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Page 1: XAVIER COLLEGE Burke Hall newsletter · “When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the boss asked. “Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying

Email: [email protected] Jesuit Web Site: www.jesuit.org.au Xavier Web Site: www.xavier.vic.edu.au

Number 16—9 October 2013 Phone: 9855 4100 Fax: 9853 3792


Burke Hall ..............newsletter










EVENING (7:30—8:30PM)






FROM THE RECTOR Dear Parents and Guardians I hope the school holidays were a blessed time for you and your family. On the second last day of Term 3, the College student leaders for 2014 were announced at the Rector‘s Assembly. We congratulate Dan Vaughan who is the new College Captain and Zac Haussegger and Dorian Sorace who are the new Vice Captains. The College Prefects for 2014 will be announced towards the end of the first week of Term 4.

Zac Haussegger Daniel Vaughan Dorian Sorace Vice Captain College Captain Vice Captain

At the Rector‘s Assembly I spoke to the students and staff about the leadership of Nelson Mandela. I have recently enjoyed reading a short biography on him authored by Richard Stengel. Stengel collaborated with Mandela in the creation of his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom. In this much shorter book Stengel sought to explore the qualities of Mandela as the man and, in particular, his journey of self-discovery as a leader. In many ways Nelson Mandela‘s journey began after his father died when he was nine and he went to live in the royal village of the local king. He put himself through university working as a paralegal in a small Jewish law firm in Johannesburg, before establishing the first black law firm in South Africa with his friend Oliver Tambo. During the 1950s and early 1960s both Mandela and Tambo became key figures in the African National Congress fighting against the racial discrimination and injustices within apartheid-led South Africa. As part of that journey, Mandela made the difficult decision to embrace violence as part of the struggle for freedom, including the bombing of government buildings. In 1962 Mandela was arrested and convicted for treason and conspiracy to overthrow the government. This led him to spend the next twenty-seven years in prison, including the first twenty years on Robben Island. In 1990 he was released from prison after he decided to negotiate with the government and four years later he was elected as the first President of a free and democratic South Africa. He had walked the path of being a revolutionary, to becoming a reconciler and a symbol of national unity. As I read this biography I was struck by the complexities and contradictions that make up the person of Nelson Mandela, but I was also moved by his courage and the manner in which he responded to the various ways in which he was tested during his life. At times he was prepared to lead from the front, being a symbol of hope to his fellow prisoners on Robben Island. At other times he was prepared to lead from the back, empowering others and being a valuable team contributor. He was a man of principle—equal rights for all, regardless of their race, class or gender and he dedicated his life to this, including during his time in prison where he won the respect and admiration of the guards. This was because one of his starting points was his desire always to see the good in the other person. Hopefully, none of us will ever know what it is like to spend twenty-seven years in prison but Stengel points out that for Mandela his time in prison did not leave him feeling embittered, but it in fact broadened him as a person. It taught him patience; it enabled him to become a more discerning person and gave him a greater appreciation of the importance of love in his life. In 1975, about half way through his time on Robben Island, Mandela wrote to his wife Winnie. In this letter he said: “The cell is an ideal place to learn to know yourself, to search realistically and regularly the process of your own mind

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Fr Thomas Renshaw SJ Rector [email protected]

and feelings. In judging our progress as individuals we tend to concentrate on external factors such as one‟s social position, influence and popularity, wealth and standard of education. These are, of course, important in measuring one‟s success in material matters and is perfectly understandable if many people exert themselves mainly to achieve all these. But internal factors may be even more crucial in assessing one‟s development as a human being. Honesty, sincerity, simplicity, humility, pure generosity, absence of vanity, readiness to serve others—qualities which are within easy reach of every soul—are the foundation of one‟s spiritual life.” This year the Xavier community has been blessed by the presence of our Year 12s and the leadership that they have provided as a year level, not just here on the Senior Campus but throughout the College with a number of them being a regular presence at Burke Hall and Kostka Hall. I want particularly to pay tribute to our College Captain Rory Dempsey and our Vice Captains Joe Sexton and Dan Crisafi. For me these three young men have embodied those qualities enunciated by Mandela to his wife Winnie—their honesty, sincerity, simplicity, humility, pure generosity and their readiness to serve others. Through their example our College has been enriched and I thank Rory, Joe, Dan and all of our Year 12s for their contribution to the life of our College. As we prepare to farewell our Year 12s in the coming weeks and welcome our new student leaders for 2014, I have every confidence in their ability to continue to inspire each of us and build upon the legacy of the Class of 2013. Wishing you all every blessing

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November is the month especially dedicated to remembrance of the Souls of the Faithful departed. The Jesuit Community of Xavier intends to offer Mass each day during the month of November for all those now deceased, who have been part of, or related to, members of the Xavier family. You are invited to send the names of anyone you would like remembered in these Masses. The names will be placed on the altar. We ask you not to send an offering. These Masses are the Jesuit Community‘s gift of appreciation to our benefactors and friends.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In your Masses and prayers, kindly remember the following: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please detach and mail to: Fr Thomas Renshaw SJ, Rector, Xavier College, 135 Barkers Road, Kew Vic 3101 OR email to: [email protected]

Fr Thomas Renshaw SJ Rector [email protected]

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FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents and Guardians I hope you have had a restful and renewing break with your family. The change in seasons is upon us as we begin the final term for 2013. There is an old story about the importance of renewal that I came across during the holidays and it has stayed with me for the last week. It begins: Once upon a time, a very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber merchant and he got it. The pay was really good and so were the work conditions. For those reasons, the woodcutter was determined to do his best.

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Dr Chris Hayes Principal [email protected]

Dear Parents and Guardians, Welcome to the final term for 2013. I hope the recent mid-semester break has provided your family with the opportunity to reflect upon the year to date and that you find yourselves refreshed and reinvigorated for the remaining academic period and lead-up to Christmas. There is little doubt that this forthcoming term is a busy period for families. Hopefully it will also prove to be a highly enjoyable time as well. It is very pleasing to note that Ms Debbie Clarke, Mr Richard Dahlsen, Mrs Catherine Davies, Mr Kerrin Hancock and Mr Renato Serafini will be returning to the College, having previously been on leave. Mr Peter Ryan was to return at the start of this term; however, an injury sustained during the last week of his leave in Term 3 means we will not see Peter until the end of the year. Mrs Anne Slingo has generously agreed to continue in the role of Faith and Service Coordinator for the remainder of the year, with Mr Ross Klancic taking responsibility for Mrs Slingo‘s classes. Mr John Morrissy (until late November) and Mr Theo Vlahos will be on leave during Term 4. Mrs Amanda Clarke will take Mr Morrissy‘s classes and Year 7 Homeroom duties, while Mr Vlahos‘ duties as Middle Years Sports Coordinator will be attended to by Mr Serge D‘Angelo, with Mr Tim Bratton taking Mathematics and Physical Education classes. During last term, a number of our staff announced their impending departure from Xavier College, either during the latter part of the year or upon completion of the 2013 academic program:

Mr James Golds, Head of Learning Enhancement and long serving staff member, has left for a position with the Carlton Football Club. Mr Grant Buckler has been appointed to the position of Learning Enhancement Coordinator.

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His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he was supposed to work. The first day, the woodcutter brought eighteen trees. “Congratulations,” the boss said. “Go on that way!” Very motivated by the words of the boss, the woodcutter tried harder the next day, but he could only bring fifteen trees. The third day he tried even harder, but he could only bring ten trees. Day after day he was bringing less and less trees. “I must be losing my strength”, the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss and apologised, saying that he could not understand what was going on. “When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the boss asked. “Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut trees…” As our Year 12 students begin their last weeks of preparation for VCE exams and their rite of passage from our school, I ask you to keep them in your prayers. We have been blessed by an outstanding cohort of young men and we look forward to celebrating their many achievements. As we reach the start of this final term it is timely to look back in gratitude at a year where thanks to the efforts of teachers and students, there has been much ―sharpening of the tools‖ of teaching and learning. The skills and knowledge gained are now applied at a deeper level: my prayer is that all at Xavier College will find inspiration during the coming weeks to explore, reflect, enquire, challenge and engage in the quest for wisdom and understanding, ultimately for God‘s greater glory. Blessings and peace for the coming week.

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Peter Cooper Director of Burke Hall [email protected]


Mrs Jan FitzPatrick, Head of Library Services, has announced her retirement which will take effect during Term 4. Mrs Julie Connelly has been appointed to replace Mrs FitzPatrick, who is currently enjoying Long Service Leave.

Ms Robyn Burns, Early Years Librarian, has announced her retirement effective from the start of next year. Ms Emma Alcock is currently fulfilling the role while Ms Burns is on Long Service Leave.

Mr Murray McInerney, Site Manager, has announced his retirement as of January 2014. Mr Benjamin Hiscock, Head of Music, has accepted the role of Head of Music at The Hamilton and Alexandra

College, Hamilton, commencing in 2014.

Each in their own way, these staff members have made a unique and powerful contribution to Xavier College, the Burke Hall Campus and therefore the lives of the young men and women who have been in their care. We certainly wish them every happiness and success in the future and thank them for sharing their skills and passion with us. We also welcome those new members of staff to our community and wish them a fruitful and invigorating continuation of their career. Peace and best wishes.

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Burke Hall Athletics Carnival (Years 5 – 8) – Friday 11 October 2013. The Burke Hall Middle Years Athletics Carnival will be held on Friday 11 October at the Senior Campus. Students will need to make their own travel arrangements to the Senior Campus by 8:35am and meet on the basketball courts below the Chapel. Mass will commence at 9:00am, followed by the carnival at approximately 10:30am. Students are to wear their house polo top and black shorts under their school tracksuits. They should bring their own lunch / drinks / snacks as there will be no canteen / tuckshop available. Students are advised to wear a cap and to use sunscreen given the length of time out in the open. We also encourage students to bring a water bottle they are able to refill to remain hydrated. The carnival should finish at approximately 3:00pm. Please feel free to come along and support the students; however parents are requested not to ask to take students home before the conclusion of the day. Please note that students are expected to make their own way to and from the Senior Campus. Students who are unable to compete on the day need to bring a note; these students will be required to assist in various aspects on the day. In the event of inclement weather, a message will be left on the Burke Hall Sports Wet Weather Line 9815 4540 by 7:00am that will indicate whether the Athletics Carnival is going ahead or whether students are required at Burke Hall for a day of normal school studies. School Uniform and Sports Uniform To assist students with optimising their sport time we would like to ask that the following uniform arrangements be noted: Monday - All students School uniform to and from school Tuesday - All students School uniform to and from school Wednesday - Early Years and Years 5 & 6 PE Uniform to and from school Thursday - Years 7 & 8 PE Uniform to and from school Friday - All students School uniform to and from school Summer Uniform Students are asked to wear their Summer uniform at the commencement of Term 4. Students will have until the Melbourne Cup long weekend to get into this routine. Please remember to have all articles of clothing clearly marked.

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Brendan Fraser Dean of Middle Years [email protected]

David Lanigan Dean of Operations [email protected]


Catching the train to school in Term Four Between Thursday 3 October and Sunday 13 October 2013, buses and coaches will replace trains on parts of the Sunbury, Ballarat and Bendigo lines. Sunbury: between Albion and Footscray Ballarat: between Ballarat and Southern Cross Station Bendigo: between Sunbury and Southern Cross Station This will enable essential construction works for the Regional Rail Link project – a new rail line that will run from West Werribee Junction to Deer Park, then along the existing rail corridor from Sunshine to Southern Cross Station. Students are advised to plan ahead and allow extra time for their journey. Travel times may be extended by up to 35 minutes on the Sunbury line, up to 45 minutes on the Ballarat line and up to 60 minutes on the Bendigo line. Further information about travelling during this period, including bus replacement timetables, will be available from Public Transport Victoria (PTV) in the coming weeks at www.ptv.vic.gov.au or by calling 1800 800 007 6:00am-midnight daily.

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Welcome back to the final term of the year. It is at this point of the year that one realises the speed at which the year has flown. However, with only nine weeks left, it‘s important that our boys maintain their focus and strive for excellence in their personal, academic and sporting endeavours. Both parents and teachers can assist by encouraging boys to aim continually to do their absolute best in every aspect of school life. As always, we all look forward to sharing this experience with the students. It is good to see the boys commencing their final term of the year on such a positive note. Generally boys look so proud to be wearing their school uniform. They have made an effort to look neat and tidy. Well done to all boys who had their hair cut during the holiday. Home Learning Club The Home Learning Club proved to be a success last term. It provided interested students with the opportunity to complete home learning in a quiet, responsible and disciplined learning environment. Students present demonstrated self-discipline and a conscientious attitude to their learning. If boys wish to complete their home learning on a Wednesday afternoon, they are welcome to attend on the following days this term: Wednesday 16, 23, 30 October; 6, 13, 27 November Years 5 & 6 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm (Parents are asked to collect the boys from the library) Years 7 & 8 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm (Boys may leave when ready) Venue: Library Celebrating Success We all know how important it is to recognise the achievements of our students. Over the course of the year, year level and whole-school assemblies have been excellent opportunities to do this. Certain students have been presented with certificates acknowledging their success. Later on this term, there will be opportunities to celebrate the success of some of our boys in the Middle Years. This will occur on Monday 2 December for the Year 8 boys and Wednesday 4 December for boys in Years 5, 6 and 7. Academic endeavour and excellence awards will be presented to those students who have been nominated by their teachers.

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FROM THE DEAN OF EARLY YEARS Welcome back to Term 4 of the academic year. I trust you are all well rested and had an opportunity to reflect on the year thus far and spent some valuable time helping your children ‗recharge their batteries‘ in preparation for the remainder of 2013. It‘s hard to believe it‘s upon us! Nevertheless, this is an extremely productive time for students at all levels. Compared to first term, their work rate and insights have developed immensely. This equips them to approach tasks and investigations more readily. We will encourage all students to make the most of their time to continue developing their thinking skills and understandings across all disciplines and pursuits. Term 4 always provides a busy and exciting term‘s learning and teaching for all and, amongst the priorities, there are the end of year celebrations, activities and planning for the forthcoming year. There are several transition programs and parent information evenings providing the opportunity for parents and students to become familiar with new learning spaces, classroom routines and program aims and expectations. These dates are on the school portal and have been mailed home to new families commencing in 3 YO Kindergarten in 2014, families in 4 YO Kindergarten commencing Preparatory in 2104 and Year 4 families of boys moving into Year 5, 2014. Tabloids for Timor On Friday 20 September, Prep to Year 4 students were involved in an event ―Tabloids for Timor‖. The aim of the afternoon was to both raise awareness of Australia's closest neighbour and to raise money for school fees (annual fee US $150.00) to support students attending the new Jesuit school in Timor, Colegio Santo Inacio de Loiola. I am very pleased to report that we raised $1,000 during this afternoon, an amazing effort from families and staff in the Early Years. It was a great afternoon for us all, as students and staff rotated through the various activities including:

Music, Language and Song Panel – listening to experiences of people who have worked and visited Timor Art/Craft; weaving Tais Geography History Recreation; games Wari and Jacks

I would like to acknowledge the work of Mrs Eunice Goessler for the success of this program. Sincere thanks must also go to our panel members, Lieutenant Colonel Daryl Clarke, Genazzano students Emily Goessler and Katrina Slingo, and Timorese Jesuit Brothers, Joao and Jack. EY Disco Congratulations to Katrina Ketsakidis, Clare Hand and their team of helpers for organising a fun night of dancing and entertainment for the children in the Early Years.

EY Disco

Music, Language and Song activities



Date for Scholarship Testing: Thursday 13 February 2014

Scholarships will be offered for students entering Years 7, 9 and 11 in 2015 and, as the following details describe, are available in a number of different categories: * The Xavier College Academic and Excellence Scholarships (including Boarding) * Xavier College Music Scholarships (including Boarding) * Xavier College Foundation Scholarships (including Boarding) * The Old Xaverians‘ Association Boarding Scholarship Closing date for applications: Friday 7 February 2014 For further information and registration please visit our website: www.xavier.vic.edu.au

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Lazarus at the Gate Recently, at Lampedusa, Italy‘s Christmas Island, Pope Francis offered the following observation. 'The culture of well-being, that makes us think of ourselves, that makes us insensitive to the cries of others, that makes us live in soap bubbles, that are beautiful but are nothing, are illusions of futility, of the transient, that brings indifference to others, that brings even the globalisation of indifference. In this world of globalisation we have fallen into a globalization of indifference. We are accustomed to the suffering of others; it doesn‟t concern us, it‟s none of our business ...' The Australian bishops' social justice statement 'Lazarus at the gate' (see link below) draws on Jesus' parable (Luke 16:19–31) and asks us to respond with compassion to the suffering of others. http://www.socialjustice.catholic.org.au/publications/social-justice-statements/9-publications/322-social-justice-statement-2013-14 OLGC Confirmation Retreat Day „We ate and played, we thought and prayed.‟ On Thursday 5 September 2013, along with twenty or so other Xavier students, I went to the Our Lady of Good Counsel Confirmation Retreat Day, at the Edmund Rice Centre, Amberley. The purpose of the day was to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation. There were many children from different schools at the retreat. It was quite packed but it was fine because it was a big and beautiful area. We started the day with the parish priest, Fr Brendan Reed, informing us about the day ahead. We were then divided into smaller groups. I was in Miss Moore‘s activity group. In my group we firstly played some games that brought us together as a small community. During the day we talked about our relationship with God. I discovered that you could reach God in many different ways such as prayer, reflection, coming together, giving and caring and making time in my life for God and others. I learned that my religious journey does not end at Confirmation. In fact, it is the beginning of my independent adult Christian life. Recess was my favourite part of the day. I spent most of the time playing table tennis. There was also table hockey which many people enjoyed. The food was great and healthy. We ate and played, we thought and prayed. There was always something to keep us busy and entertained. There was also time for quiet reflection.

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NAPLAN results 2013

Xavier College NAPLAN results for 2013 were excellent with particularly good outcomes for students in Years 3, 5 and 7. Some of the highlights for each cohort or group of students in a year level are outlined below. If you have a query about your child‘s particular results please discuss this with your child‘s homeroom teacher who may be able to provide additional guidance. In Year 3 students were, on average, 43 points above the state average with particularly positive outcomes in the areas of Reading, Grammar and Punctuation. In Year 5 the cohort showed very good average scores in particular in the areas of Reading and Numeracy. The average improvement for Year 5 students across all five areas of testing from the last time they did NAPLAN testing till now was 57 points (well above the expected norm of 38-40 points). This was particularly strong in Numeracy with an improvement of 87 points. In Year 7 the cohort showed very good average scores, all above the state average, in particular in the areas of Reading, Grammar and Punctuation, and Numeracy. The average improvement for Year 7 students across all five areas of testing from the last time they did NAPLAN testing till now was 51 points. The strength in this cohort was in Spelling with an improvement of 70 points. The NAPLAN tests completed in May, with results to be mailed to parents in forthcoming days, provide us with a snapshot of your child‘s progress across a range of areas and, along with Allwell testing in alternate years, allows us to see progress in cohorts and individuals. Ongoing, regular teacher assessment using both formal and informal instruments adds to our understanding of your child‘s progress and the feedback we provide to you throughout the year, culminating in both written reports and Learning Progress Discussions which are key aspects of supporting your child‘s learning. Caroline Sheehan Director of Teaching and Learning

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Anne Slingo Acting Faith and Service Coordinator [email protected]

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on Students with Disability

Xavier College has been selected to participate in the 2013 Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on Students with Disability (Data Collection). This national Data Collection is taking place in schools across Australia and will provide information about the number of students with disability in schools, where they are located and the adjustments they receive.

The information provided by this new data collection will enable all Australian governments to better target support and resources. This will assist students with disability in government and non-government schools across Australia to complete school and go on to further education or find employment.

Inclusion in the Data Collection is voluntary. If you wish your child to be excluded from this, you can choose to opt-out of the Data Collection by informing us in writing by Monday 14 October 2013.

For further information about the Data Collection, please contact Annie Tomkins, Learning Enhancement Coordinator on 9592 2127 or visit the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development website


Annie Tomkins Learning Enhancement Coordinator

Lunch was absolutely fabulous. All the children devoured the lasagne and a range and choice of different cordials. A few of my friends from Xavier and OLGC played crab soccer in a little confined room. Crab soccer is basically soccer with hands only. It was great fun. After lunch, there were more group activities and liturgy from Fr Reed. By the end of the day, we had all shared our thoughts, grown in compassion and felt very close to one another and closer to God. Oliver Smart

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OLGC Parish Confirmation

Spring Racing Lunch – Friday 25 October We would love to see as many people as possible come to our lunch at Kooyong. We are raising funds for the newest Jesuit school in Australia and indeed the first one to be opened in Australia for 125 years. The Jarjum School assists the most disadvantaged aboriginal children in Redfern and works towards assisting them to finish something that we all take for granted – primary school. Funds raised will go towards assisting them work with this group of children who are in need of as much support as possible. A fun day is planned with a race call, raffle prizes and our major auction prize of two tickets to the Birdcage on Melbourne Cup Day for a not to be repeated day out. There will also be plenty of prizes on the day for lucky ticket holders.

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Have you checked the Calendar on the Portal lately?

For all updated information log in to the Portal and choose

the Calendar on the Side Menu. This is the most up to date information


Katrina Ketsakidis BHMA President 2013 [email protected] 0419 891 511



Come as a class, with friends or be placed with your year level group. See the flier below for more information. Twilight Market – Friday 29 November Planning is well underway for what has become a memorable night on the calendar. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help earlier in the year – we will be in contact with you shortly. We are currently looking for volunteers who would be happy to put up posters in the shopfronts along the key shopping strips in the Boroondara and Stonnington areas. If you are interested in helping us out for around 30 minutes of your time by getting publicity out in a shopping area near you, we would be most appreciative. If you would like to give your time on the night and have not already told us, please contact Cath Lefebvre at [email protected]. BHMA Committee 2014 The most pressing issue facing our committee for 2014 is the filling of a number of key committee positions for 2014. We are losing a number of our people to the senior campus and we would love to see some new faces take up a role on our committee. It provides an opportunity to meet lots of new people and become a very active member of what is a wonderful school community. The time demands are not great and there will be very comprehensive handovers from those leaving. The positions that we need to fill include Events Co-ordinator, Second Hand Uniform Shop, Maytime Fair Representative, and Year 5 and Year 6 Level Coordinators. We are also looking for general committee members and class reps from the EY kinder through to Year 8. Please contact me if you are interested Enjoy the term and I hope to see as many of you as possible at our upcoming events.

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Tuckshop Roster

Wednesday 9 October 2013 – Friday 18 October 2013

Wednesday 9 October: Mandy Agnoletto and Mary Soccio Thursday 10 October: Marina Filipovic and Rhonda Jones Friday 11 October: House Athletics

Monday 14 October: Sandra Amalfi and Jacqui Goatcher Tuesday15 October: Donna Ervin Giagnacovo and Rita Johnson Wednesday 16 October: Clare Bird and Bridgette Connor Thursday 17 October: Angeline Donoghue and Cath Lefebvre Friday 18 October: Claire Alexander and Caroline Harkin

Paula Di Mattina [email protected] 0417 355 115

Hamish MacKinnon President BHFA [email protected]

0417 117 161

THIS WEEKEND Year 8 Father and Son Big Day Out

The Year 8 ―Big Day Out‖ will be held on Sunday 13 October 2013 at Xavier College, Senior Campus. The day is designed around bringing the students from both Burke Hall and Kostka Hall campuses together with their fathers or guardians prior to their transition to Year 9. Please refer to the flier on the next page of this newsletter for more details or go straight to trybooking: http://www.trybooking.com/DNDO Our next BHFA meeting is on Wednesday 9 October 2013 at 7:30pm in the Burke Hall Board Room. All fathers are welcome to come along and hear from a school representative and also about the activities we are planning for the balance of this year.

2014 ‘Hearts on Fire’ Gala Event With preparations for the ‗Hearts on Fire‘ Gala event now well underway, The ‗Hearts on Fire‘ Silent Auction Sub-Committee is keen to hear from families who wish to donate items for the Silent Auction. As this will be the major fundraiser for the College for 2014 we need your support to make this event a great success. At the Kostka Hall and Burke Hall Campuses, Parent Class Representatives will be inviting students in each class to donate items towards their designated Silent Auction packages. Families across the College are also welcome to make a personal donation of an item or a voucher or make a donation on behalf of their business. This donation will be advertised prior to the event and during the Gala evening via our Crowdcomms Gala Bidding System. Donation forms can be located at the main reception area at each campus and the ‗Hearts on Fire‘ website: [email protected]. If you wish to donate an item or a voucher please contact the relevant representative on our committee who will be the key contact for your campus or parent association:

At Kostka Hall: Daniela Riachi via email on [email protected] or on 0419 558 205 At Burke Hall: Paula Matlock via email on [email protected] or on 0418 399 246 At Xavier Senior Campus: Tony Fantasia via email on [email protected] or on 0417 668 379 For the Old Xaverians and Past Boarders: Jonathon Graham via email on [email protected] or on

0405 506 670 For Boarding Community: Sandra Mogg via email on [email protected] or on 0428 722 709

Please return donation forms to your relevant representative or to the reception area at your campus marked to the attention of Marea Lanki, ‗Hearts on Fire‘ Gala. If you have any queries regarding donations please contact Marea Lanki via [email protected] or by phone on 0413 197 485. Marea Lanki ‘Hearts on Fire’ Gala Silent Auction Committee

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The Xavier Aquatics Support Group has large towels available for sale which are machine

washable, colourfast and extremely durable. In the words of one Aquatics parent, ‗'the best towels we have ever purchased.―

The towels measure approximately 80 x 145cm. They are red and have XAVIER printed in black in the centre of the

towel. These towels are exclusive to Xavier Aquatics and unavailable through any other avenue. For orders, queries and or delivery options please email Caroline O‘Sullivan at [email protected]

or phone 0412 911 141.

$35.00 EACH OR 2 FOR $60.00


Supporting the Xavier Swimming, Diving and Water Polo teams.


SENIOR SCHOOL SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP ATTENTION Year 8 Families The Senior School Second Hand Uniform Shop will be open on the following days this term.

Saturday 12 October 10:00am – 1:00pm Saturday 9 November 10:00am – 1:00pm Saturday 16 November (New Families Day) 11:00am - 3:00pm Wednesday 20 November (Transition Day) 2:30pm - 4:00pm

Venue: Tennis Centre Pavilion, enter via Stratford Avenue. See portal for full open schedule and conditions of sale: https://portal.xavier.vic.edu.au/Portal/services/uniforms/uniformshop Enquiries: Sue Deane (0417 520 093) or Julie Kiernan (0418 320 753) TO ALL PAST FAMILIES OF ST JOSEPH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL HAWTHORN In celebration of Open Houses‘ 35th year, St Joseph‘s School is compiling a cookbook of recipes from our school community. We would love our past parents to be involved. By clicking the link below, you can submit your family‘s most treasured and meaningful recipe or a go-to recipe that gets you through the working week; fast and easy all the way to slow and steady. http://www.intranetdashboard.com/cookbook/ Thank you for participating—details of how and when to buy a copy of this amazing cookbook will be available in the coming weeks. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Jessica Purbrick-Herbst on 0439 014 188 or by email [email protected]. This is a rare opportunity to become part of St Joseph‘s history. The next cookbook won‘t be for another 15 years!

Page 14: XAVIER COLLEGE Burke Hall newsletter · “When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the boss asked. “Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying

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Province Express is the fortnightly electronic newsletter for Jesuits and lay companions of the

Australian Jesuit Province and gives news of people and events that touch the life of the Province.

To subscribe please email your details to [email protected]

or visit www.jesuit.org.au


Student Accident Insurance The College has arranged accident insurance coverage for all students enrolled at the College for the 2013 academic year. The policy covers all students (Insured Persons) who suffer an injury that results in any of the events specified as covered in the Table of Events and these events occur: A. within 12 months of the injury (except for Fee Relief and Non-Medicare Expenses); and B. occurs within the Policy Period; and C. whilst the student (Insured Person) is enrolled at the College at the time of the event and is engaged in any school-related activity and/or organised sporting activity. STUDENT ACCIDENT INSURANCE CLAIMS PROCEDURE To ensure that your claim is dealt with as quickly as possible, it is important to follow a few steps: 1. Report the accident as soon as possible to school administration. 2. Pay all medical and other accounts as the insurer will not pay those on your behalf. 3. Make Private Health Insurance claims, as the insurer's obligation is only for any portion not covered by Private Health. 4. Make your Medicare claim. Student Accident Insurance includes coverage for non-Medicare medical expenses (when the accident happened during the school or organised sporting activities). Any portion of any expense for which a Medicare benefit is paid or payable, including the balance of monies you have to bear after deduction of any Medicare benefit or rebate from the actual expense incurred (commonly known as the "Medicare gap"), is unable to be reimbursed under this or any other insurance. It is in fact a breach of the Health Insurance Act to reimburse such costs. All claimable non-Medicare medical expenses need to be for treatment certified necessary by a legally qualified medical practitioner, to a registered private hospital, physiotherapist, chiropractor, osteopath, nurse or similar provider of medical services excluding the cost of dental treatment unless such treatment is necessarily incurred to sound and natural teeth, excluding dentures, and is caused by the accident. 5. Fill in the School Student Accident Claim Form (note that there is a section to be completed by the school). This form is obtainable from Richard Coker - 9854 5412. 6. Ask the attending doctor to fill in the Medical practitioner's statement. 7. Send all completed documents and any accounts and receipts in support of out of pocket expenses claimed to Richard Coker at Xavier College 135 Barkers Road Kew Vic 3101. IMPORTANT: The policy provided through the school includes coverage for medical expenses which do not in any way attract a Medicare rebate and incurred within 12 months of the injury. The cover for non Medicare medical expenses is 100% of expenses incurred to a maximum of $7,500. Should you have any queries regarding the coverage provided, the completion of a claim form or an existing claim please contact Richard Coker - Senior Accountant on 9854 5412.

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Page 16: XAVIER COLLEGE Burke Hall newsletter · “When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the boss asked. “Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying

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9854 5434

Burke Hall Middle Years Sport and Camp Information Line 9815 4540

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