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Page 1: XMAS – NEW YEAR WISHES...XMAS – NEW YEAR WISHES May all our members and their families have a happy and safe Xmas and welcome the New Year in the same manner. I look forward to

Props & mags DECEMBER 2013





May all our members and their families have a happy and safe Xmas and welcome the New Year in the same manner.

I look forward to working with all our members in 2014. I would also wish those members whose health is a problem all the best for a speedy

improvement and look forward to seeing them at the museum once again. .

David Byrne

CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION More than a hundred and twenty members and their families enjoyed a great night of good food, good music and excellent company. Our thanks go to John Roberts for his usual excellent preparation and for the musical entertainment that was provided. During the evening the Annual Presentations were made to members. The awards this year were presented to:

· Nigel Daw, for his excellent work in the library; · Jeff Hann, for his conduct as membership officer over the past six years; and · Walter Hill, for his contribution to the conduct of children’s parties and help with the emergency roster. · The VOLUNTEER of the YEAR went to the Work team of Graham Bell, Marcello Moolesti and David Thompson,

who carry out all our maintenance and building improve-ments.

· LIFE MEMBERSHIP was awarded to two members: Allan Killmier, for his contribution over 9 years as Secretary and Editor as well as starting our library, forming the history group and many other tasks. Above all else his dedication to SA aviation heritage made him worthy of being a life mem-ber. Peter Ormsby, for his contribution to the Museum through the instigation and development of the vintage engine run days that have for so long been part of the museum. Peter has been a member for 29 years and has been responsible for many engine and aircraft recoveries as well as returning many engines to running condition.

Peter Ormsby with his Life Membership Award

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_____________ MUSEUM PATRON:


_______________ PRESIDENT:


M: 0401 125766


Ph: 8240 1629 M: 0407 328161



M: 0414 734017



M: 0417 816268



M: 0401 124318


Ph: 8251 0792 M: 0417 845109



M: 0418 800062


Ph: 8251 0947 M: 0419 724060



M: 0407 244084

Dates for your diary ……. .


History Group Meeting 10.30am.




FROM THE COMMITTEE Annual General Meeting The President’s report for the past year has been attached for those who could not make the AGM. Without a doubt the highlight of the year was the arrival of the F-111 and the impact it had on the Museum’s visitor numbers and finances. The management committee was re-elected for a further term with the excep-tion of our membership officer, Jeff Hann, who will stand down in January. He will be greatly missed as he has made a major contribution to the smooth op-eration of the Museum. All the non-committee nominated tasks required to operate the museum were allocated at the AGM as well. Changes in Committee duties There will be a few changes in duties that will allow some committee members to spread their responsibilities a little more. Some of these changes are: Vice President – Pieter will assume responsibility for WH&S – Property man-agement (which includes major maintenance – fire and security) plus building plans for the new extension; Treasurer – John will seek an external MYOB Bookkeeper later in the year to outsource this critical function when required; Newsletter - Mike will receive and check all articles and forward them to Jean who will prepare the newsletter; Curator – aircraft/display engines and props - Waynne Lee has been assigned this position so that emphasis can be placed on the regular maintenance of our aircraft, engines and props on display. POS Terminal The Committee has decided to have a Point of Sale Terminal installed at the re-ception desk. This will, in effect, be a computerised touch screen cash register. There are many administrative advantages to utilising what has become standard equip-ment in most retail situations. We believe it will make the task for those on desk duty a lot easier once they become used to the system. Full training and support for members will be provided. For those who are worried about deal-ing with this technology, please remember that you can always turn it off if there are problems and use the current paper system. We anticipate that the system will be installed in February when we have a relatively quiet time.

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CURATOR’S REPORT This month there has been more behind-the-scenes work achieved than obvious improvements around the Museum. Accession Register work progresses and clearing out the older display cabinets was completed recently. The Librarian found more suitable storage for Jon Johanson’s prizes and other memorabilia and it will be good to have these items stored properly at last. I am currently drafting new display stand information and will be producing several new story boards soon. Recently Tony Harvey and Jack completed restoration of the Australian Airlines Airbus A-300 travel agent’s model. It looks great and resides next to the Singapore airlines B-747. One day soon we will light them up so the cutaway cabins will appear in full glory! Have a great Christmas everyone. Cheers Paul Daw

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John and Marie Trussell came down from Quorn for the Annual General Meeting on 16 November and brought John’s model of DH-83 Fox Moth VH-UTY to show mem-bers. John also made a period baggage cart (in the foreground of the picture at left) complete with leather-strapped suit-cases covered with exotic destination la-bels. John has already made a DH-89 Dragon Rapide, which is displayed in the Museum, and UTY will join it when we have our Guinea Airways display cabinet

ready for them. Both aircraft were flown by Guinea Airways.

John’s model construction is quite unique. He cut, shaped and soldered 24 gauge galva-nised sheet metal for the wings, fuselage and empennage; used automotive filler for compound curves; hand-carved the wooden propeller; and made all the cockpit and cabin instrumentation and fittings. The model is then finished with several coats of acrylic paint. Unsurprisingly, this incredibly intricate and skilful work, including drawing the plans, took him some 310 hours. The Fox Moth first flew in January 1932, three months after the DH-82A Tiger Moth from which it is derived. The aircraft shared the same wings, tailplane/elevators, fin/rudder and the Gipsy Major 130hp engine. The big difference was that whereas the Tiger had dual fore and aft cockpits and con-trols, the Fox Moth has an en-closed 4-seat passenger cabin in the forward bay between the wings. The Fox Moth therefore only ever had provision for one pilot.

Marie and John Trussell with President David Byrne before the AGM on 26 November 2013

Model in progress showing sheet metal construction

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VH-UTY was imported from England as G-ACCA in June 1935 by George Lewis’ Gold-fields Airways of Kalgoorlie WA. It was purchased by Guinea Airways in 1940 and based at Parafield while it was used for restricted passenger services to South Australian towns. Al-though it was painted in war-

time camouflage during this period, it was never impressed into the RAAF but allowed to remain

with Guinea Airways for the duration. In 1952 it was refurbished by Kingsford Smith Aviation in Bankstown and sold to Papuan Air Transport of Port Moresby. It wasn’t long in service there before be-ing written off in a crash at Lake Myola New Guinea on 17 November 1953.

The Royal Aero Club of SA reported its demise in its Christmas 1953 issue of its newsletter ‘Wing Tips’. Mal Shannon, an ex-instructor at the Club had gone on to fly with Qantas in New Guinea and while on leave he visited Parafield and told the story:

VH-UTY in outback WA with Goldfields Airways

VH-UTY at Parafield after purchase by Guinea Airways

UTY after refurbishment in Bankstown before going to New Guinea

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“Ex-Instructor Mal Shannon brought along a report of the end of a well known Parafield identity – Guinea Airways’ old Fox Moth VH-UTY. It appears that someone was trying to sneak UTY through the Kokoda Gap, below a low cloud base when “he ran out of lift” and the Fox sank into the trees as a write-off. The pilot, however, managed to find his way out after several days.”

VH-UTY at Parafield in war-time camouflage with Guinea Airways

VH-UTY, as John’s beautiful model, will now live on as part of our soon-to-be- developed Guinea Airways display. Contributed by Mike Milln with copious help from John Trussell

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To enable me to commence flight training leading to my first job in crop dusting, I put my age up to 17 years (I was 15 years old at that time). As a consequence of this I had to maintain the lie because if Civil Aviation found out my correct age, I stood the very real risk of having my aircrew licence stripped from me and possible civil proceedings taken against me. When I left crop dusting, I took up employment with the Royal Aero Club of South Australia as a trainee aircraft engineer and part-time ferry pilot (flying aircraft to the Club’s country flight centres). There was no intention on my part to receive a higher salary than my due under false pretences from the Aero Club. As it transpired, my fears proved to be well founded. Civil Aviation did find out about my age falsification (some public spirited little bastard dobbed me in). Even though the time of writing is 62 years after the event, I can still vividly remember the day I was invited (ordered) to present myself to the South Australian Regional Director of Civil Aviation at South Road, Mile End. I was marched into his office and stood in front of the big-gest bloody desk I had ever seen in my life. After some considerable time had elapsed (I think he was playing noughts and crosses on his desk blotter), “god” finally looked up at me and launched into a rather abusive tirade about young idiots who thought they could ignore Civil Aviation Regulations and treat them with utter contempt. As the reader can well imagine by this time I was feeling decidedly unwell and, quite frankly, was wishing I was in some far dis-tant place, rather than standing in front of “god” being subjected to his cosy informative little chat. I must admit I briefly thought that after crop dusting in DH-82 Tiger Moths for some considerable time, if you can put the breeze up me you are very much mistaken, Sport. But – after a microsecond of consideration - I came to the consideration that “god” was most assur-edly putting the breeze up me, and the confines of a crop dusting Tiger Moth cockpit would have been a blissful paradise in comparison. Eventually the bugger wound down and finished up saying if it was wartime I would receive a bloody medal, but seeing it was not wartime I would get a bloody licence suspension for 3 bloody weeks. He then went on to say that he had a shrewd idea that I was the little sod who had been doing very low aerobatics over the Woodville area in a bloody Ryan STA aircraft but, luckily for me, his informant could not identify the aircraft’s registration letters. If there was a repeat performance and he caught me, he would throw the bloody book at me. I’m pleased to say he was most decidedly incorrect in his above accusations. It was over the Modbury area (I was entertaining a beautiful young girl who was to be my future wife, Marie). Needless to say, I made no attempt to correct his geographical error. I was most disappointed with “god’s” overall attitude towards me. In anticipation of meeting “god”, I had not only put a tie on (I owned two ties and chose the one without the gravy stain); I had also cleaned my bloody shoes. He then told me to get out of his bloody office, adding he never wanted to clap eyes on me again. (I was tempted to say the feeling’s bloody mutual cobber, but didn’t.) As I reached the door, “god” said “by the way young Trussell, your 3 week licence suspension started 3 weeks ago – now piss off”. That, and the fact that no record was kept of my suspension, says much about the calibre of man he was.

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Another consequence of my brush with “god” was my letter from the Secretary of the Aero Club, none other than Alan Killmier. I have treasured it for more than sixty years and reproduce it here for what is says about both of us: At the time I was very remiss in not thanking the Secretary of the RACSA along with his com-mittee for the more than generous way they treated me over this slight matter of age falsifica-tion. It would be 50-odd years after receiving his nasty letter before Alan and I made contact again, when I received a most welcome phone call from him regarding a reunion he was organ-ising for ex Aero Club members. I wasn’t able to attend, but we have kept in touch through our SAAM membership since. So, apart from being a fascinating piece of history, many of you will recognise from the letter above that my good friend Alan hasn’t changed a jot. Contributed by John Trussell August 2013 Editor’s comment: Alan Killmier is always ready to accept a challenge, and has exercised his right of reply with the follow-ing comment on John’s article: “John Trussell is a Museum member and the maker of gorgeous metal aircraft models for the Museum. He is a unique per-sonality (this statement is not necessarily intended as praise) as evidenced by the fact that after a gap of fifty years he was able to produce a letter I wrote to him under instructions from the Aero Club committee. He has assiduously used that letter for the subsequent 13 years to complain to all and sundry about its contents. Because of a deep friendship with John (and only because of that) I accept his unreserved apology for keeping that letter. May it vanish in the fullness of time.” Editor’s final comment: Mike Milln assures me that Alan’s last wish has no chance of coming to fruition because he fully intends to include the anec-dote and letter in his Book 2 of the Aero Club history!

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The South Australian Aviation Museum Inc Annual Report 2012/2013

PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2013 has been dominated by the arrival and display of the F-111. This single event has had a very positive effect on the Museum due to the publicity and status it has brought us. No other event or acquisition has done more to put us “on the map” as has the display of this aircraft. It involved a considerable amount of work but there is no doubt it has been worth the effort. Despite the fact that the F-111 has dominated this year, the essential tasks required to operate and improve the Museum have been carried out efficiently by members.

2012/13 ACHIEVEMENTS and HIGHLIGHTS The continued improvement in our financial position and excellent financial reports supplied by our treas-


The creation of a building fund and the plans for expansion;

Co-operation with the National Railway Museum and the Maritime Museum to promote the Lipson Street Museum precinct;

A further increase in visitor numbers by 2.2% - with true trend growth about 58% when the distorting affects of the October 2011 Port Festival are discounted. Functions also continue to increase and the Museum is used for a variety of events;

Another successful Open Cockpit Day and Engine Run were conducted;

The shop’s contribution to the Museum has continued to increase;

The Museum continues to support the development of The National Aviation Museums network with

resulting benefits from exchanges such as the Canberra ejection seats;

WH&S rules have been followed and the attention to this has paid off with a minimum of incidents;

The Hangar has remained clean and tidy;

Improvements have been made to the instrumentation and cockpit equipment of all major exhibits;

The Workshop has continued to support the Museum by providing support for all maintenance and im-provements;

New stairs for the F-111 have been acquired and modified;

The Accession Register has been maintained and an annual stock-take conducted;

The Desk Roster and induction of new members has worked very well;

The History Group has produced regular articles on historical events and aviators as well as the gathering of more historical information on our exhibits;

Progress on the restoration of the Anson, Fairey Battle, Canberra cockpits and the Gipsy Moth has contin-ued;

A major re-organisation of the library and an update of Mosaic have been completed; and

The formation of a display review subcommittee to recommend improvements to the displays.

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To all those celebrating their birthday this month, we wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and hope you have a great day.

LOOKING TOWARDS 2013-2014 The Museum will pursue the following goals in the coming year: Completion of the re-accreditation process to retain our Accreditation status;

Acquisition of the lease extension necessary for expansion;

Preparation of plans for the expansion;

Promotion of a new access road proposal;

Completion of the Preservation Needs Assessment and implementation of its recommendations;

Implementation of the improvements recommended for the hangar displays;

Continuing to strive towards reducing overhead expenses;

Continuing to seek more skilled members for museum projects;

Continuing to achieve growth in visitor numbers; and

Implementation of cataloguing and storage of photographs.

In 2013 the Museum achieved a further increase in the standards we set for our operations, plus wider recogni-tion by the community as one of the “3 Port Museums”. The coming year will see further improvements in all facets of the Museum’s activities plus the commencement of expansion plans that will lead to a further 1,000 square metres of display space. My thanks go to all those members who contributed in the past year to making our Museum one of the best aviation museums in Australia. David Byrne President


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