popliteal length of a small user (5th percentile) Seat breadth between arm rests should give clearance for largeuser (95th percentile hip breadth or elbow-elbow breadth plusleeway). Seat breadth little less than hip breadth for seats withoutarm rests*popliteal: back part of the leg behind the knee joint 58. Backrest designed to support weight of users trunk.Backrest extend upwards, at least into shoulder region ofuser Backrest angle determined by purpose of the seat. Angle of100 to 110 from horizontal generally suitable for workingchairs and 110 to 120 for rest chairs. Seat surface shouldbe horizontal in a working chair or tilted backwards (by anangle of 5 to 10) in a rest chair 59. Shod feet flat on floorClearance between thigh and underside of table for freedom of movementClearance between back of legs and front edge of seat 60. Chairs Should be stable throughout full range of postures that user adopts Five-point base of support suitable for rotatable chairs Seat surface should be substantially flat No part more than 25mm higher than any other Upper surface of front edge resilient or rounded Seat to be padded or upholstered Upholstery materials permeable to air and water vapour Backrest of office chair should provide: Adequate support for office worker in lumbar region Space for bottom and movements of shoulder blades Permit arm and elbow movement 61. Tables length of desktop, table or worktop should be some multiple of100mm and width, some multiple of 50mmPreferred sizes are as follows: Length of the desktopWidth of the desktop1200 6001200 8001600 800 62. Working posture of person sitting at writing desk determined by: the height of the seat the height of the desk lesser degrees of adjustment adequate in real practice 63. CONCLUSION Deals with interaction of technological and worksituations with human being Basic human sciences involved are anatomy,physiology and psychology Basic anatomy Basic anatomy is based on improving physical fitbetween people and things they use Difficult to achieve as need to consider range in humanbody sizes across population 64. Physiology Work physiology addresses energy requirements of the body andsets standards for acceptable physical work rate and workload, andfor nutrition requirements. Environmental physiology analyses impact of physical workingconditions - thermal, noise and vibration, and lighting - and setsoptimum requirements accordingly Psychology Concerned with human information processing and decision-makingcapabilities Increasing automation, while dispensing with human involvement inroutine operations, increases mental demands in terms ofmonitoring, supervision and maintenance 65. REFERENCES Web-links http://safety.uchicago.edu/tools/faqs/ergonomics.shtml#heading1 http://www.safetyoffice.uwaterloo.ca/hse/ergonomics/lab_ergo.htm http://safety.dri.edu/LabSafety/Appendix_F.pdf http://employment.alberta.ca/documents/WHS/OHS-WSA-handbook-laboratory-workers.pdf http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/sr/dohs/HealthAndSafety/Ergonomics/atwork/Pages/lab1.aspx 66. Books Human Factors in Design, contributors Jim Sage, Alan Goodier Ergonomics: How to design for ease and efficiency, By K.H.EKroemer A resource guide for ergonomics Guidelines/ Code of Practice/legislation Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) Anthropometry Analysis

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