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Com101.htmlCom101.htmlGo here for syllabusGo here for syllabus

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Transmission of a Transmission of a message from a source message from a source

to a receiverto a receiver

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Model of CommunicationModel of Communication





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By pheremonesBy pheremones

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Visual communicationVisual communication

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Sounds are used by many creaturesSounds are used by many creatures DolphinsDolphins WhalesWhales BirdsBirds MonkeysMonkeys ApesApes PeoplePeople

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A definition of A definition of talkingtalking

The intricate The intricate manipulation of oral manipulation of oral

sound to convey sound to convey meaningmeaning

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All kinds of animals All kinds of animals manipulate sound to manipulate sound to

convey meaning.convey meaning.Are they talking?Are they talking?

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A question of vocabularyA question of vocabulary

Birds have about 35 “words”Birds have about 35 “words” Monkeys about 50 “words”Monkeys about 50 “words” Chimps about 300 “words”Chimps about 300 “words” Humans (in English alone) about Humans (in English alone) about

750,000 words750,000 wordsWhy this huge difference?

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Why Why communicate at communicate at

all?all?To make connections To make connections with other members with other members

of your speciesof your species

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The greater the The greater the need for need for

connection, the connection, the greater the greater the vocabularyvocabulary

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What needs?What needs?

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First, self-First, self-protection, also protection, also

known as known as survivalsurvival

Two ways to do Two ways to do thatthat

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First, Safety in NumbersFirst, Safety in Numbers

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Be the biggest badass in Be the biggest badass in the neighborhoodthe neighborhood

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Homonids had neither Homonids had neither numbers nor natural numbers nor natural


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Human AncestorsHuman Ancestors

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Humans Humans cooperatecooperate

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Other homonids don’t Other homonids don’t cooperatecooperate

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Hunters cooperateHunters cooperate

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Second need -- Second need -- reproductionreproduction

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Third Need – Third Need – to bind the group to bind the group

together together

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