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This school year in a word would be...freeing. This school year made me feel so independent and self-sufficient since it was the first time in years that I no longer needed a tutor for me to study and I have to admit, the experience was different. I have to say, the time I spent in approximately 6 months at home is more meaningful than the 9 years I spent in tutor. I feel that I have done so much in my work at home. I was able to join the top committees and clubs like VoYC, YCLC, XDT and I also became a class officer. All of which, I dreamed of doing since I heard about the clubs when I was younger. Looking back, I feel so happy that I already accomplished a better part of my goals in high school during my freshman year. I have to say, with all my accomplishments and achievements nothing comes close to the feeling of success when I forged a bond with my teachers and classmates. The sense of camaraderie that I had with my peers is something I have never had during my entire stay in Grade School. I loved this school year and everybody I shared it with. I wish I could do it again.

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I’ve had personal experiences this year. One of which is that I had the opportunity to play football for the school. I’ve been trying hard to make that happen and it did. I also made new friends because of my new classmates this year. And because it’s my first time being a freshman in High School, I was a bit clueless on the changes that will happen in High School. I was nervous at first but as the days went by, I began to be used to the changes in my surroundings in High School.For my achievements, I’ve played football for my school for the first time. And in my first game, I scored the first goal for my team. I was very happy that it happened. I also won first place during the Xavier cup tournament. Another is that my class won the best bulletin board for Chinese new year. And our class also won champions for pingpong intrams and third place for football. Well, I never had problems with green slips but I only received a few this year. And for bullying, I have a small problem but I’ve handled it by myself already.I have teachers in High School that know me well ‘cause they became my teacher back when I was in grade school. But for some, they just know me ‘cause of my father. I actually found the teachers here in High School a bit better by the way they teach me.I actually have no problem with senior students since I don’t have that much friends in the higher batches.Like I said awhile ago, there have been a lot of changes in High School. One of them are the projects and tests. The projects now are very stressful especially when you’re doing it late ‘cause of the schedule you have. And I actually have a problem with my schedules since I have to study harder this year, I focus more on studying than doing projects.I’ve enjoyed so far all of the School activities this year because there is always at least one thing that would make it memorable to me and my friends are the ones doing those.


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VoYCBy NISOM CASTILLO           If you told me possibly a year ago that I joined the Voice of The Youth Concert Committee I would think you were crazy. That, was how

highly I thought of being part of VoYC. I heard that people who were part of VoYC were like the "Popular guys" or the "Cool Kids". Looking

back, without a doubt in my mind I was right! This Com has been no less to me than family. When we were producing and planning we felt constant pressure and the thought of the coming variety show would

some times keep us up at night. The veteran Com members like Luis Gan,

our head or Mr. Cuepo our moderator told us that the varie day would

be the most stressful 24 hours of our lives. In a way, they were wrong

because thankfully everything went insanely well one would actually

hope that something would go wrong so that we wouldn't be so idle. While

they were right because there was just so much to think about, the flow

of the concert, if everything fell in place, quite frankly if the whole universe aligned just so we could have the best show Xavier ever had. It's funny because at one point it rained and I silently offered a chicken egg

just so it wouldn't rain during the show. My experiences with this family

can't be simply put to words but into a memory I'm sure you also share with me. That memory is SHIFT, if you could honestly tell yourself that you felt like you needed a change after coming to the variety show

then I guess our job was successful. That now, only begs one question for

me: Will I be joining again next year for another round of experiences? Only time will tell, but I know enough to say "We will see." 

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           I was sitting at home watching the legendary teams FC Barcelona and Real Madrid play against each

other once during an El Classico game. I told myself “One day, I’m going to be in that field as a legend.” It’s funny because at the time I couldn’t think of being even varsity. Then I received a call from my coach telling that Xavier is assembling a team. A developmental team wherein the players have great potential but are in a way, out shined by the players in the A-team. My heart jumped when I got the call because I knew that this was my chance and it was my ticket to the big leagues. Looking back, I have to say so much happened since then. It feels so long ago. I grew since then, not just physically but also spiritually and as a person. I didn’t just adjust to my taller self but also to my surroundings and above all, my faith. I felt in my heart and in my soul that I got so much closer to God than I was then. Which is why I am and was so thankful to him for putting me in a home like the D-team; with teammates like our own Robin Van Persie: Martyn, Ronaldo: Vito Generoso, VAN DER SAR: Alfred Lim, Pele: Joaquin Aldeguer. My teammates truly helped me grow as a person and I am so thankful for that. They were there when we lose and when we win. This presence brought us closer because it forges a bond. Now this, is I believe even greater than football: Friendship. I have to say that when all this is over, when we as seniors have our last hoorah years from now I am going to miss Martyn’s smile. Possibly even Vito’s antics or Alfred’s kindness. Maybe even Joaquin’s lovely laugh. Though I’m getting ahead of myself, this is a freshman write-up not a senior write-up. 

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When me and Jeo first sat down and planned for our output, we both found it strange that we were tasked to write a closing statement.Nothing ever really ends nor needs something to end with, just something to keep the readers thinking...hungry for a next issue.

! In the end, writers struggle to tie lose ends and make sense of all the bits and pieces we all call a story but then we discover that it's actually just a chapter not a whole story. We aren't really finished yet considering we are just freshmen and have years to go. So now, I invite for the next E-magazine.

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