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Page 1: WT ENERGY: Urban waste as source for low cost renewable ...ejkrause.com.mx/thegreenexpo.com.mx/2015/memogreen/p23-IngM… · geothermal and solar technologies. EIA models tax credit

Maurizio Ruggi Chief Executive Officer

September 23, 2015

WT ENERGY: Urban waste as source for low cost renewable electric energy production

Page 2: WT ENERGY: Urban waste as source for low cost renewable ...ejkrause.com.mx/thegreenexpo.com.mx/2015/memogreen/p23-IngM… · geothermal and solar technologies. EIA models tax credit


Feedstock Process Output Products End-users

Municipal Solid Waste PRETREATMENT: Sorting, recycling and treatment


biowaste, biomass, agro industrial waste

VLE STEAM BOILER: Input waste flexibility MSW, medical waste, chemical, tyres

Manure, agriculture, slaughterhouses, agro industrial wastes, marc, stillage, sludges

Medical and Hospital, chemicals industrial

Recyclables, glass, metal, aluminium

Biomethane, compost, nitrogenous water

Electrical and thermic energy

Electrical companies, District heating

Transportation/civil biofuels, agriculture

Recycling industries



Page 3: WT ENERGY: Urban waste as source for low cost renewable ...ejkrause.com.mx/thegreenexpo.com.mx/2015/memogreen/p23-IngM… · geothermal and solar technologies. EIA models tax credit


mg/Nm3 mg/Nm3 %

hours of measurement 8.000 EUROPE

Particulate matter (PM) 0,40 10 -96,00

NOx - Nitrogen Oxides 62,5 100 -37,50

SO2 - Sulfur Dioxide 3 50 -94,00

HCl - Hydrogen Chloride 0,50 10 -95,00

CO - Carbon Monoxide 8,8 50 -82,40

TOC - Total Organic Carbon 1 10 -90,00

HF - Hydrogen Fluoride 0,0715 1 -92,85

PAH - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 0,000009 0,01 -99,91

Hg - Mercury 0,001 0,05 -98,00

Cd+Tl - Cadmium + Thallium 0,001 0,05 -98,00

Total Metals 0,004 0,5 -99,20

PCDD/DF - Dioxin/Furans 0,0000000004 0,0000001 -96,00

WT ENERGY VLE - Very Low Air Emission

certified data by competent authority (ARPA)


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U.S. average levelized costs (2013 $/MWh) for plants entering service in 20201

Plant type Capacity factor (%) Levelized

capital cost Fixed O&M










Dispatchable Technologies

Conventional Coal 85 60.4 4.2 29.4 1.2 95.1

Advanced Coal 85 76.9 6.9 30.7 1.2 115.7

Advanced Coal with CCS 85 97.3 9.8 36.1 1.2 144.4


85 28,1 14.2 19.3 1.3 62.9

Natural Gas-fired

ConventionalCombined Cycle 87 14.4 1.7 57.8 1.2 75.2

Advanced Combined Cycle 87 15.9 2.0 53.6 1.2 72.6

Advanced CC with CCS 87 30.1 4.2 64.7 1.2 100.2

Conventional Combustion Turbine 30 40.7 2.8 94.6 3.5 141.5

Advanced Combustion Turbine 30 27.8 2.7 79.6 3.5 113.5


Advanced Nuclear 90 70.1 11.8 12.2 1.1 95.2

Geothermal 92 34.1 12.3 0.0 1.4 47.8

Biomass 83 47.1 14.5 37.6 1.2 100.5

Non-Dispatchable Technologies

Wind 36 57.7 12.8 0.0 3.1 73.6

Wind – Offshore 38 168.6 22.5 0.0 5.8 196.9

Solar PV3 25 109.8 11.4 0.0 4.1 125.3

Solar Thermal 20 191.6 42.1 0.0 6.0 239.7

Hydroelectric4 54 70.7 3.9 7.0 2.0 83.5

1Costs for the advanced nuclear technology reflect an online date of 2022. 2The subsidy component is based on targeted tax credits such as the production or investment tax credit available for some technologies. It only reflects subsidies available in 2020, which include a permanent 10% investment tax credit for

geothermal and solar technologies. EIA models tax credit expiration as follows: new solar thermal and PV plants are eligible to receive a 30% investment tax credit on capital expenditures if placed in service before the end of 2016, and 10%

thereafter. New wind, geothermal, biomass, hydroelectric, and landfill gas plants are eligible to receive either: (1) a $23.0/MWh ($11.0/MWh for technologies other than wind, geothermal and closed-loop biomass) inflation-adjusted production

tax credit over the plant's first ten years of service or (2) a 30% investment tax credit, if they are under construction before the end of 2013. Up to 6 GW of new nuclear plants are eligible to receive an $18/MWh production tax credit if in service

by 2020; nuclear plants shown in this table have an in-service date of 2022. 3Costs are expressed in terms of net AC power available to the grid for the installed capacity. 4As modeled, hydroelectric is assumed to have seasonal storage so that it can be dispatched within a season, but overall operation is limited by resources available by site and season.

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2015, April 2015, DOE/EIA-0383(2015). 5based on WT Energy plants

Estimated levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for new generation resources, 2020

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Type of plant Mixed waste to energy VLE Thermo-Power plant

Quantity processed About 150.000 tons/year

Location Faenza (RA) North of Italy

Type of waste

RDF from MSW: 75.000 ton/year Biomass from pruning: 41.000 ton/year

Other agricultural dry waste 34.000 tons/year

Electric Energy MWh produced

About 145.000 year To grid and for

self consumption

September 2015 Re-thinking energy 5

A case-history: Plant description

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Financial Results (based on official balance sheet)

April, 2015 Re-thinking energy 6

In millions € Project

objectives ACTUAL 1° year/ 2011

ACTUAL 2° year / 2012

ACTUAL 3° year / 2013

ACTUAL 4° year / 2014




REVENUES 20,5 21,2 21,5 19,9 19,9

EBITDA 8,9 9,1 9,4 9,3 9,3

% Ebitda/Revenues 43,41% 43,30% 43,90% 46,70% 46,74%

% Ebitda/Investment 15,84% 16,30% 16,80% 16,60% 16,62%

% Ebitda/Equity 65,50% 67,60% 66,91% 66,91%



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Strange enough the major countries continue to produce electricity only from fossil expensive sources. With rapid economic growth and massive urbanization, many cities face the problem of municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal. Undoubtedly using dry MSW to produce electric energy is the cheapest way of generating electricity solving also an environmental and health problem So, the solution to produce renewable electric energy from waste combine 2 huge issues in one sustainable way out.


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