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Response ofContinuous CFRP PrestressedConcrete Bridges Under Staticand Repeated Loadings

Nabil F. Grace, Ph.D, P.E.Professor and Director of StructuralTesting CenterCivil Engineering DepartmentLawrence Technological UniversitySouthfield, Michigan

A detailed experimental investigation of a developed continuousdouble-T (DT) bridge system, internally and externally prestressedwith carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) tendons, was conductedunder static, repeated, and ultimate loads. The bridge model wassubjected to 15 million cycles of two repeated loads of constantamplitudes equivalent to the service load at Midspan 1 and twice theservice load at Midspan 2. The effect of repeated loads on variousparameters was examined before and after the post-tensioningadjustment (increase in the post-tensioning forces after 7.5 millioncycles of repeated loads). It is observed that the effect of repeatedloads on the forces in post-tensioned externally draped tendons isnegligible. However, the effect of repeated loads on other parameterssuch as deflection and strain depends on the magnitude of repeatedloads and becomes more significant under loads greater than theservice load. Also, the presence of continuous externally drapedCFRP tendons (in the positive and negative moment regions), alongwith CFRP grids, results in a ductile CFRP continuous bridge system.

Because of its high specificstrength (strength-to-weightratio) and non-corrosive charac

teristics, interest in using carbon fiberreinforced polymer (CFRP) prestressing tendons in place of steel strands inconcrete bridges is increasing rapidly.Small sections of bridges, as well asfull bridges, have been built in different parts of the world.15

It has also been found from early research investigations68 that internallybonded tendons in combination with

externally unbonded tendons in simplysupported bridges lead to a reasonablyductile bridge system. However, afteran extensive literature review, it wasconcluded that little work has beenconducted on the use of CFRP tendonsin continuous prestressed concretebridges.

The experimental CFRP prestressedconcrete bridges constructed in different parts of the world demonstrate thesuccessful use of CFRP tendons insimply supported bridges2 only.


8 mm CFRPpr-12 12 cl05S—8FAi4




Fig. 1. Details of bridge model CDT1 using CFRP Leadline tendon and NEFMAC grids.

Therefore, it was logical to examinethe applicability of continuous externally draped CFRP tendons in multi-span continuous prestressed concretebridges.

The basic question that the presentinvestigation is trying to answer is:whether it is feasible to drape andpost-tension CFRP tendons from thesagging moment region (midspan, i.e.,positive moment) to the hogging moment zone (intermediate support, i.e.,negative moment) and back to the sagging moment region in multispan continuous bridges?

To answer this question, a continuous (two-span) double-T bridge modelCDT1 was developed and a thoroughexperimental investigation was conducted to determine the strain distribution at critical sections along the entirelength of the bridge. Also, the effect ofpretensioning of girders, placement of

deck slab and post-tensioning of continuous externally draped tendons onthe concrete strains and strain disthbution throughout the depth of the bridgecross section were examined duringthese construction stages.

The deflection and strain responsesof a simply supported bridge using thesame construction components can befound in the work of Grace et al.,9wherein a mathematical solution issuggested for predicting the responseof right and skew-angled CFRP prestressed concrete bridges. This mathematical solution is based on the assumption that the bridge behaves as anorthotropic plate and the effect of longitudinal and transverse prestressingforces can be implemented with themembrane theory concept.

Thus, the present study is an extension of previous work6-8’1011 and aimsat examining the response of a multi-

span continuous double-T CFRP prestressed bridge system under static, repeated (15 million cycles), and ultimate loads. The effect of repeatedloading on various parameters such aspost-tensioning forces in the continuous externally draped tendons,midspan deflections and concretestrains is examined before (0 to 7.5million cycles) and after (7.5 to 15million cycles) the post-tensioning adjustment (that is, the increase in post-tensioning forces).

BRIDGE SYSTEM DETAILSDetails of the bridge system and its

construction are given elsewhere.11However, for the sake of completeness, they are also presented here. Thetwo-span continuous CFRP prestressed concrete bridge primarilyconsists of the following:


3 128P INF0R8 x 4 1WI8 10810I X8K DIM 4.5W




f‘ ‘1

-.4 I—3.5•CffiP 08110 10 1081) SWPOI8E


‘— 2 x 2 CFIIP 01810


November-December 2000 85

—iEfll 14-’

CEUP 4 o 4 CROP 2 x 2 CON(EtE 2 , 8 mm Ea&.molyHORIZONTAL ‘1ERIICAL GIRD I FILLED 101ff Draped PosL—tensoa1GIRD AT AU. SlOTS OF1’ Rods




/ ROllS•,,,.,JL.., -r1

___________________ ________ _________ _______________



fI I1 IIi




I 1’ I I.--.l--’I


FOSt—TE5410LOp ROD / OT—WED _..i I







Fig. 2. Details of tendon deviator and cross-beams at intermediate support of bridge model CDT1.

1. Precast modified double-tee (DT)girders [to be used as simply supported girdersj prestressed withstraight and draped internally bondedLeadlineTM* 12 tendons.

2. Transverse (unbonded) CFRPtendons post-tensioned through tendondeviators and cross-beams.

3. CFRP reinforced concrete deckslab.

4. CFRP three-dimensional grids’3which project beyond the top flangesof the DT girders, cross-beams andtendon deviators.

5. Continuous externally drapedCFRP Leadline tendons.

Details of bridge model CDT 1,which uses CFRP Leadline tendonsand three-dimensional CFRP-NEFMACTMt grids, are shown in Fig. 1,while details of the tendon deviatorsand cross-beams at the intermediate

“TM” refers to the trade mark name.°Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, Japan.t Provided by Autocon Composites Jncorporated,


support are shown in Fig. 2. Thus, inthe developed bridge system, conventional steel flexural and shear reinforcements are replaced with NEFMAC grids.

The hold-up and hold-down devicesused to develop the desired drapedprofile of CFRP Leadline tendons aremade of stainless steel. Also, it shouldbe noted that continuous externallydraped tendons were used to providecontinuous prestressing in the positiveand negative moment regions.

Construction Details

Test Girders— Four double-T(DT) girders, designated as CDT1-l,CDT1-2, CDT1-.3 and CDT1-4, werefabricated and prestressed with CFRPLeadline tendons. The material properties of the Leadline tendons aregiven in Table 1. In this notation, CDTstands for the Continuous Double-Tbridge system; the first digit refers tothe type of strand used (in this paper itis a Leadline tendon) and the last digit

refers to the DT girder number. Tendon deviators (located approximatelyat the quarter points of each span) andcross-beams (located at each support)are integral parts of the DT girders.

The span of each girder is 19.33 ft(5.89 m). Each girder is 13.5 in. (345mm) deep and its flange is 40 in.(1015 mm) wide. The center-to-centerdistance between the two webs of eachDT girder is 20 in. (510 mm) and thethickness of the flange is 1.5 in. (38mm). The widths of each web at thebottom and at the flange of a DTgirder are 3.5 and 4.5 in. (90 and 115mm), respectively.

Six tendons per DT girder were pretensioned prior to placing the concrete. In each web, each of the twotop (draped) Leadline tendons is 0.3in. (8 mm) in diameter while the bottom tendon (straight) is 0.4 in. (10mm) in diameter. Details of prestressing, formwork, and other related construction procedures can be foundelsewhere.14






(al QRORS—A• (Ii) srci A.-S


Reinforcement Details in theGirders— Four CFRP reinforcingcages were also fabricated using“NEFMAC” grids for flexural andshear reinforcement of the DT girder.Note that the size of each grid in theflange portion is 4 x 4 in. (100 x 100mm) while in the web portion, eachgrid is 2 x 2 in. (50 x 50 mm) in size.Details of the layouts of the reinforcing cages and multi-use forms fabricated to produce DT girders are shownelsewhere.1’

Pretensioning and Release of Prestressing Force— The desireddraped’1 profile in the top two tendonswas achieved by hold-up and hold-down devices. Each tendon was pretensioned by means of a hydraulicjack. The range of prestressing forcevaried from 60 to 70 percent of theguaranteed strength of the tendon. Asaw cutting’4 approach was used to release the prestressing forces. First, thetop pair of draped tendons (one ineach web) was simultaneously released at both the live and dead ends.Next, a second pair of tendons was released. The bottom tendons were released last.

The average prestressing force inthe draped tendons was approximately17 kips (76 kN). For the straight tendons, it was approximately 19 kips (85kN). This led to an average stress of239 and 170 ksi (1650 and 1170 MPa)for the 0.3 and 0.4 in. (8 and 10 mm)diameter tendons, respectively.

Construction ofBridge Model CDT1

Each of the four DT girders fabricated earlier was transported to thetesting area and positioned over thesupports as a simply supported girder.An epoxy grout (Sikadur 30) was usedto fill the gap at the joints between theDT girders. The total width of thebridge model was 6.66 ft (2.03 m) andeach span was 19.33 ft (5.89 m).

Two continuous externally drapedtendons [each 0.3 in. (8 mm) in diameter] within one anchor head assembly8were provided on both sides of eachweb for external post-tensioned prestressing of the bridge model. The 0.4in. (10 mm) diameter tendons wereused for transverse post-tensioned prestressing. Two stages of post-tension-

ing were applied for the external andtransverse prestressing. In the firststage, 10 and 50 percent of the desiredpost-tensioning forces in the continuous externally draped tendons and inthe tendons for transverse prestressing,respectively, were applied.

This partial prestressing in the longitudinal and transverse directionswas intended to ensure that the fourDT girders formed a tight platform forthe deck slab. Cushioning materialsbetween the tendons and the concreteat the tendon deviators and cross-beams were used to ensure successfulperformance7of the externally drapedtendons.

The form of the deck slab was assembled and CFRP grids [4 x 4 in.

(100 x 100 mm) spacing] for flexuralreinforcements were used. The concrete mix [specified compressivestrength of 7 ksi (48 MPa)] used in thedeck slab was the same as utilized forthe DT girders. After curing the concrete of the deck slab, the externallydraped continuous tendons were retensioned to the desired prestressing forceof 17.5 kips (78 kN) per prestressingtendon set. The post-tensioning in thetransverse direction was then performed for a total force of 10 kips (45kN) per tendon.

A typical arrangement of the continuous externally draped tendons afterthe post-tensioning (as seen frombelow) is shown in Fig. 3. Also, theinitial post-tensioning forces were

Table 1. Characteristics of Leadline’2tendons.

Characteristic Specification

Matrix Epoxy

Carbon fiber volume fraction 65

Tensile strength ksi (kN/mm2) 328 (2.25)

Young’s modulus ksi (GPa) 21320 (147)

Extension at break (percent) 1.5

Specific gravity 1.6

Relaxation ratio (percent) 2.3

Thermal expansion (11°C) 0.68 x 106

Effective cross-sectional area of0.071(46.1), [0.111(71.8)1*

8 mm diameter tendon, sq In. (mm)

Guaranteed tensile strength23 4(104) [364 (162)1*

for 8 mm diameter tendon, kips (kN) .

* Refers to the tendon of 10 mm diameter.

Fi3. Arrangement of externally draped tendons after post-tensioning.

November-December 2000 87

readjusted (increased) during the testing stage of the bridge model, after thebridge is subjected to 7.5 million cycles of repeated loads. This will bediscussed in the following section.The average values of the post-tensioning forces (initial and adjusted),stresses, and elongation in each pair ofexternal prestressing tendons (placedon each side of each web) are presented in Table 2.

Instrumentation, Ioading Setupand Data Acquisition

Load controlled MTS actuatorswere used to apply static and repeatedloads to the bridge model (see Fig. 4)using a four-point loading system resembling the front and rear axles of atruck at each span. It was decided tosimulate a lightweight truck of 19kips (84.55 kN) in Span 1 and aheavy truck of 40 kips (178 kN) inSpan 2. Repeated cyclic loads rangedfrom 2 to 21 kips (8.9 to 93.45 kN)on Span 1 and 5 to 45 kips (22.25 to200.25 kN) on Span 2. Note that the

19 kip (84.55 kN) load simulates theservice load while the 40 kip (178kN) load simulates about twice theservice load.

These two repeated loads were Selected to evaluate the performance ofthe developed bridge in order to examine the effect of a service load and anoverload of 15 million cycles. Also,suggested techniques were developedto regain the strength of an overloadedbridge if any adverse effect on thestrength of the bridge system was observed. The frequency of the repeatedloads was 2.5 Hz.

Note that in Span 1, a 200 kip (890kN) static loading cylinder [24 in.(610 mm) off midspan] was used toapply the static load, ranging from 0to 50 kips (222.5 kN). The actuatorused for the repeated loading at Span1 only had a capacity of 22 kips(97.90 kN).

A static load test was conductedafter every one million cycles of repeated loading. Parameters such as deflections, strains and post-tensioningforces were recorded at each incre

ment/decrement of 5 kips (22.25 kN)during loading/unloading of staticloads. Post-tensioning forces in thecontinuous externally draped tendonsand transverse prestressing tendonswere monitored by load cells attachedat their dead ends.

Note that the deflection measurements were taken using Linear MotionTransducers (LMT) located along thelengths of both spans and along theirwidths at midspan, while strain measurements were made by electrical resistance strain gauges.


Significant aspects of the test resultsare discussed below.

Strain DistributionsFig. 5 shows the strain distributions

at the top of the flanges and at thebottom of the webs for the intermediate support and Midspan 2 at threetypical stages of construction,namely, pretensioning of internalCFRP tendons, placement of deckslab, and post-tensioning of externaltendons. Note that the strains shown(after the addition of the deck slab) atthe top of the deck slab refer to thosestrains at the top of the flanges of thegirders.

The strains in the concrete at the topand bottom of the girders are compressive before and after placement of thedeck slab. However, post-tensioningof the externally draped tendonscauses a further increase in the compressive strain at the bottom of thegirder but a small tensile strain at thetop of the deck slab (at midspan). Notethat the opposite is true at the intermediate support.

Thus, from these strain distributions, it is apparent that the strains developed at the top and bottom of thebridge after post-tensioning of the externally draped tendons are oppositein sign to those strains which will becaused by superposition of live loads.This is a desired result since the sections are maintained in pure compression even with the added tensilestrains caused by live loads. Thus, notensile cracks develop under serviceloads.

Table 2. Average post-tensioning forces of externally draped CFRP tendons.

Initial post-tensioning Adjusted (increased) post-tensioning forceat zero cycles at 7.5 million cycles

Post- Post-tensioning tensioning

force Stress Elongation force Stress Elongationkips (kN) ksi (MPa) in. (mm) kips (kN) ksi (MPa) in. (mm)

17.5 123 (845.0) 2.8 (72) 23.1 (102.7) 161 (1113) 3.9 (98)

Fig. 4. Repeated load test setup.


Post-Tensioning Forces UnderRepeated Loading

In order to examine whether thelifespan of the developed bridge system can be increased with an increasein the post-tensioning forces at a particular age of the bridge, it wasplanned to apply repeated loads from0 to 7.5 million cycles and increase(adjust) post-tensioning forces in theexternally draped tendons by about31.5 percent. This adjustment wouldrestore any loss in parametric valuessuch as deflection and strain. Thebridge model was then tested again foran additional 7.5 million cycles, subjecting the structure to a total of 15million cycles.

A typical variation in the post-tensioning forces (before and after the

post-tensioning adjustment) in pairsX1-a, X1-b, X2-a, X2-b, X3-a, X3-b,X4-a and X4-b of post-tensioningCFRP tendons is shown in Fig. 6.Note that the post-tensioning forcesare not influenced by the repeated loadfor 0 to 7.5 million cycles.

A similar observation is made afterthe post-tensioning adjustment, i.e.,for 7.5 to 15 million cycles. Thus,post-tensioning forces remain stableover a large number (15 million) ofcycles and, hence, there is no effect offatigue on the post-tensioning forcesin the continuous draped tendons.


In order to examine the effect of repeated loading before the post-tensioning adjustment on the response of

the bridge under static loading conditions, the static load was applied fromo to 50 kips (222.5 kN) in incrementsof 5 kips (22.25 kN). The bridge wasthen unloaded in decrements of 5 kips(22.25 kN) from 50 to 0 kips (222.5 to0 kN) after the bridge was subjected toa number of cycles (varying from 0 to7.5 million) of repeated loads.

At each increment/decrement ofload, parameters such as deflections,strains, and post-tensioning forceswere measured. Typical cases of variations in these parameters with staticloads for different numbers of cyclesare shown in Figs. 7 and 8.

Load versus Deflection

The load versus deflection relationship after the bridge model had been

iiUiir-254.0 -532.7 .427.6 -5419

(a) (‘it Midspan 2

.1456 47.6 -126.5 -126

Fig. 5. Strain distribution of bridge model CDT1

N/A 99 -155 -104 119.3Pretension



N/A -441 -538 -501

-66 -158 -227 -170 155.3Decksiab •

_____ _____ _____


-115 -338 -412 -384 312.3

6.9 11.4 3.2 5.2 6.7


__________ __________ ______________________

Average strain


(i Iiiterjnediate Support Average strain

November-December 2000 89

XiaUXib x2.aJx245 X3a X3-b xaUCross section intermediate support

0 2 4 8 10Number of cycles (millions)

Fig. 6. Effect of repeated load on continuous externally draped prestressing tendons.

exposed to repeating load cycles, i.e.,0, 1.0, 4.0, and 7.5 million cycles forMidspans 1 and 2, are shown in Figs.7a and 7b, respectively. In these figures, the deflection at zero load refersto the camber of the midspans. Fig. 7ashows that there is no significantchange in the load versus deflectionrelationship of Span 1 with increasingthe number of applied load cycles.

Nevertheless, as shown in Fig. 7b,there is a significant change in theload versus deflection relationshipsfor Span 2 with increased number ofcycles, i.e., for a fixed value of load[50 kips (222.5 kN)], the deflection isabout 150 percent higher at 7.5 million loading cycles in comparison tozero cycles. Also, at 7.5 million cycles, the slope of the load-deflectiongraph is 33 percent lower than theslope of the same graph at zero cy

des. Figs. 7a and 7b indicate that thestiffness of the bridge decreases withan increase in the number of cycles ofapplied repeated load only if the repeated load is significantly larger thanthe service load.

Load versus Strains

Fig. 8 shows typical load versusstrain relationships for points at thetop and bottom of Midspan 2. Also,the strains at zero load for a particularload versus strain relationship in thisfigure correspond to strains existingafter the conclusion of a particularnumber of cycles (0, 1, 4, and 7.5 million cycles) of the repeated load.

Figs. 8a and 8b show that, unlike theresults for Span 1, there is a significantchange [90 percent for the deck slaband 67 percent for the web bottom at a

load of 50 kips (222.5 kN)] in the loadversus strain relationship for the top aswell as the bottom of the web atMidspan 2 with an increase in the number of repeated load cycles applied.

The bridge maintains a linear elasticbehavior irrespective of the number ofcycles to which it is exposed. For aparticular value of load, the deck slabexperiences a higher strain when thenumber of cycles applied is higher.Similarly, at the bottom of the web,the strain is higher at larger numbersof cycles of applied load.

REPEATED LOAD RESPONSEIn this section, the effect of fatigue

on parameters such as bridge camberat midspan and concrete strain beforeand after post-tensioning adjustment isdiscussed.

19 kips140


Span I

. 11 -I-’I’•’ I -I,


Span 2

Post-tensioningadjustment (increase)— IX-la24

—-- X-2a—V— X-2b





Post4ensioning adjustment(Average increase 5000 ibs perexternal tendon)

156 12 14



Fig. 7. Deflection at midspans due to static loads.

L .

Fig. 8. Typical strain at Midspan 2 due to static loads (web, CDT1 -2A).

Span I Span 2











o Cycles---0 1.0 Million Cycles

to _A.4.OMilhonCycles—‘--7.5 Million Cycles

——0 Cycles-°--l.OMillionCycles \_-A---4.0 Million Cycles

—‘C- 75 Msll,oo Cycles



-0.2 0.0Deflection (inch)(a) Midspan I

0.2 0.40

-0.4 -0.2 0.0Deflection (inch)(1,) Midspan 2

0.2 0.4

Span I


Span 2




\\ \\\\

\\\ \\






—1—0 cyclns

—i-— [.0 million cycles--‘—4.0 million eyelet

‘- 7.5 million cycles

-500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100Strain (pa)

•—0 cycles-‘ 1.0 million cycles

—‘— 4.0 million cycles

‘7.5 million cycles

(a) Deck slab

-500 -400 -300 -200

Strain (pa)

-100 0

(b) Bottom of webs

November-December 2000 91

Variation of Camber

Fig. 9 shows the variation in camberwith number of cycles of repeatedload at midspan before and after thepost-tensioning adjustment. The camber of Span 1 (subject to the lighter repeated load, i.e., equal to the serviceload) does not change significantlywith number of cycles, even after thepost-tensioning adjustment. Nevertheless, a significant variation in the camber of Midspan 2 (subject to the heavier repeated load, i.e., two times theservice load) is observed before thepost-tensioning adjustment. However,there is no appreciable variation in thecamber of Midspan 2 after the post-tensioning adjustment.

Thus, the cambers of both spans increase immediately after the post-ten-

sioning adjustment. Obviously, the relationship between the camber at midspanand the number of repeated loading cycles is affected by both the magnitudesof the repeated load and the post-tensioning adjustment. Also, note that afterthe post-tensioning adjustment, the lossin camber at midspan (from repeatedload cycles) is recovered and there is nofurther appreciable variation in thecamber at either midspan section withfurther repeated loading.

Strains at Bottom of Webs

Typical variations in strains at thebottoms of individual webs (CDT1-3A, 3B and CDT1-4A, 4B) with thenumber of cycles of repeated load applied are shown in Fig. 10 for the midsection of Span I. The strains at the

bottoms of the webs increase with thenumber of cycles in the early stage ofloading, but reach a constant value atabout four million cycles. Moreover,the compressive strain shows a desiredincrease due to the post-tensioning adjustment, and the concrete strain increases with the number of cycles.

Fig.11 shows a typical variation inconcrete strains at the bottom of thewebs at the intermediate support.There is a tensile increase in the webstrain with the number of cycles before the post-tensioning adjustmentand a further desired increase in strainof about 10 percent after the post-tensioning adjustment. Nonetheless, thereis no significant variation in strainwith the number of cycles after thepost-tensioning adjustment.

Fig. 9. Camber at midspans.

Fig. 10. Concrete strains at bottom of DT girders at Midspan 1



Post-tensioning —*i Midspan Iadjustment (increase) Midspfl 2


—____--------_------——p .—__


0.00(,2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Number of cycles (millions)





/•WebB WnbA WebB WnbA

I Cross- section



—V—CDT 1-3 Web ACDTI-3 WebB

CDTI4 Web A——CDT1.4 Web B

-7000 2 4 6 8 10 12

Number of cycles (millions)14 16


Strains at Top of Deck Slab

Fig. 12 shows that the variation ofstrains in the deck slab at the intermediate support is insignificant. However, increasing the post-tensioningforces after 7.5 million cycles resultedin an increase in compressive strainsof about 25 percent.

Concrete Strains at Web Bottom

Typical changes in cyclic concretestrains at the bottom of the DT girders at Midspan 2 are shown in Fig.13. The cyclic compressive strain atthe bottom of the DT girder atMidspan 1 is compressive throughoutthe repeated load cycles, before andafter the post-tensioning adjustment.However, the amplitude of the cyclicstrain decreases, while the mean

value increases after the post-tensioning adjustment.

A similar response is observed forthe concrete strain at Midspan 1 (notshown in the figure). The change inthe mean value and amplitude ofcyclic strain after the post-tensioningadjustment is not as significant as forSpan 2. However, the percentage decrease in the amplitude of cycliccompressive strain after the post-tensioning adjustment is the same (i.e.,6 percent) for both midspan sections.

Strain in Deck Slab

Fig. 14 shows typical changes in thecyclic strain in the deck slab modelwith number of cycles of repeatedloads at Midspan 2. This figure suggests that the amplitude of the cyclic

strains does not show appreciable variation but that the mean of the cyclicstrains is increasing with the numberof cycles of applied repeated loads before the post-tensioning adjustment.However, after the post-tensioning adjustment, the mean value of the cyclicstrains is reduced drastically.

It is also observed that the amplitude of the cyclic strain has decreasedby 12.8 percent with a shift of 144microstrains in its minimum value.Here, the minimum value of cyclicstrain corresponds to the value ofcyclic strain at the minimum level ofcyclic load.


This section discusses the variationof post-tensioning forces, deflection,

Fig. 11. Concrete strains at bottom of webs at intermediate support.

Fig. 12. Concrete strains at top of deck slab at intermediate support.


300 I

—V—CDTI-I webB




A //

100 ,— st-tensioni >.\,_v ‘NV

stment(iosrcase) I


I 10 12 14 160 2Number of cycles (millions)



-300 —A—CDTII webA

VCDTI-1 webB——CDTl2 web A—•-CDT12 webB

L2 Gi,dcDTI-I jW,A W,bB WebA WebB

Section ie,tormpAiete qsinncwt

Post-tensioningjustment (j)

A_—A T


0 2 4 6 8

Number of cycles (millions)

10 12 14 16

November-December 2000 93

Fig. 14. Typical changes in strain at deck slab of DT girder at Midspan 2 due to repeated load.

strain, and structural behavior due todifferent loading patterns.

Load versus Post-Tensioning Forces

The load versus average post-tensioning forces relationships in the continuous externally draped tendons before and after the post-tensioningadjustment are shown in Fig. 15.There is a negligible change in thepost-tensioning forces with changes inthe applied static loading irrespectiveof the number of cycles to which thebridge has been subjected, before andafter the post-tensioning adjustment.

Load versus Deflection

Figs. 16a and 16b show the loadversus deflection relationships before

and after the post-tensioning adjustment for Midspan 1 and Midspan 2,respectively. The observations weremade at zero cycles (at the beginningof the repeated load cycles) and after7.5 million cycles (before the post-tensioning adjustment). However, afterthe post-tensioning adjustment, thecyclic loads were continued for another 7.5 million.

There is no significant change in theslope of the load versus deflection relationship with the number of cycles,even after the post-tensioning adjustment, for Span 1 under the serviceload. However, Fig. 16b shows thatfor Span 2 subjected to the repeatedload of two times the service load,there is a significant decrease of about33 percent in the stiffness of the

bridge at higher numbers of repeatedload cycles.

The loss in stiffness of the bridgedue to repeated load is recovered if apost-tensioning adjustment (i.e., an increase in the post-tensioning forceafter 7.5 million cycles) is applied.Also, there is no significant loss inbridge stiffness after the post-tensioning adjustment with the continuationof repeated load cycles.

Load versus Strain

Figs. 17 and 18 show the load versus strain relationships at the deck slaband at the bottoms of the webs forMidspan 1 and the intermediate support, respectively, before and after thepost-tensioning adjustment. From Fig.17a, the compressive strain increases

Fig. 13. Typical changes in strain at bottom of DT girder at Midspan 2 due to repeated load.

Adjustment (increased) —)jin post-tensioning rccs

6. 8 . . 10Number of cycles (millions)



Fig. 15.Average post-tensioning forces dueto static load.

FJT- Ii—1. I —L_ j-i;iE-z—

Spani Span2

Fig. 16. Deflection at midspans due to static loads.

Span I


Span 2





—.— 0--• -7.5 million cycles—A— After post-tensioning

a@ustment (incrense)

@75 million cycles‘ lS.Omillion cycles

(End of espesled loading)


016000 18000 20000 22000 24000

Poat-tensioning force (Ib)










•0 cycles—°— 7.5 million cycles—°— After ponl-lonsioning

odjoslment (increose)

75 million cycles

‘ 15.0 million cycles

(End of reponled landing)


—.— cycles—0—75 million cycles—i-— Alter ponn-loesinning

adjontreent (iearenne)

@1.5 million cycles—— 15.0 million cycles

(End olespented loading)10

.. —

\\\\\\\• ..




-0.4 -02 0.0Deflection (mc&s)

02 0.4

(a) Midsttan I

0-0.4 -0.2 0.0

Deflection (inch)0.2 0.4


November-December 2000 95

Fig. 17.Strain

variation atMidspan 1

due to staticloads.

Fig. 18.Strain

variation atintermediatesupport due

to staticloads.

Span I

. rL_—H-------.J iZ__jjSpan 2

—*—o cin—•---75 Million cycles—A--- Aftor pOSt.r005iooiog

Adjoslmenl (inem050)@7.5 Million Cycles

—f—- 15.0 Million Cycles(End of Repoolod Loading>




0cycies ,/‘ 1’° 7.5 million nynlos 1*••

AIIm post.lnnsioniogadjoslment (mor0050)@ . ml on cycles

—V- 15.0 million cycles(End of rnpnsled boding)


/7 //7 /

/7 ///71

- . •



100 -700.700 -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0

Strain (pa)

(a) Deck slab

-600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0Strain (l)

(b) Bottom of webs


L—-i - IIl!.

Spanl Span2








LIZ!0m / /1_* 7.5 Million Cyclos 7—A--- Aftm PosI-Tensioning I /

Acnslmen1(iaaoasn) fV

@7.5 Mdlion Cycles I I /15.0 Million Cycles / / j(End ofRopented Loading)



• I

I /11.




1 30





\\\\\ \

\\‘\\— •• A-c

0cynlen \\\\°7.5mlllioncyclon \\ \

.a no— M1U posl-lonsnming

od(@7 million cycles •_ •. a.

15.0 million cycles \\\\ \\ \

(End of sopoocod lending) \\\\ \\\\

Strain (>sa)

(a) Deck slab

-700 -600 -500 -400 -300 0 -1000 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300Strain (jia)

(b)Bottom of webs


and the tensile strain decreases withincreasing load at the deck slab, irrespective of the number of cycles towhich the bridge has been subjected.However, the compressive strain at thedeck slab (see Fig. 17a) is drasticallyreduced after the post-tensioning adjustment.

It is shown in Fig. 17b that the loadversus strain relationship for the strainat the bottom of the web after the post-tensioning adjustment is almost identical to the relationship before the post-tensioning adjustment. However, adrastic compressive shift in the loadversus strain relationship is observedat the end of the repeated loading (i.e.,after 15 million cycles). This shift canbe attributed to the development of atransverse crack, which formed at alower number of cycles, across the entire width of the bridge model at theintermediate support. This crack wasthe result of overloading the bridgemodel in Span 2 to a load twice its service load for 15 million cycles.

Thus, a very high compressivestrain is observed at 15 million cyclescompared to the values of strain forother cases of loading cycles for fixed

values of load. A significant shift (100percent) in comparison to other casesof loading cycles in the load versusstrain relationship for the deck slab atMidspan 2 (the results are not shownin the figure) is observed for 7.5 million cycles. However, this shift in theload versus strain relationship becomes insignificant after the post-tensioning adjustment has been made.

The post-tensioning adjustment hasa long-term effect, which is indicatedby the load versus strain relationshipsafter 15 million cycles (see Fig. 17a).The strain at 15 million cycles afterthe post-tensioning adjustment is closeto the strain at zero cycles. Note thatthe long-term effect, here, refers to theredistribution of the strain with an increase in the number of cycles afterthe post-tensioning adjustment hasbeen made.

In Fig. 18a, it is shown that in thedeck slab at the intermediate support,there is a significant (50 percent) increase in the compressive strain afterthe post-tensioning adjustment has beenmade, which continues until the completion of 15 million cycles, irrespectiveof the magnitude of the static load.

From Fig. 18b, for a fixed value ofthe load, strains are higher at highernumbers of repeated loading cycles.However, after the post-tensioning adjustment, a redistribution of strain occurs with increasing numbers of repeated loading cycles, and the loadversus strain relations at 15 million cycles come closer to those at zero cycles.This redistribution in strains can also beattributed to the wider crack opening atthe intermediate support after 15 million cycles of repeated loads.

Response due to Offset Loads

Fig. 1 9a shows the load distributionbefore and after the post-tensioningadjustment for various loading cyclesof the offset load applied to one webat a time. Fig. 19b shows a similarload distribution when the four-pointload is applied at two webs at a time.Here, the load distribution refers to theproportion of the applied load carriedby a particular web, expressed as apercentage of the applied load.

The load distribution is determinedby expressing the deflection experienced by a particular web as a percent-

Pos 1—.— Pos2—’--- Pos3 —‘--- Pos4—v-—

I —

Fig. 19. Load distribution in Span 1.



Pos I —.— Pos 2 —.-— Pos 3I







0—0 cycles






7.5 million cycles


post-tensioning adjustment (increase)@ 7.5 million cycles

@ 15.0 million cycles (end of repeated loading)

(I’) Four-point toad test

November-December 2000 97

age of the total deflection of all fourwebs. From Fig. 19a, the web nearestto the point of load application carriesthe highest load, i.e., 45 percent of theapplied load. The loads carried by theother webs decrease as the distancefrom the applied load increases.

This response is observed irrespective of the number of repeated load cycles and the post-tensioning adjustment. However, Fig. 19b shows thatwhen the four-point load is applied atPosition 1, the load carried by theouter web is higher than the load carried by the inner web even though thepoint of load application is at the samedistance from the two webs. A similarresponse is shown for Position 3. Notethat the slab did not experience anylongitudinal cracks at the joint between the two double-tee girdersunder the eccentric load.

Observations regarding load distribution factors and no longitudinalcracks due to eccentric loading confirm the integrity of the bridge modelas a single unit in the transverse direction. Transverse post-tensioning significantly improved the load distribution along the transverse direction bymaintaining the continuity of thebridge model. Note that repeatedloading had no significant effect onthe load distribution in the transversedirection.


To examine the ultimate load carrying capacity, maximum deflections,critical failure sections, modes offailure, variations in post-tensioningforces in the externally draped tendons, and most importantly the ductility of the bridge system, staticloads were applied in increments of 5kips (22.25 kN) at the middle of eachspan. Deflections along the two spansand along the width at the middle ofeach span were recorded during theentire test.

To determine the ductility (expressed as the ratio of the total inelastic energy absorbed to the total energyof the system), it was necessary toseparate the inelastic energy from thetotal energy. To evaluate the inelasticenergy absorbed in the system, staticloading and unloading tests were conducted. In these tests, the load was increased from zero to a maximumvalue [60, 90, 100, 110, 120, 140, 160kips (267, 400.5, 445, 489.5, 534, 623,712 kN), respectively, for the loading/unloading cycles which followedin the sequencel and then unloaded tozero values. Each loading/unloadingcycle followed the same procedureand was continued until the load approached the failure load [162 kips(720.9 kN)1.

The failure of the bridge systemwas initiated by crushing of the concrete at the bottom of the webs andsignificant wide transverse cracks inthe deck slab at the junction of Span 2and the intermediate support. The failure, exactly at the midpoint of the intermediate support, could not occurbecause of the very high stiffness ofthe bridge at this section due to thepresence of the two cross-beams andthe transverse post-tensioned tendons.The failure at the intermediate supportwas followed by crushing of the concrete in the deck slab at Midspan 2,and then by the rupture of the internalprestressing tendons.

After the failure at Midspan 2, theloading was continued on Midspan 1,which subsequently collapsed at a loadof about 165 kips (733 kN). Thebridge system after complete failure isshown in Fig. 20. One of the continuous externally draped post-tensionedtendons failed.

Also, wide vertical cracks formedat the hold-down points of the internal tendons. The NEFMAC grids inthe webs ruptured at the midspansand intermediate support sections.Plan and elevation views of the failedbridge model are shown in Fig. 21.These diagrams clearly depict thevarious failure locations and failedcomponents.


Midspan 2 experienced higher deflections than Midspan 1 at each stageof loading (see Figs. 22 and 23). Thisdifference in responses for the twospans is attributed to the greater repeated load effects on Span 2, whichwas exposed to a repeated load equalto two times the service load, whileSpan 1 was subjected to a repeatedload equal to the service load.

The first cracks in the bridge appeared in the transverse direction atthe intermediate support. These crackswidened as the load was increased.Flexural cracks in the webs occurredin Midspan 2 at a load of 100 kips(445 kN), even though the deflectioncorresponding to this load was verysmall, i.e., less than 1.5 in. (38.1 mm)(see Fig. 23).

Measured energy ratios of 80 percent (see Fig. 22) and 86 percent (seeFig. 23) for Midspan 1 and Midspan 2,respectively, indicate that the failureof the bridge was not brittle. These en-

ergy ratios are similar to energy ratiosthat may be experienced by prestressed concrete structures using conventional reinforcements (Grace andAbdel-Sayed6).The sequence of rupture of the internal tendons led to aprogressive type of failure (see Figs.22 and 23) after the ultimate load ofthe bridge was reached.

Prestressing Forces

Fig. 24 shows the applied static loadat Midspan 2 versus the prestressingforce relationships in the continuousexternally draped tendons during theultimate load test. The post-tensioningforces in the continuous externallydraped tendons do not increase significantly during the initial stage of loading. The increase in the post-tensioning forces only becomes significantduring the advanced stage of loading,as indicated by the change in the slopeof the curves.

This behavior can be attributed tothe development of cracks andspalling of the concrete in the bridge.Note that at a load close to the ultimate load of the bridge, there is a further increase in the slope of thecurves, except in the case of one tendon for which the reverse trend is observed. This is due to its rupture nearthe ultimate load of the bridge.

Comparing the responses of thiscontinuous bridge system and a simplysupported bridge of the same construction components (Grace and AbdelSayed7)suggests the following:• The deflection of the continuous

bridge is much smaller, i.e., about25 percent of that of the simply supported bridge at ultimate load.

• The ductility of the continuousbridge is greater than that of thesimply supported bridge, as indicated by a 48 percent (on average)higher value of energy ratio for thecontinuous bridge.

Crushing of concre.te and Crushing of concrete IntermediateruptureofCFRP atbottomofweb


Fig. 21. Failure of bridge model CDT1.


(a) Plan View

Rupture of internalCFRP tendona

November-December 2000 99


Fig. 22. Energy ratio for Midspan 1. Fig. 23. Energy ratio for Midspan 2.

r-ii I..I-

Fig. 24. Response of external tendons during ultimate load test.



Crushing of concretedeck slab


Rupture of internal CFRPprestressing tendons

Energy Ratio =80%

1032 kipin.

Additional 627 kip. jy

E0 77kipi

Rupture of internal CFRPprestressing tendons












Energy Ratio = 86%

Eat 993 kip in.




Deflection (inches)

4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14Deflection (inches)

Span 1

4.Span 2





Cross section liii intermediale s0000rt

—4— X1-aXt-b

—i’— X2-a---- X2-b

--4- X3-a




+ X4-a


Post- tensioning (Ib)

— X4-b



• The increase in ductility and the decrease in deflection are attributed tothe continuity of the external tendons and the deck slab, as well asthe presence of flexural and shearreinforcements in the form of theNEFMAC cage in the webs, deckslab, and flange.

• The increase in post-tensioningforces due to the application ofstatic load to failure in the continuous bridge is not as significant as inthe simply supported bridge of thesame construction; i.e., there is onlyan approximate 40 percent increasein post-tensioning forces observedin the continuous bridge, while inthe simply supported bridge, post-tensioning forces increased to abouttwice the initial prestressing value(Grace and Abdel-Sayed7).

CONCLUSIONSBased on the experimental results,

the following conclusions can bedrawn:

1. There is no significant effect ofrepeated loading on forces in the post-tensioned externally draped tendons,even with a repeated load of twice theservice load. Also, no rupture or evenchanges in the surface texture of theCFRP tendons at the deviating pointsin the positive and negative momentregions occurred after 15 million cycles of repeated loads. This providesconfidence in the suitability of CFRPtendons for continuous prestressingthrough the positive and negative moment regions in multispan bridges andtheir anchor system.

2. The effect of repeated loads onparameters such as deflection andstrain depends on the amplitude of therepeated loads and the load history ofthe bridge. These effects are more significant when the repeated load is significantly greater than the serviceload.

3. The effect of the post-tensioningadjustment in conjunction with repeated load cycles causes strain rever

sals (primarily at midspans). The combined effect of these two factors develop beneficial compressive strainsthroughout the depth of the girders atmidspans and compressive (tensile)strains at the top (bottom) of girders atthe intermediate support.

4. The overall stiffness of the bridgeis reduced with an increase in thenumber of repeated load cycles at aload of two times the service load before the post-tensioning adjustment.However, this effect is diminishedafter the post-tensioning adjustment.

5. There is no appreciable variationin the amplitude or the mean of thecyclic concrete strains in the webswith number of cycles of repeatedload, both before and after the post-tensioning adjustment. However, thepost-tensioning adjustment causes adecrease in the amplitude of approximately 6 percent and an increase (approximately 90 percent) in the meanvalue of cyclic web strains atmidspans. Also, the amplitude of theweb strains at the intermediate supportis decreased by about 11 percentwhile the mean value is decreased dueto strain reversal (compressive to tensile) at this support.

6. The mean of the cyclic deck slabstrains is significantly affected by thenumber of repeated load cycles beforethe post-tensioning adjustment, unlikethe mean of the web strains. However,after the post-tensioning adjustment,the effect of the repeated load becomes insignificant but the amplitudeof cyclic deck slab strain decreases byabout 13 percent.

7. There is no appreciable effect ofrepeated loading on the transverseload distribution factors both beforeand after the post-tensioning adjustment. The transverse post-tensioningcontributed to improve the load distribution factor for the bridge model,making it act as a single structuralunit.

8. The presence of continuous externally draped CFRP tendons and CFRPNEFMAC grids, on both sides of the

webs and in the continuous deck slab,together with an increase in the levelof the external prestressing forces, resulted in a ductile CFRP continuousbridge system.

9. The measured energy ratio for thecontinuous bridge model was increased by 48 percent, while the maximum midspan deflection at failure wasreduced by 75 percent, in comparisonto those values of a simply supportedbridge using the same constructioncomponents.

10. The ultimate load carryingcapacity of the two-span continuous bridge is about 1.5 times that ofa simply supported bridge using thesame construction components. Theultimate load carrying capacity isequal to about eight times the service load.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTThis investigation is supported by a

consortium of the National ScienceFoundation (Grant # CMS-9900809and 9705235), Wright Patterson AirForce Base, Michigan Department ofTransportation (MDOT), the ConcreteResearch Council of the AmericanConcrete Institute, Holnam, Inc., Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (MCC),Sumitomo Corporation, Tokyo RopesManufacturer, Inc. (TR), and MitsuiCorporation. The support of Dr. VI.Gopu and Dr. John Scalzi, ProgramDirectors at the National ScienceFoundation, is greatly appreciated.

This extensive experimental program was made possible by several research associates, graduate and undergraduate students. The tireless andendless work provided by Nate Blackburn is gratefully acknowledged.Technical comments provided byRoger Till (MDOT), Kensuke Yogi(MCC), and Tsuyoshi Enomoto (TR)are appreciated. Finally, the authorwants to thank the reviewers of thePCI JOURNAL for their thorough review of the paper and their constructive comments.

November-December 2000 101


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