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Page 1: WWM, JC.; A STORY - DigiFind-It · / FOURTEEN^ YEAR. NO. WWM, •'. Place your Fire ‘In surance with the old est and best coni- y paries in the world. MONEY" Represented by "v-h

/ F O U R T E E N ^ Y E A R . NO.

WWM,•'. Place your Fire ‘ In­

surance with the old­est and best coni-

y paries in the world.

MONEY" Represented by "v-h

D C . C O V E R T

' '20S Bond Street

Asbury Park. N. J.

ABBURT PARK and OCRAN QROVBi - ( H otel Bruiunrlok,

. O m e n -UUIUoail Depot and • >1214 Banns Avenue, a.. ■

Prlacfjal..Office.. . . . . . .306 MAIN STREET"uo<xl« s to r e d » t re aso n flb lB r a te * ; * ;V '

T e le p h o n e connection, .P.O. B or067, ' r - - - ASDUB7 PAE*

A " S P R IN G " N E E D

Y ou m ay w ln d a n d Wind fo re v e r .But. w h e n th e f s p r ln s Is b i'o k en jjjy jlio pastor, Rev. J. G. (Read

I t Ijb “ d e i d . ” . . . -_ . '^ r ln g It to m e' and i w ill re s to ro -

— ir to T f fe Tu s e only th e B EST.M A TER IA LS

. , a n d OUARANTEE my w o rk . . . . ,,, Y o u may-' h a v e a sp r in g n e e d In

' 'su m m e r , ' fa ll o r w in te r . I sh a ll b e p le a so d to do y o u r re p a ir in g a lt t h e yoatr r.ound. . .

Order of Exerclsesjn the Various Houses df ‘ Worship a t Asbury .P/irk, Ocean Clrovo-aml Vicinity—Spec lot Tuples for Presentation - anil - Consideration—TillI-.1 IlIustratertLeoturo. / ' j.Thornloy cbapol, Ocean Brave. Holiness

meeting a t 8,80 p. m. every Sunday. .• ;Chiirph Mjtho Holy Spirit, Rev. i t . L. Olenhon, pastor. Mass at 9 a..’ni. Bpno-, diction after mass. V- , ,

Mt. Moriah oliapfil, JVost Park. {Services at. 10.80 a. m. and-7;j)0 p./in., ln-charge of. Rov.-Thomas Robinson, -

OhWstlan and Missionary 'Alliance, Mi­kado building. Meeting" every Sunday a t

p; in., and^evory Thursday evening' at 7.80. . . . . ,

Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Atohetiienti R » , George A. Genzmer.'ias- tor. Sunday-school a t i).30 a. m ; morning service a t 10.45; oveniiig a t 7.45.

W «t.Parti MSJ3. .church, Rev. &.E,,.Han­cock, pastor. Service's a t 10.81) .a f m. aiicl' .80 p. m. ■ Sundny-schpolat 2 p. m. |ihdEp:

worth League meetlng’a t 0 30.Rescue Mission, 31 South Main' stfeot.

BundR'y-scbowl gnd ijfflults’ Bible class'tMrs. Hill,'teacher), ut ~i! firm.' .H«l$rc-ess='m5oti lag a t 8.30^-Kvonlpg service tlt JAH. ■ ■.-F lra t.gap tlat cliurch, RtJv.JI. Clark Mt*.’ ten, pa«tor.„Prei\ohlug-iaibl(X30 a. m. and- 7.30 p. m; Sundoy-sohool a t 2.80 p, m; , B Yi P. U. meots.Wednesdny a t 7.30 p. in.

St. Paul's M.J5. church,I Ocean Grove. Preaohlng a t 10.30. a. ni. jund 7.30 % ip- Iffjthe pastor, Rev. J.-G.tRPad. Bunday- school' a t -2 . p . ; in. - and. IJpworth League a t 0.80 ... i

GLAUDE J. WISEMAN.Jew eler and Optician

/ _ 7 / 645. Cookman A ve.


v-V . ARK A HELP.. toV oak eyes and often-relieve dtalneas

twitl headache. I f you think your, glapes; ^ 0 not correct call and have your,eyes cx- __

nmlnod FREE _OF CHARGE. You may tutfd IMatrated lecture, ‘'The'Disciples: ofhavo your frames ‘ repaired and adjusted

. while you wait,A|1 work fully warranted, a t prices wjth­

in reactiofalL -' . v . • •

W l l i a r d C ;L i,. GRADUATE OPTICIAN •

A s b u r y P a r k O p t i c a l P a r l o r ,

t 6 0 3 C o okm an A v en u e . Cor. Emory Street 1 .

$ 7 ,5 0 0 .0 0-A N D -


■ • • ; V- ’ • ' V- • v.O n, Aabnrj Park property. Gilt-

■ cdgo Becnrity. , Tit!§. perfeot. In. BuraftcVtp co?o$ loans, • ,

■ r

22b Main Sfc, Asbury Pa>-1-

B ap ltll $ 5 0 ,8 0 0 . 1 4 5 ,0 0 0

Asbury Park and Ocean

B A N KCorner MnttUon Ave. and-Mala St.,

ASBURY PARK. N. J. •' Cdrnjr Miltt Avenue and Pilgrim fcttSwaj


HENRY O. WlflSOn. PrMldont.• QEO. W. EVAN8 , Vlco-ProaHant EDM0ND K. Df.YTON,:Caahlor. _ .

• . JES8 E HISOT, Assistant Cubbr.;1 - DlRBOlOtlS: "

T. r in ’is Apn.sDT ;* dr. j . A', w .n c ra ic t.V . K. BCCIIAIfOJf , JODH HUBBARDO.O.OMTTOK— - ' LOWifl nAlfiEiaSIO. -W. KV1K8 '0«0. W. TtttAt, .

, j . e. »itouaan A M V H t i l to h ,“ ____ J'' ' H * S a » 0 . WINBOB V - • •

' A q o o u n ts H espeotfuU y S a llo H ed . S a fo D oposIt Boxea, to R e n t,,.., W e l 8 su o -fo re ig n D ra f ts a n d L e t-

t e r a 'o f C vadlt.

. A S B U R Y P A R K ^ N E W J E R S E Y , 'S A T U R D A Y ' 3l f P A G E S . P R I C E O N E G E N T > ,

Time for Services and Subjects of Sermons.to be Given.


TjfaHley Beaeli 5I. E. (;liur^fi, Jtev. Thomas ^.Hrock,' pastor.^ At 0.30 iirni.,,clu8 3 Tnec - lng; 10.30,' sermon by the j pastor, foilQWed by admlnlstrntlon of tho] Lord’s Hupper; a!80 p. m. Sunday sohpoji 0.30, Eftworth' Lengue; 7.30, sermon byjbua pastor.

A-M-E- JSIoti . church, feprlnjtjwpod ave­nue. ‘Preaching by pastor,. Rev. f. H. White, D.D., a t 10.15'a j m., followed by praise serviced—Sunday'-sijhool atB.30 p. Bi- Chrlstlan ’Endeavor society meotlng a t 7 o'clock. Preaching, by pastor a t 7.45, fol­lowed by song sorvlco.

First - Congrcgutlonni ^pUurcb,iT. Rev- Dwight E. Miryin, paster. Moniing service a t 10,30; sormbri topic; f-'Occupy Till I Come." Evening -fiervice a t 7.80; Bormon topic, “God the Center of-All.” Sanday- BChool at.aaO p. m„ and Christian Endoavor society ineetlog a t 7 o’clock. -7 Westminster Pre5byUrlan~fclitircb, Rev. Goorge J. Mingles, D.D,, pastor. Subject of sermon a t 10.30 a. m. servlco, “A New Creation.” Suuday-school aud pastor’s Bible class a t 8.80'p. in. Youiig people’s meeting a t C 45. people's service a t 7.U0;

- J U D G E C O N O V ER R E T IR E S :Held I.ast Se^llon\of Court a t Freehold

. Vestortliiy, and Cleaned Up €uses i-.' / ’ an^ Crlmliiai1.Calendar.i Judge J . 6 laronc6" 'Conover hold his last session of court a t Freehold yesterday. His' term'as Judge expires tbday. Before retir­ing 'Judge :Conoyer. cleaned up the cases' lying over i5t)-tho crlmlnal calendar. *—

Honry I). ’Jones, who pleaded guilty to fraudniently obtaining $43 from tho-Second Natlohailmnk of Red Bank, was'given two years In state prison.' '."V 'vMrs. Annle'Graitz was. fined {IB -for as-*

sault nnd battery,upon Mrs, Sarah Feldman of Long Branch. . • •. ’

Geocgei Helser Of a 'riboro had-bis sen­tence suspended-ltidefiiiltely'for- making falso pretenses In a horse trade with Har vey HartwIck of Long Branch. , '• •• .

Louis Thelrcelln and_ Howard/ Evorlng- ham of Tjooe Brrfpch, Kred Stryker-of Key- port, Eddie: Jones,' WIlllam^Nayibr' and Harry Hires of ;Neptune township,■‘■all ju Vonllo oUenders; had their: Befttpnces pu?- pended and wero sent home to thelr-paronts after lectures from the court.

Stou t P. Hendrlck«on, formerly of’'Ely, (tad his sentence Indefinitely postponed. .

Mrs. Aivlda Akof of Neptuno township was fined *50 for keeping adlsofa^rly house- ^Mrs./.ICate Gallor of Holmdei fownslilp

had her sentehcet suaperidpd lmleflnltely for iiBSa'urt'&'ptin a neighbor. •

Lewis Savldgb of Upper Freehold- has made,full restitution to Andrew Plttengor of near Tarkoy, by. whom he was charged with muljlng falso. pretenpos ilt> a horse trade, and his sentence w a a l m l to l y suS• ponded'and ho wwrreleased. '•— —

DoffnlfTJolan^pf Keyport liad bis sentoiSce' suflpendijd-untU the first TueHdny iu May for assault and Battery on Robecca Lewis.' As former Prosecutor Helsloy will then bo on tbo banch, Justice Colljos will havo to sen- teiicj Bolan. . ' ’ . . ■ v.


T O M A N A G E J t t U I t r U Y F A R M .

Samuel JC.; Jlen^lrleltsoo Will Rotir'o From - lljoii ot llkoucr & Hendrickson. . -

'Simuel O;.'Hondrici'sbh of the'Arm of Brower' Hendrloks'on, butchers of.!thlB city, hss acoeptod a position as.mauuger.of th e ,Murphy" farm, a t Deal. The farm is nowijwhPfl by George W. Young, .‘and- ex-' ■tensive jmprovemehts are a t' preSent’being tpada fo the.property, which will be occul pled by the owner thla sutnmer. Hen­drickson, It ls sajd, wilVsever hlsconnectlon with the Urm In this city and devoto ills en­tire timo £ 0 the farm, which will-be kept up tn Utatclaea condition, y:' in also repotted that several handsome • summer residences will bo erected In that vicinity in the fu­ture. The Deal golf links have been bi- ten'dpd pyer.a portion of tho-farm,' and the. property north of -, tlie old links is being cleared of. the underbrush and othe^wiso.Im­proved. ■ . ’ ’ y ' '.

t i i k ' ARCir uksritoY U ii. •

Tlie MbtliJs a,tilant. Itlvat of Even .a.liook • ' " ' Agent. ■

“He, Is a mean, snealilng, underhanded element, the moth is," protests John' Ken­drick Bangs ip an article on these household p^ats in the April Woman’s Home Com­panion. / ‘Fire has _ai decent sense of tha proprieties. Moths, have nono a t all: When fire attacks you It smokes, and crackles, and lilsses, antfroars, anil'lots you’knBw in filar-' Ion tones that It fids come. The moth stbals upon you In tho dead, of night, and chews HP your bost'trousers, gorges himself utfon your-swellest flannel ’golf shirt, munches aw.-ry.-.upon-your-lMndsomest tug, punches holes lnyour /teat, '£ofa cushions with bis" ;tU3k6, orid then sllontly folds his tont.and stpals ajvay v/ithoqi', so hiuclr as a tbahk-' yoji.for his meal. For unmitigated mean­ness commend Jrie to the moth! Alongside of the tnoth and his nefarious work-everiju book ngent pales Into inslgnlflcance, and nn unpaid grocer’s • bill becomes an . absolute pleasure.” '

Jesus."West Grove M. .E.' church, Rev. Wi .Q,

JMoyer, pastbrir-FeitpcOs’tBI^meetln^Bt i) a. tn .'• Th8 ^.ord's sUpEpr 5Vlll'bp.u<la)Inistered a t 10.30, precedod'by re.Repil(jji.of,:i!n^bers. guriday-Bcliool^/it^STJTTrr-'Yming'poaple’ti meeting, monthly roll call aud consecration service a t 0 30." Sermon by pastor a t 7.30 on “ The Place to Get Rested.” '

First Prbsby terlan chbrch, Rev. A.G.Bale,. pastor. Morning worship a t 10.30; preach­ing by/paotor; 'sermon topic, “The Power of Christ In the Christian Life.” Sunday school a t £.30 p. m, Christian Endeavor a t .7 o’clock. At 7.30,:evening.servlce'ln mem­ory of Rev. Dr. Peter Stryker, late pastor’ of.tho Reformed church; sermon topic, “The Chrlstlan'steornal RewaTd.” - ’ 1

Glrand Avenue-Reformed church; Morn­ing service a t 1 0 .3 3 Jn charge of ReV. F. M. Boga^dus, wliQ -wlli administer tlio Lord’s supper. Sabbath school at 2 80, and Chris­tian Endoavor society meeting a t 0.45. No evening service. M.embera and friends of the oongro'aatlon aro invited to atteiid the memorial services in hdnor o f . the late pas­tor, Rev.-Dr. Peter Stryker,-to bo oon'ducted In the First Presbyterian church by Rev. A. G. Bal , . ‘ ...

Trinity P. . E / church, Rav. A.:J. Miller, rector. 8 undaysr-Boly cotbmunlpn, 7,30.a. tn.; morning prayer,^ litany.' and ser­mon, 10.80; evening prayer, litany and ser­mon, 7.80. W eek d ay (except Thursdays) Holy communion, 7 a. m.; on ThursUitjr? 9

.o'olook; daily (excopc. Thursday) morning prayer, 0 “Volock^^SUy',(eicept Friday) evening ;prayer,— D ■ o’clock; . Thursdays, morning prayei:, -8.30; . Fridays,, evening prayer, 7.80. tr

- VredenlmrgliYlttlle* Incorporated.The VredbBburgu rifles of Freehold have

Incorporated for the purpose oforectlng- an armory. -Tlie incorporators"aro^ Joseph A. Yard, John A. DeRoche, J . Edward Boden, Joseph .S. Thompson^* and' J. W. Roome. The bompany ’ took,, the title to n lot pn Bjfoad street this week. They have a bal- atica on htlnd'of several hundred dollaraand- the reinnlndor_ ot tfirprlcb or $1 ,0 0 0 ueces" sary for the lot was obtained by pubMo sub­scription. J h e first difficulty .-Or obtaining a lot and paylfig for it KEVinfTJeeii succcss fully mot, the next quesllon fit how.'to put up a buildlngjs muoh nearer solution."

- *» A Oay ra rn ier." , -' Thore are lota of “G.iy Farmers,”' but

Mananer Morrla itiiys tho ono ho lias engaged to appear a t T arlt Op6ra House nextrJIop day night la the gayest of them all.. The .piny was written to make people laugh aiid la said to accomplish Ua'purpbso.. A ntim bqr of i-lover speclu!tie9 are lutrbduPod dur Ing the action of the pleco. Sea adyer.v. . ‘

_ . 4 ' J e n u e s s - . M U t e r S h o e . . ' '. Tha popular hveaillnsiioe for woman with

delicate'; feet. Hoaltbtul. • camfortuhla und npiUtlful, - ptloes range from IS.to $5. To

-bo had only ot ..'. .«• BTKlUUACn’B .OCEAK P*UCR Caok'muu and M a i n , ” Asbury Park... e o ’ y : .

fyou .wanta. truss go t? Efnmonth's. [tf

Practical Use Is Mado of-Pupils* Work lu '* ' rT’>1uM ua1 T r a i n i n g ; D e p a r t m e n t —A n

'- J l n t e r e s t l n c I> e tm fce .

-l^ho growth of our- Ecbppl is shown by nothing' more tjian by tbe introduqljlon of dbmestio a r t and mechanical work. Two departments In this lino of study have been introduced—sewing, and carpentry. Large rooms have Jbcon splendidly eguQjped-'Wbere thopnpllsnro Iqstructedlirthesiottoarncc- essary and valuable subjects. Competent teachers are employed-tn both departments. Mies Grace R lchjsjn charge of themechan- icnVand-lIIss-Holdenotthedbmestlcr^- ;

practical use la made of the pupils’ labor. For two1 years the, boys havo supplied the laboratory witlTmany of the less Intricate pieces of apparatus. ’, Having' draughted their patterns, tho older students of .sewliig hra making manly nsoful and attractive garments. The smaller children are doing Interesting work In color study.,

These’two brandies of wori add greatly to the Interest of ln th the-grammar and high scheol ctiurses. " Itr ls liopud that cook- Ing nnd othor domestic arts may soon be Iir- troduce'd.j— J' . .

A Very interesting high school debate took placa.yestorday afternoon a?. to_Eng- iand’a Injustice Jn thp present-. TranBvaal trouble.’ ,Tho - debatora wore, as . follows: ThoaalnJCavor of the:Bber8..BrucoCona£er, (captain), Miss Bessie Ovca and Mlaa Jennie Sexton. vThoso on the negatlye.,8 ide of the (jueaUon, Edwjtrd- WyckoH (captain), Mias Lela Ackerman and Miaa Edith White'.

JBoth aldea Bhowid careful study Imd a thorough knowledge of the subject under discussion. Tho.decision of the judges was 7 to 3 In favor of'the afllrmatlve. Tho lire of Prince BIsinarclTSjll ba discussed, a t the next meeting., , -..

^ c i t i z e n s ’ [p m m / SM e e t i n g - t o l > e l l e l d a t P ^ r k H a l l T o -

p l g U t —J o s e p h I . . O l i v e r Wlir P r o l> - ." a b l y b e F r e e h o l d e r .C a n d i d a t e s

The First ward Citizens’ primary takes, place a t Park hall tonight a t 7.80 o’clock. Joseph L. d iv e r Is reported as lielng a can didatb for the offlcc ofohosen freeholder on tho Citizens’ ticket.^H la opponent wlll be jrE . WortmanT'the present Incumbent jot tho oOlce-from tiie First ward, who has been renominated by., th e ' itepubllcnns. Mr, Oliver reels very confident that ho will be able to defeat liis Republican opponont'and- will oxert ovory effort to gain that end William B. Rogora’wlll Beek a. renomlnaUon. On tiio Cltlzous’ ticket for the.'ofBca of coii- itablo. .Tiioso aro the only two persons who have announced thelr-oaudldacy-up-to the present time, i t Is quite Ul^ely that some of the Repuiblloan nominess will bo'In d.oraedj.-— —r . - ---- —

. Head Iter iiushand’a .Seriiion. -Tho Point Pleasant Beacon Suya that tho

MotEbdlst.ohiiroh at that place was crowd­ed with' peoplo'tin ;Sunday mornlng a fow ,weeka ago, It having been understood' tdnt Rev. A.-M. Lakq AVOUld/prOaph Ills farewell strinoa. Hltf health wouid not'permit him to occupy the pulplti but hia wife took hla place and.read the sorraon lit had prepared' iVwus n grand toessage. fullof love fbr’tiiH flock, whrch fully reoiprooatod' It,, and sad regrets for tho sickness which had caused a cesshtlon of'hla work there; As Mrs.-Lake read the more tendor und beautifully pit- thdtlb SonlTiJteuts, her vnlco would-falter, bitt hor energy domlnatod^and .the, flnlali witnessed not a dry eye in tho building

T o-.H w s.. V o t e r s [ o f , . t l i p . 1'1 r a t W ari o f A s . ' , biiry i'a rk r— - ■ .

Gan tlemen:—Having recei ved:.tho unani­mous nomination for councilman on tbo Rp: poblloan ticket, I take tills mpthpd of so­liciting vour sunport a t tue coming election tn ha held 011 Tuesday, April 11) . Ihproby state that I have mude 110 pladges t'p any one rouardlng tny future cpurse. ShouUl r Ira JorfunaUi Oiuiugh to be olaotod to this high odlce to.whloh I havo been nominated, as a proporty-owuer and buBlneoa man It la my Intentlon to further tlie intoresta of An­bury Park to tho best of my ability. • 7T-78 Signed; ' Hilt Ail: WALTON.

• H o r o s l s - S l i o e s . . • .

T h O ' tiaw shoo for- wonieu, .-For aale ox- cliisivoly at-the Mammoth,' Opening Sat­urday. ' -Tub bteinbA cn- Com?ahTj—7titf

W H A T IS Y O U R O P IN IO N ?-'. '! / . '• '

Attend 'Public .M oo tingat. Kducat 1 onal .• Hall Tonight and,' Qlvo' Kxprijssloi, ’

to Vmir BencU 1’uruliaso Views,' T Do you favor the nccoptance of Mr. Brad-

l?g’a Otfer to Bell the beach and aewirs to the city? I f so, do you favor ha^fng the transfer made a t. ones? Tljefie questlbna will be .discuss^at a publld meeting.'to ba held lit Educational half tonight a f 7.30. As waa stated in yesterday's JPjiess,' a ' commit tee 'has waited upon Mr. Bradley'.and aacortalped that; h» stands ready tc/ mako tho trunsfer a t once If thepeoplo favor such a step. • ’ • ■•' - .„' : !

Tills is a v e ry ’im p o rtan t quostlon a n d th e re sldpn tj and .taxpayers of th is c ity aro urged to tu rn out.in foj-ce to n igh t and give fuli expression to th e ir vie w a in the m a tte r. .The'purchase price nam ed Is considered by all to be very ilberal' on tlio ’ p a re .o f tile present owner, anil tlio general opinion seems to be -that i t s h o u ld : be nccepted as Hoon a s th e details can bo arranged .

Should th e c lty acqu lre possesslon Of the p roperty a t th is tim e ih e probalillltiea a ra th a t Mr. B radley would ba.named as one of th e m em bers of th e commission callod'Xor lb 'tBe a c t w h ic i has been passed providiiJgfor

I t K N E W U f O O L D A C m i A I N T A N C E S . .

V . C. B r a o u t l g a n i , A r t e c *a S h o r t V a c a t i o n , ' , -la A g a i n 111 F r e e h o l d J a l l . -

Somo tlm o a g e , F red e rick ; C. B raeutlgam was arrested , under a w rit allowed by Ju d g e C olling ,la 'favor,o f H u g h P . K lnm ontli, for obtaining m oney- from K lm n o n th under fraudu len t represen tations. Ho wns p u t In ja il and rem ained thoro ro r jb o u t six weeks.

o was then released on b.ii!, TiIs n!ot!icr.^i' law, M rs.-Fraacls b . V ircoulournnd'-B enja- m in Colos being h is b^pdsmen. 'Y esterday Mrs. Vircoufoii surrendered B raau tlgam - ta

I i l a b o r a t e P r o g r a m i n H o n o r o f > ’e w J ' a a t o r a m i .S u n d a y f i c l i o o l S u j i j j r - - '. ln t e r i t l e n f c o f .FJrafc A t. K . C l i u r c l i .

•Tlie SundnVrBOhool o f tiio Klr»t"M etIiodls>‘ Episcopal church of this c ity lias a lTanged^ a-^w olconie'servicey'to ta im h e place/of the reguiai- .exercises tom orrow , a fte rnoon1 a t 2 30. G roetinga will bo extended to tiio new p asto r,-R ev . Eli GlfTard, and . a lso to thp new superip tended t, Dr. Jam es E : B urt. A fine program llft3 beon a rranged . F ra te rn a l greetings will he extended by Rev, Z .Clark-

3|arlM nssW Dr4s^)fjyeloo'me-wlll--ba-epokori- by A ctlhg S uperin tenden t Rev. C. G.- Shaw and Russell Loomis, fo r th e school, w ith re ­sponses by P as to r G iflard and D r. B urt. Mrs. Bruco S; - E ea to r will preside a t 'th n . pipa organ, and the School o rchestra of 12 plocosr undor th e leadersldp of W illiam L. Clarke, will be heard by tho general public 'for ’ th e lir s t tim e. Several iluo' m usical num bers w ill be given, am ong thorn hn ln- s tru m en ta l tr lo 'fo r pipe organ, violin, and flu te . A printed-proOTreifCwlli be d is trib ­u ted a t tha close of tho m orning service of th o ch u ro h . ___ ;•— *

81ier|il“payIaand^r^'ue"s'teli;t»-,bb~drsoliarg-‘ ed from iier liability on the bond, and ho is again in Monmouth county jail. ...

F in a n c e * o f 'S t .-P a u V s .C h u rc h . 1The flnah'elal rep o rt o.f St- Paiil’s M. E.

church, Ocean Groye, fo r the fiscal year ending M irch 1, has'-been issueg; . I t show s tiio receip ts d u rin g th e year, from envel­opes to ,have been $-3,328 0)1; baske t collec- tiona, J75f.72; o ther' sources, $ 7 6 9 tp th l; $3,884.20/ D isbursem ents: .P a s to r 's sa la ry , *1,500; p resid ing elder, $35; sexton, $300; electric l ig h t and lampB, $10515; building, and^loan ' nBBOclatlon stock, $152; p a in ting church;-♦iTO; repairs to .ohureh a n ^ parson­age, ?171J)1;-envelopes', p rin ting , paper and stam ps, r$74.03;- insurance ; on hell, (1.41; notOTimd discounts,-- $257.1H); uluirclv dob t com m ltteo, 811.25; sundries, 1433.10; to ta l; *3,301,30, The totiil fcxpousa fo r nuislc was

'{ a ll. 13, d iv ided 'as follows: C hbrlster, *131.- 15; organMt), $200; o rgan helper, $50;. tuu- lng.orgao, .*5,50;. sheet m usic a nd e x tra h e lp E aste r, '*30.48.. There is a deficiency lu tiie cliurch flnaucesof.t-iso . An~ effo rt will be m ade to m eet this deficit a t a n early .date . The to ta l m em bersidp la 505. Tho faumher o f , con tribu to rs last y ea r 'b y envelopes and subscrip tions w as 303, representlng-2il2 Jam- Hie?,- The. am oun t needed , foe.-church ex- pensaa this’ conference y e a r la a b o u t $ 1,(100,

+ ■ :—« •« ----- *;— ' vV I c a r - G o i i c r f t l M o r a n S o r l o u s l y H i .

The R ev. M onalgnor Thom as R. M oran, - ylcar-generST’of tho Catholic diocese' of T ro n to n ,jy id rector o f -S t. P au l's church, Princeton, lies a t .d ea th 's door in tho little recto ry t h a t has beoii h is home slnce'sliortly a fto r ho cam e to th e .unlvorsity town, 34years ago.. Ho is a sufferer from a severe attack of .pneumonia, resuitanfr^from. thp grip, and his asp-03 years—together with hla Porpulenoy, are operating, ngatnsfchirat He'ofllciated at, the customary.services in.. his cburoh last Snuda^. He-also co’lebrafed ■*iaes4 )B,.M#>nday, but was then compelled to takp'to his bedT’ , Wednesday ho got up, but the same rflght-became very much-worse

TindpnodmonlitvBeHnr-'Moiialgnor'Mgi'aii was born lu . Dublin Ireland, In 1832. Durr lugltho-clvll war la thla country hi) minis-; tored to tho rellgldna wants of inany and dying aoldiers on tbe battlefield.'

Now Partnership Formed,.— Charles. l*;' WooJwbrfcli of Wear. Grovo and jifiWea’C- Haborgahn of Ocean Grove, tln and-ahoat metal workers, have fprmed'-a partnership iSdeij tlio fjrm name of Wood- worth & Hnbergahn, and, have-engaged.In buslnoss’ a t .712>.Cobkmitu . avenue, (buBfi- monl)rtbla olty.-* Tlity will' do either .con. traofvvork-orjobiil as.: Hous'o'lioatlng work will’ bo given rtpecial atlentlon, jvhd stove repairs they hiHko tliyy aay will lit. ~Qj4 era. lutt with tliom wHHic tMircfuUy rittoiiiUid to, and .^yory.effort \ylll be*, jiut.fo^h tovg^ve enUro satisfaction. - • . —* 1

. " C l m u c o l l o r M c l i l l l . l l u a t> I t o ln p H o r " Chuncellor Alexandpr T. McGill QfOprflgyj -. ((.'r w City, who for many- months .Ims buenTnjrjv^,,,. 'with nbrVoua dlabrders, hail a rolapsa yea'• torsiay.ianUlhe.famUy physician;' who la hla brother, Dr. John D • McGill, fears Iw.can. not recover; .. Since his r'eturn from Eurppo iait Srpteinbbr tho chancellor has had to do alh Ilfs' work a t home, pis tonri do^.SOt explreuntil 1U0 1 .

4 : ,

' - r ~ ' S p o o i i i l T h i s W o o k . * ,

• Ono c arlo ad oiioh o t Rlasa nnd' gran lto wftro a t leas lhan coat. M ajn floor._*.l.,ii \ 7 4 tt • \ TH E’STE [NBAdll, COM PAN Y

• liGeorgifLi rf. Tompklos, D.D S'., jvlll mpve from hlR present location, 017 Mattison ave- uue, to roomal2, 8 auu 4,'Fbstolllco building, b n April L ostf

I t o b e r t B l i fo s E n c o u r a g i n g - " R e p o r t P r o m . ' .J S o I c a g t i r o i l T o w n , ’ . * /

London, IS atu rday . — General R oberts sends a reassu ring re p o rt concerhlng'M af'e"

. . . king, and a lthough th e advices from the, be”tho purchase. _Hls experience an d knowl-- teagnrei} tow n a re belated, th e despatchodgo would bo ' w orth m uch to th e c ity in tho m anagem ent,.of the p roperty .


sli^ows th a t tladen-Powell’a gar-rlson Is doing b e tte r than- wus. expppted, R oberta1 dps- ^pateh<'-which •-was-.dtttedAyeatepJay^BaysT I'Newa liaa been received from M ttfpkhig up to M arch 10. T he health and sp irits .of the garrison are.ropprted good.and tiie food is holding o u t well. P aper currenoy has been Issued, to which Baden-Powell is adding one pound notes."

Pastor nancock Heartily Welcome,!. ..'Rev.* an d - M rs,. G. E. Hancock w ere -dc-

co rde ifa h e a r ty welcome la s t n ig h t by the m am bers o f th e W est P a rk M. E . churcji nnd congregntloh. T h e re w as a la rg e p t- tecdance. B nrtlna Brow n sppko w ords of g ree ting 'In beliajf o t th e ofllclal board, w illiam Slo'ver welcomed f a s t e r and Mrs Hancock in behalf o f th e C hristian E n ­deavor society. E iwood M cltelvey repre; ten ted t{io Sunday-school, while Mrs. Bp'n jam in V an B ru n t spoke fo r tho Ladles’. Aid society. The ladies presented Mrs. H an- coolwwlth a ibeau tlfu l bloom ing p lan t. R ev. Mr. H ancock responded to th e num erous g ree tings In happy sty le . Hp says (hb Is very much pleaeed.w lth th e people and his new ' field of labor. - U n til la s t sp ring ha hadnoyorbcQ n-nbova-C am deT T rliavlngup to t h a t tim e had chargca in th e B rldgaton dleirio t. This y ear he saiys th e conference plfckod him u p 'a n d liu r ied h im away, over here on.thb coast, bu t he is perfectly sails-llod So a re -tha-people o f th e .W e s t-P a rkohuroh. T he addresses w ere in tersper-ed w ith Binging/ by tho cliolr and congregation, and A rth u r R ogers sang a solo. ’Ih e ladlea served refreshm ents. R ev. aud Mrs, H m- cock took possession- of tho parsonage on Asbury avenfte Thursday, • .

'A sb u ry P a rk W heelm en , 'v . — The_annual.nom ination to r ufllcors of Eho

A sbury P a rk W heelmun w ill b e , h e ld ' a t the''clubhouse n e x t M onday evening! A r e ­can t am endm ent to th o -b y law s provides th a t pfilcers shall be nom inated and elected lit th e sp ring , instead of fail)- in o rder "that they m ay be fam ilia r w ith th e ir duties w hen th e active season comnienpos. I t laurged that all membera-be present.

S p r i n g M i l l i n e r y . O p e n i n g .

* '.The, spring mlhluory opening a t the .jar- lors of Mrs.’E. Dlits, -70S- GoobrnnnaTenue,'

twill.' tako place or^|Weduesday aiid Thurs- 'day,-April .4 aud 5. .Mr*. Dllts hasJasFrb- ' -Uirned'-froni NewYofBryvharp-she-salected n'largo and complete stpsk.ofiall tlm-latest-deelgns In spring bats ahd trlminlngs. iatilea ate cordially itiyltud to call a t her


- - 1 ,1, H a l i n l ( . o n - O f ^ h i e n b e b o s .

Wiishingiiin, Mareli-rlU.-'Lieuien.'intJliioni- . :n .

liatson; lainoii' as Ihe leader of; thi- liiiio- (i:\aal ot unlive stouts_-wUn.-li rendered silolr effective kPi'yiie ill tlie a-arajjai^n ill lai'/.on, has been luninred by Seerutiii-}'

lit,>nt .by lieina- sr:le;-ta’t! us the urganizer of a ImUinimrof iiatiVb.Miieabebes xvhleli is to sttve us-the iill’ejeus.bt tlio force of -native. I-'itiiiiafi'i la lie .raised liurfefFw.1, I.ieutemiiri Iiaisjiti ls iif present iu Wiisjj- iiigtijir uirlenvTr^f^ttrseviet? -friuiv- jlaTiiliFT liuHiig . heeu la-veri'ty .'.wounded1, in tFie foot •last- lvinleK j i l e , fi'lll return toM a- ■llllirfyinif lie ra u it of .major and proeeial

riii-oiila1 ill-u-'iiattaliou.n't laa .'o t a t

. Movements of ivnvnl, Vessels. - '.*•■VVnshiuctbu, Majeji 'ill.—The Engle' is

ht Xuevitiis. The bolphin lins left Key West for this' city.-. Thirty, dnyy roT're-

■otk . have d.itTU .(111tjipi'ized' fpr_tlie iin'ef .whieli-tiie-'vi'STsei—wtll-Hjir

limded with eiftil anil ietuined tu-SAu Jiprn. . •’

The Filipino General is. Being . Brought to Manila."


r e d - .C ity I s .N e w s F r o i n B o l e a g u t o d < p i t y I s I X e a s s t i r - l n IhU ^ C a s u o l t I e e a v y h Thu f 80 a y -’« B a t t l e —'O x f o r d X ,oues’t p C a m b r i d g e I n B o a t ! iC ace-7 -B IiK H . t l i o I ’r o t t i i b l o M a t e

'o f M c K i n l e y — ] \J in e r a S t r i k e . ’

' - ■ M liy-PublIebers\Pre8a.]' ' .Manila,-Saturday^-Gen.' Paua, the Fill-,

plno oillecr who has beenjao active In le'ad- ibg the rebellion In 'Panay, has surrendered to' Gen. Kobbe. He - is being7 bro'ught to Manila. L ■■ a.

M A I'E K fN G H O U iS O D T W E t.L . ’


O t how happy you would 6e~in a home of your own, and one to of-' fer for -sale at a low price, with smali payment down:"■, The.rentals saved in a few.-years would go a long way toward pay­ing the balance ,

Let iis give you particulars.-' .

' ; ' M J L A N ^ . ^ s " A i g E N ^ P

208 Main. Street.

SL’k t N L K Y - A K D H L I M S r -

If Itoosevelt W ill Not Itau BIIss-May he McKinley's ^tato Next 1’aTl.

Washington, Satuiday.—Tho queston'as to Who- tyjli he McKinley’s running mate next full -has Burrowed down to Roosevelt or Bliss; Most of tiie party lenders’want' -Robsovoir 0 B“ t h r t c k 6 i f Because' thoyHeT lleva ho would add strength to it'more'than, any other man.' His positive'deallnnilon of the honor, liowi-veiylias fcroct^tliti name of Bliss fo tho front; and if Itoosovelt.stioka i o his presoiit position the Republican ticket will In ull probability re a d '‘McKinley andB U SS:” ’ . ' -


Sight. With' Iloer;! oiir.Tlilirsdny itcsnlted .In Eleavv Casualties. ,

London,' Sill urday! (— Roberts reports |tO the “-nr oalcp“nndiTTtiao_<)t yesterday !hs follows: “Our car-ualjjes in yesterday’s on gagbment were greater than a t -fli'st thought. They were;-.“Officers,-one klllod and nine wounded, one of whom has since dlod; men, 10 killed, 159 wounded nnd three missing. Tbo enemy -Is leaving Brandfort and proceeding northward.” ’

«’• V- ...’ — ■■ - ■■I N D I A N A M U ? E K f c - S T R I K 'E . •

M o n m o u t h T r u s t

; AND —h' |

S a f e D e p o s i t C o m p a n y

nonmnuth Bulldiug-,, Asbury P a rk ,« . J .

e A P lT A b —S U R P L U S •.. . . .. . , . 25,000.

K recates all tru s ts Iti,own to’the law,, Coaitfl moiiey on bond Rn4*inottgage. - * •Receives deuoslts subject to check am ) allows

In terest on dully bnlsnees' Acts as Trustee K eglstrar.and T rsu sfe r A gent. :

Pays coupons. .Mnifes dem and sb d tim e loans on approved


O, H . nrown,J H Buchaaon,I), Q Cornell,W J . H arrison,Col. G. .B. M: Harvey. George P. K roebl

T l io Q u o s t l o n a t I s s u o i s , W h e r e T h e y .S h a l l P u r c h a s e T h e i r l ’o W i l e r ?

E vansv ille ,'Ind .,-yaturday.^rT ho question as to w hether th e m luera slnj.ll purcbaso pow der In the o p em n n rk o t o r froin tbe op­e ra to rs has b ro u g h t a b o u t;i t crisis hero- W ithou t w arning tho m inors In tbo E vans­ville d is tric t cleaned up i n . various mines yeste rday und q n ltw o rit. Tboy wlll rem alu o u t u n til the questioned is s e tt le d .. Hun. dreds- of men will be afTected’.by 'lhe lr ac­tion. ' ____________ .

M A Y l t A T I F Y A G K E E M E N T . ' i

C h i c a g o ’s - S t r i k i n g M a c h i n i s t s W i l l P r o b ­a b l y l t o t i i r n - t o - W o r k ,

Chicago, S a tu rday ,—Tliora is hard ly an y d oub t tlia t tlio a g reem ea t.a rrlv o i a t la te y este rday betw een the represen ta tives of tho In te rn a tio n a l A ssociation of M achinists and th e N atioual=M etaU Tradoiussoalatlnn

• . l ' a r i s l a n . M o d e s , r ; . •* ■

Exclusive Parisian deslgnslii ladies’ hnnd wCar'Kt. tlio-M um m nth., i f d u l / shuiies «nd : tr im m ln g -1 direu’t from Paris . Call ou us fnr your E aste r bonnet... f-,a tf •• J STKtNllACll's MAStltOTII.'.

The Pit e ss has la te r telegraphic nows th an tho evening.editions o f the Ne.w 'Ynrk pnpors which reach A sbury Pllrk. The 1’ittvss has all tho local now s. I ts readers th u s g e t ull th e nows, bo th local and gen­e ra l ,f o r one cen t. . '. ;

L a rg e stock o f'trusses a t-K lnm on th ’a [ tf

-.- •’ ■- . J * - ? • '

will he r*ttfied a t this af tefnoon’s meeting of the 0 ,0 00-local machinists on strike, and in­dications are that all the men will return to work.. ..: .— - - . ; ■ ■• .' .-

’, C A M B R I D G E D E F E A T S O X F O R D . .

L l g l i t . B lu e s - W c f n C o m p a r a t l v n l y . E a s y .. V i c t o r y i n t h e I t u c e T o d a y . ."'

—I-iondonr Sal lirUay.r---l'tr:tod,-iy'n i aua Cam- bridgo .took tlie laud from, tlio start aud inbrpasedjtirapldly. fipfpr ,Jihe;.itwo.,..m)1le. post WasiOiichb'i tlie riica * had degenerated Into a procession,' and tha light biue’s fin­ished 20 lengths ijbead. -Oxford splashed bad, but.^arably rowed to the Quls’h . ,

t P r l te l lH t -W ill A ccept; p. ‘Presidency ,— W a'hjagto ii^SJit'u trd rty ^ P ra f.'v H ?p ry - c7 Pei tcliott, superintendent of-the coast und geodetic survey, announces that lie will’ac. 0 Pnt-the^presideney--of--ttie.-M(i35aaKu'sett^ 1 Institute of TechuoloiJy.',; '

, " ^ W l r o c e r . T h o m p s o n l i a s M o v e d . ;

' Some tlnio ago tlio PitESS-announced tbat- J. L. Vhomimoii would move bis grocory"es- tablishmeiit' from Corlies aVenue, Wist Grove, to the store-room at-17-South Main sireet-, opposite Ocean- Grove’s .Main avenue gates’. Wp arp-npw abln tu say, that lie UiTS moved.to his new location and Is-ready to

-ImniHo all the putfouago that --oornos-hls way. I ’ollowliigjhaexample (if mjiny other eiVturprlsmg. nierchanta. jilr...- Thompson bus purchased space in-tile -PnEss.to. tolMhe public whut bo has to sell and how llttlo are Ills prices. Rend lils “ad." and not’a -the .special Saturday bargains. He carries a choice.Uu&7o f .staplo and fancy grocerleSi- ‘wldciihe says iio is enabled-;to sell a t low figures Jieeiuise ho comluots hls'storn on tlie euslPbafis^iiaya cash to HioTiEliOiesal'e dealer lin'd requires cash 'from cuetouiora It’s the onlyjyay to glye.peopla_the beasiltr oflnu- price.1) in any-business. • NP-.■ ■ . i :■ > J , •

\ -.. . l li.a llh Shoo to r Men.-:. r~ . -. Wo/aro tlio,«selU5ive <%genta fortho fa- tijQUs JVurucr .ventilating cushion .shoe. \Vear the’s.i sboas aud tbemwlll bo uo burn- iniriscusatloii, no plfoUslvo odor, no pprspir- atlon mid, best of all, no enrus nr bunions.

BTRtS'UACU'S OCKIVS- P.M.&CE,- >7 - On th e trolley. - C ookinan,aua Main. .758) ’ - - - - - - - / -J? ' '

. T he P ress gives m oro .read lng .ruatte r fo r one benV than any o ther new spaper ln-As-*

-.b u ry , ■ > - ' ' ' - a j . 'V j ? - ; '



■ -h' i r h

^ 4:

. . . t

Sale deposit vau lts .■ xllA. C. TW INING, Pres»dei>t;,

0. B. M. HARVKY, Vicc PresW ent... fc. A. TUSTJNG, Secretary.

D. C. C O R N E R , Trejumref;DIRECTORS:

. R ;,A’. TU8ting , T-'3Hftory,MUchellv .rJm in P O 'B rien.- Perry R S m ith ,. .S.AVPatten«)n,A. O. Tw ining,George K roeni A. O. Tw ining,

Bruce S. K eator, M .D ., H H, V reelanc, G. -D. W.,Vroora.

HIGH GRADE FISHING TACKLE ":RepftJrIng.pJi £od9 aml Rwla v' *

CIGARS AND T 0 3 A C C 0Im ported Kov/Wogt nnd dB Seatla cigars and ai*

; s m o k ^ r ’o a r t i c le s . " ' .T h e b e a t c i g a r th a t- f i c e n t s c a n b u y , ' ------

J F . S E G E RB47J. Oookwan Av en ue , Aflbury P srk

ing FashionsA d the latest Fashion

M agazines,LAW BLANKS, - . ', - _ .

Book Leases, Deeds, Etc. -

BfcANK BOOKS,' _ ' -.' Scrap Books,: Ledgers, Etc.

" b o x p a p e r ,, Always Something New

- IT'S OUR BUSINESS - - ' -To make prices within reach of ail.

• ' INCREASED TRADE and Grealer Profit is what we are after*

., ,A. BORDEN :.-Stationer % Newsdealer : Cor. Bond St. and Mattison Ave.

Your Eyestak e cajro of you If you .will tak e

.care of them." VVheii they w aru you -.. th a t som ething is- w rong pay a tte n -

tlon to It. ■' ■'j ' u ,- H eadache a^d N eura lg ia qulokly

.re liev ed .. ? ■ / ' ’

.. .i

Speekitstsj MAIN STREET' >JVKUY F Itlo A Y ' ^

I fdourw 1 1 t o l p. m., 2 to tt p. m." .

'Fret*.Hiihfjinnttcrfr^ Ad G lares guamnteed."

Capital,' Si oo ,0 0 0 Surplus, 8 7 0 ,0 0 c

OF ASBURY . EAHK Mauisoo. ’Aveniie and Bond S treet •

I • * . /(O re w iU e d F f lb r n a r y , 1889.)

OFFIOEItfl (iso. F . K rok iiu Prealdeut, 1

_ O. H. U r o w n , 1st Vlce-Preflldemu : M. L. Bauuam, ^1 Vice-President,

~7~ . ' * * M. V. P ao rh , 'OaaWer: 1 • • .M. If. S c o t t , A ealaunt C x h le r

_ • ; DIBSOTpKB., SQ. F, Krfiflhl, urohloi? R, Jlarfforum, ■■O ilfer ii. Brown, Wllllarn JI, Boegld«

L:—‘-Bruce-8, KealfijV-—8r W. KirkbHde, p /O . Covert, M. L. Banuoan.

Taaoo C. K o n o e o ^ Oharlee A.' Voung-, , MHanJlossT^ . A lbort O. Tw ining,Bhei'man U: O viatt, Sam uel Johnson,

•• v • W lillanvH atbaw ay^ . ,

: ‘’”Cdinparatlye DepositsSeptSmher 8. lfign ; . , $2$,704

- **. i ' 8. 1869. .0.* 1893. . . 489.liU.ia

- ** 7, 1897,’".. . . . 080,08841/ - " - 7 , 1 8 08 ... .' . . 094.044, f t - ;

pa tro n s valuiW oa• received fo r safe keeping ; -.

* l fy>rt!ccu E cte bought an d aold. OaUectlcria'

Page 2: WWM, JC.; A STORY - DigiFind-It · / FOURTEEN^ YEAR. NO. WWM, •'. Place your Fire ‘In surance with the old est and best coni- y paries in the world. MONEY" Represented by "v-h

.A SJSlIJR ,Y -PA R K D A I L Y 1JRESS, S A T U R D A Y ,;M A R C H 31, !900.


JTiJilp strong," ‘‘Matcam KU%n EU.

Advance PubUflMng Oo,J

- [COSTPrtlEIlJ •■ --Whon-jrt'obcrt■'ateppe.d down'from’ tlie V plaucr ;viiml. stalled toward the "floor

eelfislncnst!. ami judulgracd or out 'o la lif t o f self sacrifice and restrain t? When, eviv.v possible. offer, .of Tueicy is

■JiQiil o;it to jjicu ou earth .and they will not accept ■ it jv l l l . i t b e All tftc^am ejas

. I f they had when they comeliefoVc tlie By Sbv. CHARLES M. GHBLEGK* jutl^i^cnt-'soat of ohristiN Whx, that

JK B toro/‘7 n Stspj," "Tfc C^ucCbtor. wpnlil be to mOctc a t t h / m eam de of" ' the Incarnation and the'ntoiiem ifit. It

would be ta casj s^ ru -a n d coifteiupt on tlie. agony r.iit^lic garden and the crucifixion. It'vtould make unnecessa­ry till tlie Diiiyiw aitd preaching. W hat possible, iter.+4« there that men preach a .gospel o£>S;ilvatlort unless there Is i la n ^ 'o ^ f h e opiuisjte?

"If w/farc mr-solnu to be saved any-inoro tiiim one ffiack hand was thruStJ w fty ,/i^*m iatter: .wlieths);r .we accept Into " his svitli -tRfc words, “God ljiess\ God’s IAvo1.fi Chris.t or not, w hat use Is \ W sii".'’i Uq felt) ft strange desire to \the chul-eh? And jvtiy «hou|d wo, bp weep. ^ m - ' li'forb'Jiiid he felt^that Jto loW aiiy , mote "bout our children f

1 '. ‘T... « i . ' ■ . . . . i ‘ * i ■ x . . i . „ » ' / l itV iin n n iiA • i l n n a J t m n i f d“ thrill sliqbt thrfiiigh him a t t i e jgrasp.o f th o h a n d o f . l r l s . l i r o th e ? m an ii;. I l l s

' s p e e c h h a d m a d e a . p i o f o u m l im p r e s ­s io n o n tl io IUOU. M a n y t f f ’ t l i^ th .d id ’

- u o t - u u d e r 3 ta n d ' th e m 'o a iiiiig o f c e r t a in 's e n te n c e s , b u t t h e s p i r i t . - o f ^lie m a n w a s . .u n m is ta k a b le , a n d t h e y m e n r e ­s p o n d e d in a m a n n e r t h a t t o r c h e d M r. H a r d y v e r y s t r o n g ly . •

He? f in a l ly w e n t In to I lls o ffice. T h e ' b lg e i lg jn e s t a r t e d 141 a g a in , a n d th e

w h i r a n d d u s t a n d c l a n g o r B f th e 's h o p s V e n t o n . l i n t m e n b e n t . o v e f . th e i r w o r k ' th e r e in t h e g i i t l i e r iu g d u s k ': o f t h e w i n t e r d a y w h o f e l t a .n e w h e a r t th r o b ' a t ti ie - r e c o l le c t io n o f ' t l i e p a le

• f a c e a n d s in c e r e w o rd 9 C th e l i ia t i w h o h a d b r o k e n ’a s e ll ls h :s ilv n f ic o f . a q u u r- t e r o f a c e n tu r y t o c a l l . t h e m b r o t h e r s -

O h , R o b e r t H a r d y , .w h a t g lo r io u s ;u p :, p o r tu n i t l e s y i n m is s e d to lo v e -u h ( i lie" lo v e d I W i th - a l l y o u r w e a l th y o u h a v e V een a v e r y p o o r m a n a l l v p u r l i f e im -

, t i l ho.w , o n t h e n c i t to th e l a s t d a y . of i t! ■ .

T h e r e is l i t t l e n e e d to d e s c r i b e th e . r e s t o f t h i s ,d a y : ,Rot>e};t w e n t h o m e . E v e r y .o n e g r e e t e d /h i ln t e n d e r ly . H is

1 ( I r s t. in q u i r y w a s 'f o r C l a r a . . / S t i l l in - t h a t t r a n c c l ik e ; s le e p . W o u ld s h e n cv -

■ e r w a k e ? - T h e w i f e s h m W e re il f :\v itih f r n i r r 'M k i, I ln 'r d y. J i a d siH in t m u c h dt

' " — * -------1— “— ■— T h eevening sped*by without special luol-

. dent. . . . . i\-.Tamcs Caxton-came and jo ined the

family 'circle. -His-presence' reminded i f r . Hat'dy of the old-quarrel with the young man’s fa th e r... He spoke-to Jam es and s,ald if anything should pre-

—%’cnt“ I)ii8 —seeing—jiis—fa-tlio.i*—tho^.noxt- day Jam es m ight tell •Ms.-fajjibr^liow’

•com'irretely and sincerely he wished the fooilslr quSWrel fprgotten and his own share in it fo rg iven / , ..So-thi^t day came to a close in fami­

ly conference, * in tears, in fear.- and hope and anxiety and prayer.1. But Mrs. Hardy.W ould not lose all hope. I t did notsecm to her possible th a t her

.husband could be called aw a^Jh e nest . ^niglit. . • .

" . c h a p t e r ' x n ."Alice, with the.quickness of tlioVglit

that always ciiaractei'tod her, planned - that all th e rest should go to church vh lle she rctnaiued^with Clafa. Will was able to go out 'now. • So, fu r.tiie first 'tim e in mouths, Robert-anil-'his wlfp and-Hess,ami tlie two hoys sat to: gether in. the same seat. George-bad not beeu to church for a year, and Will .was very. Irregular in his attendance.

Tiie opening services Seemed esiie-

AiSl-^vliut i difference, does it make whether they go to the bad here in this world if in tiie world to come.’tluiy will lill be saved'.' T o r eternity will be so •ilMfcii .gipnilei; and. sweeter, arid, :.euclur- ing than-tim e tiiiit we m ight as.w ell take it easy here and no t1 pnjfc-uvuch nt-

.tention to tlie m essag e/‘God so loved tlie world’—that Is, if w e 'a re going to be. saved anyway'. • • . ." .• “Why should we care very mireh if i r

-tToi.'s' say" IU the- revelation of God’s word § a t ' tiie wicked- shall, go away into, everlasting.\i>!!ii!shmoin ‘ if we dop't iieiievo if; W hy.-the wicked will stand ,i ust as good a chauce-Af. eternal jjlei'.Y as the good if the Jtidgm&ti seat of'-Ciirist docs not m'ean a. separation

iBt^the'good from the b-ul- ;I.et us cldse< our.clnirdies; and go,home.' I.et us eat. and drill!;'.‘vud dani-e and 'be merry, for tomorrow we m:iy die: and afte r death tiie judgment,, and afte r t-lie judgment glory and joyand power and peace and. life eternal'in the presence of God.' 11 i r i s t r u e w e . s ep rn 'ed.' h 1111-011 e a r th ,

i m 't t h a t w o n ’t lu a k iT 'a i iy • iT iffereucei h e ,w i l l I 'e e e iv e u s j u s t th e s a m e : . I t - i a t r u e w e re f t is e d to b e l ie v e in,', id s on ly , .b e g o t te n S o n a f t e r a l l h e s u ife re 'd o f •s lfa ilie a n d .ag o n y - f o r its. b u t t h a t ■ m .-ik es 'n o dU'fc re n cry: i.iii w fll say ', ‘E n t e r

...eially imjiressive and beautiful /to, SI: Hardy. - He wondered4iow.lit; iuid ever dared s it and- ci'Riplse 3ir.:-,Joiles and

-1— the way lie had of reading the hymns. To be sure, lie was.not a perfect speak-

• or, in\t'l:i.s love for his people and his great love for men-and his rare good life 1 every day were so' well- kuowii that tiiey ought to have coftnteci/for more than they ever did.

: . It is astonishing how. many good deeds and good men pass 'through'’-this, world ' unnoticed and unappreciated,.

. hut every .Ovll-deed Is eau $ it up--an(i- in’agriiiiei! anil criiloiscd by. tu-css and• people :until it seems as if the world

*'•" must be a. very wicked place Indeed.-iind the good people very scarce'Indeed.

M r. Hardy joined in the service with . . a joy unknown to him for'yeiirsT - l ie

inid eo;iu\,to It f roiii the reading of Iiis ' *ISibie instead '(if the- reading' of the

morning paper and from prayer iu- . steiul of- frou'i' .thoughts of his business'

o r a yawninr; s'lroli'through his. liiirary. I lls ' miiid was reeeptiw : o f ' the best

— N tilings in the service. lie entered into'itw ith tiie solemn feeling, that it .i .as. his last. \

And when.the niinister gave out tlie text, “ i-'or i n must ail appear-bc-fore tiie jhdgnient sent of CJlirUt, that.ev-

• 1 e ry -m aii'm aj^eeeive the tilings, done}h his body, whctlier they lie gooiLpr bad,” lie s.tar'ted and leaned forward

‘.'Ijjjpntlyv fgeiing. that. tfie. inessage of.> the pveaelier was i'or him and him

alone and strangely .appropriate for -h is- own-pecniiar-coiidition:—The '-first

* statem ent .of.'the sennon'i'irfcsted ids nttoutluu. .Ihd lield him to the argp-

“ "-merit Irrcslstlbljvto theend : -—— —"'jf iw 'jM g B n ra v " i^ /» rtn sw srrw n i’- .. i . -nuUlCJl.tli'eild.ful place ton \iian whose

Kins have been forgiven il% tliis.'worid, .. blit -if lie conies up to it seamed and

1 Starred—and stiiined v.'ltli I4»'ns unre-• '. pouted o f and miforglveii Ijceajise ho”

' . lias not asked God to forgive"'liliii ft'w ill be a place of awful fear to-hi?

• -;--ffl>ul. —Wwrxpiwariuan^icro hi this au- . -t1l(inee-Who ai'e!'as*fea'dv to d ie how as

- they ever will -lie. They iraye nutdj) Their peace with .Hoc!. They have no quarrel w ith, their he4glibolrs.''" ’.I’heir nccounts are al! square In business. They are living lnj. lovfng ’rtdationB ■with the. houie-clrcfe. -.,Tiiey have iiq great burdens of remorse or ' regret'

v Weighing’ them_"down, and if God should ciill them this minute to step up

- to -th e judgm ent seat) ’they would be ready.'-"“B ut there are other men, here 'who

- ^ ''anT not At nil ready for su'elit,fi trem en­dous event.; ;They may th ink t^fey .are, ■but they are mistaken:; J Io iv can- they stand before’ the grentesi'.'being fn all

. the universe .Tr'tuI ljaVe no fear wl^en• they a re uupre’pared to answ er liisques- ’|tlQOs:-‘VVhy’did you not confess me be fore men?- Wliy did you^not do a s .I

-commnnded and lieu the 'bu fdeps of the,w ork instead of pleading youfself)'

~ — W liarw iiith-jnrian.-saylhcn?.“I t is t'tue. th a t Christ is.nil mpreifuli

nil lovliig. B ut friH-It make no;;di£fer- once w'lth (i sou) whether i t comes up- to h ts.judgm ent «eat o u t 'o f ’.n Mlfcijpf

-n rro^tiK E gs5Rn:-7 i i j^ L 'y n t . ""ItlB " tru e w e i i ia d e " |M ii 'o f C lir is 'i iiin s a n d m o c k e d a t , p ra .v o r a n d s n e e r e d a t f a l t l i . b u t ' t h a t is u o t iiu ic li to b e a f r a i d o f . I t is t r u e w e h a te d o u r n e ig h b o r a n d w o u ld 'n o t fo r ­g iv e n u in s u l t , b u t t h a t Is o - i i t t l e th in g . J i t i s ' t r u e w h e n ti ie H o ly S p i r i t p le a d e d w i th u s . 'i t y e a r o r s ix m o u th s : a g o TO'

- e o n fi‘fe -G li i- is t- ln -p i ib lic _ \v e a o I il - lH in a o - 4«u:i*iii«-; w e, w e r e a s h a m e d .to d o i t In t i ie p r e s e n c e o f m e n . t o - c q n f e S s - l i h i r w iio s p r e a d p i i t i i l s a r m s ou a c r o s s o f b i t t e r e s t a g o n y Tor u s ; . b u t . f o r . n i l—th a t w e fe e l j u f e tU a t 'w lio u -« ;e tm trc li p p to th e . j u d g m e n t s e a t > f . C h r i s t h e w ill

T r e a t iis j u s t . th e s a m e a 'S 'i ie t r e a t s th e d is c ip le s ,w h o I in v e ' la id d o w n , t h e i rliv e s f o r th e .M a s te r , . . . ......

“T l ie i i Set u s te a j- o u t o f 1 t h e l l ib ie e v e ry line, t h a t s p e a k s o f i o i i ' i b i i l i d n j j r p u u .is h m e u t Or . ju d g m e n t—f o r w e d o n ’t, l i k e . t h o s e - p a s s a g i s ; th e y h tn 't^u trirfC t]!” lu g s —a r id l e t uiVlea"vi> o n ly th o s o w o rd s t h a t f p e a l ; o f lo v e a n d m ere} ’ a n d " f o r ­g iv e n e s s , f o r i h o s e 'w d r d s a r e t l i e o n ly o n e s t l 1a t7 c a n .b e t r u e . i f o r . t h o s e w o rd s d o n ’t m a k e u s feel. u n c o m f o r ta b le .

A w a y W ith e v e ry th in g t h a t h u r t s o u r f e e l in g s , -tliitt m a k e s ' <ui a n x io u s , t h a t s e n d s 'u s - t o o u r k n e e s .in p r a y e r , t h a t in a k e s ' us- c o n f e s s C h r i s t ^ - i liv e a l i f e o f sV lf d e l i ia l . a n d s e r v ic e , fq r u-iu-n till- jiid -rir i l 'lit s e n t is- p r e p a r e d a n d C h r i s t ’s i t s d o w n th e r e M ill w e a p ,; let i r - b e fo re 'h im .h o 'ty M re c e iv e u s a s w e c o m e , b e fo r e h im -^ th 'e p u r e a ltd th e im p u re , flh’e- s o liis (h a n i,l th e p r o j id a n d t l ie '.h u m i t le . o.ml tl ie b e l ie v e r a n d th e d is b e l ie v e r a n d . in th le l s a n d . s c o f fe r s a n d c o w a f d s a n d ‘'despfefii'S ' o f I G o d ’s l o v e ,0U Uiu-o a rllL . ,a l l ,the_ cla.s^ 0 f .111211 w h o fe l l b a e k o l i^ v v e a b -a u d - in ip e r f e c t C h r i s t i a n s a s a n e x c u s e fo l' t h e i r o w n w e a k liv e s , m id t i ie d r u n k a r d s a n d th e liars '; a n d th e p p p r e f s o r s o f - t h e poo r, a n d e v e ry b o d y ' iv lm h c n r i l a th o u s a in l

e rm m is T u ll o f g o ^po i iT iu lilijp jifse t) ' l l ie m ' b e c a u s e o f s o m e im p e r f e c t io n ill” th e d e l iv e r y o r .e lo cu tio n , a n d a l l . l h o s e n ie n w h o w e n t t h r o u g i r f h e e a 'r l l i he- t h i y e r s o f ' th e h o m e , a n i l th e s e lf ish ■politicirius w h o b e t r a y e d th e i r c o u n try -, a n d -a ll jh c .m en w h o r e a d ' t h e -Iiible- a u d b e l ie v e ..o n ly ti ie p a r t s t h a t d id n ’t, h u r t t h e i r s e n s i t iv e , f e e l in g s , a n d th e y o u n ^ m e n .w ho liv e d f a s t l i v e s a m i so w e d w i id 'o r t t s ^ b e c a u s e . u w icktH l a n d fa ls ‘0 p u tjU c ' j ie n t i i i io n t m a d e ' th e m th in k ■ It ■ e x c n s a b lo a i e i p e r l ia p s u e e e s s a r v , si n d a l l , th e o th e r n je n a n d w o m e n w h o liv e d a s th e y p le a s e d , re- g a n l le s s .o f <Jjnl a n i l ctei'n<tV . _ W ite h a l l J l i e . s e s lu il i a p p e a r b e f o r e th e jtu lg - ln o jit s e a t e f ' C h r i s t ,1 h e w ill 'b e h o ld th e m a l l - a a .o n e iio u l jw dbi.w .iih a s m ile o f g r a c io u s p s lrd o n w ill r e a c h " o.iit ills a lm lg l i ty a rm ., a n i l s w d e p ih e in a ll a l i k e - in to . a 'h e a v e n o f e t e r n a l -b liss ,, t.hero ^ o . i 'f ig u ly .'th h li ii -in g lo ry , a n il p 'o iro r.' w o rld --W ith o u t e n d ! •

“ l t ir t / l s t h i s , w lii i t C h r i s t t a i i g h t- the - .wot'TiT-} K up jio se w .h a t-w e h a v e s a id >s tr u e . • I t tu r n s Ills w h o le . l i f e ’ In to ii' s p le n d id moL'kct-y;, l- 'n o lis l in e s s .a n d a lih u rd it> 7 cm ih l g o _no f u r t h e r t h a n in ' cre’a t e a l i f e lifie ill's a n i l^ to p u t ’ liv to ’fifs n in u tii s u c h -U 'a e h li |g H -n s - 'w e h a v e -re .- i.-elved i f a t t h e j u d g i n e n f s e a t hii.siTiii’s.

(•kiH ^l6ssU » f t h e i r a c t s h i - t h i s ' W orld? :tre re c e iv e d o h ahX ^fu a irfiiljth T g 'a iid a l l r e c e iv e d In to e t e r n a l l i f e , ' A n 'd ^ w iio re is t l i t r e n i l ? r o o h i ' l i f t th e te a c h in g s o f C h r i s t f o r a p u r g iu o r y Vi, l i o -\ve b e l ie v e th a t ? is .i t - n o t th o - p h i in l ie ,a c h in g th a t a f te r - th o - ju d g n ie n t , ; th e ( le s t i i iy jp f - s o u ls is f ix e d 'f iirn v .n i-?. : ' \ ____ L . / . . .

D i n n e r t o C o m : h i » k t o h . ,A V nsluiiutuu, M iu cli JU!— l* rtu itio n t ^£c-

Kijiley .mivo a.dinnVr nt the ‘White House last (‘Veiling t» tho mciybors-of tl)c_ucwly nppoi titled ■* I'hiiipphir. <*o in mission/ /T h e muHibcis.of the;caliin(»t antl.ii few*‘other gHosts we 1*0 also invited. Thoso prespi.it included the folliiwiirjj: .luclgo William II.* Tuft, P tof^sor Doaii (!. Worcester, Hon. r.nUe 10. \Vrifjht. » l^on» Henry C.* Ide,, Vntfeasor , 1 Joi nai d .. Mosos,> .Secretary. (l'hki1/, Seoiiutft'ry ltovt.; Attorney‘‘General (■I'ijrgs, ’Poslmuster? ■ (>oneral- Kmory S^iiitli. Soei’otaiy Secretary Iliteh-

Soorotary Wilson, Srnatnr Turley,ilfyjrosentativo* C’angjiLiaiiil Henry A. " Kjjiotv <iom*ra! .hisopfiu’heoior, C’olonoi, (4iiUiios Ponhy,* Colonol Thonias II. Bar-

and Mr. (Joorge W. .I’orkins of NewYifrii. _• .. . ■ *

D ( c i ( D c a d i b e d ,•Middlotmyu, H'nnij.* Si a roh ill, ~ The.

doa.th of two \voll Jaioivn lVsideiits of this oily, a' ‘ hr*lier''Vi ml * sist er, oceurred here lari> yosto.rdav afternoon nyder somewhat poouliar ciroilni^tJiuoep. Afrs. John.ITas"

tho whh)\v -of ;a forinor . proiniiient business'man. died :i t her ltome on Court Slrect after a lo'n*: ijiness y iih paralysis, ts»'d (S(S. Less than an hour later iie.r j rot her, Krodn iek. Wileox, u^ed.70, en­tered the’death oliiimbo.r m m ^oll to .the lloftr by the iide the led whore the life* 4oss ftrt-m «u’ Mrs*.'14:iskell wav*.

T ___ . ;___ '

DavVii.nni..‘Ii. — M:iyur. Van

to tin- seii;ite .willi o increasing tliVTRbliyjes

et'.i-ehimiU'TtrHel'K.linri proV.'ulinij/fur niiuij'- elniiigeS iii file city’s editcntiitiuil s.vste>n. Tlie". ;iiiiy,iii-.:iii. his ifuVsa>:e. i«iiil..'tliiii,'lh<! tithliiit'tnid-imrilrn of-tlie iiill would proba­bly he IielH'eei^iN.i.^tUidb and $5,000,000. lie also ohjeijbf to the niea.stliT.necaiiss it "iiiereaSeiMlie tuxpayers’ liiivdeiis, con­trary t,o tne dejiberate action of those chosen to aihninister theveity’s affiiirs.” '

- ‘. 'B u t -w litrt icotild n i a n . w i s h ' m o re ? W ill h e n o t h a v e o p p o r tu n i ty m io u g li to a c c e p t .'th e_ u in n !.v o f G od b e f o r e ' t h a t - tih ieV D fjcs .h e n o t - h a v e o p p b r tu n l ty ? ; I f any , s o u l 'r f p t ie a r s l i t h i s l . a n d u t th e jw lg m o n t c o m p la in s ' t h a t lie d id ’ n o t h a y p a f a i r cli:UK;e,.-\<iill t h a t g fa c lo t is J u d g e , c a n d en i 11 111 m if -h is c o m p la in t lie tTUo.V. Vv.o k n o w - iie vl ill n o t. B u t .'the - f a c ts O f t h p t j .u d p n e i i t a re : thetve.:' A t t l i a t |1 in e ;r r f li iii ie u e i t '.ll i s ' , 't h e s 6\ i i s o f n ie h will- f)p' p a s te d f o r i l ie j r t i c t s 'iu ,ihe e a r t h ly , l i fe , a jV eftllc t T D at iVIU- <lotuj- in in o ’ t l i c i r e y e r l a s t t i ig ’ df-iftlny . a n d t h t l t 'v e r d i c t • w ill b e j i ' s t a m l . l t w i l l 'b e in e rp i tu i . _ K o r . th e .-oruj,'Ifieil':1uut:.W5ijJd d o t d o o ih e n v J s e : . Biit*^3,he‘ in e n w h o h a v e d e s it ls e d iu id n e g le c te d a n d d l ib e - lio y cd a n i l c o n fe s s e d s h a l l b e f iepaj-a lcd f ro l i r h im fo r e v e r , n u d th e . m e n " w jio h a v e , c o n fe s s e d ' a n i l b e ll^ v q tlL a jid . t r ie d to. live , like l i lm s h l i l l b e in h is p r e s e n c e

"ep Q tlin ia lly . • , .- - ' •/ ' T h e r q ^ y y i lie n d iv i s io n o f s o u l s .■■ I t

w i l l i l S F r a ^ s H 'o u 'w e a l t h o r p o s i t io n t j r .b .irth o r . 'e d u c ii t lo u to,r g e u l u s , .b u t o u

.Chrisriad’l.VJs—ou ih'.t'l u n ’ nt! aim eter­nal filing we call clmriieier._ livery- thing else shall go. away-into destruc­tion, inlp death, into punishment, Into banishment from God.- And .banish­ment from (Tod \yill lie hell, iuid 1 t v;111 be .a Hell upMua tie l'iy God, but by rami lilmse/f,, wiio hail'an (iPportuultj^-nnjT a tliunsaiul opportunities—every-day of h is’ Ufe to- iicvelji iVielillys o f heaven au d 'o f his o.ivu jfeelfish cholco rejected every oiie of tlierti end went to' Ills own place. - /• ••

[to dc comtikwedJI I


ionrtonccd L ist o f ComlnR £»e'at» for . Q u ick I t o fere nee,

Tuesday and .Wednefday. Aprils and-; — Sale of fanoy nnd useful articles by Voimg reople’s Union of First Congro gatioiinl cBurch ai nre,nd Avopuo. HotH,'afternoon and evening. ' -

Wednesday, April -I—Slasquerndo social and (Jauce of Lil’erty Tample, ND'.' O/Ij.

' G. E , Winekier’s hall.’ v " v 'ThursBay, ..Anril ip—“The Rtrango Ad

veniures ot Miss Brown,” a three-act comeily-dramn, benetlt Company,IH,

-l'arinjpefii — ——TVednesdiiy, Thursday nud Friiliiy,"April 18 ,

10 and 20—Annual convention K.ow Jer­sey Epworth lin g u a in St. Paul's M. E: church, Ocean Qrovo.

Monday, A prilM inst'relR ot Asbury Park Lotige, No. 253,1, 0 ; O.' F., in .Wincklet’e

■'-hail. " ■ .

Mre.'.CaljJn Zimmerman. Milesbur^, Pa., says, "As a speedy euro for coughs, colds, croup and soro throat One Minute Cough Cure is unequaled. It Is pleasant for ehil dren to tukK. i heartily recommeud tt to mothers.* H is the only harm tes remedy, that, products Immediate results It cut ts bronchitis, pneumonia,--grippe and threat aud lung disea^s. I t will prevent eon- sui/iption, W. K - Unm, ltj7 Main street.

A Few lords from-, an Abused Wafeh. . . . . . • , Vv

. i.. r»:.. -r. WANT to tell you ho w l have been useq. - After being■ ' •" , .. -1 mannfltotared by ,tho, Elgin Watoh-ICompatiy and

named B, \ f . .Raymond,’ I was then pased up ln a polld- gold /tanite arid sold. I- kept excellent time and my keeper was very proud o£ sac entil I ' got a llttio out of ordtfr:. then I was taken to a aW cIcjiwetryrs^r^ 5 the* boss passed me over tp a cheap workman ; he went a t me llko Jja would' an_old mowing machlAo—with pinchers nnd dirty hnnda. ITo EOon lutrt jny faco scared and my h^nds crippled and my Insides bound lap bo tlgbt tliat Tcould hardly watidlo. Then I was given back to my .keeper nnd tho blli was i 2 ; hut I couldaot keep time and I was loft with every person that hung out; a sign “Fine-Wafch llepalrlng.” Thoy wanton crippling my Joints and cleaning ine out o£ everything that was ariy good, and I.was considered worthless. - Srhen I was taken to CASWELL'S and ho gave me.

. a dose of etjier and put mo to sleep. Now, when I w^ko np.Iw as olean, . --m y joints were free .nd easy, I 'fe ltJ |u st liko running, and i did run and

rkopl'trme'. ' rM.v'kc’oper is once inoro proudIjf mo. Now, It ovor anything alls me again, pray take tno to • ’ , »•. . j... . .. - :

.-C A S WELtT* .

" ‘ • •* ' ' .• •’ ''*'■* • ' * 1

6 8 9 M a t t i s o i s A . v e n u e

NOTICE OF ELECTIONN otion is heroby' Riven ' that rm election

will be held in th«:oity o£ Asbury Park, ln«tho county Of Mcnmohtb,,dn '

TOESOP.Y, OPtliL 10, 1900,netw te) tho' hours of. *!X o’oiook la tho morniog and seven o’clock iu the evening for the purpose pf electing

Ono member of couucil from , the First ward; . 1 *

One member of coHticii from the Second ward. • ■

A City Clerk. -t . - -' . -\A Treasure;-.A Colleotor pf Tuxes. - • .Ona Overseer of the Poor., — . . — •'One Assessor from the J*'lrst, ward.G;:e Assessor from tho Second ward. V.One Chosen Freehokldr from tha First

ward.' - _ - . 'Ore Cliosou Freehoklor from IhcTSccomV

ward. ’ - . .1'hree Comn\Isslouors of Appeal in cases

of taxation ,Two Constables rrom.tlie First ward.Two Constable!! from tbe Secohd ward.'Two membors of ttie Board of Education

for-tlio-term of-t#o J'oars,One ineijnberof -tho Board oi Education

for tho term of one year. ’ . '

Said election will bo hold In tha,following places:. . ' . . , .

In the First ward in said city, at tho southeast corner Borei, street and Baugs aveiiu'e. ■ •

In the Second wafd in said city, in Edu­cational Hall, Third uvenue and Grand ave­nue.

Wllness my hand this 20th day of March, A.D., 1900. •’ ■ -

WILLIAM C:-B0RltOU8HS.City Clerk of Asbury Park.


Has moved its irfaiu offlco from 812 Cook- nian avenuo to C21 Mattison avenue—Keator BIpck.

~ j P a t r d n a g o S o l i o i t c d ,


__• | TolephoiiB. 801).

Uncle Sam is Awakening

. ..T o tho dawn of the campaign Pf l'.XW. We want yuu'to awakon to the possibilities of onr BjlADliEY PARK 8 ECTION. We’ll make

— — 1 it easy for you to-purchase a lot. Consult V

’ T. FRAN K A P P L E B Y , ]Cor. Haiti S trc c tan d M attison A venue

T S i e O p e n i r i g . ; f

jsOyef ■/.—»«•«■>•»• >• - •"•Bnv wo are stlll'lti'tlie'

business...Call and seo u3 ut tho now stnHaT0 1 5 M att iso 1) A venue. 1

' '"e- ■ fMy stock is not made up of wheels that a

year ligo I declared nio good;X haven’t all the’wheels, but two.,of thu

best—the popular •— ~r~ ■ /

P I E R C E. . A N D . /

. I-VER: :OTN80NV-— s *

■ Tho P IE R C E I liavo sold *fnr e igh tryeara anc haVG louud thom tried "fiDd tru e .

P R I C E S F K O M $ 2 5 J X Q $ 7 5 ^

— G.-T. S AN FO RD,r

JA1ESH.SEXT0N Funeral Director"158 m ST., SSB98Y PBffi, ’ 1 ' .1 . . . ’

ArflYie Ijno erf casknta on’ han d to rW lect front. e’k»w;er'tleslgns.a<ip®clalty. Open day and n ig h t ' .

Telephonef, 2 1 a .,': Ecsidottce, 410 Bewal! avenue.

t im e vfi&Jes

PUBLICS ALE,— Jit- 512 Second Avenue

SATURDAY, M A R C H s it lA T \U 30 P . M.

Parlor, X.lbrary and Bed-Sonra-Fiirniture, Beddiuir, Carpets,:Kitohen' Utensils, Chinn, etc. " e j ". ;Excellent Organ suitable for private house

1 .or lodge.room. >, TERMS—CASH. 72-77*

r ^ R O S B I E w U ! c o f t -

'*m/; t i n u e h l s a u c t i o n

t o m o r r o w ■

A t 1 o ’c lo c k sharp; V.

Lots of Pfew and Second Hand &miture.

M. M. CR0S Auctioneer

100,000 R O t t S O F

? r o m a l l t h o l o a d in g m i t u f a c t u r e r s .

From 5 c R O L L upwards

PAPER HANGING., 1 2 ^ 0 per roll and up.

WALL MOULDINGS,To,mutch all papers, 2c a foot and up.


PENNSYLVANIA* RAiLnSADThe S ta n d a r d R a i l r o a d o / A t r s r i c a

On ana latter November 10.1SOO.I TTUINS LEA V S A^'OUBV ^A U K — W ER E -D A T S. •

F or New Y ork and Rework, 710, 8 6Q a m , 2 25 and 5 83 p ra. » . > • • • •

F orE ltzabetb 8 6 0 a r iu 2 2 5 a n d 5 % p n u ‘For Rahw ay, 8 60 a m 2 25 and 6 33 p in.F or M atawun, 8 50 a ni, 9 25 and 5 3d p m.F or Lone Brunch, 7 10, 8 50, 11-00 a m , 2 15; 22-5;

5 SV5 40, 7 07 p m.For Red. Bank, 7 10.8 50 a-m . 226and 5 3JI p m. For Fblladelphla, Brood 8 treet, and T ren ton ,7 29

8 05 u >n, 1215. and 4 07 p tu. : ' * * ForCam den via Trenton, and Bordentowni 7 29.

8 05 a m . 1215 and 4 07 p to.F or Camden and riiiladelpbla v ia Toma RJvor

1 2 1 p m . •F or Toma River, Island H eights and Intermedia: *

Btatlona, 1 23 p ni. •—.........P’o r Point rieayan t and Interm ediate Rtatlouj

10 59 a m, 2 53,319 and 0 48 p m. < . _For New Brunswick, via MonmoUth Junctlo t

8 05 a in, 12 15 nnd -1 07 p m. . »TBA1N6 LEA V E NEW VOUE FO R ASnORY PA R E . "

F r o m W e s tiE w e n t y - T h l r d S t r e e t s t a t i o n ,’8 55 a m ,12 40, 3 25 a n d 4 55 p tn . 8 u n d a y u , 9 25 a r a vu n d 4 55 p m . - / "

From Depbro.^eo s tree t Btatlon,.at 9 00 a m , lS'JO, 3 4 0 and 5 1 0 p m . - Sundays, 9 45 a m , and 6 If, p .m . •

FroiVr Cortlandt s tree t statfon, atT9 00 a m , 12 50, •'*'<W07nnd 510 P m. fiundaya, 945 a ni and 5 If

Sn i . . . . - 'ttHundnjp will stop a t Tnterlake^i and -Avon In

placo of TIorth A abury P ark and A sbury P ark tr «jtoff paauenjeera. ' “*'• V V \ v .........

t h a m b l e a v e rn iL A D E L r r i lA ( B r o a d S t . ) irOBABHCRY PAUK< * , . ‘ j

At 820.11 10 a m,,3 30, 4 02 n m woeknlays. Mar- ket-S treet'iW barf. vla^C am den and- Trenton- 7 80, JO 80, a m, 2 30. 8 30p in , week-days. Loav# M arket Street. SVJiarf 7 la V^uneaburK* 7 80 a m, 4 00 p ro , week* da ya.WASfitfNGTON ANO T H E SOUTH


F o r B altim ore'and W ashlnfjton, alw. 7 20. 8 3L 10 20, 1 1 23,11 33 a m,(1280 Limited jDidinff Car), 113 (Dining Car), 312, 4 41 (gj^.CongreRslonal

* Lim ited, DinInp C ar), (T0!>, S 20, 0 55 (Dinlnp C ar), V 31 (Dlnlncf-Car) p m, and 12 tffl-alffht-wdek-

, d**yB. Sundays, 3 50, 720, 9 12, 11 S3, 11 S3 a m, :.U 3 (Dlnlnc C ar).:3 12, 4 41 (5 20 pougresslona!

L lm ItedrD lhIoR -C ar>rtf C5- ft fi5 XWnlng Car),. 7 31 (Dining C ar), p m. nnd 1220nlRbt. ......

T im etab les of othpr tra ins of tholiyetem ' may be obtained ao th e ticket offices o r stations,. •" J , R . WOOD, Oen. Pasa. A gtJ /B . H utchinson, Qerti Manaarer.

Moecoraior5 4 * ”5 4 3 C o o k m a n A v e ,


D RS. BRYAN & BURTI* H Y 8 IC IA N S A N D S U R G E O N S 2 $ A a b u r j

a v e n u e , A ab i! r y P n r k , N . J . ,O f f i c e h p i ^ s 8 t o l i a . m .^ Q t o 3 p . m „ 5 t o 9 p . m . p h o n e 6 . “

QEHTRAL R. R, JF HEW JERSEYAnthracite Coal Ssed Exclusively, Instsr-

: log Cleanliness and ComJort-L ,-';'.-- -.' ...... " 1 . .

• Time tab le In effect January 8, JtOO.- * • • \* 1 ■

•TRAINS LEAVE ASBURY PARKi . 'f o r N e w -Y o r k , N e w a rfc a n d E l iz a b e th : v i a a l l - r a i l

i o u t e , 0 17, 8 00 a 5 ^ 1 2 ^0 4 CO; 6 29 p t m S u n ‘ d a y s f r o m I n t e r l a k e n B ta tlo n , 7 87 a m , 4 18 p m .

F o r P h i l a d e lp h ia a n d T r e n to n v i a E l u a b d t h p o r t ,. 6 17,8 00 rtm . 1210»v4 OOjiiaiJBufidaya from In

r . t e r l a k e n B ta t l o n , 787 a n x , '4 4 8 p m .^ o r B a l t im o r e *and W a s h ln R to n , 0 1 7 ,l 8 60 a ip ,"

1^310, 4 00 p m , S u n d a y s - f r o m I n t e r l a k e a sta*, t I o n , 7 9 7 a m * 4 1 8 p m . •__

F o r E a s t o n , B e th l e h e m , A l le n to w n and ~ M au o l» C h u n k , 6 1 7 ,8 00, a m , 1210 , (4 00 to- JCasU>n), p m ,; H u n jlay fl f r o m I n t e r l a k e n s t a t i o n , 4 1 8 p m .

F g r W i l k e s b a r r o a n d S c r a n to n , 8 00 a m » 12 0 p ni, F o r B u ffa lo a n d C h ic a g o v i a D .* L . & W. E . B .,

•8 0 0 a m , 40.0 p m . *

^ H . O t H ,AUBEN#Cteu’lE ap t,flALDWW, Gen, F a tf A gt, ' ^

DR. F. F. COLEMANN o r th w e s t .c o r n e r F o u r t h a v ^ n in j .a n d 1 K in g s le y

s t r e e t . O filce H o u r s : U t o 10 a! in . . 1,80 t o 2.80 p . m . , 7 to 8 p . m . T e le p h o n e 1 B .

R.S.BENKETT, M .0,P H Y S IC IA K A N D S U llQ E O N i-5 1 0 A s b u r y a v e ue, A s b u r y T r a r k . . O f llc e * " ‘ "n u e , A s b u ry .1

1 t o 3 a n d r t o ' 9-p m.h o u r s : 8 t o 10 a . m ..


- OR. MARGARET 3. CURRIE120 M ain o v o n u o , O c e a n G r o v e , .N . J . ‘ O ffice

H o u r s : 7 .to 10 a . m ..J2 t o 5 D r.ra,. 7 to * 1 0 .p t m .

Dfi ELLA PRENTISS 5UPHAM .805 T b ird a v e n u e , A a b u ry P a re r , N . J . O ffice

h o u r s u n t i l 10 a . m ; , 12 t o 2 p . m . , 0 t o 7 .80 p . m T e le p h o n e c a l l 2 9 1 .

H. S. KINRflONTH M. 0.710 G r a n d a v e n u e , a n d a t J t tn r a o n t h & C o .’f,

D r u u S to r e , 724 C o o k m a n a v e n u e , A s b u r y P a r k , N .'.I , -.

BURTON BROTHEBS^D EN T1STH , 02ii C o o k m a n a v e n u o . A n b u r y P a r k ,

n a u d o u ln o - b u i l d i n g , '8 . W . C o r. B r o a d w a y a n d 58th street,-New, Ybpk^Jtipw_^rork.offlce-cloB«) f r o m M ay u n t i l O c to b e r :— — ■ * j

v ijP . H. S . TAYLORD E N T IS T . ^ ( Q r a d u a le o f U n iv e r s i t y o f P e n n s y l ­

v a n ia ) , c o r n e r C o o k m a n a v e n u e a n d E m o r y s t r e e t , o v e r L eM nliU re’s , o p p o s i te p o i t O ffice; e n t r a n c e o n E m o ry H t re e t rA s n u r y P a r k . O f llc e h o u r s f r o m 9 a t» m . to 5 p . n i . T e le p h o n e 93 I . ' . r -'*»•**

- 9E0. L. D, TOSSRSIKS D. D.-S.DENTIST. 017, M attison avenuo (thftJTeator

blo<?k,nMr poet office), .A sb u ry .P a rk .' Teeth ex- tractrtjl Dftlnlesaly w ithout rendering th e patien t unconscious. Gag adm inistered. Office hours:d a. m. to 5 p. m.' *

It. F . DORAN, D .D .S..D E N T IS T . S u c c e s s o r t o t h e B o s to n J ) e n t l s t f l .

“15 M attlRQ n a v e n u e , A Y lnekb jr B u ild in g . ,

: N' ' CLAUSE V. GUERIN. LAW OFFICES, T raosacta genera l le«nl busi­

ness. Acknowledgm ents * taken fo r all B^atee. Rooms 9-10 Appleby Building. ' ' ..


'• ” ' ' • -M ASTER IN. CHANCERY,: I -28 Appleby Building} A sbury P ark^N . J . '• ’ '

WM, c.. COTTREI.L / .A R C H IT E C T , ’. 'P l a n s a n d v p 6 c if lc a tlb U 3 * fu r­

n i s h e d a t s h o r t p o U c e . H o te l w o r k a - s p e c i a l t y V •416 L A ke a v e n u e , **-. • .* ' • . .,

S a m u e l ' A ; B r o d s e ■ . E r n e s^ A . AitKifD

3R0USH & AR€ND~ . ' VA r c h l to c ta . 931 C h e s t n u t s t r e e t : , P h ila d e lp h ia .

F o r s t - R lc h e y B u J ld ln g , T r e n to n , N , J . A p p le b y A s b u r y P a r k , N . J . - . ' - * *\

OR, V. B. HEISKT,. VKTERISABy au;tSEON_- Traata al! ant, eisW. ■ * - . i! .irenut*. ,T#l«paoiwNo,8 .

Reliable Furniture.

New W icker , :;: ' - ‘ Furniture. V : :!".■/. • • % _ ,-j.___ ^

Two solid-car"loads o ftn ew lig p o wicker furniture has just arrived «nd been plac'^d. ort oi(t- ■’ floors, today. ■ Eor -graceful effectl ct^ ford-ind :

•'desirability there, is -notlijn^. t^at /e x ce ls the O i .wicker furniture. " This year’s styles are esp.efc-f.'-:-': ialfy attractive and prices.are ■ lo w .. 'In the asr' sortme'nt you will find three pie'ce suiti, odd hall

';.|)|d reception chairs, library rockers and . cltibby ' llounging^and'den chairs. Th'cj-finfsh is in forest "green, shellac, Flemish aiid . -oxblood. Prices

range from $ 2.75^ 0 $ 15 ,00.- ■ v. T ■",W e are also, showing a. very ,attractive line ,

of reed, and willow goods particularly useful for ^porch -use. -ii comprises many, design^ . i n; chairs, settees and.tables, -.. They may be had

^eith?r in green or white. Prices froni $ 5.00 to ^$12 .50. • . . ’-•' .

.... ." THE .DAVIS FURNITURE STORE, ”Grana and Cookman Avenues, A sbarj Park; K. j . ' -; -

» 6 2 0 C o o k m a n A . v e n u e »


E xtra F in e Largo .R oasting C lilckens . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 c lbE xtra F in e Dry Picked T u rk ey s, '. . . . . , '. 1 . : . , J jjc lh..

S a u s a g e . Se Jb. P o rk Loin o r C h o p s, I Oc lb.Lcg'of Lamb ..- .j . . .Hhoulder Lumh Cliopii .Ulh I,iimh Cliops ......i'dro tjimrtor Xamb__Stow Lamb. .Frnniefort Sausage...,Dologua, . , 1'........ ........Bacon, by tho strip .

lie lblOo lh14a h

40 to tic lbS ills for 25;:

lie u

C lm c k : S t e a k : ____K o n n d S t e a k . ..................P r l m o R i b l l o a n t ..........i i e s t C h u c k R o a s t . . . . . G o o d C h u c k I t o a s t . . , ,tJro5a R lh ... ...............T o p S i r l o i n ..........f l l r l o l n S t e a k ..........P o r t o r h o u s o S t e a k ___

. 8 Ihs for SSc

.2 lbs for 25o . . . 1. .12)<o lb v . . 0 o l b " 8 0 lh lie ill ...... 120 lb. . . . . ..15c lb jJ6o to, 18c lh

This is^the original low price place o» good first-class stuff, wlthlo the reach of averyotieT Coin’e: ilud couria'ee yourself. This old argum ent th a t it cnu’t bo dona is played out'w ith the pe’oplo. We havo doue it. are doisg it and wJli-eon- tinue to giveyoii tha lowest ponnible m u rie t prices 011 al! meats, ■=, i . __

T o le n h o n o 61-A .

B U W A . J R D J B .

6 2 9 C o o k m a n A v e n t r e , i :____’ •_______ :______________________ :_____ A_____:______ J _______________z___■ I. I - ............ it.. . . ............. ■■

A il of the I a test i ri F0 R|E IS N AN b DO M ESTtC" j WOOLENS. v... t . J

E X C L U S IV E P A T T E R N S . <


. . ; . F O R T H E S P U I S G O F X900 . J .



W I I - I ,J A M G K I F F I N ^ ^ ' .



' C O T T A G K I T R A B E B O L I C i T E D I ' . " . .

P o sto ff» c e B ox 9 0 5 ANBURY PARK, N. J ■flsfctirr FarR Pkis

FAMILY K O I p ^ 1 Grand and Sewall Avenues

V OPEN ALL THE YEAR. "Steam boat. Electrlo lit h t'i

Aii modora Improvcmoala , Buaparlor. -^-XteaBonabla-prioeg.

T h e S ta ffo rd• - C orner P llth A venue and .Heck S tre e t ' Open All The Y e a n O pposite S u n s e t Lake ‘ - Special accom m odations for b!cyc3ce

: - ■ . v F o r tersna’addrees , : . M R8. A , L , HUV,C orner Qrond' a'nd Mu'nroo- avenuus, Ono olook from Eloctriflcaw and five in I nut eg'walk from the beaoh or?rullroaa station . Hteaiu heated. Onou ajl tho year. Superior tab le ; Cojnmod iou* poyche^,‘6 pfeclal fo r families, j . J , QldNUNQ*The Orange

7 V » --t i v(Tortuurly at, James),v Corner Cookraon ave,Gommerckil Hotel.•MK6 , Ulor, eoxnfortabKrtconr Sieajo hMted throughout, cuLnno

t A - ■ J g ■ K Orien (ill the yesr. A BnlnrRed and Im-Orarid A venue . Hptei0 « a n G r o v e Do»d$

'..r. ■ ; v • ' <^.v8antf 5 P’tman avenu , 4 and C McCHntoctr street. This hotel i> .~ - A* 11'• # j _ ownall t'le year. Bun parlors and wf-ll heatea roono for tho OJOl9 i l © ‘ A l f l S K S ,nontb' The only. Jjotel In. .Ocean Groye aupplle<nrtih *ea watorM ’n

T h e o n ly . h o t« l In . O c e a n G r o v o s u p p l i t i i B oa w a to r T h o -o r o tio n la n f th o - te d c , 1 0 0 'f e e t f r o n i I b o a n l ^ k r . o r l » i id lin r l i im r.- '.i p o * t oR lo« . . K . >1, K IL M E H , t. r o p n a t p c : 1

T h e P r e s s ecwTAiras a ll ti4E"NEWs

■ i ;

Page 3: WWM, JC.; A STORY - DigiFind-It · / FOURTEEN^ YEAR. NO. WWM, •'. Place your Fire ‘In surance with the old est and best coni- y paries in the world. MONEY" Represented by "v-h

Corner Cookman Avenue and Em ory Street.

D U I t l J X (j? A L t l r S l i A l l U J S « w © w i l l a llo w io p e r c e n t, d is c o u n t on a ll p u rc h a s e s ,


In one-half barrel jacks.

Good R ice 3 i-a.c lb

1 ■ ' I t ’s f in e * —P i n t J a r s , 2 5 c . ’... B e s u r e t o l o o k a t t h i s w h e n y o u c o m e i n .

2 0 c n o t t l e - P i c k l e s , i v ca o c B o t t l e C a t s u p i b r . x o c .’ .

1 5 c B o t t l e W o r c e s t e r s h i r e B s iu c e 5 c ' •' . ’■■ ■ i o c b o t t l e P i c k l c B f o r 5 c

V Our styles are all in; have been, in fact, for a - week or more. A

1S§||' more complete' line it >vould be hard ls |p L . to find. Small checks and narrow

stripes 'will be the prevailing styles j£||teh* th is spring.

i p ■ C H A R L E S K R A I N Zv LEADIltG MERCHANT——TAILOR•’ " ^ -3 l5 -B O N D ‘ STREET.— —


] 51111} Fresn Eggs 28 for 25 Gents, *. Many ot thom gathered ntManakquan. Only 23c -worth to each customer.

• Granulated Sugar1, 5c Pound.. In 5-pound Backs—with i t l ie r goods. Only 5 pounds tea 'custom er;* ■

Best Oat( Meal 2 c lb.. Ngt more than 5 lbs to a customer._ W e hovelk few cans of Mince Heat whicfif w e are, going to

• ,ciose"out for'a trifle—2 lb can for (Sc ....KXAlBftXiti'S ^brtEhl Lights- of Farce

.Comedy In the BlihrlouB Kural Comedy


BURj&HERS-DRjVpBilCftStiff: Fight Twenty Miles North

of Bloemfontein..


SIiiteUliiBincllcI Cotnmn iProm Sonili' 1 ’roTmbl}- AVny 'io: tfcNleflred

*.i . j— '. Town— IliillorSh^WlnpE Activity—;S«T .... rlouw Action |to lie Expected Soon.

London, March 31.—President KTOgcr ; - . has apparently made up his mind not to

' ' wit I f until- the jlftitIsh' arc ready to nd;' ■' vance licfpro^-tfKiimlng Hostilities.’ He• -■- sent a force ot liners to Knaree. Siding,

14 miles south o'r Braniltort' and only 21 ,miles frotii vBloctnfontein. 'l’hoy in-

j > trenched themselves there on three kojh' j(‘H, blit Lord Roberts dlspffltclied. tfn

overwhlSImlnB roi'co'agulhst th 0 ni£_,whlcii drove1 them bajtk to ,''Brnndtprt.- 'JB te

. . Bi'itioli loss '-wns oho killed -and 400bu! . wounded.- Indications Are liot wanting

. ■ that President Kruger intends to njako’ sptrie attempt to support his threat to re­take .Bloemfontein; .- ■’

-V, In Natal, ns well ns in the Free State,clashes of outpost*, which urn always frcqiient before- a serious action, are-bc-.

•ginning. Reports front Boer lieadquar- '•7 '. ters state .tliat the British' . troops 'are

tnassiiig. at Kluridslaagte aud that Cqlo-• . ■ • liel .Ubtluint'V'with his' mounted infantry,

huh. befit -liufty' iit -the 'neighborhood- of . Ilelptnaliil.ar.. ,.,rr', ■' — l'hirthorto the chut .the Boers are show­

ing signs of acting oil the .offensive once again. Ill order to check this disposition

’ General Iluljer has lintl to strengthen bisOlltpnstn. • -hSltirmlshhig coi)limies nt Wiirrentbn.'

The sitiiation there suggests thnt'n'gaine of bluff is being JiliiyeilTby the British witll/tlie idea of. keeping, the Boer force

-V stationary on the' right liiintoH ho-uiver.:- Whether tliey have succeeded-in doing

; this Is doubtful.. Bislies o^'Boers nr« rer• liorted -l/i be’ near 'Trinngs to the north-

, . and near Bnrkly.lViait to tiie southwest. '• •; The-most iinpiH'tant itcm of newH con-

eerniiig this portion ot tiie sent of.wnr, -“bnviiig-a-lieai'ingTon-tho rellcf of-SIafc-j

. ^ n g r - i s 1 the. intelligence tliht on Monday- '2 ,0 0 .0 mounted iiien, with threebatteries, passed through Harkly West, apparently

• prepared for a long inarch, -nnd that an­other' 1 ,0 0 0 men wet's expected to follow them.

, j. _ The relief hf. the town from the south . is only possible-by mounted ttieti, as the

Boers have iteslifiyBtl the rni)rnad north «f-Wn,iTPntnn',-l.lmK- P.Ea;iit!irg'irlieiilg tiijed'to transport iin-ih'faritry force.'

^ e v c n lr 'I' li (i ii m ii ii (I W ith Roberta.I t-Is now estimated that when Lord

Roberts -advances he will-.buve about 70,- 1 (Hid men. This huge army will be made

up of the Tliijd, .Sixth, Seventh, IOighth and Js'hith.divisions, with another made

, ni> of the Ouhnls nnd the Highland brf- . gndc, the First,'Second, Third nnd, Fourth

- ■ rnvnlr.v liricndes, orie.or- two brigades of • imnVnied Infantry and II y.coimulry.-bri­

gade, .Tho Daily "Mail- has rei-civhd enblo-

_ Krains:from..:JIa(Ui(l;''I:isbpii. and I^crlin - stating- that the Portuguese government

bus allowed tile importation of a consid­erable amount of.-war material by the way~of Brira in to 'the 'Churtefed eoiii-

' pany's territory. This act of Portugal is regarded here ns a sign tliat she realizes lh a t England is going to'w ill in South Africa nnd make a clean sweep of the Boer republics. The Portu'Eiicsg have nl- wnys liad good-reason hitherto to fear the future resentment of the Transvaal,'with its Kreat military strength, aud this ex-

■' pliiitis inaiiy thing’s.It is also stated that tho old secret\ril-

liame Vii'Hv.ceii (ircat Britain nnd Po’rtu- —gal. Whidr. imSlved-jnint-^resporisibility

for ollenslvef anil defensive ohcnitinnH, still holds good. Portugal, is nndoiihtediy hurrying troops to Mozambique, which would be the most vulnerable part of Portuguese territory in case -o f a Boer.

- -ti'ck'OFhn-mcil liivnHtoiir

Samir IlooU Army Post Looted,New York, March ill.—Thomas J. Er-

rlcksen, loeoinotive cugiueer at the Unit­ed States.' proving grounds a t Sandy Hook, and .Martin Sorenson, a govern­ment lulHg fnreinaii, have been arrested upon wnrrnirtH issued'by United States' Coinniissioner I.hisley ltowe of Jersey •City. From under tin- very noses nt the

_nrmy..otiii.-eiii--KUitiqiied at the Hook tho" jii-jsoners sire ebargeil with lulving stolen ami shipped away a whole carload of steel- rails, besides IqotiiiR - tlio -proving grounds of giin -earriageti. brass work anil lead. It is sV.id further that they loaded the plunder iu brimd daylight upon a schooner almost within-pight of the ofh- J'ers’ quarters. Ei-rickson lias, been em­ployed ns an 'engineer a t thejproving station grounds for six years. '

S U N P A Y S C H O O L ,


ot thel.onfloii, Mot a. tv, 2$} to v-,I- —flloiuciry Voi-Noo,' :;-0 — Oolilen

. Teit. JIntli, v, N—L’oi’.ioice.to r>- Pro-jiureil by'the Hbv.-D, Bi. Steariis..- [Cdpyrlshtriroo; by D. Bl. Stcarns.‘3a"...

. iv, 23,‘W y,»fc If f.Iatthew, lias tho or­der .of cventB litjre—and It is probable that he has, though he. does not always, state’ events hi the order of their occur- ronco-r;tlien tho sermon on the mount wns deliyereii while bnrXovd-was mnking VIfs first, general cffciiit of t'iililee aiitl before the evcntsrWblch We have studied'in tlio. Jns.t 'fwo. lessons. ,' Tbe great nlni lot. the Hpiy Spirit, in cither of fhiMSospids doeS not seciu to.be to Het'foi'th all .the. events of.our Ijdrd’s life in 'their-hlstprical ol-jler, but rather to select and set forth the1 do­ings ..and. snyiijigs which best.'proyi1 tjie.poinfV.in. b’iind.” 1’he -nlhr Tir Slattliowseems !tti be prinjariiy to set, forth the Lord;Jestts as Sou.of Dtivid. nnd Son of Abraham (i, l ^ t : theJJessiah of isrjfel so long expbotqd. v

3e/‘,Bicssed are' the poor in spirit, foi- theirs is tho kingdom of heaven.” Qod’s- two dwelling places, heavou-nml the inim.- blo. heart, arc Set forth lii .Isn1. ivil, lu; lxvl, 2 .. And where-God dwells there Is' a foretaste ofrtlie” kingdom.' The poor in spirit are not. necessarily the same as “the poor otrthis world, rich iu faith and heirs o t the -kingdom”- {Jas. if, 15). They ace the opposite of tile proud, for “God resisteth'the protid. hut giVeth grnee^unto the humble” (Jns: iv,.C). Tliey lire such as have the spirit of Ilifn who became poor for onr^salfes (II Cor.-viii, 0), and they only cnn-'tttily say, “Hallowed be Tby name.” / • : \■ 4. “Blessed are-they that' motmi, ^for they shall be comforted.” We must .boor in mind that "He is speaking to Ills dis­ciples (verses 1 ,-2 ) in too hearing of tiie ^liiltltudo. Tho wliolb teaching of tbe-

•sormon is for tiie saved,' got for the un­saved. I le could not say_to tbe‘unsave<l: “Ve are the stilt, of tiie earth;” “ye-are the light.of the world” (verses 13, 14). ■Who,-tlicuenro thofie thntmumrm hat tho redeemed who know that when tiie king;, dom conies- the • days of their' mourning siiall be ended (Isa. lx, 20;dxvi, 13; xl, 1, 2). And sucli truly, and cohtjnually pray, “Thy kingdom come.”

5. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the. earth.” So snid t’lie Spirit through B'avld. “The meek shall .inherit the earth" (Ps. xxxvii, 11). T m a’ngqjiii- iS'the-Bplritroftlic“ICin{rrfnr;lIemnltl:“‘T am nieek nnd lowly iii heart. .Take Sly yoke upon you and loarn of Me” .(Math. xl,.g0). It is also.written that “The or­nament o f n meek anti qitie.t Rpirit is iu the sigbt of God of. great price" (I Pet.iii, 4). The meek do hot'liye unto tllcm- selves nor seek their own will, hut de­light In the will of'God, and, knowhig tho blessedness of that will, tlioy- long aud pray for tho time when it shall be-dono on earth as it is done .in licavCp ^vi^lO),

G. *,‘Blessed are tlipy which do’’ bungdr and thirst .aftbr r.lghteousiies»i-for they shall be ‘ filled.” Ridjhtebusness is essen­tial to our entt'anee into the kingdom, for the uprighteoiiR . sljftli not inherit ,the kingdom (I Cor. vi, but Christ Is the end of the law for righteousness to everj one that hcHeveth (Itom. x, -1). Ile lH mado unto 'us righteousness (I Cor, I, 30; II Cor. .v, 21). .Then as ,we jjdeld to Him IIo .fulfills the, righteousnesaLot the law In us jtRotn.j-viii, 4) and polpts us to the time w h en "A ICIng shall reign in righteousness, and,the work of righteous­ness shall bo peace, and the effect (or service) of rightooMsnoss. quietness and assurance forever” (IsaL xxxil. 1 . 17). It i3~7 his hunger which -enabfes us, to pray from the heart,: "Give, us this day out dally bread," for we do not live-hy-hrend only, biit by every word of God."

7.,,“Blessed ore the merciful, for they shnli obtain mercy." The I.ord is merci* fui nnd i:r;ioions (l’src iiir 8 ;’ Ex. xxxlv; 0; Dfmt.'h-, h i). Tbe'true Christian lifo

ja-ChrlgtJbdng. In wit,(flal.iv, 1 1 ), nAd all these beatitudes are just different features of tho Christ life. Whether in Him or in uSt - I t Is written, “W ith’tho merciful thou, wilt slmw thy­self merciful. ' 1 ... ^.-■'••• ; ■. 8 . “Blessed nre the pure lirheart, for they shall hoc God/’ Who shall ascend into the bill of the. I.ord jor who shall stand in H is boly place? He that hath clean bauds ,ami. a pure heart (Pa. xxlr,

•Sr'4). It js Chrlst-Himsclf^who is our purity, our holiness; our wisdom, right- cousnegs, saiictification nnd redemption (I Cor. I, 30). eiWe have, nothing good cx»- cept in Him, nnd only in Him do wo see God. Solne arc .continually- seeing mid imagining .evil; some see God in Christ, ilhd Christ in all things and have neither eyes nor’lienrt for the. evil. ‘ ',9., “Blesse

Spider’s GhapsA Tale of the "Cattle' Thieves, of Agua

Caliente,I ___ _____

By Wolcott te Clear Beard

. * . - ^ .n .-e x c itin g s to r y jf a d ve n tu re ,

"vvitli an cx a tn 'g lo . o f, ch a ra cte r

r r * p o rtra y a l th a tlia s 'w o n th is,yo u n g

• •• author soJliigh' a place .in thel ite r a r y w o rld ’. V " ' .

'•*’ ^ . •»:*>' ’■ /*' .7 - * . . •• p • To Be Published In ,

*• : T h is 'P a p D r Soon - . . '

' Watch- for the First Chapters

,tiiQX. slinl! bo c m I loiL the child rcn o f God.” It i3 nbwhoru KnftlT |iles'w*d are tiie pcace breaker^, biit theie are* many kucIi even anjoni;*Cliristian», ‘ who”tilhcr tboiiKrit- lossly or v;illfully are continually kmilv-

tlicv-.|)eacer«f some pert-on or'family. Do not look around to find sueb people, Ijju't auk, honestly. Is it I? Our I.ord is the Prince of Peace, lie made peace by the blood of His. crons; IIc. proclaimed peace Usa. lx. .0; Col. 1, 20: lCph. ii. IT)., We are commissioned as llis repiesentn* lives to publish peawi tiie pont*e |na(ie by_ Ills hlood' H~creiffiifes~ tlitil' iflT who Will mnyTlfiJve peace .with God and enjoy t^jj peace of God 4 Uouf, v," i : i'liU.' iv, U, 7). The devil Is the-great, autiior of con* fusion and of - nil— tltnf—is not peaceful. *'.orefore the peacemakers pray. "Deliver us from tlm evil one” (ri*,vi«6 d v e c s lo j i ‘

1 0 -1 'J. ilnvlnj» Blnrrced at tli'rf seven blesseds whieh are pnrAlleU.ns. wi*. ha^e.

^een, with' the sevorr petitlous iu~the prayer of chapter virO-13.. we now,comp to a double eighth for the persecuted and the mifPerluK fin* Christas sake. Such are taught that the Kjifiorings of this present time /are u'fttj v.*owlly to be com [)aroil vvitli the glory wnicli.shull he revealed’ (Korn, •v I i mRh ey~ ftml ■conifui f ifrthtr coji^chiHitui of thi* pmyer; or Thine Is the kingdom' aud the power and- the_j£lary forever. • Amen.” AU that wilHrt e godly in ^Christ Jesus slmll suffer ‘persecution, for u« the world liated Cfhristr-so itJwiil hate Us if \vv are like U'f^n^rll Tlmr*Ui. 12;'.!ohn xv, lS-20). Pauf prayed, "That 1 may kti6 w« TJIuu and the power of Uis reslirrdction 'nm k the fellowsiilp of His

^ifiVnhgs" (Pbil. Miit 10). and every be* llever stiotild Ij? wiUttTgTp help till up the afllictions AvbiehJ, are heliind f6 r His body V alike, wlileh ,i3 4lie ehui^'li I Col. 1.” 124). When reviled or persecuted ojf suf­

fering from hfiring evil things said ahotrt us falsely, h<iwever. hard it may- ^e».to liear these ikings, the suffering one slu»ul( shy: t am ii 'Jilessed person., I am a hap* p.v .person to be thus'priviieAed th .l\avk> fo.’jowsljip with my Lorit My re ward‘is great .in heaven.' I wljJpM'cjoice and be exe^etnug’ gluil. V * ' • 1

M; B, H m lth^B iitternu t. M loh^ saye, »‘Do- W k t’a L ittlo K arly R isers nro tho r e ry bost pills jy o r itsqd fo r coatlveuesB, liv e r and bow el tropl^lea,” W .K .

'' j. ’■■■s ■ , / ; - \ • • .'V*

tires,BRASS CURTAIN RODS, . «. Com plete ,'wjtlj,

. extensions, :5 cents,


e97fa& isori J%vcr

OIL & GASOLENE STOVES.», None sd good. W e’ve go t - th e b estan d i w e sha ll ru n


- - .-th O-i.


m a H c c ta t th e TUTTJLEJSTORE;

TABLE OIL CLOTH.»3 c. y d ., - .

Special a t TUTTLE’S

FLOOR OIL CLOTH ' /• ' 29c. yd.Til 15 Is the same goods for which other Stores charge you 40c. and » - you have the benefit of decent patterns ot TUtTCK S. .

AQATE IRON WAREThe kind you w a n t—a t •


TIN WARE— Chamber>Palls. covered. 19c—

- n t TU TTLE'S;


and up to th e big ash,/barrels —o t TUTTLE'S*

GALVANIZED WARET he most: com plete line In th e county,

a t p r ice s-th a t defy com petition - ... • . a t TUTTLE’j i .


Friday, April 27, will be^rbor Vlay In Now Jersey, .’ . '

“A Gay Farmor” company.ia.billod to ap­pear a t Park Opera House.next Monday evening. ' .. " '.

'a Now York business man with somo capital desires to become partner In perrna- nont business—Berf'a&vef.~r;“ ^" T

W. HarvoyJones advertises today for a good colored man and woman to*work by thembntH at the Hotel<joltiniibIa.'

Mias E3na Vann of Bradley Beach has gone for an extended visit with friends a t Keyport, Staten Island and New .York,—Dr.Georgfl'AaShDDtterd'oftheN'ow:York Optlialmlo hospital will spend anndayin this city with liis friend. Dr. J, H. Bryan. '. Miss Lillian Hoagland has returned to' her homo at-Oceaniprove from nn' extended visit with friends in Philadelphia add At- laiiti«C.lty.“ . A . ../ Prof! 'J1-. T3. Grapel of Hamburg gives piano inatruetiona 'a t his Btadlo. room 15,postoftlco buliaing, every Saturday from 10 a. ifi. to 5 p. ml a - ~ . -

Beautiful Easter souvenirs will be given customers of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea company, 626 Cookman avenue, duringthe week cpmnSonclr^,April 7. -i ....

Tho hours fct business a t tha Ocean Brove branch ’of tha Asbury Park and Ocean Grove bank will bo from 0 a1, m. td 1 2 noon,- and from 1 to 3 p, m., until furthor notice. ;

Jeweler A. W. Cornelius advcrtisea that he has Just received some new stylo novel-tteg forl.the.Boaterhibltion a t bis store, 02 j Cookman avenue^ _ During the progress O f^ ^ ^ fc j 'a tlo n a that are to bo made a t tbe.LefTalstre store, which tho l'iiSssSentiohed some tlmejigo, a 10 per cent, discount will be allowed on all purchases. ...

James Vqn Brunt will again take charge of t^ o b o ir of the West Park M. E. church, entering’upon his duties tomorrow* 'To> night the choir will take, up Easter music for rehearsal., • *' .*

■Itevf'Ayilliam Dodson, and Rev. ErnestWithey, both recently returned from An eola,-Africa, will spoak-of missionary work in that country a t the preachers’ meeting next Monday, morning in St. Paul’s ohuroh, Ocean Grove. ’ m • ' ; • " '' ■

A 0 0 -llght acetylene' gas machlno can bo s ttn in operation a t Hamtg Main Btreot

nterestod in Tho

pbarmnoy by parties wlio are this-latest -device for making light, agency for tbo machine in tblj section is held by the John S. Van Dyke Electric com­pany of 1011 West Cobkman'kverme.

The April meetingojt the Monmouth Cler­ical union will be held next Monday a t 2.30 . , .P. m, la the First Presbyterian c h u rd city. Rev. A. E. Withey, D.D., formerly of ^5nSJ)Ia, Africa, now a resident of Asbury Bark, will deliver an address on tho subject,“Pioneer Missionary Work in Angola." a -

HnrrU'on’a Mo«t Famous Cime.•‘I t is doubtful,” said an Indiana'poiia

lawyer tho o th er day, “w hether Gen.H arrison recalls a certa in ease which he tried ou t in Iiidiaha-tliat was more rem arkable in i ts way than the session" o f - th e Venezuelan a rb itra tio n .' Of tfle four counsel only one had ever been heard outside of his own sta te , nnd tho judge litjd iricrbly 'a local reputation.Yet w ithin 12 years one of the quar­te tte had been elected vice, president of tho United S tates, ano ther one presi­dent, still ano th e r United S tates sen­ator, and tho judge had risen to the- eirouit -benoh-and-h'ad-fillcd-twn cab-- -jiiet posts. -I t w as n pOlitfeaTcasirnnd each piVrty chose its m ost famous rep­resentative to . represen t It. Mf. B ar- ffton aided, the Unitetl S ta tes district a tto rney , and Senator David Turpie nnd Vico President Thomas A. Hen­d ricks 'appeared f o f f h e democrats.The judge was W alter Q. OrCsbhm, who had - been appointed .d istrio t a tto fn e ’y fo r Indiana less th a n nine yenrs. be­fore.”—Philadelphia. Post.

So noom for More. Patients,“ "Stra,' WJoks—The pommltteo has re- quested-me-to m ake a dozen^ies for the ch arity bitzar. ’ ...*~

Jfr. AVicks—W hat is the_pbject',of the bazar, my.denr? . ' ,

“Toroise funds fof the free hospital.** “Butd( understand the hospital Is al­

ready overcrbwdcd.” j “Yes, I bclieve i t is.” ' ’ ' ” . .

“Then fo r goodness.’ sake don 't do- naTo any 'of your pies.”—Chicago Even- Irfg Nows. * • ^

Intonnittloa While Yon Watii ’’ "Mr. .Speliem,’ of. Ilighlnndtown, w rites:- -“Dero^Btir: T-'Jease^te 1 ly w ar :wat- 1r th o . holeBumest food fer chll- drcriJ" ~— "Tit—

You will jflnd doughnuts about, the

m o re A m erica n .

No I/ontrlnB.; ' ‘D on’t y o u o f te n lo n g fo r t h e f r e e ­

d o m o f y o u r fo ’r m e r - l l f e ? ” v a ^ k e d - th e v is i to r a t , t h e p r is o n . ;*

“Not iniieh,"; replied tire convict; “ 1 —as s tilt here for having four wives.” —PJilla<leiphl» Jfortli Amerioan. ■■■•’. / ’■. . v' * '

COUNTY AMD STATEMrs, Cleary-Hyland is dead at her home

in Orange, aged 103-years. For the: last year of her llto sh? was totally blind.—Gaptain,-Jerry-Burkerjvhll(rsaillii oyster boat up the Cohansey a few-days ngo, says ho saw-four alligators disporting In the river near the.. Cohansoy'dlghthouHe. They came near his. boat, and two of-the crew, Theodore Frankaand Edward Burko, threw oysteriEeils a t them. The alligators were about four feet in length. - • _

On Thursday the Curtis Publishing com­pany filed articles a t Trenton iugreasing Its capital stock from 1500,000 to $1,250,000. Of tbe stock, $500,000 is to be preferred, with not exceeding 8 per cent.cumulative divi- dohdSi=Tho cortlfleate -te signed by CyruB kH.-E. Curtis, owner of.4,00CUshares;-Ed- ward.W, Bos, owner ot 200’shares, and by Qthent. They are publishers of the- Ladles’ Home Journal or Philadelphia. ’

Miss Julia Ann Cortelyou died Thursday at hor home, Ten Mile Run, near New Bruaswiok, fr,om the rather rare disease in this country, elephantiasis. She rtns ubout 52. When Miss Corteiyou .was 12 years oid symptoms of the disease manifested thom- Belvefc and for 40 years sh^ sufterod from her great, size. Hoc limbs were about as large as an ordinary person's body and her arms and.feet anti hands wore in proportion. XFtRedjiirie of her death sho weighed near­ly 4^/pounds, although not tall, Shoconld not walk and spent the last 30 years on a re­clining chair.

Rev. W R. -Wedderspoon, pustor of tho First Methodistchurelt atTNewBriinswiciS had a busy day. Wednesday. He was pre­paring to go out to perform a.houso wed’ ding when Miss, ijt>prglana Meyers aud Fninklln Sharp presented themsel’ves and asked to be made man and wife. The pas­tor accommodated them aud. again started to keep his earlier engagement. Before ho could get out of the house a second couple, Miss Lillian E. Moore and Jacob Snider, arrived and asked that they bo made one. When thla-had been done Pastor Wedder- spodh b’urried to the house of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Van Hise, Ills eiouses i^r being late were accepted, and ho "married Mfss.Ada Van Ilise and Jacob D e K a r t . . <r

Fire >:i \*mv Ilavon.- -Now 1 lsi.ve4i >i ;i reiK i .r-A. ,lii;e v>v1 iiel» was discovert d tfli-Jhe top Ihan’ uf Tffour story liriek.UniUliug at UK» Park-street shoitljf. before midiiiglit resulted in the complete destru« li*:a-o'f the building and severe losses t»« several mnnuuf.cttiring Concerns that wijre Joented in it. The to­tal loss iS'cSti.niated m $50,(}Oljr .pnietieal* ly covered * by iusaraifee. The lire is be­lieved to have" been, the outcome of iiu ex­plosion of cftemieais ijflhtfatHymi bceilpici) by the Colonhite—ClieihicaL-cbmnnn.v.. Ainoiig the other, occmiants of tluv builtl- lug weii.vP. 8 trouso i\: Co.. corset nmuu- faeturers; the (ile^lorh * Knitting cotii- pany, th\* Yale^tiasnlinD 12ngine compa­ny aud.the Peamdtt Kootl company. The building was owned by Clinton. II. liird» secretary and treasurer o u tlie Peauola Pood company. 1 * / v ' : - ’- . •

. Brynii Iu WanftliifrfOn. f *. 6 polittno, - s 11., March ill;—This, has been a (lay'.of hard campaigning foi* Will liairt J. Bryan. He made six speeches iu Whitman uud Sp.*:nhe,counties and ad­dressed 35,i)0ft people. At Colfax he ad­dressed an audience'of 7,Otto at dartield 2.000, nt Tekoa he’spol^r.fbr 30 minuter t< rH ;oopr^ p in m rw ^ m ^ :m people

Jieard. Uimitov^vn^-ininutea—nnTl-atr-fcjpo- kane he addressed two 'ajtdieuces o'l! 1 0 ,* ^O eac^t, speaking afternoon and owning in the big tent«jf tin* exiuj.sitjou. ,IIe was met at* tile depot here by;4,000 peoplo and escorted, v' over the / priufeijnti streets through Immense crowds; With Bryan .came Governor Utigers inid' party of ritlicr state ollieials*; and they w%ere enter­tained nt the residence.of U,nited States Seiuitof1 'riirner.; . .

KJlfiril In riiiiljiplnca. l''l .Wasluugtun,.March 31 .—General Otis’

la test iisUoMiUJi^isng_££illnwH:,.Luz(;n,.Forty-fifth infnntry, .Miirch 2 0 , C»uuiUg, James T. Hill, Company*, S.am’ar,; Fortyrthird infantry, March 8 , ;Mataguir ,nQ,*Jilbrldge H. Webster, CJbinpauy—lli• ,, , »> * T>„nr- -uv .-~ liu f ie ii. u i ’iw i'i, ^ompauy-—ii-*

holesomest articles 6 t diet.—Bjiltl- March f3ahanfc t^r(lihniMl W. 'MyoivGompauy I; Panay. Eighteenth iufantvy Mnrch %J2\ •pa’abngciu^^jg. Max. -Holme,. c.orporalS. Company L. - 'n i ".

. Lewis. A overm an, <3<»lieiV-'-Ina.r^Rnyii, “D eW ltt’s L ittle E arly R isers nlways bring: c erta in relief,' otfro m y beadacbe and never

*pe.” “ T hey gently c Jean so aijd Invleorate

Park Opera House* . . . W. H.'m orris, Manat-er

M O N D A Y , A P R I L 2

i l A C A Y FA R M E R ’

TAKE•‘IT IS IT.* .;.

Your.wife to nee the Farmer;, Your girl-fo see thb Farmer.. Your family fo see tj e Farmer.

• B E C A U S E —IT ,IS FUNNY. -It: is. clean}- new and novel,

;mffth provoking

PRICES, - - 25, 35, 50- Seats on sale a t Grenelle’s, 214 Main street.

J . L. TH O M PSO N ,T H E G R O C E R

Formerly of West Cfrovp, has.opened ■. thof-tore N,<->. 17 SOUXH- M aiN

STItUKT^oppostto the Ocean - Grove * Oates with a choico lltie of

Staple and Fancy Groceries., SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS SATURDAYButter is high .and BUTTERINE is taking

’ ■ - its place.Best Creamery-Erint-m. . . i-,c.~>30«‘per-li»-Best Creamtiry, . ......................... . io c per lbBest D airy .. ............ .............por lb

G ranu tarod S u ^ o rr Cc;; p e r )h.To each custonter-porchiiatoRotlier goods. Not-

over Gtbsi to a customer.8 lbs Oatmeal for Be. . . .

Large Bottle Pre£erves loo..Largo Bottle Ketchup 5c ,

■ ' Large Glass Jelly 5cCALIFORNIA. HAMS 7 3 ) b . \ .-

Best Cold Packed Jersey Tomatoes, 8c. '• Condensed Milk, 3 calls for 25c,

Special Inducement In ilno grades of Teas ' ■ "• aud Coireos. ’ „i ., .

F re sh G onntry E g sa a Specialty . Grand bargains in othSr^Jjods. Dontt forget

“ «J. L; T H O M P S O N "No. 17 S o u th M ain StV, • o p p o s ite

O cean G rove G a te s . .* ,FOR CASH ONLYV" I,K> ‘

S T A T E M E N TO f R £ o e ip t$ * ^ S n d D i s b u r s e m e n t s o f

t h e C i t y o f A s b u r y P f i r k f o r . t h e . p o r t l o n o f t h e F i s c a l Y e a r E l a p s e d

• M a r c h 2 0 , 1 9 0 0 . : V . v *HKCEIPTS. • v ••

Balnnco April 18th,,1609.................................0;5?3‘0Si n x e s . J B i Q . , 8u • ; __

*• 1808.......................... S t.S U U lJ :k— lHtir..« . * . - ? »-ra*i nr> —* I 'r lo r to lto r . . . T . 8);^G 02Llceasei.rr.... ...... ;...vv... 13,{tC3 80

W ater n o p a r tm e n t .. . . t .^ . . . . ......................21,111 j-1Sellout innitRyt...... ........ 7.*H5S HiSuashoro Klectrlc Hallwwj' C o . .^ ....... * 8-<i>0 €0Prfl«i6fds tem porary loans . ;3V,000 COCroeeetlsof tko engitio b o n d s ...r tJ.lOi-34S tree t aHKesament., hitorcsti.eobt?; floes

. ami o tlter r e c e i p t s . .♦...•»vrrrrtr* 8,513 14

- ^ v ------ _ s ifcw T T u- r> I3 G U n S E M E N T 6 .--~ -

S troet^...... .■Police .........S p rin k lin g ; r . . . . . . .

G arbage !.*“Ashes t *•••!*. v* ••••n ra rd Of H ea lth .......F ire .............. ......................MUSic. ;i t e s ti i . .• -j> . . . . . .I>laltitcnanc3 . ,.j_.Poor................ .Kr«e Public L ib rary ..................Contingent..'. . . . . . . . . . . . . .W ater D epartm en t. ........ . j . ;J?tnt* School and Comity Tax.8pochl School Q’a x . . . . ........ »..*Sidewalks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .curk avenn*1: . . . . . . . . . . . . .Temporary loans p a i d . : . . . ’. , . .Liceo&o re bated. . . .

4,030 36051 50

0,070 98

*. * ' . 4 1 S U 3 3 53 . MIIAN It6?8,

. *' Troasurer.

Frank H. W alker:7 r —pratllcat. j./- : j?a]jer Hanger ^ .V - V; a n 4 d e a l e r i i r r ' - .r '

.. .L Wall Papers anti v all Mouldings

Bamples brougliWo-your homo, thus nf- fording a better chance to matoli your oar“ pets,' furniture afid ojtbor. decoratltmt.iT.-:

tfio boWols untfllverr-VV. R. flam, niT Mein ' • * ’ v- Cull dr addrfiea •«•. -. \ 'ttrcet. , * - - j.- . 1112 .Kunroc Ayenue.,Wes.l Asbnry Park.

Prices; froiia March 29 to'April 5★★★

Y o u A rc Always^^ W e lc o m e

. J.ns. Come in ind look around. W e have

that will surprise you on our bargain counter.

3 lb. can Apple Butter fa r xoc • t" . ' 5 lb. pall J.elly, all flavors, for arc

G o o d T a b i c P e a r s , x o c acau c a n s f a n c y T a b l e S y r u p f o r 3 5 c t - B e s t , c o l d p a c k e d T o m - a t o e e 8 c ic a i i

a nice M ackerel for 7c Boston Baked Beans 7c can .r

< ~ i lb H K i n g a n ’s S o u p s f o r a g e


i ★



We gtlaranfoe everything tve Bell to give satisfaction, or your moneyrefundedr^ Our specials are for CASH ONLY- and will not be charsod a t these prices:_ ,‘ j-

THE GROCER,Other Stores t

' k★

Long Branch Manaaquan, Little. Falla

Cor. Main Street and Lake Avenue,; .6 0 4 , 6 0 6 , 6 0 8 C ookm aiuA venue

''Tel. 69 ASBURY PAlUCi



P A I N ' T —: The kind that will nob-fade whea

—put^on-a-buiiding. ■ ~ ; ~—~~~~

B r u s h e s —The kintTthat wil} please paintersf > * • • • -.*• *

W J b t i t e I ^ q b l c I —

. The kind th a t will give the best satisfaction for tlio letist money.

We probably, handle the tAfrjt com. plete fipe o t t he above articles of a n y dealer- in this city and i t is only neces- miry, for .you to call and inspect our supply. I f 'iv e should not have’ just .what you want tell us and wo will got i t ’in, a few dayB. -.f ••

L u c a s ’ E n g lish and' Atlantic. W hite L^adB ythel'pound or t^ n .^ r r • .

G IVEN A W A Y *. .Commencing—SATURDAY,-APRIL -7th.-and-continuing the-foUoiwing

week until SATURDAY* APRIL [4.,,* ‘inclusive, wc‘ will PRESENT TO ALL i purchasers of .Qur^world'-renownedNew Season . ' Freshly Roasted

T E A S ] CO FFEESA. &, P . E x tr a c ts , S p ic e s , “ B ak in p P o w d e r and S a u c e



* v T£fl COMPANY.: •A 6 2 6 COOKMAN AV EN UE. *

D.j * EWL1N173 Main. Street

A S B U R Y P A R K ' *

^ D V E R T I S E \ I N i

BRADLEY BEACHBra iu:t$TSTat i on oTt n e A sb u ryiP» rlt

:.^PA IL V P i t ESS V • ‘• T O E S n O R E jP R E S B r '

For thK' convenlppc of our patron* * bmnch ptatIqVi has n eo nfltablHhed at the BRADLEY BEACH NOTION STORB, Mtfto HcUaUo an3 ‘CoolTu V o u 'u o h . .. 'PftfMjpi* rwirulurly on ealo and supplied to News* i»o.v»* nt oHlce raff*. . 7 ‘ 'Advertlsf!n<nts rvcelved, and tn ortler tor»- calve turtoniort Numj .day must be haqded In *\ \ thla statiuu not later than }»J.30.

John N. Burtis

'o -^ i^70S ^V fe^ isd rt-^y eh M O -:.h v ;‘S-iiCofBus u » :i P uHbi bfitkiit* bu llH ii^'ot.t

niniudiei) w orders.'""rrr-1:.-.-

Page 4: WWM, JC.; A STORY - DigiFind-It · / FOURTEEN^ YEAR. NO. WWM, •'. Place your Fire ‘In surance with the old est and best coni- y paries in the world. MONEY" Represented by "v-h

i id ju u in t poU(,‘rrfl?»'i:ank. lu tu tills ixsiV bL’en'_ in.ic(.;U'il -iliu licr.sonaliiy o f ll'tu presi'iit in c u m b e n t o f th e oilice, I-Icury e . L'orlilji. '"C o rliin " lfifa b e e n ' a m ost B ae m a fu l '-B d jif t im t '-g e n e r tt l - an d -hus. m ad e th e .office o f m ore im p o rtan c e slued lie h a a been lii i t.th a D i t in o f w a s b efo re ,, e v u p '.d u riu ’g tlio-.clv il.vw ir. In iioliig so hit I1113. c re a te d n n ju n b e r o f enem ies,.' sum o. o f tlion i 'h a v in g , h ig h ra n k la tE e T e g u la r a rm y . O n tlie otli-

;o r h a n d .’ be ta r i % iniii‘ a n u m b e r of ■\va?m frlu m is , e sp ec ia lly in th e uenu te au d house, w h o u n i nnx io r.s t o c e c th e ’ b ill go ' th ro u g h . G e n era l Ctil'blii b aa conducted th e a f fa irs o f th e o tilee d u r ­ing. .a ' v e r y ; e s c i t i w m ilita ry p e rio d w ith a g re a t dea) o f ab ility .. l i e Inis’ L-eea 1®5^t>usiest t f i a iO u - \V W htnyfoji. a t t i s i e s . 'a n d ye£ Uls otflco Is a lw a y s opeli. . T h e re h a s n e v e r b een .any Uiili- e u lty In Kpelng 'li'liu. ■ I t inakes.ijc i d if ­fe rence ' w h o ’ th e ' m a n l a , ' w h e th e r .a ' eaW tift o lfii'T . n ie m b e r of'•b ligK 'S-; o f a-"pr.iratu.li>, (In- a rm y , a ll g e t a in;ar-

. l'’n,tfll W ^ f c 'U t n I ' l o r f d n .-OniliiT— i'h t.t—M nirli : a + ').%■ ii

kii>sii iriiiit - whs v.;>v!inl hi.-r ni. 7:11(1 '/c l 'ic l; hy ;i hiv.il nn eniliMn.;: iVrockiiiK tn iiii iv.mii-71 In-• W ithalfiver, ’*'• I*. <'i‘tiiO'.'>f'Aiti<*>'i':lli w n sk i1 letl:.'’'TtP 'TTT:i i: c er,

.*yiis.' severely injured.' feoiji .demolished/ ‘ ..- •

A C f t i d i r n t M . 'J I m.-i I i :;:

T h e s .e a r e t h e n a m e s o f f o u r o f ; t h e

m o s t c e l e b r a t e d a n d _ a rtis tii> P i a n o s o f

t o - d a y .~ ~ A - v is t t~ t o o u r w .a r e r o o m s w ill

a s t o n i s h y o u . T h e y a r e ’ f i l le d , w i t h a ,

m o s t m a g n i f i c e n t l in e o f t h e a b o v e

m a k e s , a s w e l l a s~ a --4 i u m b e r o f o t h e r s ,

in a l l k i n d s o f .-.w o o d s a n d in a ll s t y l e s o f

c a g e s . P ia .n o — B i d i n g is — e a s y - i f y o t r

g O r n e J o a h o u s e w i th .k n o w n r e p u ta t i o n -

a n d . r e l ia b i l i t y . O u r g u a r a n t e e , . “ E x ­

c h a n g e , i f n o t s a t i s f a c to r y , ” is b a d e o f

a l l w e seTfj”a n d £ 1 0 d o w n p u t s a P i a n o

in y o u r h o m e . • _____ • . .

F O R . S A L E . '. 1 -onyx t'ortft fountain, eouiplete, now: 1 . sh W r r s n r r t t r t o n ? ; in trtrfrgt nrnrty trayp, n tm . rcm r bolder*, fehver; JJ doz. hoda jrH ssrs , *2 p :d r Him* connuT also oaudy inra . ie« cream dishon,soda ?po n*», lev crflTin nnd candy b; 2 doz. ben t wood cJufK , 4 ta t les, e tc A.puly ut'S trfqk- Irini n r o s \ <5JS cookm an avem uv- o r !T».*rry i)unU*.id;ilS A sbury aveuue, A Bbpry-l'ark, N* J

^ S B U l l Y ’P A R K

■ ; ■ . ' ' ; • J ■ , ; ■ . i ' • _ - .1 U.

D A I L Y .T ^ R E S S j S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H 3 1 , .1 0 0 0 .

T h e D a i l y P r e s s .IS7A SU 3H E D 1807S /-. ■■ . ; .



• • ' . > •" . , V. ■ : ' „ ■ Alt THR

hC A T S V P R B S S B U IL D IN G , [ j

a07JH »ttl«onA vonno ,.A alin ry :iE nrk t,TnLp.rno.N'i cit.i.'s;

R d ito r ia lR o c m t ......................... .............. W nfiu ^ fn e sn O ffice...^V v.....................5 0 b

TEB 9I8 d r SUB80RIPXION TO d e y e a iU g l r ic t ly .In ' n d r a l i c e ) — . .

■On e w e e k ..........................................................S in g l e c o p i e s . . . . . ; ............................... .0

A d y ertjs ih g ,R a te s qn A ppllcalion .

R eceives th e te leg rap h new s stfr- vlee o f tb e IV.bl ihlierR^I'rc.sn AsBocla- tion , a n d thte newa service the A iuerloan Pccea Associtttjpn—Two of th e beat. -•, 5


- ' < i i v i : v o i ' i : s i : r r o K T .

Tbe citizens of Asbury Park should tu rn out en-masse tonight to discuss the V)each purchase proposition. Mr. Brad-

. ley i s . ready to close the deal at once If assured that the people are in favor of the measure. The best' way to assure him of this is to turn out a t this meet­ing. Your presence there will, be a material assistance to- tlie committee eveo if you.do not say a word. ~

I t is need les for us to say that the greatest ad rartisement this town could Iiaveat the present tim e'w ould be to have it said that wo li'ad entered into an

-ngreehient with M frBradleyto purchase the beach. I t would be tbe best possible aa;urance that the resort was -going ahead and had removed the possibility

. o f . ever being compelled to pay tribute to any (irivate party for the control of tho beach, front, upon which our pros, perity iu eo great a measure depends. Such an assurance means another ii> duceraaht to foreign capital tp coBie Here’and assist in the upbuilding of this popular resorp.

Throw aside any other plana you have for tonight and attend this meeting,, You~must not .rest assured that the beach will become the property of the city. You owe it to yourself and to the community to do yours utmost, to' have this m atter cbncluded ai the' earliest possible momeitV ,

Poverty-*H-D«y D ream .. . . ..K ic h a rd V viiitciug g a in ed tiie e x p er i­

ence fo r Ills v iv id p ic tu re s o f life Id th e e a s t o f Lioudou by liv in g am o n g th e W orkers ' th e re . M any o f h is e x p eri­en ce s am o n g th e su b m erg ed te n th a re even , m o re In te re s tin g th a n th o se he h a s to ld iu p rin t.

O nce w h ile ta lk in g .w i th a grizz led p ld w om an , w h o lived i u th e sam e teujemoHt, slje re fe rred to th e (]tieeu.

. "O h, 'o w 1 w ould like to be the . queeri!" s a id th e u n d e n t b e ldam .

‘‘\V liyV” a sk ed -M r. W lilte ing;" I t. ..Is n 't b e eau su _ o f -h e r .'oiiscs,, ,bo>'

ycauS e If 1 w ere (jueen I wiftrid 'a v e a do nkey carU-Avith red w heels , an d it is n 't .b e c a u s e o f 'e r .b a n d o f m u sic ian s

—o n 'o rseb ack , .w h ich goes a ’ehd o f theioi’Se guards, for rUiiimch rather 'ave a Ilitalian with a 'mid organ; but, ju st think. If she vfitk'es" tip a t I)’'o'clock in tlie niornlng,and m inis a bile to eat she can.touch a liell;and-'ave beef and boiled cabbage right away." , ' • ■' )

•Y factory girl -visited .a collection of. aiitiuue sculptures, and on her return Jlr. Wliiteing asked, her:

" I Io w d id voli like il:e s ta tu esV ’’ - “ N o i k * to o _ii3sieli a t lii'strsM '.-lieeaiise

n e a r ly n il Ilf j l ie m w ere sliaiiieliw sry ) d re ssed . T h a t- m ade m e m ad u n t i l - 1"

th o u g h t . th a t tl;o y .w .-is 'aw fu lly poor-in v th em d a y s a n i| .d id n 't 'a y e m oney to ' b u y 'c lo th e s w ith . T hen , do you know ,

fe ll re a l bad b ecause th e re ''w a s n 't ,-i s in g le Ildy Iu .the w iiole biuoin in lot. of th e u i '-w h a t 'a i l .a tiotm et 'to ’I t uam e." —S a tu rd a y Kv-eniiig 1 ‘osl. ' •

. . . ]Ex<m(ii*i. I:’ro tn C u lm . • / •Tln.vMUJi, Nhin li o l K v o r y * «cj

hi*nr t<nl;i.v is rrnwtl^d. ■ Kvrry- , * MiLli*muin :uid .’.ovory■; avnibililo rut was

.cn p n ^ 'l ' (in*, ali" iIn*. ifiri'O-.vrsM?)!? Iidiuh!.fo r AniiM’ifan Tlir lornl p:jim!s In*'

wnil tho oiu-Jv, ijj'jti^jjiino, lay in::/upon tin* liu-i 'ilijliitlioii' lias lu'Hn m» m>r'

of".will»w~ l i • vyr ri*|iiin• ■-di..»11ifHIgTf 1 fi” .JFt<T

K liiiitn . X. y .,-.;M anTij .51.-vKaytjjniiiV

•• p!t*»t *:i. pjuymntf nit!»<**• I r.V»i:ii> *T:Mi'nj*r T-4ic'sduyr a f r tn n-.*!n;. t lio n u 'l t<i»o h a d 4;

;.;4 ;teumviV^i)tVjt*lt;,To\yir tli«« tivuwiM!1:' fitiiyitidn of KiifM^Jo liftin’ aaTlTin.s.imT

beeiV lu ttrd ffofii ftity o. Tin* T u jsjiit ’ v ’• i< V jini.ll.V Vccm

To secure thiB orJclnfil witch If*zei*. salvo, ask for DeWHW IVitnh Hazel Salve, \vnlt known ad n qertaln cure: for pll^s aud Pldn

, ilrswises. Bewiire of worthies* counterfeits; .' ’'They aro Uatifeoroju R/ Huui, 107 Main


rLittle Being -.j^ de , For. • Their

'' . .'Rsc^.'rtiatiori.• y ‘ • .> . •' c • V* * * « .

u i y i s t o n 6 > V E « s .

Some iVaat the- I,.lntls ImproTcil, i^W Itllp'OtlierN-Protcwt—F cn r to 1 ,1-

iren*c (lie'AVhentfleldH—The <Viljiirn t (■eiiornl’M Itnnk , 'WASttiNOTOK, March 31—[Special.]—

There are some questions we always have with, us about congress, and one of-these is the disposition or improve­ment of the arid laiiils j j f the western states. " O ther questions- come and go, bn* some remain forever^tli'o race qluestion, the second class iflall matter, t|«s' lufM'OiJfC'ot silllnrtes:of clerks,-pro­posed ch'H service ehimges and 'o thers too numerous to mention—andsanion.g them can always lie rockonell arid Ijmds. In 'order to take care of these Subjects comnilttees of botli house and senate upon arid lauds have been cre­ated. Now*-il is an Intefesting fact |li:it-i£j.lieiHi. was to be auy actual leg­islation. liifoti.-aHd in nds'it would not lie placed lu the ’hands of. either o£ ii i r s ('■ eo ui ini tie e.s, but tile public lands couunittees of both housed'would .han­dle'the great subject. The same is true, wiiii" regard to forest 'reservations. There is a committee on forest reserva- nons. However, tlie men who are made chairmen of the arid lands committees think ii necessary to go aliyad and do something t»y way. of the. preparatitfn of reports and the' introduction of bills. Ju s t' now' the arid hinds ebminijiees have been turned over to Oregon, Sena­tor Simon being chairman of the com­mittee _iu_tlie _scnato-and-ltepresejitn-tlve.Tongue, ill Jlie house, Senator.St“niou does* Slot show intlch disposiiion to take.the m atter up very seriously, bul_ KPpreseutative Tongue, following- tho lend of his predecessors. Hermann and Ellis, both of Oregon and both of whom were ehairm en'of tills committee, will investigate the subject, go over niu^tf? of—lhe-saTm'-gnnind—ainf-obttlhi-nti}^ ucw facts-tliat have been developed.'

\ S o m o th ln K S litm lil lit* D tuio;'The -efforts m ade so far have been

unavailing :viye in onejinstauee, when there w as attached to one rtf the large ippropriation hills tlie so called C'aivy-

act. bu t-everj^ man representing an arid land state Jniow.s that very" lit lie tSitk-beeu done under that act, iuid ef­forts, have been, made i'lom time to time -to -make Better Its provision's. T hat something .should be“done with the arid tracts iu thc.j.ii.oiuital^ states md with tiie soininr!d~trnets-in-iho_

Dakotas, Kansas and.Nebraslcif ou one slde.of the Itiicky myuntains and east­ern Wushington nnd Oregitu on the other Jflde is to o ‘plain ;io neeil.^atf;.' nrgnntent. ■The trouble, is tiiatc’ji«b0 dy lcnowsr jiist what to i 1 i io r , if,lie does, lie lia's not iieen /ah liiJ to eojivijiro congress of- the fact, tiiiip. inthe d istant future tiioro’Cwili be ii geu- erous congress which.will'liX'coiue tiled of Jtlie arid .laud diseiissio/i and-w ill .tlirhv nil - tin- arid lands over io the states and •territories in which they are situated, to be doalt-j.with ill some mauijcr.. jvhieh .3vl.ll. briiig about their cultivation aud m ak e Vm'in valuable. A curious ’ feature of tills--’proposition in bring about the improvei^ient of Ttrtr iriil lands is_ajirotest from those wiio fear it will increase the yyiieaiilehis of. the wes.t, .It is interesting to note th a t wfiile some granges of -tiie fa r west ari' iie-titioning-in favor "of llie irrigijtioii of uriij lands those grange's icp're'sentiiig fil.rming.interests in i'hi> east are . piifltionlng sigaiusi aHylliiiig jn-in'g done in tliat '.direction. How­ever. .wiien good' liuiil iieeoiiH-s scarce tiie arid .lands will be made use of In one way or jSSSfUier. eillK-r by grants to the slates or by legislation by the general govoriijl'ient looking to .their


re 'e h l 111:1 t i o nR n n V o f l-lip A t l j n l n n l G c u c r n l -

r i i e p i e n o f t h e r e g u l a r a r i n y a r e e o n - s i d e r a b l y i n t e i ’e s t r d in a i i i l l . ’ i y l i i c h Is p e ’id in L ' in In ith - h o u s e s o f c y n g r e s ’s to r a i s e ‘. th e - r i t i i k ’- o f t h e a d j i i i a n t g e n e r a l

m y f r o m b r 'i g in f i e r 10 m a j o r A lt a i t o m p i . w a s t r .u id e t o jia srijr i u t t o ' l i i s t .« )U a r e s S , l i u t I t l a t i : t i i a t ’a - s i n g l e . o t i j e c l i o n -

N o w I t i s m a d e a p a r-t o f a b i l l to a u t l i ( i r i z e . a c i u i p l a l n f o r . e a c | i r e g i m e n t , o f i h e . r e g u i a r a r n i y ' i i n d - a li jo to i . r o v i i l e - f o r t l i e r e t i r e m e n t d f ‘ t ld i i - c r a l S l i a l ' t e r . ' W iTli~y1ie', r a n k o f 'm a j o r ’ r e n e r a i . ( i f C - o u r s A U h c I 'm i is t i in p o r - '

.'tutif t iia rure-tn* ilit}'~ iilll~fa»jrwlt(iog; t in '.e u c r a T s ' r a n k . l u t o t i l l s In’iV

o f t h e


of ate the'

General Cttrbili hasotilee dur-

period Ifas’

: iif

i)o d ......... ether'

filfit'iT, ’member of cbligres in.’tlje-aruiy, all get a hem:

,lug in lit'iieriii CorHlnVvollice, anij h,e.; quick j o dyj-idfc.all questions’ tliat: ,ai -bruiijjHt-before—him.-1—'PHis-vej'.v-efit cieuejr has eonmieiided, tlie blli- which ls'noip peudiijg. I f It ever igebs’ to-.a vote in either houiio. It w;Ui iKtssI

A ln itcii Du::S;. .


‘I tiped Kodol DyflpopSTaCuro Ju my fam­ily with wpnderfijl results. * It piwa.joim^ diate.relief, Is plp<i?ant totakeim d |.s\truly the uy^pfiptic’if hest friend,v saysvR. iiart? cerlnk. Overtoil, Mfqh. fjat ..Cannot fall to cure. W. It. flam, 107 Maln.sireuJ.';

C o u i m c r c f t i ! t n r r « i M f i ' . ' l i

Vor.r.N c \v 'Y i i r k . /X f a r t l i - *31.—H . ‘G.- P u n 6c

C o .’s t r a d e s a y s :"D uH uK t th e livfct‘/q i til r tii r o f .10 0 0 a ll

faUm'pK u f t jk ' k in d s .f(niiu*rh* in f lu d c d in thjivx* iv f t ix ls , n inT in o ih ^ iijaafcOH^ y e t iilidinkd., h a v e ex tlpctji,il l a * iu ijo u n t o f ii:]bUi*u»s’^O f0 0 0 .0 tju . W it l i s t r a i n :*rail- r o a d s c v id r a l ly ^trcVC"O:ortds Tin !.‘d A Mi i s: u? i)i n s t lie 'nepa.r a t el.v • re p« rt* ed , i in d w iilu J ia a U n tt:ul o ih o r- lln a n e ia t e o r.p o ra lb 'k ^ 'sh ^ ijli! . lie. M *p:uatoly ro po rt- mI im ln s ti- iti+ a io m jian irs* lik i' th e - U n ite d S lu t t*s l-'l .h r M i II i a £ r w i n rp a u y ; w h ieli c o n tro ls 'iuaay*’d i> ti!u 't w o rk s :- r h r ^ n m k ;: n Xa i!i:rck .\vi*rt. 115. \vit h ?S57,:iS2 1 iu* bilitiyi*../ A reci'iver’Avas appointed for the Appiolon pnlili^hjti^ -hoiiKe, not» to wind tip bankrupt .laud a ess",- lmt* lo iilvc

xi£--lj}'- itr lip.* anil value.’. 'Bj;tr -r?etim£ ftpiirr tlij’se; the* eonuiu'mnl -.failures re-

larger than la.•'t year, (irtl’iiliiies- •■amoiujtin.t; -to about SOS. :uTf*nIiy£ t<viopoi'ts thn)< far reeeiv? etT; Tn:* complete sU;U4>ient wilt be given next H'eekV •. 1 ' .

“Wheal--exports.^ fall .’. f;jr. lydo.W. I.nt:? year's, nin;»onliii« in-four weeks t(; D.TOO.- >•!.) 1 1 iu.<hels against 14.1 Oo.S.Sit last year. The., priee* has advance^ titree-iiuaUoi*s »f a ,ceiit,'with ..statenHViits that'the ei'op of Ken nee is jcri’atiy Veil need, cUoukIi- it is ratlier'« ; i ly t<> make any r.neh. c«t f-

•jhate,-.- 1 ’he export^, of-eorn ajmin prou* the iiia^nitude .iiV'fta- itfii delua.mr for w* ■reals. ,a*s • rJie. ex I raot dinar.v moyejrten'r of last year i*; elo.-n’l.v'ap‘prortehe(l. l t.704.-‘ ii75 jiii.'-hrU liavlji^ ^oiie alirbad. ill four weeks a;rai.nst J/Cl i 12,SI ,Uast yeaij. 'I'hv west i?i n retWyM*'■nT'e.' earlS' 1 hi;ee times >»s iarue as-IiAiie same week .last, year, indiratinr^-an rninnduni—Supply-:A)iUhand^ •nil *bf,\pnee has risen 1 cent.

“Cotton • lias ileelined ou^-ijnailer. ecu: ibis, v.erk. lrv;:i is ^rowins xvtsiker ex- '.’ept. in besfjoiner pi :. whleh. is. Held ut

.in-'Piifstmr^ ia spiti* of smaH sale>-

fiW L E S S K E ^ S IN IDAHO:■ kSteunenberg’s Tostim ony- Be-

•fore H ouse Committee. .


■ C l i i n i f c o Tht*at«*v Bnriiod. •I C hieapvM an li til.—The (.-olumbiu.the*.

dter.' one,iif the ob'.est .and most impftlai pluyhousc's in the city, has been destroy* od by lire, entailing a total loss ‘of $ 1 0 0 ,- 000. The lire was discovered in the laun­dry of the Iroquois club, which occupied apartments cm.the sixth'Moor of thif build- in*:.. It,is su|ipose4-4hat sopie hot coals' dropped from the stove to the (loor. Tlu?Iijtintis spread jrr(;a.t rai»ul7{y, amT within'MuiUiujiIds after llie discovery «f the lire^lhe thei/tor was beyWiui ^avin^. Occupants of (tie lintldinjr and employees, of. the* tiHMHor and-tlie chib were driven to the street i\i- sudi hasles that in the ex- ci(ouieur^iH**-t‘ -rp(i:*.u*:h wer<* ov/o\*iane. Tieforo the iin* was- exiburnished the hd- lowin- were injured.* Krances' iVfillciV •iveii oiee by smoko aild . her fact’ cut, taken froin the sixth »tUor >y .fohn Crilly.i porter .of tlie Illino is club; ’.1‘obn

J» 11 in s .i 4* LCiiiiiii. J i i O p a 11 i n jr - 1 assr an d - ■•ill about thu face and jftud: .Volin Cotut- ut*y. poHceman.' strueli |»'y falling eorniec. :iud-^ h ' "hc*dd- cut"Jiud^horrttlei's bnils-- ”il: Marie Kllis, fell ddwn “stsirn*, wrist jprained' and head' cut: >Irs.. Mary liob- iuson, hurl abce.H the face and head.

■in; f t C t I n Is* s ’ S f r l l i c .f * A si*t 11cment o f

T ie st rikC i u ’ 111e fniat M^gyy)Vons of Chi .a o i'ea ch rd v t ^ I a y ’ a ij a con for*•lif e held in UieMj^nter liuildiuK* beixyeer. dl i; i .i 1 if - U: </ mi ion :rn 11 re iire^eb tut i ve> if tin* eiiipbj.vcrs. It i* a settlement which s t;i be i/a*ji>n:-.l iu its scope, and updei ts 4 <*ni!N ilte /^‘Meral strike timed to in- .*olve:the *1 r>i*.l*ftt» machinists of the conn :ry alwuit April 1 will be averted. _ Work s.to In*-rcf-nsped MoniTay here as well as a.'(''levehind. Kalorson..X. .1,. arnj Pbila- U*l)'r|ii;(. At .Cobimlms. •the **iifth cfiy

tVil.e was in force.- a settleineni

l a y a l ' t e n»uo in . I i a l l ih

rie s c l iv e .c itit*

IOV*f.\ . \ h e

:llf*ll- llU l'ei t o ’ r e t l i n ' t o ' w o rk y p e in l in i: u rb i tn i tK m f t h e l>MU-s i: ’ l l t e j ' i m i r o v Of«,v.

- ___: M a t r t i i i i >-i• o s ?*<1M tin iiK tc r ,... .L m n l- .n , s i r e i r A di.-fiiati-h to T h e

U n ily ( '! u «i. l-“ .{ '.■e:m I . s id y s jn i th T « s itedM a r c h .‘Ju. i,v .-•:** .M in It i n ic r o s t 'iH ft It inth e . c iv i l •a n i fo rm e r I ’n iJ'c il S a t c st.‘<onsni M (< r u in g a in s t t h e p o s tm is 'te rh i P i e io n n a* it y.bu f o r in a l l e g e d b i e a c ho f c o n tr r n t in h a nViing o v e r 'h i s p r va*ti*

In i h • i:i il :t a r y a r t l to n s ie K : t«» p e n .J l l i b u - M < ::p iv •ted i.v i i '/ i 'n n v . ’ ; .

S i t l c ld * t f IV n ii V:i n, C.’i ' j d t n l M ;. K lm ir a . . ,* V ;. .*i*at/c h ; : t .v - \V iI l ia .t n 1^

S h c lc b m , 1 •a in:*: ili? .e ;i a n d c u p i t a l i o fI 'e u n V a n ■ .;i*.::: H'.*d «4iinri>. * I .ly t l ig .ht.U e .w ciit t h i s i r i : : ; a n

l . . ‘.-..’Iv! ?.!ioV h in tM I f in

(In* h e a d . *;•. A b o u t a y e a ri ig o S h e lrt; •ri C?!< l» l.f .li* u it !d e Hj* t ni n in go u ih i - 'g a ? .1 *11 i-1 V-r:*:u. b i if v .a s re* •uei!.X o r e a s o n :» * ig l ie d ’ fo * W i >:t-if'd'i*s tru e*lion,- •i:— ........ — 9

Do It YourselfAnd S.avc a_ Doctor’s F e e - I f T est De.

no tes Kidney Trouble Dr. Ken- . — , nelly’s F avorite Rem edy is ir x-. • th e Only’. M ed ic in e .T h at .

. {W ill P ositively ----- Cure You.

Trial. Bottle Free.-—-_____. . . . . ' _______ :.—s . - . . . . .

It l.i ettsy to toil whether your Kidneys or bladder aro diseased. 'Tako ^ bottle or glass tumbler anil fill it with tiriao. If hero is ,'i sediment—a. powder-like sub-

sliinee—after Etumlliig a day .and night, it it, is pale oi; diiiciolored, ro|fy or stringy, Chefe is sometiilng w rong’wltlnhtriC lil- ncys. Other snro Bigns (if disease aro it ,(jci- slre to urlnato often, pain la t[io back, or if y'nur nrlnq stains lirina

There is.no question tb»t Btr. David Ren- nedy's Favorite.. Remedy Is tho best and jaire^t.mOdleino-lH-thiS-svorld . for diseases of thn-. Kidneys, Mvcr, Bladder and Blood, Rheumatism, Dj-spepsla, Chronic Constipa tjon, acd tho sicknesses peculiar, to womon It. quickly- relieves and cures, inability t' hold urinij and tho necossjty^'f getting up a number of-times during tho miglit. It puts an .end' to ttart scalding paliiSjyhun passing -tirlnq and corrects tiie bail elTeets'of.whiskey jand lie'er. I t Is io‘d for sue diillai- a bottip-a t all drugstores. . _

Bend' yjiur-full pt^toiDee twJilress'to tho Dx.’David Kennedy t'orporatldrt, Rbndbut, N. V5 Ami moiitlbn this paper. 'Tlsqy will then m ailiybuia tijal bottle of-Kavorite -Kemedjfand-r ;,vari^b>o medical (ianlpliifit freer giving full directions for ItsusoMivery •readei'of tbla paper can depeurt^uptm the' genulwnwa^of-i tItU-llboral -offer, Nand all sufferers from thbdisesses ni'rtht'loiinil itboyi' should tabe'atlvant#^w>T It a t pm»;: .<

S a y j T l l u m H i r r W c u « « I T o i i c r l y ^ A v c

I V a t 8 n f c t n S l t o i i U n « e r ' ' u ‘! ! 1 ' - n 11 S o l e l y t o t h e I lU iJ« ' f l i n t W e r e I n - clt'eil >y tb e")iin e ra ...' . -. •'W a s h i n g t o n , j l i i i x h S t . - “ H » m B n l i f e

- i s - n o t ' s a f e i n j j b o n l i w i c ' ' i i o t t u J s U j r o i '® * is not safe tbpre; men are.jjjfr»iid t4> Hpi»aJ». ojienly of what ' tliey ' kiiow»”- w ei^llu - eontTudini:. words of (Juvernor Stcuneu*. ber^’n testimony a t tho^i!hj^ of tho reet oxntuinntlon liefo’re the lio.use milita­ry • coin tn iit eo which iu i w vest ijjat i ug Uic Idalio hi bdr. troubles.- •• The governor had already told of tne> iabor troubles that* had existed in Idaho’, siiu'e 1802. Property h:ld been destroyed time and again,'imirdcr and assasisination had been--eommit-1(m 1 -yc.t .hirt. -° briiiK proof apalnst .the eriniinals^r.ijri* fiitile. •lici* liud-tiine and again told-nim things that he knew lo be Yiiels aim 5*ct had assured liim with.ecpial. posUivenOss that if be dared to.use theif niimes they •would, denounce him and declare that what he §aid;was false. They had spo­ken to him in conlideiice, .and he had to resjiect' their ‘ coniidence. nifenfcpew (hat nobody would trade with them if .they opened their .mouths., ^oine^ bud indeed been compV>IIcJ'l^V^vy uji/business :md leave the state. .An era of fear. drcad- ind terror e.xistH-there/he said, due sole* ly~to"tlK~fiotsliU.irri^urrectinn-tiiat-liave been incite.t^.by the Jiiiinci’s. The govern­or also said that lie* hail found SecroL'vry Hoot determined to withdraw the troops from Shoshone.ee/unty on Oct, 20 last; in fact, an. order had been issued to that eltcet. but a t his earnest protest the with­drawal was. post pinned.,. /

«- • -’'r h e “ iluIJ pen.” . •In response to Mr. Dick’s, close‘ <iues*

tinning as to tlio chatges’made in the res- ofution in. I he Iioiist* by lic.'pre-*sent a li ve. Lent);, its a result of which the investigation was ordeml, the governor de'nied thirt.the writ or habeas corpus had’ been suppendeiU lie denit u that (»eneral Merriam- had nuule_any.jM;.uest>vthat tlie jirisoners were held “under the most, bru­tal •find* tyrannical condition*'! that the

bull pfii’Vwns unfit for hunntn habit.-u- tion,. that the-treatim*ut of the-prisoners was *’brutal- and degrading,” that an es-" caping prisoner was'^hot by. one of the' soldiers, and . tliat *a dying prisoner’s o e • qitesU for sv priest had been-refused| a ^i7n^e^iinnind7iirT^rlrTVC?tlgineiru.Ti^ fotiml false’ait the instigation of a very liigli ollicia'l. of the iTathoIic cluii*ch. ' v-. ..

Other statements liiude in'Jh.e resolu­tion ' of Itefire-sonlative ""iiientz *,were' also tin t ly "denied b,v GoveVttor SleiuYeub^vy* naiiielv, that tljo men• haiPS ) slei^ff^on bare boai’d.sj Hiat they were? compelled;*to :tand ercct for «evcn hours each (lity in lie /hot sun under*, penalty of deatii .if

they, jittempied ‘ to tiiove or ,stit dowii; tliat Ca’ptaih lOdwards- of the United States"army had cnlled- thpm '‘‘UoWftTdly curs;” that-tho right of .free..speech was .stopped? thn'f peaceable . asseinblages were' denied: that~-union-.mciu.wcre..*not.. illowed to appear liitfore tlje industrial commisSmn: that'the. wives, aiid families >f prisoners wore 'subjected to insult indSm trages by. the soldiei^.of till* United' S ta te s . 1 i

DeroiiMC of (icncrn l lilcrrlnm .The governor was also*very positive in

Ilis •assertions* that neither General Mer-.* iam nor ljrls coniniissioiied a.nd*noneom* aissibiied 'idlicers nor'tiie-privates iu the united ‘ Slates anuy had iti. any w:t'y usurped the lights '.of the state or acted Uherwisc than for the convenience and com fort .' of t he" prir.bner.^ It was a Iso hduMi that Imth their foj*d aiul sleopijig ccommod'irtiiUis. were better than those

of the..scddiers,..„Thc miners' W(*re. jiot p«t iii'n pii-.i>i, bnt. were temporarily re- trained unt:J g-'-od order had .been, re-

P R U G S T O R E C H A T ;

'9 " u r rE g g P h o s p h a t e s a r e a r t a U - th e - y .e a r la v o r i te . I t .is - .h a r .^ 'to f in d a - d f i n k r o o r e r d d ic to r r s - o r r e / r e s h i n g t h a n t h i s . • A r u l b e s id e t h e y ' a r e . h e a l th f u l ' a n d s t r e n g t h e n i n g .

H o t d r i n k s fo r:, t h o s e w h o 1

w a n t - t h e m . T h e C o f f e e a n d C h o c o la t e , w i th w h i p p e d c r e a m , ' a r e e s p e c i a l l y , p o p u l a r . , ■$* cents. w '

• P r e s c n p t i o n s r c a d e w i'th c o r - s c i e n t l o u s c a r e a n i l - vtfitli- • '‘D r u g s . th a t C u r e ” a r e a s p e r ­f e c t a s i t i s p o s s ib l e f o r P r e ­s c r i p t i o n s t o b e . - T h e n y m b e r w e p u t u p is p r o o f e n o u g h th a t , b u r p r i c e s ,^ n d m e t h o d s a r e s a t i s f a c to r y t o t h e p u b l ic .

--"M y 'J-"'W h i t e P i n e C o u g h B a ls a m

i s l i a v i n g |T r e c o r d r : $ a 'l e ' . i T h e " .f i r s t d o s e g i v e s : r e l ie f . 2 5

c e n t s .

M a t t i s d N 'A v e . P h a r m a c y .

H H t P W A N T E B . -‘OnQd c^Jorpd nmu nnd woman wanted ta wotk

by.Tiiir’inonth. nt tuo JlotoJ Cotumbti, coni/r iii-xjli uTcautUin{LWug:»tyy. street.' W_. XIft»yoy Jours. • .

vm’TTTs. |i;ni tTrrpnrnnr e.v- pi’essed Mlieir* su?*prise at th e ‘cleanliness ) f I he ** bu 11 pen' • an tj t hi* - eifre e x erci sed in making the ibiners as comforlablc* ns; ;v.*!:sible. The goveruo.r- ti^lilii.Mjl-'that :here-was painim se or*tile niQIwry-lRVtt*--* *rs.of tie.* r.iui.i'd -States:- that the mine iwners had not’iiug whatc»ver to’do with*,

the.pfdic.^or tho state of Idaho null that u: ir«ops were merely •employed ,to..cimll!

rite insurrection and rebeliion that coin? pelled the gdvcirjor to. |,»roclaim murCinl. iw .in the cosmfy* of Siioshoue. •

Aew ITal'en. .March- .‘{I.A-ln .'the little village of Cl I ill 011, near this city, thei'c are 0 0 cases •*( grip. The ;p6 pulatioh is but i.-IOO, AVillijAu Wilcox, •;{;*> years did; Miss Sarah Carter, 21. and Hr. 10, A, Jones. 7-1. died in the-last two days froni piteuiiionia following attacks of the. grip.

-3 3 .

■ 'HoorayI” Iie yelled a t fhc top- of frij l shriU voice.

A n T S x c i t i n g I n c id e n tin t h e - e l t a r m in g s to r y o f a d -

-- v e n tu r i -by tlia t- s u c c e s s fu ly o u n g a u th o r , ' W o lc o t t L c C le a r iB e a rd . “I t lede n t

s' >* * -* f, i ^ ^ y’' ~ . -

WoliiV^p^ircfaased'the serial , rights for. th e ptciry in this - scction .arid:will p m t ' i r ia

these - c o I u t j u s , ; - heginriiftg "Boon-; ’ . '

It'w'ti!. KiStLiterary. • Treat— Lopk .for-it

.. T h e A r t i f i c i a l S u n l i g h t - H a k c r .

n u l l t h e C o s t o f G a s L i g h t .

-A si.vt.v light niaehine'enu be seen 'in nfcessful operalibn in Pluirmacy of

Wlliiani Ham, Main s lies t. -rAn3rcss

joira S.:YanDjkp Eli’.clric.C<k1:I O i l C o p K r n a n , A v e n u e ,

A S p u r y P a r k .

• S o c ia lAdvfrtlsem iinta containm r. nor. m ore than,

twenty-five ^vord.H ip«ort«'d under thin heading tor twenty-flve cen ts ' tlret insertion and- tifteen cents each *?nbi«'qnt\nt n inarnoa. . ..


P I A N O 3 K S T W U C T I O N .P r c f J j C , O r a r « V o f - I H a i n ) ) u r c . K tu tH cJ, l t o o m

j f P . O * b u i l d i n g , f c a u i r d n y i? 10 t o 5 . TS*

\ . W A N T H D .New Y ork hnsine?s mnn w ith som e cap ita l Ishefl to b?c^mo p artu cr In sOm* i erm auent

buxines j" A tld res ; l»o. 8, Prc.*s ofilce. 7S*

. ‘W a H 'F E W . . . ’ * •.•A t once: tw o active yuuog h d ie s a *5 Joe rrrrs

tn millinery dopnrtjnent. ConVi’.i Bt-o H ive. i?t*.

W A K T ^ D . ' 4.Wldto girl for peu^ral housework in family of!

three, fa ll o r atlilre^H tfe tdoe Ohnrroncy. cor­ner Elplith avenuy and F.street, Uelraar. C&-7K*

F O X S A L E . " ^ ;T w o/youuc borst-s in Rood qondllion: *11

work ft'ny way: s ix years o ld ; kin<l 'and gentle Terjjis luodernte. Apply to Wt»Jcy'Hu*rRius’ Avon. — * «;af.

A deflrable anniH hon$o, NcTClTeM on avenue, «e'»r, m v i f i uud snhr.oi biUldlng. Oe<'nn »»rov? Jofifpll i<. T hird ovenuo. An­bury Park. •

- W A T T . - A P P 2 . E G A T B , - :

C ontm cti« 5 V»lInter nnd rttco ra to r.' l^ tth in tea p»*oni|>tly given, .

p ;O . n<^T ICC).. .V v^;-.- f f i f /

, j3 0 A 2 a m i:? c a » w A K 'D i c ^ . . ;R o a r d e r s o n m - 's e c u re f l r S t c l a r a . o c e o n i m o d a t i o n

n t ‘lOO.Tiil t i l a v e n u e ; t e r m a r e a p o n a t l e ; h o n s o h e a t ­e d , ^ i ) 3 a w ) e l e e t H c l l g b t a b a t h t in r t (UI t b e c o m - r o r t a o f h o r a e . ’ M a im g o r o f f h o ^ B u c k t n g h o m iu Lho s u m m e r . M r a . G e o . M . D e y . . » ,8 S tf

S A 1L K EXCH-A BW BE*E l e v e n h u l t d l n g l o t s , 5 0 z ^ fl0 f e e t , a d j o i n i n g

O c e a n O r o v e t t e i c h t a . i ’c j c e n n e h u a q r e d i l o b a r s e a c h : A p p l y t o 50S F i f t h a v t i f f u o , A i e u r y ' I ’k r k .

14 L f ' . . -

/ • F O R S A K E . ', , N l n o r o o m h o m e , U o r b a n d b a r n , w i t h c i t y

w a t je r a n d - r o 'w e r p . o n ~ :p j j - 'r e e t , o p p o R l to po»st o f l l c e , l i e l m a r . W i l l b o s o ld r e a a o n a b l o . . -A r> p ly

'F r n n k C d h V n V o w n e r i 'o a " t h e 'p r o m l 3 t ‘».“ 1 0 8 0 * -

C M W N , •1 4 5 'M ^ U j.a * * p n ii« 1 O c e a n G r o v e , ( f p e n a l t i n

Se a r , T U u m o n t ‘i iQ i i iv l ik o h o a r d i n g c o u r o in c e a t t . G r o v e . S h a m - b e a t , - l i a t h i r * a n d a l l . im «

p r o v e m e a t i i . T e r m s r e a ^ o u a b l o . . * 2 W t f j v

J O S ; . yI’i a s t c r l n g * ’ B r i c k w o r k . C e m e n t i n g . J o b b i n g

p r o m p t l y a t t e n d e d , t o . W o r k g t m r n u t e ^ d , —nrk guaranteed . > i? T il IKD A V EN U E .

x 8 6 H r w a y ,

-VV’SSSiW I N X A K K 'tV O O E tr - -Stop a t theTow enjj Main s tree t, oppositeLaurtd

House, ■ * j *Tenna rcneonablo,. * 7 - > • \

. ' *"*■ C oAh< J, I I d s t ..,^-euTn7r.or-eca^on,-AUantlc..n.otjae, Ocean.Grovo-

’c i i A R & c E u , v '/ i l a o N i TA r c h i t e c t , '


P JA N O S. -,T,<t C. FihCukh m ade thfilr one bundre.d thous­

andth p l m r o f n - h o . Jurpse’t e u t p u t bf a n r ono eoncerri In th e h tsto ry .o f-;p iaun m iklA ^. Tbis mnk»i w as sold In Anbury IMrlc fo r J'.fcO. I s-U rtiom for1 Saoo, HcuouACKna pianos, aft

^etiin^»go|d nJated.-iNpver n t^ ts atxb*^ aeupboni. VA perfecC piano. Sold bv A sbury Park (^ealei’

for 5175. iHv orlee is ggOQ. ^Knor.cnuLJifcaifla, '(^ t7min^Gba;iSr^ W w i r HVperlntend m t o t b’ctitiM'nyV. Sold In jo f^n -for SrtQ . I auk $‘<J50. T4i%rV. nro b tbers;"but i h ueo three mnkcw will EerW ta4U iw tia:o t,he dTft.m ice betweeu the dpnler wJth heavy eVpt>nKfs and tb^ pif\no .tuner who R«lla*'dlrect IrortrTnn^fartory-H '+bat’rt-ini') In the faoa of tliQ fact tha t these plauos are utill 1 /j Anbury ,:arlc an d th a t l have tuoed them end k.sow tl'iit. th ey oro glvin^entireRfitlHfnutlon. nnd tb a l both .dqalcr who { .old-them -and nm nufac ' tu re r wh J inuilo lthe:n are still .renpnuMble fo r ibem , In sk If ttlsm U jn s tK llttleb ltio co m es tn u t for the entile dealer to -c ry ‘Hbnoip box,^’ ‘ fu rn i­tu re piano.” etc., etc.*, when I sell th e uabio piino- he.ibr.*-oi ly fo td j... , 1 ' 7'J ho Princeton,-. - ‘ • , r. W rO rp O IJM r 319 Cookman avenue,t * riaao 'T U ncr lD.ybrtrM


S T 0 R B• • . N . - ! ■ * • • " •- •. i

, Do you. want a stylish hat.?. If-so, -we- have it. Some .people imagine that their ap­pearance is about the same, no matter "what Idfld of a hat-they-weari- .. In this' they];are mis-. talifittr as one style of hat is never/.su’ted to. every face. Our "stock; is made “up ofall the

/latest: spring .styles, including die always pretty H elvS'le Special; the .Dunlap,. Young^ -Youmans, and. two other shapes, in deibysr; aiid- as many new'styles in the soft hats. Priced -from'^i.50 to $4 x 0 . j : i ■

' :r‘.i ' Buy one of our MacHtirdle Shirts; take ithome; try it oh,' and if any fault, real or

. fancied, bring it back here arid weevil! buy.it df you-at the pric® you paid us. Safe dnd sure* i i^n’ t it? Haven’t been asked’to iuiy any back as yet, - - - -5' ^;

T h e “ M e n d ” U a t t e i - i i . •. : ^ A* ' U ? ■ T * , . . -mi « . -

G O 5_ J \ f '£ i i t i s o n A .y e n u e >

Taylor & Tustlng Building, . Mattison Avenue

And Bond Street Asbury, Park, N. J.

R; A.-TustSng-;' s ' X• ' 7"*. ' «

N e w S ty le s endN - < b \ ? e iiis s < , „ , , - , r• ....... - G o n s t a n d y - ' . b t i ^ g n t l t lo d t o

our stocV for- tlie E n te r tritde. Iiotfci ftiiil bdnrciing IiXjiisu Iieojiers; nneciing to replenish cr rcplatn J lie ir slirer \youlci do - well to Cftl, and- got our prfcssi ns iTfritre givlhe:ip p a t r y l f e ''o 5 1uciroFa e ^ ~ ' ' ’~

Now is u gooJ tim e to iinye your ^lugfcriitteiiiietl to lin’d-pttt In "ruuning 'brdcr for the summer. Let us know ; we.will call fpr tiiem .• a n d d e l i v e r t l i e m w i i o u f i n i s h e d . -. j .

A .* W 7 Z G ' G £ n ; e l i t t ® ;. (5S 4 C o o k m a n . ^ v e n a e ■


There arc. none better, none so good. 'O.urlargC trad^ISf'tliis iihe is. the

^.evidence ive olTer of yeafi ^ of fair dealing and. good q . goods. •: . - . - <■ ' ; ; •-

T. J, WlfiOKWrs' 7 1 7 h < a t t l s o n Avefittd!!*


Mot-l of our oew piodnle hnvo, nrrivfil nnd n'to now .on sjiliiWtiiin.' You nra Invited fo ’enil mid i:x:,uiiii6"IIieni. W h' h ive' tli'e liiri'wL auBorDuent over of-

,1% 'd in’ tlilh to'vn. "ifiivH altthfl. leiul-; iiiR innlt'oa, No old wlffielij left over.-

. from -1880. _ - - ; -

D aytons"” " . G ra n ts Clavcldnds , .- Yales — Spalilingp,.... „>y|iftes B a rn es , Eagles Cr'awfortls.■'* ’ AND O l l l C ^ ^ i . .

G T n .t)d f> B tir i ii ig i i l l t l i o y e a r

C en tra l Hail* ~ ~ 7 1 -i AJait!a6hfA venue

Page 5: WWM, JC.; A STORY - DigiFind-It · / FOURTEEN^ YEAR. NO. WWM, •'. Place your Fire ‘In surance with the old est and best coni- y paries in the world. MONEY" Represented by "v-h

Iifinvon cannot T


• - r - :

R Q Q K W E J ^ L A V E N . l O ' E , .



Poj jdfprmation apply to fi.EN-RY W .. BURKE,.GAR DIPOT, Scwali Ave. ana Main St., Asbury Park' ;

.■ r 4J§Bl3KY PARK DATLY: PRESS, M y U R D A Y ; MARCH 31, 1900.

T H E I N T E R E S T S ofW 0 M EN-St,

SK4RTS,i*rne N>vy in llie \ew p s t JipriBtct

,’s G o t r i t n i d i i o ! « . - •

Plaited and gathered skirts nrje made ovef cnlii’sly plain .separate linings# but those skirts which live Him ply gathered nt the buck or plaited there it’ro liircifTtTtEc usual manner, the -lining being attachedt o t h e i n s i d e o f t h e s k i i t . ' , __

S i l k . i « - t i i e m o s t cX |> b)i3 l v e a n d l i g h t e s t 1 i n i Li ■ b u t ; n o t f h e i i i iw t s e r v i c e a b l e f o r o r d l u a i y w e a r , a s i t 30 0 11 c u t s t l i r o i i ^ i a n d t e a r s e a s i l y . - ' f h c r e . a r o m a n y su b fS tl- t u t w i - . h i i u l e o f c o t t o n w h i c h a n s w e r t h e p i u i i o i i c . - b u t l i g l f t S f t ’c i g h t u i o r e c u i s p r o b -

Tup pi«nr<^.yi:tjjvs » |iviucpRR'i_~:-:■::v mastic cloth. At enVli/sjile'of thp.tnllHPF are "three plaits.' aiid' the in;cl; 1:! laid: i;i two box plaits.. Tlip: fyonttf or the Loiil'o are triple. corresponding with tlicj.thice

.fplfljb* of the. skill. The rivers of the middle vest are or pink silk: iliosi; of tlio other two brown velvet. Tin; chemisette is of pink;jjjlUthe belt of brown velvet,

jcloslngjvitlt. tl chiitt. The sleeves have Three irvoi-K at the wftit, cnrretipnmlinK to the rovers of the front. A pink 111 jfliK- sellne orijvat is woln. The hat of rniistic straw b, trimmed with brov.n velvet. 11 jeweled- brHamcnt it!wi.-^vh;;c feathers. Pink flowers-aro pluccd under (lie bvhiiY

. ' 1 “ • .Ifino Cifoi.i.iir..

M m ? u H o t v e ’u f U u i i H i i ’ M u n i e .

Lilian W hiling In a letter to the New Origans . TinJeK-Dunioerat tells o f : the beautiful home Iu Home of Julia \Vanl Howe's youbgeAt <htu;;htw. Mi', ami Mrs. .ToSiu KlliottjiMiHiil.lIowe) have set. up tiieir. liiHischold ^Jils in I’jilazza itiistlccuei, uem~'Btv-iVier's, and the stately stone staircase leading to Mrs. BHiotf’s apailtiieu ls. is lined witty E truscan sculptures and (iecoiVited wUil' lovijly tnasses..df. greenery and flowers growjng iu ji.ots:.'“The poetry of our Rouiaii lions cj in in ot!r lerracp,” s'altl Mrs. Eiliott, lintl the view l.siu- deed tbeiiutiful. The c!iaw:i of uintinw ttliatlalwrnya ,Knl:8 lgiiiilly..elini3i$iisi?li{tt«J- Mrs. HoweUj youngest—ilntigiilcr, , the particular Mol of her mother's .heavt. is recognized in Itonie, w here Mfs;'Iil- iiotV. IS' the,cen ter of a large..and- d|s- tihgtiisduKl’ eirel(! of fi-Iendsfc— Flris-win- te r she -has with her -XlUfc U'osnmond Richards, her niece, mid tiie daujlite'r of fhe -well known v,Titer, Mrs. I4411A ' 10, Uiehar<}s. , ' -if ‘

■ — ERIXCP-8 GOWS.a b iy th e -best aiid m ost du rab le ' of any lin ing fo r w ^ ilcn gow ns fo r ,g en era l use. O f course silk o r e lab o ra te cloth cos­tu m es requ ire a silk lining. -

S k ir ts cu t in the c ircu la r s ty le arb ab an ­doned, T h e c ircu la r liounce ist s till worr^ b u t the new est gojvn _modt‘is have the sk irt .cut’ in -b rea d th s , am! th e lirtck is laid in a single n r double box p la it o r in H itched side p la its. In th in sum m er gqtjds. if 'H -o ften nn tlie red~ jr - - *

■ ?Ir.i. Hcrifick nin'i ih f tioj*. ' Mrs, paroliiist 11/ Merfielc.opresldoiit

of: the Louisiana Ijqnal. SuiSits®!••niiiip.-; elation," told an iitinisSnj-iitovy 'a t the repent nationah!U!l't'rai;e: eoiiventlon- lri' Wasliingtpn, She said, tlmt'-a;liny, ■vv.hu was preparing for 11 dei'.ate oo the snl>‘ Ject onto came ti> her for tafoVniation: She gave lilin nil iln; "points-, siie eoulil think of aniLlinaily said, " I f any Idiot gets up and asks .you who will; tfrlR^,ivre'iOfctiie1lml>)'-«i!Hfrlls-!not!it,i- x-asis hi:r lialliitrrfay^tlwt'idie.oini net' tiie same person, w lio'took euro <iC It while slie'w ent fo pay' hi.'i' taxen," • iii tlio,course of the debate somebody^ ae- tuaily’ tlhi hs!; that (juestli>n,. and the tioy liy llls auswer jjot a deluge of ap- platiBe. . .. •

Sllss Sarah O. Arnold of the Boston board of school supervisors lately gtrvo a scries ofJecturen before tho New Or­leans. Edueatlonn) association which are highly1 praised by the.press of th a t 'c U y & ffT -^ -^ -' €2 — :

j i e j t p o it StXD.vv

Kartli l*nl!i rio' sorrow that lieal;**-.Mouvo.

• • . ♦.RRKAJwH'AST. *otul;(.riaim — ,

.Oainirr.l. . .. Lonih C)iop3. . iiroilkl fswoct PotatoVs.'; Sllct-U Toinf.tocjc.. iVpptr tijiU .Onion t.

Hot H l s tu i r i . T cf.H t. .Oolong Tc.u. Hrn'Jifaiit CoUcc.

• i i :.<x e r . •• • Oj>:tcVa on Half Shell.• * Olivos. lliUiifihes.

Salmon Stwik, ( ‘rennvb’aucc.• * (Jrccn Pcitii. 1

• llousl Tt*iit!crl<»in of I Wot. Mar:!i*;<] I’otaiocH.' y«>un^ Her I M't'p?*.

I*otto»l-I*i|{ton. • Waljlorf Salad.• * Kaiitltim of Truit. •• -»

* t,' • .Confeelioiwra’ Cakes.• Cafc*Nojr.

• * . SiUTKR**. CaU'9 Too* Ji-Uy. Mustard Saucc.

Siicrtl (inm/CfS. Cake. . - ., • iivM?.h Wussrr.

lU V n tco x o p I'liui'r.—npamve tiw-puiptfnn ir six .(nation wJth thrc?’ Iiou.mhc^orr u iu>r. > .Slone onq .|touiul..of Riapr-H utiil ‘pick pno fic« of strawhoriiea,, laktnfr .bT«-:,t can? hot Io tjicm, foc_tlic Iv.nsr Ijrrc!; K th r Pi'iT.v will tJlgfolgr the* rranijfc jtiUv. v f jin-fnJJy mix tlio fttills nnU. iKiiir over them liaH n pint of l»sst hrrtndy, l:nli a pint of sou*! port wine ami. one cup*

'ftil of lino Kiiinulatoi;'f.u^ar. Place tlioFiiprieoii * thus *ir.ucie nntQ the Ue cream freivtr .nnd t.liill until ne'eJeil. Serve in iii* dividual' jjlaMCs’.. •’". ' . .


n E MO IV D A T . ;;:^ '^ T O U J

Even weak, men,-when, united, are power-iii—g liilic ? ; ; ■ . . v ; '•. ’iVnK.viiW 'stl ' '

Stcvvcd Pniiu A ' iSteamed Hico with Cream:

Tomato Olrjl'Iol: Crisp llacoa;. ■ ' ItoOa., T lcnc ll Toast,

. ' r Cotfco. • - ■ • • . *

LUNCilEOX . Tongue SaKitl.; Water WafolB,

. ■ Ilnranit Fritters.- . a. l.'bcest! Straws. •

' * KhKlts.li H.reakfast Tea.

•niXN'Ktt. :K* S a il) ..

Breaded Ycni Cliripp, Celery.. . Stuffed I’ntaloLS:. Hot Slaw.

Asparagus Tip f-.ilad.. Suited Pecan?..:.Lii»iii Slterlict. .

. c'Sh^fWr. - .'steFFED-POTATOIIS.—I!al:o dx’lirgorpo- j

tato:!:i-until t|i'-y Will Kci:nsh wtLutji .lightly-pni);t'(li---liGm(iV(‘-o litl~cI1' ‘ 'l' n'l" lic o o |,-m ;t- t l ie : V

I inside into a ,-liut -tllisli \v.U!i a fi»iall. Bpoan.'J 'lieliiu cHr'-JllI J lct tu lirclil; -tlu.' filling. Mp?Ii.; u'ell.aud add butler the td>.e of an it;,., half

a twaBpotturlil "ef-.6alt *a:u1 liatf’ a iruptul uf E-mllk. IL-Iiiiy titiiil Very smontli.

I'aL-i, the r inf.uure in to ' the' v.'ornl, hkins, he.tpin^ It oh the toil. ..' I’lucd III the ovenfor ten nilmue.2 to. hro.vii. , e g

- 3 t r H jV 'o T K r o o l ; K ’ - ' l ' l i r e a le i le i l ,

• lh i i ik i i ' ! ; , ' \'. Y ., .Mnreh J il.r- It- iH s ta ted

U n it tile B io liie rs i l l th e B rooks Locnmii-

t lv e w o rks w il l j p i o u t ■tin s t r ik t r n ex t M om tny i f f h e ir n :iy is mit:iiiereiMa?d from ' SU.35 to fJ .T r, a ilii'y f .VII th e .d e iia rtn ie iU s

of.'Die ;vin:kH.ai.c ii!ii!i.'r CfiJtM'al u iU i i lu ic , .

V.'. '----- 15/ Anlmnl R lslitn ,!u I'loviil.-i. '-•Oct' thing -that strikes a siranger ns peculiar iu tiilsTcijiiiniy ii; the.ayjtudc Of the puUlie toward the vaille innl llie liogs.- These anim als a le allgweii 10

rotiin about unmolested, and it-you wish to raise’ adythfiis tliirt they inay destroy you inrtijt feUCu them oufei'Iflius ■all rite little gardens lu which A-egeia- bit,1; are grown aud whlelr iirt(.cal!ed -trnckibg places” have a. fence iirniniil .tlieih that Is certainly "pig tight.” I'oi, it Ik often uiatle of ten strands of barli- ed • wire. . T he' wire" for. a .-few such phitK Is worth inoro^tBaii-.ali the pigs. In 'th e state, hut' the liiig owuei" de- inantjs It. and It m ust be ilium. “ These owners of cattle and iiops were the first setl.ieia-lu' tlie state, anil they ap­pear to have hail their own 'way".in lawiiiaking ever slneb. I l rs.mqiiestlnii of • the attltilile.. Ill the noitherii states if you own cattle you /ire hold responsible for fencing them Iii.. Here- you m ust keep .other .people’s cattle! out If you wish to raise anything.— C.or. Sprliijjticld Itepubli’can..

P e r f n i u c e r f l l u s r f l n n I . c n t l i c r .

' Tlic original Russia leather per- fsnie- iii dilliciilt to. iinitato exactly. The dominant^flavor of the extract Is •due to the oil of birch, fin‘essential hir gredlent: Th« RUlistiince used for this purposb iH^heienipyreuniatic oil, sonic- tlines called birch tur, and shoulti not be confounded 'with ,the oil of white, blrcii, whieli is used very largeiy jts a snlistitute for oil o f wllitefgreeir and.In fact, fonns the tmll: of tiie so called "iiatuny . oil o f Wlutergrifiin”- of the market. . , ..

Following Is ss recent t'oi'inulit: for -Peat! de Iitissp:. liJx'tract o f .rose. it), tiufil ouuces; ex tra c t‘ol1 ivioiet.; 1 0 ilultl bmtces; - extract Of jasmine, lO lftiti)' '.ounces: ' extract , o? ;-,i';ttislc,. one-half ounce; extract of cirri^-HMiujd oiluce§: oil of. tierpll, ,W ininS.:;(!il^jf iVn'gAiiiot, 1 dr.; oil of- amber, foctined. 1 dr.i.oil of liirchJole.um r^isci). 1 dr,:rvonlllin.-'

-30 grs..: cpiijiiaritirftO. gtu'.: c.iiinaineju, 1 dr.: oil ot' bitter orange, 20 iinnr#: Mix. —AiilPrlcaii. lfatlgglHt' ar.tl P-ltaritineon.-

-tical liocoid. '■ . . ' . • .:.I'oVtrdi. f.'3ua«. .Pur-InmHterK..

WasSthJtloli'i 'Miircli *11.— "1 lie fullowill^ foul Iii; ci:is« piistiniuitpiri. h:i ve bet'll up {iniiueilr* ■' ' • - , "■ ■

New ..Icm'y-^Dca'] Ileaeli, Fred II.■ I’ii'rseUes.' ■ .; - ‘ ___ :• New Vdi'k—t 'nsudo-Ynv'.v, Ml'^. l'hinnil (.'ninl: Ui^li .I'j>. TCiliiiiiii K. Wicliofi': Moiiivny, AliiM'f' N'aii l>e;_:l,uig'. *

1 N‘l; 11 y yiv: II ii; i - ■ r.l n't le 1 1 -I. I-}.. iia'Hiohj:' it'i'i:aiiin\vit|t',V;:IiilVn* Xl. I.eister; (!;iulcii- vi’.Uv, Il’.in'y'M. Van II: !:••: Xew (fairifn. Tiinsiii'in' Ai Uior; Ui;'le i!?i.iiirg, Jcre- hiialr;.Viistin, -'■« ’. • , - "'"

S I,'t: * - n r i l \ V J n N O e o i - .e e .N<“ -. Hiiv'en. Majch 31.—tfni vtinj, won

the amyml deliiiti! with. Vale hi.st.night;' {ire (ilie.stiou liellig,’ ‘‘Itesoiveiir Xliut Por- to j'.ic i siiMi’dtl be iuclti.diil in tltc etisttmis boiiiiihii'ies lif the United Ktatesl!' Har- vanl had the alliinmtive side i f the (niesr

; Yfia. Orr, Mowark, O., oayii, "W o.never feer si'ifo without, Ono Mlriyte Cohs:i Ctiro in'the house.. I t saved my little boy's life; wlita ha bud, the pneumonia, AVe think It ia the best ruedieli.o made.” It cures coiyjjje and BlPlutiK dlBeasts. Monsaut, to take, Imrraless and cIvrb Iminediato results, '“W. R. Ham’ 107 Mnjn Btrefit.


' Stock;,

Taking■ . • *- .


ItgW ill^Ccrtiinlyij P.&f -You To• mm'.’ •> K now |. Q p r 1' S t o r e d ■/'.' .P : A ^, * ’ ■

Business property paying5' 10% . . '. . .

Great;Bargain'; . * Come'ln and ask

” , ;• concerning'it ■

W a i W M GiFFARD2 2 2 fla in .S tre e t

In Unfurnished Houses , iBy -the Year- .. .. ..

Insurance written ; best cony , , panics

Money, to loan 5 and .6. percent

ISO; ’ 162^164 riain . Street.'

Asbury Park,


Ife3t and Mort EconomitvU Furnac«9 Hade •*

m i "m&tTisoN ~ m mASBVpS.V, P A R K , N . J , '


$ 1 . 0 0 G a llo n . ' Bijcmano.m &. Smock,

711' Alain S t . , A sbury P ark ; T •

Emory Hlreef, near Third, 8 rOome,4 Led rooms, all improvements.. . ,$309.00

Lake avetiuo, Ocean Grove, 9 roomf, fi bed rooms, all Improvements.. , . . 8<S0.00

Asbury avenne,iarootps,0 ted rooins;bath, barn , .................................{00.00

Third avdnne, O robms, 5 bed rooms, -. •'ull lmprovementsfm'.v. ___<•••••• 386.00

Second avenue and Bond, 0 rooms, 5 bed rooms, all Impr’m’tR, furnished 8 0 0 .0 0

Asbury avenue,'7 rooms, i bed rooms,240 00 West Third avenue, 8 rooms, 4 bet}■ rooms ; ..... t...!...,...'i , 1 B 2 Q 0Second avenue,II raon$8,7 bed rooms, ,

all improvements..:...................... 850.00 'Bangs avenue, 8 rooms, 4 bed rooms. 240.00'

^Monmoutji Realty Co.' ' ' ' " i . ROOMS 13- 13] j ..


N o r th w e s tC o rn e r M attiso n A v enue an d BonU S tre e t ; ' '• .



, STATUARY. 1 . - , IVery pretty and a t reasonable pripes., c

:u .m .b r e L l a s ; Etc. 1The usual eoroplet’e iine ot tVatffie%-^

Diamonds, etc.- - ., , '

H . '

? ' Sositniar •: "ASBURY PARK'J Engraving while you wait. .V l W W W V A C MVWSMIA 'J*

Y o u C a n ’ t - B u y . -G o ld ' D o l ia j r s f o r 6 f - C t s . .. y

Ntithercan you.pet an tioneat job . of- p^lntingi/wJtii strictly pure white lead

'" •Hpd .JiuHeed oil—tho oljJ^-taatfioried . honest paint-tliat lasts—for less than;

th^osfc Of tiie material. If you want, a cheap and nasty job don’t come to

-us, bur, if you want (rood work'aiid , pure materials, we willquofe you as

. : low a price^as honest work can be .done for. . • : . ‘

, E ; J . S T R O U D

Page 6: WWM, JC.; A STORY - DigiFind-It · / FOURTEEN^ YEAR. NO. WWM, •'. Place your Fire ‘In surance with the old est and best coni- y paries in the world. MONEY" Represented by "v-h

• A S B U lt Y P A R K D A I L Y P H E SS, S A T I JH D A Y , M A R C H 31, KOO. ’.‘.’■I->— r*


B e e : H i v e

•Ladies’, D raw em ^• L aceedgeTan& insertion^. 9c.

23 c,, were-#9p. x _

Elmb’y-insertion V49c.Hem stitch.and lace.... .j.69c.

j ,c ' Emffy insertion, extra fine. . . 1 89c. “ /*

L a k e s ’ G o w n s , T r im m e d .


Ruffie and tucked . . . .v.. . . . .<•. Insertion and edge ’.— .. • • •■Ruffled and embroidery

-Insettion-and-laG eedge....T..'r Lace^and.ruffling.. . . . ?;Extra fine .".. •> • • • •■•

39c., were 4'9c. i. 1.49c.'. . .69c.

79c.. . .98c.. . i l 2.5

75c. .‘5:..:. 89c.


; 175

L a d i e s ’T u c k e d r .“ . . . . . .

-■Ruffled'. i Extra Pine . .Insertion .and edge- Insertion and lace .Extra fine tr immed^V -

. r "

. . 49c. f were 7.5c.

..69c. “ ,89c:.79c. “ £ 1.00.98c.:.


2 . 0 0

G o k s e t C o v e r s .>"■ ' "-A full line in trimmed arid plain,' all r(|ualities and

finish. This eXti-adrdinary sale will Onljf continued to M arch'15th and will positively close on th a t date.



C o n t r a o t w o r k a n d j o l f t i i p g . H o u s e h e a t i n g x v b r lc a V s p e a i Q l t y . ' S t o v e r e p a i r s ' , t h a t f i t . ~ _1

L %ji2 COOKMAM AVE;, Basement:.GIFFORD & SQN -

Plaln nncl Ornamental PlasterersBricklaying, Setting of. Mantijle, Ranges arid HeateraT^Also Boiler Setting an^-

, v ;.... .. Foundations C u i d . S e t t i n g . » % . • < .~’V~ - - ATRHr FlTnNiariKD ffQIt-ABOVE. "WITH REFERENCES. ‘ -r^r -

JPosidfTiOG JS021 4 3 , J S ra d le y JBgqoIi, 2V. J .

~ 9 CHAS. A. B E N N E T T ,^^-r-Aientrfor the Specialty Furnace,—bRBlrand

mosfi economical furnace made. ' ~; Stoves and Ranges.

Gutters, Leaders, fin Rqoflng,' Repairing. .. . : ! . Let me estimate (pi; your. w,ork;- :1 M AtN ST R E E T , B pA D r,EY BEACH

$ 1 0 0 3 0 0 ©

ATr -i|

: 5 :-P E R C E N T .

W e' liavo th o nbovo aum to p la c e in JargeW r sm all a m o lm tq 06' f ir s t.m o rtg a g e

loanp ‘ o n ’ A sb u ry • P a rk , L ocb - A rb c u r , A lie n H u rs t a n d D eal, b u sin ess o r dw pl-

■ l in g "p ro p e r ty .

rJ . Wv. H e t r id c « S i“S o w ,

■ 6 2 5 M attison A v e n u e .'; * *• • ** .

1 K e a to r B lock..-'


• ilL . CURK PIL E S * •.And a ll * iectal d isorder* o r monev jefuntlod. P leasan t . N ot ft phynlo. Avmilical 6ure. •T‘0q u t rh&rf J . B lac lr.T . M. Rtvwurt, L. O.Grtfnello; o r o f E t t i D ru g 6 0 . , F hlla . l'n . . t o m # try It. •

N O M A T T E R -W h o sold you yodr bicyclej permit us to repair it. W e are equipped to repair any make, and our constant pffort is to do it better than Anyone else,

* andlto treat you so Well'; that it .w ill be a- p leasute^tordo business ^jith us.t ■

Z A C H A R I A S C O .723 Mattison Aye. -


WE D E L ’SS p e c i a i , B a r g a i x s I N .

• , 7 * s . .. f

Shades; Tinware, Enamel-Ware^ Tpbs, Wringers, OiL Cloth, Wash Boards, Baskets. and_general moving time necessities.


cc DD

: M RS. E, D IL T S „L>Announces, that her Spring Millinery Opening willJ takftplac’e at_ her Parlors, ; :__

70S C O O K M A N A V E N U E

■- ' — O N -------

W ed n esd ay- and -T hu rsday,

I -

.. H


T H E - DAY IN C O N G R E S S .

Oil Porto* . IC onsiderable Pro^reHN - It lean’ U11I.

Washington, JInrch 31.—Considerable, prognis^ \V:tjrmailt1 with Tho l*orto. Kican hfoiKs it re in t lie sp.im tiryest erd ay, i 11 os t o t th*>. commirtiu* amomlniejitsj aiiO several

by -seua tor»: I tiling tiisposetf >if.’ ‘ Mr. l ’roctor .of .Vermont' spoUu as an

‘iiiiivlt i*ab!e"J5ilV(ihiterof'11iti"])()li(‘,v of fifen tnwle hetwoen the island nnd the'.UnitedS ta tes:' •• ......•A t the eloMe of Mi*.' VroetorV speecli Mr. Pettus .of Alalitiina made ap aiUlrdss on Home of the roust it ntiorial phases pre- Mkn1ed l>,v the liifl. ] lo ajs-o made fun of Semjt»>rs (iallinsey and IJeverid^e. When he elpsed- eons id i> rat ion of the amend- tnents,\vi).si tirken'irp^Tlu* pending atpend- ineni: was.tliat ofyMrv Morgan,. i»roviding that the , Unjted State*?,, in exehiuigihg Porto It tea Vi ' coins; • f<n* - TUnite71^eta tt*s hioiiey, should pay 1 0 0 ceiits instead o’f (JO (rents' for each of -the-Porto Kiean pesos. • The ii inemliuji^ JVMS <lefeatLHU 1 i to ;J3. rl,h(‘ ‘ommi 1 U‘<l. ametnJnient, as to. the exehange of'money*,was adopted.'.^Mr. Pett.its offered as ir substitjit,ei.Xbr

'ke^tilHr.l ii_fr.prov.Lsiuii deeia ring; tlia t. “the Vonstitntion; and laws of the United v-States. slinll li’jlve tlie same, force and i'll't‘ft in i*o/’to Iiieo as in other territories of* the.-Ignited States.” ' , • 1T *,

•The amendment.was defeated, 13 IpMi\ Limlsny of Kentucky offerer an'

•ajnend.ineht strikiifg out;':the_ provision in section :15ifthilt the. governor shouh^ ’pau •tieipJLtii j in legisln t ion.-. 1 1 ..is not wise, he siiid,_tliaL.tlie..g£jv.einor sliotihl be a i»art o f the legislative power of the island and at the san:e tinje should.have.authority ■to. veto legislation. That,; it was.contend­ed, would make, tiie governor an aiitoerat L.Mr, JOo r a Ut.T-i'TeeiV |i tiula h e-a in ontAn i on tl;-

A f t t '» J n t (<» p o i s o n "ji y i i m j i y ,iTn< i u n u i i / ’ .M!(:•<•!i . .‘iJ .—A n n ttem p .t to

j i to is iin 'a . 'n y n ily ■ in s u lte d in th F st/riu u s ill- iu*ss o f finir. p e r s o n s ,- ^ I r s i F . A . A ik en ,M issr,A lfie vin.r -'iTarrdil ^VViiJoltlr

<». jind FnVni’is W ilio ld ,' a g e d «’{.M rsv ( ’.".O. W iiipld '. *a dau g iitt 'r* o f TTrs..A.tnoii^useMped,. '1'hK persons> jioisoned had e’alen^jtt nVea if for breil kfn St.* They were imtnediateiy. imd™violentlyvatfa'ek«’d. * A. physidan was;<VJhii?L:uiil iill vcere. gotten «.ni|-of 1 lioijgh’ sliITiji-’ii^.seyerely.

:^ isp it4 u n i-i mihte* 1- t < M h e -s e rv a n t-g i v\ i-V* io ** nut 'I’Httjier, /UI-irpnitiT • ^ e n tl^ K ^ 1 ^ t* h r f7 ~ H T T tiro in ice ’ o f e rn d e .a i'sriiif-U nltl heeii b o u g h t '• l.r(*sted 'an<j.. la u d e d in I hy ;a ' gfi:V .o n ./r l iu r .s d a y ~ f f te r i i( io u a t . a . Sli^*iin‘ ItV ainnrd w a s w< driig^-s to re n e a r " • * •’. ** s ' *•“**—'—

r .l^osiunL’tiyt? CiViil" si IKt*FS*; Crti».v4 .CiJy. * Pa.. * ifl.—TheniMs.t -4e?:t i't ^ n i . i u j ’s1 st ri.ke .t Jiat lni^; a tf eeted: tYse- Al^.reer;Tlistrie't for" se’v* i*ra 1 -ycf/irs is-1 hreateued for nexf W<i>e‘s- .d ay ,^g lp i7 :nit*rim'ii deniand tliat their w a ? itiereased.|* ^een t s .'l»ejiJi>n fi )i rtin-Vo n»iuev.basil»g iln-ir ffiMllHYril upon •the talt*'[ki^‘1 Iu. the Pittslmrg district.They., have Ih'cii, reeeiving *10 cents jter, liiut* .The* operators: re fuse Vtd grant the

'tiemnml. ‘olTerun; ihe juen l*irncents^au*

•iVj. <md daiiniugrth’ le is ajlifl’erenee of •i.-ftts between this and'tlte PittsJjurp*

district P.etw.een JJ.UlHi ami 4,000 Vnen will he afTef;tod .by tluLn*sult. .

, ICh hh u .Yu, I*ii j. ;Tjoljjlon. March 31. —,i ’he'-TIongK*ori^‘

R rrJ»spoiide.nl o f .the 'JTihW:.. says:vwong Vu * I Sli, * the L'hiiu-se re(or>iu;r

who was recenl ly~arMluc(ed Trojn:,Hong- kuug 'alid taken to (:’an 11m, •ffirs ped from his abductors and is'now safe at Mnnio."' ‘ '


N egu s Gives a "Party F o f F itz- \ hugh W hitehouse. .


W hite People-hn«i R o y a lty Only Get * Cooked.. ‘Food ■s'-Dnitky' E n ip ero r’fi

Operntle- A ttire—W earii H ose Ditt- m ond /ti 111 Left B ar.Tyondon,' Mqrih SK -The following ac­

count of the K’ceptiou by Merielik, the negus of Abyssinia, o f 'th e expedition un* de**; W. Fitzhugh Whitehouse of New-, pprt. Hi I.. and Jann'sM . Harrison' lias Iieen received from Adis 'Abeha, Mene- lik^rcnpital':- ’ *

The partfcjivjiieh consists of*J. J^ IIa r- rison, W. Whitehpuse, Powell Cotton anU Butter^left ^ i la . on the Red sea,

-early-in X 0 vein fcier.'nV i tlr- ji earn van' con­sisting of, n large .. number of natives,

m any of them well’ mined, aiid/-abouti.80 camels.,, : . . .* '

Cr/izy Mtiii Uuum Amuck,'L':.Cortland/ X. Y.. • M.archs-JJ'1v^WiIliam* B;iy« of Virgil,.'J'orttaml cuunty, Thurs; day night shot- twice jit his neighbor: Lewis Chrisman;, for t rying . to ” get.. iiis

'own. heifer out of*£>ays* °ltarnyard,' where . IUk\V had ^liut . hetr .,ujt^,Xbw ^*'st ’ shot liiissedrtlu* sennnj loilged in' the leg wit'li' little'. »!amagi‘. ' J.Mirisnian^swore opt . a, warrant ftu; ftitys* arrestf Two consta­bles >Uim_tiiere iii• th^morning, tried' to

-a rresi, -a nil- mo shoot i 11 g-r e-sul t/a lr—They , wcre^ilred on. They sent for hjd> and two more oiiieers.arrived. The.house*was bar­ricaded. . Thi* oUicers' started to let the, rattle out of tife barn.-This arpusetl Biij’s/ .who came put with ii revoiver\and. Ia*gaii tiring at. the ollicers,* who returned tjie lire. Over 'So^shut^' were exchanged.

J&iyjiLsist er-i'a me- ou t-w-it^h-iUcl uli*to'-der-.............................. —HrTth^vf^i^-rinaliy^ftr^

the county jail, inndt U by a-ball

iii “ihe ‘leg. •• It is, believed -that lVays and his sister-art*-craz,vr'

i \ u A i n r c h , ii 1tiiiners at tiie~i^oyaffeV’iujiiespif. ;tho;>Bei^ ;Wiii«UjS/liite~(-oaI^-M iiiing'-cnnipany -iit’ t jlclceu; tlis*._XeSv . tn'ei^ yho .hi) yi* remaiued a U.wprk w 1 ieirtImy.C;\ ine*■ <)it t <Vf*tlie iiitnes 'ItlBf night. A'mine^ narme»l/l)|Bblelus anil* lifs two sons were:'attacked by a L*rowd_pf nieti.MVptneii ami childien-nirmed. with cnihi/nVrstones and ivj.*ta* forV»l-to bati tie. fur tlieir‘lives. DHdilebis-and.his sosis Avero—rc*en forced—Ity—*th\^-other—ipou^Avbp have been worWng, amj lmtli side|> drew revolvers and bcKttu shooting •prpbiiscn'-

^msly. Over 1()0 shots wert^lired. result*, ing'in tlie"SL‘i‘ljjuy wounding of tlnxV pn-- aons. ’ ‘ * " * *

About* four dilys before- caching Mene- lik^s. capital. vaT. herd . oT^abnut lOO. ele-. phants waij. encountered. Twenty large bulls:fell to the. rittes of .the; partyv after an excitiiig and somewhat dangerous sport. • Hundreds o f' natives ilocked to the'spot to enjoy-u feast, and m any'in­sisted upon shaking'hauds with the wkitO hunters in appreciation of a - generous meal.y *' . . , ' ,"Tfic ivory was carried forward ami pre-

sented fo the negus. who, however, cour­teously begged Mr. Butter and ’Mr?; W'hitehonse to retiiin each a pair of tusks . o f-t li ei r- fi rsteljpphan t- spoils*—— —— . <The resnleiice of Kinu Meneiik is a

A C ornell V ictory.Atlanta. March 31.—Tlie, Cornell base:

ball.letkta defeated the University of (tcorgiu .bere. by’ a scotte,bf■ liO to 8 . '

Iiev. W-. K. S itzer, W . C aton, N .Y .. wrile^, •>I- had dyspepsia ovor tw enty .yoars,.H m . t.rietl Upctors and m edicines w ithou t benefit.,I w as persuaded to ubs K odol Dyspppsla Curo and ir. helped rap frpm tbo s ta r t . I iw>* Hevo_if» to be a pfwacea fo r ail forma of l n - j dlgestiotl.” I t d igests w h a t you oat,- W. H am V lO TA W nstreet, ... •

PUTS* F L E S H nil T H IN 'P E O P L E

JOHNSON'S DYSPEPSIA CUREI tclmtifle. Unfilling imj Ptrm.nial Bintdr for OjlCipilt,

ladi«,tioa lad ill Slonich tnd tint TrC'Jb[,i,Jos. Ktario, of St.JPaul, RtThn,, M ys: **I hud

always been tb in and emaciated; appetlteVood, but food drd not seem t o nburish me and lmd nevet* found anythlnjr to do me any good until I commenced to take rohnnon.'s Dyspepsia Cure. iiiivcB m r been taking i t 'tw o months, have riineAfiltfOnpounds nnd nin still Increasing. I t Isa wgndcffultmedicine for weak and run tlowQ people." LvgoBoxo,, 10c.2EQ.Hd SOC. m

‘ii/} "■ •••' • F ( lB . btj por s ilo B. Bam nal oil leadtog drucRt t?

two Htoty lmililing with I'Xtciwlve cbiirt- ynfdKiiii tli<».;C(f»i.tep of it large, plnfn tliiwiKll whlfli tiro Scutterml im imuifiiHfr munliCT of cnnlL-.li'nls, cyiituhiing. niubu- lily -O JOO. ikm’pdiis... ' . ’y. ^DeKc-rlptlon of til I-Thy jinrty »•«« roCflvtMl’iii mullctlce tin-

next-tiny .’. ‘U tt'^ llig in ■ ih'xcrihed ns n mnn of nliout 38 j'i>ars. of tig(>, of durlc coniph'xloii. mnrkotl wltli smnllpox, witli n slight grny... lieiml iiml . brtllhmt 'diirj;

lie inqnirptl- putticnim-l.v from , Svlmt im jl_ o f Ami'rica Mr. Wliitoliotise.! Jiitd jcunu; *n«l. mphrkliip. on OAI -Brent' flintiniiHv i:X|il-cSS--0 (l - I he “Vihhl’Mliey Aviniljl; have ti B»owKsf!t|l| ,1 i-ip iiii(l *om-i;y nwii.v n.-'gopil '• nc^oiint; (if-'liiM.doiniiiioiiH.

! lirmiilsiiig thcm‘,giiide(( am) u snfc-fon-—r~ ~ - ‘ " . . ....

mWi'tt'tfmiWv to) .“lioht lh(..x in tlitfuilpx--'phittd. nortfi of liis capital. Tlica»lf<‘i-.yt>tlrtiTmra*spoft Kir impi't'.sst-il Cup- hyicINnvtli' VdMoii tluit lie acj-optcd it HH'1,. to. tin- rrgi-etyflf liiw ciiiiipainoii.s. loft

Ta)or~<.n his sm in i^ htintinS trip.-; ’ - '--Thy' kin-,.''iiivitcil thc.iiai-iy (o.alinu w^th Jinn , when' lio. I'litcrt.iiiiiltd tliiin riglil- fo'jiiTiy' witlx - cooked jiients, *rnw liie.nts, IiiiwVvcir.ilieing KervfiV to rtie liitv'-. ei'lil tlfoliKiiiid- nntlverf aSHL-nililed at tiie fenfet. X

The negus sat x-ross^gged yn a divan" witli.»lli_n 1; satin cushions. Itis.liead.vvas eovorcd b.v u \ylilte muslin turinin.

He wine a lilTo rtise tlltiliioiul iitifti in the left-ear. a plai),gyii6y ling on tjie lit: IJi; -linger ot hl« light lintid, whiteotrous- ers, a emit or green anil yellow striped silk mid u tiiueK Mi I in coat willi gold lnniil iliidTllied Avitll pink. »«• ..

T t o ’dnjK later- cftitrslng after jitekais was olTereil liy tlie'klllg,' whi»*wa» present at Ihe K|'inrt,VUkl!_aaV nitilf.'lmt not so. .ffidtIng -as-tviis pjcyeeted. -’ '

Viola Ilor.I«»eIker Ae«iiiitte«l. SHastings, Xeb^. .M^>:eh .3 l.—The Jur.y

iirthe.IIorlocker ease has’returned a yer- diet of no’t guilty. When the Verdict was announced,* the*accused girl fainted. Vi­ola Hm’loifltfF was aceuseil of sending, poisomid candy .to the wife of C'harles ^lorey,; U' lawyMv in Ayhose* olli(*e sjhe wits. (unployVd as a stenographer. S|ie had been, it was alleged, on^intimate iterms withMorey and one day jn a tit of jeal­ousy whefi she .say.* him in his .wife’s eom- pfiny detennined to kill- the Wife. Tlie caudy-receive^.by/Mrs. Florey -was. eaten by.' half a do*/en of hei' Xiiendg/nml all ^ere made>>iripU»lji.U^ ' > v ,

STElltKi6HS iPRlli Mm~ U R a d v e r t i s i h g ^ th is - w e e k r e l a t e s ^ t 6 - t h e n e w g o o d s p r p v i d e d f o r s p r in g ; . ' W e h a v e }; b e e in p r e p a r i n g f o r t h i s s h o w in g T or m o n t h s a n d 'w H ^ n w e s a y t h e s t o c k o f n o v e l t i e s

fof spring were never larger or more-^ariedpor .the prices more reasonable,. we tell most of thri^story and will leave the figures quoted ’to finish-the pleasing tale. ‘ ^- /wai:.- ”7 ' . , 1 .-

Spring Dress Goods.T - We began showing Spring tDress: Goods a

month ago. .Every-day, though, brings new lines of the.modish.-fabrics, and the'stock at pres­ent is complete, enough to satisfy .the most faS-' tidibus. Of- course we cannot eflumerate the hundred-and-onq.varieties in this ever-groyring department,'but we quote prices on a few of the- leaders: ,

■ ,' '.. Our ,' Worth Prlco

256 51c

' 25o 2flo

50 pcs. 88 Inch Coahmere, nil colors . . . . . . 05o 2,000 yds." 44 Inch a lt wool H enrietta ,all coiors . 00c. 1250 yds. 30 inch nil wool Flannels, all coloray85a. BOOOyds. 40 inch Figured Dress Goode,ail colors U8c ; '4500 yds. 40 inch all wool G ranite Clotb,' all - '

■ co lo rs. . . * i. .- . . . . ■ •"*. «'■'•. . .i5 c 50c

Ladies’ Tailor-made SuitsThis-year finds our Ladies’ TaiIor;made Suit

Department better-Stoclccd than ever; hereafter .we will feature this section of our Establishments. The '•prs^t^sM5lciS"ijn«>dl8'frv!lir*'«Vet ' "way and prices are considerable, below present actual value and regular selling prices elsewhere. Every gar­ment-we sell will be altered, if necessary, so a per- fect fit is guaranteed.- 'Here, too, may be found a complete line of 1 ight weight - J ackets, together with Ladies’ .Wraps of every description. These prices will give you au-idea of the bargains in this .department:; ' . ^ . ''t ■

■’ ■ : . 'v - r . Onr- W orth.: Price

L o ti . Ladies1 all wool Cheviot tailor-madeBults-fa^altcolore.BilkJIned-jacbetsj^.SO—_ t,D.Q8--.

Lot 2. Lidiea’ Cheyiot and Covert tailo r-mad^ eiiitP, silk lined V ; 10.00 / 12.48

Lot 3. Ladies’ tailor-made.euita, appliqtae -trim m ed 1 . . .<20 00 ,15,48.-

25-Ladiea’'SilkjW .alsta,-all colors'. . . y . . ' 4,08 0.98

Bed and T able L inens. ~ .Our.annual.linen sale, begun a month ago,' .'

still contines and hotel k’efepMS .and housekeepers tfrom all parts of the county are buying heavily of the jmmense, reasonably priced-stocka ofythese. essentials. ' Read the following prices and then hurry and secure your share of the good linen things

199 doz. liufck Towels, aizo 10x36 . lOOdo?. i N apiina, all l in e n . .25 pea bleached Damaab, 08 inch . 100 doz.,blenched Shpeta. 81x00 . . 100 doz. Pillow Slips, 80x45 . . . -

iWorlh . SI.25doz . 1.25 doz , OOC- a

B56 ;. . Ilo

Our , Price ;. 51.00 doz

98c doz ' '48c

' 45o 8o • ’

C a r p e t s a n d M a t t i n g .•'“M'T :v>''; :■/ ”■ *V‘ . -

Nothing;makes a home Iook so cheerful as fresh; pretty floor' coverings.r.. Carpet, you know,' has advanced in price. Our .experienced . carpet

, buyer saw the ^rice.change cornirtg months ' and months ago, and placed his orders for this spring’s stock at old price. Ffis foresight means money- saving to you, for the quoted prices will show we are sharing our bargains with, you :

• 50 rolls M atting, 40 yards to r o l l .’ . ; i ; . . .... f 6 00Good quality Ingrain Carpet . . . . . 35oyd.Good quality Ingrai.Q, '1 2 Wool C a r p e t . . . . ." B9e yd

' All-wool Ingrain C a rp e t. . . . . . . . . . . , .»00cyd0 W ire Tapestry Carpet . . . . \ 05o yd7 W ire Tapestry d n rp e t . . . . . , . 45c yd

S p r i n g F u r n i t u r e .

: . .When ready to pur<;ftase new., Furniture-for™ the hotel or iottage let us show you What we consider a. model stock before you1 place your orders. ; It makes no’.difference what you may desire in ihe Furniture ltne« here you can find it.' Substantial Furniture; too) the only frailty dis- 'cernable being the pricing. Her^ are a few Fur- . niture specialu: ' . . .75 Combination ‘Dresners . . . : . . . . . . . . . to.75 upBed Room S tills . . . . . . . . 1 ; . -. 918.60 upWoveni wird bed springs, nil sizes . - . . . . . . \ . [ . 91.48 Iron Beds, all sizes . ;. .' . . . . . . . , . . $2.08 up

C r p c k e r y a n d G l a s s w a r e

7; We buy our domestic^Crockery direct ' from the home of the crockery trade in this country. We'also import from France and Germany. No otherestablishment on the coast can , undersell us and no. other establishment carries such an immense stock.' Contracts made" with hotel keepers for a complete outfit for the dining room and bed rooms at figures lower than t|tose quoted by wholesale houses in the big cities.- These

. prices prove th truth of this assertion : '- i——-." . ' ■ Our

:■ *, aaa':-"!■ ■ : . . Worth Prlco

170 cases Granite. W are a t ju st one-half its value.

General Providers for Home" Essentials.

Two Modern Marts. - Cookman and Emory. Cookman an,d Main. v ASBURY PARK.

^hlHpplpcGom M lM lbnAppoh^tnieirtfrWaHhington; March . ;31, - r Chamnan

T^aft announce^ the , names o^ the oliicers of the new. rhilippine conimissiOn with t;he exception Of that of secretary, whose selection ba^ not yet been deiinitely deter­mined. A r th u r F e r g u s o n of Waahinjr* ton, who is about'44 years of age, is to be the Spanish secretary, . A t present Mr. Ferguson is chief.Translator of .tlie bu­reau of thei American republics,* Frank A. Branagan, a ^native of ’Ohio, is to be t ho.—<1 isburklftgotlicer and -irecodntant-of• the Commission. He arted in a similar eaiWejty for the Paris peace cqmyiissiou and isjiiow tlie chief^of, tlie«l)ureau.of act counlis*Tn the^^rtiMlepartnxent. .: Ituther- ford 'CorhiiK a “son.lof Adjutant General Corbin, of tue arm.V,, .has'been chosen as- ii ssist a nt see ret aYj^^f - the commission.

f;rri?<>rbin^^l>out^5-^ear8::&f..ager,a'a d- 4in ifl.o vti b le ^ r p tfFiwhce i n~ tUls-line of workV liiiviiig filled positions of irn- l»ertiuiee;3yifii t j i t -Paris peace corumis- siO ifinid'the Philippi n e coinmi s a ion.

A tlnnticX cnR ue Clrcjait COniplete."r'IMiiiadelphia,. Miri'ch .*11 .,-*-Presitieht Fo- gel.announces’tlia ttlieA flan tlcB aaeball league circuit is iiow. practically , com­plete. The. deal for groufids in :Npwark, N„ .T;;{ has been closedr* The Reading grounds were leased last* TuepJay, and

.Athletic elub of Philadelphia has Tinaliy completeit^its arrangerneuts with the PliiladeltHiia club, to piny on. thfc grounds of the latter. These three clubs -will-hc Ttiyor pora t < n lw i fh a paid-in-capi­tal of $1 6 ,0 0 0 - two\ of ntj»em■ having Ul- reai^tloners^;aiifi\ili<J'Uiird will- follow suit |oday. ’ The Alleiitown club.lfr oSvned by Vi wealtliy . nifiAiufnc|urer, an<«l—the Trae.tion company a t Elmira Is the fiirau* cial Iincker of the ..club ' In that • city'.* \Yilkesban:e was organized by popular subscrFption, the /necessary fitndH tQ;;earry the c^uVthrough'the season having been subscribed^by tlie bttsinosif men of that

Sicraiiton is being 'similarly!'organ*eity. iz d.

• Two F ilip inos HnnffeiJ,^Ianilav.Mareli ^1.—Morales and’ Gon-

Fialesr wiui wcire; found guiltv by n inlll- tary court of murdering a countryman, were hiitfged.~mi^iMiumlay. In the plaza jn front of the church at Hun CittlOs, *prov? ince of Paugasinan.' .An oflictu’ of .the Hcventeentli infantry presided arthe“exe- cutioii, whjeli was witnessed by the prin­cipal citizens of the pltlefr Thiue'SvAs no demonstratipn. “ .Morales ' afid.. (Ipnzales a rer t Ifl^/i I’Kt-lo-mTfFei^u nder- 1 he^pijb- nounceinent i liat*‘‘IjnryUt^A^'OUUvbe pun•. liilied^vith di fltlu* f. ;


' San Antonio^'^TeX., March 31 .~Ni hiis just'reached ii^re;of\a collision on Mexican -National fallway. beiwt'eii*the



City of Mexico mid' on 'ninnlny.The lbca 1 passenge r U 'to t of f o u r eon ch es was run into by a freightTTigine. -one of a heavy class ‘used trr assist loaded traihs up steep gradesl It wiuucomiug do\yu the mountain a t a good speed when it struck the passenger train. Two men were kiUed, a telegra pli line - inair and-a third class passenger. Dngineer vFippy of the freight Uml.Engineer Frajik ^mith of tlui .passenger were -sm*erely injured. Fireman Higgins had rt heel ru t Olft a kg broken i aiul it'>shoulder • dislocated. Fi f- teeu i)f the. passengers were:_nipi;e"or. less 1njuredi;;: * -

F n y h e • M obre. n f«fiFcty ’oTrl. " ..-T^^ndo i i, .-M ju:ch:_iili—AinQiigrtlie^ many

pretty women MiK) dartcu and sing bn the stage of the Gaiety theiilet* iu -Mr. George E l wurdes* . latest - success, *The; .^lipsseifi-.

attractedmuch attention by reason of her -beautiful' fucer anil graceful v:movements. Young nieii Tn the stalls rave about her lovely eyes and the synuuetric.al ligurc wblchiis revealed by the neat boy s costume which she A'earn. Jb'fng iu the chorus, .her' name is not on tl^e programiiu*hv unil few per- 5 0 ns in London know that Ibis ^Gaiety beauty is Fayne, Mooje. who was the central figure'In a eelebrated ^rial in New York u sUgrtUlfy? ago. -

Iii>i|UPiitN to Jllld^ieiow ni.' Xf\v Yo'rlt, ila rc li <11:—Anion^. the .be: questa ln tlic will nf tlie Into-Margaret l)i> 'KnVcn (’nscy-HUil' fo r■ probate here wei-f-tln: .fi>Uinvii»K:*To. ’Hol.v-iT^liilty clitirt-li in Miilflll'ti)\nirCmislT^$ri.000^iml' to Hie Willows’ home ill Mliidlc'towrr $i,t)gu..v.)*.. ;■ ■ • p:_

. " R tttll Cnvnlrj. Ilniue; '. , :• ' Npivifort News, Vu., Uurcli 31.—Tlie -Hn-i'C' troops of the .l-’iftli; cavalry arrived 011 the transport "Kilpatrick froin Porto. Kieo and.left over tlie CliOMiiiieake nm! Oliio i-alli-oail for Jcffersdu Bari-aeUs, Mo.

ltaln.; AVcpiltcr Forecast, fullowt'd by doailiog.

' Mra. Harriet Evans, Blnndale, II!., writes ‘•I niivcr falL4 o^ relieve my eblldren from croup-at ono«, by ualnuODB-Mlnuto Congl- Cure. I would not feel pafe without It.” Quiclcly curt* couchs, ooldf, grippe anil all throat and lung dlsppsfs. W. -B. Il(im, lpr UalQ street. -

-a '-v^ .:v ' . ..'.a;_' ?. V %

ro J l ^ D U C e W A R ' TAX.

Tlio Snbjcct UtmiDM.ed a t the.Coblniet;, VWnsliingtan'; SiaVcii 81i—The ndmlnln-

trntion is seVibusly, t-onsltli-ring the nilvls- ability of i-ccitmnii'nillliE a .niodlBeatiob of tlie revenue laws so as to redute the-bur­den' of iuternal taxation. At the. cabinet^ moctlns yesterday Secretary Oagi*. a t tbo ' request, of'the pirsidcnt. submitted sonie iliwr'eB-ahn«'iug_tin' ri'L-clwtn Ot.tllg KojLS-erinnent fnuli internal taxation since the eniu-tnleiit of the will- reyenuo law anti llje phenomenal Increase-'in eustora* re- - (Mptsi nt the Various ports of entry dtir3 iiiH tlie Inst year. ' Tlie iipinioti.TnaB 'e^-- presseil af the meotlui; of thc cablnet that the..coinlltliin. o f the government funds. Yvlli very soon w arrant a re'duetioii of In- tei-iinl taxation by an amendment to the j \\ n l- revenue la iy/TFlH j'* peeled "tliat Hie coiiteiiiplnteil niuehilinent will provide for the hboiiflon^of tlio stiimp taxes oil tele-

pli inesangcs aiid "express ■ cdnipaules* receipts, --. Tlfo surplus, of Bovcrnnient receipts. ■

over expenditures lnts already "exceeded ' - the predict,loo# made by Secretary Gage ami the Republican leaders. In-the -houBOOlld.ae.iiutc a few lupntiis ago.a.The total stii-plus-sinee July 1.last, the beginning (if, the lisctfl year,- Is ¥52,8J8,f!.()8,34< During the present month the gain in1 receipts over expenditures Inis been phenoinennl„ the' total Blnee March 1- being $15,115,- : 0 U 5 :a iv . : - r ; -- - ■. — ------ v-----

A I'reu in tn re eitlKiiniiTiiii.St. .Tohn. 'ts’. B., March '81.—'The hard-

wttl-e. establishment o'f Qeqrge 1’. Beverly . was cleimed ont by lire and explosion Inst nlglit. A qiiuqtlty. of flrl'works had been jmfITijflie store ivbulow In anticipation of a deniand on the itnnouncement of~tbtj relief of Mnfckiiig. As tlie proRrletor tvUrtirgliliii^ tlie (Sns ’n dmp. of burning t wux fcll./niiil'tlib-Wper amopg the crack­ers. 'Fhe.jrfploslon was a heavy, one,-but there were no-ciiMialtles. -- - .

OcuAral O’lJi-lrno Xn/Wn»tltn|j«oii.• Washington, March .Sl.^Goneral James ltaO'Beli-tie.'Who was appolijted by Pres-.' Idelit Kriifjef coninyssloner ex.traoidinary of thu.Trnnsviull ropuldle, bud long Intft- vien’ti yesterdny'with-'the president and . Secjetnr^- of stiite concerning affairs con­nected with tin* Buer government. ' He was 'cbrdiall,v received, \yiillo General O’Beli-nc ditctisseil Trnnnvnal matters wlth-Sccretiuy. Ilriy, the-lhtter-ls agthoi--— |ty foi-’ tl e atiitemeiitHli'at-li was In ah In- .. formal nnd tinofllclu) CBitmrttyoptlrely;......

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