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4. Mobile Technology

Leading Learning in ICT

Miles Berry15 October 2012

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Handheld Devices

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Smart Phones

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iPod Touch / Firefox OS

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Why schools don’t need ICT

Our schools are now a desert swept with the winds of yesterday's technology; meanwhile our students can be found drinking from an oasis of smartphones, smart apps and smart interfaces. They have answers to questions we haven't even dared to ask. They outsmart us at every turn.

Teenagers upgrade their mobile phone every 12 months. Even the socially disadvantaged are one step ahead of their school's ICT. That's not a problem. That's a huge opportunity schools should grasp. It's an opportunity to save money and upgrade our thinking about ICT.

Even last year's smartphone will operate as a calculator. And a book reader. It will translate the Bible from the original Hebrew and can differentiate Sin(x). It can pinpoint both the Battle of Hastings and the Belt of Orion. It will act as a word processor, a piano and a spirit level. Not bad for a bit of kit that your school didn't purchase and doesn't maintain.

Schools don't need ICT. It's coming through our doors every day. We just need to adopt and adapt a little bit.

Yorston, 2010

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“The market is a far better judge of the appropriate personal digital technology than any group of ‘ICT experts’”

• Technology is chosen by the student and/or family

• Personalisation of teaching and learning in and out of school

• In-school technology use is an extension of students' existing technology use

• Respect for student ownership of technology and information stored on it

Lee, 2012

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Draft guidelines for a school which wished to permit pupils’ use of their own personal devices

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