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About the game You are taking the wheel at an entire Lumber Company, so you’ll need to take care of a whole range

of machinery. Your task is to locate and fell trees that are available for timber, and to deliver the

wood to your customers. After the trees have been felled they need to be transported from the

forest to the saw mill. There they will be processed into smaller segments which must then be loaded

onto the trucks. You will have total control over

all the machines at all times. As time passes,

you’ll get valuable orders which will need all

your attention and skill to complete successfully

– and you’ll also have to meet time limits.


In career mode you may have 5 different profiles.

Click on PROFILE in the main menu and choose a profile.

Before starting a career game pay attention to having selected the correct profile.

Game modes

There are 2 different game modes:

1. Regular orders: Complete the orders as they come in and deliver the required units of timber

to your customers. As soon as all the orders are completed the next level will become


2. Free play: This game mode allows players who have already completed a level to continue

playing at that level and complete the entire area. There will be no time limits or extra orders

while you clear the forest. Decide for yourself where, how, and when to work.

Options Here you can select the levels for resolution and sound options. All of your selections will be saved

for the next time you open the game. Youcan select the resolution for different sizes of monitors in

the Video Settings – for example, you can choose 4:3, 16:9, or even 16:10 as your monitor size. If the

wheels need to be serrated instead of round you can change that here too.

If the game is running slowly, please use these options to lower the resolution and also reduce the

detail level.


Levels The different levels can be played in order, one after another. Sometimes you will have as much time

as you want, but some levels will be played against the clock, which will count down the time you

have left. In the top right corner you can click the order book to check your progress. When you

complete one order, the next will begin. Once you’ve completed a level you can come back to it at

any time and play it again.

Bonus levels: After some orders you’ll be able to play up to three bonus levels. For example, you

might be asked to fell a number of trees within a time limit, without having to transport them.

Game Play Processing a tree takes place in five

steps, from felling to delivery. These

stages are explained briefly below.

Step 1 - Felling:

Activate the tractor with Button 1. Cut

down the tree with the tractor. When

you are approaching a tree, wheels

appear at the bottom right of the

screen; use them to position the tractor.

If you approach a tree in reverse, the

saw needs to be to the left of the tree. When the green radar point is in the crosshairs, the tree can

be felled. First you’ll need to apply the handbrake with the T button. Start the tractor by pressing the

space bar. When the tree is felled, it will automatically be ready for transport.

Step 2 – To the Saw Mill:

Start the tractor with the 2 button. Push or pull the tree trunk to the saw mill. You’ll recognise the

mill by the conveyor belt and crane. If driving in reverse seems too difficult at first, you can change

the clutch at the back (L button). The steering will now be easier, but less realistic. Driving forwards

with the brake on is not recommended.

Step 3 – On the Conveyor Belt:

Activate the saw mill crane with Button 3. Use the crane to lift the trunk onto the conveyor belt.

When the trunk is placed correctly, it is automatically taken into the mill. You can move the crane

with the arrow buttons. To turn the crane, press the Shift button at the same time as the left or right

arrow. Lower the crane with the Page Down or the K key, and raise it with the Page Up or the I key.

Open and close the claw with the Home and the End buttons (or alternatively the U and J keys). To

keep the trunk balanced, grasp it in the middle.


Step 4 - Transport to the Loading Area:

Activate the bulldozer with Button 4. Transport the wood to the loading crane. The arrow buttons

steer the truck. Lower the claw with the Page Down or K key, and raise it with the Page Up or I key.

Open and close the bucket with the Home and the End buttons (or alternatively the U and J keys).

Step 5 – Loading and Transport:

Activate the loading crane with Button 5. The steering is the same as the saw mill crane. You can

move the crane with the arrow buttons. To turn the crane, press the Shift button at the same time as

the left or right arrow. Lower the crane with the Page Down or the K key, and raise it with the Page

Up or the I key. Open and close the claw with the Home and the End buttons (or alternatively the U

and J keys). This crane is much larger – you can move several pieces of wood at once, assuming you

have loaded and stacked them neatly. Press the space bar to start the truck and transport the timber.

It will take a few moments before the materials appear in your statistics. The next truck will soon

arrive at the loading crane. It is up to you to decide how much to load onto each one.

Several vehicles are thus activated with Buttons 1-5. Alternatively, you can use the symbols for the

machines by clicking on the icons at the bottom of the screen.

Helpful tips

- When you are looking for a

tree to cut down, keep an

eye on the trunks that are

marked with a red X.

- If driving in reverse seems

too difficult at first, you can

change the clutch at the

back (L button). This will fix

the back axle and make

steering much easier. This would also make driving forwards require extreme steering

angles and be much more difficult, so is only recommended in reverse.

- If the tree trunk is not directly in front of the crane, just move the claw until it is in the

right position.

- For balance, grip the trunks in the middle.

- If you want the camera to follow your vehicle at all times, and turn when it does, change

the camera mode with the C key.

- The last two, small sections of a trunk can both be carried in the bulldozer at the same

time. That way you save yourself time and a trip to the loading crane.


- Stack the trunks in front of the crane in a pyramid shape – it can then pick up more than

one piece of timber at a time.

- If you get stuck or the claw will not release a piece of wood, press the R key and confirm

the message that will come up on the screen. This will take the vehicle straight back to

where it began. Tip: This can save a lengthy trip back to the saw mill.

Keyboard Layout These are the buttons that are used in the game. You’ll find a a picture showing all these keys as well

as the key shortcuts that can be used at the end of these instructions, as well as in a JPG file on the



1 Start

Up arrow or W Drive forward

Down arrow or S Drive in reverse

Left arrow or A Steer to the left

Right arrow or D Steer to the right

Space bar Saw

T Apply/remove handbrake

R Reset the vehicle’s position

C Change camera mode (static or following the vehicle)


2 Start

Up arrow or W Drive forward

Down arrow or S Drive in reverse

Left arrow or A Steer to the left

Right arrow or D Steer to the right

Home button or U Close the bucket

End or J Open the bucket

Page up button or I Raise the bucket

Page down button or K Lower the bucket

L Fix the back axle (for easier reversing)

T Apply/remove handbrake

R Reset the vehicle’s position

C Change camera mode (static or following the vehicle)

Saw mill crane and loading crane:

3 Start the saw mill crane

5 Start the loading crane at the truck

Up arrow or W Move the arm back

Down arrow or S Move the arm forward

Left arrow or A Turn to the left


Right arrow or D Turn to the right

Shift and Left arrow or A Move the claw to the left

Shift and Right arrow or D Move the claw to the right

Home button or U Close the claw

End button or J Open the claw

Page up button or I Raise the claw

Page down button or K Lower the claw

C Change camera mode (static or turning with the vehicle)

Space bar Send the truck to the customer – this only works when the loading

crane is selected (Button 5).


Trunk transporter:

4 Start

Up arrow or W Drive forward

Down arrow or S Drive in reverse

Left arrow or A Steer to the left

Right arrow or D Steer to the right

Home button or U Close the claw

End button or J Open the claw

Page up button or I Raise the claw

Page down button or K Lower the claw

T Apply/remove handbrake

R Reset the vehicle’s position

C Change camera mode (static or following the vehicle)


To change the camera angle, hold the right mouse button down while you move from side to side.

You can zoom in and out (narrowing and increasing the area shown on the screen) by using the

mouse wheel or pressing the + or - keys.

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