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    ong atulations!

    u have purchased a TestKingonline. tudy !uide.is study guide is a co"plete collection o# $uestions and ans%ers that have &een developed &y our pro#essional 'rti#ied tea". You "ust study the contents o# this guide properly in order to prepare #or the actual certi#ication test. The averagee that %e %ould suggest you #or studying this study guide is appro(i"ately )0 to 20 hours and you %ill surely pass your a". *e guarantee it+


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    tal No o/ 0uestions1+23

    estion1 %( $ata is sto e$ an$ et ie4e$ 5it in a elational $ata6ase /o a $ata+cent ic

    #lication 6y means o/ ma##ing 'M( sc ema elements to $ata6ase ta6les. T e ee conce ns t at t ee ies an$ u#$ates to t is $ata6ase a e slo5 $ue to t e num6e o/ 8oins e7ui e$ inS0(. W at is t e 6est o#tion /o im# o4ing t e sto age an$ et ie4al o/ t is 'M(ta9

    - Trans#or" ; docu"ents into canonical #or" &e#ore persisting. odi#y the current ; sche"a &y converting ele"ents to attri&utes %here possi&le and re"apta&les in order to reduce the nu"&er o# ta&les and there#ore the nu"&er o# =oins

    $uired.- tore the ; data as C ,

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


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    estion1 naly>e t e /ollo5ing 'M( an$ T / agments t at im#lement I , I )E? an$ I )E?Se$ to" manage an$ su6o $inate elations i#s. W e e is t e e o in t e im#lementation

    t isgic9m#loyees.$t$1!ATT(IST em#loyee em#i$ I PE0BIPE

    !ATT(IST em#loyee mg i$ I IMP(IE!ATT(IST em#loyee mg I )E? IMP(IE!ATT(IST em#loyee su6s I PE?S

    MP(IEm#loyees Dml1em#loyees

    em#loyee em#i$ Fe%F mg i$ Fm%F su6s Fe-F @name So6 Smit @Gname @Gem#loyeeem#loyee em#i$ Fe-F mg i$ Fm-F mg Hm%H su6s Fe;F @name Ca olJones @Gname @Gem#loyeeem#loyee em#i$ Fe;F mg Fm-F @name Keit Ma tin@Gname @Gem#loyeeem#loyee em#i$ Fe F mg Fm-F @name Monicailliams@Gname @Gem#loyee @Gem#loyees

    - The su&s 3 RE9 is #or"atted i"properly #or the second e"ployee record. < -e "grid "ust &e de#ined as FREG/3RE B in the T .- The e"pid and "grid attri&utes con#lict as an ele"ent "ay only have a single 3 attri&ute. -st t%o records are invalid as each e"ployee record "ay have either e"pid or "grid attri&ute1 &ut

    t &oth.ns5e 1 C

    estion1 onsi$e t e /ollo5ing 'M( $ocument9Dml 4e sion F%.*F enco$ing FBT?+9 @:oo"s:oo" I F**% Title ?in$ing Ne5o l$@GTitleAut o Jone Smit @GAut oG:oo":oo" I F*3*FTitle o5 toog amming@GTitleAut o Tom Alston@GAut oG:oo"G:oo"sn 'M( $e4elo#e 5ants to gene ate a TM( $ocument t at lists t e I , title an$t o ot a 6oo" in a TM( ta6le. W ic o/ tI ac ie4e t e $esi e$ esult9

    - HI("l versionJB).0B encodingJB3 ,- 5L-)BIMsl7stylesheet versionJB).0B ("lns7(slJB http7 %%%.%N.org )LLL ; Trans#or"B Msl7te"plate "atchJB

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


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    ht"lM&odyMa&le %idthJB)00OB &orderJB) Msl7#or-each selectJB BMrM

    dMH(sl7value-o# selectJB83 B MH tdMdMH(sl7value-o# selectJBTitleB MH tdMdMH(sl7value-o# selectJBAuthorB MH tdMtrM(sl7#or-eachMta&leM&odyMht"lM(sl7 te"plateM(sl7stylesheetM HI("l versionJB).0B encodingJB3 ,- 5L-)BIM

    sl7stylesheet versionJB).0B ("lns7(slJB http7 %%%.%N.org )LLL ; Trans#or"B Msl7te"plate "atchJB BMht"lM&odyMa&le %idthJB)00OB &orderJB)BMsl7#or-each selectJB

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    &odyMht"lM(sl7te"plateM(s37stylesheetMHI("lversionJB).0B encodingJBl ,- 5L-)BIM

    sl7stylesheet versionJB).0B ("lns7(slJBhttp7 t%%%.%N org )LLL ; Trans#or"BMsl7te"plate "atchJB

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    Dsl14a ia6le name F"F select F oo < 8 $i4FG @Dsl1call+tem#late name F oFDsl15it +#a am name FiF select su6st ing< i,"=FG @GDsl1call+tem#late

    GDsl1 call+tem#late name F oF

    GDsl15it +#a am name FiF select Fsu6st ing< i, " % ,%=FG @GDsl1call+tem#lateGDsl1ot e 5ise

    GDsl1c ooseGDsl1tem#late

    - rreeddiivviiddeerr 00N?U pageS8id J lin4TargetU CpageS8id J lin4TargetUancestor77page ancestor77page child77page child77pageSid J lin4TargetU

    ns5e 1 C

    estion1 %ic o/ t e /ollo5ing statements ega $ing CSS t ans/o mation o/ 'M( is 4ali$9

    - 3t can &e used to render ; into 9.3t can render ; into a #or"at appropriate #or printing.

    - 3t "ay only &e applied to %ell #or"ed ; T docu"ents.3t can "erge "ultiple ; docu"ents into a single ; T #or &ro%ser rendering.

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


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    ns5e 1 :

    estion1 %Lic t5o o/ t e /ollo5ing may NOT 6e neste$ 5it in a C ATA section9

    - T docu"entsDavascript source- ,ther C ATA sectionsThe ; escape characters @H1 M1 '1 >1 andB E -

    T that needs to &e processed

    ns5e 1 C, E

    estion1 %ic o/ t e /ollo5ing ans5e s 6est $e nes t e '?o ms $esign goal9

    - /tili:es e(ternal T #or #ield types and value li"its.Encapsulates all Dava cript code %ithin data ele"ents.

    - e#ines co"ple( input controls &ased on assigned che"a. -arates the #or"s content #ro" presentation.

    ns5e 1

    estion1 %3at is t e co ect 4alue /o t e matc att i6ute o/ t e Dsl1tem#late 6elo5 to selectelements 5it in an 'M( $ocument9Dsl1tem#late matc FFDsl14alue+o/lect Fname

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    - e#ine t%o ; che"a docu"ents #or each o# the character sets.Add the de#initions o# the legacy character sets to the parser?s con#iguration #ile.

    ns5e 1 :

    estion1 -*ic o/ t e /ollo5ing is NOT inclu$e$ 5it in a gene ate$ JA': -.* #ac"age9

    - A na"e1 %hich "ay &e derived directly #ro" the ; na"espace /R3. A set o# Dava ele"ent inter#aces representing ele"ent declarations occurring %ith the T . C -

    n ,&=ect9actory class containing an instance #actory "ethod #or each Dava content and ele"enter#ace.A Davadoc #or the pac4age.

    ns5e 1 :

    estion1 -%a containe$ in an 'M( $ocument must 6e en$e e$ into TM( /o $is#lay in aentHs We6

    o5se . Po tions o/ t e $ata a e est icte$. )est icte$ $ata must ne4e 6e sent to ae t ates not a4e # i4ilege to access it. Bsing 'S(T, 5 at is t e 6est a## oac to

    n$e ing t eta9

    - /se ; T on the server to re"ove the restricted data and trans#or" the ; to T on theent side.- /se ; security to secure the parts o# the ; T docu"ent that trans#or" the restricted data. C -; T to trans#or" the ; to T on the client side.

    - /se ; T on the server to re"ove the restricted data and trans#or" the ; to T on therver side.

    ns5e 1

    estion1 --##lying a $igital signatu e to an 'M( $ocument consists o/ 5 ic action9

    - Encrypting the docu"ent using a pu&lic 4ey #ro" a Certi#icate Authority @CA . < -crypting the docu"ent using a private 4ey.- Calculating a hash o# the docu"ent and encrypting the hash value using a private 4ey. -sociating the docu"ent to a custo" ! na"espace.

    ns5e 1 C

    estion1 -;n a##lication #a ses la ge 'M( $ocuments ecei4e$ 4ia an TTP connection. T eta $oes note$ to 6e mo$i e$. T e 4olume o/ t a c is ig an$ #e /o mance is an issue. W ict elo5ing tec nologies s oul$ 6e use$ to #a se t e incoming $ocument9

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


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    - ,- A;- ; ath; T

    ns5e 1 :estion1 -ic t5o o/ t e /ollo5ing c a acte istics o/ # ocessing 'M( $ocuments 5ill lea$ a4elo#e to use SA' instea$ o/ OM in o $e to ac ie4e goo$ #e /o mance9

    - The docu"ent structure is changed.- The docu"ent si:e is large.- ocu"ents "ust &e "erged.Walidation rules are co"ple( and detailed. E -sing speed is critical.

    ns5e 1 :, E

    estion1 -o t uste$ a##lications eDc ange a ig +4olume o/ $ata as 'M(. T e content o/ t eements in t e 'M( $ocument is unst uctu e$ teDt an$ t e $ocument must 6eli$ate$. W ic o/ t elo5ing 5ill # o$uce t e 6est #e /o mance9

    - a"espaces should &e used that clarity the "eaning o# each ele"ent.- The docu"ent should use attri&utes instead o# ele"ents %herever possi&le.- The structure o# the docu"ent should &e de#ined using T .The structure o# the docu"ent should &e de#ined using ; che"a.

    ns5e 1 C

    estion1 -Lic t5o o/ t e /ollo5ing s oul$ a $e4elo#e consi$e to im# o4e t e/o mance o/ 5e6 a##lications t at t ans/o m 'M( $ocuments9

    - /se A; instead o# , ./se ; TC.

    - /se a &inary search o# the A; docu"ent tree. -na"espaces.

    - o not validate instance docu"ents #ro" e(ternal sources.

    ns5e 1 A, :

    estion1 -Ja4a+6ase$ a##lication ecei4es manually+5 itten 'M( $ocuments in $iRe ent

    mats. Eac $iRe ent /omat is 5ell $ocumente$ using 'M( Sc ema. B#oncei4ing a $ocument, t e

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    #lication1T ans/o ms t e $ocument into a common /o matPa ses t e $ocument 5it a 4ali$ating #a seVe i es t e st uctu e o/ t e $ocumentT ans/o ms t e $ocument into a legacy /o mat an$ sen$s to a se#a ate

    gacy system /o /u t e # ocessing.ic o/ t e /ollo5ing ste#s is (EAST necessa y9

    - Trans#or"ing the docu"ent to a co""on #or"at. < -alidating the docu"ent.- Weri#ying the structure o# the docu"ent.Trans#or"ing the docu"ent into the legacy syste"?s #or"at.

    ns5e 1 C

    estion1 -3

    n a##lication sa4es an$ esto es inte nal # og am state ac oss in4ocations. T e o ine statesi$es in an 'M( tile. Only t at one a##lication ea$s an$ 5 ites t e le. T esigne 5 ote a const aint sc ema /o t e 'M(, an$ a$ t e a##lication 4ali$atestate le u#on in#ut. W ic o/ t e /ollo5ing in$icates 5 y9

    - To detect data corruption. To auto"atically convert string #ields to nu"eric. C -opti"i:e parsing.

    To &ind the #ile to a set o# state o&=ects.

    ns5e 1 A

    estion1 -2T , as o##ose$ to an 'M( sc ema, o/ten # o4i$es a su cient le4el o/ 4ali$ation5 ic o/ t e /ollo5ing9

    - A narrative docu"ent.An application record.

    - A C stylesheet.An ; T stylesheet.

    ns5e 1 A

    estion1 ;*sc ema 5 itten in W;C Sc ema (anguage $e nes a #e sonHs /ull name as am#leD ty#e com#ose$ o/ t ee c il$ elements1 st name, mi$$le name, an$st name. o5 s oul$ t e sc ema aut o s#eci/yH t e mi$$le name element astional9

    - et attri&ute "in,ccursJB0B on the ele"ent.et attri&ute "a(,ccursJB-)B on the ele"ent.

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    - et the "ini"u" length o# the ele"ent?s string type to :ero. -the I operator in the ele"ent declaration.

    ns5e 1 A

    estion1 ;% t e gi4en 'M( / agmentEDam#le Dmlns1 names#ace % tt#1GG555.5;.o gF mins F tt#1GG555.i6m .comFitem % a$$ ess % FBSF names#ace%1a$$ ess- FBKFGGEDam#leic names#ace $oes t e att i6ute a$$ ess % 6elong to9

    - http7 %%%.%N.org. - http7 %%%.i&".co". - http7 %%%.%N.org na"espace.

    it does not &elong to any na"espaces.ns5e 1

    estion1 ;-4en t e /ollo5ing T lines, 5 ic 'M( $ocument / agment 5oul$4ali$9 @!E(EMENT #e son

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    pu&licationM,n Co"puta&le u"&ersH pu&licationMpersonM

    HpersonMna"eM#irstXna"eMAlan H #irstXna"eM

    astXna"eMTuringH 3astXna"eMna"eMpersonM

    ns5e 1

    estion1 ;;$e4elo#e c eates a tile name$ sam#le.D tml. W ic o/ t e /ollo5ing is t est eDam#le o/ # o#e ' TM( le content9

    - H+ ,CTY E ht"l /< 3C - *NC T ; T ).0 Transitional E B(ht"l-transitional.dtdBM

    ht"l ("lnsJB http7 %%%.%N.org )LLL (ht"lB MheadMitleM; T a"pleH titleMheadM&ody &gcolorJBF####ddBM H#or" onclic4JBalert@?Clic4? BMnput typeJBchec4&o(B idJBid)B"eJBver&oseB valueJBver&oseB chec4edJBchec4edB M#or"M&odyMht"lM- H+ ,CTY E ht"l /< 3C - *NC T ; T ).0 Transitional E B(ht"l-ransitional.dtdBM

    T ("lnsJB http7 %%%.%N.org )LLL ht"lBMEA MT3T EM; T a"pleH T3T EMEA M

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    itleM; T a"pleH titleMheadM&ody &gcolorJBF####ddBM#or" onc3ic4JBa3ert@?C3ic4? BM

    nput typeJBchec4&o(B idJBid)B"eJBver&oseB valueJBver&oseB chec4edJB)B M#or"M&odyMht"lM

    H+ ,CTY E ht"l /< 3C - *NC T ; T ).0 Transitional E B(ht"l-transitional.dtdBM

    ht"l ("lns7(ht"lJB http7 %%%.%N.org )LLL (ht"lB MheadMitleM; T a"pleH titleM(headM&ody &gcolorJBF####ddBM#or" onclic4JBalert@?Clic4? BMinput typeJBchec4&o(B idJBid)B"eJBver&oseB valueJBver&oseB chec4edJBchec4edB M(#or"M(&odyMht"lM

    ns5e 1 A

    estion1 ;onsi$e t e /ollo5ing 'M( $ocument19Dml 4e sion F%.*F enco$ingFBT?+3F9ns%1Com#anyl Dmlns1ns% F tt#1GG555.acom#any.comGF mlns F tt#1GG555.6com#any.comGFCom#any-Com#any;mlns F tt#1GG555.ccom#any.comGFCom#any I F FGGCom#any;GCom#any-Gns%1Com#any%ic o/ t e /ollo5ing statements is t ue9

    - The usage o# na"espace is not correct1 de#ault na"espace can?t &e changed.- a"espace o# Ele"ent Co"panyN &elongs to http7 %%%.&co"pany.co" . - a"espace o# Ele"ent Co"panyP &elongs to http7 t%%%.cco"pany.co" .a"espace o# Ele"ent Co"pany2 &elongs to http7 %%%.aco"pany.co" .

    ns5e 1 C

    estion1 ;

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    ic o/ t e /ollo5ing elements 5ill $i ectly eD# ess a logical su6set o/ an eDisting#e $ecla e$ in an 'M( sc ema $ocument9

    - (s7restriction(s7e(tension

    - (s7include(s7i"port

    ns5e 1 A

    estion1 ;Lga age $oo is com#ose$ o/1= a set o/ /ou 5 ite sections,a s# ing "it,a t ac", an$a $oo o#ene .

    ic o/ t e /ollo5ing 'M( / agments 6est mo$els t is $oo 9- HdoorMopener "odelJB ic4er/pperBMrac4 radiusJB)2BMpring-4it 4indJBtorsionBMection %indo%JByesB colorJB%hiteB Mection colorJB%hiteB Mspring-4itMtrac4MopenerM

    doorM- HdoorMectionsM

    opener "odelJB ic4er/pperB Mpring-4it 4indJBtorsionB M Htrac4

    diusJB)2B Mection %indo%JByesB colorJB%hiteB Mection colorJB%hiteB MsectionsMdoorM- HdoorMectionsMection %indo%JByesB colorJB%hiteMection colorJB%hiteBMsectionsMrac4 radiusJB)2B Mpring-4it 4indJBtorsionBM

    opener "odelJ ic4er/pperBMdoorM

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    HdoorMectionsMection %indo%JByesB colorJB%hiteB Mection colorJB%hiteB MsectionsM

    rac4 radiusJB)2B Mpring-4it 4indJBtorsionB Mopener "odelJB ic4er/pperB MdoorM

    ns5e 1

    estion1 ;u ently, most We6 / ont+en$ ma "u# is not 'M(. A We6 sea c /o ca 5as F yiel$ss#a ate esults a6out a mo4ie an$ a6out cleaning automo6iles. T e sea c engineo ly $istinguis es

    mong "in$s o/ esults. W at is t e most li"ely cause o/ t e # o6lem9- Current search engines inde( T poorly.* "ar4up "itigates the pro&le"1 &ut #e% pages use it.


  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    /se ;Guery to e(tract the entire contents o# each docu"ent into a single , 1 %hich %illen &e passed into an ; T trans#or"er to convert to ; T .

    ns5e 1 A

    estion1 *n auto #a ts su##lie sto es custome $ata as 'M( in a $ata6ase in t elo5ing /o mat1 @custome i$ F-name S5ellMo6ile@Gnamea$$ ess @city Kansasty@Gcity @state MO@Gstate @Ga$$ ess @#u c aseF%- F totalCost F23 .;*Fitem i$ F%-;F 7uantity F-F @item i$ F LFantityH F%;F GG#u c ase

    Gcustomessume t at t e /unction 'M(CO(BMN

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    GDs$1se7uence @GDs$1m#leDTy#e @GDs$1element @GDs$1sc ema

    - Hcourse codeJBAA)2NBMna"eMAdvanced counting techni$uesH na"eM

    ocationM hoeni(H locationMtudentMHna"eM

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    - /se de#ault attri&utes./se (sl74ey ele"ents and the 4ey@ #unction to retrieve node sets.

    - /se B @descendant a(es patterns near the root o# a large docu"ent.*here possi&le1 use pattern "atching rather than (sl7i# or (sl7%hen state"ents.- Convert / A C33 @ / -A C33B docu"ents to /nicode @ /T9- B or /T9-)6B &e#ore parsing.

    ns5e 1 :,

    estion1 n 'M( a##lication # ocesses 'M( $ocuments 5it SA'-. W at is t e co ect$e o/ t e met o$s 6eing calle$ 5 en # ocessing t e /ollo5ing 'M( $ocument99Dml 4e sion F%.*F enco$ingFBT?+3F99Dml+styles eet e/ F#a ag a# .cssF ty#e FteDtGcssF9#a ag a# T is #a ag a# contains@6ol$ some@G6ol$ in/o mation.@G#a ag a#

    - start ocu"ent

    ocessinglnstructionrtEle"entrtE3e"entdEle"entdEle"entaractersaractersaractersd ocu"ent- start ocu"ent

    rtEle"entrtEle"entaractersaractersdEle"entaractersdEle"entocessinglnstructiond ocu"ent- start ocu"entocessing3nstructionrtEle"entaractersrtE3e"entaractersdEle"entaractersdEle"entd ocu"entstart ocu"ent

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  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper



    aractersdEle"entocessinglnstructiond ocu"ent

    ns5e 1 C

    estion1 ic t5o statements a e t ue conce ning t e use o/ No$e. emo4eC il$

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper



    destination airlineJB;YZB nu"&erJBLL2B gateJB25BM#lightMYYZH destinationM


    ns5e 1 A

    estion1 4en t e /ollo5ing 'M(gment1 @:oo" I?N FS&- +L2+*%FName We6S# e e A##lication Se 4e VL Mig ationui$e@GName @Pu6lis e l:M@GPu6lis e

    G:oo"5 can an 'M( $e4elo#e eDt act t e Name element an$ its contents in SA'-+se$ 'M( # ocessing9

    - 3"ple"ent ocu"ent andler and use the startEle"ent and characters "ethods.- 3"ple"ent ocu"ent andler and use the start ocu"ent and characters "ethods.- 3"ple"ent Content andler and use the startEle"ent and characters "ethods.3"ple"ent Content andler and use the start ocu"ent and characters "ethods.

    ns5e 1

    estion1 3n a##lication is 6eing 5 itten t at 5ill act as a :-: inte me$ia y /o 4a iousm#anies. T e $ata 5ill come / om many sou ces an$ 5ill 6e $eli4e e$ to manygets. Eac o/ t e #otential sou ce com#anies an$ $ata ty#es a4e not 6een $e ne$.4en t e o#en+en$e$ natu e o/ t e

    7uiements, 5 ic is t e 6est #otential $esign9

    - 9or each co"pany and data type1 a custo" conversion routine %ill trans#or" the receivedta into an appropriate e&; de#ined ; sche"a that %ill &e used to send to target"panies.9or each co"pany and data type1 a custo" conversion routine %ill trans#or" the received data

    o an internal ; sche"a #or local storage. *hen re$uested1 the data %ill &enverted to the target co"panys re$uired #or"at.- e#ine custo" ; che"a designs #or each data type1 and re$uire that each source andget co"pany adhere to that voca&ulary %hen sending or receiving data.Re$uire that each source and target co"pany con#or" to an appropriate e&; standardhe"a #or each data type.

    ns5e 1

    estion1 2

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  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    ing #a sing, o5 many sta tElement messages 5ill t e Content an$le /o t elo5ing 'M( $ocument ecei4e99Dml 4e sion F%.*F enco$ingFISO+3L 2+%F99Dml+styles eet ty#e FteDtGcssF e/ F#e son.cssF9! OCTZPE #e son SZSTEM #e son.$t$F

    #e son Dmlns F tt#1GGDml.mycom#any.comG#e sonFname1namemlns1name tt#1GGDml.mycom#any.comGnameFname1 st Joe@Gname1 stname1Iast Sc moe@Gname1lt @Gname1 nameassignmento8ect i$ F#-FGG#e son

    - 5- - L


    ns5e 1 A

    estion1 *4en t e /ollo5ing 'M( instance $ocument / agment1count y name FA/g anistanF egion FAsiaF a ea FL -***F#ulation F- 3;3 2 FGcount y name FAl6aniaF egion FEuo#eF a ea F-3 3F#ulation F; 2* ; FG

    ing OM-, 5 ic o/ t e /ollo5ing 5ill # int out t e names o/ all t e count ies9

    - Ele"ent %orld J docu"ent.getTrun4Ele"ent@r @ ode n J %orld.get9irstChild@ n +J null n J n.get e(t i&ling@ [e"ent country J @Ele"ent nte"[email protected]&ute@Bna"eB

    Ele"ent %orld J docu"ent.getTrun4Ele"ent@r @ ode n J %orld.get9irstChild@ n +J null n J n.get e(t@

    Ele"ent country J @Ele"ent nte"[email protected]&ute@Bna"eB

    - Ele"ent %orld J docu"ent.get ocu"entEle"ent@r @ ode n J %orld.get9irstChild@ n +J null n J n.get e(t i&ling@ [e"ent country J @Ele"ent nte"[email protected]&ute@Bna"eB

    Ele"ent %orld J docu"ent.get ocu"entEle"ent@r @ ode n J %orld.get9irstChild n +J null n J n.get e(tChild@

    Ele"ent country J @Ele"ent nte"[email protected]&ute@Bna"eB

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    ns5e 1 C

    estion1 %n auto #a ts su##lie sto es custome $ata as 'M( in a $ata6ase in t e

    lo5ing /o mat1 @custome i$ F-Fname S5ellMo6ile@Gnamea$$ ess @city Kansasty@Gcity @state MO@Gstate @Ga$$ ess @#u c aseF%- F totalCost F23 .;*Fitem i$ F%-;F 7uantity F-F @item i$ F LFantityH F%;F GG#u c aseGcustomeic o/ t e /ollo5ing '0ue y statements etu ns t e names o/ t e custome s

    o a4e ma$e #u c ases 5it a totalCost o4e %***9- #or c in ; C, / @Bcust.dataB custo"er purchaseS8totalCostM )000Uurn c na"e#or c in ; C, / @Bcust.dataB

    here c custo"er purchaseS8totalCostM )000Uurn c na"e- #or p in ; C, / @Bcust.dataB custo"er purchase let7J ; C, / @Bcust.dataB custo"erhere p 8totalCostM )000urn c na"e

    #or c in ; C, / @Bcust.dataB custo"er here c purchaseS8totalCostM )000Uurn c na"e

    ns5e 1

    estion1 -n a##lication nee$s to eDt act many small segments / om many 4e y la ge 'M(cuments. T e eDt acte$ $ata nee$s to 6e me ge$ into a single $ocument /ot e # ocessing. W at is t est 5ay to $esign t is a##lication9

    - arse large docu"ents using A;1 i"porting e(tracted seg"ents into a co""on , o&=ect. arse large docu"ents using , 1 e(tract seg"ents and i"port the" into a co""on ,

    &=ect.- Trans#or" each large docu"ent using ; T to produce re$uired seg"ents1 and then parse eachg"ent directly into a co""on , o&=ect./se the ; docu"ent@ #unction to load and then trans#or" all large docu"ents1 to produce a

    ngle docu"ent containing all seg"ents1 that can then &e parsed as a , o&=ect.

    ns5e 1 A

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    estion1 ;i4en t e /ollo5ing 'M( Sc ema $ocument, 5 ic o/ t e /ollo5ing 'M(cuments is 4ali$9Ds$1sc ema Dmlns1Ds$ F tt#1GG555.5;.o gG-**%G'M(Sc emaFDs$1element

    me Fitine a yF @Ds$1com#leDTy#e @Ds$1se7uenceDs$1element name F#assenge F ty#e FDs$1st ingF GDs$1element name Fo iginF ty#e FDs$1st ingF GDs$1element name F$estinationFaDOccu s Fun6oun$e$FDs$1com#leDTy#e @Ds$1sim#leContentDs$1eDtension 6ase FDs$1st ingFDs$1att i6ute name Ft ans/e F De$ Ft ueF ty#e FDs$1st ingFe Fo#tionalF G @GDs$1eDtensionGDs$1sim#leContent @GDss$1com#leDTy#e @GDs$1elementGDs$1se7uence @GDs$1att i6ute name Fty#eF

    #e FDs$1st ingF GGDs$1com#leDTy#eGDs$1elementGDs$1sc ema

    - HitineraryMpassengerMA. TravelerH passengerMoriginM,tta%aH originMdestination trans#erJBtrueBMTorontoH destinationMdestinationM elhiH destinationMitineraryMHitinerary typeJB&usinessBM

    passengerMA. TravelerH passengerMdepartureM,tta%aH departureMdestination trans#erJBtrueBMTorontoH destinationMdestinationM elhiH destinationMitineraryM- Hitinerary typeJB&usinessBMpassengerMA. TravelerH passengerMoriginM,tta%a H originMdestination trans#erJB#alseBMTorontoH destinationMdestinationM elhiH destinationMitineraryMHitinerary typeJB&usinessBM

    passengerMA. TravelerH passengerMoriginM ,tta%a H originMdestination trans#erJBtrueBMTorontoH destinationMdestinationM elhiH destinationMitineraryM

    ns5e 1

    estion1 ic t5o o/ t e /ollo5ing statements a e t ue a6out t ese lines o/ Ja4aSc i#t9

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


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  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    ne5TeDt $ocument.c eateTeDtNo$e

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    :usinessCa $NameD FMaleF T omas@GNameTitle Account@GTitleP one +L ; @GP one

    Email DDDUacom#any.com@GEail @G:usinessCa$


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  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    - ove each e"ployee ele"ent to a child o# the e"ployee?s "anager1 thus properlypresenting the hierarchical nature o# the relationships. The 3 attri&utes %ill ena&le si"pleection using ; ath.- elete "anager ele"ents. Change T to add 3 RE9 attri&ute na"ed "anager to e"ployee"ent. et value o# "anager attri&ute to "atch the e"pnu" value o# the e"ployee?s

    nager.- elete "anager ele"ents. Change T "a4ing the e"pnu" attri&ute an 3 RE9. Add 3ri&ute called "grnu" and set value to "atch the e"pnu" value o# the e"ployee?snager.Change T to add "grnu" 3 attri&ute to "anager ele"ent1 %hose value is set to "atch thepnu" value o# the e"ployee?s "anager. e#ine "anager ele"ent as FE TYB and re"oveild values.

    ns5e 1 :

    estion1 L

    ma"e 'S(T tem#lates mo e o6ust, t e #a amete s

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    - H(sl7i# testJBposition@ +J last@ BM1H (sl7i#M- H(sl7i# testJB#ollo%ing-si&ling77VBM1H (sl7i#M

    H(sl7i# testJB#ollo%ing77VBM1H (sl7i#M

    ns5e 1 :

    estion1 Lat is t e $e/ault aDis in 'Pat 9

    - descendant77- descendant-or-sel#77 Child77parent77

    ns5e 1 C

    estion1 L3onsi$e t e /ollo5ing 'M( $ocument19Dml 4e sion F%.*F enco$ing FBT?+9 @:an"AccountAccount I F***-;F Name FAleD ala4aisF Ty#e FC ec"ingF :alance Fl**BS FG @Account I F***3-F Name FAlice Mc"inleyF Ty#e FSa4ingFance F-****BS FG @G:an"Accountan 'M( $e4elo#e 5ants to out#ut t e a6o4e $ocument as a colon $elimite$ teDt, 5 ic o/ t e /ollo5ing styles eets can ac ie4e t e $esi e$ esult9

    - HI("l versionJB).0B encodingJB/T9- BIMsl7stylesheet versionJB).0B ("lns7(slJB http7 %%%.%N.org l LLL ; Trans#or"BMsl7output "ethodJBte(tB Msl7te"plate "atchJBAccount?Msl7value-o# selectJB83 B MH(sl7outputM7H (sl7outputMsl7value-o# selectJB8 a"eB MH(sl7outputM7 H (sl7outputMsl7value-o# selectJBTypeB MH(sl7outputM7H (sl7outputMsl7value-o# selectJB8

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    (sl7te"plateM(sl7stylesheetM- HI("l versionJB).0B encodingJB/T9- BIMsl7sty3esheet versionJBl.0B ("lns7(slJB http7 %%%.%N.org )LLL ; Trans#or"B Msl7output "ethodJBte(tB M

    sl7te"plate "atchJBAccountBMsl7value-o# selectJB8l B MH(sl7te(tM7H (sl7te(tMsl7value-o# selectJB8 a"eB MH(sl7te(tM7H (sl7te(tMsl7value-o# selectJB8TypeB MH(sl7te(tM7H (s37te(tMsl7value-o# selectJB8late?BMredH (sl7%henM(sl7varia&leMsl7varia&le na"eJBhueBMsl7other%iseMgreenH (sl7other%iseM(sl7varia&leM(sl7chooseMH(sl7chooseM

    sl7%hen testJB8status J >late?BMsl7varia&le na"eJBhueBMredH (sl7varia&leM(sl7%henMsl7other%iseMsl7varia&le na"eJBhueBMgreenH (sl7varia&leM

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    (sl7other%iseM(sl7chooseM- H(sl7varia&le na"eJBhueBM

    sl7chooseMsl7%hen testJB8status J >late?BMredH (sl7%henM

    sl7other%iseMgreenH (sl7other%iseM(sl7chooseM(sl7varia&leMH(sl7varia&le na"eJBhueBMsl7i# testJB8status J >late?BMredH (sl7i#Msl7elseMgreenH (sl7elseM(sl7varia&leM

    ns5e 1 C

    estion1 *

    n online t a$ing system su##o ts multi#le clients suc as We6 6 o5se s, Pe sonal igitalssistants

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    - epending upon the stylesheet processor1 it "ay not e(haust the stac4 space as $uic4ly asneral recursion.- Each recursive call sets up the ne(t su&-pro&le" to &e hal# as large as the current one.- tylesheet processors "ay opti"i:e this 4ind o# recursion &y internal trans#or"ation into anrative solution.

    The recursive call co"es at the end o# the te"plate.ns5e 1 :

    estion1 ;com#any is $e4elo#ing an AJA'

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    country cc J 4n nvB"e J aint Kitts ' evisB MplanetM- HplanetMcountry cc J NsB

    "e J 5painB MplanetMHplanetM

    country cc J caBorder J usB MplanetM

    ns5e 1 A

    estion1 We6 a##lication must su##o t a 4a iety o/ 6 o5se ty#es an$ 4e sions. In/o mation

    sto e$ in$ata6ase as 'M( $ata. o5 an$ 5 e e s oul$ t e 'M( $ocument 6e # ocesse$

    n$e ing9

    - *e& application supplies &oth the ; data and the stylesheet to &ro%sers1 and the lets theo%sers "a4e the rendering.- *e& application only need to supply the ; data.

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


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    - @ ( 'lt J y V ( ] @ y 'gt J ( V y- @ ( 'gt J y V ( ] @ y 'lt J ( V y@ ( 'gt J y V ( ] @ y 'gt J ( V y

    ns5e 1

    estion1 2onsi$e t e gi4en 'M( / agment1EDam#le Dmlns1names#ace% F tt#1GG55.5;.o gF mlns F tt#1GG555.i6m.comFItem % a$$ ess % BSFGnames#ace%1Item-$ ess FBSFG @GEDam#le5 ic o/ t e /ollo5ing names#aces $oes t e element Item % 6elong9

    - http7 %%.%N.org.

    - http7 %%%.i&".co". - http7 %%%.%N.org na"espace. 3t does not &elong to any na"espaces.

    ns5e 1 :

    estion1 3*T is mo e con4enient t an an 'M( sc ema /o 5 ic o/ t e /ollo5ing #u #oses9

    - E(plicitly supporting a na"espace.- En#orcing si"ple data types #or attri&ute values. C -ting length o# contente#ining general entities.

    ns5e 1

    estion1 3%com#leD 'M( /o mat is to 6e 5i$ely s a e$ ac oss o gani>ations t at $o notmally inte act. At a minimum, 5 at "in$ o/ in/o mation a6out t e /o mat s oul$s a e$9

    - An ; docu"ent #or the #or"at. The docu"ent?s e&; gra""ar.- 9or"al sche"as or T s #or the #or"at. -stylesheet.

    ns5e 1 C

    estion1 3-ic o/ t e /ollo5ing lists contains only 4ali$ W;C 'M( Sc ema (anguage

    m#le sc ema#es9

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    - any/R 1 char1 encoding1 /T9 #ullna"e1 dou&le1 long1 int- T,KE 1 ti"esta"p1 range1 char&yte1 duration1 E T3TY1 T,KE 1

    ns5e 1 estion1 3;

    n 'M( $ocument consists o/ one @:oo" element an$ t ee @P ice elements# esentingRe ent 4en$o sH selling # ice. W at is t e 6est a## oac to $e ne t is 'M(cument9

    - To di##erentiate vendors? prices1 add a pre#i( &e#ore each rice tag1 such asneWendor riceM. *hen de#ining this ; docu"ents sche"a1 use di##erent date types #or ele"ent H riceM.

    - At the &eginning o# the ; docu"ent1 add rice na"espace declarations #or di##erentndors.ut three sa"e rice tags into the ; docu"ent1 ; processor has e"&edded

    chanis" to di##erentiate the".

    ns5e 1 C

    estion1 3/o m contains t e /ollo5ing el$s1= ?i st nameMi$$le name

    (ast nameSt eetCity

    = StatePostal co$eic o/ t e /ollo5ing is t e most a## o# iate 'M( e# esentation9

    - H#or"Mna"eM#irstMEl%oodH #irstMiddleM H "iddleMastM ugginsH lastMna"eMocationMtreetM)2N El" t.H streetM

    cityM l:ard ic4H cityMtateM CH stateM

    postalCodeM2^6LLH postalCodeMocatlonM#or"MHaddr7#or" ("lns7locJBhttp te"puri.org inde(.ht"lBM

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    na"eM#irstMEl%oodH #irstMiddleM H "iddleMastM ugginsH lastMna"eM

    ocationMtreetM)2N El" t.H streetMcityM i:ard ic4H cityMtateM CH stateM

    posta3CodeM2^6LLH postalCodeMlocationMaddr7#or"M- H#or"Mna"e #ullna"eJB uggins1 El%ood BMocation addressJB)2N El" t.1 i:ard ic4. C 2^6LLBM#or"M

    - Haddr7#or" ("lns7locJBhttp te"puri.org inde(.ht"lBMna"e #ullna"eJB uggins1 El%ood BMocation addressJB)2N El" t.1 i:ard ic41 C 2^6LLBMaddr7#or"M

    ns5e 1 A

    estion1 34en an eDte nal T line1!ENTITZ ^ esi$ence a$$ ess, 6e$ ooms,t sF an$ an inte nal T line1NTITZ esi$ence a$$ ess, /ootage, 6e$ ooms, 6at s, a4aila6le $ateFic o/ t e /ollo5ing statements is t ue conce ning t e $ocument t at e/e s to t ese T s9

    - ocu"ent %ill not validate1 due to the con#licting declarations.- An availa&leXdate "ust &e present #or a residence to &e valid in the docu"ent. C -n availa&leXdate is optional #or a residence to &e valid in the docu"ent.The last declaration the parser encounters ta4es precedence.

    ns5e 1 :

    estion1 3Ln a##lication menu 6a 5ill contain a t ee o/ la6ele$ comman$ itemF elementsste$ to an a 6it a y $e#t . W ic o/ t e /ol" $e ne t e menu 6a 9

    - H"7"enu ("lns7"enuJB http7 te"puri.org inde(.ht"lB M#ile ite"JB9ileBMne% ite"JB e%BM#ile ite"JB9ileB c"dJBne%9ile M#ile ite"JB9olderB c"dJBne%9olderB M

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  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


    te" la&elJBEditBMte" la&elJBCopyB c"dJBcopyB Mte" la&elJB asteB c"dJBpasteB Mite"M"7"enuM

    ns5e 1

    estion1 3n ) a##lication 5ill ca y out a 6it a y ea$+only 7ue ies ac oss em#loyees,anage s, an$ $e#a tments. T e $ata 5ill 6e sa4e$ in a #e sistence sto e. W ic o//ollo5ing su##o ts 'M( as t e P a##licationHs $ata me$ium9

    - ;Guery supports insert1 update1 and delete operations.;Guery supports 9 *, =oin operations across three ; docu"ents.

    - ; T supports trans#or"ation o# G result sets. G aliases cannot &e used #or lu"n na"es and ta&le na"es.G supports $uerying the contents o# ; docu"ents stored as < ,

  • 8/12/2019 xmlpaper


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    ns5e 1 C

    estion1 2*We6 a##lication #e /o ms a 7ue y against a $ata6ase an$ uses t e esults to 6uil$ Ja4a8ects. NeDt, t e system sen$s t e $ata to a 5a e ouse system 5 ic is also

    4a+6ase$. T e 5a e ouse t en #asses t e $ata to a CO:O(+6ase$ legacystem. At 5 ic #oint is itcessa y to con4e t t e $ata to 'M(9

    - 3""ediately a#ter retrieving it #ro" the data&ase. < -#ore it is passed to the %arehouse.- As soon as it is received &y the %arehouse syste". -#ore it is sent to the legacy syste".

    ns5e 1

    estion1 2%en # ocessing an 'M( $ocument, 5 y s oul$ a $e4elo#e use OM instea$ o/ SA'9

    - The docu"ent structure is "odi#ied.The docu"ent si:e is large.

    - ultiple docu"ents need to &e "erged. Walidation rules are si"ple.- arsing speed is critical.

    ns5e 1 A, C

    estion1 2-$$ing a $igital signatu e to an 'M( $ocument #e /o ms 5 at /unction9

    - roves that docu"ent has not &een altered since &eing signed.i"its decryption o# the ; docu"ent to the prede#ined recipient.

    - Ensures that only the signer can decrypt the docu"ent.Ensures only the associated private 4ey can decrypt the docu"ent.

    ns5e 1 A

    estion1 2;n 'M(+6ase$ a##lication is #e /o ming #oo ly. An analysis in$icates t at #a t o/ t e/o mance # o6lem is elate$ to a la ge amount o/ inte +se 4e communication.ic o/ t e /ollo5ing is t e (EAST li"ely to cause a #e /o mance # o6lem9

    - ; T stylesheets are located on a re"ote server.; che"a docu"ents are located on a re"ote server.

    - a"espaces used in the docu"ents re#erence a re"ote server.A T docu"ent is re#erring to e(ternal entities on re"ote servers.

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    ns5e 1 C

    estion1 2n a##lication ea$s a small 'M( $ocument / om a custome in/o mation $ata6ase. T eo mation is # esente$ to t e use in a We6 #age 5 e e it can 6e mo$i e$. T e

    o$i e$ 'M( must 6e 5 itten 6ac" to t e $ata6ase. W ic o/ t e /ollo5ingc nologies s oul$ 6e use$ toocess t e $ocument 5 en it is ea$ / om t e $ata6ase9

    - ,- A;- ; ath;