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  • Guide to the

    Andean Collection

    Manuscript Group 1775

    compiled by Pedro Guibovich and Christine Weideman

    New Haven, ConnecticutOctober, 2000

    Copyright 2001, Yale University Library

    Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

  • Contents

    Overview of the Papers 1


    Part I, 1538-1878 3

    Part II, 1544-1926 19

    Oversize, 1544-1926 39

  • Overview of the Papers

    CREATOR Ospina, Pastor.

    TITLE Andean collection, 1538-1878 (inclusive) 1700-1799 (bulk).

    PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 14.25 linear ft.

    ARRANGEMENT The collection is arranged in two parts; materials in each part arearranged alphabetically by country, and by date within country.

    SUMMARY A collection of correspondence; government documents, includingreports, commissions, decrees, legal proceedings, account books,treasury records, petitions, geographic relations and awards; churchdocuments; and writings and poems from the Andean region ofLatin America (Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, andVenezuela) on civil, military, economic, religious, and socialtopics.

    PROVENANCE Materials have been assembled from various collections andacquired from several individuals. They include materialstransferred from the Latin American Collection Curator, YaleUniversity Library.

    TERMS GOVERNING USE Copyright has not been transferred to Yale University. The entirecollection is available on microfilm. Patrons must use FILM HM247 instead of the originals.

    PREFERRED CITATION Andean Collection. Manuscripts and Archives, Yale UniversityLibrary.


    Manuscripts and ArchivesYale University LibraryP.O. Box 208240New Haven, CT 06520-8240tel.: +1 (203) 432-1744fax.: +1 (203) 432-7441email: [email protected]

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 1

  • Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 2

  • Part I, 1538-1878

    Part I is 8.5 linear feet; the majority is comprised of both originals and copies of Peruvian materials.They include manuscripts and printed works which can be used to study the history of Peru fromthe prehispanic period to the middle of the nineteenth century. The materials document the culturalhistory of the Andean people before the Spanish conquest; colonial civil administration; the role ofthe Catholic church in colonial society; the Bourbon reforms; the war of Independence; the anarchyof the early republican period; and the war of the Confederation Peru-Bolivia.

    On the history of the Andean people before the Spanish conquest, Part I includes copies, completeand partial, of various accounts written by chroniclers in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.There are texts by the chroniclers Juan de Polo de Ondegardo, Juan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti,Antonio de la Calancha and Fernando de Montesinos.

    The materials related to the colonial period are numerous and varied, and document the central areaof the Peruvian viceroyalty (currently Peru and Bolivia) and its other areas such as Quito, NewGranada, Chile and Rio de la Plata. To study the colonial civil administration during theseventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the reports written by the viceroys are valuable sources. Thereare also account books and legal writs which can be used to analyze the economic and political roleof the Church in the colonial milieu, in particular the role of the Jesuit and the Mercedarian orders.The Bourbon reforms which took place in the Peruvian viceroyalty are especially well-documentedin the numerous royal and viceregal decrees, issued mostly in the second half of the eighteenthcentury.

    Concerning the war of Independence period, there are letters, reports and administrative texts byprominent personages such as Simn Bolvar, Jos de San Martn, Juan de Berindoaga and AntonioJos de Sucre. The turbulent initial years of the republican period can be reconstructed from thecorrespondence by generals Agustn Gamarra and Antonio Gutirrez de la Fuente. Finally, there areseveral letters and military reports on the war of the Confederation Peru-Bolivia, an ambitiouspolitical plan to create a union between the two countries led by the General Andrs de Santa Cruz.

    Part I, 1538-1878Description Box Folder


    "Cdigo fiscal del estado de Cundinamarca."Bogot., 1858

    1 1

    "Lei reformando la de demarcacin I divisinterritorial del estado." Bogot, 1858

    1 2

    "Constitucin poltica del estado deCundinamarca." Bogot., 1858

    1 3

    "Cdigo de Fomento redactado por Pastor Ospina Ipresentado a la Asamblea Constituyente del estado

    1 4

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 3

  • Part I, 1538-1878Description Box Folder

    de Cundinamarca por la Comisin Codificadora."Bogot., 1858

    "Proyecto de Cdigo penal del estado deCundinamarca." Bogot., 1858

    1 5


    Travel book, Ecuador 1896-1904., 1896-1904 2 6


    "Libro antiguo de algunos intrumentos y de laobligacin de misas." Los Reyes, 1538-1572

    2 7

    Documents on the Aratia family. Los Reyes.,1566-1660

    2 8

    "Relacin histrica de los Incas etc.", 1868 3 9

    "Libro de Su Magestad yntitulado comn del aode 1572." Cuzco., 1572

    3 10

    "Libro de los remates de tributos de losrepartimientos de Cuzco, 1575-1582." Cuzco.,1575-1582

    3 11-12

    "Libro de acuerdo de los oficiales reales delCuzco." Cuzco., 1575-1624

    4 13-14

    Account book of the Royal Treasury of Cuzco.Cuzco., 1576-1582

    4 15

    Documents on the hacienda Piccho, Cuzco.Cuzco., [19--]

    4 16

    "Tralado [sic] de un cartapacio a manera deborrador que qued en los papeles del lizenciadoPolo de Ondegardo cerca de el linaje de los Ingas ycmo conquistaron.", 1868

    4 17

    "Traslado de un cartapacio a manera de borradorque qued en los papeles de el licenciado Polo deOndegardo cerca de el linaje de los Yngas y cmoconquistaron.", [18--]

    4 18

    "Relacin de antigedades del Per.", [18--] 4 19

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 4

  • Part I, 1538-1878Description Box Folder

    "Discurso sobre la descendencia y govierno de losYncas.", [18--]

    5 20

    "Estn aqu tres privilegios de iuro y renta dadospor el excelentsimo seor marqus deMontesclaros, virrey, governador y capitn generaldel Per...sobre su real hacienda y rentas destosreinos en favor de Antonio Correa...." Los Reyes.,1612-1613

    5 21

    Documents on the Dominican order. Rome,Madrid., 1625

    5 22

    Letter from the King of Spain to Pedro de Perea,bishop of Arequipa. Monn, Spain., 1626 Feb 25

    5 23

    "Seor. Un libelo infamatorio se ha impreso..."Madrid?, 1640 Jun 1

    5 24

    Documents re: the inspection, by Bernardino dePrado Beltrn de Guevara, judge of the RoyalAudiencia of Santa Fe, New Granada, of theadministration of the city of Cartagena. Cartagena,Madrid, Santa Fe., 1641-1642

    5 25

    Documents re: inspection, by Juan de Palacios, ofthe Royal Audiencia of La Plata. Madrid., 1642

    5 26

    "Crnica moralizada del Per." Lima, [18--] 5 27

    "Gasto MDCLVIIII." Lima., 1659-1672 6 28

    "Libro de cdulas, autos acordados y otrosynstrumentos pertenecientes a los yndios. Ao1760." Lima?, 1662-1772

    7 29

    "Relacin del gobierno del Per." Los Reyes.,1689 Nov 18

    7 30-31

    "Diente del Parnaso que trata dibersas materiascontra mdicos, versos amorosos, a lo divino,pinturas y retratos." Lima., 1689

    8 32

    "Libro primero de las memorias antiguashistoriales del Per.", [18--]

    8 33

    "Libro segundo de las memorias antiguashistoriales del Per.", [18--]

    8 34

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 5

  • Part I, 1538-1878Description Box Folder

    (p. 5)

    "Libro segundo de las memorias antiguashistoriales del Per.", [18--]

    (p. 5)

    8 35

    "Book second of the ancient historical records ofPeru, by the Licenciate Fernando de Montesinos.",[18--]

    8 36

    "Anales del Per.", [18--] 8 37

    "Silva fnebre que hio el insigne y real conventode Lima de el orden de Nuestra Seora de LaMerced...a la cathlica y real magestad de nuestrorey I seor Philippo Quarto el Grande." Lima?,[16--]

    9 38

    Petition by Gaspar de Barahona. Lima?, [16--] 9 39

    "Libro de las alajas desta santa yglecia de SanPedro, Lurn." Lurin., 1712-1746

    9 40

    Book of royal and viceregal decrees. Lima.,1716-1787

    9 41

    Royal decree by the King. Aranjuez, Spain., 1774Jun 16

    10 42

    Report to the Lima inquisitors. Potosi., 1731 May1

    10 43

    Letter by the Lima Inquisitors to the GeneralInquisitor of Spain. Los Reyes, 1731 Jul 29

    10 44

    "Manifiesto hecho a la Santa Inquisicin de laciudad de Lima sobre asumptos de los padres de laCompaa en la provincia de el Paraguay.",1731This is a copy, bound as a volume.

    10 45

    "Respuesta de un devoto del orden serfico a lacarta informe del Marqus de Castel-Fuerte, virreydel Per.", [ca.1731]

    10 46

    Report on the viceroyalty of New Granada. SanIldefonso., 1732 Aug 20

    10 47

    "Noticias del estado de la provincia del Paraguay."Lima., [1732?]

    10 48

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 6

  • Part I, 1538-1878Description Box Folder

    "Relacin succinta de lo acontecido en Lima el da23 de diciembre de 1736 en el auto general delSanto Tribunal de la Inquisicin." Lima?,[ca.1736]

    10 49

    "Ynforme y proiectos que paso a ejecutar..."Madrid., 1739

    10 50

    "Proyecto istructibo [sic] para reparar el evidentepeligro a que estn expuestas las tres provincias deBuenos Ayres, Tucumn y Paraguay." Madrid.,1741 Dec 8

    10 51

    Report on the frontiers of Spanish territory inSouth America. Madri, 1743 Aug 7

    10 52

    Notes on ecclesiastical affairs. Lima?, 1752-1796 10 53

    Royal decree by the King. El Pardo, Madrid.,1773 Sep 14

    10 54

    "Relacin que escrive el Conde de Superunda,virrey de el Per, de los principales sucesos de sugovierno." Lima., 1761

    10 55-56

    Royal decree. Madrid, 1773 Sep 5 11 57

    "Relacin descriptiva de la ciudad y provincia deTrujillo del Per." Madrid., [18--]

    11 58

    Royal decree by the King. El Pardo, Madrid.,1766 Feb 5

    11 59

    Royal decree by the King. Aranjuez., 1766 Apr 30 11 60

    Royal decree. Aranjuez., 1773-1774 11 61

    Royal decree by the King. El Pardo, Madrid.,1769 Feb 11

    11 62

    Royal decree by the King. Aranjuez., 1768 Dec 15 11 63

    Royal decree by the King. Aranjuez., 1770 Jul 24 11 64

    Documents on Colonel Francisco Joseph de Mesay Ponte, marquis of Casa Hermosa, corregidor ofthe province of Huaylas. Lima., 1768-1769

    11 65

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 7

  • Part I, 1538-1878Description Box Folder

    Royal decree by the King. Aranjuez., 1770 May 1 11 66

    Royal decree by the King. San Lorenzo el Real.,1769 Nov 1

    11 67

    "Real cdula de su magestad y seores delConsejo...por la qual se declaran libres dealcabalas y cientos las ventas que se estnhaciendo de los bienes races ocupados a losregulares de la Compaa." El Pardo, Madrid.,1770 Jan 12

    11 68

    Royal decree. Madrid., 1771 Feb 23 11 69

    "Real cdula de su magestad en que aprueba yconfirma, a representacin del... virey don Manuelde Amat y Juniet, las providencias que esteexpidi, as para la puntual satisfaccin de synodosa los curas del distrito." Lima., 1771 Jan 18

    11 70

    Royal decree by the King. Aranjuez., 1770 Jun 3 11 71

    Decree by the viceroy Amat. Lima., 1770 Jul 19 11 72

    Royal decree by the King. San Ildefonso., 1770Jul 21

    11 73

    Viceregal decree. Lima., 1770 Jul 23 11 74

    "Instruccin metdica expedida por este superiorgobierno del Per para que sirva de regla a losjueces de revisita en el distrito de este vireynato."Lima., 1770 Jul 28

    11 75

    Viceregal decree. Lima., 1770 Nov 12 11 76

    Royal decree. San Lorenzo., 1770 Nov 20 11 77

    Viceregal decree. Lima., 1771 Feb 1 11 78

    Royal decree by the King. El Pardo, Madrid.,1772 Feb 19

    11 79

    Decree by the Royal Audiencia. Lima., 1771 Mar26

    11 80

    Royal decree by the King. San Ildefonso., 1771 11 81

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 8

  • Part I, 1538-1878Description Box Folder

    Aug 7

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso., 1771 Sep 9 11 82

    "Libro mayor que comprehende por menor todaslas partidas de entrada y salida universal de losdiferentes ramos de que se compone el jiro circularde negociaciones resultantes de las temporalidadesocupadas de orden de su magestad a los regularesque se denominaban de la Compaa de Jess."Lima., 1771

    12 83

    Royal decree by the King. Aranjuez., 1772 Apr 24 13 84

    Royal decree by the King. Aranjuez., 1773 May 1 13 85

    "Quejas de un sincero amante de el rey nuestro yzeloso del honor de sus compatriotas dirigidas alpadre venerable provincial de los ministrosagonizantes establecidos en esta ciudad de Lima."Lima?, 1773 May 20

    13 86

    "Carta del cura de Condorillo a un amigoconvaleciente en la Cieneguilla sobre la queescribi un chararero al provincial de laBuenamuerte." Lima., 1773 Jun 11See previousentry.

    13 87

    Royal decree by the King. Madrid., 1773 Jul 8 13 88

    Royal decree by the King. Madrid., 1773 Jul 8 13 89

    Royal decree by the King. Madrid., 1773 Jul 8 13 90

    Royal decree of the King. Madrid., 1773 Jul 8 13 91

    Royal decree by the King. Madrid., 1773 Jul 10 13 92

    Royal decree by the King. San Ildefonso., 1773Jul 25

    13 93

    Royal decree by the King. San Ildefonso., 1773Sep 6

    13 94

    Royal decree by the King. San Ildefonso., 1773Sep 13

    13 95

    Royal decree by the King. San Ildefonso., 1773 13 96

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 9

  • Part I, 1538-1878Description Box Folder

    Sep 19

    Royal decree by the King. San Ildefonso., 1773Sep 20

    13 97

    Royal decree by the King. San Lorenzo., 1774May 4

    13 98

    Royal decree by the King. San Lorenzo., 1773Nov 19

    13 99

    Decree by the viceroy. Lima., 1773 Dec 3 13 100

    Decree by the viceroy. Lima., 1773 Dec 4 13 101

    Royal decree by the King. El Pardo, Madrid.,1774 Jan 20

    14 102

    Royal decree. El Pardo, Madrid., 1775 Jan 11 14 103

    Royal decree. El Pardo, Madrid., 1774 14 104

    "Reglamento de sueldos y dems abonos para losindividuos de marina que sirvan en la Mar delSur." Lima., 1774

    14 105

    Royal decree by the King. Madrid., 1774 Mar 27 14 106

    Royal decree by the King. Madrid., 1774 Mar 27 14 107

    Royal decree by the King. Aranjuez., 1774 Apr 21 14 108

    Royal decree by the King. Aranjuez., 1774 May 6 14 109

    Royal decree by the King. Aranjuez., 1774 May16

    14 110

    Royal decree by he King. Aranjuez., 1774 May 16 14 111

    Royal decree by the King. Aranjuez., 1774 May26

    14 112

    Royal decree by the King. Aranjuez., 1774 Jun 20 14 113

    Royal decree by the King. San Ildefonso., 1774Aug 22

    14 114

    Edict by Diego Antonio de Parada, archbishop of 14 115

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 10

  • Part I, 1538-1878Description Box Folder

    Lima. Lima., 1774 Sep 20

    Decree by the Royal Audiencia. Lima., 1774 Oct15

    14 116

    Royal decree by the King. San Lorenzo., 1774 Oct19

    14 117

    Royal decree by the King. San Lorenzo el real.,1774 Nov 16

    14 118

    Decree by the viceroy? Lima., 1774 Dec 16 14 119

    "Nuevo gazofilacio real de el Per." Lima., 1774 14 120

    Documents on the town of Miraflores. Lima.,1774-1784

    14 121

    Royal decree by the King. Aranjuez., 1775 Apr 23 14 122

    Royal decree by the King. Aranjuez., 1775 May14

    14 123

    Royal decree by the King. San Ildefonso., 1775 14 124

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso., 1776 Apr 12 14 125

    Royal decree by the King. San Lorenzo el real.,1775 Nov 24

    14 126

    Royal decree by the King. Madrid., 1775 Dec 5 14 127

    "Libro de sacrista y sus ynventarios y demsalhajas. Ao de 1777." Lima., 1775-1818

    14 128-129

    Royal decree. Madrid., 1776 Jan 11 15 130

    Royal decree. Madrid., 1776 Jan 18 15 131

    Royal decree. El Pardo, Madrid., 1776 Feb 14 15 132

    Royal decree. El Pardo, Madrid., 1776 Oct 12 15 133

    Royal decree. El Pardo, Madrid., 1776 Feb 24 15 134

    Royal decree. El Pardo, Madrid., 1776 Feb 29 15 135

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 11

  • Part I, 1538-1878Description Box Folder

    Royal decree by the King. El Pardo, Madrid.,1776 Mar 11

    15 136

    Royal decree by the King. Madrid., 1776 Apr 6 15 137

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso., 1776 Oct 29 15 138

    Royal decree. Aranjuez., 1776 Oct 22 15 139

    Royal decree. Lima., 1776 Dec 1 15 140

    Royal decree. Aranjuez., 1776 Oct 26 15 141

    "Instruccin de los que deben observar los regentesde las reales audiencias de Amrica: sus funciones,regalas, como se han de haber con los virreyes ypresidentes y estos con aquellos." Aranjuez., 1776Jun 20

    15 142

    Royal decree. Madrid., 1776 Nov 29 15 143

    Edicto by Diego Antonio de Parada, archbishop ofLima. Lima., 1776 Jul 13

    15 144

    Note by Pedro de Ureta. Lima., 1776 Aug 3 15 145

    Note by Pedro de Ureta. Lima., 1776 Aug 17 15 146

    Decree by the viceroy of Peru. Lima., 1776 Aug22

    15 147

    Royal decree by the King. San Ildefonso., 1776Sep 2

    15 148

    Royal decree by the King. San Ildefonso., 1776Sep 2

    15 149

    Royal decree by the King. San Ildefonso., 1776Sep 13

    15 150

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso., 1777 May 12 15 151

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso., 1777 Feb 22 15 152

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso., 1777 Feb 22 15 153

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso., 1776 Oct 3 15 154

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 12

  • Part I, 1538-1878Description Box Folder

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso., 1776 Oct 3 15 155

    Decree by the Royal Audiencia. Lima., 1777 Apr25

    15 156

    Note by the secretary of the viceroy. Lima., 1777May 12

    15 157

    Edict by Jos Antonio de Areche, general inspectorof the Peruvian viceroyalty. Lima., 1777 Aug 27

    15 158

    Decree by the viceroy of Peru. Lima., 1777 Sep 2 15 159

    "Testimonio de la sentencia dada por el seor donJos Antonio de Areche, visitador ysuperintendente general de la real hacienda de los[sic] Per y Buenos Ayres en 18 de febrero de1782 declarando pertenecerle a doa MarianaVzquez de Velasco y Tello la mitad del valor delos oficios de fundidor, ensayador y balanzario quese hallan situados en las reales caxas de Potos."Lima., 1782

    15 160

    "Elogio...al seor doctor don Jorge de Escobedo yAlarcn, cavallero de la real y distinguida orden deCarlos Tercero, oidor de las Audiencias de Charcasy Lima, gobernador poltico y militar de Potos."Lima?, 1782

    15 161

    "Escobedo. Establecimiento de teneras, susincidencias e informaciones. Ao 1787." Lima.,1783-1787

    15 162-163

    "Noticias de las riquezas, minas, plantas y otrosproductos naturales de la Amrica del Sur.",1783-1794

    16 164

    "Pueblo de Late y de la Rinconada". Lima.,1784-Aug-28

    16 165

    "Unas cartas relativas al licenciado don Fernandode Montesinos." Seville, San Ildefonso., [18--]

    16 166

    "Informe sobre el Tribunal de Minera." Potosi.,[18--]

    16 167

    "Informe sobre la formacin del Tribunal deMinera." Potosi., [18--]

    16 168

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 13

  • Part I, 1538-1878Description Box Folder

    Gua histrico, geogrfico, fsico, poltico, civil,legal del govierno e yntendencia de la provincia dePotos." Potosi., 1787

    16 169

    "Estado actual del catholicismo, poltica yeconoma de los naturales del Per y medios decorregirlo." Lima., 1787

    17 170

    "Libro de extractos de los ttulos pertenecientes alas fincas que obtubieron los regulares extinguidosde esta ciudad del Cuzco, ao 1788." Cuzco.,1788

    17 171

    "Prontuario prctico, mecnico y econmico oynstruccin compendiosa...de la real casa de lamoneda de Santiago de Chile.", 1788-1789

    17 172

    "Relacin que hace el excelentsimo seor donTheodoro de Croix, virrey que fue estos reinos delPer y Chile a su succesor el excelentsimo seorfrei don Francisco Gil de Lemos, desde 4 de abrilde 1784 hasta 25 de marzo de 1790." Lima., 1790Mar 25

    17 173

    "Informe sobre el plan y de un socabn." Potosi.,[18--]

    17 174

    "Visita a las minas e ingenios del Cerro-Rico."Potosi., [18--]

    17 175

    "Abatido estado de las minas del Per." Lima.,[18--]

    18 176

    "Descripcin del Per." Cochabamba., [18--] 18 177

    "Yndignacin a la carta del seor Ynspectorgeneral escrita sobre las operaciones militarescontra los rebeldes y sobre el despueblo de Puno ysu retirada al Cuzco." Lima?, [17--]

    18 178

    Description of the viceroyalty of Peru., [17--] 18 179

    "Manifiesto de los agravios, bexaciones ymolestias que padecen los indios del reyno delPer.", [17--]

    18 180

    Printed form. Lima?, [17--] 18 181

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 14

  • Part I, 1538-1878Description Box Folder

    "Cuenta y razn puntual de las entradas y gastosque tienen estas oficinas de fielatura." Lima.,1800-1804

    18 182

    "Libro principal respectivo al establecimiento de lanueva Hermandad de la Santsima Trinidad JessSacramentado y Pursima Concepcin en la yglesiadel Oratorio de los padres de San Felipe Neri deesta ciudad de Lima, que dio principio en el ao de1809." Lima., 1809-1820

    19 183

    Decree by the Council of Regency. Cadiz., 1811Aug 26

    20 184

    "Materiales para una descripcin del Per.", [18--] 20 185

    Royal decree by the King. Madrid., 1817 May 22 21 186

    Documents on the Junta de Temporalidades.Lima., 1817See previous entry.

    21 187

    Letter by Jos Ramn Rodil. Talcahuano, Chile.,1818 May 27

    21 188

    Appointment paper of a military officer. Madrid?,1820 May 7

    21 189

    Anales de la ciudad de Potos. Cuzco., 1820 Jun15

    21 190

    Appointment of a military officer. Lima., 1821Aug 7

    21 191

    Letter by Bernardo O'Higgins. Santiago de Chile.,1821 Sep 11

    21 192

    Documents re:/by Antonio Jos de Sucre. Puno,Ayavire., 1821-1825

    21 193

    Documentos on Francisco de la Sal y Rozas.Lima., 1821-1825

    21 194

    Letter. Tacna., 1822 Apr 10 21 195

    Letter by Juan de Berindoaga. Lima., 1823 Dec 1 21 196

    "Testimonio de la cuenta jeneral del emprstito de 21 197

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 15

  • Part I, 1538-1878Description Box Folder

    Chile al Per." Santiago de Chile., 1823-1824

    Letters by Jos de la Mar. Trujillo, San Jos deCosta Rica., 1824-1829

    21 198

    Letters by Andrs de Santa Cruz. Huamanga,Puno., 1824-1836

    21 199

    "Viva el Rey. Proclama del general Olaeta altropas del ejrcito real." Oruro., [1825?]

    21 200

    Letter by Jos de Carratal. Quilca, Arequipa.,1825 Jan 16

    21 201

    Letter by Antonio Gutierrez de la Fuente. Ica.,1825 Jan 24

    21 202

    Letter to Rudecindo Alvarado. Desaguadero.,1825 Jan 31

    21 203

    Documents signed by Simon Bolvar. Lima., 1825 21 204

    Documents on Benito Laso. Lima., 1828-1838 21 205

    Letter by Jos Luis Orbegoso to the War Minister.Chiclayo., 1829 May 19

    21 206

    Letter by Juan Pardo de Zela to the War Minister.Lima., 1829 Oct 10

    21 207

    Documents concerning the war between Peru andColombia. Guayaquil., 1829

    21 208

    Documents concerning the war between Peru andColombia. Piura, Lambayeque., 1829

    21 209

    Correspondence of Antonio Gutirrez de la Fuente.Lima, Piura, Trujillo, Huanchaco, Huancayo.,1829-1839

    21 210

    Letter by Jos Angel Bujanda? Cuzco?, 1830 Jun12

    21 211

    Documents on Felipe Santiago Salaverry.Arequipa., 1836

    21 212

    Letter by Francisco Lpez. Tacna., 1837 Sep 30 21 213

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 16

  • Part I, 1538-1878Description Box Folder

    Letter by Pedro Godoy. Valparaiso., 1838 May 19 21 214

    Letter to Agustn Gamarra. Cochabamba., 1839May 7

    21 215

    Letters by Manuel del Ro. Tarma, Huancayo.,1839

    22 216

    Letters to Agustn Gamarra., 1839-1841 22 217

    License by Francisco Sales de Arrieta, archbishopof Lima. Lima., 1842 Jul 26

    22 218

    Letter by M.Ros. Lima., 1843 Aug 4 22 219

    "Anciennes poteries americaines peinter d'aprsnature.", [18--]

    22 220

    "Nota de los manuscritos relativos al Per que sehallan en la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid.",[18--]

    22 221

    Legal interpretation. Los Reyes., n.d. 22 222

    "Indice de las bulas y monitorios que ay en elarchivo del Per." Lima?, n.d.

    22 223

    "Balanza de Astrea, justa e imparcial." Lima?, n.d. 22 224

    "Antigedades y monumentos del Per.", n.d. 22 225


    Documents on captaincy of Felipe Esteves.,1812-1849

    23 226

    "Constitucin poltica del estado de Venezuela."Angostura., [1819?]

    24 227

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 17

  • Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 18

  • Part II, 1544-1926

    Part II is 5.75 linear feet, and contains original texts and copies of documents from the Andeannations of South America. While Peruvian materials make up the majority of the collection, thereare also items from Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. The materials trace thehistory of the Andean region from the early years of Spanish conquest to the later national period(1544-1926). The collection is particularly strong for the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuriesand consists of official state documents such as royal decrees, legal proceedings, reports, accountbooks, treasury records, petitions and geographic relations; church documents; ecclesiastical texts;correspondence; accounts of events; political writings; poetry; scrapbooks; and photographs.

    The collection lends itself to a myriad of research topics for the colonial period, includingpre-Colombian civilizations; regional history; civil administration; the role of the church in colonialsociety; the Bourbon reforms; and the colonial mining industry. For the study of pre-Colombiancultures, a text by the Jesuit, Antonio Julian, offers detailed descriptions of the "demonic" religiouspractices of the native peoples, and argues the Spanish conquest did not have a negative impact onthe indigenous inhabitants.

    Regional/micro history is documented in two detailed eighteenth century "relaciones geograficas"(geographic relations) describing the Caupolican and Apolobamba regions of modern Bolivia andthe Abancay area of Peru, and in an interesting report describing the types of trees found in thePartido of Conchucos (Tarma) and their uses. There is an outstanding description of Lima, writtenby an unknown author, which includes graphic descriptions of the city's racial groups, socialcustoms, and pastimes, and an 1812 census of Callao, which provides demographic details abouthousehold size and composition, as well as occupational data. A 1698 text details the damagessuffered from an earthquake in the towns of Latacunga, Riobamba and Ambato, Ecuador. There isalso very interesting documentation of a lawsuit by Alvaro Medaa over the ownership of the shipNuestra Seora de la Candelaria, which contains details of voyages in the South Seas made by thisdiscoverer of the Solomon Islands.

    Colonial civil administration can be traced through a "relacin" (report) on the state of the Kingdomof Peru, prepared for the viceroy in 1667. A number of royal decrees demonstrate the Spanishstate's increasing need for revenues, and document the other concerns of the Spanish monarchyduring the first half of the eighteenth century. Treasury records include account books from Cuzco(1572-1573) and Cuenca (1783-1827); detailed statements of the Viceroyalty of Peru's income andexpenditures for 1787 and 1788; and a chart made in 1797 listing employees of the viceroyalty withsalaries greater than four hundred pesos. A series of acts of the Lima cabildo and its successor, theayuntamiento constitutional, present information about municipal administration. Rebellion againstcivil administration can be studied through copies of texts about an encomienda belonging to Juande Espinosa that also deal with the Gonzaro Pizarro revolt (1544-1548). There are severaldocuments related to the Tupac Amaru Rebellion, in particular, a text authored by Jos RaphaelSauaraura provides a first hand account of the rebellion and offers a defense of the bishop of Cuzcoduring the revolt.

    The integral role played by the Catholic Church in colonial life is well documented. The variousmanifestations of this centrality can be traced through documents dealing with the Jesuit order'sright to establish a residence for their order in Huancavelica; texts relating to a dispute over thecontrol of the Indian "doctrina" of Ayabaca; materials from litigation between two religious ordersto force interest payments on the principal of a loan imposed on an Ecuadorian hacienda; an opinionconcerning the establishment of a convent of nuns governed under the rules of poverty of SaintClare; papers relating to the Hospital of San Lazaro in Lima, which contain the statutes of the

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 19

  • related cofradia (lay religious brotherhood); and documents from a lawsuit filed by members of theAugustinian order to remove their provincial from his office

    The "Bourbon reforms" aimed to bring about the economic, social, political and militarymodernization of Spain and its colonies. Useful manuscripts concern institutions that arose out ofBourbon reforms. These include one relating to the Peruvian economic society, the Sociedad deAmantes del Pais, and another dealing with establishment of the Colegio de Abogados de Lima (theLima law school.) The military aspects of the Bourbon reforms can be studied through documentsrelating to attempts to create a new militia company in Tarma, Peru, and a defensive plan for Limaand Callao prepared in 1807. A text dealing with the planting of trees in Huamanga demonstratesthe increased influence of European ideas on the thinking of this era.

    The mining industry provided much of the wealth of the Spanish empire. Texts on the miningenterprise include a copy of a report by Diego Caldern y Salcedo on the discovery and problems ofthe Potos mines; a copy of an appeal to the king from the guild of "azogueros" concerningproduction costs; a text by Francisco Serra y Canals explaining the practices of the silver miningindustry and a hand drawn plan of the Huancavelica mercury mine.

    The collection also contains a wide variety of documentation from the various Andean nationsrelated to the independence period. Materials from Colombia include a letter written by AntonioJos de Sucre to Manuela Esteva concerning the Battle of Ayacucho; a letter by the ardent royalist,Manuel Urrutia, describing conditions after Simn Bolvar's victory at Boyac; and an account byElias Prieto Villate presenting participant and eyewitness recollections of the Battles of Vargas andBoyac. Documents from a trial related to an 1809 uprising in Quito describe the beginnings of theindependence movement in Ecuador. The movement in Peru can be studied from texts concerning anew exaction of Indian tribute (1812-1813), a principal cause of a rebellion in highland Peru that isviewed as a precursor to the independence movements led by Jos de San Martn and Bolvar. Therecords of a junta of notables outline their determination of the best means to pay for increaseddefensive costs owing to the movement. The Peruvian perspective on Bolvar's rule, immediatelyafter independence, is documented in an essay, and in extracts from newspapers andcorrespondence (1826-1827). From Venezuela, a document signed by Simn Bolvar urges Britishofficials not to intervene in Spain's disputes with its Latin American colonies. Correspondence ofBolvar and a letter by Manuel Urdaeta discuss the military situation and battles of the Venezuelanindependence movement.

    Items in the collection sometimes span the independence period and the early national period.Examples of this include the Francisco Ribas correspondence, which consists of letters by a numberof independence leaders, written between 1818 and 1854, discussing political, personal, militaryand other matters. A scrapbook of South American letters and other documents collected by, andbound for, Isabel Alderson, a member of a leading English merchant family residing in Caracas inthe eighteenth century, contains similar correspondence and some handwritten observationsconcerning the authors of the letters.

    The materials for the study of the later national period are limited, but of some interest. TheRipart-Montclar correspondence contains a series of detailed, personal letters, written by the Frenchcharg d'affaires in Lima, to his sister between 1869 and 1871. These letters document a criticalperiod in Peruvian history between the decline of that nation's guano boom and the War of thePacific, and contain Ripart-Montclar's personal opinions and insights about Peruvian society. Thecorrespondence also contains many references to the political unrest in France, as well as theFranco-Prussian War. Also of interest is a photo album from the 1920s that presents a number ofimages showing the conditions of the Venezuelan oil fields during the years the industry developedand contributed to the economic development of the modern nation.

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 20

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder


    "Suceso portentoso acaecido en el asiento mineralde Porco distrito de Potos." n.d.


    Title: "Por parte de Gil de Carvajal...." Potos.1615

    25 1

    "Por Don Juan de Santa Ana...." Potos. ca. 1615 25 2

    Personal letter. Potos. 1623 May 15 25 3

    "Relacin del descubrimiento de la mina del Cerode Potos." ca. 1626

    25 4

    "Memorial por parte de Antonio Gonclez delPino...." La Plata (Sucre). ca. 1634

    25 5

    Appeal to the king of Spain. [Potos?] [16--?] 25 6

    "Que la donacin de Alonso Quadrado no puedapresumirse simulada o hecha en confianca." LaPlata (Sucre). [16--?]

    25 7

    Petition from the "Fiscal Protector General."Places: [La Plata?], Potos, Charcas, Lima,[Madrid?]. 1754-1756

    25 8

    Royal decree. Ciudad de la Plata (Sucre). 1770May 7

    25 9

    "Relacin histrica, geogrfica que yo D. Jos deSanta Cruz Villavizencio...." La Paz. 1789 Sep 20

    25 10

    "Relacin histrica, geogrfica que yo D. Jos deSanta Cruz Villavizencio...." La Paz. 1789 Sep 20

    25 11

    "Tratado del beneficio de metales de plata poramalgamacin segn se practica en Amrica."Madrid. 1806

    25 12

    Letter by Andrs de Santa Cruz to Mr. Cerruti.Panama. 1856 Sep 29

    25 13

    Index of documents related to mining. [18--?] 25 14

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 21

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder


    "Relasin de los compaas de batalln deYnfantra destinado para refuerzo de la Plaza deValdivia con distincin de los oficiales que debencubrirlas." Santiago. 1797

    26 15

    Letter. Concepcin. 1813 Aug 25 26 16

    "Prstamo hecho a Chile de un millr de pesos."1822

    26 17

    Title: Hotel bill. Valparaiso. Description: Bill fromthe Hotel Aubry to N. De Monclar. 187-? Nov 17

    26 18


    Royal order. [Spain?] 1690 Jan 25 26 19

    Letter. Cartagena. 1697 Nov 18 26 20

    "Monarqua del diablo en la gentilidad del NuevoMundo...." [17--?]

    26 21

    Documents from the "Estado de Cartagena."Cartagena. 1812

    26 22

    Letter by Manuel Mariano Urrutia to ToribioMontes. Popayn. 1820 May 20

    26 23

    "Reglamento de comercio para el istmo dePanama...." Panama. 1822 Feb 28

    26 24

    Letters by Antonio Jos de Sucre. Places: Pasto,Potos. 1822 Dec 27, 1825 Apr 19

    26 25

    Documents related to ship seizures. La Guayra.1823-1824, 1828

    26 26

    "Batallas de Vargas I Boyac 25 de julio de 1819 =7 agosto de 1819." [Paipa?] 1893 Aug 7

    26 27


    "Muy Illustre Seor." Quito. [1566?] Jan 9 26 28

    "Relacin de los estragos que ha causado en esta 26 29

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 22

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    provincia el terremoto...." 1698

    "Sobre accin real de P. Fr. Manuel de Villalva."Places: Ambato and Latacunga. 1769-1774

    26 30

    "Libro de quentas con la caja real de Truxillo."Cuenca. 1783-1827

    26 31

    "Vista fiscal en la causa de la rebolucin deQuito...." Quito. 1810

    26 32

    Miguel Moreno y Morn papers. Places:Guayaquil, Guatemala, Andalusia, Valencia, Lima.1814-1837

    26 33

    Letter. Quito. 1881 Aug 20 26 34


    Pleito de Juan de Espinosa. Places: Cuzco, LosReyes, Quito and La Plata. 1544-1558

    27 35

    Report to the king. [Lima? ] 1572 Jun 25 27 36

    "Libro de sumas para el thesorero Miguel Snchezdeste ao de mil quinientos de setenta y dos aos."[Cuzco?] 1572-1573

    27 37

    "Libro de sumas para el thesorero Miguel Snchezdeste ao de mil quinientos de setenta y dos aos."[Cuzco?] 1572-1573

    27 38

    Expediente. Los Reyes and Panama. 1582-1585 28 39

    "Sobre las tierras de Guaillapampa y Yanapampaen Chetilla." Cajamarca. 1586, 1645

    29 40

    Petition. Los Reyes. 1587 Oct 3 29 41

    "Don Fernando de Torres y Portugal, Conde deVillar...." Los Reyes and Arequipa. 1589-1613

    29 42

    Interrogatories. Places: Los Reyes and San Miguelde Piura. 1593

    29 43

    Personal letter to Luis de Medina. [Cuzco?] 1597Mar 20

    29 44

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 23

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    Partial testimony. [15--?] 29 45

    Case to establish citizenship. Los Reyes.1623-1625

    30 46

    "Provisin de licensia para tener casa deresidencia...." Los Reyes. 1644, 1648

    30 47

    Memorial to the king. [Madrid? ] [1645?] 30 48

    Estate of Gaspar de Silba. San Miguel de Piura.1649

    30 49

    Relacin del estado del reyno de Peru. Lima.1667 Nov 15

    30 50

    "Sylva funebre a las honras del excelentissimoseor..." Lima. 1677

    (p. 39)

    30 x-ref

    "Minuta de las derechos...." ca. 1684 30 51

    "Sobre el derecho...." 1687 Oct 20 30 52

    Poetry volume. [Lima?] ca. 1689 30 53

    "Traslado del parecer e informe que hizo el Pe.Nicols de Olea...." [Lima? ] 1690-1691

    30 54

    "Relacin de la entrada...." Lima. 1700-1701 30 55

    [-]eledez de Beatitudine? 1711 30 56

    Royal order. Madrid. 1713 May 24 30 57

    Royal decree. [Madrid?] 1716 Jun 28 30 58

    Royal order. Buen Retiro. 1716 Jul 20 30 59

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1716 Aug 22 30 60

    Royal decree. Madrid. 1717 Mar 7 30 61

    Royal order. Madrid. 1717 Nov 16 30 62

    Royal decree. San Lorenzo. 1718 Jul 16 30 63

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 24

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    Royal decree. Madrid. 1719 Jan 26 30 64

    Royal decree. Madrid. 1720 Feb 10 30 65

    Royal decree. Madrid. 1720 Feb 29 30 66

    Royal decree. Madrid. 1720 Mar 1 30 67

    Royal decree. Madrid. 1720 Apr 22 30 68

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1720 Apr 22 30 69

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1720 Apr 22 30 70

    Royal decree. San Lorenzo. 1720 Jul 12 30 71

    Royal decree. San Lorenzo. 1720 Nov 10 30 72

    Royal decree. Madrid. 1720 Dec 4 30 73

    Royal decree. Madrid. 1720 Dec 7 30 74

    Royal decree. San Lorenzo. 1720 Dec 10 30 75

    Royal decree. Madrid. 1721 Feb 20 30 76

    "Clemente Papa XI ad futurm rei memoriam."Madrid. 1721 Mar 8

    30 77

    Royal decree. San Lorenzo. 1721 Jul 30 30 78

    Royal decree. San Lorenzo. 1721 Aug 31 30 79

    Royal decree. [Balsain?] 1721 Sep 25 30 80

    Royal decree. [Lerma?] 1721 Dec 28 30 81

    Royal decree. San Lorenzo. 1721-1722 30 82

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1722 May 11 30 83

    Royal decree. [Valian?] 1722 Jul 31 30 84

    Royal decree. [Madrid?] 1723 Jan 25 30 85

    Royal decree. [Madrid?] 1723 Jan 29 30 86

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 25

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    Royal instruction. [Madrid?] 1723 Jan 29 30 87

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1723 Mar 16 30 88

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1723 Apr 4 30 89

    Presentation of a royal decree. Balsain and Lima.1723 Jul 28

    30 90

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso. 1723 Sep 27 30 91

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso. 1724 Jan 14 31 92

    Royal decree. Madrid. 1724 Mar 6 31 93

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1724 Jun 13 31 94

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso. 1725 Sep 7 31 95

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso. 1725 Oct 1 31 96

    "El Rey." San Lorenzo. 1725 Nov 25 31 97

    Royal decree. Madrid. 1726 Feb 1 31 98

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso. 1726 Oct 8 31 99

    Royal decree. Madrid. 1727 Feb 1 31 100

    Royal decree. Madrid. 1727 Jun 26 31 101

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso. 1727 Oct 4 31 102

    Royal decree. [Madrid?] 1728 Mar 5 31 103

    Copy of royal acknowledgment. Puerto de SantaMara. 1729 Sep 19

    31 104

    Royal decree. Seville. 1729 Oct 30 31 105

    Royal decree. Soto de Roma. 1730 Apr 26 31 106

    Royal decree. Soto de Roma. 1730 Apr 30 31 107

    Royal decree. Soto de Roma. 1730 May 5 31 108

    Royal decree. Soto de Roma. 1730 May 7 31 109

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 26

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    Royal decree. Soto de Roma. 1730 May 12 31 110

    Royal decree. Seville. 1730 Nov 10 31 111

    Royal decree. Seville. 1731 Feb 7 31 112

    Royal decree. Seville. 1731 Apr 13 31 113

    Copy of a royal decree. Seville. 1731 Aug 8 31 114

    Papal decree. Rome. 1732 May 27 31 115

    Royal decree. Seville. 1732 Aug 6 31 116

    Royal order. Seville. 1732 Oct 3 31 117

    Royal decree. Seville. 1733 Apr 17 31 118

    Royal order. Seville. 1733 Apr 17 31 119

    Royal decree. Seville. 1733 Apr 17 31 120

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso. 1733 Aug 29 31 121

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1734 Dec 12 31 122

    Royal decree. San Lorenzo. 1736 31 123

    Royal decree. [Madrid?] 1736 Jul 21 31 124

    Royal appointment. [Madrid?] 1736 Apr 26 31 125

    Royal appointment. Buen Retiro. 1741 Jul 15 31 126

    Royal dispatch. Aranjuez. 1735 Jun 19 31 127

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1735 Dec 15 31 128

    Proclamation. Places: Lima and [Madrid?]1735-1736

    31 129

    Royal decree. [Madrid?] 1736 Feb 20 31 130

    Copy of a royal dispatch. Aranjuez. 1736 Apr 18 31 131

    Royal advisory. San Ildefonso. 1736 Aug 13 31 132

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 27

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    Certification of a royal decree. Madrid. 1736 Sep11

    31 133

    Royal decree. San Lorenzo. 1736 Sep 17 31 134

    Royal order. San Ildefonso. 1736 Sep 26 31 135

    Royal order. San Ildefonso. 1736 Sep 26 31 136

    Certification of royal decree. Madrid. 1736 Nov 31 137

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1737 Sep 20 31 138

    "Dictamen del Mr. Fr. Juan Ellacuriaga del nmerode la prov. De Sn. Augustin de Castilla sobre lasvacantes de Indias." Madrid. 1737 Apr 30

    31 139

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1737 May 22 31 140

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso. 1737 Jul 16 31 141

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso. 1737 Oct 5 31 142

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1738 Apr 11 31 143

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1738 Apr 13 31 144

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1738 May 5 31 145

    Royal instruction. San Ildefonso. 1741 Sep 6 33 146

    Royal order. San Ildefonso. 1741 Sep 6 32 147

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1742 Apr 29 32 148

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1742 Jun 3 32 149

    Royal decree. [Madrid?] 1744 Mar 1, 1748 32 150

    Royal decree. San Ildefonso. 1744 Oct 2 32 151

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1745 May 31 32 152

    Proclamation of royal decree. Lima. 1746 Jun 2 32 153

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1747 Feb 24 32 154

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 28

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1747 Mar 18 32 155

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1748 Apr 5 32 156

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1748 Feb 3 32 157

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1748 Feb 27 32 158

    Royal advisory. Buen Retiro. 1748 Sep 29 32 159

    Royal advisory. Buen Retiro. 1748 Oct 5 32 160

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1748 Dec 6 32 161

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1748 Dec 25 32 162

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1749 Feb 13 32 163

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1749 Feb 13 32 164

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1749 Feb 21 32 165

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1749 Feb 21 32 166

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1749 Jun 27 32 167

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1749 Jul 29 32 168

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1749 Jul 29 32 169

    Copy of a royal advisory. Buen Retiro. 1749 Sep26

    32 170

    Copy of a royal advisory. Buen Retiro. 1749 Sep26

    32 171

    Copy of a royal advisory. Buen Retiro. 1749 Sep26

    32 172

    Royal advisory. Buen Retiro. 1749 Sep 26 32 173

    Royal advisory. Buen Retiro. 1749 Sep 26 32 174

    Royal order. San Lorenzo. 1749 Oct 22 32 175

    Royal order. San Lorenzo. 1749 Nov 1 32 176

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 29

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    Royal advisory. San Lorenzo. 1749 Nov 6 32 177

    Royal advisory. San Lorenzo. 1749 Nov 15 32 178

    Royal advisory. Aranjuez. 1750 May 7 32 179

    Royal advisory. Buen Retiro. 1750 Aug 12 32 180

    Royal advisory. San Lorenzo. 1750 Oct 7 32 181

    Royal advisory. San Lorenzo. 1750 Oct 27 32 182

    Copy of a royal advisory. San Lorenzo. 1750 Oct29

    32 183

    Royal decree. San Lorenzo. 1750 Nov 1 32 184

    Royal order. Buen Retiro. 1750 32 185

    Royal order. Buen Retiro. 1750 32 186

    "Discourso que mereci el premio propuesto porla Academia de Dijon el ao de 1750 sobre estaquestion si el restablecimiento de las ciencias y delas artes ha contribuido apurificar las costumbres."[Lima?] 1796

    32 187

    Royal advisory. Buen Retiro. 1751 Jan 19 32 188

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1751 Apr 17 32 189

    Letter to the king. Aranjuez. 1751 May 18 32 190

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1751 Jun 3 32 191

    Copy of a royal decree. Aranjuez. 1751 Jun 30 32 192

    Printed copy of a papal decree. Rome. 1751 Jul 12 32 193

    Royal order. Buen Retiro. 1751 Jul 14 32 194

    Printed copy of a royal dispatch. Buen Retiro.1751 Dec 28

    32 195

    Four royal decrees. Buen Retiro. 1751 32 196

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1752 Feb 26 32 197

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 30

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1752 Jun 26 32 198

    Royal decree. Buen Retiro. 1752 Jul 3, 1753 32 199

    Legal documents. Places: Lima and [Paris?]1752-1753

    32 200

    Royal decree. Aranjuez. 1753 Jul 2 33 201

    Royal decree. Places: Buen Retiro and Madrid.1753

    33 202

    Royal decree. Places: Buen Retiro and Madrid.1753

    33 203

    Royal decree. Places: Aranjuez and Lima.1753-1754

    33 204

    Various documents. Places: Palencia, Arequipa,and Quito. 1753-1835

    33 205

    Mining document. Places: Lima and La Plata(Sucre). 1771

    33 205a

    "Sermones de don Amaro de Espinosa...."[1773-1811?]

    33 206

    "Autos obrados sobre el alzamiento que se recelalos ynidos de la ciudad del Cuzco y otrasprovincias." Places: Arequipa, Lima and Chaparra.1776-1779

    33 207-209

    "Real decreto en que S.M. ha resuelto ampliar laconcesin de comercio libre...." Madrid. 1778Feb 2

    33 210

    "Arancel de los derechos...." Madrid. 1778 Feb 16 33 211

    "La verdad desnuda sobre el homicidio delCoronel don Antonio de Arriaga...." Cuzco. 1780

    33 212

    Three letters concerning the Tupac AmaruRebellion. Places: Cuzco, Asangaro and Arequipa.1781

    33 213

    Descripcin de Lima. [Lima?] ca. 1781 33 214

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 31

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    "Estado del Peru piedad de su exelencia defensa deprncipe lealtad de la Amrica al real trono deEspaa." 1784

    33 215

    "Reglamento que deber obserbar y cuidar de suobcerbancia en los artculos que comprehende elM. Y. Cabildo de la ciudad de Lima." 1785 Jun 20

    33 216

    Letter to the viceroy. San Ildefonso. 1785 Sep 12 33 217

    Royal approval. [Madrid?] 1786 Feb 9 33 218

    Loan. Lima. 1787 33 219

    "Estado general de los valores...." Lima. 1789 Feb18

    (p. 39)

    33 x-ref

    "Plan que demuestra la superficie de la real minade azogues de S.M. del cerro de Santa Brbara deHuancavelica...." Huancavelica. 1789 Jun 20

    (p. 39)

    33 x-ref

    Document related to the auction of a house. Places:Callao and Lima. 1789 Dec 7

    33 220

    Report on the woods of the Partido of Conchucos.Tarma. 1792 Mar 17

    33 221

    Documents concerning the Sociedad de Amantesdel Pas. Lima. 1792-1794

    33 222

    "Plan de valance corte y tanteo de la monedafysyca y alajas de plata y oro en especyepertenecyentes a las temporalidades del reyno dePeru...." Lima. 1796 Jan 2

    (p. 39)

    33 x-ref

    "Expediente promovido por el seor governadorintendente don Ramn de Urrutia sobre creacinde otro regimento de milicia en aquella provincia."Places: Tarma and Lima. 1797-1799

    33 223

    "Estado general de los empleados en estevirreynato, que siendo de absoluta nominacin deS.M. por llegar y exceder sus sueldos de la sumade 400 pesos...." Lima. 1799 Feb 18

    33 x-ref

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 32

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    Adiccin al captulo 17 del libro 2? de 2? parte delos Comentarios Reales del Peru de Garcilaso de laVega. Lima. [17--?]

    33 x-ref

    Hospital of San Lazaro. Lima. [17--?] 34 224

    Descripcin de la provincia de Abancay.[Abancay?] [17--?]

    34 225

    Acknowledgment of debt. Lima. 1803 Mar 26 34 226

    "Copia de una carta escrita por el Dr. dn. VicenteMorales contra dn. Gazpar Rico." Lima.1803-1804

    34 227

    "Expediente que promuebe el seor presidente delreino de Chile sobre que se auxilie la remisin dequinientos qqs. De salitre libres de derechos que eladministrador de minera de aquel reyno tienetratados con don Jos Gambini vecino de estacapital para la fbrica de plvora de mina." Places:Santiago, Lima. 1803-1808

    34 228

    "A los anti-alamedistas." [Huamanga?] 1806 34 229

    Plan de defensa de la ciudad de Lima, plaza delCallo y su campaa. Lima. 1807

    34 230

    Estatutos para el gobierno y direccin del ilustrecolegio de abogados de la ciudad de Limaformados con areglo a la real cedla de suereccin dada en Madrid a 31 de julio de 1804.Lima. 1808

    34 231

    "Compulsa de los auto seguidos por don FranciscoJos de Argote y don Ventura Martnez contra donJos Gorrichategui por cantidad de pesos." Places:Piura, Truijillo, Panama City, and Lima.1808-1811

    34 232

    Libro de actas del cabildo del Lima yayuntamiento constitucional de Lima. Lima.1810-1813

    34 233

    "Cruz Nacional de San Fernando." Cadiz andLima. 1811-1812

    34 234

    "Don Jos Vello, ayudante mayor del real de esta 34 235

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 33

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    capital, padrino de Eusebio Mosquera; en la causaseguida contra l, y otros por la subvercin que sedice trataban espone en cumplimiento de su deberlo siguiente." Lima. 1812 Oct 1

    "Lista de la compaa de cargadores del puerto delCallao compuesta de 50 hombres pardos,quarterones y morenos libres...." Callao. 1812Nov 15

    34 236

    Padrn del pueblo del Callao y del de Pitipiti...."Callao. 1812 Nov 24

    (p. 39)

    34 x-ref

    Royal dispatch. Lima. 1812 35 237

    Documents related to Indian tribute. Cuzco, Potos,Arque, Lima, Cochabamba, and Azangaro.1812-1813

    35 238

    Miscellaneous volume. [1813?] 35 239

    "Reglamento para la real Universidad de SanMarcos." Lima 1816

    35 240

    "Expediente de los padres difinidores de nuestropadre San Agustn contra su provincial sobrecaptulo." Lima. 1816-1819

    35 241

    Lista de los toros famosos que causaron la ruina ydesolacin de la noble ciudad de Lima. Lima.1816- 1824

    35 242

    "Expediente comprensivo de la acta celebrada enjunta de tribunales presidida por el exmo. Seorvirrey sobre la continuacin de los arbitrios que seentablaron en el ao pasado de 1815 y adoptacinde otros nuebos para socorro de las vigencias delerareo...." Lima. 1817-1818

    35 243

    "Recurso hecho por el marqus de Casares ypresentado al ylustrsimo Seor arzobisposolicitando dispenza para contraer segundasnupcias con la hermana de su finada esposa."Lima. 1818 Nov 3

    35 244

    "Representacin de Amrica al divino tribunal."[Lima?] 1821 Jun 20

    35 245

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 34

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    Expediente del gasto mensal del exrcito, marina ydems del estado poltico y medio de llenarlo.Lima. 1821

    35 246

    "Observaciones sobre una constitucin religiosaconsiderada como parte de la civil nacional...."Urubamba. 1825 Apr 16

    35 247

    "Sentencia en la causa criminal...." Lima. 1826Oct 8

    35 248

    "Extracto del Mensagero Argentino." Lima 1826Nov 15

    35 249

    "Ensayo sobre la poltica del General Bolvar."[Lima?] ca. 1826

    35 250

    Two letters. Places: Caracas and Cochabamba.1827 Jan 23, May 11

    35 251

    "Reaccin en Lima." Lima. 1827 Apr 9 35 252

    Letter. Lima. 1827 Apr 14 35 253

    "Sermon disparado para la noche de navidad."[Lima?] 1829

    35 254

    Cuaderno 10. [Lima?] 1832-[1843?] 35 255

    El restaurador de las leyes. Cuzco. 1842 Oct 1(p. 39)

    35 x-ref

    Al Sr. Secretario del Excmo. Consejo de Estado.Callao Harbor. 1849 Feb 28

    36 256

    Minas de la Amrica Meridional. ca. 1849 36 257

    Ripart-Montclar Correspondence. Places: Lima,Vera Cruz, Paris, Guayaquil, Panama, Paita,Iquique, Santiago, Tarma, Montivideo, BuenosAires, Caracas, Geneva, Lausanne, Berne.1866-1900

    Ripart-Montclar, Marie Thrse, 1869-1871 36 258 - 259

    Ripart-Montclar, Marie Thrse, 1869-1871 36 260-262

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 35

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    Other, 1866-1871, 1882-1884, 1891-1900 36 263 - 266

    Disertatio mdica de typho-icterode. [Lima?][18--]

    36 267

    Anibel Martua correspondence. Places: Lima andTacna. 1901- 1903

    36 268

    South American bibliography. [New Haven,Connecticut?] ca. 1910

    36 269

    Letter to Hiram Bingham. Lima. 1912 Dec 3 36 270

    Letter to Hiram Bingham. Lima. 1915 Mar 28 36 271


    Royal decrees. Places: Santo Domingo, Caracas,and Madrid. 1632-1747

    36 272

    Royal passport. Aranjuez. 1778-1779(p. 39)

    36 x-ref

    Alderson South American letters scrapbook.Places: Caracas, Valencia, New York, Bogot,Bucaramanga, Soldedad, Baranquilla, Santa Marta.1781-1878

    37 273

    "Testimonio de la segunda pieza de los autosformados sobre la aprehensin del contrabando...."Caracas and La Guaira. 1794

    38 274

    "Report on the deplorable state of Venezuela."[17--]

    38 275

    "Artculos de la circular dirijida por el ministrocolonial de la Gran Bretaa a los gefes de losAntillas Ynglesas." Caracas. 1810 Dec 7

    38 276

    Simn Bolvar correspondence. Places:Angostura, Maturn, San Cristbal, Lima, LaLaguna de las Laureles, Barinas, Trujillo,Guayaquil. 1817-1821, 1829

    38 277

    Letter by Rafael Urdaeta. Angostura. 1818 Nov 1 38 278

    Francisco Ribas correspondence. Places: Buenos

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 36

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    Aires, Angostura, Bogot, Caracas, La Guaira,Cuman, Santiago, Paris, Calais, Barcelona,Valencia, La Trinidad, Maracuy, London, Curaao,San Toms, Le Havre, Talca, Lima.

    O'Higgins, Bernardo, 1818, 1826 38 279

    Nario, Jos, 1820-1822 38 280

    Zea, Francisco Antonio, 1821 38 281

    Santander, Francisco de Paula, 1821-1823 38 282

    Briceo Mendez, Pedro, 1822-1823 38 283

    Francisco Ribas correspondence. Places: BuenosAires, Angostura, Bogot, Caracas, La Guaira,Cuman, Santiago, Paris, Calais, Barcelona,Valencia, La Trinidad, Maracuy, London, Curaao,San Toms, Le Havre, Talca, Lima.

    Restrepo, Juan Manuel, 1822-1823 38 284

    Irisarri, Antonio Jos, 1822, 1848 38 285

    Pez, Jos Antonio, 1824-1826, 1844, 1846 38 286

    Guzmn, Antonio L. 1847-1848 38 287

    Monagas, Jos Tadeo, 1847, 1850, 1852, 1854 38 288

    Miscellaneous, 1818-1823, 1839- 1848 38 289

    Two letters by Francisco Jos Lpez. Caracas.1848-1849

    38 290

    Three letters. Caracas. 1849-1850 38 291

    Two letters by Enrique Lpez. Caracas andValencia. 1850, 1858

    38 292

    Letter by Jos Antonio Pez. [New York?] 1866Oct 16

    38 293

    "Le Trait d'Amiti entre la France et leVnzula." Paris. 1886 May

    38 294

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 37

  • Part II, 1544-1926Description Box Folder

    Photo album. Places: Dadajuro, Punta-de-Leiva,Miramar, El Amadre, Agua Viva, San Berjadin,Capaterida, La Dante, Mancunare, Manete. ElMene, La Rosa, Estancada, Puerto Rico andMexico. 1920-1926, n.d.

    39 295

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 38

  • Oversize, 1544-1926

    Oversize, 1544-1926Description Box Folder


    "Suceso portentoso acaecido en el asiento mineralde Porco distrito de Potos." n.d.

    40 1


    "Sylva funebre a las honras del exclentissimoseor..." 1677

    40 2

    "Estado general de los valores...." 1789 Feb 18,Nov 14

    40 3

    "Plan que demuestra la superficie de la real minade azogues de S.M. del cerro de Santa Brbara deHuancavelica...." 1789 Jun 20

    40 4

    "Plan de valance corte y tanteo de la monedafysyca y alajas de plata y oro en especyepertenecyentes a las temporalidades del reyno dePeru...." 1796 Jan 2

    40 5

    "Estado general de los empleados en estevirreynato, que siendo de absoluta nominacin deS.M. por llegar y exceder sus sueldos de la sumade 400" 1799 Feb 18

    40 6

    "Adiccin al captulo 17 del libro 2? de 2? parte delos Comentarios Reales del Peru de Garcilaso de laVega." [17--?]

    40 7

    "Padrn del pueblo del Callao y del de Pitipiti...."1812 Nov 24

    40 8

    El restaurador de las leyes. 1842 Oct 1 40 9


    Royal passport. 1778-1779 40 10

    Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 39

  • Andean Collection (MS 1775) - 40

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