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BAP – Job and Profession Pact

Innovative vocational training model, for people with no or no usable qualification

Network of enterprises that offer training opportunities, so the target group can gain a broader experience and/or qualification

Matches the strengths and weaknesses of the participants and the needs of the companies


BAP – the vocational education network in reality

Several training partnerships are conducted in Graz and in the region of Eastern Styria

Training (theoretical, life skills) started in August and September 2006

The practical trainings in the companies started in September 2006


Example 1: Training partnership for warehouse operators

Network consists of 7 companies in the urban region of Graz

The main goal: The companies are searching for qualified unskilled workers

Target group: 10 persons so far, men and women, there is a need for Case Management, life skills training and basic education


Example 1: Training partnership for warehouse operators

Strengths: People gain broader experience in the network

Companies get assistance in their recruitment process, the target group has a real chance for a job

People that participate are well motivated


Example 1: Training partnership for warehouse operators

Weaknesses: very high drop out rates during the recruitment of the participants (5-10% remaining from the initial list)

very high sickness rates

An employment measure before the training would be useful


Example 2: Training partnership for advisers in a care information center

Network consists of 4 organisations in the care sector in the urban region of Graz

The main goal: To develop a new profession and a new office, the care information center


Example 2: Training partnership for advisers in a care information center

Target group: 10 (only women) that were formerly employed as nursing(care) staff and are not able to continue in this job

Educational standard is higher, no need for Case Management and life skills training, almost no need for basic education


Example 2: Training partnership for advisers in a care information center

Strengths: very innovative model, new profession

better results in the recruitment of the participants, 30-40% remaining (from the initial list)


Example 2: Training partnership for advisers in a care information center

Weaknesses: nevertheless high sickness rates

uncertainty, because the whole success depends on the financing of the new office


Example 3: Training partnership for workers in the assembly company „Energy Cabin“

Network consists of one core company and some suppliers in the rural region of Eastern Styria

The main goal: A supplier based qualification network so as to enable the workers to fulfil their assembly work in „Energy Cabin“


Example 3: Training partnership for workers in the assembly company „Energy Cabin“

Target group: handicraft skilled workers, 10 women so far (no male participants because of the traditional male bread winner model – the money they get is insufficient)

Educational standard similar to example 2


Example 3: Training partnership for workers in the assembly company „Energy cabin“

Strengths: A low drop out and sick rate

The person get a better and broader qualification through the supplier network


Example 3: Training partnership for workers in the assembly company „Energy cabin“

Weaknesses: Dependence on the market of the core company: Now there are concerns about the further market development, there are just 2 suppliers left, it is possible that not all the participants will get a job in this enterprise


There is no need for adaptation of the Venet-model so far, the BAP fits perfectly into the model, but we see that every partnership is a „unique“ situation!

The added value is the whole picture, the model itself and the exchange of experiences.

The transfer to our national project takes place in meetings (through presentations for example) and informal communication via shared offices.

There is no documentation of the transfer so far.


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