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So quote the hadith then, that is the point... Or you could just show one example of where I am a literalist.... in a way that is incorrect at least, because we all are literalists - (point you may have is in transgressions with transgression like-minded but that is really the only one I can think of) - in essence otherwise there is no way to extract meaning from the Quran and sunnah today.

You addressed none of the points made and came back with personal gloats about who you knew and how long you been here and other ways your intellect is able to keep you superior in your own mind. You made wild insinuations about what I am doing with my life, and then posted as though i am teaching at a level people cannot understand. Insulted me as though I would never know who an "aalim" is, where he was trained or anything... (you only need read the Hamas article you like so much to know, I do not think following him would be taqleed, but thanks for your trust in my "life skills") Well when I met a young 40 year old once, he corrected me timelessly about how evil Hamas was and how I could know nothing of the Palestinian situation because I had never been there. He was actually calling them extremists when they overthrew the Dahlhan coup.... He was a complete ignoramus on politics and ran a website devoted to communist videos of Che Guevera and Zionist Conspiracy Theories while trying hard every day to make the next edition of Jawa Report. Now he claims that after

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6 months he can discuss the issues of economics in interviews because he like every other high school graduate understands the difference between capitalism and socialism.

Perhaps discussing things like the difference in Islam between theoretical issues of finance and economics would be too much, perhaps communicating specifics of policy would be too much and overwhelming. That is why there are steps taken and nobody speaks over the heads. The conversations I am having with the audience are understood by anybody that ever entered a college classroom and return visitors on the site suggest that ideas are altering and their is much benefit, incremental increases in understanding of those that visit the site daily which is at this point over 1,000 returning people each day. But your old-school (clubhouse - your either in my clubhouse or I'm going find all your faults and waste my time pointing them out to others incessantly) is the real reason I stopped wasting my time on the phone with you and started to just hold those conversations with the general ummah. Like I said, armchair critics don't phase me much at all. Hamas will lose political power, in all probability, sometime next year and then they will be faced with a choice of putting their cards on the table, which essentially is what you do when you put all your cards in a basket of political party that is only concerned with Palestine and has no real transnational objective. They are about as brutal as the PLO and fill their prisons with literalists you would applaud as deviants. So, we will see where they stand in some time with regard to sustainability. I will make a prediction that they fight each other and kill many civilians, but for you it will be okay because of party affiliation (this is very totalitarian I may add).

So, again, the core has been answered with your aql, nothing whatsoever to say about the Ikhwani silence in the face of occupation based on "wisdom" I guess you would say, and typical of what I know of you from the past, nothing of proof of how populist changes actually do not have a basis in history. It is obvious you still count the days until catastrophe hits my house so you can say I told you so... I can only imagine the uninformed criticisms you spout to others about my approach and all but will never once address it in public. I know because of the constant "fuck thems" and poison that dripped off your tongue about everybody that ever came to disagree with you. It is not very sufi and much more harsh then saying what you think directly to someone but hey! what do I know, in your eyes you can read me from a distance and assume all the worst. The private critic is a venomous,

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slanderer. So, again I think you should really re-think your positions and also rethink your assumptions, remember you are talking to the one that states emphatically that the mujahideen do not need Westerners for boots on the ground (although I totally approve of heijra). Perhaps someday you will be able to take away your bias lens and approach a situation with the epistemological (means what we consider as knowledge) basis of the Muslims, meaning weigh the evidence and stay silent with criticism where there is no ability to defend it or provide data for what you say is true.

So, all in all, why don't you follow through with one issue, this literalism thing.... Take one quote of mine, one statement, one view I hold and show me how I fit Qaradawi's theory of neo-Dhahariyya... You know he was writing that statement in the 80's and 90's right??? The Al-Qaedist's are very different than the Egyptian group he was actually speaking about... So, you can transmutate that paragraph (remember I was walking around with his book before you stumbled across that quote when I was in Saudi Arabia). In the end, I ask that unless you can prove your positions in public or private that you refrain form mentioning any of my "errors or extremes" as you see them. You are a public da'ee at that point warning against someone you have not established hujjah upon is stupid. So, say you don't slander or ever mention me and warn against me if you want, but seriously you should rather bring forth your evidence and then believe, not believe and then bring forth the evidence. This is an opportunity for you to provide evidence. Remember, I love Hamas and Al-Qaeda, support the political Islamist parties and am critical of certain aspects of all groups, so I do not have party allegiance to worry about. Personally, I do not take offense to the person behind the discussion and am rather interested to see the proof you have for the statements you have insulted me with in the past. I hope to hear a response from you with adilla as I said before I enjoy the critic more than the supporter, but let us take away the allegiance based upon experience. I have been taking care of myself much longer than you, and in the religion just as long as well. Do not treat me like you underling, we both know that is not the case.

Jazakallah Khair,

Younus - Show quoted text -

-- Revolution Muslim

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We hereby declare and make absolute public declaration that revolutionmuslim.com operates under the first amendment right to freedom of religion and expression and that in no, way, shape or form do we call for war against the U.S. government or adhere to the enemies of the United States elsewhere. We do however hold the belief, as stated honestly and openly in our mission statement, that the Muslim world should be permitted to unite under the banner of Islam. To suggest that this in some way implies that the reestablishment of the caliphate would require the dismantlement of the United States government is fallacy. We seek, rather, to witness the imperialist ambitions of the United States government and especially the private tyrannies (corporations, financial institutions, military-industrial complex) that control it subside in their quest for empire and "full spectrum dominance" and we call for the relinquishment of autonomy and respect for sovereignty across the Muslim world to the people and not in the hands of the dictators, and authoritarian regimes this structure keeps in power by continuing to engage in foreign policy we feel is the root cause of all the terrorism in the world. This statement is a disclaimer and any and all information published on this website is in accordance with all local, state, and federal law and all donations and funds distributed both domestically and to the island of Jamaica go solely to further the objectives of the organization and are operated in accordance with laws for nonprofit religious, educational and charitable organizations in the United States.

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Yousef alKhattab to RevolutionMusl.

show details May 16

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Asalam 3leikoum wr wb,

Wow braah that was completely NOT what I meant by the email I sent you. I did not send you that hadeeth Qaradawi quoted about because of the literalist meaning, but rather those that are not educated in fiqh usool coming to conclusions that you may come to.I just didn't feel like retyping itso i screen shot it. That email was strictly naseehah, that I hope you will rethink. The same way I told you before, that your rage when you get upset lets forth your true inner feelings.That is what scared me from a street perspective.Your 1000 returning hits got you on the map when Abu Talha tried to pull a Yousef, I had the old statcounter still in place and w/o a doubt it was South Park residual b.s. but from a getting your name out there point of view yes indeed it is still working.The reason I 'aalem' was that I was hoping that this person was one that you actually met before the media or your positions made public.The reason I did not respond point by point was I don't disagree with all you stated and was waiting to sit with an aalem here to learn more about the collateral position.Summing up, in no way shape or form did my last email mean to insult you, it was a warning for you to contemplate about Sumal.

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