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Page 1: WV Elks Association October Volume Issue · Jackie Barlow Roger Kirkpatrick John Penn LIAISON OFFICERS North District: Donald Stokes Central District: William Lambert Southern District:





Walter Ice, State President .........1

Walter Ice, State President .........2

VP Message .................................3

GER October Message .................4

Sponsor Message ........................5

Law Recogni ons……………………...6-7



Hoop Shoot……………………………...10

Soccer Shoot ...............................11

Members .....................................11


State Major Project 2018………....13

Upcoming Events……………………...14

WV Elks State PresidentWalter Ice 2018-2019

It is truly hard to believe that half of my yearas President of the West Virginia Elks Associa-tion has passed. I again want to take theopportunity to “Thank” each and every one ofyou for allowing me to serve in this capacity.

My year to date has been busy. My adventuresquickly started off in attending the Virginia ElksConvention in Richmond, VA July 14-17, 2018.Part of the weekend events included a tour of

the Virginia State Capitol with the Grand Exalted Ruler and First Lady,Mike and Barbara Luhr, Past Grand and State Sponsor Ron Hicks andwife Nancy, as well as VA State President, Donnie White and wife Jo-anne. Virginia rolled out the southern hospitality.

Since my heart is always with our State Major Project, I spentthree days at this year’s camps and had an incredible time with ourattendees and camp staffers. As always, many thanks to Taffey foranother successful year. There was no better way to celebrate my birthday than by attend-ing the Kentucky Elks Convention in Florence Kentucky August 2-5,2018 led by State President Charlie Cunningham and First Lady Troi.We again had the pleasure to spend the weekend with Exalted Rulerand First Lady, Mike and Barb Luhr, as well as our State Sponsor, TedHess. This trip, we got to tour the Ark Encounter, a full-size replica-tion of Noah’s Ark built according to the dimensions given in the Bible.It truly is a work of art to be seen and toured. In addition to attend-ing all three District Deputy Clinics, to date I have visited the ElkinsLodge for their Annual Picnic, Mannington Lodge for their Annual GunBash, Bluefield Lodge for their First Responders Annual Event, HintonLodge for their regular meeting night, and Lewisburg Lodge for a BeefGive-A-Way and Professional Corn Hole Tournament. Another highlight of my year was attending a three-river boattour aboard the Gateway Clipper in Pittsburgh, PA along with Veteransfrom PA, VA, OH and WV through an organization called Sharing andCaring, Inc. Sharing and Caring is a recognized Veterans programthat the Pennsylvania Elks Association supports.Rounding out my final State visits was last, but certainly not least, thePennsylvania Elks Convention in Harrisburg, PA October 11-14, 2018.It was great spending time with so many friends. State President andFirst Lady Steve and Cindy Kempff did an outstanding job of reigningover the event. One of the highlights of the weekend was the crown-ing the “Ms. Pennsylvania Elk”. I have never laughed so hard. I wastreated to a historical tour of the Gettysburg battlefields whilethe ladies escorted my wife to a luncheon at the Hershey Hotel.


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WalterIce,Cont’dp1.We had the privilege of spending the weekend with Past Grand Exalt-ed Ruler and Pennsylvania State Sponsor Paul Helsel and wife, Jane.Due to health reasons, GER Luhr and First Lady were unable to at-tend. It is difficult to put in words in a limited space of all the hard work,excitement, fun and joy that Jennifer and I have experienced so far.As we rapidly approach the holidays, it is Jennifer and I’s wish that allElks have a safe, joyous, blessed and prosperous season. Pleasereach into your hearts and be generous to those less fortunate andcontinue to pray for our military personnel.Let’s all continue to show Elks Care, Elks Share.

Respectfully submitted, Walter S. Ice

West Virginia Elks Associa onOfficers 2018-2019

PRESIDENT: Walter IceVP SOUTH: Archie Brackens

VP NORTH: Bill VerelstVP CENTRAL: Dennis Hayes

SECRETARY: Howard Boyd Sr.TREASURER: J.B. Phillips


INNER GUARD: Kathryn O’ConnellTILER: Clydene Mason


PROTOCAL: Richard RominoHOUSING CHAIRMAN: Howard Boyd Sr.

TRUSTEESJames McIntyre

Darry HarrisJackie Barlow

Roger KirkpatrickJohn Penn

LIAISON OFFICERSNorth District: Donald Stokes

Central District: William LambertSouthern District: Robert Stevens

DISTRICT DEPUTIESNorth District: James Perkins, Jr.

Central District: Louise HayesSouth District: Bernice Brackens


Central District: Margaret KruegerSouth District: R.H. “Sonny” Mathews

GRAND LODGEState CLMS Coordinators:

Ashley Mar n & William RosenNa onal Housing Chair: Howard Boyd, Sr.Area 4 Member Board of Grand Trustees:

Jeffrey Miller

Na onal Hospitality Chair: Heidi K. Hubbard

Thank you for your hard work!

West Virginia Mid-Year Meeting: The State President Walter Ice and wifeJennifer toured the mansion of West Virginia Governor James Justice withGER Mike Luhr and First Lady Barbara.

Carnival time at the State Major Project camp


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Resourceful Links:

WV State

h ps://www.elks.org/

Elks Na onal

h ps://www.elks.org/

Morgantown Website

h p://www.bpoelks411.org/

In the News

HPD Dog Vestshttp://www.herald-dispatch.com/news/




Walk for a Veteran


Harrison County Schools

Harrison County Elks Nation-al Speaker visits Harrison

County Schools


Brother and Sister Elks,Now that the blistering heat of summer has

come to pass, and the green leaves have be-gun to turn their brilliant hues of autumn. Iwould like to thank each of you for your de-voted service to our Elks Association duringthe summer months. Whether, cooking hotdogs, improving local parks and rec. areas orjust treating American Heroes to a ball game,your continued dedication to our founding

principles continues to help Elks shine throughout our great mountainstate.

This year as we celebrate 110 years of West Virginia Elkdom and150 years of our Grand Lodge it’s easy to sit back and look at our nu-merous past accomplishments and become complacent. It is this senseof complacency that many times leads officers and members alike tothink that they have reached the pinnacle of what they can achieve asElks and that the status quo is the norm. Personally, I believe that aregreatest years are still to come as we build on our past successes. It iswith this end in mind that I earnestly charge each of you to strive tomake your current successes even more so throughout the coming year.Only by continuing to strive forward can our Association continue toflourish as the premiere fraternal organization in this exceptional coun-try of ours.

In closing Mischele and I would like to wish each of you a joyousholiday season and a festive year to come as our Lodges continue towork within our communities showing “What Elks Do”

Bill Verelst Jr, Vice President North

Page 4: WV Elks Association October Volume Issue · Jackie Barlow Roger Kirkpatrick John Penn LIAISON OFFICERS North District: Donald Stokes Central District: William Lambert Southern District:


October is a month of Activity as Deadlines Loom

Message from Grand Exalted Ruler Michael T. Luhr

As we enter the month of October, we begin to reap therewards of our September preparations. Patriotism Week, heldthis year from September 10-16, is the perfect time to start tointroduce the Americanism Essay Contest to your localschools. It is due to your Lodge by December 15 but NOW isthe time to ask schools to get it into their curriculums. Makesure to pass this message on to your AmericanismChairperson.

Have all of your Lodge Officers donated to ENF, andhave you discussed ideas for this year’s grant opportunities?If not, make ENF part of your next meeting agenda and get it

done. If you’re having trouble coming up with grant ideas, why not host a Drug FreeKids Halloween party to fulfill an ENF Promise Grant?

October is also the month of the new GER’s “Class,” so make every effort to initiatenew candidates for membership before November 1. Make this initiation a special night,one that accommodates the schedules of new and established Members alike. Duringthe last meeting of October, be sure that your secretary and trustees submit theirreports to the Lodge. This is also a great time for Exalted Rulers to report on theirGrand Lodge experience. Remember that all these reports should be in written formatand included in your meeting minutes. Your Auditing & Accounting Committee is alsorequired to offer their report at the end of the month. Your A&A Committee should planto meet with the secretary and treasurer to review all finances, ensure budgets arerevised, and check that records are being maintained according to statute. Theimportance of this committee’s work cannot be overstated, and every effort should bemade to swiftly accommodate requests.

Red Ribbon Week runs from October 23-31. This is an opportunity for your Lodge tosupport the Elks Drug Awareness Program while procuring some positive exposure inyour community. Ask local school officials and law enforcement personnel how yourLodge can help spread the word about the dangers of drugs most prevalent in yourcommunity.

I would like ask every Exalted Ruler to take a look at the Members of your Lodge whoare “Working Together to Make a Difference.” Recognize their efforts by awardingthem my Special GER Award. It’s a small gesture that shows them just how much youand I both appreciate their hard work. Please take the time to thank the Members whoare making the Elks stronger because of their selflessness. See page 37 of the GrandLodge Program book for more information.

My last reminder is an important one: Start planning your Veterans Day program now.Our veterans sacrificed so much on our behalf, and they deserve all the recognition wecan bestow upon them. Let’s honor veterans in a way befitting of their service to ourcountry as well as remind them that the Elks will never forget them.

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Stephen Rodocker from the Wheeling Lodgevisited the Ohio River Valley Lodge 231 inMartins Ferry Ohio. They provided a dinner forGER Mike Luhr and First Lady Barbara,attending as well was PGER Ted Hess and hisLady Becky from the Wheeling Lodge andPGER Jim Nickelson and his Lady Mary Carolfrom ORV Lodge 231.

L-R: Ted Hess, Barbara Luhr, Mike Luhr, Jim Nickelson

Sponsor’s Message

It has been my good fortune to be able to serve as the Sponsor of the West Virginia ElksAssociation for more than a quarter century. I always look forward to attending ourconventions, renewing friendships and generally having a great time. In fact, some of mymost enjoyable moments have come while in the convention hospitality room.

However, in this meteoric society in which we live, it is well to pause, catch our breath andconsider our purpose. If charity is the cornerstone of Elkdom, what is our criteria for sharing?Elks are blind to color, creed, age and sex. Our only criteria is need.

It is the vet we visit in the corner of a VA facility. It is the scholarship winner whose cheeksare wet with tears of joy because she knows she will be able to go to college. It is theyoungster proudly wearing his West Virginia Elks "Hoop Shoot" T-shirt while experiencing anopportunity to excel in the fine art of shooting a basketball. It is the knowledge you mayhave caused just one preteen to swerve away from the road to drug use. It is love radiatingfrom the eyes of a youngster at the West Virginia Elks Handicapped Children’s Camp.

Elks have fun. Oh, do they have fun. But deep within each of us abides the knowledge thatour fundamental purpose is to help those less fortunate than ourselves. In doing so, we alsohelp ourselves. I think an ancient prophet said it best:

The wise man does not layup treasure. The more he gives to others, the more he has for hisown.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Lester C. Hess, PGER

West Virginia Sponsor Fraternally,

Lester C. Hess, PGER West Virginia Sponsor

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Law and Safety Recognition

Elks Support HPD with Dog Vests

The Huntington Lodge has awarded a $1,500 grant to theHuntington Police Department (HPD) toward purchasingnew bulletproof vests for the department's eight K9officers. Funding for the donation was provided throughthe Elks National Foundation's Anniversary Grants. Thereare currently only two vests between HPD's eight policedogs, and the current pair are a bit heavy for the dogs,said Pfc. Robert Black, who accepted the check on thedepartment's behalf Friday from Cabell County MagistrateJudge Dan Goheen


Fairmont Elks and Valley Distributing of Fairmont hosted afund raiser for The Hearts of Gold Service Training Program.Hearts of Gold is involved in research training and placementof service dogs with qualified individuals and groups. Duringthe fundraiser an assortment of puppies were training tobecome service dogs and canine graduates visited theFairmont Lodge.

Center- Tish CavicchioL-R - Cathy Demasi, Margie Krueger, Betty J Mezzanotte,Rick Krueger, Barb Kuhn, Betty Roy

Elkins Lodge donated $200.00 to the Elkins PoliceDepartment to help purchase a cage for their K9 Unit.

L-R: ER Doug White, Police Officer B. Tice

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Charleston Lodge held their traditional Flag Day Ceremony in June. It was a greatevening for the Lodge with 78 people in attendance. Special guests were a detachmentfrom the Nuclear Submarine The USS West Virginia. Flags were presented by the WinfieldPost of the American Legion. A special Flag Folding and Memorial was performed by TheAmerican Legion. After the ceremony guest and members were served a picnic lunchwhich they were entertained by very popular Band Wagon.

Fairmount Lodge and the Boy Scouts of America honored Hershel "Woody" Williams, adecorated retired US Marine Corps officer who received the Medal of Honor for heroism inWorld War II.

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Veterans- Never Forgotten

The Elks National Foundation and Harrison Elks Lodge #2875treated nine Veterans from the Clarksburg Veterans Hospital to theWest Virginia Black Bears Baseball game in Morgantown, WV.Attendance to the game included two support staff and three Elkrepresentatives with many laughs and stories to be exchanged. Allmembers were viewed on the big screen and local televisionstation. WBOY Channel 12 did an interview and pictures for thesports at 11 o'clock. All enjoyed a great evening and the BlackBears Won!!

The vets were treated to the Pirates game atthe PNC Park for the day. The WV Elks Adopta Vet Committee paid for the buses and thePittsburgh Pirates donated the game tickets.This is a home run event!

The Wheeling Lodge will be involved in the 9th Annual Veterans Day 10K Race/Walk on Saturday,November 3, 2018 in Wheeling. Veterans Committee Chairman Pat Duffy will assist with the publicrelations aspect of the Race/Walk, which will begin at Bridge Street School and end at Wes BancoArena. In 8 years, the race has donated over $70,000 to paralyzed Veterans of America. A patrioticmedal will be given to all finishers. Last year 254 veterans participated in the race.Interested? Follow this link to sign uphttps://www.active.com/wheeling-wv/running/distance-running-races/ninth-annual-lois-stobbs-memorial-veterans-day-10k-2018

A monument in the truest sense, the Elks National Memorial was builtin 1926 to honor Americans whose profound sacrifices for the nationcan never be recognized by mere words. With its massive dome,heroic sculptures and intricately detailed friezes, the Memorial is adistinctively American interpretation of classical greatness.Explore the Memorial without leaving your chair.

You can read about the building's history or take a virtual tour. When you're ready to come and see theMemorial in person, you can plan your visit, too.

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The Wheeling Lodge is looking to complete the year! The state of WV is making adifference. Big thanks to Chuck for helping to collect the deer hides. They are on theirway to the tannery now!

Recognizing the Youth

L-R: Jr Teen of the Year Emma Martino, FirstLady Barbara Luhr, GER Mike Luhr, NancyHovermale, ENF MVS State scholarshipMakayla Kelly

ELKS SCHOLAR: Patrick Duffy stands in front ofWoodburn Hall at West Virginia University, he is afreshman. The son of PER Pat Duffy and his wifeJane, Patrick received from Wheeling a Scholarshiplast year.

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Award Winners

Harrison Elks Make Headlines:

Harrison County Elks National Speaker visits Harrison County Schoolswww.wboy.comhttps://www.wboy.com/.../harrison...elks...harrison.../1525370096

Hoop Shoot News

Southern District Contest 1/5/2019 @ St. Joseph High School, Huntington, WVNorthern District Contest 1/19/2019 @ Pleasant's County Middle School, Belmont, WV

Central District Contest 1/26/2019 @ Elkins High School, Elkins, WVState Contest 2/9/2019 @ Capital High School, Charleston, WVRegional Contest 3/9/2019 hosted by Frederick, MD, Elks Lodge

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Soccer Shoot NewsState Soccer Shoot November 3, 2018 @ 2pm

Elite Sports Center Parkersburg WV

Regional Soccer Shoot Frederick MD- date to follow

Supporting Members

Fairmont Lodge hosted a benefit dinner for Martha “Moo” Hawkins to support her Cancer Journey.Music was provided by member, John Bolton.

Members pitched in to make a fun event for a serious cause.

Grants- Making a Difference

Fairmont Lodge has served the community with the use of ENF Gratitude Grants 2017-2018. Theirlodge was able to provide a washer, dryer, and freezer to Hope, Inc. in 2017 when they moved intotheir new homes. Hope. Inc, provides safe shelter for victims of domestic violence. Members alsodonated toiletries, linens, towels, and other needed supplies. In 2018 their lodge was able to provideThe 'Soup Opera' with a stainless steel flat top griddle for use in food preparation for the approximately100 persons served daily. Both Hope, Inc. and The 'Soup Opera' are United Way organizations.

Elkins Lodge donated $700 to Midland Elementary School tohelp purchase new playground equipment.

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The members of Wheeling lodge used the Anniversary Grant for working on their Adopt-A-Playground inPulaski Field. The playground is across the street from the Lodge and they plan to do additional repairsand upgrades in conjunction with the City of Wheeling to improve the facility for the children. They arehoping that members and residents will be able to assist in the future. Rosalie Kimball, David Robinson,Julie Zogg, Martin Paul Zogg, and Elizabeth Pernell were just some the volunteers, along with membersto help on the project. During the project they passed out Drug awareness beach balls to several ofthe children that were playing while they worked.

Buckhannon Lodge presented a $1,500 donation to the B-UHS Backpack Program. They also presenteda $500 donation to the Buckhannon Academy Elementary School Backpack Program.

L-R: Teresa Knight, Katie Yeager, Donna Matthews, Michael Livesay, Eddie Vincent

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State Major Project 2018

The camps ran a total of 10 days back to back. Each camper spent 4 nights and 5 days. Theyreceived applications from 176 participants from all around the state. This is the greatest ever receivefrom applicants for camp in over a decade. The 2018 theme was a week under the Big Top. They had atalent show, arts and crafts, bowling, swimming, carnival, a dunk booth, a visit from Santa, dancing,wrestling and a circus put on by our talented volunteers with a Strong Man, a Bearded Lady, Elephants,Lions, Tight Rope Walkers and Fire Twirling!

The Major Project camps benefits everyone; campers, volunteers, parents, andcaregivers. Overall it can be estimated that the camps impact the lives of 400+ people.

Get your lodge involved, there is a place for your lodge and members to help out!

Wrestling Night: Christmas Time:

Miss West Virginia:

Making the Big Top:

Page 14: WV Elks Association October Volume Issue · Jackie Barlow Roger Kirkpatrick John Penn LIAISON OFFICERS North District: Donald Stokes Central District: William Lambert Southern District:


Upcoming Events/Deadlines

Adopt-A-Veteran DeadlineSubmit your application for your lodge

by November 1, 2018

St. Louis Missouri National Convention June 30-July 3 2019

Spring State Convention 2019Save the date for a weekend of Elkdom!Canaan Valley Resort - April 24-28, 2019

Mid-Year State Convention 2020Looking Way Ahead- Save the date!Charleston Marriott Town Centre - August 6-9, 2020

MAJOR STATE PROJECT CAMPS JULY 18-22, 23-26 2019Support the WV Major State Project, have your lodge sponsor a night at the camp!Stop by and spend time with campers, it is a great event!Interested in helping? Contact Taffy Robertson 808-779-4855 [email protected] Romino 304-363-2292 [email protected]

Volunteers Needed 24th World Scout Jamboree 2019Are you interested in attending and working in the “Elks and Scouting” booth at the 24thWorld Scout Jamboree on 22 July - 2 August 2019?Milan Vosvick, an Elk and Scoutmaster from Wheeling Lodge has managed this booth for BPOE GrandLodge for the last several years and needs help in handing out Jamboree Patches; print and hand outEagle Scout Certificates, etc. to the several thousand scouts in attendance.

The Jamboree is being held in Bechtel, West Virginia near Wheeling.Give Milan Vosvick a call for details (304-243-1803) or email [email protected]

DEADLINE for Spring/Summer NEWSLETTER April 30, 2019NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Ronna Reed, Lewisburg Lodge 1758Please submit information, preferably in Microsoft Word format or comments:Phone: call or text 304-445-6597 email: [email protected]

Advisor: Lester C Hess Jr PGER, Wheeling Lodge 28

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